Diary for George Lush Finlay, 1915-1918 - Part 19

First World War, 1914–18
  • Documents and letters
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6 t 4 1 mir 2 yr wint an Jun l g ent your no mr Fhom i 1 2 P M. s 8 y o oy W mnm 22 Msig Excat for the jact that of her a wo which wis not fald on it is very ciill bether them the one Samson & engist I occupied in Pioner brunch Although this positio (generally) is not a good one it as miles better thar breare French infortunation it is begarning wtdn so sexpecs that the hesed him we came in hirwe will up to our sye again in aie our said of theee night ago was a foture as Hell row of darbed oi hild us up whing was sucion of this whe the men were sent out so if looks as though the Lasrdls man o they of two of the new men
busny in oauo him s nss gte p nr ho pminyn renn t t no tf <g on y yon y Jhnstn - Boldin were kili bith were very fine fellows Boldon another 17 my ner did very good with am going up again to night to relieve andy who will retieve one agai tomorrow night Anrothhr cold night so be followed day by a cramdt However it will be the last had oe for some sim Nb16 2am Advance company toa oppsite Bayonit Trinct although we should hve been recieved tat ingo we had to carrry or me her day to company ws very away tweks ago 23d
Gess ro hrs y N0 4 t yrow yggnyin ty anyd M Yonar u o t w w t Mry nys ray now t t yhu noron mw 25 M Wm Army Jaligues at mean have not yet hes retived diing to some misake consequencly th other the companyes have come a gritsen Its a casy position here however as tha ground is shill frown hard. This makes us to walk pomt post to post along lin and statton kund adout aming in covered in mid. Fle tcone if with chappes and a few Jands drinses through supp sading yr the 22 eand suchiodd andy was asked last right whithen 4 would tike togot to
w t hm on rymy y gmnion by distrent mirs n aay p t M p quie moryy o ute M t t t M X654 and I think he will 40 It he does it will leave me his second in command of a company which I would be very gied as a pr commander wisnt heme is much trudom as a sd i com It would only be sill matthy eghes back of course and I dont think he will leave the school until it finshs altogety I am very tires wsh I could b for a staep t this imisstrible as I am on dutys all night sating in Lilipkwow connistng to boy Mlr when evisy tthe ops I am away
my ner ta hynyinor ayo moy sanned a m in Man $2 yo no anrM Mm W t wo npt oy El yro runge o s o t mintin in by omin i or it o ipry winl for about an hour owing so the distance uteten ken the difficult ground over which Ihave 10 walk & the ntttude of tan with which Tritt Sharate illimincites homans land. then one goes up it is necessary yand shall in order that any sup. or pasrot outsid our wire will think you a lump of eorl we a tree stilmf They are brantiful thing and it one were to fire tem accasionate home the lighton he met with How pretty but her ten hee not surkes but are inturisty presh
Su 2 or o out myony 7 77 em ae O my o you mony n t yt man mon y tror o by consser mryo g Sum po my m govn ot n w Kenmn Mr Concmunno man ay mn maran W N3 o sot my with the result tat a plare is greeted wit B- Hor 6 - faris which as well as the language of our men he sodmhes drings to kind a phease in the win age wll strange oaths ite this langnan win improve wrich ones torat tikeise and famises one very much sometines to hear Pirnire at work with his choicest voaatuly Ttru years ago day would be about the tud now the line is the skip However gne puts up with a good deal and pirhaps strong langnage t ixeuable araid witsta
ting nay anys may gmas minn m is gonge Wn mon hunner nd iyy ay non monury a.n u out mo otbanion no o hmyon hnoys him my mag y his many an om h aong t pne 2 guits t hyme t t Inour S in a hinggg to on our night cas ingl but multed in nothing excst costly mdd Ty haidia a strony pomt whic had nothdy in io had five tmalty somesrow night ther is to be astinton wene right I helv ne dre loping ta y will allow us to get on all right, to Hi Lickect shit some startt over portimately He scene operation is about boox from us so here we wont get nudh apc as we are -n our particular sictor about 4007away from Sirt.
N5 M t ting yurs m tims nor notwy t t r tfo ty o man an ay tnn ginnps my s yo M or h t you Surm Vyt moort me my 2 young nyo your s tunnor mop yo 420 2 I have mi discovered that stin my presind servand comes from he same smes as mc Ever the pave had when I wined Te Fifth. H knows suhe quite well and hihends writen about it. It is certainly i rate strange Conedin tkt hotmat we were relived by B boy there was ansiderable dilay and did not get to our angou in support tell about 17.30 while warted fr ther Rits bomparaid ou left three sinces with about 100 pist sais and when these things recat
ary goughin may ma i faa tm sum i yt yor mon 4 y a a your o n hoy h ii ait <g g> <gg> t tg a mun yrs t wemd an on my mus to you bytor p 1 114 2 t wa oy my t ysma t t hvas i cnsi its mabor yor o a the cutuinating point tey paused with the risiret that we goutd see the red gun shy wosed guuite tnt going through the an there paths hi making I red waterfall their must have ben &r etda in the m at tsame thie ono thas Fiat can my up wite a nice tithle barrage with tudt mort his alout We are at present staying algari t on rather an ondsnga refinery which has n property smasker is that nothing is it te except o pit teoken sunke
cnry o pry y mn my kann mor t W Min in m m ma m i w o t w m t hims yrrer t m Bryns e Jhmer wit straks the wir a gooddid but so fal today he has ri er near us we g back further in two days time, for ins right out of the .Md o to come in again in about nt dr Altough I though that Auitatians windd stand the col 27 and exposure with apparently more healthy han the rest of the English toop Inthe wist Btons st ikation have evacnate fiver cases of ulns tan any other regiment Jur Bd and I believe 4 is whout the best of then

forward to Tick Trench
with the Brigadier. He
got his commission with
the 5th just after I joined
up with the battalion at
Lemnos and his captaincy
just before I got my
second star.
The men are all
searching for souvenirs
and I have just got
hold of a Fritz helment
from one of the men
which I hope I can
get home.
Poor old Stock was is
well settled and 
I feel no better than
him. There is a great
strain attached to the
whole proceeding.

Except for the fact that
it has a roof which does
not fall in but is very
little better than the one
Samson & myself I occupied
in Pioneer Trench. Although
this position (generally),
is not a good one it is
miles better than Grease
trench. Unfortunately
it is beginning to thaw
so I expect that the next
time we come in here we
will up to our eyes
again in mud.
Our raid of three nights
ago was a failure as
three rows of barbed wire
held us up. Nothing
was known of this when
the men were sent out
so it looks as though
the patrols didn't do their
Two of the new men


sleep tonight with
the thought that my
work was satisfactory.
The move is apparently
going on for tonight
at dusk he opened up
properly on Le Barque
and the trenches to our
left presn either because
he was afraid of an
attack or to cover his
retirement most likely 
the latter. The usual
accompaniment of reds
& greens, & whites went
up in quick succession
and these together with
the vivid orange - red
flashes of the shells
made a fine fireworks
Capt. O'Loughlin was
killed today by a 
sniper when going

Johnston & Bolden were
killed both were very
fine fellows
Bolton, another of my
men did very good work
Am going up again
to night to relieve Andy
who will relieve me again
tomorrow night. Another
cold night to be followed
by a cramped day.
However it will be the
last bad one for some


Feb 16th 2am Advanced
Company HQ's opposite
Bayonet Trench
Although we should have
been relieved last night
we had to carry on for
another day as C
company who went
away 6 weeks ago to do 


and I should not be
surprised if we went
forward tomorrow night
and occupied his trench
I don't know when
we will be relieved but
we are all pretty tired
out and they can hardly
expect us to do much more.
Last night I was absolutely
exhausted for in 4 days
I had had no more
than 9 hours sleep, poor
& little food, a good
deal of walking through
heavy mud and for the
last today two days
the strain of responsibility
& the heavy rush of work
I was almost unable
to leave the telephone
for the whole of the last 
48 hours. However I am
going to have a good xr

Army fatigues at Meaulte
have not yet been relieved
owing to some mistake
Consequently the other
three companyes have
come a "gutser".
Its a easy position
here however as the
ground is still frozen
hard. This enables us
to walk from post
to post along an old
and shallow trench
without coming in
covered in mud. Instead
we come in with chapped
hands and a few
bruises through slipping
& sliding on the
ice and frozen
Andy was asked
last night whether he
would like to go to D


Feb 28 Shell in the Barley
Trench. Last night was
a night of movement for
the third Bde (11th Bn) moved
forward from our left, cleared
Le Barque, Ligny Thilloy
& Thilloy, digging in on
the Fritz side of the last
village. We sent forward
last night two parties.
of 1 Off & 25 OR ea to dig
strong points at certain
points & this, together
with the movement through
the villages was
accomplished successfully
Patrols sent out reported
that the trench in front
was held strongly
but this is doubtful
and judging by movements
seen in the enemy's
trench today he intends
to make no very
determined resistance

and I think he will
go If he does it will leave
me as second in command
of A company which
I would be very glad
of as a pn commander.
doesnt have as much
freedom as a 2nd in com.
It would only be till
Maltby comes back of
course but I dont
think he will leave the
school until it finishes
I am very tired &
wish I could turn
in for a sleep but
this is impossible as
I am on duty all
night sitting on
the telephone connecting
me to Coy H.Qrs.
When I visit the
posts I am away


It is certainly a great
moral victory for us for
it is an admission by 
Fritz that he is at least
frightened that his original
was not strong enough to
hold up a determined
attack and therefore
decided to withdraw
to his stronger line
But this sort of warfare
would be quite good
fun provided it weren't 
for the fact that sleep
is out of mind altogether
& rations are not too
good owing to the difficulty
of transport.
I notice today that
our 18 prs are not slow
in coming forward. There 
is a battery barking
away a short distance
behind us

for about an hour
owing to the distance
between them ges the
difficult ground over
which I have to walk
& the multitude of flares
with which Fritz kindly
illuminates No Mans
Land. When one goes
up it is necessary
to stand still in
order that any sniper
or patrol outside
our wire will think
you a lump of earth
or a tree stump
They are beautiful things
and if one were to
fire them occasionally
at home the light would
be met with "How
pretty" but here
men are not sentimental
but are intensly practical


time for we all wanted
to be able to report
to the rear that the
establishment of the
front was finished. It
was humorous but 
very exasperating.
Another man got stuck
in the mud too & had
to be dug out leaving
his boots behind him.
I expect that we may have
to move forward tonight
& dig in somewhere
Tomorrow night we will
be relieved by C & D
or we hope so.
Fritz is at least
1500 yards from us
with the exception of
a few concerning
machine guns & snipers.
And it looks as though
he were going further.

with the result that a
flare is greeted with
B — those b — flares
which - as well as the
language of our men &
the Tommies brings to
mind a phrase in the
seven ages- "Full of
strange oaths" etc!
Ones language doesnt
improve much ones morals
likewise, and it amuses
me very much sometimes
to hear [[?Pirnul]] at work
with his choicest vocabulary
Three years ago damn
would be about the
limit now the limit
is the sky. However,
one puts up with a
good deal, and
perhaps strong
language is excusable
A raid took place


of C Company has been
sent up. I am still
in charge here and
am rather enjoying
the novelty of quick
movement of troops for
although I get my
orders from higher up
I have the job of executing
them. Quite simple of
course and very absorbing.
Fritz put up a vicious
show on our line this
morning for about five
or ten minutes.
There is humour in
most things! When
Stock was coming
down from the left 
to me this morning
he got stuck in the
mud. Of course he 
couldnt have chosen
a more inopportune

on our right last
night but resulted in
nothing except costly
information. They raided
a strong point which
had nobody in it
& had five casualties
Tomorrow night there
is to be a stunt on
our right I believe
& we are hoping that
it will allow us to
get out all right, for
I expect Fritz will
ship some stuff over
Fortunately the scene
of operation is about
600y from us so perhaps
we wont get much especially
as we are - in our
particular sector -
about 400y away
from Fritz


morning. Stock took it out
and got out safely
without opposition.
Glanville was detailed
to go out and reconnoitre
Tick trench an old 
German artillery trench
and also some gun
pits. He got out alright
but coming back
was sniped at by
a couple of Huns.
He had to go forward
later with a stronger
force and establish
himself there. This was
accomplished successfully
despite machine gun 
& rifle fire. We have
therefore now only
two platoons in this
line and tonight
send forward another 
15 men to Glanville
& to replace these a pn 

I have just discovered
that Stivey my present
servant comes from
the same district as
McIver the jewel I
had when I joined
the Fifth. He knows
McIver quite well
and intends writing
about it. It is certainly
a rather strange


Feb 19th Last night we were
relieved by B Coy
There was considerable
delay and I did not get
to our dug out in support
till about 11.30.
While waiting for them
Fritz bombarded our
left three times with
about 100 "fish tails" and
when these things reach


ago was not exaggerated.

Feb 27th Relieved the seventh Bn. in
their posts in Barley Trench
last night with three platoons 
of A Coy. I was in charge of
the whole line and had
a busy time in consequence.
We were not able to take over
till 12 o'clock that night
and of course there was no
organisation at all.
The trench is frightfully
muddy in parts and
in others comparatively
good, having duckboard
floors. Le Barque Ligny-Thilloy
& Thilloy are in front of us
and this morning the
3 Bde on our left took
both the first named and
we sent forward a standing
patrol 400y in front.
At about daybreak this

the culminating point
they paused, with the
result that we could 
see the red glow.
They looked quite pretty
going through the air
their paths xxx making
a sort of red waterfall
There must have been
quite a dozen in
the air at a time which
shows that Fritz can
put up quite a nice 
little barrage with
trench mortars alone.
We are at present
staying at a farm
or rather in the cellar 
of an old sugar 
refinery which has 
been properly smashed
up so that nothing is
left except a pile
of broken timber


more yet.
Fritz is shelling all
the positions we have
walked in to heavily
and although we have
had no casualties so far
one company of the seventh
has had a good few.
But casualties have been
very light considering
the exposure and the
hostile shelling.
Although I feel as though
I rather be back in
billets, there is always
a certain pride to be
gained from the fact
that one is semi responsible
for the semi safety of a
Fritz seems to be
retiring still further
and it looks as though
the statement of the prisoner
taken a couple of days

Fritz strafes this
corner a good deal
but so far today
he has put nothing
near us. We go 
back further in
two days time, possibly
right out of the shelled
area to come in
again in about 24
Although I thought
that Australians would
not stand the cold
and exposure well
we are apparently
more healthy than the
rest of the English troops
on the West Front. The
Australians have evacuated
fewer cases of illness
than any other regiment
and I believe the 2nd Bde.
is about the best of them

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Jacqueline KennedyJacqueline Kennedy
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