Diary of Samuel Hedley Hemming Hawkins, 1914-1916 - Part 4

First World War, 1914–18
  • Documents and letters
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24 February 1915 WEDNESDAY French Siggire Completion of first days work February 25 1915 THURSDAY Rost Day, &hsshing Parade
1057 1915 26 February JFRIDAN rong suke March about 25 miles Broonac at night. About 4 am. 27 receive attack. hights are very cold but on account of the long marches out + have & the watble practice one prefer the cold to taking a blanked with him February 27 1915 SATURDAY Spirmishing unbil 12.30. Bull in afternoon Receive letters Writhen 182120 air
1915 28 February SUNDAY 2 IN LENT Church Parade Firs Conhingure of Infantry lase Mond No lette March I 1915 MONDAY Lrench Diggin setting near our time to leave so our tens becaues noted as the psali singers It is and practive the Sing hyr for the pleasure of the order Hicisadgtant K.S. M. (Generally Gage & course to stop us would displease ne parson 0002
1915 2 March TUESDAY Rest Day Shooking in Morning Ribe Range Oer Lechren sexes to hass at enemy This is the highest scon on this range This of course is excelley soon efficertells u ten hiss out of twentyone posset as in the boer war it it said that if took a ton of lead t kill one man March 3 1915 WEDNESDAY Koute MarsH D Shain eight Nos 143 Companies have sham figh with 34 4 Cops Sham Lights are all getting rather stall vow we are all longing to get to the dutlum the
405 1915 4 March THURSDAY all aust & N. Gleand broop defend Carro against an unagin ary athack by the wites march over desert for about 12 mites & then depnd Citty W ind very bad. Are can hardly breathe March 5 1915 FRIDAY Rest unkel g a m. attend now parade Rest againto 9. pm who we leave for 15 milo march (4th toever) Enbrench Iham fight & return to camp at 9. a m Saturday Morn
1915 6 March SATURDAY Return to Camp Rest for remainder of aa Woute Herb & Famil To letter others of Iam. Cards yuns commander Cannoe balls city in will used by Napoleon when trying to ake I MORI March 7 1915 SUNDAY LSIN LENT Church arade terrible dust Storms here which are not unfrequent Decit Museum. Chief Inderi real coppn of rocto kec alout 1It broad, & shaped inside luse pores coffe tmmits tnting I inscription copins. Colourings 200 ns old still boor Satue All sorts cu Citadel, Command vie fall Squpts, Mosgie beautiful 24,000 lghts Great Saults. Sruel. 4 Grea Billows anside all Atabast secial provision for bluk Greet Architar build 18 ton lecond
8 March 1915 MONDAY March out at 12. a.M.K khird tower (10 miles). Brosnac at night when guards are posted for instruction on propection on march. Myself with your others formed the advanced. Guard. Everybody digs nimaly silence is mantained & one gets a very fair insight into the work of a guard when in close Huch with an enemy. Very windy & dust almost blinding 1915 March o TUESDAY Mlarm 4.30 a M. Enemy advancing against us. sham sign and leave for home about 1 p.m. tarrive about 3 30 when we all turn in I keise a well earned rest
405 1915 10 March WEDNESDAY Sham Fight with New Bal and Troops. Fight takes place about five miles from camp. Both sides claim victory March iI 1915 THURSDAY General Inspection. Rits Inspected by Stap Captain in morning the whole afternoon taken up by Inspection by Brigadier.
1915 12 March FRIDAY O Guard guarding guard all our transports are Sent in tent for refusing to take Eun Feashers out of their habs Thay are awaiting court manial Receive your letters Feb 1,2, F, 8. Respeckull March 13 1915 SATURDAY Revell 4. 30 Rifle Range Shotting at disappearing moving talgets This early reselle is aword deternes parady Saturdays.
1915 14 March SUNDAY 4 IN LENT Church Parade. Very Dusky with Dust Storms Write homd Father & mother March 15 1915 MONDAY Hest during morning heave camp 3pm. for night march. Bivonac at night Beautiful Rains sn desirt starting about th noow. Karge heavy rain & all sand is raid. Get drenched while on march. ho overcoals are aned

24 February  1915

Trench Digging
Completion of first
days work.

1915  February 25

Rest Day, & Washing


 26 February  1915

Long Route March
about 25 miles
Bivouac at night.
About 4.am. 27 receive

Nights are very cold
but on account of the
long marches out &
home & the battle
practice one prefers
the cold to taking a
blanket with him.

1915  February 27

Skirmishing until
12.30. Drill in

Receive letters
written 1st & 21st of



28 February  1915

Church Parade
First Contingent
of Infantry leave

No letters home.

1915  1 March

Trench Digging
Getting near our time
to leave so our tent
becomes noted
as the psalm -


It is our practice We
Sing hymns for the
pleasure of the orderly
officer & adjutant &
K.S.M. (Generally priggish)
of course to stop us would
displease the parson


2 March 1915

Rest Day.

Shooting in Morning
Rifle Range.
Our Section scores
10 hits at enemy.
This is the highest
score on this range

This of course is excellent
so our officer tells us.
Ten hits out of twenty one possible.
as in the boer war it is
said that it took a
ton of lead to kill one

3 March 1915

Route March. & sham fight
Nos 1 & 2 Companies
have sham fight
with 3 & 4 Coys. 

Sham fights are all getting
rather stale now we are
all longing to get to
the dinkum thing


4 March  1915

All Aust & N. Zleand
troops defend Cairo
against an imaginary
attack by the
Turks. March over
desert for about 12
miles & then defend

Wind very bad. One
can hardly breathe.

5 March 1915

Rest until 9 a .m.
Attend morn parade
Rest again to 9. pm
whe we leave for
15 mile march (4th
tower) Entrench
sham fight & return
to camp at 9. a m
Saturday Morn


 6 March  1915

Return to Camp.

Rest for remainder
of day

Write Herb
& Family
Flo letter others of Fam

Guns commanding
city. Cannon balls
in. well used by
Napoleon when trying
to take it


7 March 1915

Church Parade
Terrible dust Storms
here which are not

Visit Museum. Chief interest
Great coffins of rocks.
Rock about 1 ft broad & shaped
inside like pres coffin.
Paintings & Inscription on
coffins. Colourings 2000
yrs old still Good.

All sorts curious Old Statues

Citadel. Commands view
of all Egypt. Mosque
beautiful 24,000 lghts
Great vaults. struct. 4 Great
pillows. Inside all Alabaster
special provision for bluish
build 18. Greek Architect
Second to none.


8 March  1915

March out at 12. a.m. to
third tower (10 miles). Bivouac
at night when guards
are posted for instruction
on protection on march.
Myself with four others
formed the advanced
guard. Everybody digs himself
Silence is mantained
& one gets a very fair
insight into the work
of a guard when in close
touch with an enemy.

Very windy & dust almost

1915  March 9

Alarm 4.30 a.m. Enemy
advancing against us.
Sham fight and leave
for home about 1 p.m.
arrive about 3.30. when
we all turn in & have
a well earned rest


10 March  1915

Sham Fight with New Zealand
Troops. Fight takes place
about five miles from
Both sides claim victory

1915 March 11

General Inspection.

Kits Inspected by Staff
Captain in morning
& the whole afternoon
taken up by Inspection
by Brigadier.


12 March  1915

On Guard guarding guard
Tent. All our transports are
in tent for refusing to
take Emu Feathers out
of their hats. They are
awaiting court martial

Receive four letters
Feb 1 ,3, 3, 8. Respectively
1915  March 13

Revelle 4.30 a.m.
Rifle Range. Shooting at
disappearing & walki
moving targets.
This early revelle is to
avoid afternoon parades on



14 March  1915

Church Parade.
Very Dusty with Dust

Write home Father & Mother

1915  March 15

Rest during morning

Leave camp 3p.m. for night
march. Bivouac at

Beautiful Rains on desert
starting about 12 noon.
Large heavy rains & all sand
is laid. Get drenched while
on march. No overcoats
are used. 

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Jacqueline KennedyJacqueline Kennedy
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