Diary for George Lush Finlay, 1915-1918 - Part 5

First World War, 1914–18
  • Documents and letters
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mym t aroningto 8 41 8 7 o Bernnat 96 m o F Grr ae eymnow t t m r te 1552 socks from Mrs Braciy. wrote to her today. Wrote to Mrs Stillman Dec 27 still on the improve Doctor won't increase wst yet owever Wrote amote to thil Whote to Gordon + a 28 note to Sirn. Recd two parcets from 29 diitie one containing tin 1 of dates & hundreed & the other a towel bandkerchut + sundris save most of the things. away to min on the wards as they could be of no use to me as I will not be in the trinches for some time to comet yet.
405 w ins we mi amoing wne tng ins i wtose M p Mg m s purte n n y M 2 Moo t Mr. S Lumor Du yo w n 7 neny mo tay By hr r 71 nerr NS 1 11 87 Dec 30 Rec a note pone hin S. Entranely pleased toget it. He is a Glepe & it suems rather finny to see 46 ho vs after his name. Had a nobe from Phitday. before yesterday which must have crossed piine. ten S. andress is in ease Sforget. 00 Eplepe #1043 Dboy 32s Br 8Bre Replied to henrs note anraigth. One has nothing much else to do. but to write. The only prible is one gebs unribly sick of writing the same shrff over noon again. Heving nothing to do is the renson
AUS S y 6 is M 23 M 8 1866 Tmoon o a a 15 p te 4 me bm 48 m M n 7 cntn rir t in rmo D Kin for my writing things of no consequence in my Mary Bend put on fish again I hope & behave better thrs Hime. Dicss hothing doing. Iish ditt. Tumperature 99 about not shoot. Boarded today Expect to be sent to wairs very shortly new vay to kind new years day in bed Jan 12 allright. no news from her get the blighter Jan 2nd in atteration. Exxpect to he sent to reares shortly Jurt read OrDonevan diary. Tenteresting rats
AUS) 25 ny nory anyed mng 2ry My time i SM 3 ins m t ry ombn Mr y f suay SANA n t 271 43 t w t t t yet 22 of 6 G about his artilury work in France not a had chap An Irishman, only 19. Thompson Blayney other patients in ward. Thompson an Englishman Blayney an Austration Waiting anxiousty for some mail. Althorg I have received three parcils nn littershave come to land from Anstrat y nost a lot of ylish higs are tiket chicken nightful condition ever I wear shorts in public again. Ill have to wear, a placurd I have had entirie suppose theyll get alright again.
105 or ttor snyf aro l purporor no siners sary bry as imy w m h 710 h aby o ma 9 o y ws o e 21 4 t t ye twomert he n in tny og oas wymne er pou up for the first Jan time Hoday. Wailked about 3 yards with the and of an orderly. marely fellower then times with on the return journin. Horribey weak sat up prt 2hoursin room. Beastly witday. hope to get vart on the talcony homorrow if sunn Had anurgument about diet to night with thi sag. According to her none of us to have both fish & chicken Doctor cornes she appeals to him Decision on our favory mugh delight in ward at the defiat of th The Hag. Th blighter
mor mort 53 15 rwith Dansay y sory mins i mutdemumr S posto t angoury o Lmin m M o rr yur f n n mo it 5 m Eo 8 md yur wy y mew N by my an romin 254 winmntislate Sequil to the privious. May comes in anit annountes with a leet or her face, that only on course to be given. The blighty! Homebsdy ought to stit her widzand Imiunter late orderly comes in and asks us which we will ham fish or chicken querus fior Everybody Doctors orders he says hearn later. That the Ang asks the semior Tister if we are to have two solid. Dener sister not seem the dogboe says She doesn thinkso. A dirty brick
all this regarding the wacnation was fold to us by a Red broso Luay who may not have gk hold The correct particulars but what I have written sums to be guite reasonable the garn about The bombardment may be araggerated although we know that yhmy tars were afraid of the admirt of heavy wns Jan y heard to day a few detents of of the evacuation. of Anzac Tudla Sast. every sick man on the Bninsula was shipped. to he hospital ships Then men were gradually withdrawn from each brigade heaving about 300 Nsr mean to each, then were then withdrawn undil only 130 werereft holding eight uts of truches These were finally wiodrawn at about 3. a.m. apher moving up adown firing from different Fomb take as anongis I should one
ong your is m 27n 76 & M M in m himt pr hwn my ps ct vy t nn ca mo m Dun no 53/11 t y ty hmy the most terrific Combardments wit experienced. The Turks had brought up a tot T very heavig guns thought theyd strape us particularly heavily apparently it took about three days to do it All stores were taken & anything lift behind was canfulle mined Casnaltus will pachen nit. The beach the following morrning was adsolutely smashed uf. Ther must have fut senceal anns to arsist Blather the whole thing keims to have been particularly will managed
Mus. Phonoran's address for the photo BODonevan Sr RA hiss and Stibberan County bork Ireland t litter from misk enclosing hems address. it hug Kunner Kind Bath 11 i J.U.BM X12 Gnterm B.D. liat wte from Rut Alexanaria sums to be having ihannual rain all at once. It has beenraining hard for the past two weeks. pritty well& at prisent haitstones are rathling on the windows thank Heaven S am not in kattipoti Eexpect to he sent. to leavrs any day now The doctor thought Mis I might get out today Limparativyis shell Day jumpy going from mornal or below in the mornion to go occasionally at night never. nguer fortiatity must not get too uppist according
Blo no Sinyoun org moy po Mo VY N o N Lissi on iern o mns ant fan the doctor Wrote so tin Read 43rd day o Miiss Bistin Hedgey inform me today that it. Blayney & Lausself will be send to Port fSain on monday next official cable not o Iwish I rumour& could have a libtly longer in order to some money ge 500 on go reti 17 for

July 29th Push off tomorrow
to the Australians. Am
very pleased about it.
My report has gone in
and is very satisfactory.
I have been recommended for
appointment. I dont suppose
I'll get one for about six
The Hun seems to be
withdrawing from this area
down south to behind the
Vesle at least - perhaps
to the Aisne.

Aug 1 July 31. Rejoined 1st Div. and
was attached temporarily
to Q office pending move
of the Division to the Somme
area. We entrain of
the 5th 6th & 7th. Saw the Bn.
All very fit and full
of themselves. The Div.
has done extremely
well here.

socks from Mrs Bracey.
Wrote to her today.

Dec 27th Wrote to Mrs Stillman

Still on the improve
Doctor won't increase
diet yet however
Wrote a note to Phil

28 Wrote to Gordon & a
note to Jim.

29th  Recd two parcels from
Auntie one containing
tin of dates & sundries
& the other a towel
handkerchief & sundries
Gave most of the things
away to men in the
wards as they could be
of no use to me as
I will not be in the
trenches for some time
to come yet.


8 I push off to Corps
this afternoon
for two weeks.

12 Returned from Corps today
They dont seem to know
their own mind. Talk
about waste of man

15 Hun attacked this morning
on a 50 mile front E & W of
Reims. Hun received a
bad knock so far

18 French attacked on a 40 Km
between Soissons & Chateau
Thurry. First days advance
about 14 Km

23 French attack has forced
the Germans to withdraw
to the N of the Marne
Captures to date 20,000
prisoners and over 400 guns

Dec 30 Recd a note from
Len S. Extremely pleased
to get it. He is a L/Cpl
& it seems rather funny
to see L/C no 1043 after
his name. Had a
note from Phil day
before yesterday which
must have crossed
Len S. address is in
case I forget.

L/Cpl #1043
D Coy 31st Bn 8th Bde
Replied to Len's note
at length. One has nothing
much else to do but
to write. The only
trouble is one gets
horribly sick of
writing the same
stuff over & over
again. Having nothing
to do is the reason


reputation of being a bit of a 
Austrians attacked the
day before yesterday but
have not made much
Things quiet up here. The
Som L1 do a raid tonight

July 1.  1500 Gas Shell around
HQrs last night. Bit of
a stink this morning

32 Another 2000 last night

6 Relieved by relief and
returned to Div. when
I was told I had to go
on to Corps to assist
the DAAG. This has
now been cancelled and
I carry on with my
Cs work.

for my writing things
of no consequence in my
Been put on fish again
I hope I behave better
this time.

Dec 31st Nothing doing. Fish
diet. Temperature 99
about. not above.
Boarded today. Expect
to be sent to Cairo
very shortly. New way
to spend New Years day
- in bed.

Jan 1st Allright. no news
from Len yet
the blighter.

Jan 2nd no alteration. Expect to
be sent to Cairo shortly
Just read O'Donovan's
diary. Interesting rather


cold as icebergs. Hunt
is here fortunately and
is also in "Cs" which
is a help. Am a bit
"fed" with this barriers

May June 3rd Still at Div
even though an order
for my return did come
through. I have been
working with the D.A.A.G.
for the past 12 days.
Attack between Soissons
Reims still in progress.
The Marne has been reached
by the Huns but not

June 10" With 61st Bde.
doing duty as S.C. in the
absence of C.Welsh]. Will
be here for 14 days more
under a Brig who has the

about his artillery work in
France. not a bad chap
An Irishman, only 19.
Thompson & Blayney other
patients in ward.
Thompson an Englishman
Blayney an Australian
Waiting anxiously
for some mail. Although
I have received three
parcels no letters have
come to hand from Australia
Ive Lost a lot of flesh.
Legs are like chicken.
Frightful condition
If ever I wear shorts in
public again I'll have
to wear a placard
"I have had enteric"
I suppose they'll get
alright again.


again distinguished
themselves on an local attack
down south near Albert.

10th With 84th F. Coy. Moved
this morning. Billeted
in Ablain St Nazaire

13. With 96th F. Coy moved from
84th F. Coy yesterday.
Rumours of an attack
by Fritz on the flank
of this Division as soon
as wind is favorable.

16th Reported to Div Hqrs today
Am attached to G.S.O. III
for a start. Hqrs very
pleasantly situated in
Chateau de la Shau. which
has a big wood around
it. Englishmen are
devilishe hard to get
to know. They re as

Jan 3rd Up for the first
time today. Walked
about 3 yards with the
aid of an orderly.
Nearly fell over three
times with on the
return journey.
Horribly weak I sat
up for 2 hours in the
room. Beastly wet day.
Hope to get out on the
balcony tomorrow if
Had an argument
about diet to night with
the Hag. According to
her none of us to have
both fish & chicken
Doctor comes in &
she appeals to him
Decision in our favour
much delight in ward
at the defeat of the
"The Hag". The blighter!


May 6th
Moved from Team Hqrs
to 83rd Field Coy. Will
be attached to them until
16-5-18. Am billeted
with them near Souchez
at the foot of the
Vimy Ridge. Weather
is starting to buck
up at last

8th went over the front
system with Major Masser
Walked many miles.
Defences good in this
sector. C.Ts extremely
long & trenches system
strong & good. Shelling
extremely quiet.
Lens & Avion are
much knocked about
but nothing in comparison
with Ypres etc
Things quiet on East
of front. Australians

10 minutes later
Sequel to the previous.
Hag comes in and
announces with a leer on
her face, that only one
course to be given.
The blighter! Somebody
ought to slit her "iriazand"
5 minutes later
orderly comes in and
asks us which we will
have - fish or chicken.
Queries from everybody
"Doctors orders" he says
Learn later that the
Hag asks the senior
Sister if we are to have
two solid. Senior
sister not ^even seen the
doctor says She doesn't
think so. A dirty


All this regarding
the evacuation
was told to us
by a Red Cross Lady
who may not have
got hold of the
correct particulars
but what I have
written seems to
be quite reasonable.
The yarn about
the bombardment
may be exaggerated
although we know
that Army HQrs were
afraid of the advent of
heavy guns

Jan 4th Heard to day a
few details of of the
evacuation of Anzac
& Suvla.  First
every sick man on
the Peninsula
was shipped off
to the hospital ships
Then men were
gradually withdrawn
from each brigade
leaving about 500
men to each, more Then
were then withdrawn
until only 150
were left holding
eight miles of trenches
These were finally
withdrawn at about
3. a.m. after moving
up & down firing
from different points
At dawn or later
I should think one of


May 3rd With the Train at
Villers Au Bois having
moved from Mingoval
yesterday. Have been
round dumps etc
with Marchmeyer
and have seen
Vimy Ridge, Notre dame
Au Lorette & Souchez
where the French
had a stiff fight.

Germans attacked
a couple of days
ago but were severely
whacked, gaining no
ground at all at
the price of heavy
Wonderful tribute
to the Australians
by the Times corresp.

appeared day before

the most terrific
bombardments ever
experienced. The Turks
had brought up a lot
of very heavy guns. &
thought they'd strafe
us particularly heavily
Apparently it took
about three days
to do it. All stores
were taken & any thing
left behind was
carefully mined
Casualties were practically
nil. The beach the
following morning
was absolutely
smashed up. They
must have put
several guns to
assist Blackey
The whole thing seems
to have been particularly
well managed.


O'Donovan's address
for the photo: -
V.J. O'Donovan Lt RFA
Liss Ard
County Cork

Jan 5th Recd letter from Mick
enclosing Len's address.
it being: -
Gunner Read
11th Batt.
4th F.A. Bde
Interin, B.D.
Recd note from Phil.

Alexandria seems to be
having its annual rain
all at once. It has
been raining hard for
the past two weeks.
pretty well & at present
hailstones are rattling
over on the windows
Thank Heavens I am
not in Gallipoli.
Expect to be sent to
Cairo any day now
The doctor thought that
I might get out
Temperature is still
a bit jumpy going
from normal or
below in the morning
to 99 occasionally
at night. never
higher fortunately.
must not get too
uppish according


R.G. Blayney

Scharphenberg near
Locre & La Clytte
not serious of course
but makes the situation
a little anxious.
I expect this Division
will be into it shortly.
I will be out of the
war for another two
months as I go to
Division after finishing
with the C.R.E. 

to the doctor.

Jan 6:
Wrote to Gunner
Read "43rd day
of illness."

Jan 7: Sister Hedges informs
me today that it
Blayney & myself will
be sent to Port Said
on Monday next.
Official cable not a
rumour. I wish I
could have a little
longer in order to
get some money
P.T. 50 won't go very

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Jacqueline KennedyJacqueline Kennedy
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