Diary of George Booley, 5th Battalion, AIF, 1918, Part 16

First World War, 1914–18
Accession number:

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OCTOBER — 1918. 28 Monday —Sun rises 6.47, sets 4-41. SS. Simon and Jude. just the usual Houtine, concert at night, on the aft troop deck. OCTOBER - 1918. 29 Tuesday—Sun rises 6.49, sets 4-39. Same monotonous woitine but one good thing the weather remains fidie & breezy t
OCTOBER— 1918. 30 Wednesday—Sun rises 6.51, sets 4-37. The only thing out of the ordinary wassa sports by 344grvnp but the pellow-right was about the best item. OCTOBER - 191S. 31 Thursday—Sun rises 6.52, sets 4.36. Feeling very seedy par aded sick & was given tthree shrong doses of quinine, & asperin, got worse as the day went on & had a rotten night - Kenp 99. Got 39- pay.
NOVEMBER—1918. 1 Friday—Sun rises 6.54, sets 4.34. All Saints. Was admitted to Hospital Ships) with a kind of Tere or Fiver, Temp. 101. NOVEMBER — 1918. 2 Saturday—Sun rises 6.56, sets 4.32. Feeling pretty seedy today going through the sweating process brought on by quinine taspenn. timp 100
NOVEMBER - 191S. 5 Tuesday—Sun rises 7.2, sets 4-26. Was discharged from H pital tthis morning feee pretty seedy, the boat rolling consider. ably. Slept on dick in the night, it rained but I remained up. NOVEMBER—1918. 6 Wednesday—Sun rises 7.3, sets 4-25. slightly better today slept on deck again
NOVEMBER— 191S. 7 Thursday—Sun rises 7.5, sets 4-23. Given a Chet to draw money to the amount of (90. odd on arrival in Cnelb. Wet showerg gales on 9 off all day we are in the S.D Made winds + no doubt it will be a but buizy. NOVEMBER— 191S. 8 Friday—Sun rises 7.6, sets 4.-22. Norhing pish only the weather, too wet to sleep on deck
NOVEMBER- 191S. 9 Saturday—Sun rises 7.8, sets 4.20. Had photo taken with group in mom ing. Boxing cortest in afternooon. NOVEMBER - 191S. 10 Sunday—24th after Trinity. Mg—Amos ii. Heb. iij. 7 to iv. 14. Erg -Amony or Amosis, John i. 29 Church parade in moin. ing. Weather still remain fesh with Choppy sea. WACA Church selvice in evening.
NOVEMBER- 1918. 11 Monday—Sun rises 7.12, sets 4-16. Half-Quarter Day. D44 46m After. Trade winds still on. Aimistice signed by Germany. Obur group Shild spork, a pretty same affair. NOVEMEER — 191S. 12 Tuesday—Sun rises 7.14, sets 4.14. By way of celibrating Germans surrended we had no parade today.
NOVEMBER— 1918. 13 Wednesday—Sun rises 7.15, sets 4.13. Wind very strong today + ship hipping a bit. This wind being dead ahead is delaying us a bit. NOVEMBER— 1918. 14 Thursday—Sun rises 7.17, sets 4.11. Issue of new clothes to those who needed it. consest at night.
NOVEMBER—191S. 15 Friday—Sun rises 7.19, sets 4.10. Nothing fresh, got word me wing likely to be Quarantined Von arrival at post owing to Flue NOVEMEER — 1918. 16 Saturday—Sun rises 7.21, sets 4.9. Heavy side swell tode & boat rolling a lot.

OCTOBER —1918 
28 Monday—Sun rises 6.47, sets 4.41 
SS. Simon and Jude 

Just the usual 
routine, concert 
at night, on the 
aft troop deck. 

OCTOBER —1918 
29 Tuesday—Sun rises 6.49, sets 4.39 

Same monotonous 
routine but one 
good thing the weather 
remains fine & breezy. 


OCTOBER —1918 
30 Wednesday—Sun rises 6.51, sets 4.37 

The only thing out 
of the ordinary was in 
sports by 3 & 4 group 
but the pillow fight 
was about the best item. 

OCTOBER —1918 
31 Thursday—Sun rises 6.52, sets 4.36 

Feeling very seedy paraded 
sick & was given 
three strong doses of 
quinine & asperin, 
got worse as the day 
went on & had a rotten 
night - Temp 99. 
Got 30/- pay. 


1 Friday—Sun rises 6.54, sets 4.34 
All Saints. 

Was admitted to Hospital 
(Ships) with a kind of 
Flue or Fever, Temp. 101. 

2 Saturday—Sun rises 6.56, sets 4.32. 
Feeling pretty seedy today 
going through the 
sweating process brought 
on by quinine & asperin. 
Temp 100 


3 Sunday—23rd after Trinity. 
Mg.—Hosea xiv. 2 Tim. iv. 
Evg.—Joel ii. 21, or Joel iii. 9. 
Luke xxii. 31-54. 

9h 2m After 
Arrived Colombo about 
9. A.M. leave granted ashore 
for half the number from 
12. to 6. pm., most seem 
to have had a good 
enjoyable day and came home 
laden with parcels & 
articles, nearly every second 
one had a bunch of Bananas 
each with many dozen on 
I am still in bed but 
temp. normal, most of 
the afternoon watched 
the niggers wheedling 
round the Boys to 
buy stones more or less 
avo [[?Brumy]]. 

4 Monday—Sun rises 7.0, sets 4.28, 

Other half had leave this 
morning. I wandered 
round the deck a bit 
but not feeling too 
clever. Heard the M.O. say 
something about booking 
some out in the morning 
rather a nice way of talking 
about you when you 
are not in the place for 
pleasure but it is the 
way they have in the 
Army. Pulled out from 
Colombo near midnight 
& found a heavy swell 
on causing the boat 
to roll. 


5 Tuesday—Sun rises 7.2, sets 4.26. 

Was discharged from Hospital 
this morning & 
feel pretty seedy, when 
boat rolling considerably. 
Slept on deck in 
the night, it rained 
but I remained up. 

6 Wednesday—Sun rises 7.3, sets 4.25. 

Slightly better today 
slept on deck again 


7 Thursday—Sun rises 7.5, sets 4.23. 

Given a chit to draw 
money to the amount 
of ₤90. odd on arrival in 
Melb. Wet showery 
gales on & off all day 
we are in the S.E. 
trade winds & no 
doubt it will be a 
bit breezy. 

8 Friday—Sun rises 7.6, sets 4.22. 

Nothing fresh only 
the weather, too wet 
to sleep on deck 


9 Saturday—Sun rises 7.8, sets 4.20. 

Had photo taken 
with group in morning 
Boxing contest 
in afternoon. 

10 Sunday—24th after Trinity. 
Mg—Amos iii. Heb. iii. 7 to iv. 14. 
Evg—Amos v. or Amos ix. John i. 29 

Church parade in morning. 
Weather still remains 
fresh with choppy sea. 
YMCA Church service 
in morning. 


11 Monday—Sun rises 7.12, sets 4.16. 
Half-Quarter Day. 4h 46m After. 

Trade winds still on. 
Armistice signed by 
Germany. Our group 
held sports, a pretty 
tame affair. 

12 Tuesday—Sun rises 7.14, sets 4.14. 

By way of celebrating 
Germanys surrender 
we had no parade 


13 Wednesday—Sun rises 7.15 sets 4.13. 

Wind very strong today 
& ship tipping a bit. 
This wind being dead 
ahead is delaying us 
a bit. 

14 Thursday—Sun rises 7.17, sets. 4.11 

Issue of new clothes to 
those who needed it. 
Concert at night. 


15 Friday—Sun rises 7.19, sets 4.10. 

Nothing fresh, got word 
we were likely to be 
Quarantined on arrival 
at port owing to Flue 

16 Saturday—Sun rises 7.21, sets 4.9. 

Heavy side swell today 
& boat rolling a lot.

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Jacqueline KennedyJacqueline Kennedy
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