Diary for George Lush Finlay, 1915-1918 - Part 7

First World War, 1914–18
  • Documents and letters
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105 moniin t as mor N St y 412 y mony 276 4 nt your trs mnd yoror M or on un mone 5 M 7 amy & orn yo My moss mos Sm Ser cnrey t S o romn Yy t t t Mar 12t Packing Disembark Lommron 2 Apr had her weiks leave two, of which have been spent at S. Fillan with trie & Muriel. Riperlte morrow or duty & hope to get into the Dr. Ble now forming wrote to hen I& hen last week thits aust advy D. Arnann boom andeoh aditatal Sl
mine any 2tr M ti wyning mushn mon manyi Dmvr morin mm ciom ns yyun M amon minstusg y min y Mr u & t t Apr 1 Wrote to thit L Wh. in Thompson Ired Crepipe) arather am spending umhterissing hime as keymour, temporaritly attached to the 37th Bn. 60. Hbet & G Woods In Aboy under a certain leapt Chapman who reminer me very much of L. Ross alshough he is bnot nearly as nervous as that gentlemen Personally he is very nict but as an officer is a little but wrak rilying very strongey upon his act sec in com- axthen an ex satmp I am a doy without a home- having apparent no semority of rather my seority is disiegat
4057 Mo orlry mannp hnor tuknr nr yours 45 nd t 13 Gory omng B. 0 w in young or n 2 noS on 16 Mr 55 oomur Moyng ans 7 r 7 many m Have heard nothing further regarding allosment to the 18 12d I am not extremely keem on the syt Bn bus it would be better than taking more reents toway to you up with a new B Apr 16 Wrote t I Read acknowledging pipe. wrote to tuch tak hen.
105 ponns M n or &m m wror Jory r ct ugor 112 Dur n 0 Ne dy of m e on Mo as on to ming no nor no 7 Knn t t t Lusgler ms n g oe Apr H. Shill at seymon I am not attached By permanudly to the - Saw Col. Courtney on Thursday last he promotion & he told me to apply for it. I have done so but 37 course- have not yet heard the result, He also told me that I was alloted to time reinforcuments I wish they would get a more on in giving one my meg wrote to hents L symons Vt is at present my tb sums a decent chap. He is taking over Dbay from Capt. Chapan Write to L Small heptan
AU5 o £ Ar trs Lunoy a or yous Son h on n min 5 to N wenor mesnt andi or young 1 infor 8 gop norge smny poo Mayit am at Castlemain having been transferred from Kymour to take charge of the 19t Rp 5 Bn My muitioe is Mackenzi a law Indent & having no hb.Os it looks as though things are going to be in a bit of a mess espicially as they seem to be going to fust in pun. us of may f. Wrote ro Murriet M Mrs. Brac unid May 30 have recd orders to hack up & go with mywnt to Buradows I am very sorry as is a house Cstlimain a geat I have had
1057 D M my comer my o 2 2 on in 4 sim Sumenton tr w M m m hoogm M ory mr isonm r syin i o lunpher me Thos a may me o mrs noy smintng ORI time having me several exhreniity nice girls and is comn on nicely Newe ao time to do anything ncowadays so inct to do born at migh by day. Going to a dance given by the officers tomorrow suppose I it will be the last time I'll see the good friends I have mad while in leastlimtim a must say thet very corry to have wrote to L Brewer Mrs Depletor
nooos 6 nt 223 422 Lirn y y ingues paonnir snge min porining Subr < o orny na cr o tar hnnseu yours ownt n ere Junet tere I am in get another camp. Back to the vey winds, the fitthy dist & the tinacious mid of Broadimadows, having moved out of Castlemann on Widnesday last. Telt very sorry to have there for I have not been in a wich place for hey two years. Two years seems a hell of a long sime apt im & in fact, if sems as though I had never been anythings else in my life but a nor subaltern who is continually bensubette to the perpricks, willitary disciptine which, although necessary, are at times rather galling. In that two years I wths I should sai
105 mos s your obbn wt M o an io wit yr an tmmirin o ong n hi y m 27 Dag v m ns agh Durgeo 2 2 tmint g mn to w t9 miny on Inbm 1 ort of I have certainly been a aird passag First Broadmeddors as a private sergeant & aubattern, then seyon Indian occan suis teavrs alixanuria, Rinmos Arzae Alianaria Kehpon Caro, suis Indian ocie Colomibo. Iremanble seymour, tnstlyngini Broadmadows. I have artainly been working in a circli + Iwordy whether my next but will be a curcl or a straight line I have somitences thought that I would tike to havel bt sice him a soldin a hewving travellen I have come to the conclisin that to be abite to cal a place home is to
t My ey hr in nowe t Sa r M Srthig podimng 0 of ming mm mo oeay i 2 2 M nmo 2 X s Gory g M t 2 Yur M na ond is to be well on the road of happiness It cirtainly gets one down to be shipted around frontpillar bo lost as though one were a piece of unisaliabl machinery. It is not their the shiting hurts so much but the fact that om makes good friengs athen has to leave them prhaps for good & all that is trying notwithstanding the fact that by now, &newe becou accustomed to make friends & then drop then I have shill sufficien fllling in me to get a fit of the bluis when I have to stard all over again I suppose it is all
14 Mp H Fray my nree yr n i tt Sa Nr N gury in onex Mg r cut wnny s ogmo 2 Ja on 22 N t 0 n MYK or Si 966 37W 001 NoHoW a 2139 8JCS37t VIL 98: mortin 2000 y in a life hm however so I had bitter not griuuble powhire him I felt any that I was liked, as at Castlemaine whether it was the glamou the baaks timie witl the clours on the sleave or whether I was my prisonality, I dont know like to wuk that it was the lether now that I have got into a camp which is very regimental a which is situater in such a dull uninteresting spot ful that the soone I embark he better I am afraid that it want be for about six weeks yet

April 3rd went for a long
motor drive yesterday.
About 100 miles in all
Went to Amiens and
found the place almost
deserted all the shops
being shut. The bombs
have done some damage
but not so much as
one would have been
led to believe. From
Amiens we went to
Quevauvillers and
then over all the
ground which we
had covered on the
march. It was a
glorious day and the
country looked great.
Rumour has it that
both Gough & Byng have
been sent home in
xxxxxxxx but there is
no verification of the
rumour yet.

Mar 12th  Packing
Disembark tomorrow.

Apr 3rd 
Had three weeks
leave two of which have
been spent at St Fillan 
with Eric & Muriel.
Report tomorrow for
duty & hope to get into
the 10th Bde now forming.
Wrote to Len J & Len R
last week.
Phil's Aust. address
St Arnaud


Villers aux Erables,
Moreuil, Morisel, mon
Laci, Ailly sur Noye
Jumel, Oresmaux,
St Sauflieu, Nampty,
Neuville, Taisnil, Quevauvillers,
Molliens Vidame.
Camps in Amiens,
Araines Wanel.
Hallencourt, X
Limeux, Gaumont X
Limercourt Les Croisettes
Moyinneville, Cambron
Guuy & Calon.
The total distance
must be about 100 kilos

Apr 12th

Wrote to Phil
       "      "  Lt. W. E. M. Thompson
       "      " Fred (re pipe)
Am spending a rather
uninteresting time at
Seymour, temporarily
attached to the 37th Bn
C.O. Lt Col F.G. Woods.
In D Coy under a certain
Capt Chapman who reminds
me very much of Lt Ross
although he is not nearly
as nervous as that gentleman
Personally he is xxxx very
nice but as an officer
is a little bit weak
relying very strongly
upon his actg. sec. in com.
Arthur an ex sgt. mjr.
I am a dog without
a home having apparently
no seniority or rather
my seniority is disregarded


I am naturally
very pleased about
the news re Albert
The Australians
seem to be quite
better than the
Germans for so far
they have never
thrashed us.
"Its soul des brave
guns" as a Frenchman
once said to me
even though at times
they may be a
bit rough
Since the 22nd Mar
I have passed through
a terrible lot of
villages xxxx As far
as I remember they
Beaileu, Roye, Grugney,
Fresnoy, Goyincourt
Le Quesnell, Mezieres

Have heard nothing
further regarding
allotment to the 10th
Bde. I am not extremely
keen on the 37th Bn but
it would be better
than taking more
reinfs away to join
up with a new Bn

Apr 16th Wrote to F Read
pipe. wrote to Mick
               "       "  Mab
               "       "  Len R. 


be once more called
upon to show their
fighting qualities

Mar 30th Marched from
Limercourt to Guuy
this afternoon and
are now on the
Somme 7 miles in
rear of Abbeville
Just before leaving
Limercourt we were
told by the C.O. XVIII
Corps schools that
the Australians had
retaken Albert and
that the French had
retaken Montdidier
Also that the
French were attacking
in Noyon.
The first two bits
of news are official
but the last is not

Apr 26th Still at Seymour
& am not attached
to the 37th Bn permanently.
Saw Col. Courtney on
Thursday last re
promotion & he told me
to apply for it. I have
done so, but, of course
have not yet heard the
result. He also told
me that I was alloted
to June reinforcements
I wish they would get
a move on in giving
me my men.
Wrote to Len S.
Lt Symons V.C. is at present
my O.C. seems a decent
chap. He is taking over
D Coy from Capt. Chapman
Wrote to Lt Small re plan


prevented the Bosche
breaking through.
According to extracts
from the German papers
which are published
in the French papers
there is a certain
amount of anxiety
in Germany as to
what will be the
result when we
bring our reserve
army into play
Let us hope that
we have a decent
sized reserve army.
I hear that
Australians & Canadians
and many others
have been passing
through Amiens
in the last four
days so perhaps
the Australians will

May 4th Am at Castlemaine
having been transferred
from Seymour to take
charge of the 19th Rp 5th Bn
My junior is Mackenzie
a law student & having
no N.C.O's it looks as
though things are going
to be in a bit of a mess
especially as they seem
to be going to push
us off in June.
May 8th Wrote to Muriel M
                       "      "  Mrs. Bracey
                        "     "  Enid.

May 30.
Have recd orders
to pack up & go with
my unit to B'meadows. 
I am very sorry as
Castlemaine is a home
I have had a great


beginning to show
I am told that
both army and
XVIII corps are clapping
their hands and
chuckling with glee
and anticipation over
this business. They
tell everybody to
wait for a little and
see. Therefore we
all hope that they
have something up
their sleeve
It is quite certain
that up to the present
we have used no deep
reserves so hold
the Bosche but
the troops holding
the Battle zones
when the attack took
place have done
all the fighting and

time having met
several extremely
nice girls. Unit is coming
on nicely. Have no
time to do anything
nowadays so much
to do both at night
& by day. Going
to a dance given
by the officers tomorrow
& I suppose I it will
be the last time
I'll see the new good
friends I have made
while in Castlemaine
I must say I feel
very sorry to leave

Wrote to L Brewer
      "       " Mrs Daupleton


move later to the
Abbeville area and
rejoin the Division.
No papers came in
yesterday - Good
Friday - and I am
anxiously waiting to
see the news.
Certain it is that
Amiens has not be
taken up to 4 o'clock
yesterday afternoon
for a train bringing
a Corps school to
Limercourt came through
Amiens yesterday.
The country through
which we have been
passing lately is
delightfully pretty
portion of it has just
been ploughed and
on the remainder
the crops are just

June 2nd Here I am in yet
another camp. Back to
the icy winds, the filthy
dust & the tenacious mud
of Broadmeadows, having
moved out of Castlemaine
on Wednesday last.
Felt very sorry to leave
there for I have not been
in a nicer place for
nearly two years. Two years
seems a hell of a long time
in fact when & in fact it
seems as though I had
never been anythings else
in my life but a
junior subaltern who
is continually being subjected
to the pinpricks of military
discipline which, although
necessary, are at times
rather galling.
In that two years or
18 months I should say


to us. In fact judging
by their names some
of them seem to be
of German descent.
I have the greatest
difficulty in getting
billets for everybody
and had to argue
for quite a long
time with them.
My French has improved
immensely as a
result of this three
days billeting trip.
I can give take part in
quite lengthy conversation now.
The surplus transport
moved on to Abbeville
this morning. I have
stopped with the
Bn baggage which
is remaining with
the train
I expect we will

I have certainly been
a bird of passage :-
First Broadmeadows as
a private, sergeant &
subaltern, then Seymour
Indian ocean, Suez
Cairo, Alexandria, Lemnos
Anzac Alexandria Heliopolis
Cairo, Suez Indian Ocean
Colombo. Fremantle
Seymour, Castlemaine
Broadmeadows. I have
certainly been working
in a circle & I wonder
whether my next trip
will be a circle or a
straight line
I have sometimes thought
that I would like to
travel but since being
a soldier & having travelled
I have come to the conclusion
that to be able to call
a place "home" is to


long before he is
stopped French
papers are wonderfully
optimistic and
all praise the resistance
offered by the British
They publish extracts
from German papers
which tell the Germans
to be prepared for
a long and hard
battle and promises
that when this battle
is over the war
will be finished.

Mar 30th Marched from
Molliens Vidame to
Limercourt, a straggling
little village sitting
right down in a
valley. The people in
it are very poor
and rather antagonistic

is to be well on the
road of happiness.
It certainly gets one
down to be shifted
around from pillar to
post as though one were
a piece of unsaleable
machinery. It is not that
the shifting hurts so
much but the fact that
one makes good friends
& then has to leave them
- perhaps for good & all
that is trying.
notwithstanding the fact
that, by now, I have become
accustomed to make
friends & then drop them
I have still sufficient
feeling in me to
get a fit of the blues
when I have to start
all over again
I suppose it is all


POROt Dupetit 1.25 25 min
VILAIN 2.50 50 min
PETIT ALCEDE .75 15 min
MATHON 1.00 20
M. DEPREZ 2.50
Amiens. According
to their tales Amiens
is absolutely cleared
of all civilians owing
to bombs and
long range guns
I heard the bombs
when we at Mezitres
but I dont think
that the "gun" is
there. They have all
got the wind up
about the Bosche
advance and think
he's going to overrun
every thing but he's
not. It won't be

in a life time however
so I had better not
nowhere have I felt as sure
that I was liked, as
at Castlemaine. Whether
it was the glamour of
the khaki tunic with
the colours on the sleeve
or whether it was my
personality, I don't know
I like to think that
it was the latter.
now that I have got
into a camp which
is very regimental
& which is a du situated
in such a dull
uninteresting spot, I
feel that the sooner
I embark, the better
I am afraid that
it won't be for about
six weeks now yet

Last edited by:
Jacqueline KennedyJacqueline Kennedy
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