Diary of George Booley, 5th Battalion, AIF, 1917, Part 4 of 19

First World War, 1914–18
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FRIDAT, MARCH 2, 1917. 9th Week. 304ODe. The morning starte t with any amount of excitenlent, first the Bosche put over a Leavybassage over one front ports then under cover of the fog strong partiesattached our post, a weetaken one of 6& one of 7 men with a LewisGun, Hive took 16puron killed several others & later on in the day we took 3 more prisoners I killed some more taking the captured port back, we took them without a cary is ity; the day being very much in our frwveer, the Enemy patrols being picked men from the best Divisions so we came out feeling very pleased with ourselves, our tid Quarkes was at Lusinhof Farm SATURDAY, MARCH 3, 1917. 9th Woek. 182209 DO. Back at Factory Corner was our Fn Headquarks before the retirement started now we are in supports, this corner has seen some straff in its time & all that remain of it is a heap of bucks, the underground parts are intact & it is here that we live, un perneath again is a system of dugouts & tunnels + can ascommodate a large num ber of men, just away from the building is a well & an old iron Bailer with a bit of old twested steelI ion from work + it would certainly be hard to believe that such a thing as a Factory existed there.
SUNDAT, MARCH 4, 1917. 10th Week. LESSONS. (63-302); 2nd in Lent. Matins—Genes’s xxvij. to u41: Mark vi. & 14 to u80. Evensony— Genesis xxviii. or xxxil.: Romans xiii.- Today I went again to Pozuires to put up Crosses on I graves, Bills, Wallies & Jack racc I had he lamera to take a phot of Bills Grave, it looked real nice, the 2 white crosses showing up amriedst the desolation, I tried to follow the different Frenches ahead of where our dads went out but the place is practically batter ad beyond recognition a Eight Railway runs right past Bills Grave, this may ppossibly be my last chance to do any- thing to the Glave, it ws hard to think now that it was here I felt the most terrified ever I did & now see such a deser ted desolate spot. MONDAY, MARCH 5, 1917. 20th Weck Foday we moved to 114&2 Carips being relieved by 5th Aust Bde, the Comp turned out to be Melbourne camp again a I felt the walk more than any I nave had yet, I was well loaded with epha Signalling year & a baggatores, in the morning it snow fairly neavy & the roads were very sloppy but hot nearly as bad as earlier in the Winter, we arrived at camp about 2 O'clock in the morning well tered however we got a drink of fea & got to bed our extla blanket being here for us for about 6 days we have had no blan skepat all o the weather has been fairly cold, coming out a couple of Saldoes of big shells came over with the light Hailway & wounding several
TUESDAY, MARCH 6, 1917. 10th Ween 185300 today the Luxurary of Luquares a hot wash & a clean change, the first for about 50 days, the longest speel that we have ever had without in the evening I went to Montauber to see the 31st Bn, & found out that will Bailey was killed somewhere year Factory Corner& is buned about there, he was killed in October by a shell when on a working party WEDNESDAY, MARCH 7, 1917. 10th Week. (66-299) Moved to Demancourt, tem perature some degrees under Freezing point, arrived about midday + found we have been alloted a very breeny billet, but we managed by using waterproof sheep & various of her thing, changing doors from one part to another & penching a couple of bags of coal to feer a bet com fortable, Dernancourt does not possess many houses that but our way we would call re¬ spectable + there are many that would be passed as not hab itable, sspecially those of the mud hype the mud having fallen out in huge lumps
THURSDAT, MARCH S, 1917. 167-298) slightly wasmen today, anowing in the mening, Sommy made Cpl & Dick Sgt. FRIDAT, MARCH S, 1917. 10th Week. 188287 Started teaining again, In Consert in the evening
SATURDAY, MARCH 10, 1917. 10th Week. 188.280 Parade in morning, Bath & change of clothes & afternoon parade, Happy made Sppl SUNDAT, MARCH II, 1917. M Hecn 120230) Od i Lont. LESSONS. Matins—Genesls Xxxvij.; Mark x. to u82. Evensony—Genesis xxxix. or xI.; 1 Corinthians iv. to v18. Church Parade in VMCA. Hut Jirst tim ance leaving OHowa Camp about October received new pay books, saw a new tiffee of Eteroplane flefing, doing all kinds of volutions, flying on their sides upsill down & at almost any angle. Church service in the evening at WMCA Hut I was present + watched a most novel Clebration of the Holy Communion, the Chut was about three parts fall & about 30 took part in the Communion, all the remainder stood or sat round, inter ested spectators, it struck me as being a most novel service, as soon as the Communion was over & before the thing could be removed a weld sponpidi was made to the counter for tea & cakes
MONDAY, MARCH 12, 1917. 1th Weck 12233 chorning parade, I was instruct ing this time insteed of being instruct id, for the first time got on splendid satisfied myself & that uis saying something afternoon parads was Bn pardde & we just manouired round in the mud, Sat Raymond taken away with Malena TUESDAY, MARCH 13, 1917. 11th Week. 12233 Morning & afternoon parades I was instructing again but owing to the Coyp being away on a Bi Attack donly had two Pupits. In the evening Wally Lane arrived to take over our Billets so I delivered Miss Givenners letter.
WEDNESDAY, MARCH 14, 1817 11th Week. 132. By g oclock on the Road with full park up, marchedback to chelk. ourne Camp (now called MAMCT2 arrived here for dinner with a good appetite, soon after we arrived it started raining & kept up on & off for some Hours, Ide Band met us at Railway crossing but put up too lively a step for us with packs up &just finishing 5 miles of slushy road. In orders tonight I am Acting Corporal dating 19/3/1/. THURSDAY, MARCH 15, 1917. 11th Week. 122287) Very cold windy morning the afternoon much better being. very pleasant in the sun, one of our deroplanes came down not fal from our camp but neither men damaged a beg explosion took place near here but don't know if it was a shell or not. some of the chaps went to a pecture show at Fricourt & a reel was shown of pleasure resorts aray Melbourne showing St. Kilda Road Tonights orders amends last nights I am Tempory Corporal.
FRIDAY, MARCH 16, 1917. 11th Week. 15 Morning & afternoon parade the afternoon one had 43 on parade, I had a a good class of learners in the afternoon My lamp arrived safely today also Dows I feel quite pleased with mine, my last one I lent to Sis Hicks to take with him on the Raid on the 10th Feb but the poor Rid never came back t we have heard nothing of him. SATURDAY, MARCH 17, 1917. Mth Weck 18289) 8. Patrio3 Day. ciist news this moin ing was that Bapaume was in our hands t was afterwards confirmed also Le Transloy & some other Villiage the 5th & 2nd Divisions being the honorr ed Divisions to be in the Haking news through of the Resolution in Bi the Czar being dethroned & Grand Decke Nicholas in his place. Today some Hospital Sisters came up as far as Fricourt in a Motor Lorry & walked back again, probably the jirst women to be so yar up. Morning & afternoon parades, Gro Sexton wacuated ill.
SUNDAY, MARCH 1S, 1917. 12th Week. (77-288) 4th in Lent. TISSONE Matins—Genesis xlii.; Markxiv. to y27. Evensony—Genesis xliii. or xlv.; 1 Corinthians x. & xl. vl. Church parade, Mr Cuff away at Glying Corps, Tomny at Division getting his Military Medal & I had to take the Secko for the first Ceremonial parade I have done as an NCO. &although not in charge of the Section I felt very provd of e position, after Church parade we march round giving the Salute to the C.3. & I led the Battalion, the sign always lead the Battalion & being in charge I was the leader, the Bde Band was play after this we went along the road fo a Route march, in the evening I went to the VMCA Hut to a servin & quite enjoyed it the singing was nice. MONDAY, MARCH 19, 1917. 12th Weck 178287 First news this morning was that Sol was dead killed by a Bomb also about some more of our fellows in the 57th who have done well one have a ehlitary Cross. Morning & afternoon painde, I was only looking on, one of the others took my clasd, a very cold windy day.
TUESDAY, MARCH 20, 1917. 1 Hach 179-286) Morning parado in herts, in the afternoon the Section went for a Bath, I went to Poyieres & did up Bills grave perhaps for the lastleme as we expect to move away from here & sowed the grave down with oats, I could find no sign of Jacks or Sons grave as I was not sure of the place they were killed in, I arrived back about dark. I went up through FR16 OURT the old German Line in this place was terribly strong & it is wonderful how they were ever shyted from it Sonieres is a very busy place now with a full gauge Railway, I have seen High Wood, Delville Wood & mary of the old strongepoints bucknow with the number of remnank of men & so much broken as the Pojures Ridge WEDNESDAY, MARCH 21, 1917. 2th Ween 180.2851 Moved from Mamety to Buire Via Ville, the Bde Band played us as far as Meaulte then fell out, the road was pretty bad from there on & our bugle band were playing anything well, but we eventually arrived here, had a good feed and everything was right. The papers are full of the German Retreat & everyone seem decidedly cheerful over it.

FRIDAY, MARCH 2, 1917.
9th Week.
(61-304) Ember Day.  

The morning started
with any amount of excitement, first
the Bosche put over a heavy barrage
over our front posts then under cover
of the fog strong parties attacked our
post, 2 were taken one of 6 & one of 7 men
with a Lewis Gun, if we took 16 prisoners
killed several others & later on in the 
day we took 3 more prisoners & killed
some more taking the captured posts
back, we took them without a casuality, 
the day being very much in our
favour, the Enemy patrols being picked
men from the best Divisions so we
came out feeling very pleased with
ourselves, our Head Quarters was
at Lusinhof Farm.

9th Week.
(62-303) Ember Day.  

Back at Factory
Corner was our Bn Headquarters
before the retirement started
now we are in supports, this
corner has seen some straff in
its time & all that remains
of it is a heap of bricks, the
underground parts are intact
& it is here that we live, underneath 
again is a system 
of dugouts & tunnels & can
accommodate a large number 
of men, just away from the
building is a well & an old
iron Boiler with a bit of old
twisted steel & iron framework
& it would certainly be hard
to believe that such a thing
as a factory existed there.


SUNDAY, MARCH 4, 1917.
10th Week.
(63-302) 2nd in Lent. LESSONS.
Matins—Genesis xxvii. to v 41; Mark vi. v 14 to v 30.
Evensong—Genesis xxviii. or xxxii.: Romans xiii.

Today I went again to Pozieres to put
up Crosses on 3 graves, Bills, Wallies & Jack
Traceys, I had no Camera to take a photo
of Bills Grave, it looked real nice, the 2
white crosses showing up amidst the
desolation, I tried to follow the different
trenches ahead of where our Lads went
out but the place is practically battered 
beyond recognition a light Railway
runs, right past Bills Grave, this may
possibly be my last chance to do anything 
to the Grave, it is hard to 
think now that it was here
I felt the most terrified ever
I did & now see such a deserted 
desolate spot.

MONDAY, MARCH 5, 1917.
10th Week.

Today we moved to MAMETZ Camp
being relieved by 5th Aust Bde, the Camp
turned out to be Melbourne Camp again
& I felt the walk more than any I have had
yet, I was well loaded with extra Signalling
gear & a bag of stores, in the morning it snowed
fairly heavy & the roads were very sloppy
but not nearly as bad as earlier in the
Winter, we arrived at camp about
2 Oclock in the morning well tired
however we got a drink of tea & got to 
bed our extra blanket being here for us,
for about 6 days we have had no blankets
at all & the weather has been
fairly cold, coming out a couple of 
Salvoes of big shells came over hitting
the light Railway & wounding several.


10th Week.

Today the Luxuary of Luxuaries
a hot wash & a clean change, the first
for about 50 days, the longest spell that
we have ever had without, in the
evening I went to Montaubin to see
the 31st Bn, & found out that Will
Bailey was killed somewhere near
Factory Corner & is buried about
there, he was killed in October by
a shell when on a working party.            

10th Week.

Moved to Dernancourt, temperature 
some degrees under freezing
point, arrived about midday
& found we have been alloted
a very breezy billet, but we
managed by using waterproof
sheets & various other things,
changing doors from one part
to another & pinching a couple
of bags of coal to feel a bit comfortable, 
Dernancourt does not
possess many houses that
out our way we would call respectable 
& there are many that 
would be passed as not habitable, 
especially those of the
mud type the mud having   
fallen out in huge lumps.


10th Week.

Slightly warmer today, snowing
in the morning, Tommy made Cpl &
Dick Sgt.

FRIDAY, MARCH 9, 1917.
10th Week.

Started training again, Bn
Concert in the evening 


10th Week.

Parade in morning, Bath &
change of clothes & afternoon parade,
Happy made L/cpl

SUNDAY, MARCH 11, 1917.
11th Week.
(70-295) 3rd in Lent. LESSONS.
Matins—Genesis xxxvii.; Mark x. to v 32.
Evensong—Genesis xxxix. or xl.; 1 Corinthians iv. to v 18.

Church Parade in YM.CA Hut first time
since leaving Ottawa Camp about October
received new pay books, saw a new type
of Aeroplane flying, doing all kinds of
Evolutions, flying on their sides upside
down & at almost any angle. Church
Service in the evening at YMCA Hut
I was present & watched a most novel
celebration of the Holy Communion, the
hut was about three parts full & about
30 took part in the Communion, all the
remainder stood or sat round, interested 
spectators, it struck me as being
a most novel Service, as soon as the
Communion was over & before the things
could be removed a wild stampede
was made to the counter for tea & cakes.


MONDAY, MARCH 12, 1917.
11th Week.

Morning parade, I was instructing 
this time instead of being instructed, 
for the first time I got on splendid
satisfied myself & that is saying
something, afternoon parade was
Bn parade & we just manoeuvred
round in the mud, Sgt Raymond
taken away with Maleria

11th Week.

Morning & afternoon parades
I was instructing again but owing
to the Coys being away on a Bn Attack
I only had two Pupils.  In the evening
Wally Lane arrived to take over our
Billets so I delivered Miss Zwemer's


11th Week.

By 9 oclock on the Road with
full pack up, marched back to Melbourne 
Camp (now called MAMETZ)
arrived here for dinner with a good
appetite, soon after we arrived it
started raining & kept up on & off
for some Hours, Bde Band met us
at Railway crossing but put up too
lively a step for us with packs up
& just finishing 5 miles of slushy
road.  In orders tonight I am Acting
Corporal dating 18/3/17.

11th Week.

Very cold windy morning
the afternoon much better being
very pleasant in the Sun, one of our
Aeroplanes came down not far from
our camp but neither men damaged
a big explosion took place near
here but dont know if it was a shell
or not.  Some of the chaps went to
a picture show at Fricourt & a reel
was shown of pleasure resorts around
Melbourne showing St Kilda
Road.  Tonights orders amends last
nights I am Tempory Corporal.


FRIDAY, MARCH 16, 1917.
11th Week.

Morning & afternoon parade
the afternoon one had 43 on parade, I
had a good class of learners in the afternoon.
My lamp arrived safely today also Dows
I feel quite pleased with mine, my last
one I lent to Les Hicks to take with
him on the Raid on the 10th Feb
but the poor Kid never came back
& we have heard nothing of him.

 SATURDAY, MARCH 17, 1917.
11th Week.
(76-289) S. Patrick's Day.  

First news this morning 
was that Bapaume was in our
hands & was afterwards confirmed,
also Le Transloy & some other Villiage
the 5th & 2nd Divisions being the honoured 
Divisions to be in the taking,
news through of the Revolution in Russia
The Czar being dethroned & Grand
Duke Nicholas in his place.  Today
some Hospital Sisters came as far
as Fricourt in a Motor Lorry & walked
back again, probably the first women
to be so far up.  Morning & afternoon
parades, Gus Sexton evacuated ill.


SUNDAY, MARCH 18, 1917.
12th Week.
(77-288) 4th in Lent. LESSONS.
Matins—Genesis xlii. ; Mark xiv. to v 27.
Evensong—Genesis xliii. or xiv. ; 1 Corinthians x. & xi. v 1.

Church parade, Mr Cuff away at flying
Corps, Tommy at Division getting his
Military Medal & I had to take the Section
for the first Ceremonial parade I have done
as an NCO. & although not in charge
of the Section I felt very proud of the
position, after Church parade we marched
round giving the Salute to the C.O. & I
led the Battalion, the Sigs always lead
the Battalion & being in charge I was
the leader, the Bde Band was playing
after this we went along the road for
a Route march, in the evening
I went to the YMCA Hut to a Service
& quite enjoyed it the singing was 

MONDAY, MARCH 19, 1917.
12th Week.

First news this morning was
that Sol was dead killed by a Bomb
also about some more of our fellows
in the 57th who have done well one having
a Military Cross.  Morning & afternoon
parade, I was only looking on, one
of the others took my class, a very
cold windy day. 


TUESDAY, MARCH 20, 1917.
12th Week.

Morning parade in huts, in 
the afternoon the Section went for a
Bath, I went to Pozieres & did up
Bills grave perhaps for the last time
as we expect to move away from here
I sowed the grave down with oats,
I could find no sign of Jacks or Sons
grave as I was not sure of the place
they were killed in, I arrived back
about dark.  I went up through FRICOURT, 
the old German Line in this
place was terribly strong & it is
wonderful how they were ever shifted
from it, Pozieres is a very busy place
now with a full gauge Railway, I
have seen High Wood, Delville Wood &
many of the old strong points but none
with the number of remnants of men 
& so much broken as the Pozieres

12th Week.

Moved from Mametz to Buire
Via Ville, the Bde Band played us
as far as Meaulte then fell out, the
road was pretty bad from there on &
our bugle band were playing anything
first but well, but we eventually arrived
here, had a good feed and everything
was right.  The papers are full of 
the German Retreat & everyone seem
decidedly cheerful over it.

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Jacqueline KennedyJacqueline Kennedy
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