Diary for George Lush Finlay, 1915-1918 - Part 3

First World War, 1914–18
  • Documents and letters
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of as had an exhrimily enjoyable half hour beying caps dean wit on her parfe being shop girls abundant all in hulbourne viryn like this girl. I think that demanagers would need complain about lack of customes. Heard from Awag today that a battn is certainly to be formed. For what purpose he does not yet know but if it mans that we all get away together thenr I will certainly begin to consider myself very much favourier by Fortune bertany since I intisted everything has gone night so for everything I io sena por him turned out eeactly as I would wish it hirn out Havent had any litters from home yot I wish some would arrve espicialty from the boys, so that I could knews regarding certain peopee I wish to hear about Wrote H Nwill M Le16. ust returned from I days camping but near ceizch with poliman. Had a very interesting him some gair shooting. Fr the first time with birds I did not do so badly gitting & out of W stots. Were breated tlike kings neats great Went to Memphis & Talkara on donkeys & although
1657 very tired after 3o mile on aonkey back I still Idrather do somiles or donkry hek 15 on camel rothing much to see at humphs except. 2 huge stative of Ramises I given by him. to the city after a victory against the Cersians Munphis now consist of a few mind wuts but in hose day was one of the leading cities L Tahkara From Memphrs where after truch I slep while he others oirited the tnibs. From Sakhara to the water for mere shooting This water is part of the hill shich is now flooding. The amount of ground covered by the flood is etraordinary &one can quike mago what would happen of i did not flood one year The next day more shooting & he following insiuing a vist to a ricently of and tomb on the bill fringus he dixysupposedto be the touib of mena but the excavation is not complete . They are unable he say to whomi bllongs. It surpasses all tombs that soe seen foy size being cut ot of the limistor to a depth of 80! & that is not the end of it for steps continue under the aug grauite stals which lil on he floor Here again as with most Egyptian slone work size seems to be the man Aesarcophagu thing.
that was mearthed is aut out of a solid ganite wck egudl hose in the scrapu Yor sizB. Reaived letters from annty thet ho posc- Leke a breath from Leavin Heard nothing from Seymons yet. The br has been formed in a soif D. a Athion & I am a pt commander under an old woran of aman. Hemeve & don suppose I can be a gunral all at one In tenow last night was much impressed by the dead port of fulure which pewards every where Athough the streets are crowded there sems to be as life in any body. Pernon remarked that the weight of the past is Leavy that it weigh everybody down certainly everything is ols moug in all consciune & it seems to me that the people make much more of a business o life than we do in Austratia. every bvay ruin base.I as if they want to hang round a wait for the next thing in the ordinary ronting of things to turn which hes knowent arrive Hn at a, fixed i they seem to have nothing so look forward to eact man working in a blid allly knowing that when he comes to the and he will he us better off & mn just say nafiest & hand over to the next in charge Perhaps it is because
105 they have at one lime krown aside the hors dawres of life re that is - & gone enparn pat his concian straight for the prece dikesisan &ever since have carried on in that way until the Lorsdawres have him forgoden for instance I very mush dontt that a man naries because he is in love with the gritb I am atmost sure it is because he, thinks he owes something to his raine. At least hat is how it all appears to me, & smay he misjudging the blighters certainly I am not misjudging him when I pay that if ever they knew clantiness then thay have cut it for filth moral physical filth &i additions toM new friends or newer friends in as a have taken master. The head of lifes disease. taxe office if one were to stand at a spot in one. the lessy- streets a count the number of hating with bad discased of sqniited eyes then I think he would find that about 1in i had weak eyes & ediia certainly in 10 lyes. all die io one thing. wote to essu or sip wo Rot a great surprise o Saturday 10 see mich walk in o Shipheards Was never so pleased to see anyone in my life as was to see him. Spent Sunday with him
1057 at Nor Avxe. Hospital On Satrday night we want round the wasia & afterward to the casins. Mick was of course property disguded with everything in the bana & although have been fire before I warly muted Disgusting bearts. Wrote to Core Sepn. MurietI Ant cards to MurcelM Anine M margia MrsRead Mary Eund Mr Hillman Wrote to Sur Went into Carro yesterday to return some money not the say office on age of Mrs Rows waited for a quarter I an howr for a h. Evans. + when he arrived found Tthat he wel evans one time anditor o bo book inciduntally he lithe now of Dunis my own lives py pleased to see him for It is not a bad shap Hisoery much agaiesed hat We can't get away to he from will not be hnprised to r anyone her soon. Waiting anxiounty for more letters I wonder of certain peoper have got some spunk at last entisted. Homen are Bittle subble without doubt what appeat to some women Idont understand By that I aon't mean to suggestt I consider have
all he fin qualities a good man &a gentleman I am afraid that I hane very fin. Oc12 still i lenopolis warker patiently for warching orders We have been told that the 1 hust. Dn. wrishing at demnos reeguifting crlgggarning. They will therefore nt need in some time. ursistent rumours, regarding the fall. L Bardanith some say tthat it is not a runous but is a fact & they are awaiting confination before publishing itin bairs. The authoritus a to be rathe frisevedthat th Aihgham will cause trouble of any the town red on the receipt tesls when playing Williaras in Shappeard Hethe widht the proprietor was spiaking to Macgregor mysil according to him the australians name is mua Then woing up to of months ago were disgraceful He men whaving like beasts instead of men He guite rightly astributio the lack of discipton bo the mifficiency ohossible youth The Austrilian offices No the lack of socias standing tathing to sol ann on the same subject I was mrd informed that the nativesused
to hate the austratians owing t the rough treatmens vited out to their by te soldice. Kings have improved, & according to olunaino M undustand one another. I think that whn am to the shetter disciption that havtieon prced upon the mon on comparing the Terriers with our min Eling ore can yours cread by pumorr, regarding ty lack of courage showng by the Toniy in sallipote. This of course does not refer to the regular sooldier It secinst that the yarn about the commies failn to hold 9 is guite correct. ThoLih o Englishman stow afficring in sairo is not shope a fan specimen for thi are majority are undersized widk tooking men cannot not compari withours at are. bestainly their disciptin is much better. Jct. 3 Went for a route narch the morning To the Virging will at Mataria Father a pritty litter spot. Will is cut out of rock & is thirty fiet dief. The water i yrish & before the ragin manth out of it it was beackish His he only well within a few wites. The others are ancalt
Act 5I Heard This morning from Major Tayorihat a big advance has been made on all front to cnfirmation of Mhis shers appeared in the Egiption paper but if it in time ten it looks as if I am light n raying or month ago that the war will end before thristmas Oc7 Morekumours. The battn or bos of it gois n Monday of Tuerday next. I hope so for certainly want to see some of it. I will therefore spend duy no birthday oryaging to te a hill on earth Hanent had a litter for two weeks. Dying for want of one. Fnours again DapI. school officers to go on monday next. Hope so Wrote to Cmtie 19th Put ret from weeks regins duty. I won't forgget it so swowt write it doion. more runours lving on Friday. This rumes to be hope ta its correct 4 Wrote to Rob. E4 About 1500 of the 55.J. Bu 26 moved out to day I was ditailed to go by the 9 am. train the last one the 7 5 going by the first under O ullivan I looked after or attempted to- proction of the 8th of the a & a right crowd 3 Tthey were to wordn kook at their officers
1057 Oct. 24 Two days from Alex. A submarine chased an Italian steamer 60 miles a head of hs. last night. Everything peacehul at present. Whole to Phil sent cards to dimtie rie Lemnos arrived hemmos Oct & yesterday morning Harbour full of shipping Heard that the Marquit had been sunk with ye troops a board. 3507 whom were lost. she lef fwom days before us. Most likely Teanshy for Gallpol tomorrow The Powa Bdes are leting mroved from their camps, to the front. We follow & join up there Oct. 20 Wrote to Mick Gordon Disanbark tomorrow for Mndror 2nd Bdi in isdation with diphtheria. Tates don't seen to want to get me to the war. It may be the best because I'll get to know everybody before yoing ino the trenchs Novy Disembarkid i days ago. Rp. took up quarter about 3/nule from 2 Ben in a camp by themselves Capt. Citchrist. I was mn acting as adjutatan Moved into Bdetines yesterday and got a good reception by the officers. Br Commander tebl, Lemaistre made a speech of welcome
AUSTR a 23d roig Mrss o a a vinn ronss 24 e myars yorn m mr yo om at gand in frary Koa oyes mornng y minno n an try 2 200 bie o aong bl Lnry u mans a TAH n over w to rsony s ths gon rennin of horwary serions 27t t berg Th bey Sin why or Nor6 at the miss where I's smussel were treated as guests of Found quite a lot of officers knew or knew of Very much happier in consequence Son't know when we move Bde is frightfully deputed being only about 1000 strong have a plation in Dory under Leo. Levy hens friend sot fieed up witth whisky by heshiore & Permegil at the mess bit was not drint, although I had had quite suffict. I wish we could more although I suppose well get there soon enough a certain officers get on ones nerver slightly with his exacting ways Ceol. he marshre addressed the op tis afternoon & said to me afterwards

of us had an extremely
enjoyable half hour
buying caps clean wit
on her part being
abundant. If shop girls
in Melbourne were all
like this girl I dont think
that the managers would
need complain about
lack of customers.
Heard from Maj today
that a battn is certainly
to be formed. For what
purpose he does not
yet know but if
it means that we all
get away together
then I will certainly
begin to consider myself
very much favoured
by Fortune. Certainly 
since I enlisted
everything has gone
right & so far
everything I've tried for has
turned out exactly as 
I would wish it turn out
Haven't had any letters
from home yet. I wish
some would arrive
especially from the 
boys so that I could
get news regarding
certain people I wish
to hear about.
Wrote to Muriel M.

Sept 16 just returned from 4
days camping out near
Giza with Soliman. Had
a very interesting time &
some fair shooting. For the
first time with birds I did
not do so badly getting
8 out of 12 shots. Were treated
like kings. Meals great
Went to Memphis & Sakkara
on donkeys & although


very tired after 30 miles
on donkey back & still 
I'd rather go 50 miles on 
donkey than 15 on camel
Nothing much to see at Memphis
except 2 huge statues
of Rameses II given by him
to the city after a victory
against the Persians.
Memphis now consists
of a few mud huts but
in those days was one 
of the leading cities
From Memphis to Sakkara
where after lunch I slept
while the others visited
the tombs. From Sakkara
to the water for more
shooting. This water is
part of the Nile which is
now flooding The amount
of ground covered by
the flood is extraordinary
& one can quite imagine
what would happen if
it did not flood one year.
The next day more shooting
& the following morning
a visit to a recently opened
tomb on the hills fringing
the desert. Supposed to
be the tomb of Mena
but the excavation is
not complete & they are
unable to say to whom it
It surpasses all tombs
that I've seen for size
being cut out of the limestone
to a depth of 80' & that
is not the end of it for
steps continue under
the huge granite slabs
which lie on the floor.
Here again as with most
Egyptian stone work
size seems to be the main
thing. The sarcophagus


that was unearthed is cut 
out of a solid granite rock
equals those in the Serapeum
for size.
Received letters from Auntie
Muriel M & Jessie. Like
a breath from heaven.
Heard nothing from Seymour
The bn has been formed
in a sort of a fashion &
I am a pn commander
under an old woman
of a man. However I don't
suppose I can be a
general all at once.
In Cairo last night I
was much impressed by
the dead sort of feeling
which prevails everywhere
Although the streets are
crowded there seems to be
no life in any body.
Vernon remarked that
the weight of the past is so
heavy that it weighs everybody
down. Certainly everything
is old enough in all conscience
& it seems to me that the
people make much more
of a business of life than
we do in Australia.
Every body seems blasé &
as if they want to hang
round & wait for the
next thing in the ordinary
routine of things to turn
which they know must arrive
at a fixed time. They seem
to have nothing to look
forward to, each man
working in a blind alley
knowing that when he
comes to the end he will
be no better off & must
just say "mafeesh" & hand
over to the next in charge
Perhaps it is because


they have at one time thrown
aside the hors d'oeuvres of life
 - enjoym pleasure that is - & gone
straight for what they consider the piece de resistance
& ever since have carried on
in that way until the
hors d'oeuvres have been forgotten.
For instance I very much
doubt that a man
marries because he is
in love with the girl least
I am almost sure it is
because he thinks he
owes something to his
At least that is how it all
appears to me, & I may be
misjudging the blighters.
Certainly I am not
misjudging them when I
say that if ever they
knew cleanliness then they
have cut it for filth -
moral & physical filth -
& in addition to the
new friends or newer friends
have taken in as a
master the head of life's
tax office - disease.
If one were to stand
at a spot in one of the
lesser streets & count the
number of natives with
bad diseased or squinted
eyes then I think he
would find that about
1 in 4 had weak eyes &
certainly 1 in 10 diseased eyes. All
due to one thing.
Wrote to Jessie.

Sep 20 Got a great surprise
on Saturday to see
Mick walk into Shepheards
Was never so pleased to see
anyone in my life as
I was to see him.
Spent Sunday with him


at No2 Aux. Hospital.
On Saturday night we went
round the Wassa & afterwards
to the Casino. Mick was
of course properly disgusted
with everything in the Wassa
& although I have been here
before I nearly vomited. 
Disgusting beasts!
Wrote to Eric.

Sep 24.
Sent cards to Muriel F
Muriel M
Annie M
Marge A.
Mrs Read.
Wrote to Mrs Stillman
        "    "  Sim.

Went into Cairo yesterday
to return some money to the 
Pay Office on a/c of "Mrs" Ross.
Waited for a quarter of an
hour for a Lt. Evans -
when he arrived found
that he was Evans one
time auditor of Drbo's books
- incidentally the bête noir
of Sim's & my own lives.
Very pleased to see him for
he is not a bad chap.
He's very much aggrieved that
he can't get away to the front.
Will not be surprised to see
anyone here soon. Waiting
anxiously for more letters
I wonder if certain people have
got some spunk at last
& enlisted.
Women are bitter cattle old
without doubt. What appeals
to some women I don't
understand. By that I don't mean
to suggest I consider I have


all the fine qualities of
a good man & a gentleman.
I am afraid that I have very 
Oct 2
Still in Heliopolis waiting
patiently for marching orders
We have been told that the
1st Aust. Div. is resting at
Lemnos - reequipping &
reorganising. They will
therefore not need us for
some time. Persistent
rumours regarding the
fall of the Dardanelles. Some 
say that it is not a rumour
but is a fact & they are
awaiting confirmation
before publishing it in
Cairo. The authorities
seem to be rather
frightened that the
Australians will cause
trouble & paint the town
red on the receipt of 
the news
When playing billiards
in Shepheards the other
night the proprietor was
speaking to Macgregor
& myself & according to
him the Australians
name is mud. Their
doings up to 4 months
ago were disgraceful
the men behaving like
beasts instead of men
He quite rightly attributed 
the lack of discipline
to the inefficiency
of possible youth of
the Australian officers
& to the lack of social
Talking to Solimann
on the same subject it
was inferred informed
that the natives used


to hate the Australians
owing to the rough treatment
meted out to them by
the soldiers. Things have
improved, & according to
Solimann they understand
one another. I think
that it is due to
the better discipline
that has been forced
upon the men.
On comparing the 
"Terriers" with our men
one can quite almost credit
the rumours regarding
the lack of courage
shown by the Tommy
in Gallipoli. This
of course does not refer
to the regular soldier
It seems that the yarn
about the Tommies failure
to hold "971" is quite
The type of Englishman
shown appearing in Cairo
is not I hope a fair
specimen for there are
majority are undersized
weak looking men, &
cannot not compare
with ours at all.
Certainly their discipline
is much better.

Oct 3.
Went for a route
march this morning
to the Virgin's Well at
Mataria. Rather a pretty
little spot. Well is cut
out of rock & is thirty feet
deep. The water is fresh
& before the Virgin drank
out of it, it was brackish
It is the only fresh well within
a few miles. The others
are all salt.


Oct 5. Heard this morning
from Major Taylor that
a big advance has been
made on all fronts
No confirmation of this has
appeared in the Egyptian
papers but if it is true
then it looks as if I am was
right in saying a month
ago that the war will 
end before Christmas

Oct 7. More rumours. The
battn - or 600 of it - goes
on Monday or Tuesday
next. I hope so for I
certainly want to see
some of it. I will therefore
spend my 24th birthday
voyaging to the a hell
on earth.
Haven't had a letter
for two weeks. Dying for
want of one.

Oct 8th Rumours again
School officers to go
on Monday next. Hope so
Wrote to Auntie

19th Just retd from weeks piquet
duty. I won't forget it so
I won't write it down.
More rumours. Going on 
Friday. This seems to be
pretty certain  I hope that
its correct.
Wrote to Rob.

22nd  About 1500 of the 5th I. Bn
moved out today. I was
detailed to go by the 9 am.
train - the last one - the
7th. 5. going by the first
under O'Sullivan. I
looked after - or attempted
to - portion of the 8th. of the 
3rd. & a bright crowd
they were. Noisy rude
Look at their officers


Oct 24. Two days from Alex.
A submarine chased
an Italian steamer 60
miles ahead of us last
night. Everything peaceful
at present.
Wrote to Phil.
Sent cards to Auntie 
& Eric.

Oct 28. Lemnos. Arrived Lemnos
yesterday morning
Harbour full of shipping
Heard that the Marquette
had been sunk with 750
troops aboard. 350 of whom
were lost. She left two
days before us
Most likely tranship
for Gallipoli tomorrow
The 1st. & 2nd Bdes are
being moved from their
camps, to the front. We
follow & join up there

Oct 30. Wrote to Mick & Gordon.
Disembark tomorrow
for Mudros. 2nd Bde
in isolation with
diphtheria. Fates don't seem
to want to get me to the
war. xxxx It may be
for the best because
I'll get to know everybody
before going into the trenches

Nov 4 Disembarked 4 days 
ago. Rp took up quarters
about 3/4 mile from 2nd Bde
in a camp by themselves
under Capt. Gilchrist. I was
acting as adjutant
Moved into Bde lines
yesterday and got a 
good reception by the
officers. Bn Commander
Col Le Maistre made a
speech of welcome


Terms stiffer than Turkish
Nov 10th Bn at Berzuel 4 KMs
E. of Le CATEAU. Moving tomorrow
to Sambrelon 7 miles east
and on the 12th to Le Grand
Fayt another 7 miles east
On the 13th we go to AVESVNES.
German delegates crossed 
our lines and visited
Foch. Given to 12 noon
tomorrow to say Yes or 
No Kaiser has abdicated
Crown Prince renounced 
his claim. Revolution 
through whole of Germany
Navy in revolt and all
vessels in the hands of 
the sailors. Socialists in
complete power.
French & British cavalry
across the border Practically
no opposition Peace should
come tomorrow
Hell of a trip from Ailly
to Roisel on night of 8th 9th

at the mess where O'S & myself
were treated as guests xx
Found quite a lot of officers
I knew or knew of. Very
much happier in consequence
Don't know when we move
Bde is frightfully depleted
being only about 1000 strong
Have a platoon in D.Coy
under Leo. Levy, Len's friend
Got filled up with whisky
by Les Moore & Permezel
at the mess but was not
drunk, although I had had
quite suffich.
Nov 6th. I wish we could move
although I suppose we'll
get there soon enough.
A certain officers gets
on ones nerves slightly
with his exacting ways
Col. Le Maistre addressed
the Rp this afternoon
& said to me afterwards

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Jacqueline KennedyJacqueline Kennedy
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