Diary of George Booley, 5th Battalion, AIF, 1917, Part 13 of 19

First World War, 1914–18
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THURSDAY, AUGUST 23, 1917. Sith Week. (235-130) Had a wander round some of the Hospitals & saw one of our fellows also a chap named Brown a Brother incland of McTickers of Underbool, he is badly wounded + not expected to pull through I finished (up at No 2 at keck out time 10 oclock; got a ride Home inside the Bus those on topewire wet through, when I got to camp everyone was flooking for a duy spot as there was about a foot of wwater running through the tents, many of the fents & charqueis came down making flenty of work for 1sAmat duly Koips FRIDAY, AUGUST 24, 1917. Sth Wek 236-129) S. Bartholomew. LESSONS. Malins—Genesis xxviii. v10 to u 18; 1 Corinthlansiv, v18 & v. Evensong — Denteronomy xviil. v15; Matthew Exvill. A very rough day wind & rain I again finished up at No 2 at Rack out time, but had to walk Home
SATURDAY, AUGUST 25, 1917. Sh Wen 1287. 1887 spent the morning loaping around camp. & after dinner went the rounds of the Hospit. als, at No 2 there were sport at which we had afternoon ta with the Sisters, then dinner, followed by a fine Framatic Concert, it was a fine turnout, we then filled in till kick out Hime with the Tisters at the mess, it was like leaving Home, it has been more than half of the Holiday to be able to go there, we missed the Aus & had to walk to camp. SUNDAT, AUGUST 26, 1917. Wth Week (238-127) 12th after Trinity. LESSONS. Matins—I Kings xxti. to 641: 1 Corinthians vij. to y 25. Evensong—2 Kings il. to u 16 or iv. &8 to &38; Mark l. & 21. The end of a fine 14 days has arrived we packed & moved at midday. Ao Wemmereany being Sunday everyone her ned out to see us off the little Khake Girls uned the Streets & shook hands as we possed the trenchies Ahrew fruit to us & the Siste Ahrew Cgaretter some of No2 Iisters came to the Stu + there was a great rend off, the Lady chured weryone or the good time gueen us, aabout 11800 we dicentrained at Straw elle, it was raining so we ramped in the Goods shed
MONDAY, AUGUST 27, 1817. SM Meca $10.700 Marched to 1. Si at Reinforcement lamp for breakjust then on to te In which e reached at dinner Sime Harry came down to see me + shund till late, at was a et afternoon, Ies pleased tto at several lettersors arrival. TUESDAY, AUGUST 28, 1817. 30th Weck (240-125) No parade so we just filled in time in the H.CH Hust playing draughts & writing letters, vely rough wet weather
WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 89, 1917. 35th Week. (241-124) No parade most of the day I spent in putting Blanks on my equipmentt & polic ing up the brass work swearing & growling all the time, it goes against a very strict rule we used to observe only to the brass work glettering in the Sun. Harry came down in the wyning but it was spoilt by us having to go out for a fmarch st8.30. OP.M. returning at 10.30. THURSDAY, AUGUST 30, 1917. SM Nect (242-128) The morning we had no parade buut in the afternoon went out for a bit of practice & in the evening played draughts & wrote letters.
FRIDAY, AUGUST 31, 1917 DoM Hest. $322 The morning perade was a 3 1/2 hours route march with packs up it should have been but we received wions oiders + went out in fighting order so were on the right sede of the goke the aftternoon we had a practice march out parade, a big mail came in & in the evening I got busy picking up lost ground in my corris- posidence. SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 1, 1917. 25th Week (244. 121) Morning parade we did a little flag practice + the after noon was a half holiday, a couple of chaps went out help French Cockies to get their hav vest in, the weather has been re bad that much hay is been spailed in the paddoelks. I sput in most of the afternoon + evening wiiting letters, I have sent away about a dozen letters this last couple of days.
SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 2, 1917. 36th Week. LESSONS. (245-120) 13th after Trinity. Matins—2 Kings v.; 1 Corinthians xii. to y 28. Evensong -2 Kings vi. to y24 or vii.; Markyl. to v1t. About a quarter of an hours Churg parade & nothing else doing the rest of the days. In the afternoon we ppllayed draught twrote letters Fin the evening we had a gaine of Cricket & then went to the service in the VMCA MONDAT, SEPTEMBER 3, 1917. 86th Week. (246 119) Parades morning & afternoon just the same old parades, in the even ng we had a game of cricke We were kept awake for hau last night with acroplanes Favite aucraft guns, Hoday The Hern was trying to knock some of our Balloon down with long range guas but did not manage it.
TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 4, 1917. 36th Week. (247-118) Sarade in the morning but none in the evening ovingt a night march which I got out of In the evening the sigo played the rest of the details Cucket & had a good win. About 10 oclock a Hinplan same over dropping Bombs as it came + dropped four within sooids of our billet doing no nose damage. then rooking up a bn beans WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 5, 1917. 36th Week. (248-117) Morning & ufternoon parades iin the morning the Hun aero¬ planes were bury, they were taking advantage of a clight heat han. Played the details cricket again this time they beat us. Bill Woods Brother came up to see me
THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 6, 1917. 36th Wees. (249-116) started out for the usual parade & after a march round had to return & go to rifle range but could not shoot in the morning & had to go back in the afternoon losing the half days of scored the Coys, I short obly fair, in the wening wet had a heavy thundirstorm, all day the guns were going all along the line there is a rumou out that our people were bomnbarding sille. FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 7, 1917. 36th Week. (250 115) It broke my heart complete, today to think that after 3 years of Soldiering I had to put the hack up & go a 151 mile march just by way of excersise, however I gos through it pretty well considtering it was a close muggy day. Pay day again.
SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER S, 1917. Dt Fect (251-114) Had a bath in the mor ning & in the afternoon did nothing SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 9, 1917. S Heck LESSONS. (252-113) 14th after Trinity. Matins—2 Kings ix.; 2 Corinthians l. to a 28 Evensong—2 Kings x. to u83 or xiii; Mark ix. & 30. Church parade in morning in the afternoon our foothall team played & beat the 3rd Field Ambulance, it was a very easy win, after the match we retered to on Fetaminet I had a goodfeed ordered earber in the day, it was I fowls (roast) potatoes cabbage, beer for drinkers & soft drinks of Coffee for ketotallers, then a Church Service brought us to the end of a perfect day, we had a good sing-song after the service, the VMCA hhs a small portable organ
MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 10, 1917. 37th Week. 2251 Parade on morning but none in afternoon in anticipation of a night parade but this was cancelled at the last min ute, in the evening tthe details team played & defeated A. Coy cracket very easily. TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER II, 1917. SM HECK 1254111 In the morning the Bde gas Officer gave a lecture on Mustard gas he says there is nothing to be afraid of ek so of course the only thing Htodo is stake it that he is right. In the afternoon the details played & easily beat the Officers of the Bn Cricket there was a night parade in which we did not participat

THURSDAY, AUGUST 23,  1917. 
34th Week. 

Had a wander round 
some of the Hospitals & saw 
one of our fellows also a chap  
named Brown a Brother-in-law 
of MC Vickers of Underbool, he is  
badly wounded & not expected  
to pull through, I finished  
up at No 2 at kick out 
from 10 oclock, got a ride 
Home inside the Bus those  
on top were wet through, when  
I got to Camp everyone was  
looking for a dry spot as  
there was about a foot of  
water running through  
the tents, many of the tents 
& Marquees came down  
making plenty of work for  
1st Anzac duty corps 

FRIDAY, AUGUST 24, 1917. 
34th Week. 
(236-129) S. Bartholomew. LESSONS. 
Matins - Genesis xxviii. v 10 to v 18: 1 Corinthians iv. v 18 & v. 
Evensong - Deuteronomy xviii. v 15: Matthew xxviii. 
A very rough day wind & 
rain I again finished up  
at No 2 at kick out time,  
but had to walk Home.


34th Week 

Spent the morning loafing 
around camp & after dinner 
went the rounds of the Hospitals, 
at No 2 there were sports 
at which we had afternoon  
tea with the Sisters, then 
dinner, followed by a fine 
Dramatic Concert, it was   
a fine turnout, we then 
filled in till kick out  
time with the Sisters at 
the mess, it was like leaving  
Home, it has been more 
than half of the Holiday 
to be able to go there, we 
missed the Bus & had to  
walk back to Camp. 

SUNDAY, AUGUST 26, 1917. 
35th Week. 
(238-127) 12th after Trinity. LESSONS. 
Matins - 1 Kings xxii, to v 41 : 1 Corinthians vii. to v 25 
Evensong - 2 Kings ii. to v 16 or iv. v 8 to v 38; Mark i. v 21. 

The end of a fine 14 days has 
arrived we packed & moved 
at midday to Wimmereaux  
being Sunday everyone turned 
out to see us off, the  
little Khaki Girls lined the  
streets & shook hands as 
we passed the Frenchies  
threw fruit to us & the Sisters 
threw Cigarettes some of No 2  
Sisters came to the Stn & there 
was a great send off, the Lads 
cheered everyone for the good  
time given us; about 11 PM 
we disentrained at Strazeele, 
it was raining so we  
camped in the Goods shed


MONDAY, AUGUST 27, 1917. 
35th Week. 

Marched to 1st Div 
Reinforcement Camp for 
breakfast then on to the 
Bn which we reached 
at dinner time. Harry  
came down to see me & 
stayed till late, it was 
a wet afternoon, I was  
pleased to get several 
letters on arrival. 

TUESDAY, AUGUST 28, 1917. 
35th Week 

No parade, so we just 
filled in time in the YMCA 
just playing draughts & 
writing letters, very rough 
& wet weather


35th Week. 

No parade most of the day 
I spent in putting Blanco  
on my equipment & polishing 
up the brass work 
swearing & growling all 
the time, it goes against 
a very strict rule we used 
to observe only to the  
brass work glittering  
in the Sun. Harry came 
down in the evening but 
it was spoilt by us having 
to go out for a march 
at 8.30. PM. returning  
at 10.30. 

THURSDAY, AUGUST  30, 1917. 
35th Week. 

The morning we had 
no parade but in the  
afternoon went out for a  
bit of practice & in the 
evening played draughts  
& wrote letters.


FRIDAY, AUGUST 31, 1917. 
35th Week. 

The morning parade 
was a 3 1/2 hours route 
march with packs up it 
should have been but we 
received wrong orders &  
went out in fighting order 
so were on the right side 
of the joke, in the afternoon 
we had a practice march 
out parade, a big mail 
came in & in the evening  
I got busy picking up 
lost ground in my correspondence. 

35th Week. 

Morning parade we did a 
little flag practice & the afternoon 
was a half holiday, a 
couple of chaps went out helping 
French Cockies to get their harvest  
in, the weather has been 
so bad that much hay is being 
spoiled in the paddocks. I 
put in most of the afternoon & 
evening writing letters, I have 
sent away about a dozen letters 
this last couple of days.


36th Week. 
(245-120) 13th after Trinity. Lessons. 
Matins - 3 Kings v. ; 1 Corinthians xii. to v 28 
Evensong - 2 Kings vi. to v 24 or vii. ; Mark vi. to v 1 1. 

About a quarter of an hours Church  
parade & nothing else doing 
the rest of the day. In the  
afternoon we played draughts  
& wrote letters & in the   
evening we had a game 
of Cricket & then went  
to the service in the 

36th Week. 

Parades morning & 
afternoon just the same 
old parades, in the evening 
we had a game of cricket 
We were kept awake for hours 
last night with aeroplanes 
& anti aircraft guns, today  
the Hun was trying to 
knock some of our Balloons 
down with long range guns 
but did not manage it.


36th Week. 

Parade in the morning but  
none in the evening owing to 
a night march which I got out 
of. In the evening the Sigs 
played the rest of the detail 
Cricket & had a good win. 
About 10 o'clock a Hun plane 
came over dropping Bombs 
as it came & dropped four  
within 300 yds of our billet 
doing no more damage 
than rooting up a few beams 

36th Week. 

Morning & afternoon parades 
in the morning the Hun aeroplanes 
were busy, they were 
taking advantage of a slight 
heat haze. Played the details  
cricket again this time they 
beat us. Bill Woods Brother  
came up to see me. 


36th Week 

Started out for the usual 
parade & after a march round 
had to return & go to rifle range 
but could not shoot in the  
morning & had to go back 
in the afternoon losing 
the half days off scored the 
Coys, I shot only fair, in 
the evening we had a heavy 
thunderstorm, all day 
the guns were going all along 
the line there is a rumour 
out that our people were 
bombarding Lille. 

36th Week. 

It broke my heart completely 
today to think that after 
3 years of Soldiering I had 
to put the pack up & go a 
15 mile march just by  
way of exercise, however 
I got through it pretty 
well considering it was 
a close muggy day. Pay  
day again.


36th Week. 

Had a bath in the morning  
& in the afternoon did 

37th Week. 
(252-113) 14th after Trinity. LESSONS. 
Matins - 2 Kings ix. ; 2 Corinthians i, to v 23. 
Evensong - 2 Kings x. to v 32 or xiii ; Mark ix. v 30. 
Church parade in morning 
in the afternoon our football 
team played & beat the 
3rd Field Ambulance, it 
was a very easy win, after 
the match we 6 of us retired to an 
Estaminet & had a good feed  
ordered earlier in the day, it 
was 2 fowls (roast) potatoes  
cabbage, beer for drinkers  
& soft drinks & Coffee for  
teetotallers, then a church 
Service brought us to the 
end of a perfect day, we had 
a good sing-song after the 
service, the YMCA has a small  
portable organ


37th Week. 

Parade in morning 
but none in afternoon in 
anticipation of a night  
parade but this was  
cancelled at the last minute,  
in the evening the  
details team played & 
defeated A. Coy cricket 
very easily. 
37th Week. 

In the morning the  
Bde gas Officer gave a lecture 
on Mustard gas he says  
there is nothing to be afraid  
of etc so of course the only thing  
to do is take it that he is 
right.  In the afternoon the 
details played & easily beat 
the Officers of the Bn Cricket 
there was a night parade in  
which we did not participate. 

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Jacqueline KennedyJacqueline Kennedy
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