Diary of George Booley, 5th Battalion, AIF, 1918, Part 17

First World War, 1914–18
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NOVEMBER— 1918. 17 Sunday- 25th after Trinity. Mg.—Micah iv. & v. 1-8. Heb. x. 17 Big—Micah vi. or Micah vii. John v. 24 4.30. A.M. anchoied in Treemantle harbour. After Port Dr had examined our papers etc we were put under Luavantine, much is our disguct not being allowed ashore. at few motor launches came around looking for vary ones but in all it was a very dull day for our first in an Mst Port. MNCA sing song in evening NOVEMBER — 1918. 18 Monday—Sun rises 7.24, sets 4.6. O M SSm Morn. W.A. akin went achone to a place called Woods Point into Luarantine & we pulled out of the Harlow About 3.30 P.M. incounter ing a heavy swell as we got out, bost rocking & rolling a good deal.
NOVEMEER- 1918. 19 Tuesday—Sun rises 7-26, sets 4.5. Heavy swell with much rolling & possing, eating wtencils were sliding up + down the tablet at meal times. Last thing in the evening we pain Albany but we were a fair way out & could only see the entrance to the sound. NOVEMBER- 1918. 20 Wednesday—Sun rises 7.28, sets 4.4. Into the Bight now + contrary to the usual thing it is the calmest water wre have been in since leaving Colombo.
NOVEMBER— 1918. 21 Thursday—Sun rises 7.30, sets 4.2. dan into a storm today making it ieal Bight weather & the cold is not a bet like chist weather NOVEMBER - 1918. 22 Friday—Sun rises 7.31, sets 4.1. Calver today but nothing firsh.
NOVEMBER— 1918. 23 Saturday—Sun rises 7.33, sets 4.0. Was informed by Col to report to chief Office of ship for duty as sis Waller on Bridge to keep communidation with other boak, Syd is to be my partner. said 6 sustainence money NOVEMBER- 191S. 24 Sunday—26th after Trinity. Ng.- Eccles. xi. & xii. James il Hag. il. 1-10, or Mal. iii. & iv. EE- John Viii. St. Arrived inside the Port Phillip Heads just on dark & anchoied off tthe Quarantine Station at Forkea.
NOVEMBER— 1918. 25 Monday— Sun rises J.36, sets 3.58. & 10b 25m Morn. came off the Boat to the Quarantine Station where we remain th quest of the Goven for an indifinate plriod It is a welcome relief its find your feet on son adam & although in a cage so to speak it is not bad, food is good & plentliful & we have plenty of space to wander around in NOVEMBER — 191S. 26 Tuesday—Sun rises 7.37, sets 3.57. Getting into the rantyy othe place, had our first day through the enhalation stunt. Filled in the day on the beach, in NMM.CA writing letters & wakt cricket, evening pictures.
NOVEMBER—1918. 27 Wednesday—Sun rises 7,39, sets 3-57. Encore of yesterday. NOVEMBER—1918. 28 Thursday—Sun rises 7.40, sets 3.56. Received of letters other wise nothing first
NOVEMRER- 191S. 29 Friday—Sun rises 7.42, sets 3.55. Received one letter, the days are spent eety writing letter & walkin about beach & scrieb also going through inhalation. NOVEMBER— 191S. 30 Saturday—Sun rises 7.43, sets 3.55. St. Andrew.

17 Sunday 25th after Trinity. 
Mg - Micah iv. & v. 1-8. Heb. x. 19 
Evg - Micah vi. or Micah vii. John v. 24 

4.30. A.M. anchored in 
Freemantle harbour. 
After Port Dr. had examined 
our papers etc we were put 
under Quarantine, much 
to our disgust not being 
allowed ashore. A few 
motor launches came 
around looking for various 
ones but in all it was 
a very dull day for our 
first in an Aust Port. 
Y M C A sing song in 

18 Monday Sun rises 7.24, sets 4.6. 
7h 33m Morn. 

W.A. Men went ashore to 
a place called Woods Point 
into Quarantine and we 
pulled out of the Harbour 
about 3.30 P.M encountering 
a heavy swell as 
we got out, boat 
rocking and rolling a good 


19 Tuesday Sun rises 7.26, sets 4.5. 

Heavy swell with much 
rolling and tossing, eating 
utensils were sliding 
up and down the table at 
meal times. Last thing 
in the evening we passed 
Albany but we were 
a fair way out and could 
only see the entrance 
to the sound. 

20 Wednesday Sun rises 7.28, sets 4.4. 

Into the Bight now and 
contrary to the usual 
thing,it is the calmest 
water we have been in 
since leaving Colombo.


21 Thursday Sun rises 7.30, sets 4.2. 

Ran into a storm today 
making it real Bight 
weather and the cold is 
not a bit like Aust 

22 Friday Sun rises 7.31, sets 4.1. 

Calmer today but 
nothing fresh.


23 Saturday Sun rises 7.33, sets 4.0. 

Was informed by Col 
to report to Chief Officer 
of ship for duty as Sig 
naller on Bridge to 
keep communication 
with other boats, Syd 
is to be my partner. 
Paid £6 sustainence 

24 Sunday 26th after Trinity. 
Mg. - Eccles. xi. & xii. James iii. 
Evg. - Hag. ii. 1-10 or Mal. iii. & iv. 
John viii. 31. 

Arrived inside the 
Port Phillip Heads just 
on dark and anchored 
off the Quarantine 
Station at Portsea.


25 Monday Sun rises 7.36, sets 3.58. 
10h 25m Morn. 

Came off the Boat to 
the Quarantine Station 
where we remain the 
guests of the Govn for 
an indefinate period. 
It is a welcome relief 
to find your feet on shore 
again and although in 
a cage so to speak it 
is not bad, food is 
good and plentiful and we 
have plenty of space 
to wander around 

26 Tuesday Sun rises 7.37, sets 3.57. 

Getting into the routine 
of the place, had our 
first day through the 
inhalation shunt. 
Filled in the day on 
the beach, in Y M. C A 
writing letter and watching 
cricket, evening 


27 Wednesday Sun rises 7.39, sets 3.57. 

Encore of yesterday. 

28 Thursday Sun rises 7.40, sets 3.56. 

Received 7 letters other 
wise nothing fresh


29 Friday Sun rises 7.42, sets 3.55. 

Received one letter, 
the days are spent eating 
writing letter and walking 
about beach and scrub 
also going through 

30 Saturday Sun rises 7.43, sets 3.55. 
St. Andrew.

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Jacqueline KennedyJacqueline Kennedy
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