Diary of Apcar Leslie De Vine, 6 August 1915 - 17 May 1916 - Part 2 of 6

First World War, 1914–18
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2 Regach hant, cinco spert of news tast inded tomr relief Duliion pon /4/15 Sunday Larded 19 wieks Iauda excistionely guit here that our relief will take place in a few days now, ercyledy dused 6/4115 No attack made the wak and wyst quiet, were of the 2nd Vulmon Landia tomyot 7/9/15 Guit de, 2 Pnision care bny to ie the line, e shewn youha ghet peperation te rme Beride reliased bey wadte 8/9/15. Preperdin veay conlite for the rety of the 1s Beyad 2 Batt lease terift at 12gealso 1s Bute shilled terye back mut knaw otet we hae a naw palion in thi Holly 719/15 preparation made for are dejetie whch murt be lefere the end of the wit when the whele of the 1sth Anrion will be setiened, of ba teyo Hd ges, nes stilled a but itiery 10/9/15 Very guist day; on our pere, nothing dory, heer we are gay oig on sudg to Mudtre ToS
ofte gavy any toweon 41 bung getty read, ehondy werthy even to the 2nd Punsion silled for about t he the evenig 8th mewtter 12/9/15. Sindery Lorded 20 wiek everythy read to hard over to Dhunct 129e, when te I we prejare to leave tonight remove to next comp to await order to entaik, get read to more off at 2 am nextereng with the 7th 3rd Berth went to te beach e cerined there untill 6 am then tota to pretue to t crp, longage of men trnce the air llice, told we mt be off the rait nist onybady that wevd 13/9/15 Bt con alldy antter diagenteral teryil 32e7th git ing we must peron orthe dey tall grell nite of its aldieffe 1/9/15 Bst Ceralldg, lving he sie tonght, jest biely time all da e wity for the order, 6 pm all tild to pick up e get read to were off waed dai to te beack e emberked in laye put of g on the Ormaniet we teke on teev tht are bey retiened all rytt, I 28 leeve at 40k next morning 15/9/15 Sefte et 4 am its worng engleds glad to be yft. sy full of man includy artitle w ifuly. Field cmbulance Bat
mew mytoll are dickisolven feas jesserg, itc plast niht cannet hold aretter man, Hope to be in Lemnes before widden ded senney 12 am, terk off Ormonick at y pm J.HM.S. Waterwitch a londio tad a murch of obeut 4mily to comp very tyi fellow several times, ity wut acid compat dick, wten we were given aleze lattle of sta the bear is a day allowarce, for tea wee given thergs, n dted, govd nights cert. 16/9/15. Spent te ofteron in it villeges ey gs, bear docudo will, these, te a caned ry hearef all the mony ewanged the cmp, which isi a hollow, desirded to thist the vry by He ade of a hic ee do pand oy wet a mudd had to slup in the nd all myh 17/9/15 Shiften the cor up te hll side tody feet fult of ad you though sergn in the wte night, be mind tod eyeer dricd guitly, Maune land plged slicti i the com it oftenern, 18/9/15 Feet prett bod tily return of dserty ful pirty weak, give day nothing tods, jarads stat Monday, lage wart letter fom nother 19/9/15 Sunday. Chursch paraoe Aid nite attend, ined with chon thig ha trocs etcy yui dyit ted
of bushews dene goner of fce, squad eriftid jenit excue 21/9/15 Our howsdrile, wert nte tho willingg in the eftenon, pein 5 22/4p buatng dale wlet 27/9/14 has bi dine ag unof keny gale bleving 2479/15 bns haus drill, gile wich less teody 25/9/15 Oria housdrile, mound tidg unt aledy jet hei vebvile vuldge fe star, fe o mi 26/9/15 Sundey Attendae Chiec prode, wermdg, nert to villige 27/9/15 bn her puh medical inection ofer peod 28/9/15 bus hers parvile medical wyetien, posed afow in closs X - ft for service n your week wert to vibliage 29/9/15 buo homs parsde, did worky todg, letter from mittee 30/9/15 And hers pecle, ne Wo2 Honild ae tulen
the n to see sones of oe lay pr sueed, get ch mick, igotalum carow /10/15 Onabons drew padg 2 went to village for suplig 2/10/15 bus hews drill orduly mean A l fordi fetyng all bar 3/1915 Sinday. Atterdice Chuch perade, weno villige in afternoon 4/10/15 Mo hous deict Ret day daye weil tody- letter from Usgars e Mr Awes 5/10/15 Omo hows drite, litte frem MsPreaces, uder fdlzac1 Ovillize 6/10/15 Missed the hovs warch rody; glaced on ncter fetyve in ite many & will plyce in the eftenoor, beerdg, t, frelden r /10/15. Su hou dei oyed dut 8 p0p1s buo fews ann po all oftercin digy thech hand reageledy thas nist Yfto oold off te sebyie onit wch to repect a loge te hew been thu orter de lext vill ego moved a ront no
tgreinof ts waig 10/10/15 Sunday Attardic thurch jorode, villge efternoon 11/10/15 6wo hens jourle at oery teck wshy to villge nyn gaieds cvence it. wek 7-30-8 full weed order, with jacks 12/10/15 Injected C. He Jenee cormendy b aterd cand of te tire of Commt 911.30 fall marchordo ten wal on pouc ye petin scde tor. five belaty 26 13/10/15 And houes povite We vnd ecd, night farvat 398 14/10715 au heres ptrne isth of sccle tod Loll feryve thppern I cold 5/10/15 Ono home Batt deth benb theon, oy wend, &ed reired dury nythe 16/10/15 Skeethorente mrsh Scutest echene and and todg, much rivenice 17/10/15 Sanday Attender chirc parode 8033
AUS7 5/10/15 and heres much a srty attended cannt hemve my ti omamy m 7 nes bittle of buse innedt twaly 19/10/15 Oho them dill been ward blowg tody nops Eve hovs de it 6 rold day 21/10/15 Three ham rante march crrers cauty e shormiing 22/10/15 bus hous write murch and in attack on hill of near of cany Iy cold, renid neenfull day 23/10/15, d tew murch, insestion ty Rryadier of 4 Butt asont tearbe of tenby parties i meny raned all wht afhowas and nigh, oy cold and blany 24/10/15 Sunday Vey cold and olldg, rained all di church pble prsere a to at read for an el enlatet pdelfan wicedy 25/0/15 No jurede tod tt infection, cold wind lloy, all hiss wede up sreed for entety 26/10/15 Coes cot for entekin tomarrow, od fo anu reluve the 3nd Begede, AMay
definete t all prejurction yutrd rewee all is ready fortenvin o 1/10/15 Analle 515, full trud cad murched to Equay ter surgh its thinte lisent can erlacked on te try wance, & thebgecc on to the Gemanich, stajed all nyt w baclove, and enoter ter gh to peced to sea te dis retra issnea, ty w 8/10/15 older wlly and a hergh cutht in twelddir all mst, youe money a1 afteroon 29/10715 In hartinr itill 19 seli he Geber Kep see fan morth and emnle at dalis a wertie pr naval perace to take is off lordia clunt 12 midight at te wem Geolona fue e mahed to the R of an line of trecly, slye oll mynn sulf it aa of hey de re shell green 30/10/15 Yent to the reserves trounh wilh fuly ang lody, condy, stard too 5we amepo 34/10715 Sunday beker from resonte truy a bronacher an side of hill oyiy dry ents all deg. 1/11/15 Aygi dycut cudy Admas armed 1003
2/4/15 Iutyns alldgy delecten fr grube f e per aepones lardy to myse, guided them to a old next cny for ae ntt hail di no litize too Leyd from nother 3/1115 Byliy draw all ofterson n pleve o ray Buch Bill pe aftern, heartilly El 4/1/15 Wet niserale deg, dine clldg, ondiel man rody, dyn than all dae yt use erecked tritt $1715 Fine surydy tody ure dinluded Inck vry Lyl thre atteckic ORII Oull lat niht juli ad fea of neld at of ye foce when Ihas syl verded cait linents ao, did 3/8 der At shilled is the every unded we tedyy 6/4/15 Plert of Sarell flew clat cay the mary, ptze all dig lafd reti to thech lost my it nyst menged to get 2h yen lety of tread 4/1/15 Sundy Owred pen nett ergy sertea, margeo lofae rtis of mt ent grt 55 wcell an uttack on a tent trench on the setrome R, C AaBe sen
asuport by pe hows udeer oetore gun e banl for, yae w Hly thick lptren haren enese an bont which fell will a itlant exsladen, hou the wrtch we burth i day i case y enflented the pesslla o cany rerd we buch, distaer bertude there tray jost in port of us e M N.L Howtor Brty Bakes then therk alcit, ac to cun ont now 8/11/15 Returrnn to conp 2 lov ofter deybreck, eay dyy rest of d e M nihi 9/1115 Cink therem pler of themnall about the mony roity our of on ieas with lige IX h i still, Johus d 10/1715 Ranid day wle ntt, get wil thagh, an clad mr, narged to get a wte sus meny it dateed, & wit e mordle, Jating de co fer d 111715 fors alarm at 10 9e b man bet to geraite with eympe in fihtorder a gis teb sy dull doy, raned at nght 12/11/15- Reiel sed time duiy We nyll get oy llaket not,e pushy cld, offall quce pryne, piokt in the ling to see tht by ar bit dan 100l

Grant, lines, fatigues. 6th Brigade
landed tonight, part of new Aust
Division for our relief 

5/9/15  Sunday Landed 19 weeks 
All day exceptionally quiet
hear that our relief will take
place in a few days now, everybody
6/9/15  No attack made this
week and eveytg quiet, more
of the 2nd Victorian landed tonight 
7/9/15  Quiet dy, 2nd Division are
up to the firg line, & shown
their positions, great preparations
for the 1st Brigade to be
relieved beng made 
8/9/15  Preparations neary
complete for the relif of the
1st Brigade, 2nd Batt leaves
tonight at 12 o/c also 1st Batt
shelled tonght. Turks must
know that we have a new
Division in this vally 
9/9/15  Preparations made for
our departure which must
be before the end of the week
when the whole of the 1st Division
will be relieved, vy busy tody at
Hd Qrs, was shelled a bit this evenig 
10/9/15  Very quiet day, on our
front, nothng doig, hear we
are gong awy on Sundy to Mudros


11/9/15  Gong awy tomorrow, vy 
busy gettg ready, & handig
everythng over to the 2nd Division
shelled for about 1 hour this eveng
by 8" howitzers 
12/9/15  Sunday Landed 20 weeks
everythg ready to hand over to
the 2nd Division at 12 o/c, when
we prepare to leave tonight,
remove to rest camp, to await orders to
embark, get ready to move off at 2 am
next morning with the 7th & 3rd Batts 
Went to the beach & remained
there untill 6 am then told to
return to rest camp, language of
men turned the air blue, told we
might be off the next night, everybody
in a vy bad mood  
13/9/15  Rest camp all dy, another
disappointment tonight 3rd & 7th get
awy we must remain another day
all prety sick of the whole affair
14/9/15  Rst camp alldy, leavig
for sure tonight, just killg time
all dy & waitg for the order, 8 pm
all told to pack up & get ready to
move off, moved down to the beach
& embarked on large punts at 9 pm
on the Osmanieh we take on troops
that are beg returned all night, &
leave at 4 o/c, next mornig 
15/9/15  Left at 4 am this morng
evrybody glad to be off.  Ship
full of men includg artilly NZ 
infaty.  Field ambulance & 4th Batt 


Men slept all over deck & saloon
floors, passags, etc for last night,
cannot hold another man.  Hope
to be in Lemnos before midday 
Arrd Lemnos 12 am, took off Osmanieh
at 4pm by H.M.S Waterwitch & landed
had a march of about 4 mils to camp
Vey trying, fell out several times, vy 
weak arrd camp at dusk, when
we were given ½ large bottle of stout 
this beer is a daily allowance, for
tea were given two eggs, vy tired, good
nights rest 
16/9/15.  Spent the afternoon in the village
buyig eggs, beer, chocolate, milk, cheese, etc
it rained vey heavy all the mornig 
swamped the camp, which was in 
a hollow, decided to shift the 
camp up the side of a hill the next 
dy, ground vy wet & mudy 
had to sleep in the mud all night 
17/9/15  Shifted the camp up the 
hill side tody, feel full of aches 
& pains, through sleepng in the wet last 
night, Vy windy tody & ground dried 
quickly,  Marine band played selections 
in the camp this afternoon, 
18/9/15  Feel prety bad tody, return 
of dysenty feel prety weak, quiet 
day nothing to do, parads start on 
Monday, large mail, letter from mother. 
19/9/15  Sunday  Church parade, did not 
attend, issued with clean shirts, socks, shoes 
trousers etc, quiet dy nothg to do 


20/9/15  Two hours drill 9-11 rest  
of dy free, squad & rifle drill & 
bayonet exercise. 
21/9/15  Two hours drill, went into 
the villages in the afternoon, paid 
15 pc 
22/9/15 Two hours drill, vy cold & 
23/9/15  Two hours drill, vy winy heavy 
gale blowig 
24/9/15  Two hours drill, gale much 
less tody 
25/9/15  Two hours drill, no wnd tody 
& sunshine all dy, feelg warm  
went into village. for stors for our mess 
26/9/15  Sunday Attended church  
parade, warm dy, went to villages 
27/9/15  Two hours parade & 
medical inspection afer parade 
28/9/15  Two hours parade & 
medical inspection, passed & placed 
in class X = fit for service in  
four weeks, went to villiages. 
29/9/15  Two hours parade, did 
washig tody, letter from 

30/9/15  Two hours parade, went to 
No. 2  Hospital across harbour in  


afternoon to see some of our boys 
saw several, got 6 tins milk, 2 gelateen  
& 1 lb cocoa 
1/10/15  Two hours drill, pay day £2 
went to village for supplies 
2/10/15  Two hours drill orderly 
man,  A Coy for duty, fatigus all 
3/10/15  Sunday Attended Church 
parade, went to village 
in afternoon 
4/10/15  Two hours drill.  Hot day 
large mail tody - letter from  
Ms Greaves and Mr Ames 
5/10/15  Two hous drill, letter 
from Ms Greaves, water fatigue, 1 mile 
to village 
6/10/15  Missed two hous march 
tody, placed on water fatigue, 
in the morng and Q M fatigue in the 
afternoon, heavy dy, vy hot, feel done 
up by night 
7/10/15.  Two hous drill, outpost 
8/10/15  Two hours drill, fatigue 
all afternoon diggig trenchs 
rained nearly all dy.  stormy night 
9/10/15.  Told off for fatigue in the 
trench to replace a large dock 
had been blown ashore durg the storm 
last night & so missed a rout march


fatigue rest of the mornig 
10/10/15  Sunday Attended 
Church parade, villge in 
11/10/15  Two hous parade this 
morng, took washng to villge 
night guards commence this 
week 7-30 - 8 full marching" 
order, with packs 
12/10/15  Inspected by the General 
commandg this sturd, & in  
command of the Lines of Communicating  
9-11.30 full marchg order, Coy 
went on parade, vy fatiguing 
parade tonight full. marchg 
13/10/15  Two hours parade 
vy windy & cold, night parade 
7-30 - 8 
14/10/15  Two hous fatigue instead 
of parade tody.  QM fatigue 
this afternoon. Vy cold 
15/10/15 Two hous Batt drill & 
bomb throwing, vy windy & cold 
rained durg night 
16/10/15  Three & half hous route 
march & outpost scheme, no 
wind tody, much warmer 
17/10/15  Sunday Attended church 


18/10/15  Two hous marchg & skirmishing 
attended concert tonight in YMCA 
tent on anniversary of our leaving 
Sydney, bottle of beer issued 
19/10/15  Two hous drill, keen 
wind blowg tody 
20/10/15  Two hous drill, by Batt 
cold day        " 
21/10/15  Three hours route march 
across county & skirmishing 
22/10/15  Two hous route march 
and an attack on hills at 
rear of camp, Vy cold,  rained 
neary all day 
23/10/15  Two hous march, inspection  
by Brigadier of 4th Batt assault on 
trenches by bombg parties, vy cold 
mornig, rained all the afternoon 
and night, vy cold wind blowig. 
24/10/15  Sunday Very cold & 
windy all dy, rained all day 
church parade postponed, ordes out 
to get reay for an early embarkation 
probaby on Wednesdy 
25/10/15  No parade tody, Kit 
inspection, cold wind blowg, all 
kits made up & ready for embarkig 
26/10/15  Orders out for embarkig 
tomorrow, probaby for Anzac to 
relieve the 3rd Brigade, although not 


definitely known, all preparations pushed 
forward & all is ready for tomorrow 
27/10/15  Revelle 5-15, full 
marchg order, marched to Engineers 
Pier, through the Hospital & 
Convalescent camps, embarked on the 
tiny "Wave" & transported on to the  
"Osmanieh", stayed all night in 
harbour, wind & water too 
rough to proceed to sea, 
two days rations issued, vy cold 
28/10/15  In harbour all day 
Very windy & rough outside 
in harbour all night, parade 
mornig & 1 afternoon 
29/10/15  In harbour untill 1o/c
then sailed for Gaba Tepe 
sea fairly smooth arrd Peninsula  
at darkness & waited for naval 
pinace to take us off, landed about 
12 midnight at the New Zealand 
pier and marched to the R of our 
line of trenches, slept all night in 
gully at rear of firg line, near 
"Shell Green" 
30/10/15  Went to the reserve trenchs 
water fatigue ony tody, coy dy, "stand 
too" 5 to 6 am & pm 
31/10/15 Sunday Taken from reserve 
trenches & bivouacked on side of hill 
diggig "dug outs" all dy. 
1/11/15 Diggig "dug outs" all dy 
tobacco issued


2/11/15.  Fatigues all dy, detailed for 
guides for the 7 & 8th reinforcements 
landing tonight, guided them to 
our old rest camp for the night, 
mail tody, two lettes & two flyers 
from mother, 
3/11/15 Digging drain all afternoon 
no fatigue by morng, Beachy Bill 
opened fire this afternoon, start artilly 
4/11/15  Wet miserable dy, drizzled 
all dy, orderly man tody, digging 
drain all dy, light horse attacked 
in night 
5/11/15.  Fine suny dy tody, " 
cruisers bombarded Turks, this  
mornig, Light Horse attacked 
Turks last night, pulled another 
piece of mud out of my foot 
where I was slightly wounded  about 
4  months ago, dirt 3/8" long.  Turks 
shelled us this evenig, landed week 
6/11/15  Plenty of shrapnell flew 
about early this mornig, fatiques 
all dy.  Coy for duy, return fatiques 
to beach last thg at night 
managed to get 2 tins jam & 3 
loavs of bread 
7/11/1 5  Sunday Parcel from mother 
eveythg spoiled, managed to get 
2 tins of milk out of it.  5th L Horse 
made an attack on a bomb trench 
on the extreme R, & A & B to sent


in support . Coy for hours under 
machine gun & bomb fire, 4 casualties 
in A Cy, trench captured, narrow 
escape from bomb, which fell by 
my side without exploding, had  
to watch the Turks vy closey in case 
they outflanked the position by comg 
round the back, destroyes bombarded 
there trenches just in front of us 
& the NZ Howitzer Battys kicked 
there trenches about, retured to camp 
next morng 
8/11/15 Returned to camp 2 hous 
after daybreak, eay dy rest of  
dy & the night in 
9/11/15  Turks threw pleny of shrapnell 
about this mornig, knockig out  
one of our 18 lbs guns with large 
high explosive shells, fatigues all dy 
10/11/15  Raned durg the night, got 
wet through, got vy cold durg 
night, managed to get a little 
sleep neary at daybreak, vy 
wet & miserable, fatigues all 
dy Coy for duy 
11/11/15  Gas alarm at 10 o/c, 
evy man had to parade with 
equipment in fightg order & gas helmet 
vy dull dy, raned at night 
12/11/15  Rained several times during  
the night, got my blankets wet, & 
perishg cold, off all parads &  
fatigue, picket in the lines to see 
that thy are kept clean 

Last edited by:
Jacqueline KennedyJacqueline Kennedy
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