Diary of George Booley, 5th Battalion, AIF, 1918, Part 4

First World War, 1914–18
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C 2 MARCH- 1918. 2 Saturday—Sun rises 6.46, sets 5-38. Went to Hendersons in the moining the cay wells having to go away for the week end owing to the Dr ordering Ms. Maywell aw bey for a spell, he has sep in indifferent health reselt of the railway accidet We went for a shrooll round in the atter- noon & then went to come of their friend place Bayhers, Othey proved to be a happy couple & the evening was over before we knew it. MARCH-1918. 3 Sunday—3rd in Lent. Mg.— Gen. xxxvij. Mark vi. 1-14 Evg.—Gen. xxxiz. or Gen. xl. Rom. Lil. Went to church in the morning with Mr. Hender son, Aurrie & Chriss. In the afternoton we went for a walk of about 6 miles it was very nice, on returning we went to Curries to see the little Boy there who was very anxious No see us, he had heard his Mother say we were dark & was very much disappointed when he found we were not black.
C is MARCH-1918. 4 Monday—Sun rises 6.42, sets 5.42. In the morning went with Mrs. Henderson tto the Butchers & he took such a fancy to us that he allowed us over our ration of meat & finished np by giving it two hargis. In the after. noon we went into the City to do a bit I shopping, the sevening we apent quietly at the House lit being our last there although strangers to them the Hendersons have piated us right royally. MARCH- 1918. 5 Tuesday—Sun rises 6.40, sets 5-43. In the afternoon we went to Dunfermline to Mhollies pleace & on terrival there found What Stan was coming that night, the duly arrived, I was surpris to see thim so fit, the is as fat as a pocker & mote like his Father in looks every day Naturally it was into morniing when we went to bed. This is the third reunion of Stan Harry & Myself.
C l ca MARCH- 1918. 6 Wednesday—Sun rises 6. 38, sets 5.45. COt AAm Morn. Went + registered under the good act again at Dunfermline, & the three of ns went for a walk through the Glen In the evening we all went to the Richires I caused some amuse ment to a few by carry, ing the Baby, after the pictures supper + more talk. MARCH- 1918. 7 Thursday—Sun rises 6.36, sets 5.46. Did nothing in the morning & in the after noon the three of us ac companied by the Baptest minister saw the sights of Dunfermlen In the evening we did nothing but talk My spare time I put in minding the Beby
MARCH- 1918. 8 Friday — Sun rises 6.34, sets 5.48. Went for walk in the afthernoon. In tthe evenin Stan & Harry went to a Theatre & I stayed & kept Molly company This being the ldst evening there we all sat yarning till ifate again. It snowed in the Eenening MARCH- 1918. 9 Saturday—Sun rises 6.31, sets 5.50. Left Dunkrnline in the evening for London & net Happy at Edinburgi eturning from Belfast & Glasson we got wood seak in the train + got pillows &rugs makens our silves comfy
C MARCH- 1918. 10 Sunday—4th in Lent. Mg.— Gen. xlii. Mark ix. 30 E.s.—Gen. &iiil. or Gen. sir. 1 Cor. iii. In the morning I went to see Lister Hick. In the afternoon we tarnt Hap + I went through Hyde Park Rotter Rowt to the Albert Hall where there was a fine Orchestral Concert. I would have enjoye it much more (ift. had not been so slespy. Atter ha I went to Ihepherds Bush to see the Starkeys arriving back to bed about mydnight Experiensed a London for. MARCH- 1918. 11 Monday—Sun rises 6.26, sets 5.54. Gottrain at Victoria at 17.30 AM. got to Dover where we put in a Jew hours & the embar ked for Calais, it was we fne & calm & ibeing on top enjoyed it, marched to a rest camp well on the outside of the Town by the hme we had our hea + got our blankets fwe were quite satisfied to Hurry in refaidless of the discomports after every comfort.
MARCH - 1918. 12 Tuesday—Sun rises 6.24, sets 5-56. OTh SEm After. Left Calois Camp about G.A.M. arriving Baillend 2.20 PM. to pind that the Hun was shelling it she put 4 shells in woundding 4 persons. Got motor to Locre & got our equipment ofen walked to the Camp the Bn all in near La Clythe feeling very tired & wary butt quite satisfied that we have had a good time of itI that after all there is nothing like a spell among Eglish speaking people MARCH - 1918. 13 Wednesday—Sun rises 6.22, sets 5-58. Vondered round in a miserable way all day.
ca MARCH- 1918. 14 Thursday—Sun rises 6.20, sets 6.O. Walked to Locre in afternoon a in the levening went to the detached coys about 4 hours of a walk gettin balck about 10.30, about mid- night the Hun shelled Laclythy with heavy H. E. shrapnel. MARCH - 1918. 15 Friday—Sun rises 6.17, sets 6.l. cothing much doing, The rouitne is breakfast 8.30 in bed sleep hel about. C0 have a wash & a bit of a stroll, till dinnerI write letters in the atternoon &as the evening was cold go for a stroll. The days are getting fine sunny now.
MARCH -1918. 16 Saturday—Sun rises 6.15, sets 6.3. fear Mack came over in the evening & stayed to tea, I went back as far as kemil with him. I had an opportunity of going to the Bde Ashook for 2 months as an instructor. MARCH- 1918. 17 Sunday—5th in lent. St. Patrick. Mg.—Ex. iij. Mark xiii. 14 Evz.—Es. v. or Es. vi. 1-14. 1 Cor. ix. Marched about 3 miles to Church paiade, GO.C Corps & G.O.C. Div & GOC.Bde all being present, after the church parade Mhidals were presented. The them was doing some wild long distance shelling he is evidently angry over something. Lovely weather prevaiting now the days are just like an chist Spring day. Mct Cllex CM. Raa today.
MARCH -1918. 18 Monday—Sun rises 6.10, sets 6.6. choied to Tournai Camp only about 3 meles. Hen shelling very ackn all over the placeI Met Snowy Tyrell today & got much news from Yalah way. MARCH-1918. 19 Tuesday—Sun rises 6.8, sets 6.8. P14 30m Atter. staining all day, the Hun shelled Baillede, Popperten Kenichurst & most of the other Lown away back. The Bde Consert party gave a free per- formance in WMICA H Twwent.
in MARCH- 1918. 22 Fridey 28 Wednesday—Sun rises 6.6, sets 6.10. A Very heavy astillery form about 4.36 4Y till well after day. break, contusion corner again shellled, but as falr as I know not one person wounded cicraft conspicuous of then absence. Guns quiet in the affternoon. We had our first practice at Cuicket alter dinner. Pay day. News to hand of attack show the Hun to bemaking slight prosss. Buttsl fald back about Emiles West of St. Quentin MARCH- 1918. 21 Thursday— Sun rises 6.3, sets 6.11. About 4.30 A.M. the artilley here became intense we had a message through saying 3.0.5 had gone up on our front, but we need not stand to, it contin- aed well into the moin ing no attack took place on our front. In the evening we receive word that the Herns had attacked on a 24 mile pont & that Buelle court, HLagnicourt, & fagricount were in the thens hands after a very hard days fight The Hern has been shellidg confision lower near al camp weth high velocity shells bin advanced 4 kil

2 Saturday—Sun rises 6.46, sets 5.38.

Went to Hendersons in  
the morning, the Maxwells  
having to go away  
for the week end owing  
to the Dr ordering  
Mr Maxwell away for  
a spell, he has been  
in indifferent health
result of a railway  
accident. Saturday
We went for a stroll  
round in the afternoon  
& then went  
to some of their friends  
place Baxters, they  
proved to be a happy  
couple & the evening  
was over before we  
knew it.

MARCH - 1918.
3 Sunday - 3rd in Lent.
Mg. - Gen. xxxvii. Mark vi. 1-14
Evg. - Gen. xxxix. or Gen. xl. Rom. xii.

Went to Church in the  
morning with Mr Henderson 
Currie & Chrys.
In the afternoon we  
went for a walk of about
6 miles it was very  
nice, on returning  
we went to Curries to
see the little Boy there  
who was very anxious  
to see us, he had heard  
his Mother say we  
were dark & was very  
much disappointed when he found we  
were not black.


4 Monday—Sun rises 6.42, sets 5.42.

In the morning went  
with Mrs. Henderson  
to the Butchers & he  
took such a fancy to  
us that he allowed  
us over our ration of  
meat & finished up  
by giving us two  
haggis. In the afternoon   
we went into  
the City to do a bit  
of shopping, the  
evening we spent  
quietly at the House
it being our last  
there, although  
strangers to them the
Hendersons have treated  
us right royally.

5 Tuesday—Sun rises 6.40, sets 5.43.

In the afternoon we  
went to Dunfermline  
to Mollies place & on  
arrival there found  
that Stan was coming  
that night, he duly  
arrived, I was surprised  
to see him so fit, he  
is as fat as a porker  
& more like his Father  
in looks every day.
Naturally it was  
into morning when we  
went to bed.
This is the third  
reunion of Stan  
Harry & Myself.


6 Wednesday—Sun rises 6. 38, sets 5.45.
0h 44m Morn.

Went & registered under  
the food act again at
Dunfermline, & the  
three of us went for a  
walk through the Glen
In the evening we all  
went to the Pictures  
I caused some amusement  
to a few by carrying  
the Baby, after  
the pictures supper  
& more talk.

7 Thursday—Sun rises 6.36, sets 5.46.

Did nothing in the  
morning & in the afternoon  
the three of us accompanied  
by the  
Baptist minister saw the  
sights of Dunfermline.  
In the evening we  
did nothing but talk.
My spare time I put 
in minding the Baby.  


8 Friday — Sun rises 6.34, sets 5.48.

Went for walk in  
the afternoon.  
In the evening  
Stan & Harry went to  
a Theatre & I stayed  
& kept Molly company
This being the last  
evening here we  
all sat yarning till  
late again.  
It snowed in the 

9 Saturday—Sun rises 6.31, sets 5.50.

Left Dunfermline in  
the evening for London  
& met Happy at  
Edinburgh returning  
from Belfast & Glasgow  
we got good seats in  
the train & got pillows  
& rugs making ourselves  


10 Sunday—4th in Lent.
Mg.— Gen. xlii. Mark ix. 30.
Evg.—Gen. xliii. or Gen. xlv. 1 Cor. iii.

In the morning I went  
to see Sister Dick.
In the afternoon 
we Harry, Hap & I went  
through Hyde Park  
Rotten Row to the  
Albert Hall where  
there was a fine
Orchestral Concert,  
I would have enjoyed  
it much more if I  
had not been so  
sleepy. After tea I  
went to Shepherds
Bush to see the  
Starkeys' arriving back  
to bed about midnight
Experienced a London 

11 Monday—Sun rises 6.26, sets 5.54.

Got train at Victoria at  
7.30 AM. got to Dover  
where we put in a  
few hours & the embarked  
for Calais, it was  
fine & calm & we we being  
on top enjoyed it, I  
marched to a rest
camp well on the  
outside of the Town,  
by the time we had  
our tea & got our  
blankets we were  
quite satisfied to
turn in regardless  
of the discomforts  
after every comfort.


12 Tuesday—Sun rises 6.24, sets 5.56.
7h 52m After.

Left Calais Camp about  
7. A.M. arriving Bailleul  
2.20 PM. to find that  
the Hun was shelling  
it, he put 4 shells in
wounding 4 persons.  
Got motor to Locre &  
got our equipment  
then walked to the  
Camp the Bn are in
near La Clytte feeling  
very tired & weary  
but quite satisfied  
that we have had  
a good time of it &  
that after all there is  
nothing like a spell  
among English speaking

13 Wednesday—Sun rises 6.22, sets 5.58.

Wandered round in a  
miserable way all


14 Thursday—Sun rises 6.20, sets 6.0.

Walked to Locre in  
afternoon & in the  
evening went to the
detached coys about  
4 hours of a walk  
getting back about  
10.30, about midnight  
the Hun shelled  
La Clytte with heavy  
H. E. shrapnel.

15 Friday—Sun rises 6.17, sets 6.1.

Nothing much doing, 
the routine is breakfast 
8.30 in bed sleep till 
about 10 have a wash 
& a bit of a stroll till 
dinner & write letters 
in the afternoon 
& as the evening was 
cold go for a stroll. 
The days are getting 
fine & sunny now.


16 Saturday—Sun rises 6.15, sets 6.3.

Jim Mack came 
over in the evening 
& stayed to tea, I 
went back as far 
as Kemil with him. 
I had an opportunity 
of going to the Bde 
school for 2 months 
as an instructor.

17 Sunday—5th in Lent. St. Patrick.
Mg.—Ex. iii. Mark xiii. 14.
Evg.—Ex. v. or Ex. vi. 1-14. 1 Cor. ix.

Marched about 3 miles 
to Church parade, G.O.C 
Corps & G.O.C. Div & GOC. Bde 
all being present, after 
the church parade Medals 
were presented. 
The Hun was doing some
wild long distance shelling 
he is evidently angry over
Lovely weather prevailing 
now the days are just like 
an Aust Spring day. 
Met Alex McRae today. 


18 Monday—Sun rises 6.10, sets 6.6. 

Moved  to Tournai Camp 
only about 3 miles. 
Hun shelling very active 
all over the place. 
Met Snowy Tyrell today
& got much news from 
Galah way.

19 Tuesday—Sun rises 6.8, sets 6.8. 
1h 30m After.

Raining all day, the Hun 
shelled Bailleul, Poppering
Parnilhurst & most of 
the other Town away 
back. The Bde Concert 
party gave a free performance 
in YMCA. 
& I went. 


22. Friday
20 Wednesday—Sun rises 6.6, sets 6.10.

A Very heavy artillery fire
about 4.30 AM till well
after day break, Confusion
corner again shelled,
but as far as I know
not one person wounded
Aircraft conspicuous 
of by their absence.
Guns quiet in the
afternoon. We had our
first practice at Cricket
after dinner.
Pay day.
News to hand of attack
show the Hun to bemaking
slight progress.
British fall back about
8 miles West of St. Quentin

21 Thursday— Sun rises 6.3, sets 6.11.

About 4.30 A.M. the artillery
fire became intense
we had a message through
saying S.O.S had gone up
on our front, but we need
not stand to, it continued 
well into the morning, 
no attack took
place on our front. In
the evening we received
word that the Huns
had attacked on a 24
mile front & that Buellecourt, 
A Lagnicourt, &
Hagricourt were in
the Huns hands after
a very hard days fighting.
The Hun has been shelling.
Confusion Corner near our
camp with high velocity
shells.  Hun advanced 4 ½ miles

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Jacqueline KennedyJacqueline Kennedy
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