Letters from Fred Leslie Biddle to his Family, 1914-1915 - Part 2 of 19

First World War, 1914–18
  • Letters
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4th Pty and FIELD ARTILLERY BRIGADE, ist BIVISION, O AUSTRALIAN IMPERIAL FORCE. 23.11.14 Dear Mother Tomorrow evening we will reach Aden & as the censorship on mails to tustratia is now retaxed Famable to tell you where we are Ten of the ships, including the Shropshire, have been formed into a fast division + to reach Aden, take in coal &c &be ready, for the remainder when they arrive. We have had a fresh excitement. At 4135 a.m. on Saturday morning we were awakened by a bump followed by 20r3 more. I jumped out knowing at once there had been a collision & the collision signal sounded. I got on deck & found the Ascanuis right alongside us. She had hit us in the stern sheered off & then his us again amidships on the starboard side (over
NS We all weak to our station inmediately & 7 minutes after the signal sounded everybody was on parade with lifebetts on. This was particularly good time as on the men were sleeping, on the satoon + boat decks & had to go right forward & down the holds to the troop deck. for their lifebelts. It was quite dark & we were lights. steaming with lights out except head & stern We were all quite cheerful, as we knew that the bumps were not severe, & in any case the Benalta was behind us & there were plenty of ships about. The sea was absolutely calm & with lefebetts on there was absolutely no danger The officers & crew of the ship were particularly smart, & the boats were cleared + ready in no time Hhe rodls were called & at first 2 men were repate
and FIELD ARTILLERY BRICADE, ist DIVISION, AUSTRALIAN IMPERIAL FORGE. missing We lowered a boat & at once threw over lifebrrg with patent lights (Hoths will know them, The ship was examined & we were glad to find we were making in water at all At 5455 we were dismissed & we had in the mean- time found that the two missing men had gone to wrong stations The Hampshire (cusse) steamed up from the mainbody & we must have tooked a frency crowd most of us were in pyzamas & life beits, some in singlits & belt only, & others didnt have singlets. There wasn't the least fuss & the men were rather inclined to sing than otherwise. When daylight came we found that the stern
4 bulwarks & stern narigating fridge had been carried awray on the starboard side The Ascanius must have then sheered off & the snction dragged the two ships together again. She struck us amidships with the bluff of the bow bending over our bubrarks & one or two top plates & cleared us again just forward of the bridge Fortunately she has an inclined stem & the upper portion struck first & so prevented her cutting us below the water line; & being lower than us she missed our boats. One of hers was carried away Istoe we left it as something to cause excitement to someship of other that might come across it
IAFRID SMIIAEM SMSNE ist DIVISION, AUSTRALIAN IMPERIAL FORCE I hope no scare news appeared in Mettourne. We sent out a wireless message when, we were struck, & it on withour within half an hour heard Colonto passing report of men reported overboard Unless the censor got to work I suppose the Herald had an extraordinary out with a fearful tale of disaster forgot to mention that the ascanis had a long note punched high up on the port bow just aboft the anchor, but otherwise she suffered no loss there'll be trouble, for the officer on watch on the Ascanins. He must have gone to sleep Altogether the whole affanr provided a nice pleasant little excitement, & something to talk about We arrived in Colombo on Sunday 18th & left again on Tuesday night but unfortunately were not allowed ashore.
AUSTRA through We had to content ourselves with gazen glasses at the SO.M, Catle Face Hotel &c. We had a good look at Mount Lavinia coming up the coast & some fuom natching the niggers dive They made small fortunes as the men were throwing shillings to them Sell Hothis they still sing Tara wa-boomdeay & Tomble twinkle little star & do fight under wate But theyie anawful lot of cadgers, & after two days sd seen quite enough nigger We couldn't bey any fruit, as the ships that went inside the breakwater before us, had cleared out all available supplies except cocoanute Il spend a week a However if Ive any luck coming bade two in Caylm MEMC
T and FIELD ARTILLERY BRICADE ist BIVISION, AUSTRALIAN IMPERIAL FORCE. We are stul having the most extraordinary weather as weather with a sea like a river, & the now much cooter. on the ship We lost 3 horse- as a result of stopping at Colonbo & will probably lose a few more at Aden e Altogether 13 have gone overboard (5 from 4th Bty all from gangrenous pnenmonia. I hew they hum sum We are hoping the fast division keeps going all the way, as we do 13 knots instead of 10 & should be in England well before Imas I hear there is to be no leave at any of the ports, so will be glad to get ashore, as you can imagine Were all sick of horseship all ready, & I return on a trooper, I'll give up all rdea that I know
how to scheme out of unpleasant things At Colombo we lay close to the Empress of Asia one of the BPR foots running between Vancouver + (25000tom. Hong Kong. She is a whopper & towered over all She is an auxiliary cruiser & had 10 quns mounted & is painted grey which seems to accentuate her sye The prisoners off the Finden must have been quite comfortable on her The collier which was in attendance on the Finden was a Britisthip with Brilish crew & a cargo of Australian coar They simply let them go at Colombs, instead of hanging the steippis as he deserved
20 3 And FELD ARTILLERY BRICADE, ist DIVISION, AUSTRALIAN IMPERIAL FORCE. Well theres not much news left & as the letter will reach you about lmas I must wish you the bughtest of lmas & the happiest of New Years, also all the family with I hope you are Keeping all right & that Babel is much better than she was With fondest love to Father Thothi's Isabel, the boys & Dochy & fom own dear sell am Your affete. Son hed

4th Bty

Dear Mother
To-morrow evening we will reach Aden & as the
censorship on mails to Australia is now relaxed I am able
to tell you where we are.
Ten of the ships, including the Shropshire, have been
formed into a fast division to reach Aden, take in coal &c
& be ready for the remainder when they arrive.
We have had a fresh excitement.
At 4.35 a.m. on Saturday morning we were awakened
by a bump followed by 2 or 3 more.  I jumped out knowing
at once there had been a collision & the collision signal
sounded.  I got on deck & found the Ascanius right
alongside us.
She had hit us in the stern sheered off & then hit
us again amidships on the starboard side     (over) 


We all went to our stations immediately & 7 minutes
after the signal sounded everybody was on parade
with lifebelts on.  This was particularly good time as
the men were sleeping out on the saloon & boat decks & had
to go right forward & down the holds to the troop decks
for their lifebelts.  It was quite dark & we were
steaming with lights out except head & stern lights.
We were all quite cheerful, as we knew that
the bumps were not severe, & in any case the Benalla
was behind us & there were plenty of ships about.
The sea was absolutely calm & with lifebelts on
there was absolutely no danger
The officers & crew of the ship were particularly
smart, & the boats were cleared & ready in no time.
The rolls were called & at first 2 men were reported 



We lowered a boat & at once threw over lifebuoys
with patent lights (Hollis will know them)
The ship was examined & we were glad to find
we were making no water at all.
At 5.45 we were dismissed & we had in the meantime 
found that the two missing men had gone to wrong
The Hampshire (cruiser) steamed up from the
main body & we must have looked a funny crowd.
Most of us were in pyjamas & lifebelts, some in
singlets & belts only, & others didn't have singlets.
There wasn't the least fuss & the men were
rather inclined to sing than otherwise.
When daylight came we found that the stern 


bulwarks & stern navigating bridge had been carried
away on the starboard side
The Ascanius must have then sheered off & the
suction dragged the two ships together again.
She struck us amidships with the bluff of the
bow bending over our bulwarks & one or two top plates
& cleared us again just forward of the bridge
Fortunately she has an inclined stern & the upper
portion struck first & so prevented her cutting us below
the water line; & being lower than us she missed
our boats.
One of hers was carried away & stove in
& we left it as something to cause excitement to some ship
or other that might come across it. 



I hope no scare news appeared in Melbourne.
We sent out a wireless message when we were struck, &
within half an hour heard Colombo passing it on with our
report of men reported overboard
Unless the censor got to work I suppose the Herald
had an "extraordinary" out with a fearful tale of disaster
I forgot to mention that the Ascanius had a long
hole punched high up on the port bow just abaft the
anchor but otherwise she suffered no loss
There'll be trouble for the officer on watch on the
Ascanius.  He must have gone to sleep.
Altogether the whole affair provided a nice
pleasant little excitement, & something to talk about.
We arrived in Colombo on Sunday 15th & left again
on Tuesday night but unfortunately were not allowed


We had to content ourselves with gazing through
glasses at the G.O.H. Galle Face Hotel &c.
We had a good look at Mount Lavinia coming up
the coast & some fun watching the niggers dive.
They made small fortunes as the men were
throwing shillings to them
Tell Hollis they still sing Tara-ra-ra-boom-de-ay
& Twinkle twinkle little star & do "fight under water".
But they're an awful lot of cadgers, & after
two days I'd seen quite enough nigger
We couldn't buy any fruit, as the ships that
went inside the breakwater before us, had cleared
out all available supplies except cocoanuts
However if I've any luck I'll spend a week or
two in Ceylon coming back.



We are still having the most extraordinary
weather with a sea like a river, & the weather is
now much cooler.
We lost 3 horses on the ship as a result of stopping at Colombo
& will probably lose a few more at Aden
Altogether 13 have gone overboard (5 from 4th Bty) &
all from gangrenous pneumonia.  Phew, they "hum sum"!
We are hoping the fast division keeps going all the
way, as we do 13 knots instead of 10 & should be
in England well before Xmas
I hear there is to be no leave at any of the
ports, so will be glad to get ashore, as you can
Were all sick of horseships all ready, & If I
return on a "trooper", I'll give up all idea that I know 


how to scheme out of unpleasant things.
At Colombo we lay close to the "Empress of Asia"
one of the C.PR boats running between Vancouver &
Hong Kong.  She is a whopper (25000 tons) & towered over all.
She is an auxiliary cruiser & had 10 guns mounted
& is painted grey which seems to accentuate her size
The prisoners off the "Emden" must have been quite
comfortable on her.
The collier which was in attendance on the "Emden",
was a British ship with British crew & a cargo of
Australian coal.
They simply let them go at Colombo, instead
of hanging the skipper as he deserved. 



Well there's not much news left & as this letter
will reach you about Xmas I must wish you the
brightest of Xmas & the happiest of New Years, also
all the family
With I hope you are keeping all right & that
Isobel is much better than she was.
With fondest love to Father Hollis Isobel, the boys
& Dolly & your own dear self
I am
Your affcte, son



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Jacqueline KennedyJacqueline Kennedy
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