Diary of George Booley, 5th Battalion, AIF, 1918, Part 10

First World War, 1914–18
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JUNE- 1918. 30 Sunday—5th after Trinity. Mg.—1 Sam. xv. 1-24. Acts ix. 1223. Sam. xvi. or 1 Sam. xvii. Evs.—I 1 John iil. 16 to iv. 7. Goteep in morning. & made bed, cleaned myney apek + was ordered back to bed Joc 2 or 5 days. During the night the Heen bombed Boulbgne + vicinity + not far from here NULY- 1818. 1 Monday—Sun rises 3.48, sets 8-18. CSh Bm Morn. In bed all day. The Bosche was over in the evening (or night) but dropped nothing near us.
WULY- 1918. 2 Tuesday—Sun rises 3.49, sets 8.18. Nothing fresh up for a few houls during the day. JULY-1918. 3 Wednesday— Sun rises 3.50, scts 8.18. Commenced Hemmoreging pretty badly soon after being hold toget up. I was sent I back to bed again.
JULY- 1918. 4 Thursday— Sun rises 3.51, sets 8.17. Remaining in bed streetly enjoiced today. Great Celibratioons in both London & fares of Independnc Day. Hemmorage stopped Loday. Commenced again towight. JULY- 1918. 5 Friday—Sun rises 3.51, sets 8.17. Hemoraging badly making another operation necessary so I went under again about midday.
JULY- 191S 6 Saturday—Sun rises 3.52, sets 8.17. King George V. married, 1893. Teeling very seedy today. JULY- 1918. 7 Sunday - 6th after Trinity. Mg.—2 Sam. l. Acts xiii. 26. EYs.—8 Sam. xil. 1-24, or 2 Sam. xviil. Mat. I. Worst day yet had a rough handling without Chlorofon & was later moved into Hotel where I spent a bad night.
JULY-1918. 8 Monday—Sun rises 3.54, sets 8.16. 0 Sh 22m Morn. Slightly better today. JULY-1918. 9 Tuesday—Sun rises 3.55, sets 8.15. Doing well again today
JULY- 191S. 10 Wednesday— Sun rises 3. 56, sets 8.14. Possed the critical day ewithout any femmorage & by night feeling pretty fit also very hungry. JULY-1918. 11 Thursday — Sun rises 3.57, sets 8.13. Seeling very wilh senkil in the appernoon ithe MO put his head in the door & said I wwas to get serp, it takes me all myo time to sit up to eat meals propped in pilloy so you can aness thou I felt about it.
JULY- 1918. 12 Friday—Sun rises 3.58, sets 8.13. Today Sister said I was not tto move from bed, just as well as I had decided to refuse to move. JULY- 1918. 13 Saturday—Sun rises 3.59, sets 8.12. Had a good day
JULY- 1918. 14 Sunday— 7th after Trinity. Mg.—IChron Mt. TAeis Erine ]-24 Evg.—I Chron. xxii. or 1 Chron, AAVMU-MI. Mac V. 18 t0 vi. 7. Nothing new today durind the night sister brought me some fruit salad for nights now I have slept little or none. Sat in a chair for a few miniches while bed was made JULY- 1918. 15 Monday—Sun rises 4.1, sets 8.10. St. Swithin. Same as usual, affer dimnes sat in chair for jour minutes while bed wass intade & fried to stand up but my leg crumpled up at least appeared to Had 5hous sceep, best since coming to this hospital.
JULY- 1918. 16 Tuesday—Sun rises 4.2, sets 8.9. D 6h 25m Morn. Feeling much better after my good steep, lest night, & feeling much less pain. JULY- 1918. 17 Wednesday—Sun rises 4.4, sets 8.8. Still on the improve
WULY-191S. 18 Thursday—Sun rises 4.5, sets 8.7. same old thing. Sat up for about an hour in the afternoon JULY- 1918. 19 Friday—Sun rises 4.6, sets 8.6. sat out on Dalsony for over on hour this Vafternoon, watching the shipping on the Channer.

30 Sunday—5th after Trinity. 
Mg. - 1 Sam. xv. 1-24.  Acts ix. 1-23. 
Evg - 1 Sam xvi. or 1 Sam. xvii. 
1 John iii. 16 to iv. 7. 

Got up in morning & 
made bed, cleaned myself  
up etc & was ordered 
back to bed for 2 or 3  
days. During the night  
the Hun bombed Boulogne 
& vicinity & not far  
from here. 

JULY— 1918. 
1 Monday—Sun rises 3.48, sets 8.18. 
8h 43m Morn. 

In bed all day.  
The Bosche was over in  
the evening (or night) but  
dropped nothing near us.


2 Tuesday—Sun rises 3.49, sets 8.18. 

Nothing fresh up for a 
few hours during the 

3 Wednesday—Sun rises 3.50, sets 8.18. 

Commenced Hemmoraging 
pretty badly soon after being 
told to get up & was sent 
back to bed again.


4 Thursday—Sun rises 3.51, sets 8.17. 

Remaining in bed strictly 
enforced today. 
Great celebrations in both 
London & Paris of Independence 
Day. Hemmorage stopped 
today. Commenced again 

5 Friday—Sun rises 3.51, sets 8.17. 

Hemmoraging badly making 
another operation necessary 
so I went under again 
about midday.


6 Saturday—Sun rises 3.52, sets 8.17. 
King George V. married, 1893. 

Feeling very seedy 

7 Sunday—6th after Trinity. 
mg.—2 Sam. i.   Acts xiii. 26. 
Evg.—2 Sam. xii. 1-24, or 2 Sam. xviii. Mat.ii. 

Worst day yet, had a rough 
handling without Chloroform 
& was later moved into 
Hotel where I spent a  
bad night.


8 Monday — Sun rises 3.54, sets 8.16 
8h 22m Morn. 

Slightly better today 

9 Tuesday—Sun rises 3.55, sets 8.15. 

Doing well again today


10 Wednesday — Sun rises 3.56, sets 8.14. 

Passed the critical day 
without any Hemmorage 
& by night feeling pretty 
fit also very hungry.  

11 Thursday—Sun rises 3.57, sets 8.13. 

Feeling very well until 
in the afternoon the MO 
put his head in the door 
& said I was to get up, 
it takes me all my 
time to sit up to eat 
meals propped in pillows  
so you can guess how 
I felt about it.


12 Friday—Sun rises 3.58, sets 8.13. 

Today, Sister said I 
was not to move 
from bed, just as 
well as I had decided 
to refuse to move. 

13 Saturday—Sun rises 3.59, sets 8.12. 

Had a good day


14 Sunday—7th after Trinity. 
Mg.—1 Chron. xxi.  Acts xviii. 1-24. 
Evg.—1 Chron. xxii. or 1 Chron. xxviii. 1-21. 
Mat. vi. 19 to vii. 7. 

Nothing new today 
during the night 
Sister brought me 
some fruit salad  
for nights now I have 
slept little or none. 
Sat in a chair for a few 
minutes while bed was 

15 Monday—Sun rises 4.1, sets 8.10. 
St. Swithin. 

Same as usual, after dinner 
sat in chair for four minutes 
while bed was made & tried 
to stand up but my legs 
crumpled up at least 
appeared to. Had 5 hours 
sleep, best since coming 
to this hospital.  


16 Tuesday—Sun rises 4.2, sets 8.9. 
6h 25m Morn. 

Feeling much better 
after my good sleep 
last night, & feeling 
much less pain. 

17 Wednesday—Sun rises 4.4, sets 8.8. 

Still on the improve


18 Thursday—Sun rises 4.5, sets 8.7. 

Same old thing. 
Sat up for about an 
hour in the afternoon 

19 Friday—Sun rises 4.6, sets 8.6. 

Sat out on Balcony 
for over an hour this 
afternoon, watching 
the shipping on the 

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Jacqueline KennedyJacqueline Kennedy
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