Diary of Apcar Leslie De Vine, 1915 - Part 1 of 7

First World War, 1914–18
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1057 Jan11 1915 be Jon 1 to g0 suif tamg left dutis 10/1/15 tstad shack fare 141115 Went on the mard toda half mry to second prinids hawer a surcer teat, say berope down retured to ee we tefect, marced fom ga untill 3 p.mJyHown 12/1/15 Marched gar to ee f ad on attack o te Sandt hill march each d of heves 17/4/15 Lor marod in the flase Ele& out dut, letter call nih 10ye, all the lys rar for ferte t get on him retter e Austratta I pest mart 14/1115 Morhe aron desirt to dintin loe glote bl atteded hills lectoe a evey on ton Mr Copbell wrter las net Kirte a tenty fit Ofyude ck ltter to e Luly Murched acondied io 15/4/15 wenth I swoe hill had ham fit by wif calred wt ffre secdt. get afother litter from Mletke sft perue- if tie N0
161/1/15 Lory murch over desire, str fitt an hills, divisional e in areque to y fo, stan to arm all gphe ate on epppot, letter for Mother tod Suntey 4/1/15 atended Church paracde peptale macied in the pnB tt great fiom, wert uto cave ergdid We tedil a fau mascng Deed aaliy finceel at it ciffecit an cde widdy, tano her ei at de Hetol I a squar feed wolked dont notice querle 2 tiree 1IO 18/4/15 Veght tad een ha All Bate mdly aor dent perel ior full ye capblia wich full peck, n boy setifoe indted fah Bryad Wor Men Kolleyse paile bea too My sgly graladt oue for Shaurs Note murth 19/1/15 pad a lon beyoed fte wah full tecsfert, manched left 2 etunea of toit lyte followed the canol, fr sever of netuve villiage Jh alf dat p mile loy cur peft foll brzady mach wrole ts gelare 1001
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The Official War historian of the Commonwealth 
Government (Dr. C. E. W. Bean), after his study of the 
collection of private war records preserved in the Australian 
War Memorial Library wrote:- 
"The private diaries in this collection furnish some of its most 
valuable historical records, like all private memoirs which were 
not compiled with any historical purpose, they should not be 
regarded as first-hand evidence except where it is certain that they 
are so. The diarist is almost always sincere in his desire to record 
accurately, but he is subject to no obligation or inducement to 
indicate whether he is recording his own observations or incidents 
told him by friends or heard at third or fourth hand at the mess-table. 
Thus, in some of the diaries in this collection, scenes described with 
vivid detail, and without any warning that they are told at second 
or third hand, have been found to be completely inaccurate in 
important details. A certain number also have been written up 
or revised long after the events, though doubtless usually from notes 
made at the time. In most cases the student must rely on his 
experience and on internal evidence to guide him in judging what is 
and what is not likely to be historically accurate." 
Pte A. L de Vine 
A Coy 4 Batt 
3rd Platoon 
No 9 Section  
Mena Camp 


Left Sydney Oct 19th 1914 
on the TSS Euripides 
Arrd Albany Oct 26 
Left Albany Nov 1 
Arrd Colombo Nov 15 
Left Colombo Nov 17 
Arrd Aden Nov 25 
Left Aden Nov 26 
Arrd Suez Dec 1 2pm 
Left Suez Dec 1 11pm 
Arrd Port Said Dec 2 - 12 am 
Left Port Said Dec 2 - 12 night 
Arrd Alexandria Dec 3 
Arrd Cairo Dec 5 
Left Cairo April 3-15 
Arrd Lemnos April 6 
Left Lemnos April 24 
Arrd Gallipoli April 25 
Left Gallipoli Sept 14/15 


Jan - 11 - 1915 
From Jan 1 to 9 5 sick in 
Camp, light duties. 
10/1/15 Attended church parade 
11/1/15 Went on the march today 
half way to second Pyramids 
rather a sevear test, nearly 
broke down, returned to camp 
vy tired, marched from 8am untill 
3 p.m = 7 hours 
12/1/15 Marched gain to same place 
made an attack on the sand 
hills, march each dy 7 hours 
13/1/15 Long march in the desert, vy 
fagged out, letter call blew to 
night 10 o/c, all the boys ran for letters 
got one from mother & one from 
Australia, my first mail 
14/1/15 Marched across desert to distant 
hills on sky line; platoon drill, attended 
lecture in evening on the Geometry by 
Mr Quibell, curator of Cairo Museum, at 
Ezbekiah Y M C A tent, first Brigade 
feeling much better today 
15/1/15 Marched across desert to 
sand hills, had sham fight, weather 
vy windy, covered with fine sand 
got another letter from Mother 
Night parade - vy tired 


16/1/15 Long march over desert, sham 
fight on hills, divisional Gig in picquet 
to-night, stand to arms all night & sleep 
in equipment, letter from Mother tody 
17/1/15 Sunday Attended Church parade 
private married in the 10th Batt 
great fun, went into Cairo & visited 
the citadel & few mosques, saw 
a military funeral at the citadel & 
an arab wedding, had a hot bath 
at the Bristol, & a square feed 
received date notice question - vy 
18/1/15 Very hot today & some heavy 
marching across desert, full Batt 
parade under full war conditions 
with full pack, vy heavy, 
inspected by the Brigadier, several 
men collapsed, severe heat, wore 
heavy synglets, graylack & tunic, too 
hot, out for 8 hours 
19/1/15 Had a long brigade march  
with full transport , marched to  
Ghezich & turned off to the left & 
followed the canal, passed through  
several native villages, the column 
about 5 miles long, our first full  
brigade march, wrote Mrs Greaves 


20/1/15 Very slack dy no parade.  
General leave for battalion from  
12 o/c until  9-30pm, went to Cairo  
sent Mrs Greaves Chocolate box &  
things to mend for me, pay day  
65 piastres, had hot bath, came  
back to camp early. 
21/1/15 Long march to rifle range 
at the Vally of Despair, passed 
all shootg tests, A & B Cos on 
range, heel on left foot vy  
sore, nearly fell out on march 
22/1/15 Marched to Vally of Despair 
for Company traing, C & D Coys 
on rifle range, vy cold dy  
wore overcoat all day, 
night parade, shortage of food 
general complaint 
23/1/15 March into desert & 
back slack day 


24/1/15 Sunday Attended church  
parade, reviewed by General 
Birdwood after parade, sermon preached 
by the Bishop of Egypt, no leave  
granted, warned for Guard, mounted  
quarter guard at 6 pm third  
relief 10-12 & 4-6 
25/1/15 On guard all day, heard  
sentence of a court martial read out  
on Batt parade, 
26/1/15 General leave for 4th  
Batt, from 12 o/c - 9:30pm,  
Broke no money but mange to  
borrow 50 piastres from Bob Pearce, 
went into Cairo, vy hot day,  
glad no marchg to do 
27/1/15 Marched into the desert,  
Vy windy & cold dy, got into a  
sand storm, covered with sand  
eyes, mouth & ears full, rotten dy for  
a skirmish, got back to camp  
covered in sand 


28/1/15 Marched to the Vally  
of Despair, drill &  
extended order work. 
29/1/15 Left Camp at 8 o/c for a  
long march in the desert, the  
whole Batt marched 3/4 wy to Sakkarah Pyramids 
fought a rear guard Action all the  
morng, at middy dug some vy long  
trenches & held position, we formed  
the brown army, the whole army  
attacked in about 3 o/c pm, Had  
an excitg fight, ball cartridge used  
in muskette, nobody hurt 
20/1/15 heat-mid dy vy grt & 
trenches digging stopped for 1 ½ hours 
for a lg lunch & rest, absolutely 
no shade in the desert, hard to  
be in the sun all the time 
vy hot, after sham fight reformed 
& marched to the Canal, 
had a hot tea, water vy 
scarce, all run out durg the 
heat of the dy, was absolutely 
parched with thurst, after 
tea had a bit of a rest 
then took up positions for 
the night & dug a long trench 
struck rock about 18" down 
vy hard digging, could not get 
down far enough before whole 
army attacked, ball cartridge guns 
widely used, heard the bullets 


whistle quite close to me 
attack stopped at 12 o/c midnight 
vy tired out, with long day 
bivouacked in overcoat, not 
a wink of sleep, feet too cold 
no blanket 
30/1/15 Up at 5 o/c to man 
trenches had a fight before 
breakfast, back to bivouac 
about 8-30, had breakfast 
bred & bully lucky to get a  
little tea, absolutely no water for  
bottle, fought a rear guard 
action all the way back to 
camp, arrived in camp 
about 10-30 pretty tired 
another hot day, no further 
duties today, rest untill 
31/1/15 Sunday 
Attended Church 
parade, vy quiet day 
went into Cairo in the 
afternoon, back early to 


1/2/15 Marched to the Vally 
of despair for rifle practice 
did vy well brought down my 
target in two shots at 600 yds 
passed all tests 
2/2/15 Marched to the Vally of 
Despair for field firng exercise 
A Coy did vy well at all ranges 
after practice a dust storm 
arose marched back to  
camp through the storm 
3/2/15 Rest in Camp completion 
of first sylibus of training 
7 & 8th Batt off to 
Ishmalia all the boys 
turned out to give them 
a warm send off, Pay 
to day 130 piastres, no 
leave granted, passed the day 
in darning & mending & washing clothes 
4/2/15 March in the desert for 
Batt firing competition, my Coy 
disqualified walked into a machine 
gun without knowing it, sent back to 
camp, competition won by 3rd Batt 
Leave from 2 o/c until 11 o/c went  
into Cairo, received mothers parcel 
Ham & cake 

Last edited by:
Jacqueline KennedyJacqueline Kennedy
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