Diary for Arthur James Adams, 1915-1916, Part 7 of 10

First World War, 1914–18
  • War Diaries
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Cha Ken 7 t Thittog canp today tents are very prtted while I mark out leus Hep & Thes P18 Seben application to AB4 t 1d enging Vesrt traness Yct in ovening to see F. Ceafhan he is away in Cawrs Ben to would Mes Hut for me wed fan 9 Duilding again in mornun a letter from Sil. & 44 day for fortball in afternoon Havea stripe shovel upon Tursday a 26 Building again in day nd get a lot of fun in watching noviced get tember for taktes o forme Put appication in for transfer iners 21 Friday and an him with the baing pplication thegs easy fry an the &at Jan 22 Uonal day in camp & unday Jar 23 to dinner trank comes over & stay of old tilk he look worned, good Walk over & Head gts at times to try for tranfe night 2 Ja Monday District field court martial in our caupL M. St Purchan among Battery our mob Walk ove to 14 & See Frank who is doing guard A Palmer comes with, me 25 Tuesday Jan from Hlex Restof transpot awnle old pats with pleaty of chatting
Wee Jun 24 Peain in daytime and attle the ordinao veside out of Hheyday Jar 24 Prcist half day for Homtater Day Annwer Sports o 16 Prigade Fnday Fan 28 Saten tartley. Lawh, wof she & Exquir Stables & form Sat Jan 29 the Netoof donking how on at adjount carteen, Kalamunda pts very mary and causes much Fusenes at teat by doing acrobets C. Segla H.B. Hogg fighting at night Sn Jan 50 De a little waohen in moning print photos in afternoon Mor Jan 31 all but Msual work in daytime pact keepo Jhnste & Chamberlain, C.O brothday sort of red letter d. Tues Feb 121 routing. Camp getting ver Usual confortable & food good Wed Feb And nd Cairs, visit fioter Kepp of t G. to Ansllian Hos, vint Jack. Langat Look round Warza. Hay camnera Lectorn I do a lttle buginess for 275 p boys, (Meck Jack againon station where he has 30 beenforcement for and o H. Amb so pelos Men to caupe Thur Feb. Pleat of yours with Dety with 2 odd bs usual
Feb 4 Friday Saturatey Feb. 3 se football matsh Go Bustraln Rules Fowen & Beaven Result Dreven 31pto Beafond Dunday Feb 6 Hoppy t I went for a fector trantel int villiage offor can few pnafes, visited togka old Oguptian fot, I. Ho M.l. buy Heggs for tee. Monday Mating queck preperation lea 6 camp but Iapti ferr Tuesday fea Handin black hel vag Wed Feb. 2 match (foundly) in oftemos Football Their Feb 26 fom general meetingto Hold Club) with vapt ppsent in the Doccer also you an Chistrat Kel chain Henty AJob blub Capt. Sprent Joccen ub President capt Ap caws (capt) J Lany Core capts Committee St of Bgt. Chalmen tt Selection Anst Pales Tilbroon (cept) Ader (2e) two capts Velection comittee. Kenp Fnday yet 11 Usual work day, Executio meeting Clib in mest shed fo foothall i Tat Feb Deves t Beavin fola mot Bhstaton Rules in afteraon Doego win 18-6.
Feb 13 Sum Bady morning with soct. pang in fixing up posts for gavne Igil chught by wwo officers on yoop of a mess shid steating the fams they commander my Ramine er when Expresentativn satch of s packs) team beat mane to 0 14 Mon Seb bath Finish building showe which is much appreciat by the boys Fues Feb 5 Corder tynten f stra tancs pospital tent for 6 Wed Feb. Pley 3 Bde. Art Hogt or ground whached2 + get Their Feb Feb Fridey uen on haddr of Ree Storage Co book Sat 12 Feb friendly goin fecer Pla i Ser Fe Mal a couth for C. Wane bose readh news of Rusor Gen victories, after Chuch Paraal Mon fet cender Ted return from Dan drunkt cocort. charge of rape alsest assaglt of officer 4 day
p Turs £e622 Houch soution Hedm t Builden new latime withnot Hor and play 2rd Station afteroon bet then 37th fa und by afteron arreet for not wornin fe624 Thers Le Ordisk Foom in motling he lost work stupe continu say Fedg Feb 23 work ver case Tat Fransfeond to A sectior Sat. tet 26 opot in aftero S Witch Bett Hust vles match leto ot wis 4Bato L 37 C or watty 16 6 p fet tanfen Pask to Copction Sunday Fo Leave of if am the old AL B Sected of chaps & march into new camp. ground. where we soon. fio upp are very comfortable 28 MMondan Latum (for Srely with roof Build I have an easy day t Fuesday 42 Dis to beine ty that gatt Defot Busz at Engineeon Dupply getting luten you oun Ccm ot Mar Wednessty in tat Fixe up stretcher gotanc inte Theft canp into afforring do after of good work Mar O Thursday E Case of stort mesed from .M hat full fade tecture on hon 8 cuild a dieg out in sand full
Wale Mafe fo leavea 2CH. take his place p at right Inda 3 Ae Build lage cookhouse toas Tolbut take & walk overt Fat 4 Olan ip depensary with Nesceraa drink wtt the cd all 60 evenug. Ordered to gill. in dug fort 5th C Lettle donng he day, carring fer reading Happy comer over pr f wes in afterro 3 Ao 6 A Write letter him ot nocts leepen be M send Reofice p when he yors srunk t cam gcts Wed in new dispensing Epten Wahing dyying racks in morning ol on has holiday in afternoon Therso tan £25 pe Laws an Cave Draw to Expption Danke from Dris Commonweald Anle Dank Draw £1 from Internateat Pase. a very enjoyable day with J Gillin Havr near Hotel National at night a Stay by Fracd. Chatenn Frdan 18h Sla Haves good day in Caws. Visit Citadel you with Sot Mr Mulhall take a few phote from Minarcts of Mogus gharry drives & home at night a few S muet - Sh Cootis & Vocky H plaa when few others in woute for Ismalia and a
Saturday 17 March Fash Noon in moninyg of received days End Id Kunighment 4 days pay. Capt Sprent Steaks very much in favorr of me to th J.C. Remne caspenters work. Sunday 12 March D a lettle work in morring and foothall in afterwoon fack tang see Hoppy vrost one at night A Monday 13 March Honal sontee indaytim Faulay 14 March Ge to Enginers to try for toonfer have a good yain with 1gt panyo 15 March Wedmentgy Kalamunda you to Caws with Ott to guese laughable cxibitation it ought Thanded 15On Pox day Relo. 1 3 go to Enginent t to 7 9ct youd that I am just too late transer into 13 Enguiain adjoun to Canten where we afterwards to our Men Hrit had the pleasure of telling Cobrnons ounmind They were the ooence of curs& wouldnot fight trot the 3 Id Cmb & stof to tea Fr 8th Engimens for vacancy (no luck) Y. fight at Stadiem with Jick Kang Happy Lt Gount. Man Frday 14 sorture terane Fo 18 ter Rough weather in day. Cts of men sick through para-thh innoculation, 3 renforcements came to us. Stonng night H Treyd yours us
Tunday 19th March effecto of inculation dest in feeling tent. tents being evected for newcomen walk arong canal in afternoo Take a the3 visit Ld Amb, calfioa both y MCA's quiet evaning writing Monday 26th March Freoday 21 March Stp Groves formoted F.W.C. & Lan t St Anderbor 8 Wednesdy 2 O 1 of Wales inspects camp t O take a conple. of ma Holiday atten of he Thurid 28 60/ Struat writire Recmnedy return at mih our advance quan leo pr &erapim this morning Max 24th Friday Udual vorting getting ready for Jomes pve departure Jachy Rang for a yam. Aman shorts himself Ingincer camp next door. i Prin pholographs today Mar 25 Sacy tho begin to march to Senafin Reye bother calls in for tea of Gornan netern Mas 26 ye Wrting signboards, ete in Momin- aften on Getting new year together in baggege going through on cxmel Lott of trai. Andy, I go & cay favewell to the 3 MMar 22 Cllen Retor in morning and fall in Pock ready to tock, play cricket at night your Go to Yon SMlaseman comes over fora Meek Smyth circus with Kalamunda, at night. of the I1th Batt I have a talk of 25 April. Eacro Send parcel home through Cooks
Bhach 28th So. Gaper nports lor of Mincatopoles in Materanen March out for practice with Reto on March 23 w4 Idgery p camp I marching oelen pasacler moan Mer 30th the Aydy Davidoon & I go for a sail week water canal and then look through two villiages on othero if canel from Caup. Sec a fine gathering of people brying & velles various. Wares. What I have coffe with some Arabres in villiage £eni fere at 3pr when matef the tents down Pleanup canp, eveningi canters lapmeswhed a Fri MMar 31 March out of camp at y am and halt for Onner at 1130 distant Mors aff at 1/m and make Malisama at 2-30 & bivonce tmf from villegge. Visit day carteen of arlleg. t beng goodies enough to enfor real good & varied tea. Your of us go to a camp for concert with the Brigade 2 hur in for a good sleep at 10 prm April H Sat Make ppes on awaking and move I am again. Halt at midday off at alory caual, very hot. Halamunda crowd pass in barges, get two tuo of milk of te of valbed from Kaka & enpoy same ot evening rer. Transport pails us, and after waiting Moohe camp for I has we version to then I bivr fave t in dark everybody grumbling ep almyside c
Soprl a Sin More off at I am and on reaching Nesehe the transport again foels, when we transper blanket ere i Harges Halt for 2 prs ontorde Cpiche Ido a hard E has Jou befo halting then again we move of after heavysand walking feach cauteer where we have a a day Havia surmen suey snact lanal and marchints can at 4 pma fresh as daiies, Brovn ont Apal 3, MMo nearly all day in Spend payal Capt. on Wpice, I get sumburnt Brook & Mas. Cadle in charg bu ges return. I we work unloading then until 12pi Pevry out very cold & windy Tahe Potogeph of graved Mafor or bant Von Dem Hagdn, Killed 4 F2 13 of Canal (phots in Ason8 Appril 4th Hee Mork hard all day exectng tent tby night the canp looks will Halg goes batman to N.Y. Groves Aprl 5 Wed Dpiction acts day have Apection does all Odutio inpaymen for hard work on canp) etc. AC star caspentenng dga The Aprl A siction get leave. I Seotty DO go to Greet Pitter Labe & Grok& owin all day. 7miles cach way so feel tied on return. Apal 4 F tot for treakfast Serty -very unwell all. day I go for bathe in cannl ray in with the voys in afternoon. G. for chat al evening Bege garyle Kerceve in morning meningites

Mon Jan 17  
Shifting camp today & 
while tents are being pitched 
Hop & I mark out lines. 
Tues Jan 18 
Submit application to ADMS for 
transfer to Engrs., Visit Hd. Qtrs 
in Evening to see F Meadow but 
he is away in Cairo. Begin to  
build Mess Hut for men 
Wed Jan 19 
Building again in morning, got 
a letter from Lil. & half  
day for football in afternoon 
Have a stripe shoved upon me 
Thursday Jan 20 
Building again in day and  
get a lot of fun in watching 
novices get timber for tables & forms 
Put application in for transfer to Engrs 
Friday Jan 21st 
Getting on fine with the building and 
take things easy. Try another application 
Sat Jan 22nd 
Usual day in camp 
Sunday Jan 23rd 
Frank comes over & stays to dinner 
he looks worried, good talk of old  
times, Walk over to Headqtrs at 
night to try for transfer. 
Monday Jan 24th 
District field court martial in our 
camp, Q. M. Sgt Purchase among 
our mob. Walk over to 14th Battery 
& see Frank who is doing guard. 
A Palmer comes with me. 
Tuesday Jan 25  
Rest of transport arrives from Alex 
plenty of chatting with old pals


Wed, Jan 26 
Rain in daytime. and little 
out of the ordinary besides 
Thursday Jan 27 
Special half day for Foundation  
Day Anniversary. Sports for  
1st Brigade. 
Friday Jan 28th 
Nothing startling. finish roofing shed 
& begin tables & forms. 
Sat Jan 29th 
Lots of drinking going on at the 
adjacent canteen, Kalamunda gets 
very merry and causes much amusement 
at teatime by doing acrobats. 
C. Taylor & B Hogg fighting at night 
Sun Jan 30th 
Do a little washing in morning &  
print photos in afternoon 
Mon Jan 31st 
Usual work in daytime, sack all but 
Christie & Chamberlain, W.O. keeps  
birthday sort of red letter day  
Tues Feb 1st 
Usual routine. Camp getting very 
comfortable & food good 
Wed Feb 2nd 
Go to Cairo, visit Sister Kemp at 3rd 
Auxilliary Hos, visit Jack Lang at  
Zeitoun. Look round Wazza. Buy camera 
275p & do a little business for  
boys, Meet Jack again on station 
where he has 30 reinforcements for 
3rd Fd Amb. so I pilot them  
to camp . 
Thurs. Feb 3rd 
Plenty of yarns with Jacky 
usual work & odd jobs


Friday Feb 4th 
Saturday Feb 5th 
Go to see football match 
Australian Rules. Drivers & Bearers 
Result Drivers 31 pts Bearers 6 pts 
Sunday Feb 6th 
Jacky, Hoppy & I went for a  
ramble into villiage opposite camp 
took a few snaps, visited old  
Egyptian fort, & Flour Mill. buy  
eggs for tea. 
Monday Feb 7th 
Making great preparation to leave 
camp. but I continue work 
Tuesday Feb 8th 
Hand in black kit bags 
Wed. Feb 9th 
Football match (friendly) in afternoon 
Thurs Feb 10th 
Hold a general meeting (to form a  
soccer club) with Capt Sprint in the 
chair. also form an Australian Rules  
Club - Secretary A. J. Robinson 
President Capt Sprint. Soccer Club  
A J Adams (capt) J Lang (vice capt)  
Selection committee Staff Sgt Chalmer & two capts 
Aust Rules. Tilbrook (capt) Ryder (vice) 
Selection committee. Staff Kemp & two capts 
Friday Feb 11th 
Usual work in day, Executive meeting. 
in mess shed for football Club 
Sat Feb 12th 
Drivers & Bearers play match  
Australian Rules in afternoon 
Drivers win 13 - 6 .


Sun Feb 13th 
Busy morning with Jock Lang 
in fixing up posts for game. I get 
caught by two officers on roof of 
a mess shed stealing tie beams 
they commandeer my hammer 
Representative match of socker when 
Jacks team beat mine by 2. 0. 
Mon. Feb 14th 
Finish building shower bath 
which is much appreciated by the  
boys . 
Tues Feb 15th 
Order timber for stretcher stands 
for hospital tents. 
Wed Feb 16th 
Play 3rd Bde Art Hdqts on our ground 
& get whacked 2 - 1. 
Thurs. Feb 17th 
Friday Feb 18th 
Place souvenirs in hands of  
Cooks Storage Co. 
Sat Feb 19th 
Play friendly game of soccer 
Sun Feb 20th 
Make a crutch for C Ware. 
Gen Cox reads news of Russian 
victories. after Church Parade. 
Mon Feb 21st 
Keid return from Cairo under 
escort. Charge of rape, drunk & 
assault of officer. 4 days absent


Tues, Feb 22nd 
Usual routine 
Wednesday Feb 23rd 
Building new latrines with roof 
and play 2nd Stationary Hos. in 
afternoon. beat them 3-1. Put under  
arrest for not working in afternoon 
Thursday Feb 24th 
Orderly room in morning when I 
lost stripe. Continue same work. 
Friday  Feb 25th 
Take work very easy
Transferred to A section 
Sat. Feb 26th
Watch sports in afternoon 56th Battl 
also Aust rules match between 
7th Batty & 3rd Fd Amb win 
for Batty 16 - 6 pts.
Get transferred back to C section 
Sunday Feb 27th 
Leave the old A  &  B section. at 9 am 
& march into new camp. E of camp 
grounds where we soon fix up & 
are very comfortable 
Monday Feb 28th
Build Latrines (for sick) with roof.
& have an easy day 
Tuesday Feb 29th
Dig a bivouac & share with
Busy at Engineers Supply Depot 
getting timber for our camp. 
Wednesday 1st Mar
Fix up stretcher stands in tent.
Shift camp into adjoining site &
do a bit of good work. 
Thursday 2nd Mar
Case of stout missed from Q.M. tent. 
full parade & lecture on honesty by O.C.
Build a dugout in sand hill


Major Ross leaves us & Major Walsh 
takes his place, Go to pictures at night 
Friday 3rd Mar
Build large cookhouse today 
& take a walk over to 3rd Field Amb 
Sat 4th Mar
Fix up dispensary with necessaries 
Have a drink with the crowd all  
evening. Ordered to fill in dug out 
Sun 5th Mar 
Little doing in day, carving pipes &
reading. Hoppy comes over for a walk  
in afternoon. 
Mon 6th Mar 
Write letters home at night 
begin sleeping out again
Tues 7th Mar 
Lend Ronfree 50p when he goes & 
gets drunk on same 
Wed 8th
Working in new dispensary E. P tent 
also on drying racks. in morning & 
have holiday in afternoon 
Thursday 9th Mar
Go to Cairo on leave. Draw £25 fronfrom
Anglo Egyptian Bank. from Bris Commonwealth
Bank. Draw £1 from Intermediate Base. 
Have a very enjoyable day with J Gillies
Stay near Hotel National at night a 
big French Chateau 
Friday 10th Mar
Have a good day in Cairo. Visit 
Citadel. yarn with Sgt Mjr Mulhall
take a few photo's from Minarets of Mosques
a few gharry drives & home at night
where I meet N. Cootes & Pocky McFarlane
and a few others en route for Ismalia


Saturday 11th March
Orderly Room in morning & receives 
2 days 2nd Fd Punishment & 
4 days pay. Capt Sprint speaks very 
much in favour of me to the O.C.
Resume carpenters work.  
Sunday 12th March
Do a little work in morning and 
see football in afternoon. Jack Lang 
&  Hoppy visit me at night 
Monday 13th March
Usual routine in daytime
Tuesday 14th March
Go to Engineers to try for transfer 
have a good yarn with Sgt Gray 
Wednesday 15th March
Kalamunda goes to Cairo with Otto. K.
& gives a laughable exhibition at night 
Thursday 18th Mar
Pay day. Kala & I go to Engineers &
find that I am Just too late to get a 
transfer into 13th Engineers. adjourn to Canteen 
& afterwards to our Mess Hut where we 
had the pleasure of telling Robinson's our mind
They were the essence of cuss  &  would not fight
Visit the 3rd Fd Amb & stop to tea
Try 8th Engineers for vacancy (no luck)
Go to fight at Stadium with Jack Lang
Hoppy & Gaunt.
Friday 17th Mar
Usual routine
Sat 18th Mar
Rough weather in day. lots of men sick
through para-typhus innoculation, 26 
reinforcements came to us. Stormy night
H Floyd joins us


Sunday 19th March
Feeling effects of innoculation & rest in
tent. tents being erected for newcomers 
Take a walk along canal in afternoon
visit the 3rd Fd Amb. call on 
both YMCA's, quiet evening 
Monday 20th March
Tuesday  21st March
Staff Groves promoted to WO. &
Anderson to Lt Qm 
Wednesday 22nd Mar
Prince of Wales inspects camp
& I take a couple of snaps 
of him. Holiday in afternoon 
Thursday 23rd Mar 
Usual routine, Kennedy returns
at night. Our advance guard leaves
for Serapium this morning 
Mar 24th Friday
Usual routine, getting ready for 
departure. Jacky Lang comes over 
for a yarn. A man shoots himself 
in Engineers camp next door.
Print photographs today. 
Mar 25th Sat
Troops begin to march to Serapium
Keyds brother calls in for tea. O'Gorman returns
Mar 26th Sun 
Writing signboards , etc in Morning
Getting new gear together in afternoon 
Lots of baggage going through on camel  
trains. Andy & I go & say farewell to the 3rd
Mar 24th Mon
Pack kits in morning and fall in 
ready to trek. play cricket at night
Tom Maxman comes over for a yarn. Go to
circus with Kalamunda at night. Meet Smyth 
of the 11th Batt & have a talk of 25th April.
Send parcel home through ' Cooks.' Cairo


March 28th Tues
Paper reports loss of Mineatspolis in Mediterranean.
March out for practice with kits on
March 29th Wed
Tidying up camp, marching order 
parades in morning. 
Mar 30th Thur
Andy Davidson & I go for a sail up  
Sweet water canal and then look  
through two villiages on other side
of canal from camp. See a fine 
gathering of people buying & selling
various wares. Chat & have coffee 
with some Arabies in villiage, Home
at 3 pm when most of the tents are  
down. Clean up camp, evening in canteen
sleep in mess shed 
Mar 31st Fri
March out of camp at 7am and halt
for dinner at 11-30, 9 miles distant
Move off at 1 pm and make Mahsama
at 3-30 & bivouac ½ mile from
villiage. Visit dry canteen & villiage 
& bring goodies enough to enjoy a
real good & varied tea.
Four of us go to a camp fire concert
with the Brigade & turn in for a good 
sleep at 10 pm 
April 1st Sat
Make jokes on awaking and move
off at 7am again. Halt at midday
along canal, very hot. Kalamunda &
crowd pass in barges. get two tins of
milk & in of rabbit from Kala & enjoy 
some at evening tea. Transport fails
us, and after waiting at Mouska camp 
for 2 hrs we return to them & bivy 
Have tea in dark. everybody grumbling
Sleep alongside canal


April 2nd Sun
Move off at 7am and on reaching
Nefiche the transport again fails. when 
we transfer blankets etc to barges
Halt for 2 hrs outside Nefiche
& do a hard  2 hrs journey before
halting then again we move off &  
after heavy sand walking reach 
a dry canteen where we have a 
snack. Have a swim in Suez  
Canal and march into camp at
4 pm as fresh as daisies.  Bivvy out
April 3rd Mon
Spend nearly all day in canal 
on W side. I got sunburnt. Capt
Brooks & Maj Cade in charge, Our
barges return. & we work unloading
them until 12 pm. Bivvy out, very
cold & windy.
Take photograph of grave of Major
Von Dem Hagen. Killed 4-2-15 on bank 
of canal (photo on Apri 8th)
April 4th Tues
Work hard all day erecting tents 
& by night the camp looks well.
Kala goes batman to W.O. Groves 
April 5th Wed
B section gets day leave &  
A section does all duties in payment
for hard work on camp. etc. & I
start carpentering again .  
April 6th Thur 
A section gets leave. & Scotty & I
go to Great Bitter Lake & fish & 
swim all day. 7 miles each way so 
feel tired on return.
April 7th Fri
Fish for breakfast. Scotty very 
unwell all day. I go for bathe in canal 
with the boys in afternoon . G. Murray in
for chat in evening  
Begin gargle Xercise in morning for

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Jacqueline KennedyJacqueline Kennedy
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