Diary of William Gordon Farquhar, 1915 - Part 1

First World War, 1914–18
  • Documents and letters
Accession number:

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AUS The Official Commonwealth Government (Dr. C. E. W his study of the Bean), after collection of private war records pre- 1 in the Australian War Memorial Library, wrote: The private diaries in this collection furnish some of its most valuable historical records, but, like all private memoirs which were not compiled with any historical purpose, they should not be regarded as first hand evidence except where it is certain that they are so. The diarist is almost always sincere in his desire to record accurately, but he is subject to no obligation or inducement to indicate whether he is recording his own observations or incidents told him by friends or heard at third or fourth hand at the mess-table. Thus, in some of the diaries in this collection, scenes described with vivid detail, and without any warning that they are told at second or third hand, have been found to be completely inaccurate in important details. A certain number also have been written up or revised long after the events, though doubtless usually from notes made at the time. In most cases the student must rely on his experience and on internal evidence to guide him in judging what is and what is not likely to be historically accurate. Monday 129/12 Landed Augue with Petivon at 2130. Proceeted to Rest Gully and bwonaced. tres 14p/15 Section fixing up camb and gelting eteses ap from beach During afternoon inspected Quinns with St. Buller Wed. 19/4/13 Parked permanent trewch party (1N10. &3 Sappers Continuons shiple of 6 Lappers& . 0. slark at 170 eparring and deepersing man envelope. To bags tamping alored in hear Gallory Cnemy heard working at N. 234 43 Tairs 164/2 Shiphs stie working on main envelope kind arrangements for disposl ye spoid uncat sfactory Enemy chicl heard working fairly persistently at came places Friday y ase shipts up to 130e shil on envelope, to bags timbing stored in and around N.25 first shipl (9men) of fatiquo party (1yh. sbmen) comison at 13.00 and with it Lappers sash connecting up main envelope on night of loct, working from both ends Milock from faces nonsel through 1 &1Wenges and carried
eut heroaghe bom Fenchell to M G. poction Exernyg reported by listeners as being close to left arm of N. 23. During the night reported that his was working near N. 38 but concider it was only surface sounds that were heard owing to the chartered state of the ground in that vicinity. All counds of enemy at work cease about 11.00 Ground exceedingly hard where shipts are at work. Rale of progress about 1/t per the sheft supplying Infentry party on latrine shapt with drick and explosives. Lt. Bubler leaves for left flank. Sat. 189/15. No counds of eneig during night Shipls dill working continuonsly on N 142 Faces. parted 1 Sap and 2hiply deepening mam envelope near ID Wiize Listeners report distant sounds at N 42 & 43 sounds commencing about 15.00. Slight delay owing to shortage of candles. During the marning inspection of lost made by Col. Elliokt &lipt. Turdee. Heavy rifle & artillery fire from enemy from 1700 to 17.30 Sundey 196/4. We sounds heard during the night. French party filling in some of the recessed which unsercul the parapet in Ns5&6 Posts N 142 Faces still working. Started No. 18 at 21.00. No minds heard during the day. Mor. 20/9/15 Listenies report distant sounds during the C night at N. 43. One listener slightly affected with bad air in w. 44. found the air there fairly good on mciing inspection. Fench party still fieling in undercult and on general repair work. New mining fatique replace old at 17.00 chift. same faces still working. hues 2/9/12 fisteners report enemy at work near N.37. At 10.00 consider him about 4 or 5 ft distant day charge of 60 l. Ammonal in face of right arm tamping about 16feet. two electric detous in series and 1 safety fuse. Enemy ceases work here at 1230 Wailing for him to return before firing tming shifts in same faces French party general repair work.
Wed 224/15. At or 42 enemy explode mine above face of N.18 Owing to depth of our gallery no damage done. Start 59.00 shift one No 21. Facis N 142 still working, Sisternes report during day sounds of enemy near N.43 Murs 23//15. No sounds of enemy at work during night. Stark 1 lap & 1If @13.00 operving ouhold saps at near of night of Courtneys Post for disposal of spoit. At 17.00 break through main envelope. Hart No.17 same chipt and N. 1C.21.00 shipt. Friday During the night no sounds of enemy at work. At 08.00 he commences again near te right arm of N. 37. At 09.45 explade mine laid there in 24/4/15 Judging by explasion and the small amount of back throw, consider thie charge has blower well forward and been efective. Faces working. Ns. 21. 17 & t. Sapping to edge of clif still proceeding. pt. 25/9/5. At 22.40 (24//13]) enemy explate mine a little to duslift and above face of N. 17 As before it bliw to surface and caused us damage Sap to cliff completid 01.00. Heavy rifle and macime guw fire damage scrvens considerably. Tremeln party occupied all day in repairing same. Hart infanrt fatigue on excavation for Kitchens Facesssticl working N 24,17 & H. Enemy heard working during day at N 413 and 42 Some distance off Lin 26/4/5. French party on sereens & overhead cover in support trendies; founds during forenoon at 42 0/ Jaces work ung. W. 16,17&21. A 20 w0 liskeried it Ns. 42 m & for houe. Lidge enemy to be some distance to lifh and alove fawr of N 42 Mow 2/4/3 At 08.30 sart 4 dappers tindering tem cnvelope I four catra appers on trunch work, pisung parnful itc. Snew faligue meer from infautry for iiing. (lolal yet & Sgt N sounds of enemy mining.
Tues 28/15- No sounde of memy at work during might Frunich party on sereens and parspits. Filique particenchange over. At 1700 shilp stark vc 18 face agains attempting to get beneath menys overhiad cover X5 of N 16x07 proceeding Iro doy hur lamps procured Fimih foad starager cut Mod 22/4/5- From 16.00 to abt 20.30 euemy heard. working continuously at No.42, Appears to be to the left of N.Wr fice and above. Ne sounds diewhere At 17.00 shipt start No 21 again N. 16 being completed. Timbering main curtain proceeding during day, Tarapets and sereene being repaired. Inspection by Gew digge. Thur. 30/9/15. Repairs to screens o parapate as usual. Trial. beree of 1 piping crected, Appears satisfactory. N. 17 stopped ahend of 13.00 shift. N 18421 going. During night listenere reported distint sounds night front N. 23 Timbering main curtain still procieding. At about 18.00 favily close sounds above No. 42, but work not continuous 1ORIt Drid 22 Fench party inerand F.1N.0 ud rowen Parapch work going fairly will Found that pipe servent are not satisfactory; two men cut with flying chips owing to rifle fire on pipes. During night face of No 18 became very drummy. Tut auguss hole in 18 ins. Probably so on account of ground being sightly loosined by Surface mines fired by Turks Work on sercens becoming much greater due to increased bombing and other fire. During day no sounds anywhere of enemy at work underground Feiches inspcted by Major Sturdee Sate 2/0/15. Bomb. Seken party kept parhiularly busy during day. Harted sapping out to high ground at right of post. Parapits & traversis being repaired. Nos 18 & 21 still proceeding also timbering of mann curtain. At 13.20 mnemy exploded surfaie mine to night front of 17 Large crater formed but as damage done is our workings. At 15.30 enemy again commences at No. 42. About 10 to 15 ft away. Also heard working at N 23 for sport time.
Sum 3/0/5 Serems & parapete as usual party sapping Ne.3 Sap (N. (lost) on day work only. Allan ion timber work N. C lost. Timbering main iniclope shll procuding staces 16& 21 sher going. At 18.30 enemy starts work again at No. 424 works continuonely for abouti Chers. Do not yet consider him close enough to blow. Sounds also reported heard fronh of N. 38, Nothing continuon Alw worked & intermittently during day right front N. 23. This may be a hource of danger to N. 2 Visited H. Br. 9 E with plans. Mon. 4/10/15. Sereens & bench repairs as usual. Tufty party B146D andl S men take over yot of erecking tercens Harled work on overhead cover for M.G. Libe Frogress in faces. 18 and 2 very slow. Tmbering maikenvelape proceeding. During afternoon. listenrs reported saunde at 38 as though tamping was being renoved. Pappers work double shipt here chaiing out tamping as far as ther I and listeners told to watch it carefully during the night In all probability it was turface noises as ground about here is very mude broben. Tarby on No. 3 sap absent during day. No sounds at N. 42 bul evemy works fairly consistenbly during day at N. 23. After darke recover glenglly 4 x4 abtached to French were in front of parapel Tes 5/0/5 Making and repairing houh seriens as usual Rvesling up trenches spirapets also new M.G. hop hale and suehead cour for sane Ab 17.00 llarked new shipt (1 H.C.0. 5men) on buface tunnel, work comencing from P. Winze Farty on Sap N.3 still absent. Timbiring dearring out Main envelope & N.S. 44 and 38. Haring afterwoon menny heard right of Faci w.& & a good deal above. Canish be heard from 1 At 19.30 lie again starts at 42, I istnce here esumated at 7or 8 feet.
Wedl 6/10/15. Parapeit & Cosphales and general brench repaire Bomk Creens as usual. One fitter on pipe work at Monich Tanks 17.30 two tumbler hooke for Ct Arnold finished. Overhear for Mr. G. dubprocednig No. 18.21 and surfice turonel eregressing. Hurt 17.00 shipt enthing receiss al hear of No. 18 for charge. Tmbering man envelope adearing out tenlping. Enemy hiard during dayge at N. 23 Tamping tiken out o N. 34 as for as I alight timber put in Grans hur very mouch werken. He sounds awring day at N. 42 N. 18 completed at end 2 19.00 stilt Thur 7/1/4 Ourhead cover for Mr. G. complesed also loopholes sparapits N1 Post. Starled nw hombung posihion in N. 3Est. Surface Inl proceeding stowly, N. 21 also going. Shiph which usually work in N.18 put on claning out temping from Ns p4 & 37. Timbering man envelope proceeding. During day enemy only heard working opposite N 23 Indefiniee sade heard in N. 38 but most likely from surface. At 2.a0 Divicion reports enemy using gas on right flank, hee that all partice are inpfliced wihi halmet Frid off/ 5 Last nighty report re gio inaccurate. Apparendly gos bombs were used. Tener and serien purties as usual Timbering and deepening Manr envelope proceeding. Fartie on deaning out temping from No 145, 37, 31 and 32. Bombin Pit in No 3 Norhesi Poet complited. Timber refaire to Bomb Eroof. N 21 and hurface tul. proceeding Eieing heard working consisteandly some distance to left and aloee face of N.St. Also heard from N. 23. Frobably pance party. Harted party on officers seller in N. Post support Trench Pat 9/10/15. Work in N. & ceased at 0/00. N.20 starked to take place of No. 19 which was blown on 29/8/15
With drawed of tamping in N 37 31 and 32 proceeding. imbering Marn envelope also geing small fortage in Sufan tol owing to stupts. engaged in widewing and deepening same. Fench & Sereen partus as usual. N.3 Lap going stooly. Sperayer damaged by binet repaired. Only place every heard working. Hight frink of N. 23 & left of 2/. still som distance away. Explosion felt at 17.15 which was afterward found to be one of ours at Courtneys Lan 1/0/15. Willdrawal oftamping from listenong galleries already fired still proceeding, also repaire to tham invelope. For part of the 2 hes. shipts still enguged in inlarging Sifface tannel. N. 3 lap propessing slowly. Repairs to parspils and Bonit Sertens Finding thah Seruns are taking a fairty large quantity of 323. Evemy still working consistently between N 23 and St. Officers chulder in N. 1 Cost completed lap. Brown bee still on water hupply ote Mon. 14/0/15 Work on Man envelope & listening Galleries till proceeding Fice of WS into brokin grounds cauno by N. 19 blor. Turning to left. Surface Tunnel & W. 3 Lap. mavay slorly. Faripite & lookholes in No 142 Pocks. Bomb Sereens still suffering Meny still going hird between N. 23 & 21. Durny afternoon shell fire on M.G. in, N. 1 lost. Very lithle damage to overtuad cover. Inspection by Col. Wi Mes. 12/0/15 Work on N.30, Mans envelofu & listening galleries Will progressing Timber work below about completed. N. 3 lep going slowly Tarpell loophole & Bunk bereens as usual Odd timbering jobs in Cire trench. Every still going hard between Nos 23 & N. Now willien hearing distance of 22. He was also head from present end of N.HH some distance to tr front. During afternoon discovered him at work on incavabion revilled with large rectaigular mid hrncks about 100 yews front No.2 Vost Considerable damage done with Carland mortar Fench catapult wied for first sme & did, weillent worl
Wed 2/0/5. Bont derent, farespels & Coniril trench repairs. Deepeniy & cleaming out Main envelope & listering galleries. Sapped wirk on No.20 at 13.00 I started lift arm from N.18 to covcer front of N. 19. Sarfan Tonnel & N.3 Sap going very slowly owing to difficulty in getting spoil away Eueny working consistenbly at 23 & appears to be driving parallet with our Main envelope. Also hear him occasionally at N.X4 Phur 14/10/15. Bonib Lereens, parapete & general trench repairs. Finding that nearly all traverses of under 5ft in wedth have to be cut right out + replaced with sand bags owing to weight of parspts causing them to break away from interivr slope of trench. Chaning out a despening of galler ies still in progress left arm of N.R, Surface Tunnel & No. 3 Sap still going, About Hiso enemy ceases work in front of N. 23 & has not been hear there or elsewhere since. A few stick mortar houids come over during day close to terraces but no damage Sm (ee sharch. In. 15/10/15 General truch repairs and removal of eirth trierse. Not so busy with hot seruns Farty on at night recessing N.3 Sap (2 - 2 men & building parapit: 10 ferune from N. 4t loy Main & listening gatteries shill being desnet ont and depened. Flynne Farty starling from 1Gend. About midday euemy again commences work uderground. heard prrodically between No 35 & 3it & is working foirly consistenbly in frank of N 23 his nearest pount at this place being estimated between 6ot fit Sat 16/0/5 Demon tration a 03.30 which draws heavy rufle fire from evening. Right arm N. 18 and hurfaie Tunnel progressing tarapels ggeneral trench repaird. No.3 hap laopholed. Depening & claning wnith of galleries still proceding. At 03.30 enemy ceases work at N. 25. distenre report hearing touneds close to N.H6K, bub very spainsdie From abb 12.00 he has been working in an intermittent sort of way over our broutt between No 2 ad 38.
Lon 1/10/12. General trench repairs & replainments iof sandhage on peropets . Two more loopholeowin N.3 Sap. Lurface Tirl. No. 18R and work on gallenes still proceeding. Repairs to Boring liue gas lamps. Surredin Magaznie just inside mouth of them Frl. During the day enemy lias Dom very Citplo Wot undergouns & has apperadus ns wesser to No23R. He did a litter work about 17.30 inmudiately above facr of N.18, probably digging in his non arench. Morr 18/0/12. Parapels & General trench repaire. C Magazie excavation complided. Extending dump cap in Courtneys towards the night on account of humps falling on libeliend relow, Harket og as shapt on extension. 16½ lack shipp having completed N.18K. Surface tunnil Hill proceeding. During the day enemy very quick below. At about 19.30 be sharts in firnt of N 23 & works fairly consistendly for some hours but does not appear to he getting much closer. Has not been beard elawlere During foreason hostilchiis suspended white exchange of goods (tohaces, yamr, bully beef ete. are mast. Tes 19/10/15 Lap on Courtneys completed, No. 16½ and hurface Forl. proceeding. Farapits, braverces aut general trech repairs. Decpening of Mar envelope progressing. 350 be. Ammonit brought up & staret in magez wir. Brownber still on matier supply During afternoon evening has worket fitfully ou frunt between N 23 and It buh appears to be driving parallit will our galliny. Hill woking lue at 21.00 Also reported as heard in thi distance betwee to left frnt of. N. AH. Bennibh & Howelli leave.

E 253/3 /.
xx Lt
Field Coy
xx2nd Aus Div
The Official War Historian of the Commonwealth
Government (Dr. C. E. W. Bean), after his study of the
collection of private war records preserved in the Australian
War Memorial Library, wrote:-
"The private diaries in this collection furnish some of its most
valuable historical records, but, like all private memoirs which were
not compiled with any historical purpose, they should not be
regarded as first-hand evidence except where it is certain that they
are so. The diarist is almost always sincere in his desire to record
accurately, but he is subject to no obligation or inducement to
indicate whether he is recording his own observation or incidents
told him by friends or heard at third or fourth hand at the mess-table.
Thus, in some of the diaries in this collection, scenes described with
vivid detail, and without any warning that they are told at second
or third hand, have been found to be completely inaccurate in
important details. A certain number also have been written up
or revised long after the events, though doubtless usually from notes
made at the time. In most cases the student must rely on his
experience and on internal evidence to guide him in judging what is
and what is not likely to be historically accurate.

Monday. 13/9/15 Landed Anzac with Section at 21.30. proceeded to
Rest Gully and bivouaced.
Tues. 14/9/15 Section fixing up camp and getting stores up from
beach. During afternoon inspected Quinns with Lt. Butler.
Wed. 15/9/15. Started permanent trench party (1 N.C.O. & 3 Sappers).
Continuous shifts of 6 Sappers & N.C.O. Start at 17.00 repairing
and deepening main envelope. 50 bags tamping stored
in Rear Gallery. Enemy heard working at Nos 23 & 43.
Thurs.16/9/15. Shifts still working on main envelope. Find
arrangements for disposal of spoil unsatisfactory.
Enemy still heard working fairly persistently at same
Friday. 17/9/15. Shifts up to 13.00 Still on envelope. 50 bags tamping
stored in and around No 25. First shift (9 men) of
fatigue party (1 Sgt 36 men) comes on at 13.00 and
with 4 Sappers start connecting up main envelope
on right of Post; working from both ends. Mullock
from faces raised through 1F & 1G Winzes and carried


out through Com. Trenches to M.G. position. Enemy
reported by listeners as being close to left arm of
No. 23. During the night reported that he was working
near No.38 but consider it was only surface sounds
that were heard owing to the shattered state of the
ground in that vicinity. All sounds of enemy at work
cease about 11.00. Ground exceedingly hard where  shifts
are at work. Rate of progress about 1 ft per 4hr. shift.
Supplying Infantry party on latrine shaft with drills
and explosives. Lt Butler leaves for left flank.
Sat. 18/9/15. No sounds of enemy during night. Shifts still
continuously on Nos 1 & 2 faces. Started 1 Sap
and 2 Infty, deepening main envelope near ID
Winze. Listeners report distant sounds at Nos 42 & 43
sounds commencing about 15.00. Slight delay owing
to shortage of candles. During the morning inspection
of Post made by Col. Elliott & Capt Sturdee. Heavy
rifle & artillery fire from enemy from 17.00 to 17.30.
Sunday. 19/9/15. No sounds heard during the night. Trench party
filling in some of the recesses which undercut the parapet
in Nos 5 & 6 Posts. Nos 1 & 2 faces still working. Started
No 18 at 21.00. No sounds heard during the day.
Mon. 20/9/15. Listeners report distant sounds during the
(1) night at No 43. One listener slightly affected with
bad air in No 44. Found the air there fairly good
on morning inspection. Trench party still filling
in undercuts and on ground repair work. New
mining fatigue replace old at 17.00 shift.
Same faces still working.
Tues. 21/9/15. Listeners report enemy at work near No 37
At 10.00 consider him about 4 or 5 ft distant.
Lay charge of 60lbs. Ammonal in face of right
arm. Tamping about 16 feet. Two electric detons
in Series and 1 safety fuse. Enemy ceases
work here at 12.30. Waiting for him to return
before firing. Mining shifts in same faces.
Trench party general repairs work.


Wed. 22/9/15. At 01.42 enemy explode mine above
face of No 18. Owing to depth of our gallery no
damage done. Start 09.00 shift on No 21.
Faces Nos 1 & 2 still working. Listeners report during
day sounds of enemy near No 43.
Thurs.-23/9/15. No sounds of enemy at work during night.
Start 1 Sap & 1 Inf. @ 13.00 opening out old sap at
rear of right of Courtney's Post for disposal of spoil.
At 17.00 break through main envelope. Start No 17
same shift and No 16. 21.00 shift.
Friday. 24/9/15 During the night no sounds of enemy at work.
At 08.00 he commenced again near the right
arm of No 37. At 09.45 explode mine laid
there on 21/9/15. Judging by explosion and the
small amount of back throw, consider the charge
has blown well forward and been effective.
Faces working. - Nos 21, 17 & 16. Sapping to edge
of cliff still proceeding.
Sat. 25/9/15. At 22.40 (24/9/15) enemy explode mine
a little to the left and above face of No. 17.
As before it blew to surface and caused no
damage. Sap. to cliff completed 01.00. Heavy
rifle and machine gun fire damage screens
considerably. Trench party occupied all day in
repairing same. Start infant. fatigue on
excavation for kitchens. Faces still working
Nos.21, 17 & 16. Enemy heard working during
day at Nos. 43 and 42. Some distance off.
Sun. 26/9/15. Trench party on screens & overhead
cover in support trenches. Sounds during
forenoon at 42 & 43. Faces working Nos
16, 17 & 21. At 20.00 listened at Nos 42 & 43 for 1
hour. Judge enemy to be some distance to left and
above face of No 42.
Mon. 27/9/15. At 08.30 Start 4 Sappers timbering Main envelope.
(2) Four extra sappers on trench work, fixing parapets
etc. 8 new fatigue men from infantry for mining.
(Total 44 - 1 Sgt), NO sounds of enemy mining.


Tues.- 28/9/15 - No sounds of enemy at work during night.
Trench party on screens and parapets. Fatigue
parties change over. At 17.00 shift start No 18 face
again; attempting to get beneath enemy's overhead
cover. Y's of Nos 16 & 17 proceeding. ½ doz. head lamps
procured. Finish food storage cut.
Wed. 29/9/15.- From 16.00 to abt. 20.30 enemy heard
working continuously at No. 42. Appears to be
to the left of No 42 face and above. No sounds
elsewhere. At 17.00 shift start No 21 again
No 16 being completed. Timbering main curtain
proceeding during day. Parapets and screens
being repaired. Inspection by Gen. Legge.
Thurs. 30/9/15. Repairs to screens & parapets as usual. Trial
screen of 1" piping erected. Appears satisfactory.
No. 17 stopped at end of 13.00 shift. Nos 18 & 21 going.
During night listeners reported distant sounds
right front No. 23. Timbering main curtain still
proceeding. At about 18.00 fairly close sounds
above No. 42; but work not continuous.
Frid. 31/9/15. 1/10/15. Trench party increased to 1 N.C.O and 20 men
Parapet work going fairly well. Found that
pipe screens are not satisfactory; two men cut
with flying chips owing to rifle fire on pipes.
During night face of No. 18 became very drummy.
Put augur hole in 18 ins. Probably so on account
of ground being slightly loosened by surface mines
fired by Turks. Work on screens becoming much
greater due to increased bombing and other fire.
During day no sounds anywhere of enemy at
work underground. Trenches inspected by
Major Sturdee.
Sat. 2/10/15. Bomb Screen party kept particularly busy
during day. Started sapping out to high ground
at right of post. Parapets & traverses being repaired.
Nos 18 & 21 still proceeding also timbering of
main curtain. At 13.20 enemy exploded surface
mine to right front of 17. Large crater formed
but no damage done to our workings. At 15.30
enemy again commences at No 42. About 10 to 15 ft
away. Also heard working at No 23 for short time.


Sun. 3/10/15. Screens & parapets as usual. Party sapping
No. 3 Sap (No 1 Post) on day work only. Allan on
timber work No 6 Post. Timbering main envelope
still proceeding. Faces 18 & 21 still going.
At 18.30 enemy starts work again at No 42 &
works continuously for about 6hrs. Do not yet
consider him close enough to blow. Sounds also
reported heard front of No 38. Nothing continuous.
Also worked intermittently during day right front
No 23. This may be a source of danger to No 21.
Visited Hd Qr. D.E with plans.
Mon.4/10/15. Screen & Trench repairs as usual. Infty party
(3.) 1 N.C.O and 5 men take over job of erecting screens.
Started work on overhead cover for M.G. Site.
Progress in faces 18 and 21 very slow. Timbering
main envelope proceeding During afternoon.
listeners reported sounds at 38 as though
tamping was being removed. Sappers work
double shift here cleaning out tamping as far
as the "Y" and listeners told to watch it carefully
during the night. In all probability it was
surface noises as ground about here is very
much broken. Party on No 3 sap absent
during day. No sounds at No 42 but enemy
works fairly consistently during day at
No 23. After dark recover 9 lengths 4" x 4"
attached to French wire in front of parapet.
Tues.- 5/10/15. Making and repairing bomb screens as usual.
Resetting up trenches & parapets also new M.G.
loop hole and overhead cover for same.
At 17.00 started new shifts (1 N.C.O & 5 men) on
Surface Tunnel; work commencing from ID Winze.
Party on Sap No 3 still absent. Timbering &
cleaning out main envelope & Nos 44 & 38.
During afternoon enemy heard right of Face No 18
& a good deal above. Cannot be heard from 17.
At 19.30 he again starts at 42. Distance here
estimated at 7 or 8 feet.


Wed. 6/10/15. Parapets & loopholes and general trench
repairs. Bomb Screens as usual. One fitter on
pipe work at Monash Tanks 17.30. Two tumbler
hooks for Capt Arnold finished. Overhead for
M.G. still proceeding. Nos 18, 21 and surface
tunnel progressing. Start 17.00 shift cutting recess
at head of No 18 for charge. Timbering main
envelope & cleaning out tamping. Enemy heard
during day at No 23. Tamping taken out of No 38
as far as Y & light timber put in. Ground here
very much broken. No sounds during day at No 42.
No 18 completed at end of 17.00 shift.
Thurs. 7/10/15. Overhead cover for M.G. completed also
loop holes & parapet No 1 Post. Started new
bombing position in No 3 Post. Surface Tnl.
proceeding slowly; No 21 also going. Shifts which
usually work in No 18 put on cleaning out
tamping from Nos 44 & 37. Timbering main
envelope proceeding. During day enemy only heard
working opposite No 23. Indefinite sounds heard
in No 38 but most likely from surface.
At 21.00 Division reports enemy using gas on
right flank. See that all parties are supplied with helmets.
Frid 8/10/15. Last nights report re. gas inaccurate. Apparently
gas bombs were used. Trench and screen parties as
usual. Timbering and deepening Main envelope
proceeding. Parties on cleaning out tamping
from Nos 45, 37, 31 and 32. Bombing Pit in
No 3 Northern Post completed. Timber repairs to
Bomb Proof. Nos 21 and Surface Tnl. proceeding.
Enemy heard working consistently some distance
to left and above face of No 21. Also heard
from No 23. Probably same party. Started
party on officers shelter in No 1 Post support Trench.
Sat. 9/10/15. Work in No 21 ceased at 01.00. No 20 started
to take place of No 19 which was blown on 29/8/15


Withdrawal of tamping in Nos 37, 31 and 32
proceeding. Timbering Main envelope also going.
Small footage in Surface Tnl. owing to shifts
engaged in widening and deepening same.
Trench & Screen parties as usual. No 3 Sap
going slowly. Sprayer damaged by bomb
repaired. Only place enemy heard working.-
Right front of No 23 & left of 21: still some
distance away. Explosion felt at 17.15 which
was afterwards found to be one of ours at Courtney's.
Sun. 10/10/15. Withdrawal of tamping from listening
galleries already fired still proceeding; also
repairs to Main envelope. For part of the 24 hrs:
shifts still engaged in enlarging Surface Tunnel.
No 3 Sap progressing slowly. Repairs to parapets
and Bomb Screens. Finding that Screens are taking
a fairly large quantity of 3" x 3". Enemy still working
consistently between Nos 23 and 21. Officers shelter in
No. 1 Post completed. Sap Brownlee still on water
supply work.
Mon. 11/10/15 Work on Main envelope & listening Galleries
(4.) still proceeding. Face of No 20 into broken ground
caused by No 19 blow. Turning to left. Surface Tunnel
& No 3 Sap. moving slowly. Parapets & loopholes
in Nos 1 & 2 Posts. Bomb Screens still suffering.
Enemy still going hard between Nos 23 & 21. During
afternoon shell fire on M.G. in No 1 Post. Very
little damage to overhead cover. Inspection by Col. Elliott
Tues. 12/10/15. Work on No 20. Main envelope & listening
galleries still progressing. Timber work below
about complete. No 3 Sap going slowly.
Parapets, loopholes & Bomb screens as usual.
Odd timbering jobs in Fire trench. Enemy still
going hard between Nos 23 & 21. Now within
hearing distance of 22. He was also heard
from present end of No 44 some distance to
the front. During afternoon discovered him at work.
on excavation revetted with large rectangular mud bricks.
about 100 yards from No 2 Post. Considerable damage done
with Garland mortar. Trench catapult used for first
time & did excellent work


Wed. 13/10/15.  Bomb Screens, Parapets & General trench repairs.
Deepening & cleaning out Main envelope &
listening galleries. Stopped work on No 20 at 13.00
& started left arm from No 18 to cover front
of No 19. Surface Tunnel & No 3 Sap going very
slowly owing to difficult in getting spoil away.
Enemy working consistently at 23 & appears
to be driving parallel with our Main envelope.
Also hear him occasionally at No 44.
Thurs. 14/10/15. Bomb Screens, parapets & general trench
repairs. Finding that nearly all traverses of under
5 ft in width have to be cut right out &
replaced with sand bags owing to weight of parapets
causing them to break away from interior slope
of trench. Cleaning out & deepening of galleries
still in progress. Left arm of No 18, Surface
Tunnel & No 3 Sap still going. About 11.00 enemy
ceases work in front of No 23 & has not been heard
there or elsewhere since. A few stick mortar bombs
came over during day close to terraces but no damage
done. (see sketch)
Frid. 15/10/15. General trench repairs and removal of
earlier traverses. Not so busy with bomb screens.
Party on at night recessing No 3 Saps (2 - 2 men)
& building parapets. 10 Screens from No 4 Coy.
Main & listening galleries still being cleaned
out and deepened. Flynn's Party starting from
I G end. About midday enemy again commences
work underground. heard periodically between
Nos 35 & 34 & is working fairly consistently in
front of No 23 his nearest point at this place
being estimated between 6 & 8 feet.
Sat. 16/10/15. Demonstration @ 03.30 which draws heavy
rifle fire from enemy. Right arm No 18 and Surface
Tunnel progressing. Parapets & general trench repairs.
No 3 Sap loopholed. Deepening & cleaning out of
galleries still proceeding. At 03.30 enemy
ceases work at No 23. Listeners report hearing
sounds close to No 26 R, but very spasmodic.
From abt. 12.00 he has been working in a opts an
intermittent sort of way over our fronts between
Nos 21 and 38.


Sun. 17/10/15. General trench repairs & replacements of
sandbags on parapets. Two more loopholes in No 3
Saps. Surface Tunl: No 18 R. and work in galleries
still proceeding. Repairs to Firing line gas lamps.
Started on Magazine just inside mouth of Main
Tnl. During the day enemy has done very little
work underground & has approached no nearer to
No 23 R. He did a little work about 17.30 immediately
above face of No 18; probably digging in his own
Mon. 18/10/15. Parapets & general trench repairs.
(5.) Magazine excavation completed. Extending
dump cap in Courtney's towards the right on
account of lumps falling on kitchens below.
Started 09.00 shift on extension 16 L last
shift having completed No 18 R. Surface Tunnel
still proceeding. During the day enemy very
quiet below. At about 19.30 he starts in front
of No 23 & works fairly consistently for some
hours but does not appear to be getting
much closer. Has not been heard elsewhere.
During forenoon hostilities suspended while
exchange of goods (tobacco, jam, bully beef etc).
are made.
Tues.19/10/15. Sap in Courtney's completed. No 16 L and
Surface Tnl. proceeding. Parapets, traverses
and general trench repairs. Deepening of
Main envelope progressing. 350 lbs Ammonal
brought up & stored in magazine. Brownlee
still on water supply. During afternoon
enemy has worked fitfully on front between
Nos 23 and 21 but appears to be driving parallel
with our gallery. Still working here at 21.00.
Also reported as heard in the distance between
to left front of No 44. Bennett & Howells

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Jacqueline KennedyJacqueline Kennedy
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