Diary for Arthur James Adams, 1915-1916, Part 3 of 10

First World War, 1914–18
  • War Diaries
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il Apil 30 god rest tollog & walth Have a phrapnell pefpering Jurte & haveto duck for flow voats very often but at night to shells collect wounded tot May of Muddy Gully char d Cfam firt to MaWhae yully & then t Thrapnel gilly Lot May Sal Under very heavy Chraprell. fire all day collect from Oall of Death afternoon & ggain out o 8 pr in Seen End May Have a rest I watch the Navy heavily bombard observation Station Youg Tepe also on left flank. May Oen Vegy voy today in Shapsiel guller KRULI on ye of Charge of Custoylians who gain 1000 yd of trenches out gen tired out at X530 pm. & nome at I am 4th May Yues lest all dayt watch our navy Dimband I voluntee Gaba Lepe teoribly when party tried to Pland & god cut up Jend Callegran tembly by Turho machie qune at night hone bra Alexandria up gull
May 5th Wed Home durig merning: do varior fauques out in afternoon to Capt. Tebbets Station returning at 12 midnight End Bo re-embark for C. Helly reenforce the French & Tomee on fint I Kenot hut in foot May 6. Ther Our camp under very heary ohappel five all day. Iwe crouch as far back as possible in our dugorts 40 mules many men-kelled & hundreds of wonderful excapes all around us Shep shot through foot & Poker through hand. Hone through month All dig deeper as soon as a till in fving comes but to capt Dunleos post I get one patient ye into fiving un with Rosser & Daker por 2 ha Heavymigh fotten May 4th Friday A few shrapel shells come over in morning but our namy soon filence them, Witness great artiller duel between ours & Tusks from Clove Gror The latter getting the best exuytimne but quite when acroptanc comes Crowd along More shraprel over our first iopiie + more wonderful cocapes, let. served under jire Iets to of rum May 8 & at rather new latring in morning Dg brantiful weather, odd ptigues all quiet Dunlfor denr Do night work at Capt. pat May 3th Sun Relieved at Fam. Hear Cuckoe outt left flank to on G Henderso in afterio have a good ym, Meet Alyy
Pollars Have a vace for life fo Dresing Ith between the varrigades but see 5 shot head & many wounded, Ollect Timpon working with his dont if Deat fully. Heavy &plosie Shallisert over our cappp in evening but few hurt, Blankets issued, 1 fer ma May 10th Mor Hear Pucpos, Many shellstoon cam but nobldy hit, Our peroplanes Novenn about all day. NIVY heavily bopbay in places. Wook up to bast Dunlops post at night May 11th &ues feton to old camp at 17 am and pod or boys all shipted S of ur follow but find place untirable Hampson F Waterworth Damper his latter rather badlye Rains farly neavy) and we find another at I dear of Indains camp position where we dig in, am all sight all we at on blanket & coat At no chance to dry them he 2 Lett gun in middle of our lat cany cannot do any good May 12th Wed. 48 Improve dug out a bit. I cany stores from old place. whowere Foust of Boonchiti May 13th Thur wounded in ann (venons Dary Ballyntyne through thigh I neck in morning bold of but better our positi periodically little darage. shelled
May 14th Fred bur postion getting hell. 42 3nd Pitt man killed just felow us and while agt Conner & on of our squads were attending him a shill busst within a foft or two of them, a little later &H.Y cut through the corner of n dug out A shattered Pens. 2fh l & tooe up T Jones left leg. di deep at night, Franfforts clear aday Submannes rremound to be abfut May 15th Vat lay. More shells in camp duning weather Gogd luch with us. veautiful through Bridges shot mortatle Generdl St just past 4 Dreson thigh up Iprapull Gully Aten MMay 16 atitlin dul shell everywhere Year our httenes till around us Tate landed walk in evening to left where we Ma 14 Mo Heavy hilling again More wrhep concentation here Pant of 2nd Bd relieved disemburt again after being at 6 Hellesby RML13 MMay 18 Tues on our Turks attenpt to mount guor left but the London&, Forp soon get their range of five two vlliages & repoted to blowup them vatteres P Aer 1a hundred other recovered cases some ashore at 6pm. get 5 letter
C May 18th S 6 Hourtzer at fct of our hill begi to let 90. 1.we get plenty of replied Sack Sinpson killed ifule readin donk & patient I fraver shot through wrist, or chaster two vullity through thig Order to sleep fully dressed & naeto tur out for we are attacks hy (heaiily who are reputed with Turks terrble losses. Duny J. Simpson in large attendance evenin MMay 20th Thur Faube aeplaie draffing bomp, namly missing our camp. Faffy Gors whot through upper patt of thih H Baker through back of hand of PHocha leg J. Browitt badly through an Parko attack heavily before sundown, as repulsed with peavy lose again, Our navy "valteres having a bry say this tme May 21st for Rathe quet day. Sapture a few Turks out off Sprevious night in an advanced wrench. 2000. It thrse landed as Inf Make crosse for Supson Hudson & Occles: f crect sum i grives in afternoon, have a few marrow escupes from shell on left fanke New o Cot throwes being take to cenches May 23 Spt Fray tary rain from about 530 a t miday. Mak stationing box for counel with misty sad hamme May 23 Si Real moveng prcture Combardment on Hear right flank in navy Tucke reply from for & valtence Toubl Fills 24 wounds & with vomp just behand us. Help camy mail from R.FLank with Overson
May 22 Mo 9 hrs Amistics vegns at 7.31 for to being dead which are plled up between trenches. Naii, inmening four We take all our stretcher i our dead infanity piomeen & other bun & Iarke respectively their Hlage being placed along a nentral lin and one of each side guarding same We returning all thei riffes menis bolts also all ammunition pursen i & then doing same with our property. They have betwen3000 4000 dead & ours about 100 et a Turks bayonet scAlbard arious vullets find some reversed in castridge cases. Leave dangerom tstench behind the before trice finishes and at 3-3 prslonty commences, Turkes brasoaret May 25th A bn duty up Thrapnel vatlen and get tip that Friyh was het ben to top of hill yoce her Just heet over & dissapear slowly Kain neavy at intervals Hmeat 8pr act dugont May 26h W ECH Satyne all day French be plane drofts: Combs on Turkes tranches about 6p. 2,500 reinforcements landed by distroyers MMay 24t Hhur bol Ahys bus Idropprn durin day. May 28th Eapt Willeans stated S. gully Duty af Stue That with. C. Cutmor Havig letters today home at 9 fom
Mlay 23 Sa Hecon Comlandment of our hilt dunn moning for 3 hrs only Conly got hit bad Hellest shell fragment eaving through many wareproop. Wactous acoplanes hovering about a this morning the Turks sapfed through and blew up one of our trenches at Dunns Post about 1400 of theis were killed when they charged an looses about 300 Henderson being mortally wounded n abdomen t dying at Cledan Horpite on beach CMay 30 Work S. gully get B caon in foromine very hot L dangirous toda owen to a Turhs Hachin gun being played on the crossooad St bottor where we pars. Did. bombardment on eft when Tuks attentt to change our astilleng get right into them and slaughter wholesale. Their casuality estimated. at $1500 to 2000 hours at about 800 We capture two trenches evainte late May 31 Mon Eady day Submanihe gets amer out Shiffing I causes a big commonon, & with your destroyers an acroplane after her The away again, Mect Dick Daly get on eoch navia good cha over S9r Cly Clambour Otes att shot for treach May Jae Ls Fues OHothene of note
June Hed Wakens at Capt. William station not too much doing Jere 3 Shuk Gct paraced O p05 to ApNS for to swear to D Simpons brawen then go up & Death gully to focete D. Lanken HMI1 death Young date of the old dug out & yarnly vious my + Viset ASCEn evenn place talk to Charle Orders have a Attack xpected given ou June 4th Yor Sinp statement concerning Worte War & put through our crowd for Office, Fatigue with No 1. + o squad in day. Heave attack by our left who gained S trenches slee d p out at daybreak on Jenes Fat A. Gury. Ford & H Gill E Boyle shrifonel I Cranner get nut to &we have some narow squlakes, Bombardment which vegar yesterday betun Exe abt still tthundering away Turks recopture trench on lft in morning. One of our mey arrested for treaching Jun 6 Heen farmore with Stan Parte X Thank Rooke in du out in day fo with A.S.C. on beach at Mighe Jun 4th Satuge with M. 2 yet a fir cantee stores from Vanteel 0 ls we drawa vottle of tomate paac
June 8 Fees fet some Shrapel shell fo Charlie Jun 3 Wed Captire a Corel tortoen & kell & clean shell but at mht with MS qqued t meet C OHole with 4L H. Dtoop Copugfrom June, 18th Thee Make Pignboard for Dr H Wt gor pition againor Indians mp fo Cop. Conrick, Wondofuloight set rayor 20 shells from Aafat dipfed of besing lmons 106 dug out or belck without hilting a mun p st Jue 11 fn Dombarded by Tusbe houstron ya in afternoon, yet graved on right Shoulder Cullet June 12th Sal light work up gully Lune B, Oen Dick Jaly I have See good talk yet Edoy eggs Jor S Seek election day Jan 12t Mon Work if oully & furted throw shrapnell from Clive Gronet Anafute into our fully. Cu planes dupping June 15th Aes A Chenitor class conier bombarding heavily to right of yba Sp Fright bombard beach hearely but fue casualatir J Thompon hit bad June 16 W Turks Combard. Sheavrly from ill vide Dtroof of 4th S.H. dayon new hospital 16 men infured on bbeach when I am opeating to Charli
Junr 17 faun tn duty up gully and have good fook round 5th Batt Frenches f Swvad & saps) Yaming late with & Kenpl on Social Reform June 18 For Fommn Deary down with Noigen porsoning, and his brothe Havis for Fnos with Consilites W. Cameron Lock Yould Hughes get thit Adly wtth Shraphel June 18th 22 Shill Subfected to a very hear five, got more blood drawn when at I kepped over hill to loot. Note made by Jack Johnson brlled but y identy Ciet cut same Elvay Satigue all dar Sun June 28 Fats p. Ohells west us again but luckely nobody hes £6 Me The commisso nnce church sorvice at 7 a few songs after June 21st MMon Dear, bombardments at print which seems to detract the enen. Shells from us. Lmper gets Taylor through Wtlock June. Exd. Fus work all day some more barges Satig ounk eppelin reported overhead dunney night (lot) Jaming with Charle on VFACL until NE midnight June 25th Sed Get a letter from Cwn Reney shetchf An 24 Dick Daly stays to tea & vings after at the 200 S. Horse concert

April 30th Fri 
Have a good rest today & watch
Turk's shrapnell peppering our
boats. & have to duck for low
shells very often. Out at night to collect wounded
1st May 
Name of Muddy Gully changed 
first to McWhae Gully & then to
Shrapnel gully 
1st May Sat 
Under heavy shrapnell fire
all day. collect from Valley of Death
in afternoon & again out at 8 pm
2nd May Sun 
Have a rest & watch the Navy
heavily bombard observation station at
Gaba Tepe also on the left flank.
3rd May Mon
Very busy today in Shrapnel gully
on a/c of charge of Australians LRMLIs
who gain 1000 yds of trenches. Out again
at 5.30 pm & home at 1 am. tired out
4th May Tues
Rest all day & watch our navy bombard
Gaba Tepe terribly, where a volunteer 
party tried to land & got cut up
terribly by Turks machine guns. Sent cablegram
home via Alexandria. up gully at night.


May 5th Wed
Home during morning, do various
fatigues, out in afternoon to Capt
Tibbet's station returning at 12 midnight.
2nd Bde re-embark for C Helles &
reinforce the French & Tommies on Point
C. Rush hit on foot
May 6th Thurs 
Our camp under very heavy shrapnel
fire all day & we crouch as far
back a possible in our dug-outs
70 mules & many men killed & hundreds
of wonderful escapes all around us 
Shep shot through foot & Baker
through hand. Hone through mouth
All dig deeper as soon as a lull in
firing comes. Out to Capt Dunlops post
& get one patient. Go into firing line with
Rosser & Baker for 1/2 hr. Heavy night fighting
May 7th Friday
A few shrapnel shells come over in
morning but our navy soon silence
them, Witness great artillery duels
between our & Turks from Olive Grove
the latter getting the best every time
but quieter when aeroplane comes
along. More shrapnel over our crowd
& more wonderful escapes. Get first issue
of rum. served under fire. Score two tots
May 8th Sat.
Dig new latrines in morning rather 
quiet, beautiful weather, odd fatigues all
day. Do night work at Capt Dunlops
May 9th Sun
Relieved at 8 am. Hear Cuckoo. Go out to
left flank to see G Henderson in afternoon
& have a good yarn. Meet Algy 


Sellars. Have a race for life from
4th Dressing Stn, between the
barricades, but see 5 shot dead
and many wounded. Meet J Simpson
working with his donk up Death
Gully. Heavy Xplosive shells sent
over our camp in evening but few
hurt. Blankets issued, 1 per man.
May 10th Mon 
Hear Cuckoo, Many shells sent to our
camp but nobody hit. Our aeroplanes 
hovering about all day. NAVY heavily
bombard in places. Work up to
Capt Dunlops Post at night 
May 11th Tues
Return to old camp at 11 am and
find our boys all shifted 5 of us &
follow but find place untenable
Damper Hampson & Waterworth hit
latter rather badly. Rains fairly
heavy. and we find another
position at / rear of Indians camp
where we dig in. Rain all night
get our blankets & coats all wet
& no chance to dry them. The 7th
Batt gun in middle of our late camp
cannot do any good 
May 12th Wed
Improve dug out a bit & help
carry stores from old place. showery
Touch of Bronchitis.
May 13th Thurs
Darcy wounded in arm (venous).
Ballyntyne through thigh & neck in morning
Cold a bit better. Our position
shelled periodically little damage 


May 14th Friday
Our position getting hell. One
3rd Batt man killed just below
us and while Capt Connek & one
of our squads were attending him
a shell burst within a foot or two
of them, a little later a 4.7
cut through the corner of my dug
out & shattered Pens right leg
& tore up T Jones left leg, dig deeper
at night. Transports clear away
Submarines rumoured to be about.
May 15th Sat
More shells in camp during day
Good luck with us, beautiful weather
General Bridges shot mortally through
thigh just past 4th Dressing Stn
up Shrapnel Gully.
May 16th Sun
Heavy artillery duel, shells everywhere
our Batteries all around us. Take a
walk in evening to left where we landed
May 17th Mon
Heavy shelling again. More warships
concentrating here. Part of 2nd Bde
disembark again after being relieved
at C Helles by RMLI's 
May 18th Tues
Turks attempt to mount guns on our
left but the Lindon & Triumph soon
get their range & fire two villiages
& reported to blow up their batteries
J Aber & a hundred other recovered
cases come ashore at 6 pm. get 5 letters. 


May 19th Wed
6" Howitzer at foot of our hill begins
to let go, & we get plenty of
replies. Jack Simpson killed while 
leading donk & patient. J Fraser
shot through wrist, Vic Martin
two bullets through thigh. Orders
to sleep fully dressed & have to
turn out for we are attacked by 
Turks (heavily) who are repulsed with
terrible losses. Bury J Simpson in
evening large attendance.
May 20th Thurs
Taube aeroplane dropping bombs, narrowly
missing our camp. Taffy Jones shot 
through upper part of thigh, H Baker 
through back of hand, Capt Pollock in 
legs & Browett badly through arm
Turks attack heavily before sundown, & are
repulsed with heavy losses again Our navy
& batteries having a big say this time
Mon 21st Fri
Rather quiet day. Capture a few
Turks. cut off previous night in an
advanced trench. 2000 Lt Horse landed
as Inf. Make crosses for Simpson
Hudson & Eccles & erect same on graves
in afternoon, have a few narrow
escapes from shell on left flank
New Jap bomb throwers being taken
to trenches 
May 22nd Sat
Very heavy rain from about 5-30 am
to midday. Make stationery box
for colonel with rusty saw & hammer 
May 23rd Sun 
Real moving picture bombardment on near right
flank by navy Turks reply from posts & batteries 
Taube  fills 2 & wounds 4 with bombs just behind
us. Help carry mail from R Flank. with Everson 


May 24th Mon
9 hrs Armistice begins at 7-30 for
to bury dead which are piled
up between trenches. Raining in morning
We take all our stretchers up & our
infantry pioneers & others bury our dead
& Turks respectively theirs. Flags being
placed along a neutral line and
one of each side guarding same
We returning all their rifles minus
bolts also all ammunition picked up
& they doing same with our
property. They have between 3,000
& 4,000 dead & ours about 100.
Get a Turk's bayonet & scabbard & 
various bullets find some reversed 
in cartridge cases. Leave danger Zone
& stench behind 1/2hr before truce
finishes and at 3-30 firing slowly
commences, Turks brassard 
May 25th Tues
On duty up Shrapnel valley
and get tip that Triumph was
hit. Run to top of hill & see
her just heel over & dissapear
slowly. Rain heavy at intervals
Home at 8 pm wet dug out.
May 26th Wed
QM Fatigue all day, French
bi-plane drops bombs on Turks trenches
about 6 pm 2,500 reinforcements landed
by destroyers.
May 27th Thurs
Airships busy dropping bombs
during day.
May 28th Fri 
Duty at Capt Williams station S. gully
Have a chat with C. Cutmore. two
letters today home at 9 pm 


May 29th Sat 
Heavy bombardment of our hill during
morning for 3 hrs & only Conly got hit
bad. pellets & shell fragments tearing
through many waterproofs. Various
aeroplanes hovering about early
this morning the Turks sapped 
through and blew up one of our
trenches at Quinns Post, about 
1400 of theirs were killed when
they charged. our losses about 300
G. Henderson being mortally wounded
in abdomen & dying at Clearing Hospital 
on beach 
May 30th Sun 
Work S. gully get 3 cases in morning
very hot & dangerous today owing
to a Turks machine gun being
played on the cross roads at
bottom where we pass. Big 
bombardment on left, when Turks
attempt to charge. & our artillery
get right into them and slaughter
wholesale. Their casualties estimated
at 1500 to 2000 & ours at about 200
We capture two trenches & evacuate later 
May 31st Mon
Easy day. Submarine gets among 
our shipping & causes a big
commotion. & with four destroyers
& an aeroplane after her, she
gets away again. Meet Dick Daly
on beach & have a good chat
over Nambour Notes Sgt MJ of
4th Batt shot for treachery 
May June 1st. Tues
Nothing of note 


June 2nd Wed
Working at Capt Williams
station, not too much doing.
June 3rd Thurs
Get paraded by ADJt to A.D.M.S for
to swear to J Simpsons bravery &
then go up Death gully to ascertain
date of RMLI's death. Young B Larkan
visits my dug out & yarn of the old
place. Visit ASC in evening & 
have a talk to Charlie. Orders
given out 'Attack Xpected' 
June 4th Fri 
Write statement concerning J Simpson
& put through our crowd for War
Office. Fatigue with NO 1 & 5 squad
in day. Heavy attack by our left
who gained 3 trenches. sleep dressed
& go out at daybreak on
June 5th Sat
A Curry, Ford, F Gill E Boyle
& Cranner get hit by shrapnel
& we have some narrow
squeaks. Bombardment which
began yesterday behind Achi
Baba still thundering away
Turks recapture trenches on left
in morning. One of our men
arrested for treachery 
June 6th Sun 
Yarning with Stan Carter
& Frank Rorke in dug out in 
day & with ASC on beach at 
June 7th Mon
Fatigue with No 2 Get a few 
canteen stores from Canteen ship &
we draw a bottle of tomato sauce


June 8th Tues
Get some shrapnel shells for
June 9th Wed
Capture a lovely tortoise & kill
& clean shell. Out at night
with No 5 & meet C Mole
with 4th L.H. D troop C squadron
June 10th Thurs 
Make signboard for 3rd Fd Amb
for position against Indians Camp.
set razor for Capt Connick. Wonderful sight
of seeing 20 shells from Anafatta dropped
among ADC. dugouts on beach without 
hitting a man. 
June 11th Fri 
Bombarded by Turks howitzers
in afternoon. Get grazed by a
bullet on right shoulder
June 12th Sat 
Night work up gully
June 13th Sun
See Dick Daly & have a good
talk. Get 2 doz eggs for 5/-
Greek election day
June 14th Mon
Work up gully, & Turks throw
shrapnell from Olive Grove & Anafatta
into our gully. Our planes dropping [*] 
June 15th Tues
A Monitor class cruiser bombarding
heavily to right of Gaba Tepe
Turks bombard beach heavily but 
few casualties. J Thompson hit bad
June 16th Wed
Turks bombard heavily from all sides
D troop of 4th Lt. H. [[dig?]] out new hospital
16 men injured on beach when I am 
speaking to Charlie 


June 17th Thurs
On duty up gully and have a
good look round 5th Batt trenches
& saps. Yarning late with H Swan
& Kempy on Social Reform
June 18th Fri
Tommy Deary down with Ptomaine
poisoning and his brother leaves
for Lemnos with tonsilitis
W Cameron Jock Gault & J
Hughes get hit badly with shrapnel
June 19th Sat
Subjected to a very heavy shell
fire, got more blood drawn when
I popped over hill to look at
hole made by Jack Johnson
bullet hit my identy disc &
cut same away 
Fatigues all day
June 20th Sun 
Lots of shells visit us again
but luckily nobody hurt. Lt Col
McPhee conducts a nice church service
at 7 pm, a few songs after
June 21st Mon
Heavy bombardments at point
which seems to detract the 
enemys shells from us. Sniper
gets F Taylor through buttock 
June 22nd Tues
Fatigue work all day some more barges
sunk. Zeppelin reported overhead during
night (last) Yarning with Charlie on beach
until 12 midnight
June 23rd Wed
Get a letter from Gwen Kenny, sketch for An Zac
Dick Daly stays to tea & sings after at
the 2nd Lt Horse concert

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Jacqueline KennedyJacqueline Kennedy
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