Diary of George Booley, 5th Battalion, AIF, 1918, Part 11

First World War, 1914–18
Accession number:

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JUlY-1918. 20 Saturday—Sun rises 4.7, sets 8.5. Tos rough tto sit out today so had to be contelt with sithing unside JULY- 1918. 21 Sunday—8th after Trinity. Mg.—1CHron. xxix. 9-29. Acts xri. 37 to rxii. 23 Evg.—2 Chron. i. or 1 Kings in. Mat. s. 24. Nothing new today
JULY- 1918. 22 Monday—Sun rises 4.10, sets 8.2. Afterdinner got out on the balcony & sat there for about 2 hours, also did a little walky at night slept better than any night yet. JULY-1918. 23 Tuesday— Sun rises 4.12, sets 8.0. 9 St 35m After. Sat up & moved about a good deal today, found out quite by accident that some things I havre been taking internally were meant otherwise, the things contained in them were opium & Belladouna. Had a sleepless night.
JULY-1918. 24 Wednesday— Sun rises 4.13, sets 7.59. Sat out all the after: noon on the Ballony. also walked about. a bit & got a bit frigh tined at the amount. op bleeding JULY-1918. 25 Thursday—Sun rises 4.14, sets 7-58. St. James. Kept bed all day as an experiment & found as a result that there was no bleeding, so have decided on an examin ation by another M.O. beforegetting out again. As I was writing a letter to Sester M. Wulty in the evening who should walk in but the Sister hersey.
WUY- 1318. 26 Friday—Sun rises 4.15, sets 7-57. Tried to see another M.c today but failed Have been sleeping better. of late JULY-1918. 27 Saturday— Sun rises 4.17, sets 7.55. Today saw Capt Ross who treated me, ordered treatment & also fold me if the bleeding continued I was to lay up. Sister MK. Wulty came in o yarned all the afternoon.
JULY-1918. 28 Sunday—9th after Trinity. —1 Kings r. 1-2s. Acts Irvis Es-EiKings H. 1-15, or 1 Kinge sl. 28. Mal. xiv. 18. Was up a good lot of the day tfeil, no ill effects so our in good spirits. JULY-1918. 29 Monday—Sun rises 4.20, sets 7-52. Nothing fresh doing. sat up a lot of the day
JULY-1918. 30 Tuesday—Sun rises 4-21, sets 7.51. C. 1h 140 Atter Encon of yesterday. JULY- 1918. 31 Wednesday—Sun rises 4.23, sets 7.49. Cleaned the windows, the ward this morning & walked on to the hottom flood for the first time.
AUGUST- 1918. 1 Thursday — Sun rises 4.24, sets 7.48. Moving & setting about all day was downs to botton floor twice in the morning, The Hem was over Bombing in the night I did considerable damare also bombed a Hospital at Minmereaur AUGUST- 1918 2 Friday—Sun rises 4.26, sets 7.46. Moving about fairly well & much improved,
AUGUST- 1918. 3 Saturday— Sum rises 4.21, sets 7.45. 11. Operations on our floor today & I undertook going with the lister making John bedsup for them & as they came back pull them of the stretchers & tuck them in, I managed to stick the job through but was know King at the paces at the finish Sister McHardy & another sister came to see me. AUGUST- 1918. 4 Sunday —10th after Trinity. Mg.—1 Kings xii. Rom. iv. 1 Kings miil. or 1 Kings 2vll. Evs.— Mat aviil. 21 to xis. 8. Was very tered + stip after yesterdays work & spent. the morning in bed but got moving again in the afternoon + went as far as the Promenades later to the Church service but was unable to get a reat so returned.
AUGUST- 1918. 5 Monday— Sun rises 4.30, sets 7-42. Bank Holiday. Royal Academy closes. Pothered about all day & in the evening went as far as the plom. Sister Walsh came to see me. AUGUST- 1918. 6 Tuesday— Sun rises 4.32, sets 7.40. O 84 30m Atter. 10 Operations on our floor for Hennia & I had quite a bigday in the evesig went to conceit & on to the prom.
AUGUST- 1918. 7 Wednesday—Sun rises 4.33, sets 7.39. Eyha special clean up this morning in antisipal o the new Colonel but he I did not come. AUGUST- 1918. 8 Thursday—Sun rises 4.35, sets 7.37. Nothing piesh gilled in the day helping Sister + resting, am becoming expect at handlingrick people + making beds.

20 Saturday-Sun rises 4.7, sets 8.5. 

Too rough to sit out 
today so had to be 
content with sitting 

21 Sunday-8th after Trinity. 
Mg.-1 Chron. xxix. 9-29. Acts xxi. 37 to xxii. 23 
Evg.- 2 Chron. i or I Kings iii. Mat. x. 24. 

Nothing new today


22 Monday-Sun rises 4.10, sets 8.2. 

After dinner got out  
on the balcony & sat 
there for about 2 hours, 
also did a little walking 
& at night slept better 
than any night yet. 

23 Tuesday-Sun rises 4.12, sets 8.0. 
8h 35m After. 

Sat up & moved about 
a good deal today, found 
out quite by accident 
that some things I have  
been taking internally 
were meant otherwise, 
the things contained in  
them were opium &  
Had a sleepless night.


24 Wednesday-Sun rises 4.13, sets 7.59. 

Sat out all the afternoon 
on the Balcony. 
also walked about 
a bit & got a bit frightened 
at the amount 
of bleeding. 

25 Thursday-Sun rises 4.14, sets 7.58. 
St. James. 

Kept bed all day as an 
experiment & found as  
a result that there was 
no bleeding, so have 
decided on an examination 
by another M.O. 
before getting out again. 
As I was writing a letter 
to Sister McNulty in 
the evening who should  
walk in but the the Sister 


26 Friday-Sun rises 4.15, sets 7.57. 

Tried to see another 
M.O today but failed. 
Have been sleeping better 
of late. 

27 Saturday-Sun rises 4.17, sets 7.55. 

Today saw Capt Ross 
who had treated me, ordered 
treatment & also told me 
if the bleeding continued 
I was to lay up. 
Sister McNulty came 
in & yarned all the 


28 Sunday-9th after Trinity. 
Mg.-1 Kings x. 1-25. Acts xxvii. 
Evg. -1 Kings xi. 1-15, or 1 Kings xi. 26 
Mat. xiv. 13. 

Was up a good lot 
of the day & feel no 
ill effects so am in 
good spirits.  

29 Monday-Sun rises 4.20, sets 7.52. 

Nothing fresh doing, 
sat up a lot of the day.


30 Tuesday-Sun rises 4.21, sets 7.51. 
1h 14m After. 

Encore of yesterday. 

31 Wednesday-Sun rises 4.23, sets 7.49. 

Cleaned the windows of 
the ward this morning 
& walked on to the bottom 
floor for the first time.


1 Thursday-Sun rises 4.24, sets 7.48. 

Moving & sitting about 
all day was down to 
bottom floor twice in the 
morning, the Hun was 
over Bombing in the night 
& did considerable damage 
also bombed a Hospital at 

2 Friday-Sun rises 4.26, sets 7.46. 

Moving about fairly well 
& much improved, the


3 Saturday-Sun rises 4.27, sets 7.45. 

11. Operations on our floor 
today & I undertook going 
with the Sister making the 
beds up for them & as they 
came back pull them off 
the stretchers & tuck them 
in, I managed to stick 
the job through but was knoc- 
king at the knees at the finish 
Sister McHardy & another 
Sister came to see me. 

4 Sunday-10th after Trinity. 
Mg.-1 Kings xii, Rom, iv. 
Evg.-1 Kings xiii, or 1 Kings xvii. 
Mat xviii. 21 to xix. 3. 

Was very tired & stiff after 
yesterdays work & spent  
the morning in bed but 
got moving again in the 
afternoon & went as  
far as the Promenade & 
later to the Church service 
but was unable to get a  
seat so returned.


5 Monday-Sun rises 4.30, sets 7.42. 
Bank Holiday. Royal Academy closes. 

Pottered about all day 
& in the evening went 
as far as the prom. 
Sister Walsh came to see 

6 Tuesday-Sun rises 4.32, sets 7.40. 
8h 30m After. 

10 Operations on our floor 
for Hernia & I had quite  
a big day in the evening 
went to Concert & on 
to the prom.


7 Wednesday-Sun rises 4.33, sets 7.39. 

Extra special clean up 
this morning in anticipation 
of the new Colonel but he  
did not come. 

8 Thursday-Sun rises 4.35, sets 7.37. 

Nothing fresh filled  
in the day helping Sister 
& resting, am becoming 
expert at handling sick 
people & making beds.

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Jacqueline KennedyJacqueline Kennedy
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