Diary of George Booley, 5th Battalion, AIF, 1918, Part 6

First World War, 1914–18
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APRIL-1918. 11 Thursday — Sun rises 5.16, sets 6.46. O44. Bhn Morn. fanded in packs in a herry our time for action was evidently arrived, later recieved word that we would not move till early morning so we cas. round & found beds in some descited house with blankess + all. This Town was 5th Army Headquarters before the whish but they got out quick. 50our. Bde camalitie in comiens while enhaing at night APRIL—1918. 12 Friday — Sun rises 5.14, sets 6.48. Reveille 3.30 moved at 5 to Amiens, the Heen was shelli + Bombing there, as we went through he was shelling, the Town shows much signs o shelling, the people have nearly all gonee & those that havnt are packing taking just what they can move, shops are full of goods esteminess with full supply of liquory so for the Catthedral has not beendamaged, it is said a did Ishell hit it doing no damage Many plases ospecially St. Bl phow segns of bol or shells passed on the evey up at one place Boml dropped near hain
APRIL—1918. 13 Saturday— Sun rises 5.12, sets 6.50. Serived at Hondighem just before daylight, had a drink of Lefa x marched through Hayebrouk to a faryard where packs were dropped the Brr moving straight to the line, just a Jew minate before moving! I was told I was to shay out with your others. In the evening the Hun at. tacked the Irish Gusd + drove them back to the 8th where they stopped him later a patrol of the 8th Billed about 58 took 15 prissoner & 5MG. We were issued with 2 Blankes so had a good sleep. APRIL- 191S. 14 Sunday—End after Easter. NE.-Num. H. 1-14. Lake vil. 1 -35. Evg.—Num. xx. 14 to 2ri. 10, or Num. xxt. 10. Gal iy. 2 to v. 18. In tre morning the artill became very heavy at least for this class of werfare tlater we heald the Hun had artacked continuog ly all day on our Dui. won't but did not sucac Yer more than taking two forts of the 8th whiceh their retok immediately Iwent up to the Bn H9. with some things for the Boys, & found. them well burked in straw in fact only then heads showing up. The weather remains cold + dull. Much artillery came in.
APRIL- 1918. 15 Monday — Sun rises S.7, sets 6.53. After daylight the artillery quietened& the day was quiet some of the faim on the tuen side are being burned for what reason ive do not Bnow. This morning a ration limber brought an old Treachman down from the line 92 years of age Cub 1 I went to Hondeyhen in search of some Capker stores but got little. Church of Mewlyf Berquin bombarded being nest of MG3 APRIL- 1918. 16 Tuesday—Sun rises 5.5, sets 6.54. The Hun has been shelling around the back arca a fair amount all day with light stuff & shrapnel. I went up to the Br this evening every is well. Abont6 PM a hear bombardment opened up we understand the French are hopping out. Some chrest mail arriving Reported street fighting in Dailleul.
APRIL- 1318 17 Wednesday—Sun rises 5.3, sets 6.-56. Heavy Bombaidment out towards Bailleul in morn ing. The then shelled us pletty heavely with 11 inch armour piercing shells we had several close calls one about 15 yards from us, he hit the 2 s.R. hilling two & wounding 3. We moved away to another from housse, the upeople appeared rather Thostele, we had to use much strategy to get a camp in the Barn. APRIL—1918. 18 Thursday—Sun rises 5.1, sets 6.57. 34h Sm Morn. a quiet day for us, a verymiserable day, sleet & cold wind. I went up for the Bor again to night & found every one well.
APRIL -1918. 19 Friday—Sun rises 4.59, sets 6-59. Nothing doing in the morning, in the after. noon we got word to movey wle duly moved round. Wayethak to a place near Caestie, we commenced to dig our selves in at one place then started off again, got lost & finarly wetked down in theek alongside the Railway & in a pos- ition not to be envied. All night long there was either guns firing place over, shells landings & some Officers in the next hut making a now all night long. Bn moved to behind Hleke APRI- 1918. 20 Saturday—Sun rises 4-57, sets 7.l. for us a quiet dayy our Artillery was very busy during the night the Hhew shelled as pretty well but only mandged toget one dud into the Heb.
it APRII - 1918. 21 Sunday—3rd after Easter. Mg.- Num. xxii.. Lukervl. Evg.—Num. xxiii. or Num. xsty. Eph. iv. 25 toq 22. at good sew shells plyine round in a house about 100 yds from the Camp there were 6 casualities, & two in our Camp. A draft of new Demporce- ments for the 8 wire coming along for the line & rant into some straff, quite a welcone to their In. APRI- 1918. 22 Monday—Sun rises 4.53, sets 7.5. Changed over with the 1st Bde Nuclens in the even ing & I must say the change was a most wellome one to us as the camp we left we looked on as a death krep, the billet we took over had a shell in it in the after- noon. at number of rempice ments came, it must hav been a rare round up as one man was one who has not been with the Iusense 25 Etp. 1915. The Br went into the tine near chetcian.
APRI- 1918. 23 Tuesday—San rises 4.51, sets 7.6. St. George. Slept till near dinner time & after dinner I went for a walk for Cartan stous but was unsure feel. The night was clear +the Bosche arroplanes were over in ewaims dropping bombs every. where. APRIL -1918. 24 Wednesday—Sun rises 4.49, sets 7.7. It fairly quiet day being very dull, in the evening two very heavy bomberdI ments came on but just what front they were on I could not helk but net give by the angry why the Bosshe was throuting the metal about he dil not get the best of things
APRIL—1918. 25 Thursday—Sun rises 4.47, sets 7.9. St. Mark, Erangelist. Astillery fairly lively during the day, someone tok about $500 yds of our wire from one like+ I went & made it good in the evening. The night was very Guiet in fact I never heard a shill all night. APRIL—1918. 26 Friday—Sun rises 4.45, sets 1.11. OSh Sim Mora. Nothing exciting doing today the shelling was fairly heavy on te Hazelbroak. I went for a wark in the evening to break the monotory. A very quiet night, 4or days its has been dell + shagy & the nights the same stop- joing all night bombing whitch was promising to become lively.
APRIL—1918. 27 Saturday—Sun rises 4.43, sets 7.13. just an ordinary day, dull & hary, shells plying in all directions beet Harebrous continues to become a heap of brickdust. APRIL- 1918. 28 Sunday—4th after Easter. Mg.—Dent. 1v. 1-2s. Lake xz. 1-27 Rvg.—Dent. 1v. 28-41, or Dent. &. Col. L. 1-91 Aitellery very active, we were going out to reconvily some posts in our defense scheme but the Officer changed his mend, we stood talking for about do minutes when the then suddenly opened up a sharp bombardment around the place we shaw have been in. In the afternoon vent to LMS then to Hondeghemr & came back Via Wagon lines through Haze brouks Artillery was very heavy all night. The conmeate ment of a newchistoai in got 2 dated 21 &22 chane
APRIL- 1918. 29 Monday—Sun rises 4.38, sets 7.16. Again heavy artillery in the morningg. Aster dinner went and gralaged some wire. The Bu came out to support close to a farm house near Prodelles. Harry came down No see me as the came out early. APRIL—1918. 30 Tuesday—Sun rises 4.36, sets 7.18. It is besoming customan to stay in bed till about 16 oclock, we have brak fest + lay down again. Ather diner I what up to the Bn; later I went to the 9M for mail but got a vig disappointing most of Ihe others have received a full mail.

APRIL - 1918 
11 Thursday - Sun rises 5.16, sets 6.46. 
4h 34m Morn. 

Handed in packs in 
a hurry our time for  
action has evidently  
arrived, later received  
word that we would  
not move till early  
morning so we cast 
round & found beds 
in some deserted houses 
with blankets & all. 
This Town was 5th  
Army Headquarters 
before the push but  
they got out quick. 
50 of our Bde casualities 
in Amiens while  
entraining at night 

APRIL - 1918 
12 Friday - Sun rises 5.14, sets 6.48. 

Reveille 3.30 moved at 5 to 
Amiens, the Hun was shelling  
& Bombing there, as we went  
through he was shelling, the  
town shows much signs  
of shelling, the people have  
nearly all gone & those  
that hav'nt are packing 
taking just what they  
can move, shops are full 
of goods estaminets with 
full supply of liquor, so 
far the Cathedral has  
not been damaged, it 
is said a dud shell  
hit it doing no damage 
Many places especially  
St Pol show signs of bombs 
or shells passed on the 
way up at one place Bombs 
dropped near train.


APRIL - 1918. 
13 Saturday - Sun rises 5.12, sets 6.50. 

Arrived at Hondighem 
just before daylight, had 
a drink of tea & marched 
through Hazebrouk to a  
farmyard where packs 
were dropped the Bn 
moving straight to the 
line, just a few minutes 
before moving I was told 
I was to stay out with  
four others. In the  
evening the Hun attacked
the Irish Guards 
& drove them back to 
the 8th where they 
stopped him. later a 
patrol of the 8th killed 
about 50 took 15 prisoners 
& 5 MG.s.  We were  
issued with 2 Blankets 
so had a good sleep.  

APRIL - 1918. 
14 Sunday- 2nd after Easter. 
Mg.-Num. xx. 1-14. Luke xii. 1-35. 
Evg.- Num.xx.14 to xxi.10, or Num. xxi.10. 
Gal. iv. 21 to v. 13. 

In the morning the artillery 
became very heavy at least 
for this class of warfare, 
later we heard the Hun 
had attacked continuously 
all day on our Divs
front but did not succeed 
in more than taking 
two posts of the 8th which 
they retook immediately 
I went up to the Bn 
HQ. with some things 
for the Boys & found  
them well buried in 
straw in fact only their  
heads showing up. 
The weather remains 
cold & dull. Much 
artillery came in.


APRIL - 1918 
15 Monday - Sun rises 5.7, sets 6.53. 

After daylight the artillery 
quietened & the day 
was quiet, some of the 
farms on the Hun side 
are being burned for what  
reason we do not know. 
This morning a ration 
limber brought an old 
Frenchman down from 
the line 92 years of age. 
Cub & I went to Hondeghem 
in search of some canteen 
stores but got little. 
Church of Neurf Berquin 
bombarded being a nest 
of MG.s
APRIL - 1918. 
16 Tuesday - Sun rises 5.5, sets 6.54. 

The Hun has been shelling 
around the back area 
a fair amount all day with 
light stuff & shrapnel. 
I went up to the Bn 
this evening every is 
well. About 6 PM a heavy  
bombardment opened 
up we understand the 
French are hopping out. 
Some Aust mail arriving. 
Reported Street fighting 
in Bailleul.


APRIL - 1918 
17 Wednesday - Sun rises 5.3, sets 6.56.

Heavy Bombardment out 
towards Bailleul in morning. 
The Hun shelled us 
pretty heavily with 11 inch 
armour piercing shells 
we had several close calls 
one about 15 yards from 
us, he hit the 2nd F.A. 
killing two & wounding  
3. We moved away to  
another farm house, the 
people appeared rather 
hostile, we had to use  
much strategy to get 
a camp in the Barn. 

APRIL - 1918 
18 Thursday - Sun rises 5.1, sets 6.57. 
4h 8m Morn. 

A quiet day for us, a 
very miserable day, sleet 
& cold wind. I went up 
to the Bn again tonight 
& found everyone 


APRIL - 1918. 
19 Friday - Sun rises 4.59, sets 6.59. 

Nothing doing in the  
morning, in the afternoon 
we got word to 
move, we duly moved  
round Hazebrouk to a  
place near Caestre, we 
commenced to dig ourselves 
in at one place 
then started off again, 
got lost & finally settled 
down in huts alongside 
the Railway & in a position 
not to be envied. 
All night long there was 
either guns firing, planes 
over, shells landing, 
& some Officers in the 
next hut making a  
row all night long. 
Bn moved to behind Fletre, 

APRIL - 1918. 
20 Saturday - Sun rises 4.57, sets 7.1. 

For us a quiet day & our 
Artillery was very busy. 
During the night the  
Hun shelled us pretty well 
but only managed to get 
one dud into the Huts.


APRIL - 1918. 
21 Sunday - 3rd after Easter. 
Mg.- Num .xxii. Luke xvi. 
Evg. - Num. xxiii. or Num xxiv. 
Eph. iv. 25 to v. 22. 

A good few shells flying 
round in a house about 
100 yds from the Camp
there were 6 casualities, 
& two in our Camp. 
A draft of new Reinforcements 
for the 8th were 
coming along for the  
line & ran into some  
straff, quite a welcome  
to their Bn. 

APRIL - 1918. 
22 Monday - Sun rises 4.53, sets 7.5. 

Changed over with the  
1st Bde Nucleus in the evening 
& I must say the change  
was a most welcome one to 
us as the camp we left we  
looked on as a death trap, 
the billet we took over had 
a shell in it in the afternoon. 
A number of reinforcements 
came, it must have 
been a rare round up as  
one man was one who 
has not been with the  
Bn since 25th Ap. 1915. 
The Bn went into the  
line near Meteren.


APRIL - 1918. 
23 Tuesday - Sun rises 4.51, sets 7.6. 
St. George. 

Slept till near dinner 
time & after dinner I  
went for a walk for Canteen 
stores but was unsuccessful. 
The night was clear  
& the Bosche aeroplanes 
were over in swarms 
dropping bombs everywhere. 

APRIL - 1918. 
24 Wednesday - Sun rises 4.49, sets 7.7. 
A fairly quiet day being  
very dull, in the evening 
two very heavy bombardments 
came on but just 
what front they were on 
I could not tell but judging 
by the angry way  
the Bosche was throwing  
the metal about he did 
not get the best of things.


APRIL - 1918. 
25 Thursday - Sun rises 4.47, sets 7.9. 
St. Mark, Evangelist. 

Artillery fairly lively during  
the day, someone took about 
500 yds of our wire from one  
line & I went & made it 
good in the evening. 
The night was very quiet 
in fact I never heard a  
shell all night.

APRIL - 1918. 
26 Friday - Sun rises 4.45, sets 7.11. 
8h 5m Morn. 

Nothing exciting doing today 
the shelling was fairly 
heavy on to Hazebrouk. 
I went for a walk in the  
evening to break the  
monotony. A very quiet 
night, for days it has 
been dull & hazy & the  
nights the same stopping 
all night bombing 
which was promising  
to become lively.


APRIL - 1918 
27 Saturday - Sun rises 4.43, sets 7.13. 

Just an ordinary  
day, dull & hazy, 
shells flying in all  
directions but Hazebrouk 
continues to become 
a heap of brick dust.

APRIL - 1918. 
28 Sunday - 4th after Easter. 
Mg.- Deut, iv. 1-23. Luke xx. 1-27. 
Evg.- Deut. iv. 23-41, or Deut. v. Col. i. 1-21 

Artillery very active, we 
were going out to recconoitre 
some posts in our defence 
scheme but the Officer 
changed his mind, we 
stood talking for about 
20 minutes when the  
Hun suddenly opened up 
a sharp bombardment 
around the place we should  
have been in. In the  
afternoon went to QMS 
then to Hondeghem &  
came back Via Wagon 
lines through Hazebrouk. 
Artillery was very heavy 
all night. The commencement 
of a new Aust Mail 
in I got 2 dated 21st & 22nd  


APRIL - 1918 
29 Monday - Sun rises 4.38, sets 7.16. 

Again heavy artillery 
in the morning. 
After dinner went and 
salvaged some wire. 
The Bn came out to  
supports close to a farm 
house near Pradelles. 
Harry came down to  
see me as he came  
out early. 

APRIL - 1918. 
30 Tuesday - Sun rises 4.36, sets 7.18. 

It is becoming customary  
to stay in bed till about  
11 oclock, we have breakfast 
& lay down again. 
After dinner I went up   
to the Bn, later I went 
to the QM for mail but  
got a big disappointment, 
most of the others have 
received a full mail.

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Jacqueline KennedyJacqueline Kennedy
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