Diary of Samuel Hedley Hemming Hawkins, 1914-1916 - Part 9

First World War, 1914–18
  • Documents and letters
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1915 4 June T. FRIDAV. sent on gatigue to di a communisation drench which exhend along the beach about 3 mles. It is bift wit deep & 4ft6 wie so that all transpors ca be brought through it on mules & also to allow stretcher bearers to carry wounded to the beach in saphy. two hours doll das -4 Bombardment by fllet of hill for 24 hours. 200 guns take part. Tine at aavanc along whole line. Tommies, ans N.Hlanders, French. Very succeaful along our from all Turkish Lrenche aken filled in. Gommies June 5 1915 SATURDAY Fest day: This communication much atewards prooid to be preparation to our big advance angust O. Two hour drill again try to take hill which is undermoned but is to important a position to blow up. Achi Laba
1915 6 June SUNDAY JRREN, SINI tatne wor a m to pM. making large plrform for store. bedel Tenkes othen inherrupt ho with shells and we come back minns five men June 7 1915 MONDAY Battalien on duty Inlying picket Tenerals special reserve. incase of yau anwhere we arethe to be called upon
8 June 1915 TUESDAY French diggen 13.30p m 5 Pm. Sappingalong veach in older to be able to take trops al 7 safty a bon there to att Tks wro position. 1915 June o WEDNESDAY Lrench Digoing 6 30 a m 1230 p.m. again y p.m to 1epr but on this becasie we but busted wundered into a mpinarea for an hour we were forced to he llaton ground when we drawled back. We men wounded dought a pavzealand out port mey a tulit suppose & the 16 mew & officer are cut off from main body & Hay are I forced to such a position t they cannot more for maching ours fire. officer enass & newsday reurns to his men. They intend to sisk all & ky to rehum on Thursday nigh. Main drawback their wouded men
10. June THURSDAN French digging four 12130- 5 pr 1915 he June i1 1915 FRIDAY. Inlying Bastalion on Durky. Picket. Heawy Bombardment for Capes Helles
155 1915 12 June SATURDAY Fallone weitt in afterasou Make new road up hill to enable the artillery take up a rew position ardgent a Heavy Cape Stilles rach all day) gue Crunse come to our posibion & pours about 100 stells into some very distant partio she is directed by an Wrspland June 13 1915 SUNDAY 2 AFTER TRINITY by Col Church Service Ras & Cak Afferd Holy Communion Colko sermon on T.O. Eof Hil Lyrian Army bathing in fordan. Pount out the necessity of submitter & doing small things. the Valrous acts arll mak man & but it is the man in himself. Reer to N B weching blankets abrefran & the be rale
1657 1915 14 June MONDAY Wakered up in morning by the sound of the Larest Le. They were trying to get on to our position Fatigue Work Tusks ppear to have found out our rest camp & thongh roy well hettered give us nres June 15 1915 TUESDAY Battaton on duky. Inlying Rlicke Thee George who is in good saith today
1915 16 June WEDNESDAY da As work Turks very acd shell our posit I hear June 17 1915 THURSDAY Fabique in morning Receive a few shells.
1916 18 June FRIDAY Falique work digge trenche. All the tmo we are strengthen a case our posibion of reverses. Turks wake in up Abseat 5 Shelleng our position 1916 SATURDAY But Bablalion Julying Packet months since Nine young army June 10
20 June SUNDAV: SATTEE TEINIT Bhurch Service & Str Commnise Turks king rang & Ka retie Mr shates. Finish Church. Visit George R 1915 June 21 1915 MONDAY Rest. Asdeek bark shell om positio heavil
1915 22 June TUESDAN Dig ne fire tine but Qurns Fost & halke Radge We received red no of stall murks St were shell one of our batteries & wrs shells were falli onto iis Fearing an abtackon Rumns & expecting it to be slown up this posy is chostn to enable us to deal effectively with the durks should me bove the srench June 23 1915 WEDNESDAY Bathallon on Dely Iulying Pcket Lukks shell our preition heard 3 Feld Service Vera,

4 June  1915
Sent on fatigue to dig
a communication
Trench which extend
along the beach for
about 3 miles. It is
6 ft wide deep & 4ft 6 wide
so that all transport can
be brought through it
on mules & also to allow
stretcher bearers to carry
wounded to the beach
in safety.
Two hours drill daily
——— " ———
Bombardment by fleet of
hill for 24 hours. 200 guns
take part. General advance
along whole line. Tommies, Aust,
N.Zlanders, French. Very successful
along our front all Turkish Trenches
taken & filled in. Tommies

1915  June 5
Rest day..

This communication
trench afterwards proved
to be preparations for
our big advance of
August 6.

Two hours drill
again try to take hill which is
undermined but is to important
a position to blow up.
(Achi Baba)


6 June  1915
Fatigue work 8 a m to
5 p.m. making large
platform for stores on
Turks often interrupt
us with shells and
we come back minus
five men.

1915  June 7
Battalion on duty.
Inlying picket

Generals special
reserve. In case of failure
anywhere we are the
first to be called upon.


8 June  1915
Trench digging 12.30 p m
5 p.m. Sapping along
beach in order to be able
to take troops along in
safety & from there to attack
Turks new position.

1915  June 9
Trench Digging 6 30 a.m
12.30 pm. again 7 p m.
to 11 p.m. but on this occasion
we got bushed & wandered
into a sniping area. For
an hour we were forced to
lie flat on ground when
we crawled back. Five
men wounded.

Tonight a Newzealand out-

post met a Turkish Outpost
& the 16 men & officer are cut off
from main body. & They are
forced to such a position
that they cannot move for
machine gun fire. The
officer escapes & next day
returns to his men. They
intend to risk all & try to
return on Thursday night.
Main drawback their wounded


10 June 1915
Trench digging four hours.
12.30 - 5 p m

1915  June 11
Battalion on Duty. Inlying

Heavy Bombardment from
Capes Helles.


12 June  1915
Fatigue work in afternoon
Make new road up hill
to enable the Artillery to
take up a new position.

Heavy Bombardment at
Cape Helles lasts all

June 13
Cruiser comes to our position
& pours about 100 shells into
some very distant position
She is directed by an

1915  June 13
Church Service by Col
Rae & Capt. -
Attend Holy Communion by Col Rae
Sermon on G.O. C of the
Syrian Army bathing
in Jordan. Points out the
necessity of submitting to
& doing small things.
Not Valorous acts will make
man & but it is the man
in himself. Refers to
pinching blankets asks
us to refrain & then be valorous.


14 June  1915
Wakened up in morning
by the sound of the
Turkish Guns. They were
trying to get on to our

Fatigue Work
Turks appear to have
found out our real
camp & though very
well sheltered give us
no rest

1915  June 15
Battalion on duty.
Inlying Picket

Meet George, who is in
good health, today. 


16 June  1915
No work to day.
Turks very active
& shell our position
very  heavily

1915  June 17
Fatigue in morning
Receive a few shells. 


18 June  1915
Fatigue work digging
trenches. All the time
we are strengthening
our position in case
of reverses.

Turks wake us up
about 5a m by shelling
our position

1915  June 19
Battalion on Duty
Inlying Picket

Nine months since
joining army


20 June  1915
Church Service & Holy

Turks find range of
our position & give
us a few shells. —
Finish Church.
Visit George Richards

1915  June 21
Rest. No duty.

Turks shell our position


22 June  1915
Dig new fire line between
Quins Post & Walkers
Ridge. We received a
great no of shells from
Turks. They were shelling
one of our batteries &
shells were falling short
on to us.

Fearing an attack on
Quinns & expecting it
to be blown up this
posy is chosen to
enable us to deal
effectively with the
Turks should we
loose the Trench.

1915  June 23
Battalion on Duty.
Inlying Picket.

Turks shell our position

Field Service Card

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Jacqueline KennedyJacqueline Kennedy
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