Diary of William Gordon Farquhar, 1915 - Part 2
Wed 20/10/15. No 16 Left completed at 17.00. Following shifts
start on 21 Left in order to intercept enemy before
he reaches that Gallery. At 57 feet Surface Tunnel
turned a little to the right as at this point it should
be clear of broken ground. Parapets & trench repairs
proceeding also deepening of main envelope. Officers
sleeping positions in No.3. Post completed.
Only place enemy has been heard working is
left front of end of No 44R. Distance over
15 feet.
Thur. 21/10/15. No 21 Left & surface Tunnel proceeding. No
sounds of enemy below during day. Deepening of
Main Gallery proceeding. Three parties on replacing
parapets. Timbered up Magazines. Repairs to Snipers
positions on left of post. Timbering up over head
traverses. Party of 5 men on dugout in No 1 Post.
At 08.00 6" Howtz. gets on to enemy's overhead cover of
sap 800 yds from post. Good shooting at 3500 yds range.
Frid. 22/10/15. No 21 Left & Surface Tunnel still going. Footage
from latter slightly better (5'0"). Parties still
on deepening Main Gallery and on Trench repairs
& parapets. Started small excavation for store
on Tunnel mouth terrace. One Sapper on repairs
to snipers positions on left. During 24 hrs, no
sounds of the enemy underground have been
Sat 23/10/15. Surface Tunnel at 70' turned to right so
that should it cut enemy's gallery there will be a
better chance of striking it where there is tamping.
W.H. still progressing. Parapets & deepening of
Galleries also proceeding. Started party on kitchen
for Post. Moved store up to Tunnel mouth
terrace. Repairs to snipers positions completed.
No sounds underground during day
Inspection by O.C.D.E. in the afternoon.
Repairs to Gas Sprayer by Brownlee.
Sun.24/10/15. Parapet repairs and usual work on
Main envelope. Commenced tunnel connection
between No 3 Sap and firing line on 1.G. Winze.
Work on Kitchen Site almost completed. At 09.45
Surface Tunnel breaks into enemy tunnel (tamped.)
Hole was quietly enlarged and a little tamping
withdrawn. Strong draught is coming through &
a little daylight can be seen which indicates
only a little tamping on our left. Work stopped
here and listeners posted. Charge of 350 lbs. Amml.
placed in head of No 18 with three electric
detonators in series and one Mark 8 with
instantaneous fuses. Tamped back for about 15 feet.
Surface Tunnel shifts not working from 21.00
to 09.00 (25/10/15). During day enemy has been
heard working to left of No 21 & front of No 22.
Also heard at No 23 fairly close and to left
front of No 44 some distance away.
Mon 25/10/15. Work on No 21 Left ceased at 09.00. Following
(6.) shift commenced No 45 Winze from which it is intended
to drive out a listening gallery to replace No 45. The
break through in Surface Tunnel has been sand bagged up
until further orders and shifts of listeners posted there.
Report on same to O.C.D.E. General repairs to trenches
& parapets as usual. Excavation for Kitchen site about
completed. Deepening of main envelope still proceeding
also Tunnel connection between No 3 Sap & Firing line
at 1G Winze. Enemy has been heard working in an
half hearted fashion to left of No 21 Left. Wooden
loop hole made for M.G. Officer.
Tues. 26/10/15. No 45 Winze down 8 ft. Started driving
No45 A. No5 Drive deepened also deepening of
Main envelope proceeding. Shelter for O.C. Nos 1 & 2 Posts
completed. Repairs to Parapets as usual. Party on cleaning
up steps. Kitchen site completed. During night enemy
worked a little to left of No. 21 but no work during day.
Surface Tunnel listeners reported once or twice hearing
sounds, but dont consider it anything important.
Wed. 27/10/15. No further developments in Surface Tunnel.
During this 24 hrs, enemy has apparently done
no work underground. Work on Main Gallery almost
complete. No.45A proceeding also No. 3 Sap
connection. Parapets & trench work as usual.
Our Sapper on kitchen & ovens. Tested explosive
& find it takes 3 No 13 detonators in parallel
easily. Party still on support dug outs also
Party on steps.
Thur. 28/10/15. Repairs to parapets & trenches. Deepening of
Main Gallery completed & parties now cleaning up
generally below ground. No 45A proceeding also No 3
Sap connection. Drainage tunnel has been started
from Sap to main latrines. Hinged legs for
catapult bomb thrower finished by Allan.
List of distribution of Section sent to H.Q. at
17.00. No sounds have been heard of enemy
below ground during the day.
Fri 29/10/15. Parapet & trench repairs as usual. Faces
proceeding are No45A, No.3 Sap Tunnel, and Drainage
Tunnel. Parties still on deepening galleries. Enemy has
been working fairly consistently during the day to
the left of No.21 Left. Listeners put him down as 5ft
distant but dont consider him quite so close. Once
or twice listeners in Surface Tunnel reported they
could hear footsteps and sounds of voices, which are
apparently coming from old Turkish trench about
8ft distant. Heavy bombing from their trench about
17.00. Thom, Bowra out & 3 Sappers of No4 Coy gassed
at Tally about 12.00
Sat. 30/10/15. Usual work on parapets & trenches. At
09.00 start right arm of No45A at 20 feet.
Drainage & No3 Sap Tunnels still going, also parties
on deepening mine workings. Enemy has been
working almost continuously at No21 Left where
should say he is about 5 ft away. If he continues will
probably have to slow him tomorrow. He also did a little
work at No42. Surface Tunnel listeners report sounds of
movements & voices at intervals.
Sun. 31/10/15. Traverse in No.1 Post by Marr's party completed.
No 3 Sap Tunnel breaks through. In drainage tunnel strike
old dugout which causes a bit of a run of loose earth
overhead; putting a little filling timber in. Work on parapets
as usual. No.45A progressing satisfactorily. Party on 7 man
dugout in No 1 Post Support still going. Accident to Pvt Owens
18th Batt.n listener. Shot himself in ankle while cleaning
rifle in Main envelope. Orders from Brigade not to clean
out piling Surface Tunnel. Barricade of sandbags built.
Mon. 1/11/15. Repairs to approach & fire trenches. No.3
(7.) Sap Tunnel being enlarged & deepened. Parapets as usual.
Graded No 1 Post firing line. Work still proceeding on
galleries, No 45A and Drainage Tunnel. Small footage
here on account of timbering necessary. Enemy still working
in a place nervous fashion to left of 21 Left. He must
be making practically no progress here as he only
gives about 6 blows with the pick & then listens
intently for about 10 minutes. He has also been heard
during the day working some distance away from the
face of No 45A,
Tues. 2/11/15. No.45A & Drainage Tunnel progressing. About
18 feet along right arm of 45A the floor sounds
very drummy which is characteristic of the ground
at this post. Passed through remaining ground in
Drainage Tunnel footage being better today.
Deepening of galleries still proceeding floor
being very hard. Parapets & trench repairs.
To the left of No21 enemy has apparently ceased
work no sounds of him there being heard during
the day. He is very active to the front of 45A.
which makes one think that as far as his
mining work is concerned he is entirely on
the defensive.
Wed 3/11/15. Parapets, loopholes & general trench repairs.
Deepening of galleries proceeding. Drainage
tunnel should break through tomorrow. Repairs
by blacksmith to Garland mortar. No3 Sap Conn. Tnl.
completed. Right arm of 45A has been stopped &
the gallery itself is being pushed out to meet
enemy before he gets closer. This is the only place
he has been heard working.
Thur. 4/11/15. Drainage tunnel breaks thro' satisfactorily.
Front of trench in racecourse collapses which
necessitates a fair amount of timber repairs.
Usual work on galleries. Parapets and other trench
repairs as usual. During day enemy again
does a little work to left of No 21. At about
17.20 he explodes a surface mine about 15 yds
from the left of No 6 Post. Men working
face of 45A severely shaken but otherwise unhurt.
Large flying clods bury one man in fire trench
& break in overhead cover in support trench
burying 3 others. At about 20.30 heavy rifle
& bomb fire from enemy all along line, but
only place he attempted to attack was Chatham's
Post which beat off attack.
Fri. 5/11/15. Repairs to overhead cover & trenches in
No 6 Post. Parapets & loop holes as usual. Party
at work on box drain in Drainage Tnl. One shift
on 45A lost; party engaged cleaning out
trench No 6 Post. Listeners in Surface Tunnel
reported sounds of picking on and off during
the day. Think these are sounds of enemy to
left of No 21 where he has been working in
an intermittent sort of way during the last
24 hrs. No other sounds below ground.
Sat.6/11/15. No.45A (centre arm) has been stopped
at 45' from our envelope and recess for
charge is being cut. Work in galleries still
proceeding. Repairs to firing line and
overhead cover in support trenches; loopholes
and parapets. Wallaby loophole fixed up
in No 2 Post. Filling in of Drainage tunnel
proceeding. Enemy has been working fairly
consistently to the front of No 21 (i.e. behind
his old trench); also a little picking heard
close to No 21 left, but dont consider he is
making any footage here to speak of.
Circular memos. re protection from shell fire
received today.
7/11/15. Recess at head of 45A completed. Left arm
commenced 17.00 shift. Deepening of galleries
and repairs to firing line, support trenches,
and parapets. Repairs to overhead cover
in No 6 post bigger job than anticipated,
practically all this rear wall having to
come down and rebuilt. During the
24 hrs. enemy has done very little work at
No 21 and has not been heard elsewhere.
18th Batt. listeners replaced at 17.00 by
17th men.
Mon. 8/11/15. Left arm of No 45A proceeding.
(8) Repairs to Support & Firing line overhead
cover, also parapets and loopholes. Filter
on top of water tank. Party on withdrawing
tamping from No 18. Time for charge being
made. Enemy has been heard once or twice
tapping at No 21 but dont think he is
doing anything that can be called work.
Tues.9/11/15. Left arm No 45A still proceeding.
Galleries being deepened and No 4 Winze
enlarged. General trench and overhead
cover repairs. No 3 Section requiring
most attention. During the night enemy
worked a little harder at No 21 but has
been very quiet there during the day
Once or twice listeners reported they could
hear him in the distance from No 34,
but probably this was surface sounds
the ground overhead here being very broken.
Wed. 10/11/15. Recess cut at end of 45A left arm &
work here stopped. Shifts now cutting "T" head
at end of right arm. Repairs to overhead
cover in No 3 Post and usual trench and parapet
repairs. Party on cleaning up steps in approach
trenches. Work on galleries proceeding and X cut
from Main Tunnel going north started.
Enemy has been working harder than usual at
No 21 and is getting rather close to head
of long arm. He has also been working
out from left arm and appears to be
working towards the other man.
Thur. 11/11/15. Right arm of No. 45A branched off to cover
ground between here and right arm of No 44.
Deepening work on Main Rear Gallery continues also
on X cut north from Main Tunnel. Usual repairs
to overhead cover and firing trenches. At 12.30
laid charge of 340 lbs. Ammonal in recess at rear
of No 21. Started tamping 13.30 and completed at
20.00 about 32 ft. Delay caused by bad air the
men frequently having to come out. Before firing
charges at 20.30 lighted fuse of small flare to
ignite gasses. At the time of exploding charge
enemy was working about 5 ft. distant. Instructed
mining shifts in 45A to cease work till 01.00.am
listeners to come on again at 05.00 (12/11/15), but
not to go south of No 5 Drive.
Frid.12/11/15. No 45A Still progressing footage being lower
owing to one shift being put on to tamp No 21.
Parties deepening main rear gallery and X cut
north progressing slowly. Usual work on fire
trenches and overhead cover. Since blowing
No 21 no sounds have been heard of enemy
at work underground.
Sat.13/11/15. No 45A completed about 20.20. Shifts
then started on recess for No 38A Winze.
Parties still deepening Main Gallery, X cut
north still going. Started No 6 Tunnel
underlie from Main Gallery.
Usual repairs to overhead cover, trenches
parapets etc. After we had knocked
off No 45A enemy commenced work
to their front & above right arm, so probably
he has cleared out as much tamping as
possible from his last blow & commenced
driving again. No other sounds.
Sun. 14/11/15. Recess for 38A completed and 3' of Winze
sunk. Parties on Main Gallery X cut north
and No 5 Tunnel underlie. Party on overhead
cover in No 3 Post and the usual daily repairs
to parapets & trenches in general. Enemy can
be still heard working from 45A & 44.
He has also been heard once or twice during
the day well out from No 23 which may
possibly be the sounds listeners say they
can hear from Surface Tunnel. Bomb
screens in Nos 5 & 6 Posts having a rough
Mon.15/11/15. Underground works progressing etc.-
(9) No. 38A Winze; X cuts North & South from No 7
(main) Tunnel; Underlie from Main gallery to
connect with end of No 6 Tunnel. Also deepening
of Main Gallery northwards. Usual repairs to
overhead cover, fire trenches & parapets. Bomb screens
during the night got badly knocked about.
Enemy is still working above right arms of No 45A
but in a nervous fashion and does not appear
to be making much footage. He was also heard
during the afternoon some distance out from
face of No 18 (centre arm) but is not
working continuously here.
Tues. 16/11/15. Party in all day withdrawing tamping
from No 21 and stacking it in main curtain
between 1G Winze and No 16. No 38A Winze
completed and drive started. Ab 17.00 shifts
start on No 40 (extending). Day shifts on
X cut south from No 7 Tunnel and underlie
to No 6 Tunnel. Repairs to overhead cover & trenches
in general.
Enemy is still working at 45A and was
also heard for a few minutes between but
out from 18 Right & 17 left. Was heard as well
out from 18 Centre probably same party.
Wed.17/11/15. At 09.00 shifts start on recesses in
No 1 Post for Nos 1 & 2 Tunnels, also in X Cut
south from No 7 Tunnel. Completed with drawing
tamping from No 21. Laid 150 lbs. (4 tins) in
right arm No 45A. Party on till 21.00 tamping.
Usual repairs to fire trench & parapets.
Enemy working 45A and 18 right.
at 20.30 demonstration by enemy. Heavy
storm at time.
Thur. 18/11/15. Since tamping 45A enemy has done
no continuous wook work here. Listener on waiting
for him to return. In No 1 Post 3 shifts lost
owing to storm and 2 shifts in other
faces. Very little damage done by storm
to trenches. Usual parties on trenches, parapets
& overhead cover. McInnes (surveyor) starts
work with Hill. During night enemy did
a little work out from right arm of 18.
At about 20.00 enemy started work again at
45A. At 21.15 exploded mine there which
I consider was satisfactory. During night
mullock from Nos 40 & 38A coming out
of main Tnl.
Fri.19/11/15. At about 16 feet No.38A strikes
broken ground so have turned off right
arm, and continuing No 40 in downward
grade. At 13.00 shifts start on No 8
Tnl. Grade 1 in 5½. Recesses for Nos 1 & 2
Tnl. progressing in No 1 Post. Usual trench
& parapet repairs. Since blowing No 45A
enemy has not been heard working
anywhere below ground.
Sat. 20/11/15. Work on X cut north from No 7 Tunnel
intermittent consequently short footage there.
Underlie of No 8 Tnl. timbered up & work there
progressing satisfactorily. Nos 1 & 2 underlies,
38A, 40 & X cut south proceeding. Usual
trench & overhead cover repairs. Allen sent
off to hospital. During day enemy does
a little work 15 feet or so from No 23.
21/11/15. One to five shift on No 40 did not
come on so have had corporal in charge
relieved. Three sets timber put in No 2
Tnl underlie. Other faces progressing
satisfactorily. Usual daily repairs to
parapets and bomb screens which
lately have been getting badly knocked
about at night. Enemy has been
heard out from left arm of No 23
(distant) and also a few taps to right
of No 18.
Mon. 22/11/15. Usual parapet & bomb screen repairs.
(10) Nine sets timber put in No 2 Tnl. underlie.
All other faces progressing fairly well.
At about 16.00 enemy started working
hard fairly close to left arm No 37
apparently to try & stop right arm of 38A.
Recess being put in this from 17.00 to
21.00 shift. Enemy has also been
working fairly consistently to the right of
No 18, but very hard to place his exact whereabouts.
Tues. 23/11/15. Party on day shift withdrawing
tamping from No 45A: Just beyond
right arm the ground very broken so
probably little of this drive will be recovered.
Overhead cover put in No 1 Tnl Underlie.
Other faces progressing satisfactorily.
Daily work on overhead cover & parapets.
At 37. enemy ceased work about 05.00
and has not been heard there since.
At intervals during the day & night he
has been heard to the right of No 18.
At about 20.00 while our men were working
in left arm of 38A, enemy exploded mine
close to left arm of 37 where he had
ceased work this morning. No harm
was done to any of the men or underground
workings. A couple of screens in No 4
northern were flattened & one man
slightly injured in trench.
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