Diary of Samuel Hedley Hemming Hawkins, 1914-1916 - Part 3

First World War, 1914–18
  • Documents and letters
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A05 1915 4 February THURSDAY Put inho our ands & prepar ing to pus our new dritl inhe operations Camped an desirt which hs very sandy & dusty at first almost blinding & choking us. The beautiful own of Keliokolis included in muitary ared so that ie could go into tawon without lease. Hlipalis is hown esubmit where all the rich of Cairs llive. Meth Tenley who is campld on our grounds. 1915 Dirill hard for through February 5 FRIDAY fand is very us to march
6 February 1915 SATURDAY Take trip to firs condg camp at Merla. Tena posse ased the pramds & sphinst which are of very great inherest to soldiers at Mena. Meet George B. & mans friends February 7 1915 SEXAGESIMA SUNDAV Church Parage Again visi pyrameds which are i miles from our camp they are very great work so also is the sphense. The cost to go to pyrameds in train is 4 or 11/2 pastes. Yu clenting to bop of fir but don't sitccled. I son toenbs inside a alract the ophins.
8 February 1915 MONDAY First route march aervas desert. About 6 witles which makes us all very tired the sinks to his anc in sand ahas to keep up to the colonel on unsebact who is doing all he can to give us the 15 space per inbe ago requirea wmlitay arhance in that hie. February6 1915 TUESDAY Houle march cross desir 8 miles. Are now getting into nich again Brill in afkernoon R0 all soldeer now begining to get very sore fet +cc sened inwith is to be reuna on to the villages rather than give us a spell erealises he has lett Australia ns
10 February 1915 WEDNESDAY Rauie March round Furs bout 12 mile. Helspoti & district. Greatturnant from public who seen much impressed. Ye marches are meant to this pursose viy to keep the poperlation from starere 1915 THURSDAY Ronbe March February 11 13
AUS 1915 12 February FRIDAY Battle Practice, Artillery fires over our heads. Tohal march 16 wiles this was to get us usedt gun fire but only thill shelts were fired, one of which did a little darhary. hedlers bo say hs take the gun & evemes possler Gassull. We never lose a batte. Thanks tour gonsus leader an horseback. We one have about a mile in all to double o KEWAY13 1915 SATURDAY Brill. Extended order tore assaulhing posthes one would thans we were racing with the officer (wago rathes than playing soldieg This time we take the railway to the brickyards. (over Vichouiser
405 1915 14 February AUINRUAGESIMA SUNDAY Church Parake Write Home Faltler & mathe February 15 1915 MONDAY Treeps rest day. Everybo has fine shower batk, other no work to be done Water is supplied from Mile there is an excellent flou one of our compulion washing days
WS 16 February SHROVE TUESDAY Rouse March 1915 1915 February 17 AS4 WEONESDAY Battleractice. foronce the heis Zealard ers beal us. what is those likel, the Colonel in charge of inglander bluffed canna
15 18 February 1915 THURSDAY Rifle Range. Sisnated Abssen about five wiles from our cmp. Lucky Som yoe marking which then the eanywrit it was at Duogge 1915 FRIDAY Kouhe March February 10
20 February SATURDAY Camp Drill a 1915 February 21 1915 SUNDAY IIJN arad Church Write Stome ill
22 February 1915 MONOR Rifle Kange take good care us to go marking hoda February 23. 1915 TUESDAY French Digging Frenches 4ff long wide 476 wide Later these are all connecled lomething like hard worth

4 February
Put into our tents & preparing
to put our new
drill into operations.

Camped on desert which
was very sandy & dusty
at first almost blinding
& choking us. The beautiful
town of Heliopolis included
in military area so that
we could go into town
without leave.

Heliopolis is town & suburb
where all the rich of Cairo

Meet H Linley who is  camped
on our grounds.

1915 February 5
Drill. Sand is very
hard for us to march


6 February
Take trip to first contg
camp at Mena.  Mena possesses
the pyramids & sphinx
which are of very great
interest to soldiers at Mena.
Meet George R and many friends

February 7
Church Parage.
Again visit pyramids 
which are 13 miles from
our camp. They  are very
great work so also is the
sphinx: the cost to go
to pyramids in train is
3 3/4 d or 1 1/2 piastres.
Try climbing to top of first
but don’t succeed. I saw
tombs inside and also at
the sphinx. 


8 February
First route march across
desert. About 6 miles which
makes us all very tired.

One sinks to his ancles
in sand & has to keep
up to the colonel on horseback
who is doing all he can
to give us the 150 paces
per minute regs required
military distance in
that time.

February 9
Route march cross desert
8 miles. Are now getting
into nick again (?)
Drill in afternoon

All soldiers now beginning
to get very sore feet & so
our next march is to
be round one of the
villages rather than
give us a spell.
(One realizes he has
left Australia now) 


10 February
Route march round town
about 12 miles. Heliopolis
& district.
Great turnout from
public who seem much
impressed. The
marches are meant for 
this purpose viz to keep
the  population from

February 11
Route march 12 miles


12 February
Battle Practice. Artillery
fires over our heads.
Total march 16 miles.
This was to get us used to
gun fire but only three
shells were fired, one of
which did a little damage.
Needless to say to take
the gun & enemies positions
by assault. We never
loose a battle. Thanks
to our glorious leaders
on horseback. We only
have about a mile in all
to double over.

February 13
Drill. Extended order.
More assaulting position.
One would think we
were racing with the
officers nags rather
than playing soldier.

This time we take the
railway to the
brickyards. (Ever


14 February
Church Parade.
Write Home Father & Mother

February 15
Troops rest day. Everybody
has fine shower, bath, otherwise
no work to be done

Water is supplied from Nile.
There is an excellent flow.

One of our compulsory 
washing days 


16 February
Route March

February 17
Battle practice.
For once the New Zealanders
beat us. What is
more likely, the Colonel
in charge of NZlanders
bluffed Cannan.


18 February
Rifle Range.
Situated Abyssinia
about five miles from
our camp. Lucky Sam
goes marking which
ment the easy work
it was at Enogerra

February 19
Route March 


20 February
Drill at camp

February 21
1 in LENT
Church Parade
Write home Alice 


22 February
Rifle range.
Take good care not
to go marking today.

February 23
Trench digging
Trenches 4 ft long
2ft wide
4.6 wide
Later these are all
Something like hard

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Jacqueline KennedyJacqueline Kennedy
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