Diary for Arthur James Adams, 1915-1916, Part 1 of 10

First World War, 1914–18
  • War Diaries
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Compele . Be/2 181 Cf PClais Section 3rd Jd Amb Chena Cargh Oairs Ir Yen Revelle 6.15 uoud stue in moning Visit Tyeamote in after Jan 27 Pat. Hepter Two komes to Chen with E Mole & on own team with patient Special Leane from 3/. Go to Lun Igke with Re & Shep etc flenty if fi vangus phops Sun pars Uonal dutir & fitt ston from qeason with Pen & Lir Hoden & mone in Wheel G. S. waggen Ian 2 a bay life 5 T Iee 24 Fieket at sghe at the 8.H cold wath Des
Jan W f sandotor all day, cold too. All hand ffeed up at Mpm fan 2 Ther Sotles form 10 an fan te fetle to 10 am very cold stiesty Sectore by Steff Groves on Forves Lamers Pecket with ten at night 44 as Weygon all out on sand in mornin clear hamess t inpacton y A5 Cour soccer team A.B.G. vaften t Jus 2-0 at Pitodel Lane Io 44 10 Fley hamens all day migel dinatiofocly ion drwvers, Affly for P.O. Brade tranger refusled parade Jor 1. Take all our C.S. waygous & L.Jo. to G Cairo. Decent toot roung with Workshop Got bock to Men t brest Set Gal. vottles of tyranid Eeesin a conple haveroach 2 12h fues epar o y Orders o days, deane of 2t-30 pm but couple of Cpm rerumn at Jan 13t ad ABMS to fatter heves by Datirn £ more food spelling 14 Jan paraded to Capt. Mc. Whai bd Si tafr I exchange with S. Welles while en xchange with A oidge Lany day sheumg your the Ramess &tc Graiied with inin afteroon
Jan 15th J Bign with bearon, Swedish drill before braakfast. Stoetcher & waggin Hillin from March out for field day in atemoo loading patients from R ard fost back nt 5. 30 Jokes with D Putter of J B. Jan 16 Pat Lettere of Suger Parin & contente in morning. Mhafor Dixon I little stretchon drill Go to Cetadel with Phepfy in afternoen also vot large mogue fine view from battlemels good panargia of Cair also of dead cite meet I. Butmore of A.S.C.. Kble in city at night Home at 12/ P J S. to funvet Rehet on inceerator from 6a Wedding in casis, Vrivate of 10 many S. A. giol who comes era England Pand vice & boots much in evidence ay gets kelted The man (note landing at Anzac Jan 18t on before breaste, agnalling before dispren Co parad 2 M fatyi in afternoon Jan 18 the Fansfen to C section proper to make up then strenth fatign party in a Fraver t Shep nave to tuon oft in night for to take patient to Mlena Hoioe & we have a tilll fro intent. Cay. cole Jam 20th Wed. Squad dull in morning fatig Copany on stores in afternoon, pageat neght ther Jan 1 Fatigues Fnid Jan 22 Senallon before breatz, hithe fatyn tep to clearaway. Ten & Bent Fll. comp with me into heofs Pyramed also found to temple of tatues caught o bgt & offinnes Him rea in prramidy Bagaar, noment cosue of pocket kenives from smy neid.00 guard with t section 10 - 12 po
Set Jan e Redgamvirg tents. Sections Peket 4-62 on proover in guard tent, f sancing Goves Opening of meas room of night Flen pidding & blanche mange wie lemnade t been besides usual meat. etc Condert and afterwards coffer cardlines & Croquite Yen Son Revelle ot y am racemato inffection breakfast (Marken on Church paracle bef Vown in afternoon, vioit mogiers froune citadel. Gold lettered bitl stoton whilh we are in Royal chosgee look round Citadel. Disid wards fill Indian troop in atatel hoopitel Rodm around town at night and on return have wine t flim pidelin (half mehed) h Mon Jan 2 bape Engrams tent with Fereuf Tabli; doat racks etc. Lodd wood wook for office tent & afeants. tent, Can Durrows resit i at night 26h Su packing waggons. Tatgans 24th Jan Wed. Field day in full marching order in moring fatigues on waggers Overson I Thompson leave they tent on ap of McIlvien Ny Them 28th Jan sual ties oscort to priser canp (all Cun han from 2nd Costillen at night 29 Jan Tr Ponte murch to 200 at yeyer leave in 2o0 2 hours
30 J Sat. Leand in afternoon vioit cos gain Telix Hassan French youth sher me round town in earlyevening Cllect G. Aone - Boection at C.F.M.S. meeting at Continental Htel t wilh round with him 2r Lem Spnitary guared all day write letter 1st Hh Chan 24 Dole training. by long maxt ront through natin villigges desirt home about 4pn - tived 4 2nd Fuis Make feed bin for stable in monug Duck away to Clena Villigoe & get a shetch or two bu rings & coms. Brg Sandotor Cooks all put on peg for lagifer 3nd Jeb A Strtethe drill in morning vioid buned city in afternoon get a few pmen of potteng & teeth from stection which everywhere, Return Just in be about take up guard at p time to 4th Jeb S All guard are placed under ffon arrest for leaving poot to get dinner Ren & I being on beat Sept charge takes blame & weare dississed. 5th Jeb Yord 6 am Short march in full order at bandaging & lictures during day 6h Yeb. &e Tat. Full days leave Visit Mahattanhill near beledel make whitch too round various native workshop near bitadel in afternoon. Town of night
an lir X yr Ye Sun early parade. Church pervice as unial Footer match ours cat oversons tent 2-1 Owen Dewist (lancs) come round& istay to tea Feb Mon Douts all struck early give ground Lecture arring Hevaccination Mep Dinon on Sanitation in aftern pitch tents again H Lus 9 March out for fer honu mor lecture in afternoon 10th Jeb Ded Secturs & bandging dunne day Ther 110h Feb. 2M, fature at ordrance difr Reinforent came over from Abbysia, Returs at night Mat Camnhant I score fevolver each Cto 12th Jet Sir Our boys go for long desir march while our gaard for nightt home have a good clear up becen good mail also parcel from Aust. C 13th Feb) Sat 2-6 guard easy day. broe a tooth General holidan in camp for 3 Bd. Good yamn to S. Lanhan from Sanlowr 14t Feb fin Sleep in till 7.30 & uonal Church Parade go through several tombs I temply back of pyoamds make sketche of reliefs. love PSP. bought corm for Lient Hall home at I neve good Chat with t Tatto & Lun Hall or Eyeptian ofenos 13 H Mo Emmerging Exgread in dey severl case other get a hard Pdi day
14 de Dile morning march with I Bery homeat 1 pm. Fleep in afternoon and work with Ddle in attack o Sigen tooth at 8 pm. Veggod for lighting pipe home at Bam Red Ded Feb 4 Compelsary re-vaccination in monn t general duties. lictures or Ditching 1ay camp Feb 18 Thuro collecting wounded all over £0: on tigen tooth, home of y. Pen & both havig bad night with dyppri Fcb 18th Fre Fonent Geina at 8.30 wher March to Williams C.NS.D with Col Kiley infect pegged for fallem out to speak us. Get with English mro R. nrs in 240. Recordd march the in 12hrs which we reach at 5P Feb 20th Pat. Parad at 4.30 am. Go to town with Shap pass b Dundales also too native funerals on way. Early denner ! Spoit Teuphot Tennue Court. Look round town & Dirly tea game of billiands & Contimnental with Chep. Clect Sn Clay ? Chalmers t feeling very 3/ Pm leave Shyp with them return some at Feb 21 Vu Thunch paradle at 9.15. Vinema takn of pame. & walk Clembe Cheffron granid in afternoon through buried city with J. Lang &ichster Fight with I Thorposon at night affergete Arceinca Feb 22n M Marchont befse breate & easy day Feb 23 Mus Tae. hro dull & begn to pact for leading Feb 24 D Parting flags brent itanks reft y cats £0 & was in tucter
Thurs N625 flag poles, soting & wahing bet Making Townat B motor apendout o fome hon Night alam I gives order to move in trai Feb 26 fi before breek & again after ground March then spnd rest of day pointiy pyannals on sidest top of A. waggon red cron Feb 27n. Sa Pentirg or weygons t becking fuit. pay Feb 24th Sug Sen, Dowen revell at an onrs Eay anter at 5 am packin blankets, stoting tets Gues all day. Very headr dust Cleaing som. Deare Chenaat 540 reach Radelner at 9-45 I. brvry in square for night Alect Min Moconochie and ny friend I have a good your through pailing of basrack Squari Manday Marchile Leave Nas. cl al at 3 am, entrn baggg Ihorses and leave Cais station (OHaloolah) at 6 am arrive Oblesandora at 113 am and wait alfont until 5.30 pm when 8 MMala comes by & we board her. Wo slobing accomodation on feeding ditts. Dad) cold Shefps & several others all go wick in hos. FAS.G 3rd H. Anb. L I Clouy com pbound Black crew, tu howes go aboud the Tomin which leavis at Knoon Seoday banp on quarter cleck aft good sff Fresday March E Uf about Iam & after a clean yo go to soldie Cap. with rent H lander meet Mr. Clephant who is chaplain capt in bgyptian anng Hav a cup of tea with his suffeld leaves with Inden toofs at Mam. Samiia with 4for
22 at Indian hoptal ship lea 3 for Shp hoves in afteron. Goad I same with clother Vesumble wash down fom bread fam & tea at for hos Slup or from deck Charch 8t W Revelle of Can Fatigre& addpasade ceving days Many Sye & Amen refuges vizging avongside sups weigh anohor t 2. 34on 1203 Barolna Yank cruiver who dips flay to band plays the King as we pas Mancr 2nd Sposday bout Get dmong Greea archfelize 5p penal in daytions Ma 5th for Pawing polandi all day matly bont peraniebells coruedp rocky n beths to 8/0 of men in ffebout man & aam accepted with muth. Sing song t ny March 6D Ravill findons in Mudor Bay Ple of Lenn which Cooks very fretty & very fetile reminding one of Abany. Many naral vessels Lights all extenguishe d every at anch right oard (By brcler of Admst March 9th Su Mess orderly & donn days ration carly have to rotays behind when the X boe devemburle in marching onfe other for a walk ashore at 10 ap Wendmallo & vasy day reading I writing ow caffed hills particul feati for a yow of our surrounding. Went at 6 for with Fen & Sgh bl to take Capt. Mc. Whac to Pomian, Bry thundertor of night, more naval vessels come in during right

Diary for 1915 
Compiled by A J Adams 
C. Section 
3rd Fd Amb. 
Mena Camp 
Cairo Egypt 

Jan 1st Fri 
Revelle 6.15 usual duties 
in morning. Visit Pyramids in afternoon 
Jan 2nd Sat  
Two journeys to Mena Hospital 
with C Mole & our own team with patients 
Special leave from 3pm. Go to Luna Park 
with Pen & Shep etc plenty of fun on 
various shows  
Jan 3rd Sun 
Usual duties & fetch stone 
from quarry with Pen & his leaden & 
mine in wheel G. S. waggon.
Jan 4th Mon 
Camp life
Jan 5th Tues 
Picket at night stables 8-10 - 2-4 
Very cold weather


Jan 6th. W.
Big sandstorm all day, cold too. All 
hands feed up at 9pm
Jan 7th Thurs 
Stables from 10am
Jan 8th Fri 
Stables to 10am very cold & dusty 
Lecture by Staff Groves on horses & harness 
Picket with Pen at night
Jan 9th Sat 
Waggons all out on sand in morning 
clean harness & inspection by ADMS 
Our soccer team A.B.C. beaten by  
Lane Fus 2 - 0 at Citadel
Jan 10th Sun 
Clean harness all day, much dissatisfaction 
among drivers. Apply for C.O. Parade 
for transfer - refused parade

Jan 11 
Take all our G.S. waggons & L.Ts to Gov 
Workshops, Cairo. Decent tool round with 
Sgt Gale, Trot back to Mena & break 
a couple of bottles of Pyramid Beer in  
Jan 12th Tues 
Orders to prepare for bivvy for a  
couple of days, Leave at 2-30 pm but 
return at 6pm 
Jan 13th Wed 
Orders by A.D.M S. to fatten horses by 
spelling & more food.
Jan 14th 
Get paraded to Capt McWhai (adf) 
for transfer, & exchange with S. Weller 
while Pen xchanges with Aldridge 
Easy day showing Sam the harness etc 
Pyramids with Pen in afternoon


Jan 15th Fri
Begin with bearers, Swedish drill before 
breakfast. Stretcher & waggon drill in morn 
March out for field day in afternoon 
loading patients from R aid post 
back at 5-30. Jokes with Dr Butler of 9th Bn
Jan 16th Sat 
Lecture on Surgical Pannier & contents 
in morning. Major Dixon & little stretcher 
drill. Go to Citadel with Sheppy in afternoon 
also visit large mosque fine view from battlements 
good panorama of Cairo. also of dead city 
meet C. Cutmore of A.S.C. . Ramble in city  
at night  Home at 12pm.  
Jan 17th Sun 
Picket on incinerator from 6am to sunset 
Wedding in camp. Private of 10th marries a  
S.A girl, who comes via England. Band  
rice. & boots much in evidence 
(note)  The man gets killed on 3rd day 
of landing at Anzac


Jan 18th Mon 
No parade before break. signalling before dinner 
Q M fatigue in afternoon
Jan 19 Tues 
Transfer to C section proper to make up  
their strength. fatigue party in day 
Fraser & Shep have to turn out in 
night for to take patient to Mena House 
Very cold & we have a little fun in tent.
Jan 20th Wed. 
Company & Squad drill in morning, fatigue 
on stores in afternoon. pay at night
Jan 21st Thurs
Jan 22nd Frid 
Signalling before break, little fatigue &  
tip to clear away. Pen & Bert Gill come 
with me into Cheops Pyramid also round to 
temple of statues. caught a bat & skinned him 
tea in Pyramid Bazaar. home at 5.30 
issue of pocket knives from Sir G Reid. Do 
guard with C section 10 - 12pm.


Jan 23rd Sat 
Reorganising tents & sections. Picket 4 - 6am 
one prisoner in guard tent, for saucing 
Groves. Opening of mess room at night 
Plum pudding & blanche mange, wine  
lemonade & beer besides usual meat etc 
Concert and afterwards coffee & sardines 
& biscuits.
Jan 24th Sun 
Revelle at 7 am. vaccination inspection 
before breakfast. Martin on church parade 
Town in afternoon. visit mosques around 
citadel. Gold lettered bible stolen 
while we are in Royal Mosque 
look round Citadel. Visit wards full 
of Indian troops in citadel hospital   
Roam around town at night and  
on return have wine & plum pudding  
(half inched)


Mon Jan 25th  
Fix up Capt Ingrams tent with 
Table. coat racks etc & odd 
wood work for office tent & serjeants 
tent, Dan Burrows visit us at 
26th Tues 
Fatigues, packing waggons.
27th Jan Wed 
Field day in full marching order
in morning fatigues on waggons 
Overson & Thompson leave their 
tent on a/c of McIlveen. Pay
28th Jan Thurs
Usual duties. Escort to prisoner 
(M Cunningham) from 2nd Artillery camp 
at night
29th Jan Fri 
Route march to Zoo at Gezira 
2 hours leave in Zoo.


30th Jan Sat 
Leave in afternoon visit Zoo again 
Felix Hassan, French youth shows 
me round town in early evening. Meet 
G. Hone - B section at C.E.M.S. meeting 
at Continental Hotel. I walk round 
with him.
31st Jan Sun 
Sanitary guard all day & write 
1st Feb Mon 
Begin B'de training by long rout march 
through native villiages & desert. 
home about 4pm - tired
2nd Feb Tues 
Make feed bin for stables in morning
Duck away to Mena Villiage & get a sketch 
or two. buy rings & coins, Big sandstorm. 
Cooks all put on peg for laziness


3rd Feb Wed 
Stretcher drill in morning. visit buried 
city in afternoon, get a few specimens 
of pottery & teeth from skeletons which  
lie about everywhere. Return just in  
time to take up guard at 6pm
4th Feb Thurs 
All guard are placed under open 
arrest for leaving post to get dinner 
Pen & I being on beat. Capt in 
charge takes blame & we are dismissed.
5th Feb Frid  
Short march in full order at 6am 
bandaging & lectures during day
6th Feb Fri Sat 
Full days' leave. Visit Mahattan's hill 
near Citadel. make sketch, look round 
various native workshops near 
Citadel in afternoon. Town at night


7th Feb Sun 
No early parade, Church service as 
usual. Footer match our's beat 
Oversons tent 2 - 1. Lewis & Owen 
(Lanc's) come round & stay to tea
8th Feb Mon 
Tents all struck early to give ground 
an airing. Re-vaccination, Lecture 
by Maj Dixon on 'Sanitation' in afternoon 
& pitch tents again.
9th Feb Tues 
March out for few hours in morning  
lecture in afternoon
10th Feb Wed 
Lectures & bandaging during day
11th Feb Thurs  
QM, fatigue at ordinance dept. Reinforcements 
came over from Abbysia. Pictures at night 
Matt Cunningham & I score revolver each


12th Feb. Fri 
Our boys go for long desert march 
while our guard for night stops 
home. have a good clean up. Receive 
good mail. also parcel from Aunt S.
13th Feb Sat
2 - 6 guard easy day, broke a tooth
General holiday in camp for 3rd B'de. 
Good yarn to E Lankam from Nambour 
14th Feb Sun 
Sleep in till 7.30 & usual Church 
Parade. go through several tombs &
temples back of pyramids. make
sketches of reliefs. Lose 25p bought
coins for Lieut Hall. home at 7pm
& have good chat with Col Sutton
& Lieut Hall on Egyptian curios.
15th Feb Mon
Emmerging spread in day several cases, &
others get hard B'de day. 


16th Feb Tues
Easy morning march with 3rd B'de
home at 1pm. Sleep in afternoon
and work with B'de in attack on
Tigers tooth at 8 pm. Pegged for 
lighting pipe. home at 3am Wed 
Wed Feb 17
Compulsory re-vaccination in morning
& general duties. lectures on
camp pitching Pay.
Feb 18th Thurs 
Go out collecting wounded all over 
tigers tooth, home at 5pm. Pen & I
both have bad night with dyspepsia.
Feb 19th Fri
March to Geiza at 8-30 where General
Williams CMSD with Col Riley inspect
us. Get pegged for falling out to speak
with English nurse. 2 hrs in Zoo. Record
march home in 1½ hrs which we reach at 5pm


Feb 20th Sat
Parade at 7-30am Go to town with
Shep, & pass C Dinsdales also two natives
funerals on way. Early dinner & visit Teufikeah
Tennis Court. Look round town, & early tea &
game of billiards at Continental with Shep.
Meet Serg't Clay & Chalmers & feeling very sick
leave Shep with them & return home at 8P.M
Feb 21st Sun
Church Parade at 9.15. Cinema taken of same
Climb Cheffron Pyramid in afternoon. & walk
through buried city with J. Lang & Eichstade 
Fight with J. Thompson at night. after go to Cinema
Feb 22nd Mon
March out before break & easy day.
Feb 23rd Tues
Two hrs drill & begin to pack for leaving
Feb 24th Wed
Painting flags, boxes & w.tanks, rep to w.carts, Score
x'tras in tucker  


Feb 25th Thurs
Making flag poles, sorting & washing kit.
Town at 3pm. motor. spend out & come home
in tram. Night alarm & Col gives orders to move.
Feb 26th Fri 
March before break & again after around
pyramids & then spend rest of day painting
red crosses on sides & top of A. waggons.
Feb 27th Sat
Painting '+' on waggons & packing kit, pay. 
Feb 28th Sun
Very unlike Sun, Drivers revelle at 2am ours 
at 5am packing blankets, striking tents &
cleaning lines all day. Very heavy dust
storm. Leave Mena at 5-40. reach Kas-el-nil 
at 9-45 & bivvy in square for night.
Meet Miss Maconochie and her friend
& have a good yarn through railings 
of barrack square


Monday March 1st
Leave Kas-el-nil at 3am, entrain baggage
& horses and leave Cairo station (Abaloolah)
at 6am. arrive Alexandria at 11.30 am and
wait about until 5.30 pm when SS Malda
comes in & we board her. No sleeping
accommodation or feeding ditto. Bad cold
Sheppy & several others all go sick in hos.
4th A.S.C., 3rd Fd Amb, & 2nd Clearing come aboard.
Black crew, Our horses go aboard the
Ionian which leaves at 12 noon Tuesday.
Camp on quarter deck aft. good sleep.
Tuesday March 2nd 
Up about 7am & after a clean up go to
Soldiers Cafe with Pen & H Lauder & meet 
Mr Oliphant who is Chaplain capt in Egyptian 
army. Have a cup of tea with him.
Suffolk leaves with Indian troops at 11am.
Saturnia with  ___  ___    at 4pm -->


Indian hospital ship leaves at
3pm. Ship horses in afternoon. Good
wash down & same with clothes. Scramble
for hot bread jam & tea at 5pm
Sleep on prom deck
March 3rd Wed
Revelle at 6 am Fatigues & odd parades
during day. Many Syrian & Armenian refugees
begging alongside ship, weigh anchor at 2.30pm
Pass 'Carolina' Yank cruiser who dips flag
& band plays the 'King' as we pass
March 4th Thursday
Get among Grecian archipeligo about
5pm usual in daytime
Mar 5th Fri
Passing islands all day, mostly barren &
rocky in appearance. Lifebelts issued for
man & berths to 8% of men in lifeboats
same accepted with mirth. Sing song at night


March 6th Sat
Revelle finds us in Mudros Bay (Isle of Lemnos)
which looks very pretty & very fertile
reminding one of Abany. Many naval vessels
at anchor. Lights all extinguished every
night onward (By Order of Admiralty)
March 7th Sun.
Mess orderly & draw days' ration early
& have to stay behind when the
other boys disembark in marching order
for a walk ashore. at 10 am
Easy day reading & writing, Windmills & 
snow capped hills a particular feature
of our surroundings. Went for a row
at 6 pm with Pen & Sgt Clay to take
Capt McWhae to Ionian. Big thunderstorm
at night, more naval vessels come in
during night.

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Jacqueline KennedyJacqueline Kennedy
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