Diary of Samuel Hedley Hemming Hawkins, 1914-1916 - Part 2

First World War, 1914–18
  • Documents and letters
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1915 15 January FBIDAY Physicial sxercise. & Keictures. January 16 1915 SATURDAY Physicial Exercise & Reictures.
17 January SUNDAY 2 AFTER EPIPHANT Church Parade Heavy Rains. blara dead 5 S 1915 January 18 1915 MONDAY Fatique Works. swelping Decks. lighted land about 10a.m. which proved to be and sicitra afat flldcfan Very mountainous in places reaching the clouds. Very pretty & pleasing to all on board. hand visible till nightfall Had a very exciting chase after what proved to be a trading vessel. It at first looked suspic. lous and we put on fall speed 18 knots) until we laught her & ascertained that was well. al
1915 10 January TUESDAY hand disappearsduring night. neicture by Sarg Colguh oun on Skermishing which was suddenly interrupted by a fire alari. All troops tok their place on dects, and hoses were turned or but there was no fire When the fire alarm is sounded all troops take their place on decks at once take boots off all soldiers then put on their life belts. Anything which will floal should be cut loose from deck. Srie silence must be maintained eforced to leave at night fot auxcillary Crusing hg ib January 20 1915 WEDNESDAY Lepters t all at home posted Adew sign land at early morn wrich later disappear. Arrive Aden today Very preohy with who erregular peaks rising proch sea. The hills make a natural forti fication. There are dunner ous barricks & military bles. wid lapes can be seen leading to under ground cannoer che small township near forts looks very pretts hike a Henley hundreds of ships come alongeid selling tobacco, frult (orange appets watermellin). the are very dars race
AUs 1915 21 January THURSDAY Firse death on our boat man in Beat Aubralran die of pneumonia Military Fuineral mans company & Rlead Band Physical Dull semaphor 1916 heave Sue January 22. 1915 FRIDAY Meved from Lnner Orher harbour t Physicial Drll
January 24 1915 1915 23 January SUNDAY SATURDAN 3AFTYR EPIPHANT &c On Guard at Hospital Other 13 transparts arry erom adm Passed many steamers in Red Sea. Also many The whole 16ships leave Edin about 6. oclocks rocky groups of Islands 1M. at enblance to ked sea. second dose of 10 grain for insculation. This complete the innoculation arms rather sire Received news of naval Received first mail engagement in Worth today. Lips from Tatt sed by wireless wilthen Dec 19 & 31st 1914 Grerman Cruser Bluche cunk & too seriously damaged Physicial Dull Conart by D. Arp.
105 1915 25 January MONDAY Holiday after Cuard January 26 1915 TUESDAV. Leictures. Prepare to disembart.
40S 27 January 1915 WEDNESDAY Luctures. Enher E. of Adtes. Ceramie on account of her sex has to stay in reai. of fin troopships going through Canal much hand is seem a good number of Right houses 1915 January 28 THURSDAY Enter Suez. Natives here are much better class than mose at adiw Ships are made bullet pro because of much damage being done by suipers along me sanal. Luchures
1915 20 January FRIDAY fill suez at 10 a.m. at head of our division. harge rumbers of troaps in onc. As we mave ont the whole of town becomes exposed which together with much greeneng is very pretty. Light two or three gun boats. Dernes Enber conal. In the distance in port sids could be see and on two beautiful cases Canal is too strondy entrencted fortyi to be taken by any but ado. over desers January 30 1915 SATURDAY Rest first take about 8a.M. Past Esmall + Kanhana At Kanhana there had been skermishes with the Turks. Arrive Port said 5.P.M.Town looks very unhealthy on are of nariow sheete bu has some good buildings sucz Canae guarded for 76 miles from bucy after which there is no use for guard as troop could not mor over boggy ground Thousands of Turkhas, Shicks, New Zealard ersare all in Fine trenches along the banks. Sahique Work
1915 31 January SEPTUAGESIMA SUNDAY Hove out of Port said 8a m & anchor out of fort an account I several members trying to seem ashore. One man was brough awoard senselees on account of being drugged Church Barade. heave Port said about 5n and February 1 1915 MONDAY Arrive Alexandria 714 Towm very pretty ffrom hea Things here are very brisk & nunerous boat are in the harbour. Running oud from either side of harb ere hwo great break waters leaving only a narrow entrance. There are mn any artificial docks Very cold at night Wribe Hom lethts All
1915 2 February TUESDAY alexcanae kay in us for day on acc of hew trains leaving for Calro. Nggers do very Good trade with soldiers. Natives here are of a very low I dirty typeg veing a bashard tyke of Egyphran but the real cgplion whom very feld are to be seen do geverally clea + very inherlectnal. February 3 1915 WEDNESDAY heave boat about 1ocles pm for train. We travel in third class carriage, Country will errigaked & all along railway are beautiful farms. This is why the farming class are so grakelut to Britain ocloe S.P.M. Arrive Dair & march to camp. We slept anywhere a nigh & t our great surprisde the night was colder than Aueensland Winder might All very glad to see morning Mothers Birthday A90 4IV.

15 January 1915
Physicial Exercise.
& Lectures.

1915 January 16
Physicial Exercise &


17 January 1915
Church Parade.
Heavy Rains.
Clara dead 5 years

1915 January 18 
Fatigue Work.
Sweeping Decks.

Sighted land about
10a.m. which proved
to be mainland Socotra
Guardafui Cape.
Very mountainous
in places reaching the
clouds. Very pretty &
pleasing to all on

Land visible till

Had a very exciting
chase after what proved
to be a trading vessel.
It at first looked suspicious 
and we put on full
speed (18 knots) until we
caught her & ascertained that
all was well.


19 January 1915
Land disappears during

Lecture by Sarg. Colquhoun 
on Skermishing.
which was suddenly
interrupted by a fire
alarm.  All troops took
their place on deck, but
and hoses were turned on
but there was no fire.

When the fire alarm is sounded
all troops take their place on
deck & at once take boots
off.  All soldiers then put on their
life belts.  Anything which will
float should be cut loose
from deck.  Strict silence
must must be maintained

Are forced to leave at night.
Three auxiliary Cruisers in G.
Three [[?]] are in Gulf.
Other [[?]] arrive at night 

1915 January 20
Letters to all at home posted
Sight land at early morn
which later disappears.
Arrive Aden today.
Very pretty with its
irregular peaks rising
from sea:  The hills
make a natural fortification. 
There are numerous 
barricks & military
blgs. Wind pipes can be
seen leading to underground 
cannon etc
Small township near forts
looks very pretty
Like at Henley hundreds of
ships come alongside.
selling tobacco, fruit (oranges
appels watermellons).
They are very dark race.


21 January 1915
First death on our boat.
Man in West Australian
dies of pneumonia.
Military Funeral
Man's Company & Q’land
Physical Drill &
Leave Suez

1915 January 22
Moved from Inner
harbour to Outer.
Physicial Drill.


23 January 1915 
Other 13 transports arrive
from Aden.
The whole 16 ships leave
Aden about 6-oclock
Second dose of 10 grams
for Inoculation. This
completes the Innoculation.
Arms rather sore

Received first mail
today.  Lets from Father
written Dec 19 & 21st 1914

Physicial Drill

Concert by D.a.p. 

1915 January 24
On Guard at Hospital
Passed many steamers
in Red Sea.  Also many
rocky groups of Islands
at entrance to Red Sea. 

Received news of naval
engagement in North
Sea by wireless.
German Cruiser Bluche
sunk & two seriously


25 January 1915
Holiday after Guard 

1915 January 26
Lectures. Prepare to


27 January 1915
Lectures. Enter P. of
Aden Suez. Ceramic on
account of her size
has to stay in rear of
troopships to prepare for going through
Much Land is seen & -
a good number of Light

1915 January 28 
Enter Suez. Natives here
are much better class
than those at Aden.
Ships are made bullet proof
because of much damage
being done by snipers
along Suez Canal.


29 January 1915
Left Suez at 10 a.m. at
head of our division.
Large numbers of troops
in Suez.  As we move
out the whole of town
becomes exposed which
together with much greenery
is very pretty.

Sight two or three gun boats.
& cruisers

Enter canal.  In the
distance on port side
could be seen one or
two beautiful oases

Canal is too strongly
entrenched & fortified
to be taken by any
body adv. over desert

1915 January 30
Left first lake about
8 a.m. Pass Ismalia
& Kanhara. At Kanhara
there had been skirmishes
with the Turks.  Arrive
Port Said 5.P.M.  Town
looks very unhealthy on
acc of narrow streets but
has some good buildings.
Suez Canal guarded
for 76 miles from Suez
after which there is
no use for guard as
troops could not move
over boggy ground
Thousands of Gurkhas, Shieks, New 
Zealanders are all in Fine trenches
along the banks.

Fatigue Work


31 January 1915
Move out of Port Said 8 a.m.
& Anchor out of Port on account
of several members trying
to swim ashore.  One man
was brought aboard
senseless on account of
being drugged.

Church Parade.

Leave Port Said about 5 P.M.
and arrive a

1915 February 1 
Arrive Alexandria 7 A.M.
Town very pretty from Sea
Things here are very brisk &
numerous boats are in the
Running out from either side
of harb are two great breakwa
waters leaving only a
narrow entrance. There
are many artificial docks.

Very cold at night

Write Home letts to All


2 February 1915
Lay in Aden Alexandria for day on acc
of few trains leaving for
Cairo. Niggers do very good
trade with soldiers.
Natives here are of a very low
& dirty type -, being a
bastard type of Egyptian
but the real Egyptian
of whom very few are to
be seen is generally clean
& very intellectual.

1915 February 3
Leave boat about 1 oclock
p.m for train. We travel
in third class carriages,
Country well irrigated
& all along railway are
beautiful farms. This
is why the farming class
are so grateful to Britain
Arrive Cairo (Heliopolis) 10 o'clock P.M.
& march to camp. We
slept anywhere at night
& to our great surprise the
night was colder than
Queensland winter night.
All very glad to see morning.

Mothers Birthday
Age:- LIV. 

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Jacqueline KennedyJacqueline Kennedy
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