Diary of Samuel Hedley Hemming Hawkins, 1914-1916 - Part 6

First World War, 1914–18
  • Documents and letters
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AUS7 5 April 1915 EASTER MONDAY BANK HOLIDAY Ombarkation parade.+ March nearly to retoun station with full kidt includ ing war equippment. Everything ready to leave Rits packed, Two Blankets handed in keep one. Black kit bags ready to be sent to b edt a idna et mumummmin twelve bodies. There is a huge cross with a huge stone botots representing a bible with a verse in Lalin. after leaving here we visited the obelists which is a huge slat of granise about 50fthig) square at bothom tapering to about 2.f square at top & tena to a poin. It has numorous inscriptions one it but people do not seem to understand them. alon we visited this district it was infested by locuses Church were overn April 6 1915 EASTER. TUESDAY Drill in camp in morning to parade for our plation in afternoon as we go on guard at 4p.m. mco a natives were busily engaged in beating tis slapping hands to drive these pest onward to any other farm. When these kests attack a farm they eal everything to the ground. If they even get on a tree they eat the chorks as the leaves are used up.
105 7 April 1915 WEONESON Dritlin Camp or rather good sis about os from Camp Con 1915 April 8 THURSDAY Dull in Camp including Good Rest.
9 April FRIDAY Dull in pamp 1915 April 10 1915 SATUROAY Inline Picket. Our work was to be in readiness to do duky if necessary bnt fortunately our services were ust wanded Half out Ecattation more our under Major Carher to your other Battalion.
AUS 1r. April 1915 LOW SUNDAY IAFTER EASTER Church Parade9. am. Ather Church Parade pre. Bare to leave, Isued with Emergency Kahion also two days food More off a midnight pm 12 lay Goodbys Freddy Hoedey & Harold Conouro April 12 1915 MONDAY travel over distit I arrive aboard team at 2.10 a.m. for Alexe andreag arrive about uoon. Embarked on board the Aushalind at 4p in. Good meat+ washing make excellent welcome

5 April  1915
Embarkation parade. m
March. nearly to Zietoun
station with full kit including
war equipment.
Everything ready to leave.

Kits packed, Two Blankets
handed in (keep one.)
Black kit bags ready to be
sent to base at Alexandria

twelve bodies. There is a huge cross
with a huge stone book representing
a bible with a verse in Latin.
After leaving here we visited
the obelisk which is a huge
slab of granite about 6 yards 5 ft sq(50ft high)
square at bottom tapering
to about 2 ft square at top & thence
to a point. It has numerous
inscriptions one it but people
do not seem to understand them.
When we visited this district
it was infested by locusts

1915  April 6
Drill in camp in morning
No parade for our platoon
in afternoon as we go
on guard at 4p.m.
& natives were busily engaged
in beating tins; clapping hands
to drive these pests onward to
any other farm: When these
pests attack a farm they eat
everything to the ground.
If they even get on a tree they
eat the stalks as the leaves
are used up.


7 April  1915
Drill in Camp or rather
good rest about 200 yds
from Camp.

1915  April 8
Drill in Camp including
Good Rest.


9 April  1915
Drill in Camp.

1915   April 10
Inline Picket. Our work was
to be in readiness to do
duty if necessary but
fortunately our services were
not wanted.
Half our Battalion move
out under Major Carter.
to join other Battalion.


11 April  1915
Church Parade 9 a.m.
After Church Parade prepare
to leave. Issued with
Emergency Ration also
two days food.
Move off at midnight
12 p.m.

Say Goodbye Freddy
Hockley & Harold

1915  April 12
Travel over desert &
arrive & board train
at 2.10 a.m. for Alexandria 
& arrive about
noon. Embarked on
board the Australind
at 4 p.m. Good meal &
washing make excellent


13 April 1915
Leave Alexandria 3 p.m.
amid cheers from our
French Comrades who
are to follow.

1915  April 14
On guard. The weather
being very rough every
sentry with exception
of 3 out of 24 were sea
sick & could not
be relieved. One can
imagine the mess
on troop decks.


15 April 1915                                                                                         
Fatigue work filling
clasps with cartridges.


1915 April 16
Arrive Lemnos where we
find about 60 other transports 
& 11 battleships
from the Dardenelles.
All ships are anchored
in a beautiful & well 
protected bay:

The Queen Elizabeth
is here with the battleships


17 April 1915
All go ashore in ships boats.
Very beautiful Daisies, cowslips
& clover wherever the eye could
rest. Swimming Parade which 
was glorious being first
swim since we left

Receive news through
our Tommy Comrades of
a Turkish Torpedo boat
which attacked a transport
being sunk.


1915 April 18 
On Guard guarding
Church Parade.


19 April 1915
Practise disembarking
in pontoons.
Seven Months since
joining army.

1915 April 20 
Practise disembarking.

Any who managed to
get into boats never
returned till nightfall
when they were towed
back. Weather very disturbed.


21 April 1915
Rain Squalls & Rain
all day.


1915 April 22
No work.


23 April 1915
No of Transports move
out also a no of
warships leave
harbour. Take fourteen
donkeys on board
which are to be used
to carry water & medical

Write home [[Tdo.?]]


1915 April 24
Leave Lemnos & steam 
for about 10 miles when 
we anchor
Accompanied & Cruisers

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Jacqueline KennedyJacqueline Kennedy
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