Diary of Samuel Hedley Hemming Hawkins, 1914-1916 - Part 5

First World War, 1914–18
  • Documents and letters
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405 1915 16 March TUESDAY Return to Camp about 3 pm. after sham fight with Ms Zealanders Entrenched with Entrenching foot no spade available. Marched to Shird Lower 0 miles). March 17 1915 WEDNESDAY Ro Morning Parade. March out from camp at 5 p.m Our division attacks another division (both supposed to have been entrenshed aboutty weel
1915 18 March THURSDAY Have Breakfadt but on deserKeturn to camp about 12a m. Have dinner Sleep in Alternoon. March. 10. 1915 FRIDAY Sise Months Loday since I.t entered SeB camp & foued 19 7914 Brell in camp.
1915 20 March 3r7 er Drell suke march neabe 10 a m. sham ight in which our officer (wenson) leads us into a brap & we are taken prisoners Refurr 5 p.m. March 21 1915 SUNDAY 5 IN LENT Church Parade Very interesting sering by Colonel Rae on Egiphian Listory smartthes com cets Saypst emcan ocrptions bearin Granger 5 on arrival of Trip into town in afternoon
22 March. 1915 MONDAY Brigade inspection by General. Inspection, March pass oreturn to camp. Afternoon free. Complimented by General. Three month today since we left Melbourne 1915 March:23 TUESDAY Quartermasters Fatigue until 11 a m. knock of for dinner & march out at 15a.m Sham figh in afternoon. Sea 15 p.M. Being supports to neses days from we reture instead of digging trenches
A0S 1915 24 March WEDNESDAY Pise at daws as is the custom on active servit. when on the field. 5 Sham High & Batble Practose with Ball mntion. 3 Targets are placed in trenches to look very much like a man in brenthe in Shosting position. Advanc from 1000 to within 1300 yards. Keturn to comp 11 a m. suard at 4 p. m March 25 1915 THURSDAY Tward. Being spare guard I was only employed to escort prisoners to Latrines. Therefore I took advantage of the rest.
1915 26 March Rest day. Sleep untls 3 p.m.At 3 p.m we receied an alarm when we were marched about one mile on the deser. We were then halted and a number of packs were examined to see that all clothes were in pack necessary for a soldier to take ent Batble. about 430 pm we mar ched to camp & dismussed March 27 1915 SURON Rest day. Nowors so slekt in morning & in afternoon take a trip over desert in search of gens etc under send mame Entured
1915 28 March PALM SUNDAY Very calm in early tho 9am saisterrible dust sterm which lasted until 15 a.m. It was so bad that if one stepped from his lent the and which was feying around would sting one fact. Iewe unable to have hurch parade. By 1pn all was calm March 20 1915 JONON Rest in Torning march out at 53.30 p.M with full equippment for inspection by su Law Hamilton who u in charge of the movement broops in the Bardanells snspection in Line. a march past
1915 30 March TUESDAY Slevelle 5 a.m. March cn &a.m. with hoo neals tavasack Through felous & along the cape to nard Railwhy Pssed Beautify date paimt farms & bwondsen for night.Beautiful moon lighe tropical tought. This is by far the besd most interesting & beautiful night which we have pt since we landed here. 1915 March 31 WEDNESDAY March Back to can after saw fignt beginningg af 3 a in hatkins until Iam Breakfast. Arrive Ziebaun 112 in +lis brench digg fiverya 3pm 3 3 sere Bhd i 2 anailarhant a v.
1 April 1915 THURSDAY Bdesl day. As a recield. of Ser San Hamillong inspection & nes vad opinion of officiers all officers & W.C.Os were ordered our for battle practue. All were drilled well (carrying full pack & rifle) & by end of day some could only rimp hoare. This was the nardest day put in by any of the Aushralians in Egystt. Colonel Bathwarhe was in command i 1915 April 2 GOOD FRION N Parades. Meletary Holiday. Trip into town & to New Zealanders Camp astenced tel 0 S
AUST IAN 1915 3 April SATURDAY arch out 9 a.m. Through Zitoun until wre entered a bedutifil garden. In the centre of garden is an old old tree mostly dead but one fork. living which is proped uptol this is the tree under which the virgin rested on her fligh to Egypt. about to yards from the tree is a well which the virgin was said to have smiled upon & the water is beautiful aswelk. all other wells in & around this district contain water which is slightly saully. The well is railed in & carefully guarded. The water acts upon one as a natural opening. medicine. After leaving this garden we all loos packs off & were allowed to view an exceed ingly pretty R.C. Church which adjoins the gardens. On walls of church were weantiful paintingt 1915 April 4 EHSTER OAV Church Tarade 9 a.M.S attended Holy Commanion 11 a.m. which was hibd in picture palace, there were about 50present. In afternson whitto Zieloun Visihed & drank from Holy Will Lugi Tree. Afterwards, wen to through R. Cbhurch in same ga 2o00 as well dgned vision Took Tried very hard to secure a leaf from the Vrgin Lix bu the authorities would not permit of it. un min of Massacie of babeo very seriking though pitital seene). Free under which oirgen rested, Joseph Shild and also hass (very real indeed); wary & Childon donkey & Joseph leading the entrance aous into Keliepols where well is situated) washing on mhe nile of bake & mother. At head of church + will raised from the ground to the chatue of Joseph Marye child, The child is on the mothers lap with the fathers hand on His(chilas head. The figuresare pure whire but a ligt yellowish eigh is reflected on it. Beautiful stained glass windour at baek it a tomb containing

16 March  1915
Return to Camp about 2
p.m. after sham fight with
New Zealanders. Entrenched
with Entrenching Tools.
No spades available.
Marched to Third Tower
(10 miles).

1915  March 17
No Morning Parade. March
out from camp at 5 p.m.
Our division attacks another
division (both supposed to have
been entrenched about 7 weeks)


18 March  1915
Have Breakfast out
on desert. Return
to camp about 12a m.
Have dinner. Sleep in

1915  March 19
Six Months today
since I fi entered 
camp (joined 19th Sept 1914)
Drill in camp.


20 March  1915
Drill & Route march.
Leave 10 a.m. sham
fight in which our
officer (swenson) leads
us into a trap & we
are taken prisoners.
Return 5.p.m.

1915  March 21
Church Parade.
Very interesting sermon
by Colonel Rae on
Egyptian history.
Ismailites coming
into Egypt. Remains
& Inscriptions bearing
on arrival of 37 fr strangers.
Trip into town in


22 March  1915
Brigade inspection
by General.
Inspection, March
past & return to
camp. Afternoon
free. Complimented
by General.
Three month today
since we left

1915  March 23
Quartermasters Fatigue
until 11 a.m. Knock off
for dinner & march out
at 12 a.m Sham fight
in afternoon.  Tea 5 p.m.
Being supports for next 
days fight we return
instead of digging


24 March  1915 
Rise at dawn as is the
custom on active service
when on the field.
Sham fight & Battle 
Practise with Ball
Targets are placed in 
trenches to look very
much like a man in 
trenches in shooting 
position. Advance 
from 1000 to within 
300 yards.
Return to camp at 11 a.m.
Guard at 4 p .m.

1915  March 25
Being spare guard
I was only employed
to escort prisoners
to Latrines. Therefore
I took advantage
of the rest.


26 March  1915
Rest day. Sleep until
3 p.m. At 3 p.m we
received an alarm
when we were marched
about one mile on
the desert. We were then
halted and a number
of packs were examined
to see that all clothes
were in pack necessary
for a soldier to take 
into Battle.
About 4.30 pm we marched 
to camp & dismissed.

1915  March 27
Rest day. No work so slept
in morning & in afternoon
take a trip over desert in
search of gems etc

Send name under which


28 March  1915
Very calm in early morn.
9 a.m. saw terrible dust 
storm which lasted
until 12 a. m. It was
so bad that if one stepped
from his tent the sand
which was flying 
around would sting
ones face. We were 
unable to have 
church parade.
By 1 pm all was 

1915  March 29
Rest in Morning.  march
out at 12.30 p.m. with full
equippment for inspection
by Sir Ian Hamilton who
is in charge of the movements 
troops in the Dardanells .
Inspection in line &
march past


30 March  1915
Revelle 5 a.m. March out 
9 a.m. with two meals in 
havasack. Through Zietoun
& along the Cape to Ciaro
Railway. Passed Beautiful 
date palm fs farms & bivouaced 
for night. Beautiful moon
light tropical night.
This is by far the best &
most interesting & beautiful
night which we have
spent since we landed

1915  March 31
March Back to camp
After sham fight beginning
at 3 a.m & lasting until 
5 a.m  Breakfast.
Arrive Zietoun 11a m
Trench digging & leave
for camp 3p.m.


1 April  1915
Rest day.  As a result
of Sir Ian Hamiltons
inspection & his bad 
opinion of officers all
officers & N. C. O's were
ordered out for battle
practise. All were drilled
well (carrying full pack &
rifle) & by end of day some
could only limp home.
This was the hardest
day put in by any of
the Australians in
Egypt. Colonel Bathwaite
was in command

1915  April 2
No Parades. Military 
Holiday. Trip into town
& to New Zealanders Camp
attended Holy


3 April  1915
March out 9 a.m. through Zietoun
until we entered a beautiful
garden. In the centre of the
garden is an old old tree mostly
dead but one fork. living which
is proped up  We are told this
is the tree under which the virgin
rested on her flight to Egypt.
About  10 yards from the tree
is a well ( which the virgin was
said to have smiled upon)
& the water is beautiful & sweet.
All other wells in & around this
district contain water which
is slightly saulty. The well
is railed in & carefully
guarded. The water acts upon
one as a natural opening.
medicine. After leaving this
garden we all took packs off
& were allowed to view an exceedingly
pretty R.C. Church which
adjoins the gardens. On walls of
church were beautiful paintings

1915  April 4
Church Parade 9 a.m.
Attended Holy Communion
11 a.m. which was held in
picture palace. There were
about 50 present.
In afternoon went to 
Zietoun. Visited (& drank)
from Holy Well & Virgins
Tree.  Afterwards went through 
R. C. Church in same garden
as well. Signed visitors Book.
Tried very hard to secure a leaf
from the Virgins Tree but the authorities
would not permit of it.  

of Massacre of babes (very striking though pitiful
scene). Tree under which virgin rested, Joseph, Child
and also the ass (very real indeed); Mary &
Child on donkey & Joseph leading;  The 
entrance of trio into Heliopolis where well
is situated; washing on the Nile of babe &
Mother. At head of church & well raised
from the ground is the statue of Joseph
Mary & child.  The child is on the mothers
lap with the fathers hand on His (childs)
head. The figures are pure white
but a light yellowish light is reflected
on it. Beautiful stained glass windows
at back is a tomb containing 

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Jacqueline KennedyJacqueline Kennedy
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