Diary of George Booley, 5th Battalion, AIF, 1917, Part 10 of 19

First World War, 1914–18
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SUNDAT, TUNE 24, 1917. Mt Neck (175-190) 3rd aft. Trin. S. John Bap. Cam. Eas. Tm. ends LESSONS—Matins—I Samuel 1l. to y27 or Malachl iil. to v7 Matthew ii. Evensong—1 Samuel iil. or iv. to v19 or Malach iv.; Matthew xiv. to 618. wo church parade, we moved to Englebelmer into Billets, the place is badly drained & much stagnant water is lying about. In the evening I went to a voluntary Church service held in the Roman Catholio Church of the Sillage, the building was offered by the Mayor of the places it seemed strange a Protestant Church service tho a R.C. Church & it struck many as showing very fine spirit, it is a pretty church inside but a bit knock ed about by shells. MONDAY, TUNE 25, 1917. 26th Week. (176-189). Another attack on Auchon villers, we were out from 8.30 to 3. P.M. in trying to rend the 7th I found myself al Beaumod Hamel, of all the places I have wer seen it looks to have been the loughest proposition of all & I take off my hat to the men who took it many grave yards are a good proof of the strengh of the pposition, Srothes seen Ho have suffered a good deal, the place is still strewn with Battle wreckage & it looks a sorry sight. cs two Sirg came back I texpected to revert to Ltept bet was surprised tonight to go through orders as corporal.
TUESDAY, JUNE 26, 1917. 28t Neck (177-188) Nothing doing all day in view of a night out, I went to Maily & got some. big gear & did a llittle running about, Bn moved out at 1130 P.M, it was a fine clear night & one noticable thing about itt was, it had the appearance of breaking day all night, some said it was known as the long twilight so I did not argue. WEDNESDAY, JUNE 27, 1917. 2t Heck (178-187) The early morning found us stumbling about the old Battle held facing Terres, the ground is mmuch chapped about, we kept at mimic warfare till 7. P.M. When had to march about 5miles, all hands were more asleep than awd I within half an hour of returning all of them had had breakfast + were well asleep & stopped in bed most of the day making up for lost time.
THURSDAT, JUNE 28, 1917. 26th Wees. (179-186) Moved through Hedau- ville Harloy to our camp in Hen encourt wood, it was wet + slushy in fact of late hardly a day has passed without thunder or rain it is seononable weather as we had something the same this time last year at Messines. We had arriied here by 0930 so it did not take us long, after a shower I felt good again The afternoon was kit insplction FRIDAY, JUNE 29, 1917. 26th Week. LESSONS. (LFl.). (180-185; S. Peter Ap. Matias—Exckieliil. & 4 to u15; John xxl. p 15 to v23. Evensony— Lechariah in.; Acts iv. 68 to v2. A day of pest, in the afternoon the Brr marched to Bresle to a lecture, I did not go but put in the afternoon letter writing.
SATURDAY, JUNE 30, 1817. 2 Veck 1281. 184 We went out on parade in the morning but were driven in by rain, the afternoon also was wet. Wthat used to be our Iat came to us as acting Sig Officer during the School SUNDAT, JULY 1, 1817. MM Hech LESSONS. (182-183) 4th after Trinity. Matins—1 Samuel xil : Acts. ix. & 22 Evensong—I Samuel xill. or Ruth!; 1 John iv. & 7. Church parade at which we could hardly hear a word, aster the parade came the ineviitable route march, they should either cut out one or the other of these things, if they want the chaps to look on the day as Sunday they should let them do without the march, everyone starts swearing & going off about it, they thinks that on Sunday at least they should get a rest, although we are out of the line we are having stenion simes of it, but as it was in the begining is now + ever shall be in the evening we went its a voluntary Church farade
MONDAY, JULY 2, 1917. 27th Week. 30.384 Sarade in morning, new by officer, th sergt myself & a Lepl to look after things, as the officer has had about 6mtthe in Oxforil at School, one Sgt nearly 12 months in Blighty, one 3 1/2 months Blighty the other dearly 2 months School, new ideas were plentiful much to the disgust of all hands, it is so rediculles for them to come with then silly ipeas when the present methods I have been giving yo ug satisfaction; so much so that ou the first day of the Syp coming back we were on manouires & the cdy called me out + said for me to take charge as usual. Tthe Sgt could hep me. TUESDAY, JULY 3, 1917. Mr Heen (184-181) Bill Sink+ I went to Amiens for another day out, we put in a good day, & on this occas son found a good Cape for a feed, we paid it two vibits & several to the VMC9 joy tea had a good hot bath, hair cut & then had my photo taken, we eventually arrived back in camp at 2236 The Don went through gos with their respirators on to try them.
WEDNESDAY, JULY 4, 1917. 27th Week. (185-180) Rweille 8500, we marched about 4 mile out to do some acroplane contact work the plane failed to appear so we all came wack again In the evening 5th played the 8th Bn football & had a substan- teal wedr, our team is playing well at present + would I think &t beat any feam in The A.1.F. THURSDAY, JULY 5, 1917. 21th Weck 1288. 173 Morning parade from 7till 10N.N yusk the usual praining the care many new ideas com ing in with the new N.C. officermach to the disgust of the Lads who are more Iwar weary than these fellows just return ing from a good sell, & it hurt them a bit to be bounced + gooled about. In the afternoon marched about 4 miles to see a FLHMENWE RFER. display it is a wend thing but I am pleased I have seen it, as it has set my mind at rest, there is nothing very terrible about. it with a bet of luck & if it catches a fellow properly he would go out at once.
FRIDAT, JULY 6, 1917 DIM Woak. (187-178) Morning parade but as the Coy Sigs went with Bn we had a small parade on our own. In the afternoon our Bn play. ed the 7th cricket & on the first iinnings they woritey about so runs, the evening there was boying at the staduim + some of us played cricket, we had a seaby parade. SATURDAY, JULY 7, 1917. 27th Week. (188-177) Oxford Trinity Term ends. Morning parade the usual thing PHill so, no parade in the afternoon, our team played the 6th Jootball & beat them badly, they have beaten every team in the Bde now sals the Du Eclick & I think on present form would beat any Bn team of the forces, our H.9. Sigs crecket team played the boy Sigs & gave them a bit of a pounking, they put up a good game, no evening parsde
SUNDAY, JULY 8, 1917. 28th Week. (189-176) 5th after Trinity. LESSONS. Matins—1 Samuel xv. to y 24 Acts xiv. Evensony — 1 Samuel xvl. or xvii.; Matthew iil. Today there is a memorial ser- vice at Poueres only about 30 went from each IIn but they evidently forgot the sigs so I did not get septo it, I would very much liked to have gone, it was raining nearly all day, & we had no church plrade fr a wonder, the mimorial service was a great eent, moving putures were taken of it, they unveiled a monumentin memory of Bision killed in the fighting un & around Payera MONDAY, JULY 9, 1917. 28th Week. (190-175) Fire insurance expires. Morning parade 8 to 11 but rain broke it up, the after noon we played cricket & the Coys all played foo thall for two hours, Tthese parades are known as Recreational parades or as the Boys say a new way of spelling worth but a little more pleasant.
TUESDAY, JULY 10, 1917. 28th Week. (191.-174) A beg day today in the morning we marched through Warloy, Vardencourt & Contay & then ret urned the same way, in the afternoon we played the Band chicket + beat them. At night Breske to the limema Hall to a concert arranged by the TN.CA fov us WEDNESDAT, JULY II, 1917. Ah Weck (192-173) Morning parade as usual, again played the Band cricket & beat them again rather badly.
THURSDAY, JULY 12, 1917. 28 Heck 155 Some stir caused in the morning getting ready to watch the King go bye Ho do this we had to maden about 3 meles with marching order on, after much spitting, polishing, swearing + sweating we arrived at the chosen spot, waited there about an hour then he came along + after all our exertions he went past almost without us seeing thim. The joke of it was when we were told what was on, the Officer said "after the pilot car comes the Kings, when it comes along Take off your hats & cheer the idea of cheers made to order struck me as being very funny. FRIDAY, JULY 13, 1917. 28th Week. (194-1711 Moved 6 -30 AM. through Hineneoert, Lavieville, Buire Demnancourt, Meaulte to some hup near Bray-sur. Somme The distance being about 11 miles, the day was warm, + a good many cracked up on the march, personally I never fin ished better. After dinner I event down & had a look at Bray, it is setuated somewhat similar to Albert, just behind the line & of coursy the Bosche paid special attention to it, now instead of a quaint old Town it is a bad wreck but not as bad as Albert, the Church of Bray still stands.

SUNDAY, JUNE 24, 1917. 
26th Week. 
(175-190) 3rd aft. Trin. S.John Bap. Cam. Eas. Tm. ends. 
LESSONS—Matins—1 Samuel ii. to v 27 or Malachi iii. to v
Matthew iii. 
Evensong—1 Samuel iii. or iv. to v 19 or Malachi 
iv. ; Matthew xiv. to v 13. 

No church parade, we moved  
to Englebelmer into Billets, The  
place is badly drained & much  
stagnant water is lying about. 
In the evening I went to a  
voluntary Church service held 
in the Roman Catholic Church 
of the Village, the building was 
offered by the Mayor of the place, 
it seemed strange a Protestant  
Church service in a R.C. Church   
&  it struck many as showing 
very fine spirit, it is a pretty 
church inside but a bit knocked 
about by shells. 

MONDAY, JUNE 25, 1917. 
26th Week

Another attack on Auchonvillers, 
we were out from 8.30 
to 3.PM. in trying to find the  
7th I found myself at Beaumont 
Hamel, of all the places I have  
ever seen it looks to have been  
the toughest proposition of all 
& I take off my hat to the men  
who took it, many grave yards  
are a good proof of the strength  
of the position, Scotties seem  
to have suffered a good deal, 
the place is still strewn with  
Battle wreckage & it looks a 
sorry sight. As two Sargs came 
back I expected to revert to 
L/cpl but was surprised 
tonight to go through orders  
as Corporal.


TUESDAY, JUNE 26, 1917. 
26th Week. 

Nothing doing all day  
in view of a night out, I  
went to Maily & got some Sig 
gear & did a little running  
about, Bn moved out at 
11 30. P.M; it was a fine clear 
night & one noticeable thing about 
it was, it had the appearance 
of breaking day all night, some  
said it was known as the  
long twilight so I did not  

WEDNESDAY, JUNE 27, 1917. 
26th Week

The early morning found  
us stumbling about the old Battle 
field facing Serres, the ground is 
much chopped about, we kept 
at mimic warfare till 7.A.M. then 
had to march about 5 miles, all  
hands were more asleep than awake 
& within half an hour of returning  
all of them had had breakfast  
& were well asleep & stopped in  
bed most of the day making up 
for lost time.


THURSDAY, June 28, 1917. 
26th Week

Moved through Hedauville 
Warloy to our Camp in Henencourt 
wood, it was wet & slushy 
in fact of late hardly a day has  
passed without thunder or rain  
it is reasonable weather as we  
had something the same this  
time last year at Messines.  
We had arrived here by 09 30 
so it did not take us long, 
after a shower I felt good again 
The afternoon was kit inspection 

FRIDAY, JUNE 29, 1917. 
26th Week
(180-185) S. Peter Ap. LESSONS. 
Matins—Ezekiel iii. v 4 to v 15 ; John xxi. v 15 to v 23. 
Evensong—Zechariah iii. ; Acts iv. v 8 to v 23 

A day of rest, in the afternoon 
the Bn marched to Bresle  
to a lecture, I did not go but 
put in the afternoon letter 


SATURDAY, JUNE 30, 1917. 
26th Week
We went out on parade in the  
morning but were driven in  
by rain, the afternoon also 
was wet. What used to be 
our Sgt came to us as acting 
Sig Officer during the School. 

SUNDAY, JULY 1, 1917. 
27th Week
(182-183) 4th after Trinity. LESSONS. 
Matins—1 Samuel xii ; Acts. ix. v 23. 
Evensong—1 Samuel xiii. or Ruth i. ; 1 John iv. v 7. 

Church parade at which we 
could hardly hear a word, after 
the parade came the inevitable 
route march, they should either 
cut out one or the other of these 
things, if they want the chaps to 
look on the day as Sunday they  
should let them do without the  
march, everyone starts swearing 
& going off about it, they think  
that on Sunday at least they should  
get a rest, although we are out  
of the line we are having strenuous  
times of it, "but as it was in the  
beginning is now & ever shall  
be", in the evening we went 
to a voluntary Church parade.


MONDAY, JULY 2, 1917. 
 27th Week

Parade in morning, new Sig  
Officer, then 3 Sergts, myself & a L/cpl  
to look after things, as the Officer 
has had about 6 mths in Oxford 
at School, one Sgt nearly 12 months  
in Blighty, one 3 ½ months Blighty 
the other nearly 2 months School, 
new ideas were plentiful much  
to the disgust of all hands, it is  
so ridiculous for them to come with 
their silly ideas when the present 
methods have been giving so every 
satisfaction, so much so that on  
the first day of the Sgt coming back 
we were on manouvres & the  
Adj called me out & said for me 
to take charge as usual the Sgt 
could help me. 

TUESDAY, JULY 3, 1917. 
27th Week

Bill Pink & I went to Amiens  
for another day out, we put 
in a good day, & on this occasion 
found a good Cafe for a  
feed, we paid it two visits &  
several to the YMCA for tea,  
had a good hot bath, hair  
cut & then had my photo 
taken, we eventually arrived 
back in camp at 2230. 
The Bn went through gas 
with their respirators on 
to try them.


WEDNESDAY , JULY 4, 1917. 
27th Week

Reveille  0500, we marched 
about 4 mile out to do some 
aeroplane contact works 
the plane failed to appear 
so we all came back again 
In the evening 5th played the  
8th Bn football & had a substantial 
win, our team is playing 
well at present & would I 
think beat any team in  
the A.I.F. 

THURSDAY, JULY 5, 1917. 
27th Week

Morning parade from 7 till 
10 A.M, just the usual training  
there are many new ideas coming 
in with the new NCOs &  
Officer much to the disgust of the  
Lads who are more war weary 
than these fellows just returning 
from a good spell, & it hurts 
them a bit to be bounced & 
fooled about. In the afternoon 
marched about 4 miles to see 
a FLAMENWERFER display  
it is a weird thing but I am  
pleased I have seen it, as it 
has set my mind at rest, there  
is nothing very terrible about 
it with a bit of luck & if it 
catches a fellow properly he would  
go out at once.


FRIDAY, JULY 6, 1917 
27th Week

Morning parade but as the Coy 
Sigs went with Bn we had  
a small parade on our own. 
In the afternoon our Bn played 
the 7th cricket & on the  
first innings they won by  
about 20 runs, the evening 
there was boxing at the  
stadium & some of us played 
cricket, we had a scaby 

SATURDAY, JULY 7, 1917. 
 27th Week. 
(188-177) Oxford Trinity Term ends. 

Morning parade the usual 
thing. 7 till 10, no parade in  
the afternoon, our team played  
the 6th football & beat them  
badly, they have beaten every  
team in the Bde now & also 
the Div. Cyclists & I think on 
present form would beat any 
Bn team of the forces, our  
H.Q. Sigs cricket team played  
the Coy Sigs & gave them a bit 
of a trouncing, they put up a 
good game, no evening parade.


SUNDAY, JULY 8, 1917. 
28th Week
(189-176)  5th after Trinity. LESSONS. 
Matins—1 Samuel xv. to v 24   Acts xiv. 
Evensong—1 Samuel xvi. or xvii. ; Matthew iii. 

Today there is a memorial service 
at Pozieres only about 30  
went from each Bn but they 
evidently forgot the Sigs so I did 
not get up to it, I would very  
much liked to have gone, it was  
raining nearly all day, & we had  
no church parade for a wonder. 
the memorial service was a  
great event, moving pictures  
were taken of it, they unveiled 
a monument in memory of 
1st Division killed in the  
fighting in & around Pozieres 

MONDAY, JULY 9, 1917. 
28th Week. 
(190-175) Fire insurance expires. 
Morning parade 8 to 11 but  
rain broke it up, the afternoon 
we played cricket & the 
Corps all played football for 
two hours, these parades are 
known as Recreational 
parades or as the Boys say 
a new way of spelling work 
but a little more pleasant.


TUESDAY, JULY 10, 1917. 
28th Week

A big day today in the morning 
we marched though Warloy, 
Vardencourt & Contay & then returned 
the same way, in the  
afternoon we played the Band 
cricket & beat them. At night 
[[Brestle?]] to the Cinema Hall 
to a concert arranged by 
the YM.C.A for us. 

WEDNESDAY, JULY 11, 1917. 
28th Week

Morning parade as usual, 
again played the Band cricket 
& beat them again rather 


THURSDAY, JULY 12, 1917. 
28th Week. 

Some stir caused in the  
morning getting ready to watch  
the King go bye to do this we had  
to march about 3 miles with 
marching order on, after much 
spitting, polishing, swearing  
& sweating we arrived at the  
chosen spot, waited there about 
an hour then he came along &  
after all our exertions he went past 
almost without us seeing him. 
The joke of it was when we were  
told what was on, the Officer 
said "after the pilot car comes  
the Kings, when it comes along  
take off your hats & cheer" the  
idea of cheers made to order 
struck me as being very 

FRIDAY, JULY 13, 1917. 
28th Week. 

Moved 6-30 AM. through 
Henencourt, Lavieville, Buire 
Dernancourt, Meaulte to some 
huts near Bray-sur-Somme 
The distance being about 11 
miles, the day was warm, & a  
good many cracked up on the  
march, personally I never finished 
better. After dinner I went  
down & had a look at Bray, it  
is situated somewhat similar 
to Albert, just behind the line  
& of course the Bosche paid 
special attention to it, now 
instead of a quaint old Town 
it is a bad wreck but not 
as bad as Albert, the Church  
of Bray still stands. 

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Jacqueline KennedyJacqueline Kennedy
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