Diary of Apcar Leslie De Vine, 1915 - Part 7 of 7

First World War, 1914–18
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Retured let ar 22/7/15 ma fetzee addy with fetya sidile 12ge andnyt tereiff at ny 10 lut bey sifle fea Lut ve Estale /1.100 il read it a wesentntt dil we tard to alm os e cry bem of tery cepced B cay aly quitty 2174 nfetture verds it ad 24/7/15 as 3 stagea with 24 adl det fin futzus 744 t Mearge p all efterio utlenidag fgin amuut with rd all myt ane ye Anne wet Sundey Lade 25/4/15 220t a tc teg latted true ted dey inneo rvon Ligs, milk inten it Lateny all first time, or issul Bed can ptyns f the mas 4 I to bin le egs to 3 of milk y rse at night weyas fiddy ted ale ofteron any Joh long silled f beweler an ny senge dore, reend nit et s eneec, made a ncade at 215 Remained in severe ll dy Bust Hedges, seny of cy o aM ttere in te resevte treac yout tie for Edera, vy y infotic ore somach
Otwe tos fery 4 ths mony ot 109 Plee on nytt wil, y ant os wole a few lorts £4 rale been gie 4 We firy lig for 2wee by loxed from nothor A wih glat of wordate taie ae Jury line olldentad 30/7/15 44f wken ae we ut suport piil dg Meaia puprat atmft to guve tle a tere of os ver ased of the sri gi nt 31 upfat all degited you when I war facks the py lue ci dea thy mony a te ovr dile e deeffec bat on fet tre a ginda tell 4 am of oll nat day Sindey Larded Wwiek casere ofdy fest shilled the even Me 45 m Brocked oer tofet rbit Agus suppert all d 7 4 Wll proteve abul o/4 Deturned to py Kne of 4 p sortur or dend end, f selled sig oredoeven
hy garter of lay bon 4/8/1of M live all fly unt Hy, tetar of towed asenfuenes farrufe tod 5/8/15 Feny lino untill &il then prelieved of the Ci eserefor a tdare 3 to for all advance intred wale o oerty eglic of remande of sedg bush tred Hendes wirh swetzes all dg, dy eary day reice all dano fati Had a nytt rest, he stant /8/15 ter in the vany, ba ntt rest Ilave hd for a Cn rome paraded before the Clonil a 109c am be told us tot we were to have a frt bt afternon, we were to get out puch rreed estored, wre well guient on to be aeried no ateack or layand Hbberd etrecly teal to be fixed in the Wilte reed for ase sich mey to cory ono faird boy we enlaned ttat Ata of the pal were to bad the chare on the lucks trenchy pat of the 2d Batt we we on the 1 d the firt Arste o one ld hes oe 3 Bett kon nd thei o the 2 Batt with the tmesno geb te y Brih at 5 0 Fm
trenche inpert eprsoe the 320 bt sle epy i the lise of teadyeattack Severe surt three nat be firt Ceck y all complia trecy tet pevert remperet we busbrigst up at 5-3d made the rish as we s aer He Lorgett wih a ther the oe peared a pafug he of riffe e madregin fure serll tocky and we oerpdgen, get cfft gun in our awn aled whrod held p white but didfot ot bul we rond was thik wapk our dead envounded pranied Wreerly to get to He skndline efell in ther I goe fised 44 t lat of buek whch ceuet desed of, te skis tre o an awfll conlation th l Se tree any to ou Leet Wtnat o the smi of dad tis city nas any dufu tuct put up a gad et hode ni eaccteafr a let oen, We prote of treat all dad witht exigton fore the get in we saps fr mtien e our aftittes l were taken petonly Io 2t sen showed fifst, lest o Batt He fy I ver to ceupice t which was beey attcked bod wake a barocody of lodhs no keep th bref
AUSTR eso we margel to aid we had vey we were distrised at rytt f vry a lge wth piece of Elhies sined on one bu bnd white apiilit onjou arm, attacked not of the nytt on the 1 so us pell will occuped mayt ws teld off whih o earoffier to seld a coninncction treh liedy due it burk o lleltled aedd wh a on dead pen e send bo peritier bet Te Neto wk thdy eguror th lter ove fe alsever wes to te gest e manta to of to ont there a few minle bes ve by tcovem lep Continue LTEN 1DA240

22/7/15  Returned rest camp this
morning fatigues all day until fatigue
untill 12 o/c midnight. reserves at
night, but heavy rifle fire early
morning but no attack developed
we are all ready at a moment's notice
to stand to arms as the Turks Force
been very heavily reinforced
23/7/15 Rest camp all day, quiet day
no fatigues. reserves at night
24/7/15 No 3 stayed with the reserves
all day to finish fatigues, sapping in
the M.S. sap all afternoon, carrying
ammunition until midnight, staying
with the reserves all night, rice at
25/7/15 Sunday Landed 13 weeks 

returned to rest camp this morning
no fatigues, bathed twice today
lazy day. issue of rum this evening
& 10 figs, milk in tea this evening
for the first time, on issue, reserves at 
26/7/15 Rest camp, fatigues in the morning
managed to buy 6 eggs today 3/-  xxx
& tin of milk 2/-, reserves at night
made a rice puddy today 
27/7/15 Rest camp fatigues in the afternoon 
Camp shelled by howitzer in evening
no damage done, reserves at night.
tobacco issued, made a rice puddy today
28/7/15 Remained in reserve all day at 
Batt Hdqrs, sapping & dig a A M 
store in the reserve trench. Inoculated 
2nd time for Colera, very strong injection  
over stomach


29/7/15 Returned to the firing 
line this morning at 10 o/c placed 
on night watch, very quiet day on 
the whole, a few bombs fell 
very near, have been away from 
the firing line for 2 weeks today 
big parcel from mother today 
with plenty of chocolate and tobacco 
also a pipe.
30/7/15 firing line all day untill 
4 o/c pm when we went into the 
supports. Quiet day. Mounted guard 
at night to give alarm in case of 
gas being used by the Turks, quiet 
31/7/15 Supports all day untill 
4 pm when I went back 

to the firing line, at the dead 
end, very many a tailie flew 
over our lines & dropped bombs 
otherwise a quiet day, on post 
untill 4 am, off all next day
1/8/15 Sunday Landed 14 weeks 
Did not observe. all day on  
night post, shelled this evening by 
the 75 mm knocked our trenches 
about a bit. 
2/8/15 Supports all day, fatigues, 
water & a duty run Quiet 
3/8/15 Returned to firing line at 4 pm 
posted at dead end, trench shelled 
by 75mm in evening, My stuf


hit by splinter of large bomb 
4/8/15 Firing line all day 
Quiet day, tobacco & matches 
issued, 6th reinforcements arrive 
5/8/15 Firing line untill 8 am 
then relieved by the 8th Batt 
& sent for a short rest & prepare 
for the advance which is to be 
made very shortly, rested the remainder 
of the day.  Turks trenches bombarded 
with howitzers all day, Very lazy 
day rested all day, no fatigues 
6/8/15 Had a nights rest, no "stand 
too" in the morning, best nights 
rest I have had for a long 

time, paraded before the Colonel 
at 10 o/c am he told us that 
we were to have a fight that 
afternoon, we were to get our 
packs ready & stored, bare under 
equipment only to be carried no 
haversack or bayonet scabbard, 
entrenching tool to be fixed in 
the belt & ready for use, each 
man to carry two sand bags 
he explained that A coy of the 
4th Batt were to lead the 
charge on the Turks trenches 
in front of the 2nd Batt we 
were on the L of the first Brigade 
on our R was the 3rd Batt & on 
their R the 2nd Batt with 
the 1st in reserve, our job 
was to rush at 5-30 pm the


trenches in front & pass over the 
first 3 lines & jump in the 3rd  
line of trenches & attack the 
Turks there & work backwards 
first blocking up all communication 
trenches to prevent reinforcements 
being brought up, at 5-30 we 
made the rush as we sprung over 
the parapett with a cheer the 
Turks poured a fearfull hit 
of rifle & machine gun fire & 
shrapnell. Knocking our men 
over in dozens, I got caught up 
in our own barbed wire & 
held for a while but did not get 
hurt the ground was thick with 
our dead & wounded managed 
to get to the second line of trenches 
& fell in there, I got mixed up 

with a lot of Turks which we  
quickly disposed of, the Turkish troops 
were in an awfull condition, the 
dead lay very thick owing to our heavy 
bombardment, & the smell of dead 
boddies rotting was simply awfull, 
the Turks put up a good fight 
those that had any fight left 
in them & accounted for a lot 
of our men, the first line of trenches 
were all dead with the exception 
of those that got into the saps for 
protection from our artillery, all 
these were taken prisoners, very 
few showed fight, lost my Batt 
in the fighting & went to reinforce the 
L which was heavy attacked had 
to make a baracade of bodies 
& so keep the Turks off


& so we managed to hold what 
we had won, we were distinguished 
at night by having a lge white 
piece of callico sewed on our 
back & a broad white amulet 
on our arm, attacked most of 
the night on the L so was kept 
pretty well occupied, after 
midnight was told off with other 
& an officer to hold a communication 
trench leading directly into the 
Turks & blocked one end up with 
dead men & sand bags, in a 
very bad position between the fire 
of the Turks trenches & our own 
when our first ?observer? was told 
of to his post & mounted he 
was only there a few minutes 
before he was shot by our man 
continued in other book 
1 DRL 240



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Jacqueline KennedyJacqueline Kennedy
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