Diary for Arthur James Adams, 1915-1916, Part 8 of 10

First World War, 1914–18
  • War Diaries
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B April 8 & at Buld cookhouse for offiee confer. fit H Rems. despensary u have darkae very bad today Afpnl 6 fun Stmach very bad. also throughly bry poing up camp with odd + ends. Ventry bo ptent April 18 Otton Build capenter whelter t do not gr to canal today Walk caupat night with A Dordoon around Aprl 11th Hees Reorgansing the camp mide onn bull tents 60 yly up canp. o bathe in afterno April 12th Hect. Hork in morning, penie on canal side with all the tent in afternoon, Durt donn roe on our ot of tents come dowat ni return & who cookhouses. buto St Clovova Their Apil 13 Dust stoon (Khanveen) continues and causes much trouble in camp. no parates Free Cpril 14 Still Strny but have a god brakfotintent by coting beeon in primin Apely t a dout le halth 18 &at April 33 /risoners from desert brought in by light home one of our corporal shot, Kal younl tim bee go to Cairs. Building cookhouse again Sun April 16 Tut day in canp, lach wealther much bombing practice in trenches every day now MMon. CApor Ky Usual in daytion bccognam under ofin arrest for bathing without leave, Christen & nominate Nead as one of our society at right Receive cable tellan from the Wateon Managa of Angle Sgyphian Danke.
Tusdy Appr 18 Board it & examines patients f Antratia in our canp, odd Job Inday Wed April of consequence Latle Hhunday App 20 Gen Sin Coh Munay & Staff Inclutin of Wales inspect all of th race Holidaye aftemoon, & Wenf camp ame. Appt leave 26h for yairs Friday Cfr S Gord Friday. Tale a thday t buns Sete Tet c 2 Put partition in mess but tents rearranggd All Yurr App 23 Church Service in meso hut in Mornig Holiday in afternoon Parades re Ahnzce nffons in 0 Mon Afor fobbing in day & ardange Odd everything for tommir sand he 5 And Baker I all the crowd together with a fing visitor go down to Dandl pin the day in freins Arise at 4.30 am. and assenite 4 in youn tent after hordting ack ontside Four Loast fallen comrades our officers 29 furny The Ribble evew the with The ANEAC. Stc transport taken whiskyt milk. ony bent food etc to canal t we return about 5 80pe Sea o. at nights Canteen g to for a few more dount
Dednesday 260 shade up sguads in morning utter make a squad of Mgnt Bake Fergusom. Barloveld & scotly Thomas not weather again Dery Thunday 2 off Fen bad coldon Chest ditle of intend wll letter pome. I Hrtrele Fridlay 28 Dpril in Tyn Iut with the 2th Durgion fo ong marcht manenorgs. (Diviscone Satudoy Eqr A Manly & Cre g. to town Sun S Sfr ganp at 6 & take Lyne 15 train from Terapeum to Daws whereI asrive about 11.30 Sliep in Cobikih call at bank in morning. Haes great that Walton trpend day in buginers for the voys Meet Dunlead Occil Webber I have a good old talk about old friends. Sut evening in Hostel tme shop. I dleep at Angad early i samble avound the Up sethe vayaars natue quarters 6-15 from olf Hlave Markelplaci Catel saw station o anve in fanss about Rpm Watren 56a fobbing in morning Report to Frasche Old get wash Afternoon holday. i Thundey May Pleceive field p.c. pon Sony Dready in France. Go down to canal for bathe it Inday Cllar Packing up futs ready to move hosital t making pacting case for ut parade for f.C. I afternon. Fall Vat. 6 May 27 Reinforcement arrive from Detarts rnt a few photos.
Sun 4 May Ot much doing ofend affemor dentists tent watching riss in work. Write home alo t M Walton On 8t M. Sente camp in morning I Leff Rempz pack mediciones. Manh out to rail head at 4 pm agowe about 6 pm Leelene A.I. Viper help as along the march but the "drummer gets a rough time Black hand again score Tuesday I May Hang & camp in smart style are alroady quite at home t afew old Eutom friends in 14 Id. Aral wh are carping againt us. lots of rmimuniteo going through 18t. M. Wednesdon and Go to - CRC to order tumbe about generally lotter 11 May Thurslays last cam for vrom Go men and call it at the Ig tumber se where I meet Smallamb to orice 4 6 12th May Frday March out to road head caus and gamp at train funtion comen pich 4 very 13 Char fum cookhour & latumes Build have two Extin me day t 12 May for to be relieved from timber Apply Doss gang on horse shelter on work I work until cocon afternoo Advance party of 60th grven pith alongoide about 10 for
Mon. 18th Man Remain on parade in moning Jah a holiday today, veny hot wnd. wrote letter Walked to trenhs o take phates L march back to RH. can it) 8 fom Tues May 18 Dusty hot windy daye, allow buts returnd fron Temer I camp Rech alettle stout, I enfoymoning the at night Eght Engram calls to teng t makes me spend a Jolly cveny with he Hed Magr Lonl Day, Staget in gan while the boy's went to Canal fat Head did a four odd Jobs Thers ty 18 Demn hot day. ½ I march downte canal& have a swom with th voy but side back in mott bi itt Inde ganal Marchin and out from enjoya goodtime in water May Sat 26 fovly weithe I spen the 5gan day fin Canal Eta Jun 21 Chuch Paratin momen bato fleomered wear parson comenss Mon 23 Say March on and out from vanal openda Covel day oner 9ot Iarpection of canp Gy. A.D.M.S.A Boys march to stretcher work on desert to cansl in afternoon, I pring photo of Anyac Dayn Mas Decd 24 Insfection of bat in money 4 Lay right X
Thurdoy 3 Ma Tut poarate Inday 20 May fat 27 h ti parade cot of materia tata awry from us Juday 18 Ma Inopeation of dull unformfr the vengttor H R.H. Anderoon H at 61p Church Pavade Monday 29 Ota Full drrching order parade with all belongings. I more Clanket take away, Turmning in day to Fuerday 38 May On Hental Pavade I hav quiet day Dednesay t. C Fomndrs Mdagtem 4 Ede lear camp ts Jude Thendy tat can arade with Aus tunics hand helmets back Jrn C. tres be, finng to catch the men without bot find dressings. Take oun whole fatsig leather & mibler ward to thhe pulingating wagon a Barral ptyf swemaduring the thon jumigation, Kide back in trasn Friday End June Ten & Im othetehen gand for duty t take 8 patient to S & have the whole afternoon o po a canal home at 6 pnt from 1pn uptil Rm guard Valurda 37d Th 8 down tents in monin cara in oftennon Hen & I call at Vcrapeum W for dee a Gled. who come down to the owion across with roe sanal rough water, home at
t find-all sep 10 Jom Sertty. for th n Sunday June Revelle Eam 2 strhe ten & clean up. Canp gite moving out ab F. 30 am, fat. heads cheap today Farm peroso, Canal berge Gthe nearly srowned but Nat oes a good save. Walk to yew M. staty at night to see dil comestng on erad from Alex but Jay dissapointed in not oeeing her Lom at 14pm Monday Rore Revelle at Yau. but at I am many are swimming in panal C egd across at 5 am have a spicial good breakfast in some geft ffode isned blean up cant surm until 11-50 dinner Tall in at 1.45 and march troup loadall ording Serapcum W. where w effects & cntrain ourselves. very hot leave at 5 pmr & arrive Alex W 28 wharf at Tuesday frum & Iam when we take all our baggage alognte R.T.B. Criania (Vadefie Line) between Iand Your on wharf Spand Pon t Caolton Hotel Ranlep & find that Rel his returned to Liy. Hugh anchor at 6 m L doop again at intrance & havbou sleep on foche nead with Knt Kala Dedneyday frn 4 Three pandis, & boats lepbetts & rftes Dfat maping distrbuted, during day 14 knots. Andy's 2m squad told about toopedoed duty in case of being of fr Thursday fune y an et. Sight frete at Ca & leave sunset
Friday Jne Do ness orderly with W. Mank sight Landura at night Tat. Jn 1. Peer Corsia today very rouh half done with sifeness Sea Iun. Jun 11. Chuch parake a moing usual parade in afternoon S You 2 Anne in Gulf of Kyous at Many beautiful drear full into for hasbou at 3 pm, Wi unloading res The erowd well few the Ara police De Fen Drocmbark t out on whaf until mylody then to town with Mahne Paker Ken Barker t after a good time at 6 pm March from Yocks at return catram at 8-30 fm. Mer Orar 6.30f 11 301 Wed Jue 14 15 Thers 4 Rose ah 430 & soon can in night R. Seine Fetery Hobadeo ssoue French & VAnfran gave us soffec & bread at
Inday 16 440 trea amamviou Ballf 930 had brealfast near ptate at 130 marched out 2 several villiages which were full of belleted troope including 12th Pd And, Amve a a vaon formerly occupied by 3nd Id chork & soon made myself at home in a lft. With Ralp Drvy a Downs. Fwfos get a deal of wine beort omeget founk Sat 14th he dull in monnony ledy ys our Salatirg Civonce and in afteroon after of look in at the improviged orderly room Jne of as to the di cap, conpegoty. are ent Van 10 yo Setied y villiage duning day and spendt a good night in the straw Home of the boys bring ou ofter 10 from home Ronte mahat night get William Mon June 18h King is brought out to fom us & we have a good you with Pyt Docknell Red J. W. Manly. Ronts matchat right Tues, Tume po poking on soldicae grad in ceutirg have a decent time othing furtered flonte march at night Hedmle Pu 2 Arnal duting being tmaraents din raid by alled planes in evening fou oight, 8 movre of yor chips growe Thursday Jun 2x throughout Lyp Chirote formeon villeges of France stat from churches gront march at night, g) in villeage after pelay jum 25 H Edge N0 Setore in afteron by of Engade, Heavy rain at night nomarch
Hodey a Lellor gos Wottst. slart to lite chickens heads yetc Pat Jun &4 Heavy rain in monny, Gt cimitty and waote unn again Holiday in afternoon mory rain vandag Frid 25 Monal in daytim, and It night Strugele where we foi with ga7 to reiies wirthdor party on the od billet go hem cafe at Wfom Big prcemon from Church t das & we are givenga look in Monday Jun 26 Unual day & at night ao to little Estaming near old Allet, Rhin star about 830& we get drenched before we get. Thome at 11-30 um. 2 2Tuesday Ramel dayodd falifie in the villiage of Merris io a little way at night but get dranched & all Sharek back Wedmerd Jaw 28 Go to Drrowonal Bath nean Atateren have a good not shower and a clean change of underctolk, &ee many womenfoll wishing & dawing clothes hong at 11.30 in rain, ami aft March at night & get very wet Thunday Jun 25 twice in morning cleaning statles Iam orderance fatique in afternoo and Faday Jun 38 fategue in early mone & after on Iamy fatigues when we, have a lot of coal you in Merris at the Estamencts go ait to Fradelle billet in afternoon and at night Bill Manly Johews me all the runs of Dorre, home at 9.33p and diinh in the Billet bar after helping bonce Gaunts gol to wash ap glason ete bal af 11 f Keidy & Hanmin drenke

April 8th Sat 
Build cookhouse for officers cooks. 
fit Staff Kemp's dispensary up, &  
have diarrhae very bad today. 
April 9th Sun 
Stomach very bad, also through day 
busy fixing up camp with odds & 
ends.  Sentry box patent  
April 10th Mon 
Build carpenters shelter etc etc 
do not go to canal today.  Walk 
around camp at night with A Davidson 
April 11th Tues 
Reorganising the camp, move our 
bell tents.  60 ydz up camp. Go for  
bathe in afternoon. 
April 12th Wed 
Work in morning.  Picnic on canal side with  
all the tent in afternoon, Dust storm rises on our 
return & lots of tents come down at night 
also cookhouses. huts etc  blow over 

Thurs, April 13th 
Dust storm (Khamseen) continues. and causes 
much trouble in camp, no parades 
Fri. April 14th 
Still stormy.  but have a good breakfast in tent, by 
cooking bacon on primus, Andys birthday & drink his health. 
Sat April 15th 
33 Prisoners from desert brought in by light 
horse.  one of our corporals shot, Kala, Gaunt, Tim Lee 
go to Cairo.  Building cookhouse again 
Sun April 16th 
Quiet day in camp.  lovely weather, much 
bombing practice in trenches every day now 
Mon. April 17th 
Usual in daytime, Cicognani under open 
arrest for bathing without leave, Christen 
& nominate Reid as one of our society 
at night.  Receive cable telegram from Mr Walton 
Manager of Anglo Egyptian Bank.


Tuesday April 18th 
Board sits & examines patients for 
Australia in our camp.  odd jobs in day 
Wed April 19 
Little of consequence. 
Thursday Apr 20th 
Gen Sir Arch Murray & staff including 
Prince of Wales. inspects all of the 
camp.  Holiday in afternoon, 55 Reinfs’ 
arrive.  Apply leave 48 hrs for Cairo. 
Friday Apr 21st 
Good Friday. Take a holiday 
no buns etc 
Sat Apr 22nd 
Put partition in mess hut. 
All tents rearranged. 
Sun Apr 23rd 
Church Service in mess hut in morning 
Holiday in afternoon 
Parades re Anzac ribbons 

Mon Apr 24th 
Odd jobbing in day & arrange 
everything for tomorrow, Tuesday 25th April when 
Andy, Baker W & all the old 
crowd together with a few 
visitors.  go down to Canal  
& spend the day in picnic 
Arise at 4.30 am and assemble 
in our tent after hoisting the 
Jack outside, Toast, The King & our 
fallen comrades.  our officers 
the 'Ribble' crew.  The 29th Division 
The A & N Z A C. etc with 
whisky & milk.  Transport takes 
our beer & food etc to canal 
& we return about 5.30 p.m. 
Tea & go to canteen at night 
for a few more drinks


Wednesday 26th Apr 
Make up squads in morning when 
I make a squad of Manly Baker 
Fergusson, Barloveld & Scotty Thomas 
Very hot weather again. 
Thursday 27th Apr 
Very bad cold on chest.  Little of  
interest write letters home & Australia 
Friday 28th April 
Turn out with the 4th Division for 
long march & maneuvres (Divisional) 
Saturday 29th Apr 
Manly & Cic go to town 
Sun 30th Apr 
Leave camp at 6pm & take 7-15 train 
from Serapeum to Cairo. where I arrive 
about 11.30.  Sleep in Esbikiah St & 
call at bank in morning.  Have great  
chat to Mr Walton, & spend day in  
business for the Coys, Meet Dunleavy & 
Cecil Webber & have a good old talk 

about old friends.  Quiet evening in 
wine shop. & sleep at Anzac Hostel. 
Up early & ramble around the  
bazaars, native quarters, see the  
old Slave Marketplace.  Catch 6-15 from  
Cairo station & arrive in camp about 
Wednesday 3rd May 
Odd jobbing in morning.  Report to Fiasche 
& get a wash, Afternoon holiday. 
Thursday 4th May 
Receive field p.c. from Tommy Deasy 
in France.  Go down to canal for bathe 
Friday 5th May. 
Packing up kits ready to move 
& making packing cases for hospital 
Full kit parade for O.C. in afternoon. 
Sat 6th May 
27 Reinforcements arrive from 
Details .  Print a few photos.


Sun 7th May. 
Not much doing.  spend afternoon 
in dentists tent watching him 
work.  Write home also to Mrs Walton  
Mon 8th May 
Strike camp in morning & help 
Kempy pack medicines.  March out 
to 'rail head' at 4 pm arrive  
about 6 pm feeling A.1.  Piper helps 
us along the march but the 
drummer gets a rough time. 
Black hand again scores. 
Tuesday 9th May 
Fix up camp in smart style & 
are already quite at home, meet a few 
old Zeitoun friends in 12th Fd Amb who 
are camping against us.  Lots of ammunition 
going through 

10th M Wednesday 
Go to CRE to order timber and 
potter about generally 
11th May Thursday 
Go to last camp for various 
timber.  and call in at the Sgts mess 
4th Fd where I meet Smallcomb & Ernie 
12th May Friday 
March out to road head camp and 
pick camp at train junction corner 
very hot 
13th May Sat 
Build cookhouse & latrines. during  
day.  have two extra men 
14th May Sun, 
Apply for to be relieved from timber 
work.  Boss gang on horse shelter in 
afternoon. & work until 9 pm.  cocoa. 
Advance party of 60lb guns pitch  
alongside about 10 pm


Mon 15th May 
Remain on parade in morning.  Take 
a holiday today, Very hot winds. 
wrote letters, Walked to trenches & take 
photos. & march back to RH camp at 8 pm 
Tues May 16th 
Dusty hot windy day, all our kits 
returned from Serapeum E camp.  Pinch 
a little stout, & enjoy morning then 
at night Capt Ingram calls me to tent 
& makes me spend a Jolly evening with him!!! 
Wed, May 17th 
Lovely Day, Stayed in camp while 
the boys went to Canal.  fat head 
did a few odd jobs 
Thurs May 18 
Very hot day & I march down to 
canal & have a swim with the  
boys but ride back in motor bus 

Friday 19th 
March in and out from Canal & 
enjoy a good time in water 
Sat 20th May 
Lovely weather & spend the 
day in Canal again 
Sun 21st May 
Church Parade in morning but no 
parson comes so we ar dismissed 
Mon 22nd May. 
March in and out from Canal &  
spend a lovely day  
Tues 23rd May 
Inspection of camp by A.D.M.S. & 
do stretcher work on desert, Boys march 
to canal in afternoon,  I print photos 
of Anzac Day. 
Wed 24th May 
Inspection of kit in morning & pay at  


Thursday 25th May 
Kit parade 
Friday 26th May 
Sat 27th May 
Kit parade.  lots of material taken 
away from us. 
Sunday 28th May 
Inspection of drill uniform for the 
benefit of HR.H. Anderson & at 
6 11 pm Church Parade 
Monday 29th May 
Full marching order parade with 
all belongings. & more blankets 
taken away.  Swimming in daytime. 
Tuesday 30th May 
On Dental Parade. & have a 
quiet day 
Wednesday 31st May 
Swimming in daytime. 
4th Bde leave. camp 

Thursday 1st June  
6 am Parade with Aus tunics & Hats & 
hand helmets back.  Jim A. tries to 
be funny & catch the men without 1st 
field dressings.  Take our whole  
kits - leather & rubber ware to  
the fumigating wagon at Canal 
side & swim during the ¾ hour 
fumigation.  Ride back in train 
Friday 2nd June  
Ken & I on stretcher squad for  
duty & take 8 patients to C.C.S. 
& have the whole afternoon in  
canal.  home at 6 pm & do a 
guard from 11 pm until 1 am 
Saturday 3rd June 
Taking down tents in morning & 
in afternoon Ken & I go to canal  
& call at Serapeum W for T Lee 
& Keidy. who come down to the 
canal & swim across with me 
very rough water, home at


10pm & find all 'cept 
Scotty.  foo ‘th noo 
Sunday June 4th 
Revelle 4 am & strike tents & 
clean up camp site.  moving out 
at 8-30 am, fat heads cheap today 
Swim across canal twice & J Gillies 
nearly drowned but Kal does a  
good save.  Walk to Ser. W. station 
at night to see Lil come through 
on train from Alex but am 
dissapointed in not seeing her home 
at 11pm 
Monday June 5th 
Revelle at 7am but at 3 am 
many are swimming in canal. 
I go across at 5 am & have a  
special good breakfast on some 
gift food. issued  Clean up camp 
& swim until 11-30 dinner 

Fall in at 1.45 and march to troops 
siding Serapeum W. where we load all 
our effects & entrain ourselves. very hot 
leave at 5pm & arrive Alex No 28 wharf at 
Tuesday June 6th 
2 am when we take all our baggage 
alongside R.T.S. Griania (Pacific Line) 
Spend between 9am & 2pm on wharf 
Phone to Carlton Hotel Ramleh & find that 
Lil has returned to Suez.  Weigh anchor 
at 6 pm & drop again at entrance to harbour 
sleep on fo'clse head with Ken & Kala. 
Wednesday June 7th 
Three parades, & boats lifebelts & rafts 
distributed. during day.  Boat making 
about 14 knots.  Andy's & my squad told 
off for duty in case of being torpedoed 
Thursday June 8th 
Sight Crete at 6 am & leave same at 


Friday June 9th 
Do mess orderly with W. Manly 
Sight Sardinia at night 
Sat June 10th 
Pass Corsica today very rough 
sea.  half down with sickness 
Sun. June 11 
Church parade in morning & usual 
parade in afternoon 
Mon June 12 
Arrive in Gulf of Lyons at 10am 
beautiful view, pull into por harbour 
at 3pm, Work unloading stores. 
The crowd well fear the Anzac  
Tues June 13th 
Disembark & sit on wharf until midday 
then got to town with Mahney, Baker 
Ken & Barker & after a good time 
return at 6 pm, March from docks at 
6.30 pm & entrain at 8-30 pm.  Leave Marsiel 
at 10-30 pm 

Wed June 14th 
Thurs June 15 
Rose at 4.30 & soon came in sight 
of R Seine. 

Tobacco issue. French & Russian ladies  
gave us coffee & bread at


Friday 16 June 
Rose at 7am arrived Balliol 
9 30 had breakfast near station 
& at 11.30 marched out via, 
several villiages which were full of billeted 
troops. including 12th Fd Amb, Arrived a a 
barn formerly occupied by 3rd Fd Amb &  
soon made myself at home in a loft 
With Kala, Durry. & Downs.  Troops get 
a deal of wine & beer & some get drunk 
Sat 17th June 
Saluting drill in morning.  tidy up our 
bivouac and in afternoon after a look  
in at the improvised orderly room nine of us 
are sent to the d. camp, camp in pig sty. 
Sun 18th Jun 
Tidied up villiage during day. and spend  
a good night in the straw 
Some of the boys. bring our letters &  
I got 10 from home.  Route march at night 

Mon June 19th 
KIng Williams is brought out to join us & we  
have a good yarn with Sgt Docknell, 
Keid & W Manly.  Route march at night 
Tues, June 20th 
Working on soldiers graves in cemetry 
& have a decent time.  nothing of interest 
Route march at night 
Wednesday June 21st 
Usual duties.  heavy bombardments 
air raid by Allied planes in evening 
fine sight, & more of our chaps arrive 
Thursday June 22nd 
Corpus Christi procession throughout 
villiages of France.  start from churches 
Rout march at night, go in villiage after 
Friday. June 23rd
Lecture in afternoon by Lt. Edge A.P.M. 
of Brigade.  Heavy rain at night , no march


Today a fellow goes dotty & 
starts to bite chickens heads off. etc. 
Sat Jun 24th 
Heavy rain in morning. Go to  
cemetry and waste time again. 
Holiday in afternoon.  more rain. 
Sunday June 25th 
Usual in daytime. and at night 
go to Strazelle where we join with 
Keidies birthday party in the old 
billet & get home safe at 10 pm 
Big procession from Church today 
& we are giving a look in 
Monday June 26th 
Usual day & at night go to little 
Estaminet near old billets, Rain starts 
about 8.30 & we get drenched before 
we get home at 10-30. 
Tuesday June 27th 
Rain all day.  odd fatigues in the  
villiage of Merris, Go a little way at 
night but got drenched & all march  

Wednesday Jun 28 
Go to Divisional Baths near Meterin 
& have a good hot shower and a  
clean change. of underclothes,  See many 
womenfolk washing & darning clothes. 
home at 11-30 in rain, Farm in aft 
March at night & get very wet 
Thursday June 29th 
Farm twice in morning cleaning stables 
and ordnance fatigue in afternoon. 
Friday June 30th 
Farm fatigue in early morn. & after on  
coal fatigue when we have a lot of  
fun in Merris at the Estaminets', 
Go out to Pradelle billet in afternoon  
and at night Bill Manly shows me 
all the runs of Borre, home at 9-30pm 
and drink in the Billet bar after helping  
Ernie Gaunts girl to wash up glasses etc 
bed at 11pm Keidy & Hennessy drunk.

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Jacqueline KennedyJacqueline Kennedy
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