Diary of George Booley, 5th Battalion, AIF, 1917, Part 15 of 19

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SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 30, 1917. 40th Week. LESSONS. (273 92) 17th after Trinity. Matins—Jeremiah v.: Ephesians i. Esensong— Jereminh xxii. or xxxv.; Luke iv. v16. Left Calais for our Unit at about 9 oclock but found that the Bn has gone to the line again + the Detail camp has moved, however we found a camp for the night & cadged a blanket each. During the night the Bosche acroplanes made them selves a nuisance again, I were over several da times & of course the ante arcrap were busy. MONDAT, OCTOBER 1, 1917. 2th Weck (274-91) Cambridge Michaelmas Term begins. Found the rest of the reserve men + got settled down with them. I got all the news of the latest fight + by what I can make of it we did well, but as usual found that many of the old Boys have gone over the Range, a larger persenbage of them casualities being deaths, our Coy Signallers sex fered very much but the TH.O only had one wounded, one Coy lost every runner, I am gad to hear there are many recommendations for decorations including a couple of V.C. so I hope they come off
TUESDAY, OCTOBER 2, 1917. Mth Neck. 1918 The Bosthe planes were a mus¬ ance through the night, Jawat ened this morning to the words Corp Booley you are not to go nation ally I asked when + the answer was everyone has to go to the line so me thinks that wif Booley is merely an ornament in this Bn, however seeing as I am not needed. I am not going to make a fuss but I would much rather be with the dnit, but the furth of it is hearing of so many of the original men being Billed in The last affair has made me feel a bit windy to much so for me to tempt fake & ask to go up to the Unit. WEDNESDAT, OCTOBER 3, 1917. MM Hecl (276.89) Filled in the morning writing letters + after dinner. went for a walk up to No.I.C.C.S & filled in a few hours returning Vea Meteran & Llitae, no Bombs for a change last night. No 1603 was shelled one day recently a big and landing in the Hospeke
THURSDAY, OCTOBER 4, 1917. 40th Week. (277-88) Went for a bath in the morning I met Neil Mr. Laall the Banyan School teacher, he is a Lieutenant in the 6th An In the afternoon most of the NCo & Stes went away to School leaving me the only available Wea for duty as Orderly sot so it looks as if will have a perms ent job in this Camp. Last night there were noo Bombs owing to the night been grough today was also rather rough & light showers fell. We have rumours that the Lads hopped out + gained all objectives. FRIDAY, OCTOBER 5, 1917. 20th Ween (278-87) About midnight we were all roused out & told to pack up in half an hour, we were then marched over to Du where they picked out amjone available for stretcher bearing then we again returned to camp + were allowed to go to bed it was about 2 A0 by That time. Nothing much doing, pay in the afternoon & in the evening I went for a walk, the day being very cold & miserabble.
SATURDAY, OCTOBER 6, 1917. 40lh Week. (279.86) About 5 AM. were called told to be ready to move by 7.30 but it was altered only Officers being needed so I curled up in the Blanket again last night + today was afreal touch of Winter. SUNDAT, OCTOBER 7, 1917. 41st Week. LESSONS. (280-85) 18th after Trinity Matins — Jeremiah XXXVI.; Philippians! Ecensony—Exckiel il. or xiii. to y 17; Luke viii. t0 y 26. All hands packed up & moved to 1st BdeCamp in the morning + later moved to Caeshe to entrain for yprs, then we marched to the wagon lines & put up for the nights, the day was betterly cold & wet & the roads very slushy, it appears as if winter is set- bing in for sure now, the Bn came down from the line during the night.
MONDAY, OCTOBER S, 1917. 41st Week. 282.84 The Bn which is very weak now moved to a camp near Dickybuschi, it was only a distance of about I Kilos the camp is of but. TUESDAT, OCTOBER 9, 1917. 41st Week. (282-83) bveryone creaning up a thit scrsping of the mid, it is not nearly do bad as the Sommni yet although some of the swampe ground up forward is a quagt- pruce, in one place 12 Horsis could not move an 18 pounder Gun, the reason of course was They were bogged themselves. In the afternoon we moved through Dickybusshe, Ouder domine to a place near Kineng helst not a very long march the weather is still very wet & sheshy
WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 10, 1917. 41st Week. (283-82) Oxford Michaelmas Term begins. Nothing much doing, the logs had an inspection to see that they had the midserg of them & their equipment in the evening we went to the VMCA Spictires at Reninghilst. THURSDAY, OCTOBER II, 1917. 41st Week. (284-81) Went for a short march in the morning & in the afternoon did nothing, in the evening 3o us had sests booked for the Livolies at Kininghilst it was a fine show, very light in character but that takes well with troops now days. It is still raining every few minutes of the day, we were paid again today
FRIDAY, OCTOBER 12, 1917. 41st Week. (285-80) Michaelmas Law Sittings begin. Went to the Keninghelst Baths they are easy, the best showen we have struck, when you are dirty & muddy a hot shower takes some beating. In the night I went to Ide with Billl, it rained all the way bbut one gets used to that, the beauty of all this bad weather is the bun does not come over annoying us in the night, o no doubt he thank goodness also as our plane give him little rest of a night SATURDAY, OCTOBER 13, 1917. 41st Week. (286-79) Fire Insurance expires. Went for a march of hour in the morning, it pelted with rain & hait but we are getting quite used to that, that was all we did for the day, there is shish everywhere but thank goodness it is not like the Homnne, the mid does not stick here the country being of a sandy nature. Several Himes each day lately Hun prisoners have been passing the majority of them of very poor type, being there adloys of weedy hen
SUNDAT, OCTOBER 14, 1917. 42nd Week. (287-78) 19th after Trinity LESSONS. Matins—Ezekiel xiv.; Colossians iii. to y 18. Evensong—Ezekiel xviii. or xxiv. v 15; Luke xi. v 29. Church parade in the YMCA Hut but there was no inspection route march etc thank goodnes for that, in the evening I went to the Church Service at the MCA again after that we went for a walk finishing up abovt 9. P.M., soon after we got to bed there was a great commotion in the air, on looking out we saw a beg Bosche plane over head with y search lights on him, it looked as if made of Gold, guns were going everywhere also maching guns & you could see tiacer tbullets going up everywhere MONDAT, OCTOBER 15, 1917. aand Wack 2 Ment for a march in the morning tto fill up time. 3 hours of it & on returning were told we had to pack up & move to Halifax Camp, after much rush a blistle we sat + cooled of hll 3. P.M. before we moved the disky was only about 5 Kilos so we soon got it over. The Hunplang were rather active during the day + as soon as it became dark they came over in num theis dropping Bombs up till about 9 oclock, some of them were a bit too close to be comfortable the searchlights picked up several planes & gave us a good view of Ithings
TUESDAY, OCTOBER 16, 1917. 42nd Week. Morning parade, for awhile we galloped around for about an hour & then retired to a but + did some buzer, I did some letter writing, the after- noon we went for I bath + did nothing more for the day. In the evening much to myy ser- prise Harry turned up, I thought him far from here of he is work ing with some heavy hillen humping guns & shells about Oct. 17th ghng along the road horsemen choss country & two arrived by acroplare, there was a great crowd there is.a few minutes. In the afternoon Gen Walker told us we would soon go to the line again. Harry came & eaw me. WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 17, 1917. 4and Week. (290.75 Moining parade, we did by un a hut, about 11 oclock one of the Lads cilled out they we got him, there was a Wherrah & wush for the doon & we just arrived in time to see 4 your lighting places having ago with a Mig Goltha, the Gotha bulst into flane & came humbling down; as soon as it commenced to fall we saw a black spot coming lown apert from it, we soor saw it was a man, he came down read first with legs trailing behind like a tail, it was a great disbange to gall & nielless to say he was dead, as soon as it hit the ground men began B arrive ithey wele rading from all spoth in thousands motors
THURSDAT, OCTOBER 18, 1917. Bd Hec (291-74) S. Luke Evan. LESSONS. Malins—Isaiah Iv.; 1 Thessalonians in. Evensons—Ecclesiasticus Kxxviil. to v15 Lukexiniv 18 Morning parade Cuzzer in the hut, no afternoon parade for us but the loysdid have an hour after which there was a footell match between 5th 8th Bus won by the 5. I went for a walk to your intending to look up the 10h MG. Coig & see Jack Helyar, when I got ito your shells commenced to arrive a little too jast for my liking so I just turned about + sheedaddled back, not being over fond of shells in spette of wih at the papers say about A1248 The Hens did some Bombing in th nt FRIDAY, OCTOBER 19, 1917. 4and Week. (292-73) Parade in morning, the afternoon was wet, Harry passed this morning with his tnit going back for a spell. During the after- noon & all night the ctibillery fir was terrific most of the Bosche shells landing about an hours walk from us, for which I was very thankful I went to a concert party in the camp, it was not too bad many of the things being rather old neverthe less it was a good evenings enter tainment pay day again.

40th Week
(273 92) 17th after Trinity.  Lessons 
Matins—Jeremiah v, ; Ephesians i. 
Evensong---Jeremiah xxii. or xxxv. ; Luke iv.  v 16. 

Left Calais for our Unit at  
about 9 oclock but found  
that the Bn has gone to the 
line again & the Detail  
camp has moved, however 
we found a camp for the  
night & cadged a blanker 
each.  During the night the  
Bosche aeroplanes made them  
selves a nuisance again, 
& were over several day times 
& of course the anti aircraft 
were busy. 

40th Week 
(274-91) Cambridge Michaelmas Term begins. 

Found the rest of the reserve  
men & got settled down with  
them. I got all the news of the  
latest fight & by what I can  
make of it we did well, but  
as usual found that many  
of the old Boys have gone over  
the Range, a larger percentage  
of them casualties being  
deaths, our Coy Signallers self 
ferid very much but the 
H.O only had one wounded, 
one Coy lost every runner, 
I am glad to hear there are  
many recommendations  
for decorations including 
a couple of V.C. so I  hope  
they come off.


40th Week  

The Bosche planes were a nuisance 
through the night, I awakend 
this morning to the word  
"Corp Booley you are not to go" naturally 
I asked "where" & the answer  
was "everyone has to go to the  
line" so methinks that Corp  
Booley is merely an ornament  
in this Bn, however seeing  
as I am not needed I am not  
going to make a fuss but I  
would much rather be with  
the Unit, but the truth of it  
is hearing of so many of the  
original men being killed in  
the last affair has made me  
feel a bit windy so much so  
for me to tempt fate & ask to go  
up to the Unit.   

40th Week  
Filled in the morning  
writing letters & after dinner  
went for a walk up to No 1 C.C.S 
& filled in a few hours returning 
Via  Meteran & Flitae, no Bombs  
for a change last night. No 1 CCS 
was shelled one day recently a  
big "dud" landing in the Hospital 


40th Week  
Went for a bath in the 
morning & met Neil McLachlan  
the Banyan School teacher, he  
is a Lieutenant in the 6th Bn, 
In the afternoon most of the  
Ncos & Ptes went away to School  
leaving me the only available  
NCO for duty as Orderly Sgt as it  
looks as if I will have a permanent  
job in the is Camp. Last  
night there were no Bombs 
owing to the night being rough 
Today was also rather rough 
& light showers fell. We have  
rumours that the Lads hopped  
out & gained all objectives.  

40th Week  

About midnight we were all  
roused out & told to pack up in  
half an hour, we were then marched  
over to Div where they picked out 
anyone available for stretcher 
bearing then we again returned  
to camp & were allowed to go 
to bed it was about 2 AM by  
that time. Nothing much  
doing, pay on the afternoon  
& in the evening I went 
for a walk, the day being  
very cold and miserable.


40th Week  

About 5 AM. were called & 
told to be ready to move by 
7.30. but it was altered only  
Officers being needed so I  
curled up in the Blanket again 
last night & today was a real  
touch of Winter. 

41st Week  
(280-85) 18th after Trinity.  LESSONS. 
Matins - Jeremiah xxxvi ; Philippians i. 
Evensong - Ezekeil ii. or xiii. to v 17; Luke viii. to v 26. 

All hands packed up & moved 
to 1st Bde Camp in the morning  
& later moved to Caishe to 
entrain for Ypres, then we  
marched to the wagon lines 
& put up for the nights, the  
day was bitterly cold & wet 
& the roads very slushy, it  
appears as if winter is setting 
in for sure now, the  
Bn came down from the  
line during the night. 


41st Week 

The Bn which is very  
weak now moved to a camp 
near Dickybuschi it was  
only a distance of about 3 
Kilos the camp is of huts.  

41st Week 

Everyone cleaning up a  
bit scraping off the mud, it  
is not nearly as bad as the Somme 
yet although some of the swampy  
ground up forward is a quagmire, 
in one place 12 Horses 
could not move an 18 pounder  
Gun, the reason of course was  
they were bogged themselves.  
In the afternoon we moved  
through Dickybusche, Ouderdomme 
to a place near Reninghelst 
not a very long march  
the weather is still very wet  
& slushy


41st Week  
(285-82) Oxford Michaelmas Term begins 

Nothing much doing, the boys  
had an inspection to see 
that they had the mud scraped  
off them & their equipment.  
In the evening we went  
to the YMCA pictures at Reninghelst  

41st Week 

Went for a short march in 
the morning & in the afternoon  
did nothing, in the evening 
I just had seats booked for  
the Tivolis at Reninghelst  
it was a fine show, very  
light in character but that  
takes well with troops now  
days. It is still raining  
every few minutes of the day, 
we were paid again today. 


41st Week  
(285-80) Michaelmas Law Sittings begin.  

Went to the Reninghelst Baths 
they are easy the best showers 
we have struck, when you 
are dirty & muddy a hot shower  
takes some beating. In the 
night I went to Bde with  
Bill, it rained all the  
way but one gets used to  
that, the beauty of all this  
bad weather is the Hun  
does not come over annoying  
us in the night, & no doubt  
be thank goodness also as  
our planes give him little rest  
of a night 

41st Week 
(286-79) Fire Insurance expires.  

Went for a march of 1 hour 
in the morning, it pelted with  
rain & hail but we are getting  
quite used to that, that was 
all we did for the day, there 
is slush everywhere but thank  
goodness it is not like  the  
Somme, the mud does not  
stick here the country being  
of a sandy nature. Several  
times each day lately Hun  
prisoners have been passing  
the majority of them of very  
poor types being mere [[?]] boys or  
weedy men.


SUNDAY, OCTOBER 14, 1917. 
42nd Week. 
(287-78) 19th after Trinity LESSONS. 
Matins-Ezekiel xiv.; Colossians iii. to v 18 
Evensong-Ezekiel xviii. or xxiv. v 15 ; Luke xi. v 29 

Church parade in the YMCA Hut 
but there was no inspection  
route march etc Thank goodness 
for that, in the evening I went 
to the Church Service at the  
YMCA again after that we went  
for a walk finishing up about  
9. PM, soon after we got to bed  
there was a great commotion  
in the air, on looking out  
we saw a big Bosche plane  
over head with 7 search  
lights on him, it looked as if 
made of Gold, guns were  
going everywhere also machine  
guns & you could see tracer  
bullets going up everywhere. 

42nd Week. 

Went for a march in the  
morning to fill up time 3 hours  
of it & on returning were told 
we had to pack up & move to  
Halifax Camp, after much rush  
& bustle we sat & cooled off till  
3. PM before we moved the distance 
was only about 5 Kilos so we  
soon got it over.  The Hun planes  
were rather active during  
the day & as soon as it become 
dark they came over in numbers 
dropping Bombs up till  
about 9 oclock, some of them  
were a bit too close to be  
comfortable, the search lights 
picked up several planes  
& gave us a good view of  


42nd Week. 

Morning parade, for  
awhile we galloped around for  
about an hour & then retired to  
a hut & did some buzzer, I did  
some letter writing, the afternoon  
we went for a bath & did 
nothing more for the day. In  
the evening much to my surprise  
Harry turned up, I thought 
him far from here, he is working 
with some heavy Artillery  
humping guns & shells about 
Oct 17th going along the road, 
horsemen cross country & two  
arrived by aeroplane, there  
was a great crowd there in a  
few minutes. In the afternoon  
Gen Walker told us we would soon  
go to the line again. Harry came 
& saw me. 

42nd Week. 

Morning parade, we did [[buzzer?]] 
in a hut, about 11 oclock one of the Lads  
yelled out they've got him, the was a  
hurrah & rush for the door & we 
just arrived in time to see 4 of our  
fighting planes having a go with a  
big Gotha, the Gotha burst into flames  
& came tumbling down, as soon  
as it commenced to fall we saw  
a black spot coming down apart 
from it, we soon saw it was a  
man, he came down head first 
with legs trailing behind like  
a tail & it was a great distance  
to fall & needless to say he was  
dead as soon as it hit the  
ground men began to arrive  
they were running from all  
spots in thousands motors. 


42nd Week. 
(291-74) S. Luke Evan Lessons 
Matins-Isaiah lv. ;  1 Thessalonianss iii. 
Evensong- Ecclesiasticus xxxviii. to v 15 Luke xiii v 18 

Morning parade buzzer in the  
hut, no afternoon parade for us  
but the Coy did have an hour  
after which there was a football  
match between 5th & 8th  Bns 
won by the 5th . I went for a  
walk to  Ypres intending to  
look up the 10th  MG. Coy & see  
Jack Helyan, when I got  
to Ypres shells commenced  
to arrive a little too fast  
for my liking so I just  
turned about and skeedaddled  
back, not being over fond  
of shells in spite of what 
the papers say about ANZACS  
The Huns did some Bombing  
in the night.   

42nd Week

Parade in the morning, the  
afternoon was wet, Harry passed  
this morning with his unit going  
back for a spell. During the afternoon 
 & all night the artillery fire 
was terrific most of the Bosche 
shells landing about an hour 
walk from us, for which I was 
very thankful. I went to a Concert 
party in the camp, it was  
not too bad many of the things  
being rather old nevertheless 
it was a good evening entertainment 
pay day again.   

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Jacqueline KennedyJacqueline Kennedy
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