Diary of Samuel Hedley Hemming Hawkins, 1914-1916 - Part 7

First World War, 1914–18
  • Documents and letters
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1915 25 April SUNDAY Arre at e el Bardeneles about 1a.M. at day break the warships offene fire on forts & also fire pn Lurkish troops on land & affect a landing for sommee who land Parillery & drive Turks about 9 hule inland We then sheam to the Guts of Custe where Australian Troops are to land. Although the warships fired shell after shell at surks they were lstle narmed as they had exclleend cover. Thereupon the Brigads went ashore (9th Battalion taking the lead first taking three machins guns & then charging the Leights. Knve Turks about 3 wills cnlanst but were forced to retire t heightssh account of having no eif artillent to April 26 1915 MONDAY Fourth Brigade landsetn in midst of enemys fire. Seeep for half hom then carry ammunition up hill about 300 ft & very sheep to and Brigade. This taken till noon when we had dinner. In afternoon we had to dig i on account of shrapnell a no of our men being. wounded. W. Rose from my section being first. At y pm we leave for firing line & take up a new position. Taps night in digging trenches for protection. against bullets & shrapred. be nemy fire a great no of shat at us vut very felo were wolunded. Shrahuel Gull only men could be muster from the Brigade. N no also w wbunded
A0. 1915 27 April TUESDAY Day rater quiet olthough sharp shookers do a little damage. In evening about y the enemy approach singinte & very jouful intending to frighter us. About 10 p.m. 10 12 pm. they were engaged praying to allah. There all was pyful again at The Battalion on our. left fired on them heavil but oin fron did not answer which afterwards helped ys greatly. Crapnet tale April 28 1915 WEDNESDAY at 2amn the enemy came over a little ridge in from of us. Still not a shot was fired & every man kept covered this gave the enemy great confidence & they advanced to within so yards of our then we apened up trench. a murderous fire Billing all who cared to approach This was the last we saw of them ancept for their dead who lay strewn arsund in later on the warships opened up with shrapnel on the retering evemy & did great damage today we had another enem to contend with viz rain our oversoats were drinched & in them we slept the result being a no of men get severe lds.
105 20 April 1915 THURSDAY at daybreaks enemy again appear but were careful not to approach too near t our trenches. They were easily driven back at 10 p.m. we were, relieved & went down the beact which proved to be more tangerous than the trenches A no of men being wounded by shrapill & apso smper the main Turkish bod are utterly useless they relyon their smpers & athiller. Shrapnel being responsible for 9 of wounded & dead & bulk Dp. They run from the Bayonts all officers are German & sman han in and 1ORI 1915 April 30 FRIDAY about o a.m. we were forced to move on account of Shrapnel & we retued ontr the side of a hill where we dug shrapnel proof Frenches & had a sleep This was the first sleep we had had since Sunday except for a few hoips snatched in besween fire at y p.m. we leave for the firing line this hime to a different position. to get wour posision we had to clinb up a very steep hill 400 ft Mah. To do this we had to pull up by a rope which was very hard & tiring. We reached our position at Ap.m. & at once began to mprove our trenches Manash Valle
1915 rMay SATURDAY Remain in trenches About 3 wounded in our line. Smpers alone fire on us in order to draw our fire so do more damage. We do not reply as we like to encourdge lirks forward As regards this 3 days pres lousely Turks became vey consider a atsempted a change. At 20yds the Bats in the trenches ppened fire The Turges came to bin yards then retired. Needless to say they were simply murderall Manash Valley May 2 1945 SUNDAY No nes Remain in casualities tas. We allow luks to entrench about 500 yards in our front. Oi artillery fire ben Tusks. at night here was a general advance of our forlls. although we reterred our enld we did it with great loss. The Luks having machine guns on our right & lest simply mowed our men down. Tne Turks number ed about 1011 so that we really had a bigvictory. Turks fall back on trench about soyds from our new front & a great sight last ffor two days abesion with wutles & hand senades popes 23 No2 Coy did not take par nfreain in brenct
1915 3 May MONDAY As new line had been occupied on our fron our cempany now Lers supports, incessent fire bekwein fron line & surk Am company is relieve at midnigh & dibody was serry. so into dugont sleep for night. Pipes Hhill May 4. 1915 TUESDAY Rest. No work. Engineers are employed making a road from beach to fering line a distance sfabout 15 miles. This proses to be very ristry you being mowll down by suipers agai they were woiking in and about a fast deef
1915 5 May WEDNESDAY Rest all da Farie very continuous all day. Called on to go into trenches at night. Very strenuous a heve racking night watch ing for bombs which the Turks are using in great numbers against is Ces & ost May 6 1915 THURSDAY Hay very quiet. Our men are engaged in sappein I making conneciin trenches with the firmg line. witts also are quiet I are entrencton & attempting to unde mine ouh trenches. Hard fighhing at night. Many Dombs were thrrow by Turks who run up without squippment a throw bombs into our trenche Our men always bry to throw voink out wefot it exaplodes.
405 1915 7 May FRIDAY. Sappen on our part sintreching abll continuens. Very quiet during day. Thing begin to look very lively at night when we are relieve May 8 1915 SATURDAY Restoday. Gsend a little him improving our dug ont. Have a geod sleep & prepare to again man the Crenche
1915 9 May ROGATION SUNDAY Day Cuiel. We are called upon at 9s to go to firing line as receives. But we instead form firing line & take Wesb position which na flest been captured from Turks. Are engaged diggent connecting trench & keeping liks of ou trench who are buyin to bomb us out We loose 550 men pilled I wounded. What remains of us are all worn out swe were pleasur to be relieved at 8 a.m. 1915 May 10 MONDAY. Al daybreak the Tunk attacked & hots up such a position as to wisse out the whole firing lns I was sent with a mess age to our Oct. & before I had hime to return I was met by my Sargent who told me only two had excaped. The trukes who were ten yo of us almast ased bember & all our men were blown bailces. our old fyringing Contrenct MBGO surk New Surg0 surks 9 Crosses our front. C ferr
1915 11 May IUESDY Rest. We had a muster parade toda and in our Compan we could only muster 79 men out of our original abrength In my seckion 216 only 5 men remain on of 14 Iimployed building tagieades for protection of metor transp Receibe esen Homes Vera written 22 March Bae hight Horse gypt land tonight May 12 1915 WEDNESDAY heave dugon for firine line this morning at Wam. but on arrival was made a reserve. At nigh went on suppost, duty position. In a greats bet ween to pring lines to induce supers to come by that route. They generally come in like living rees so that sandy has to keep very sharp tooks Cmons ourtney pr land card home today
1057 1915 13 May THURSDAY Relieved at 12 a.m. today 2n Right Horse who have volunteered as Infantry men. Rest I remainder o day Tahigue 8 p m till 12p th Object of Charge. Drive tunes from their brench & then fill it in sat ep were ompletely out up 30 charged a Only French containing 30. 40 Aigges followed to fell in Leerish Free bt were almost all shot down. Perfect May 14 1915 FRIDAY afher a good sleep go down to beack & nave a very refreshing siven heave for Trenche noow Very rough time with enemps Thrapnel. Lrencher ble down at our back. One shell lobs in my dug on about 2 inches above my shoulders impror brindes. Bombs goin all night. hight tse make charge a 2a in is next morn d

25 April  1915
Arrive at entrance of
Dardenelles about 1 a.m.
At day break the warships
open fire on forts & also
fire on Turkish troops on
land & affect a landing
for Tommies who land
Artillery & drive Turks
about 9 miles inland.
We then steam to the Gulf
of Gillipole Saros where Australian
Troops are to land. Although
the warships fired shell after
shell at Turks they were little
harmed as they had excellent
cover. Thereupon the 3rd Brigade
went ashore (9th Battalion
taking the lead first taking
three machine guns & then
charging the heights. Drive
Turks about 3 miles inland
but were forced to retire to
heights on account of having no
7.6" artillery to back them up

1915  April 26
Fourth Brigade land 10pm in midst
of enemy's fire. Sleep for half hour
then carry ammunition up
hill about 300 ft & very steep to
2nd Brigade. This takes till noon
when we had dinner. In afternoon
we had to dig in on account of
shrapnell a no of our men being 
wounded. W. Rose from my section
being first. At 7 p.m. we
leave for firing line & take up a
new position. Occupy night in
digging trenches for protection
against bullets & shrapnel.
Enemy fire a great no of shots
at us but very few were wounded.

Shrapnel Gully

only 80 men could be mustered from 9th &
270 from the Brigade. Mostly
wounded a no also were lost.


27 April 1915
Day rater quiet although Sharp
Shooters do a little damage.
In evening about 7 the enemy
approach singing & very
joyful intending to frighten
us. About 10 p.m. to 12 p.m. they
were engaged praying to
Allah. Then all was joyful
again. at The Battalion on our.
left fired on them heavily
but our front did not
answer which afterwards
helped us greatly.

Shrapnel Gully

1915  April 28
At 2 a.m. the enemy came
over a little ridge in front
of us. Still not a shot was fired
& every man kept covered.
This gave the enemy great
confidence & they advanced
to within 20 yards of our
trench. Then we opened up
a murderous fire killing all
who cared to approach.
This was the last we saw of them
except for their dead who
lay strewn around us.
Later on the warships opened
up with shrapnel on the
retiring enemy & did great
Today we had another enemy
to contend with viz rain.
Our overcoats were drenched
& in them we slept the result
being a no of men get severe


29 April  1915
At daybreak enemy again
appear but were careful
not to approach too near to
our trenches. They were
easily driven back.
At 10 p.m. we were relieved
& went down the beach
which proved to be more
dangerous than the trenches.
A no of men being wounded
by shrapnel & also snipers
The main Turkish body
are utterly useless.
They rely on their snipers
& artillery. Shrapnel being
responsible for 98%
of wounded & dead & bullets
2%. They run from the Bayonet.
All officers are German &
Germans handle artillery

1915 April 30
About 4 a.m. we were forced
to move on account of Shrapnel
& we retired onto the side
of a hill where we dug shrapnel
proof trenches & had a sleep.
This was the first sleep we had
had since Sunday except
for a few hours snatched
in between fire.
At 7 p.m. we leave for the
firing line this time to
a different position. To get
to our position we had to climb
up a very steep hill 400 ft
high. To do this we had to
pull up by a rope which
was very hard & tiring.
We reached our position at
11 p.m. & at once began to
improve our trenches.

Monash Valley


1 May 1915
Remain in trenches.
About 23 wounded in
our line. Snipers alone
fire on us in order to
draw our fire & so do
more damage. We do
not reply as we like to
encourage Turks forward.

As regards this 3 days previously
Turks became very
confident & attempted a
charge. At 20 yds the Batt
in the trenches opened fire.
The Turks came to ten
yards then retired.
Needless to say they were
simply murdered.

Monash Valley

1915 May 2
Remain in trenches. No
casualities to us. We
allow Turks to entrench about
500 yards in our front.
Our artillery fire on Turks.
At Night there was a general
advance of our forces.
Although we secured our
enld we did it with great
loss. The Turks having
machine guns on our right
& left simply mowed our
men down. The Turks numbered
about 10 to 1 so that we
really had a big victory.
Turks fall back on trench
about 20 yds from our new
front & a great fight lasting
for two days goes on with
bullets & hand grenades
Popes Hill
No2 Coy did not take part
but remain in trench.


3 May 1915
As new line had been
occupied on our front
our company now
forms supports.
Incessent fire between
front line & Turks.
Our company is relieved
at midnight & nobody was 
sorry. Go into dugouts
& sleep for night.

Popes Hill

1915  May 4
Rest. No work.
Engineers are employed
making a road from
beach to firing line
a distance of about
1½ miles. This proves to
be very risky job - being
mowed down by snipers.
Again they were working in
mud about a foot deep


5 May 1915
Rest all day.
Firing very continuous
all day.
Called on to go into trenches
at night. Very strenuous
& nerve racking night watching
for bombs which the
Turks are using in great
numbers against us.

Quinn’s Post

1915 May 6
Day very quiet. Our men
are engaged in sapping
& making connecting
trenches with the firing
line. Turks also are
quiet & are entrenching
& attempting to undermine
our trenches.
Hard fighting at night.
Many bombs were thrown
by Turks who run up
without equippment & throw
bombs into our trenches.
Our men always try to throw
bomb out before it explodes.


7 May 1915
Sapping on our part
& Turks entrenching still
continuing. Very quiet
during day. Things begin
to look very lively at
night when we are relieved.

1915 May 8
Rest today. Spend a
little time improving our
dug out. Have a good
sleep & prepare to
again man the trenches 


9 May 1915
Day Quiet. We are
called upon at 9 p.m
to go to firing line as
reserves. But we instead
form firing line & take
up position which had
just been captured from
Turks. Are engaged digging
connecting trench &
keeping turks off our
trench who are trying
to bomb us out
We loose 350 men killed
& wounded. What remains
of us are all worn out
& we were pleased to
be relieved at 8 a.m.

1915   May 10
At daybreak the Turks
attacked & took up such
a position as to wipe
out the whole firing line.
I was sent with a message 
to our O.C. & before
I had time to return
I was met by my Sergeant
who told me only two
had escaped. The Turks
who were ten yds off us
used bombs & almost all our
men were blown to pieces.

our old firing lines

Con trench                        OOO
                xxxxxx                 Turks
New our front                   
                        O  Turks
Crosses our front. O. Turks pos 


11 May 1915
Rest. We had a m
muster parade today
and in our Company
we could only muster
99 men out of our
original strength of 
216. In my section
only 5 men remain out
of 14.
Employed building barricades
for protection of motor transports
[*which are to be
Receive letters fromt
Home & Vera written
22 March

XXXX 3 Light Horse Bdes from
Egypt land tonight.

1915 May 12
Leave dug out for firing
line this morning at
11 a.m. but on arrival was
made a reserve. At night
went on outpost duty.
Position  In a break between
two firing lines to induce
snipers to come by that
route... They generally come in
like living trees so that sentry
has to keep very sharp lookout

Quinns &  Courtneys

Send card home today 


13 May 1915
Relieved at 12 a.m. today
by 2nd Light Horse who
have volunteered as
Infantry men. Rest
for remainder of day
Fatigue 8 pm till 12 p.m.
Object of charge. Drive
Turks from their trench &
then fill it in. So to stop bombs.
were completely cut up.
Only 30 charged a
trench containing 30.
40 diggers followed
to fill in Turkish Trench
but were almost all
shot down: Perfect

1915 May 14
After a good sleep go
down to beach & have
a very refreshing swim.
Leave for Trenches at
noon. Very rough
time with enemys
shrapnel. Trenches blown
down at our back. One
shell lobs in my dug out
about 2 inches above
my shoulder. Improve
Trenches. Bombs going
all night. Light Horse
make charge a 2 a m
in next morn & 

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Jacqueline KennedyJacqueline Kennedy
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