Diary for George Lush Finlay, 1915-1918 - Part 1

First World War, 1914–18
  • Documents and letters
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t 54 m myo gryigg y gn < g <g o may n hin t 7 w Scotnlay w Lieut & tein 5r Battn Dboy 13 pody nex of Bin E A Finlay. hoorie Cambridge 1 Anburm Victoria
AUS7 2426 von 10p ta Tr lift 619 m Cpto itate MY ltp c 16191 Blp less the C yirg Glale p bfett Blatke 8161 s to 10 ge st r for afpe t Wasl i oke lit. perr litales wor s mow ae many srory M C eswso Hone heslitas aphrremens uny ring Asac C116 ULE tlete e 1113191 6141 por lsoofe Epte p 610 113191 611 onny apr l161 61919e ldg edaes wm Gl l Mur e 16 1916 yee 1413 my e eps lases loles lop v rrynry o 10e Mr D sat ap. Fam decided to vart my diary suing hat waits have vecied which my sum to be worth recording arrived at seyone aper a rater exciting guard in Sunday last isettia downe almost at once work with the company procuding steadily men working well owing in grat part with espoincy Mbes. ento have gamed the onfidence omy min erig a in the rayd they swort Yon Srday: Sikt as aclict o hirsconmand oving appaiently to his having at rpisid to stand the tals twes lt convie that pwont cold watt. in conseninc pino Daorle wh on will to contimu to to so I must kup mpel up to te mut
1657 I smardy lope that some bttl. puspapeo C.F. Hill i placed ter me would like by continue in ommand though I course Ido not af present consier myself I hope yit yor all the work. To hepbery shortly Lowwr Sunday June 19 Nothing very mch I importance to sllate. Barlram has been sent back to the school for further instruction. This leaves in on my own. I must are the S rngarding, a subaltern or an Ob. hrope its a subaltern s gitting along ar or alright Reh S. arrived in camp on Friday last. Binday July 14 Sunday sums to be the only day on which I consider this book just ut from leave after having a good him having a loto ice thi said about me. Its to be hoped & canjustify them. no sut appointed yet at I suppose tht appoint someone on the day of sail rfetting him to get her ki together & sait in rithes. Waote to Cordon today; also to D.Co Sunday walways a bit of a tonily nort I a day, Iselig to hint agbit to see me men all frad up with synng thing while I am departing without anybody nare than a frum However ts best to go like that rinc I hvent the money. reent even got the gird
but I got a let of good frinds so why worry! Thit hoping to remain of. Ill hurt some if some one is prs over me even though Lmight fill more sure of my ability Man Ido Sunday July 18th Agdin on Sundery write up my doings Haven pad anch King before this to write ten up however First etein I importance is my appoitment as OC unit, BO. Gullwan having been given his commission appointed to ho st Bastn as ant suballer Had a very busy tin issuing si etg. byfore having but finished up square. uunbarked on Demosthener oi July 16th Twelve hundred on bhaded. Disgraceful management. o the pubtix who visited the pres on day of saiting, the barries bung at down just as transportwas moving of the consequence being that the first I hewall rush that entued just got to the end of the fus as we deared Damneer shame. Weather for 45 the first twodays. perfect but today a rast night the weather tarh r fretty duty. have not tyetusoed a meat but I cannot say that I want auss one ffor I dont feet too secure am very comfortably situated on a cadir to myself which is asorned
WAF with various fhahos that have been given to me one of which although I am very glad to have it, does me to good. which is another way If saying that Idon't know whate good for me I shall stiek totphot however a keep on wishing that events had tuined out differently than to what they have done. Fram afided I am a fool. have rust rtimed from seting same povr higgar plhed Coreboard sewn up in cnvas Nother lucks for him & woeke hick for his mother. whillive, anrother is down with the same complain miningitis & is in a pprety bad way. 10R 4 I feel sure Ieam going t cjon my te to egih or whcher we may bi goving, & I must pay that I am more than thankful that I receiven a comisow byore sunting to the kept on one of the troop dicks in weaffer such as we are havive, at present must he hell when paying the mewn yesterday Intfied he closiness stuffiners of Hear was very by lad when I had firnished Havee not yet received my second stat hat titieve that it is on its way, so Gilcherst anfems ine We are at treswit just intering the Bight,
1657 Tundary fut 207 Weather very nough ta shill all right althonge a faw number of officers are shelf seeping to their cabins thear that ie go. direct to Adi. No nos touch at Colombr Damin! Fuday July 33rd Have had guite an excciting day, a day which demonstrated that disciptin is like fam Buk - must be rubbed in for a hill of a long time. Wes arrived at Tremonth at about $.30 this morning I had been detailed as Ob. awards consiquently felt that the job was not the a sinceie it had previously been after a good deal of messing about with the munder of men reguired to act as tmards it was finatty disidw that 2o men would b suffisin oblamed Mise men from my own unit i had them posted. The The men on board 5 were not allowed & were yiing the tids of the ship wtth Fugging- every where Thile were natwatty ritly hitarions was arranged that he officers should sac e to habe an hour se Trimanth lift at $9.30 to return at 10.30 in company w
1057 IAN I went Levis, & Rrid Street a wery to the town sit men did a your oth town in a cur Nothing tosee but as a port The place comparis noredan favourably with Part Keltowmy. Wis perfectly clar my utin to the sup find things getting lively. The growd had arrived & he mew were skiting. As we were taking 5o mormer on board he usual following of retatives Floners thronged the hur. I was a Mis Stad that the fact that our men have not got the dty germ as strongly as youy Te should have. They weak in were horribly deating with the cowe. I am glad he say that my men showed uss sentiment that the men of otherwnits. 3r We were told tas we would be leaving about Wahours after arriving ors 11.30 We lfat D143 the longe we stand hid up mole rowdy, the men became. Tusgisided ulative friends on the peer passed up beer& whishes to the men on board waonar mostly a consiquently a good percentage wery cotn got sirmffy Astabot o wi got very brish the min on te poof dick taking
ecception to the actin of some of the police & receiveds instructions to have he dick chand up I went accompanied guards by yYour fum. agot the men on the dick nadualy going when ssome tolighten oersibly drink - raised arar.A sergeant & a couphe of higuards under my orders gttempt to take him bo the clink He was in a pyhting mood however wenste wrt of yur mor mend wwho were falso porry assisted the is distuisee of things 20 got maded was of curs called some very fin names & not bit on the arm by one of the men In heandst of the scripple another driuth collatien Iwas I cousse called to look at him & this complicated matters I sent for the doctor retwered to the slowety druink bird I desided that y would be bist to thedeck cleared git first leave him onthedoct a renoe him to teclmit takes I got the dick half cleared & these was a rush for the far side of the ship some drunk apparently thought hed like a bath & jurped overboard Anothhy man pimped in ofter him Ifulled

Bussed from Roisel to
Bazuel yesterday on
the Hargicourt Bellicourt
country and Hindenburg
Line. Very interesting.

Nov 11th Hostilities ceased
at 11 o'clock today
Marched from Bazuel to
Sambrelon. We continue
to march on to the frontier

Nov 15th. Moved back from
Sambrelo to Bazuel on
the 13th  & moved from
Bazuel to Boheim on the
14th. Stay here 10 days
& go by rail to Germany
to the Coblenz area
Saw Gordon today.

Geo. L. Finlay
2nd Lieut & capt
7th Rein. 5th Battn
D Coy  5th Bn
A. Coy A.I.F.

Next of kin.
E. A. Finlay.
Cambridge St


Uncle.    30/8/17
Auntie √   Mar 19th.   21/4/17.   12/6/17.  1/8/17.  25/10  22/11
Ivie √          8/4/17.   15/5/17  9/6/17.   1/8/17.   24/9/18
Muriel F.   12/4/17.   7/9/17.                12/10/17
Muriel M.  17/4/17.   15/5/17.   26/6/17.   7/9/17.   18/10
Annie √       1/5/17.   16/8/17.   2/10/17.   10/12.
Elise √          26/4/17.   2/10/17.
Fred √         26/4/17.   2/10/17                Mrs R    2/12/17.
Sim √           19/3/17.   10/5/17
Phil.           Apr 12th      3/1
Gordon     Mar 19th.   about Apr 26/5/17.   8/6/17.  29/8/17.
Mollie.       Mar 19th.      15/5/17.   31/10/17.   1/12
Ricketson   8/4/17    Maureen 13/10.
Mick            14/4/17.    Mrs Read 7/12
Len S √        19/6/17.   12/10    10/12/.
Len R.          19/3/17.   24     24/10.  25/12/17 2/10/18
Jessie √         26/2/17.2   18/8/17.   7/9/17  14/9/17. 12/11
Alice              29/4/17.  19/10 6/8/19
Mrs Shelman.   19/4/17
Bup.                19/4/17.   16/8/17.
Rob √              29/8/17.   1/10/17.   9/18
Williams         15/5/17 
Nell                 24/6/17.   16/8/17.   7/9/17  8/11/17.
Madge           24/6/17.
Barby             7/9/17
Marge            30/8/17.   3/12.
Mary               2/10/17.
Morris            2/10/17

Jan 10th. Sat Aft. Have decided to start
my diary seeing that events have
occured which may seem to be
worth recording. Arrived at
Seymour after a rather exciting
quarantine in Sunday last & settled
down almost at once.
Work with the company proceeding
steadily men working well owing
in great part to the efficiency
of Huber. Seem to have gained
the confidence of my men
& N.C.O'S judging by the way
they work.
On Thursday Huber was
relieved of his command
owing apparently to his having
refused to stand for the King so the tale
goes but I consider that it won’t
hold water. In consequence
I am O.C. & so far have
got on well.  To continue
to do so I must keep
myself up to the mark.


I sincerely hope that some
little whippersnapper of a
C.F. officer is not placed over me.
I would like to continue in
command though of course I do
not at present consider myself
fit for all the work. I hope
to placing shortly however.

Sunday June 19
Nothing very much
of importance to relate
Barham has been sent back

to the school for further
instruction this leaves me
on my own. I must see
the SO regarding a subaltern
or an OC. I hope its a subaltern
Am getting along as O.C.
Len S. arrived in camp
on Friday last.


Sunday July 4th
Sunday seems to be the
only day on which I consider
this book. Just retd from leave
after having a good time
& having a lot of nice things said
about me. It's to be hoped
I can justify them.
No sub appointed yet.
I suppose they'll appoint
someone on the day of sailing
telling him to get his kit
together & sail in 24hrs.
Wrote to Gordon today, also to
D & Co.
Sunday is always a bit of a
lonely sort of a day. It seems to
hurt a bit to see the men all
fired up with "young things"
while I am departing without
anybody nearer than a friend
However its best to go like that
since I haven't the money.
I haven't even got the girl


but I got a lot of good friends
so why worry?.
Still hoping to remain O.C. I'll
hurt some if some one is put
over me even though I might
feel more sure of my ability
than I do.

Sunday July 18th
Again on Sunday I
write up my doings.
I haven't had much time
before this to write them up
however. First item of
importance is my appointment
as O.C. unit, B O'Sullivan
having been given his
commission & appointed to the
5 Battn as my subaltern
I had a very busy time
issuing kit etc. before
leaving but finished up
Embarked on Demosthenes

on July 16th. Twelve hundred
on board.
Disgraceful management
of the public who visited
the pier on day of sailing, the
barrier being let down just
as transport was moving
off, the consequence being
that the first of the mad
rush that ensued just
got to the end of the pier
as we cleared. Damned
shame. Weather for
the first two days
perfect but today
& last night the weather
was has been pretty dirty.
I have not yet missed a
meal but I cannot say
that I won't miss one for
I don't feel too secure.
Am very comfortably
situated in a cabin
to myself which is adorned


with various photos that
have been given to me
one of which although I am
very glad to have it, does
me no good. Which is another
way of saying that I don't
know what's good for me.
I shall stick to the photo
however & keep on wishing
that events had turned
out differently than to
what they have done.
I am afraid I am a fool!
Have just returned
from seeing some poor
beggar pushed overboard
sewn up in canvas. Rotten
luck for him and worse
luck for his mother.
I believe another is
down with the same complaint
-meningitis - & is in
a pretty bad way.

I feel sure I am going
to enjoy my trip to Egypt
or wherever we may be
going, & I must say
that I am more than
thankful that I received
a commission before
sailing. To be kept
on one of the troop decks
in weather such as we
are having at present
must be hell. When
paying the men yesterday
I noticed the closeness
& stuffiness of the air
& was very glad when
I had finished.
I have not yet received
my second star but I
believe that it is on its
way, so Gilchrist
informs me.
We are at present
just entering the Bight


Tuesday Jul 20th
Weather very rough
I am still all right, although
a fair number of officers
are still keeping to their
I hear that we go
direct to Aden & to not
touch at Colombo.

Friday July 23rd
Have had quite an
exciting day, a day which
demonstrated that discipline
is like Zam Buk - must
be rubbed in & for a hell
of a long time
We arrived at Fremantle
at about 8.30,  this morning
I had been detailed as O.C.
Guard & consequently felt
that the job was not the

sinecure it had previously
been. After a good deal
of messing about with
a number of men required
to act as guards it was
finally decided that 20
men would be sufficient
These men I obtained
from my own unit &
had them posted. The
The men on board
were not allowed off
& were lining the side
of the ship - up the
rigging - everywhere.
These were naturally
pretty hilarious.
It was arranged that
the officers should each
have an hour off to
see Fremantle & I
left at 9.30 to return
at 10.30.
In company with


Lewis & Fred Street I went
to the town sent a wire
& then did a tour of the
town in a car. Nothing
to see but as a port
the place compares
more than favourably
with Port Melbourne. It is
perfectly clean.
On my return to the
ship, I found things getting
lively. The crowd had
arrived & the men were
"skiting". As we were
taking 150 more men
on board the usual
following of relatives
& lovers thronged the pier.
It was at this stage
that the fact that our men
have not got the duty
germ as strongly as
the should have formed up. They
were horribly weak in

dealing with the crowd.
I am glad to say that
my men showed less
sentiment than the men
of other units.
We were told that
we would be leaving about
three hours after arriving
vis 11.30. We left at
The longer we
stayed tied up the
more rowdy the men
became. Misguided
relatives & friends
on the pier passed up
beer & whisky to the
men on board - W.A men
mostly & consequently
a good percentage
very soon got squiffy.
At about 1.45 things
got very brisk, the men
on the poop deck taking


exception to the action
of some of  the police
I received instructions
to have the deck cleared
& up I went accompanied
by our men guards. I got the
men on the deck gradually
going when some blighter
- terribly drunk - raised
a row. A sergeant &
a couple of the guards
under my orders attempts
to take him to the clink
He was in a fighting
mood however & resisted.
Three or four more
men who were also
potty assisted their
CO distressed & things
got mixed. I was of course
called some very fine
names & got hit on the
arm by one of the men


In the midst of the scuffle
another drunk collapsed
I was of course called
to look at him & this
complicated matters
I sent for the doctor
& returned to the
lovely drunk bird
I decided that it
would be best to
get the deck cleared
first & leave him up
on the deck & remove
him to the clink later
I got the deck half
cleared & there was
a rush to the far
side of the ship.
Some drunk apparently
thought he'd like
a bath & jumped
overboard. Another
man jumped in
after him & pulled 

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Jacqueline KennedyJacqueline Kennedy
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