Diary of Samuel Hedley Hemming Hawkins, 1914-1916 - Part 10

First World War, 1914–18
  • Documents and letters
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24 June 1915 THURSDAY No Duby Turks send about 20 shell ents our position Quarmasters Fabrgu Forke last for tommees & fe have been engager in a deadly swinggle ptake Ane Baba Send letter to mother. 1915 June 25 FRIDAY Fahigie Work on beach. Turks continually shelling onr position.
1915 26 June SATURDAY Rest. Terks gla a bad hime with shells. They keep up & carmonade to strong on beach that we are unable to approach Lurblish Evas are very raccurte but capsured some FrenchYC which do awful damag killing 121 men at a sime. They by oin batterre the first hime with the 75. Thes shows lleard its superioul over Tinkish Guns June 27 1915 SUNDAY IAFTER TRINITY Tuly Bathalion on Linkish Ques are now in such a position that tey can shell us from any point. Our position here looks anything but good Church Parad
1915 30 June WEONESDAY Falequa Bord. Degging long sap to left. Very wide to enable quick movenent of Troops in ase of fighting on our extreme eft & to be aable to support oud /1t in ca of attack Battleshypp Bombard all day. Everysecond you Dear Rumble Kunl big gun Perbable 3oophs take paid. 64 1gos2 Julyr 1915 d of Ac Bombardnne Baba Sulls for a All signals p B Ships from land lookeed grand. ped white ee flaves were ased &were very impresson. Then plare would be sa to sho Homange the reicinding ther
1915 2 July FRIDAY Heary Bombarding af Achil Baba in morni Things qued durn day 1915 July 3 SATURONY Lurkey g new Meal navr gun to pases igainst us. She hit one transport but did little damage. Gioe is plents of Shells Falique Work B letters alise & Fether
1915 4 July SUNDAY SAFTEE TEINITY Salique, Church Parade Thely Communion 1915 July 5 MONDAY links again very merry with thu astillery. Through some spying they get outs who are of to ambros 16 Batt on the road. They shell then rught over to the island. As the sucks say they chased a regiment from the Idrensula Inlying Picket
1915 6 July TUESDAY Very quitt After 16 Bat go ste doe not send a chellints our position. But they were shelled out. some spies ar Inference. the 16 Respirators served ond as prisoners tll us turke has mortars & porsonal stells which she intends to use against us 10R July 7 1915 WEDNESDAY Turkey gives us 24 hours to leave Penisula or she will heavily wombard our position Or ward at Army Sewiee stores. Four Hen refts
8 July THURSDAY Bithalianan Turkers carries out her threat but does not a asint the sea. She sempl waste a great as of sh 1915 July9 1915 FRIDAY Rest day. Fraigue opm to 76.m. Mery few shells today Receive letter from he daped 24 April, 30 8 29 Man nother Bad, Alre Antey &Liebert elivyn
10 July 1915 SATURDAY Wlunbary conculatiren today against Cholira links very quiet Lulyig Picket. 1915 July II. SUNDAY. GAFTER TRINITY Inquire re Iusurance Due 11 Angust. Bastalion on Dub Inlying Reket.
12 July 1915 MONDAY Takyhe work an heart Receive letters Had Mother Foealice written June 8th. 1915 July 13 TUESDAY lanks rather achw blow up Icak Posts. which is slightly to the right of Courtneys Bet. thy ablack but are mable to hake the poashion
1057 NV 1915 28 June Jo alsgue blongthe ane firing line was mot a genreed anonce Car md successfull bokyou of trinder but with Heavy Paseo. Royal Seck land between lke bfe Helle. a Tommes are fighting des peratel or Achie Kaba our atta was made M Turkeg ply 100 hooppwead us which wa sucdetl done our Article June 20 1915 TUESDAY durks are werefaedo bry Brchake last poudis & in dong 3s loose 1500 killes on our front then camalte were Alwei mae Ouleg Bambardinen of Aelakby I Brit, Iren Sahan Baleskkas hill in Flames Comin Lat 1000 0ds thayes havoe among Lurtlisk Bunker ment

24 June  1915
No Duty
Turks send about 30 shells
into our position.

Quartermasters Fatigue.

For the last fortnight
Tommies & French
have been engaging
in a deadly struggle
to take Acia Baba.

Send letter to mother.

1915  June 25
Fatigue Work on beach.
Turks continually shelling
our position.


26 June  1915
Rest. Turks give us
a bad time with shells.

They keep up a cannonade
so strong on beach that
we are unable to approach
Turkish Guns are very
inaccurate but they have
captured some French 75
which do awful damage.
Killing 121 men at a time.
They hit our batteries for
the first time with the
75. This shows clearly
its superiority over
Turkish Guns

1915  June 27
Battalion on Duty.

Turkish Guns are now in
such a position that they
can shell us from any
point. Our position here
looks anything but good.

Church Parade.


30 June  1915
Fatigue Work. Digging
long sap to left. Very
wide to enable quick
movement of Troops in
case of fighting on our
extreme left & to be
able to support outposts
in case of attack.
Battleships Bombard all
day. Every second you
hear Rumble Rumble
of big guns. Probable
300 guns take part.
This began 28th.

1915  July 1
Inlying Picket.
Bombardment of Achie
Baba lulls for a time.
All signals to B'Ships from
land looked grand.
Red White & Blue Flares
were used & were very
impressive. Their Flares
would be seen to show
the advancing Tommies
their way.


2 July 1915
Heavy Bombarding of
Achie Baba in morning.
Things quiet during


1915 July 3
Turkey gets a new 11 inch
naval gun into position
against us. She hit
one transport but did
little damage. Gives
us plenty of shells.
Fatigue Work.

Post letters Alice &


4 July 1915
Fatigue, Church Parade,
Holy Communion

1915 July 5
Turks again very merry with
their artillery. Through
some spying they get onto
16 Batt ^(who are off to Imbros on the road.

They shell then right over
to the island. As the
Turks say "They chased
a regiment from the

Inlying Picket


6 July 1915
Very quiet. After 16 Batt
go she does not send a 
shell into our position.
But they were shelled out.
Inference. Some spies in
the 16th.

Respirators served out as 
prisoners tell us Turkey
has mortars & poisonous
shells which she intends
to use against us.

1915  July 7
Turkey gives us 24 hours to leave
Peninsula or she will heavily
bombard our position
On Guard at Army Service
stores. Four hour shifts.


8 July 1915
Battalion on Duty.
Turkey carries out her
threat but does not drive
us into the sea. She simply
wastes a great no of shells

1915 July 9
Rest day. Fatigue 5 pm to
9 pm. Very few shells today

Receive letters from home
dated 24 April, 30 & 29 May
Mother, Dad, Alice.
Aubrey & Siebert & Leboyn  [[Dye?]]


10 July 1915
Voluntary Inoculation
today against Cholera.
Turks very quiet.

Inlying Picket.

1915 July 11
Inquire re Insurance
Due 11 August.

Battalion on Duty
Inlying Picket. 


12 July 1915
Fatigue work on beach

Receive letters Dad, Mother,
Flo & Alice written
June 8th.

1915 July 13
Turks rather active.
Blow up Scots Posts
which is slightly to the
right of Courtneys Post.
They attack but are unable
to take the position


28 June 1915
Fatigue Work.

Along the Anzac firing
line was made a general
advance. Our men
successfully took 700 yds
of trenches but with 
heavy losses. Royal
Scots land between
Gaba Tepe & Cape Helles.

Tommies are fighting desperately
for Achie Baba.
Our attack was made
simply to draw Turkish
troop forward us, which
was successfully
done. Our Artillery

1915 June 29
Turks are very active.
Try to retake lost position
& in doing so loose 1500
killed on our front.
Their casualties were

Active Bombardment of
Achie Baba by Brit, French
Italian Battleships. All
hill in Flames. Tommies
Take 1000 yds.
played havoc among
Turkish Bn Reinforcements. 

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Jacqueline KennedyJacqueline Kennedy
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