Letters from Fred Leslie Biddle to his Family, 1914-1915 - Part 17 of 19

First World War, 1914–18
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Meenme 71115 Dear Mother Well once more unto the letter this being Sunday, the day we work the hardest & fight the most We have just had a new bit of hate over the battery but no damage. Really the Turks are poor gunners. Here we are giving them nice sitting up targets & were still going strong. We expect to have a little work at 12 pm. ce son, but probably it will be a small affanr. The shorttread + the birthday cake both came today to say nothing of the phenyle, a most useful thing. ritunately I havent had any fleasi lice at all but most officers + men spend all their spare time hunting Perhaps the cartolie soap I use has helped. Anyway - mustrit const my chickens (sic. before they are hatched. was pleased to know that Hotlis got on well with his operation. Hes a gay dog- Isabll says 37 visitor in
Hom day. It pet, the lates were in the majority & youd bet get him home again where you can keep an eye on him. Im glad he is doing well in Adlaide That was the tempting offer he had Co the young man. Noel is getting on O.R. Hill be a warehouse manager before long. Good luck to him. I was five years at Lt before I got £1 a week. Do you remember the row I had with Mr Gill? I re never looked back since. Yovry to read about Bruce getting hicked by a rorse. I thought he knew all about roises, At any rate to know which end liched. of course long before this he will have left Austratia. I believe theyre leaving some vacancies among the majors for captains here to fill I might get a jot there myself fairly long letter from Bdith I had a Avery today with Yours, fathers & Isabels. I was quite glad to hear from her & sbony them all at Kentora but sorry to hear Liby was rather worse in health. They sent me all sorts of good wishes MOR
and I will write then & think them. Things are still shockingly dull here. I have a new major here (hucgs), He is from the Divisional Amm. Col. He has not done any gun work since we formed in Australia havn been second in command of the Drr. Amm. Gor He is now the senion major & has been brought up here for experience bot I think he is only a visitor & will return to his job at the Columm. Naturally I was disappointed, but will get a step sooner or later, suppose Ke the cutting which father sent about the decorations for the battery they havent come off altho everybody was told about them. in fact were got rather sick of the subjedt. some people get them easily, but nothing for the fatteries at Anzac Bandidly there's some jealousy somewhere Texpect. I'd like to know, anyhow. To Cariton wor the premiership. Im so because its time they dropped back a bit. Was awfully pleased to know that Mrs Then & Winnie have paid you a visit Please give them special regards from me when you write. I cannot write to them as pavent the address & anyway its a bit of a
$ tast to write to so many Well I must thank you all for your good wishes for my birthday & for the presents you have sent me. You can be sine I appreciated them This letter should have plenty of time to reach you befoe tmas & I wish you all the best of Xmos & the hippiest of New Years I must now close. It's not easy to write letters one ones knee by candlelight. Best love to Father Hotle Isabel Noel Your own dear self from Your affectionate son red

Dear Mother,
Well "once more unto the letter"
this being Sunday, the day we work the hardest
& fight the most
We have just had a new bit of hate
over the battery but no damage.
Really the Turks are poor gunners. Here we
are giving them nice "sitting up" targets & we're still
going strong.
We expect to have a little work at 12 pm.
ce soir, but probably it will be a small affair.
The shortbread & the birthday cake both came
today to say nothing of the phenyle, a most
useful thing.
Fortunately I haven't had any fleas or
lice at all but most officers & men spend all
their spare time hunting.
Perhaps the carbolic soap I use has
helped. Anyway I mustnt count my chickens (sic)
before they are hatched.
I was pleased to know that Hollis got
on well with his operation.
Hes a gay dog- Isabel says 37 visitors in


four days. I'll bet, the ladies were in the
majority & youd bet get him home again where
you can keep an eye on him.
I'm glad he is doing well in Adelaide
That was the tempting offer he had ?
so the young man Noel is getting on O.K.
He'll be a warehouse manager before long.
Good luck to him. I was five years at it
before I got £1 a week. Do you remember
the row I had with Mr Gill? I've never
looked back since.
Sorry to read about Bruce getting kicked
by a horse. I thought he knew all about
horses. At any rate to know which end Kicked.
Of course long before this he will have left
I believe they're are leaving some
vacancies among the majors for captains here
to fill. I might get a job there myself.
I had a fairly long letter from Edith
Avery today with Yours, fathers & Isabels.
I was quite glad to hear from her & about
them all at Kentora but sorry to hear Lily
was rather worse in health.
They sent me all sorts of good wishes


and I will write then & thank them.
Things are still shockingly dull here.
I have a new major here (Lucas), He is from
the Divisional Amm. Col. He has not done any
gun work since we formed in Australia having
been second in command of the Div. Amm. Col
He is now the senior major & has been brought
up here for experience, but I think he is only
a visitor & will return to his job at the Column.
Naturally I was disappointed, but will get
a step sooner or later, suppose
Re the cutting which father sent about
the decorations for the battery they havent come
off altho' everybody was told about them.
In fact we've got rather sick of the subject.
Some people get them easily, but nothing for the
batteries at Anzac. Candidly there's some jealousy
somewhere I expect. I'd like to know, anyhow.
So Carlton won the premiership. I'm sorry
because it's time they dropped back a bit.
Was awfully pleased to know that Mrs
Ikin & Winnie have paid you a visit.
Please give them special regards from me
when you write. I cannot write to them as I
haven't the address & anyway its a bit of a


task to write to so many.
Well I must thank you all for your good
wishes for my birthday & for the presents you
have sent me.
You can be sure I appreciated them.
This letter should have plenty of time to reach
you before Xmas & I wish you all the best
of Xmas & the happiest of New Year
I must now close. It's not easy to write
letters one one's knee by candlelight.
Best love to Father Hollis Isabel Noel
& Your own dear self from
Your affectionate son

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Jacqueline KennedyJacqueline Kennedy
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