Letters from Guy Hartley Arnold to his Father, 1915-1916 - Part 1

First World War, 1914–18
  • Documents and letters
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I hae he Me te. 13 tor 7th 2 n Reinforcements 2 Battalion 12t Infentry Bigater 5 Febbuaty 1915. Mby dear Father was glad to receive your letter the other day, I am afraid it would not be much of a holiday for you in the hospital with a fared beg. I hope it will soon be better it sums a testible climate for ones blogg Have you sony toa Bunten bout arect himdown sydreyo with a fellow that was working Mbar. Brides, I was surprised to see them, they told me all the news. Yom fromesd to call in & see you when he got back We had out firal leave about a week ago, I spent most of my time in Sydney. we had a very good time I should have liked to have got up, & seen you before leaving byt it was a little too fav I don't know for certain when we said yet, but I don't think it will be longet than two or thre days; we have the greater part of and equipment now
we have out top coats to get yot, & a few little odds & ends All out reinforcements marched, through the streets of Sydney yesterday, the crowd gave us a very good charing I did not Teakedt to se half such a big crowd. Have you, heard Lenneth had joired again. they kept him messing about so before the could get in the Lavy, & I thirk the money fan short, so be went into the hospital for his opperation, & joined here about as week ago. I have just been getting him trahsfered into the same Chompry as myself, I think He will be fixed bn for Cerlair to -morow; you see he has had a copple of years ing the O.J.C. in the Old Country, so he knows his frill, Quile a lot of the fellowg out of bor have been discharged & put back into different boy just lately for getting dounk & over stapping their lave so that there are plenty of vacancies for us to get ond friends o relations in the same boy. I had a letter from Mr. Lennerd, brother to tro. Swarn, ashing me to go & see th but I never yot the retter until oy
I got buck from my holidays so think it dontful if I shall be able to see them I wrore to Mr. dnek& Uncle Swarn yesterday. I don't know whither you received that money I sent you some time back t sent up three pounds, I would have dnt you some more this last hay only I could not dos it ad I spent it Ill duting my firal leave & also I let He have a pound as h was shopt. I am leaving you three fifths of my unging thee shillings a day, it will Australins starf from the day we heave I hope you will accept it as nearly all the fellows out leaving about the same ito their parents. I cane yyou don't received the money regulatly you must write own tor the silitary authoritiys I don't supposed you will receive the first payment tell neatly a month oftet we saily sor I should anot worky them wrted they drne too long of tay wiiget hanss fotnght So Isuppose you will Kuthe an Rmonty of nightly
Grannis an sortny to heat about death, it mast be a greate blow to you being away from your itbother at the end I hope you will have good luch in selling the place if you are still detetmined in selling I hope Rupist will stop with you, I son'ts like the idea of going away & having you alone I suppose when Kenneth fills in hid form he will leave thou fegths X his wase to your I don't want you to worty about that deverty pounds, I would tathe you kipt it as I am more capable of aing it, that you at yout age. I am glad the care is looking wells I was supppised to hear about Wllson wanting to sell oul iy nat letter to I think you better addres bgghts I was talking to ad an Sydney, te rold me hey had fout sonso in bght & one at home his Mother had gust written to tell him su it was his duty to you with best love poltty fatste watnt. he fecturate son y Mont four 10021
A0. Ple. G. H. Atnold. 1311 all BA Company ✓31 nd. Batalllon Cobt 1 St. Brigad Aby dear. Fathr Ihavent had a letter from you just late are bt hope e but well, I so look forward to at the Old herimenta ontho gain after two iffete l a Rolid fell doen other hear you have
having a few Zshplin attacks on London just lately; I wonder our our croft cant cope with them a little befter. dite have had some rather cold windy weather just I am not looking lately forward to the long night watched duving winte too hpeade it much abut will have to be done. hope you have hear from Kenneth by now. he has not written to lote I had bem Aunity Mbary said that he was on a hospital boat off Egight so that mign have gone to boypt, Abalta, of England for all I hope it is I know; to England & then he can take a good ton spell, & get some furblough off to come & see you all I wish I could get hold of some interesting news to tell you, but every the
lame tro albet day There is pretly heavy going on Combardment here, with night & da the big guns. ie my love to Abargery when Wother you Sec hem next. Your affectionate Son Adviold. ORI

I have put  
on one stone & a half 
since I have been in camp am 
13 stone 7lbs now, so this 
life suits me doesn't it. 
2nd Reinforcements 
2 Battalion 
1st Infantry Brigade.    5 February 1915. 
My dear Father, 
I was glad to receive 
your letter the other day; I am afraid 
it would not be much of a holiday 
for you in the hospital, with a poisoned  
leg; I hope it will soon be better, it 
seems a terrible climate for ones' blood. 
Have you seen Tom Burton yet? I saw 
him down Sydney about a week ago, 
with a fellow that was working at 
Mac Bride's; I was surprised to see them, 
they told me all the news. Tom promised 
to call in & see you when he got back. 
We had our final leave about a week 
ago, I spent most of my time in Sydney; 
we had a very good time, I should have 
liked to have got up & seen you before 
leaving, but it was a little too far. 
I don't know for certain when we sail 
yet, but I don't think it will be 
longer than two or three days, we have 
the greater part of our equipment now


we have our top coats to get yet, & a few 
little odds & ends. 
All our reinforcements marched through 
the streets of Sydney yesterday, the crowd 
gave us a very good cheering, I did not 
expect to see half such a big crowd. 
Have you heard Kenneth has joined again; 
they kept him messing about so before he 
could get in the Navy, & I think the 
money ran short; so he went into the 
hospital for his opperation, & joined here about 
a week ago. I have just been getting 
him transfered into the same company 
as myself, I think he will be fixed up 
for certain to-morrow; you see he has 
had a couple of years in the O. T. C. in 
the Old Country so he knows his drill; Quite 
a lot of the fellows out of our Coy have been 
discharged & put back into different Coys 
just lately for getting drunk & over stepping 
their leave, so that there are plenty of 
vacancies for us to get our friends & relations 
in the same Coy. 
I had a letter from Mr Lennard, brother 
to Mrs. Swann, asking me to go & see them 
but I never got the letter until after


I got back from my holidays so I  
think it doubtful if I shall be able to 
see them. I wrote to Mr. Lennard & 
Uncle Swann yesterday. 
I don't know whether you received that 
money I sent you some time back  I 
sent up three pounds, I would have 
sent you some more this last pay, only 
I could not do it as I spent it all 
during my final leave & also I let  
Kenneth have a pound as he was short. 
I am leaving you three fifths of my  
wage inc three shillings a day, it will 
start from the day we leave Australia; 
I hope you will accept it as nearly all 
the fellows our leaving about the same 
to their parents. I case you don't receive 
the money regularly you must write down 
to the military authorities, I don't suppose 
you will receive the first payment 
till nearly a month after we sail, so 
I should not worry them unles they run 
too long after that, we get payed paid fortnightly 
so I suppose you will receive the money 


I am sorry to hear about Grannie's 
death, it must be a great blow to you, 
being away from your Mother at the end. 
I hope you will have good luck in selling 
the place, if you are still determined in 
selling; I hope Rupert will stop with you; 
I don't like the idea of going away & leaving 
you alone. I suppose when Kenneth fills in 
his form, he will leave three fifths of his 
wage to you. I don't want you to worry 
about that seventy pounds, I would rather you 
kept it, as I am more capable of earning it, than 
you, at your age. 
I am glad the cane is looking well, I was 
surprised to hear about Wilson wanting 
to sell out. 
I think you better address my next letter to 
Egypt. I was talking to an old man in Sydney, he 
told me he had four sons at the in Egypt & one at home 
& his Mother had just written to tell him (son) it was his duty to join.  
Pretty patriotic  
wasn't he. 
With best love                                                         
Your affectionate son 
Guy Arnold


Pte. G. H. Arnold 1311. 
B Company 
2nd Batallion 
1st Brigade  
31st October 1915 

My dear Father, 
I haven't had 
a letter from you just lately, 
but I hope you are quite 
well, I so look forward to 
your letters delivered back 
at the Old Peninsula 
again after two months 
holiday, I feel a different 
man to what I did when 
I left it, I never felt so 
run down in all my life 
as I did then. 
I hear you have been


having a few Zepplin 
attacks on London just 
lately; I wonder our aircraft  
can't cope with them 
a little better. 
We have had some rather 
cold windy weather just 
lately, I am not looking 
forward to the long night 
watches during winter too 
much, but I suppose it 
will have to be done. 
I hope you have heard 
from Kenneth by now, 
he has not written to 
me yet, but the last  
letter I had from Aunty 
Mary, said that he 
was on a hospital boat, 
off Egypt so that he 
might have gone to Egypt, 
Malta, or England, for all 
I know; I hope it is 
to England, & then he 
can take a good long 
spell, & get some furlough 
off, to come & see you 
I wish I could get hold 
of some interesting news 
to tell you, but everything 
is practically the


same day after day. 
There is pretty heavy 
bombardment going on 
night & day here, with 
the big guns. 
Give my love to 
Mother & Margery, when 
you see them next. 
Your affectionate Son 
Guy Arnold.

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Jacqueline KennedyJacqueline Kennedy
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