Diary of George Booley, 5th Battalion, AIF, 1917, Part 12 of 19

First World War, 1914–18
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FRIDAY, AUGUST 3, 1917. 31st Week. (215-150) Wet all day again in the moining we went for a march of about 7 miles but hadd the Bde sand as well as our own to help us, it is good marching with a band & having no packs to carry. In the after noon did 2 1/2 thours buzzer ftrying to send message vertally on phone with gas pelmets ony our parade hours are now. 6 hours a day, I thought the other artaagements too good to last. SATURDAY, AUGUST 4, 1917. Slot Weck. 216-149) Morning parade, after noon off, it was another meserable day but, as then was a few thunder showers there should soon be some clearance in the weather it is a shame that our offensive should be held up for the few weeks of good weather we are likely to get In the afternoon Generals Beidwood & Walker were round having a look at things in general, Birdy pokes into the most unexpec ted places, you are more likely to find him at the cookshouse than the Officers Mess.
SUNDAY, AUGUST 5, 1917. Sand Wos (217-148) 9th after Trinity. LESSONS. Matins—1 Kings x. to y 25; Romans v Evensong—I Kings &i. to v15 or xl. v26; Matthew &ixv 3to v 27. Whurch parade in morning also C.O inspection but What was all for the day, in the afternoon I went for a ride to try & find some news of Harry, a solt as faras Sha Felle & met two Officers of the 4th Light Horse & they directed me to where he is camped so I came back then as it was too late to go & see him then. MONDAT, AUGUST 6, 1917. sand Weck 1318 247 Bant Hondar. Parade morning & afternoon Some sommees came into the village to billet. About the best days for some time now but still very hary
TUESDAT, AUGUST 7, 1917. 32nd Week. (219-146) I went for a bike ride to see Harry, through Casshe Stravelle eerris Doulien to near Steenwerck about 18 06 miles found him, he looks well I just as happy as ever, I got back so camp about 19.30 to be told that we were moving in the morning to within a few kilos off where I had just been. WEDNESDAY, AUGUST S, 1917. 3and Week. (220-145 croved, through Haze bronk, Veeny Bergrlin to some farmhouses near Douley by The route taken it must have been 150r16 miles, need less to say everyone was satisfied to gett here, I went to Ide with a message in the evening & got caught in a heavy thunder storm.
THURSDAY, AUGUST 8, 1917. S2nl Weet. (221-144) wh No parades, we were allowed to cool of afterous march, in the early hours of the morning there was a great him from acroplanes ane andraft guns they were buiging around for about an hour occasion ally dropping a bomb. Harry came down to see me he is out of traffic diby FRIDAY, AUGUST10, 1917. Da Necn 323. 129 Before daylight much Hun an acrial activily fairchaft gu pring Morning & afternoon parades but they were not very steneous, in the evening we went for a walk to bstaies, the Huns were firing beg H.E phrapar not far of & the women & kiddies were afraid it would hirn their way, I really think they were after an observation ballan Sig Officer returned to duty.
SATURDAY, AUGUST II, 1917. Snd Heck. (223-142) Half Quarter Day. Orderly Corporal today so not on parade, we were paid in the morning or aftelnoon SUNDAY, AUGUST 12, 1917. 8ird Week. 04 LESSONS. (224-141) 10th after Trinity Malins—1 Kings xii.; Romans & Evensong -1 Kings xillor xvii.; Matthew xxiiv41 to ixiil p13. Church parade I made up my mind to go + see Harry at Steenwerk in the after- noon but all the bikes were out so. Ipict in the afternoon play. ing Draughts & about 5 O’Clock the adjutant sent for me to go & see him, he gave the good news that I had to pack up by 7 Oclock & be about a mine away to take charge of a party from our Bro for a restcamp we got to Douliey & met motor wagons which took us to Herebrouk where we camped we the night.
MONDAT, AUGUST 13, 1917. 83rd Week. (225-140) Marched to Harebrank Str by 8.30 & caught train for Dimmerealy on the tend coast where we detrained + marched to Ambletense about 6 Kilos tthe whole of this part is a lovely. seaside resort & our camp is right close to the beach, it is nice + clean also high + dry on a sand hill, the village is rather scattered but vvery nice. TUESDAY, AUGUST 14, 1917. 33rd Week. (226-489) Twellle at 6.30, breakfast 8 falling so march to the beach for a bathing parade about to minutes walk, it is a lovely beach & soon some hundreds of men were splack in the Bring, much consterd nation was caused by a contingent of Madams & Mhade oiselles with backets of frued schocolate for sale they push in among the crowd most arrayed only in their Birth days, I just thought of some your sedside Counkils to the miyed bathing quistion. In the afternoon I went to pictures & in the evening walked along the beach to Wimmercany + had a dis at 9.30- P.M
WEDNESDAT, AUGUST1S, 1917. 33rd Week. 12277387 No bathing owing to bad weat I got a pass & went to Boulogne in the afternoon but the time was too short to go & see much I wandered around a bit then met two of our old chaps now attiched to Nox General Hospe al + went pound a bit with them, it was some Lite day in these + most of the Frenchn were out in thei best, I came outearly & put in The rest of the evening on the beacth at Wimmarean there are a lot of people of all description gatherthere & some miged bathing also a let of Chapi girls promen ading THURSDAY, AUGUST 16, 1917. Drd Weck 2816 (228-137 Duly Corps today so in The moining we were putting up tent with the Colonel wtho is a realsport, in the after- noon went up to No 2/ General + was invited to afternoon yea & dinner + a quiet little evening with the Sisters also received an invitation to a picnic tomorrow
FRIDAY, AUGUST 17, 1917. DAKEK (229.-136) Payday, I drew 100 frams but as some of the Chaps could not get any Iacted as Mont de Piek for them. In the afternoon I went up to the Hospital + saw a chap there from our Bn & then duly turned up for the picnic, there were about 35 men from all the chust Divs & Wt.g men, & about so Sisters, it was a great sight to see us all floating of carrying hampers + dress cases of good, we went up to a Chatean SATURDAY, AUGUST 18, 1917. Drd West (230-135. Went up to Hospital & saw a coupie of chaps from our Bn. & scored a new pair of paits, in the evening some. VMCA. Ladie's gaved nce concert in Kamp
SUNDAT, AUGUST 19, 1917. Sith Week. (231-134) 11th after Trinity. LESSONS. Matins—1 Kings xviil.; Romans xvi Evensong IKMo8S or Ex Matther xer p32 ty vo In the morning Church parade & a swem it was great in the water big Wreakers coming in, the only thing was the cold wend. In the afternoon went up to the Sporting club to a Boying Tourna- ment & saw some notable Boyers including Driscoll Nat Williams & Reeves. MONDAY, AUGUST 20, 1817. 34th Weer. 1232.133) Morning we were duty Corps & them were a lot of small jobs to do so we misse our suem in the afternoor I went up to No 2 P.G.H.V. spent the evening there. until 10 PM. but was hick enough to catch a Bus back to camp.
TUESDAY, AUGUST 21, 1917. Sith Week. $3.25 lot a special pass to go to Hardelot a seaside report down the other side of Boulogne, it was a grand tup + a fine place when I got there, it is the best black & prominade I have seen here + most of the atristocracslive there at present the Queen of Belgu is there, there is a sken disease Hospital there + llooked after by Hust Sisters with whom I had tea, I arrived back at camp about 9. P.M. All of these old places are full of History a apart from that must be full of life in the Season WEDNESDAT, AUGUST 22, 1917. EMM Heck (234-131) Had the morning dip & it was lovely in the only thing was there were no breakers. In the afternoon I went up to Nos again & a fine Concert party of Tommies came to The visters Mess + gave a fine concert, there was a pranist two Violins & a Chelle with them as well as 6 singers, they were all talented chaps one of the Violinsts was a Graduate of the University of Music, it was the finist Concert I have heard for ages, we arrived back about midnight

FRIDAY, AUGUST 3, 1917. 
31st Week. 

Wet all day again in the  
morning we went for a 
march of about 7 miles 
but had the Bde Band  
as well as our own to  
help us, it is good marching  
with a band & having no  
packs to carry. In the afternoon 
did 2 1/2 hours buzzer 
& trying to send messages 
verbally on phone with gas 
helmets on, our parade  
hours are now 6 hours  
a day, I thought the other  
arrangements too good 
to last. 

31st Week. 

Morning parade, afternoon 
off, it was another 
miserable day but as there 
was a few thunder showers 
there should soon be some  
clearance in the weather  
it is a shame that our  
offensive should be held up  
for the few weeks of good  
weather we are likely to get. 
In the afternoon Generals 
Birdwood & Walker were  
round having a look at  
things in general, Birdy  
pokes into the most unexpected 
places, you are more  
likely to find him at the 
cook house than the Officers 


SUNDAY, AUGUST 5, 1917. 
32nd Week. 
(217-148) 9th after Trinity.  LESSONS. 
Matins — 1 Kings x. to v 25 ; Romans v. 
Evensong — 1 Kings xi. to v 15 or xi. v 26; Matthew xix v 3 to v 27. 

Church parade in morning 
also C.O inspection but 
that was all for the day, in 
the afternoon I went for a 
ride to try & find some news 
of Harry, I got as far as Strazelle 
& met two Officers of 
the 4th Light Horse & they 
directed me to where he 
is camped so I came back 
then as it was too late 
to go & see him then. 

MONDAY, AUGUST 6, 1917. 
32nd Week. 
(218 - 147) Bank Holiday. 

Parade morning & afternoon. 
Some Tommies came into 
the Village to billet. About 
the best day for some 
time now but still very 


32nd Week. 

I went for a bike ride 
to see Harry, through Caestre 
Strazelle Merris Doulieu to 
near Steenwerck about 15 or 16 
miles & found him, he looks 
well & just as happy as 
ever, I got back to camp 
about 9.30 to be told that 
we were moving in the 
morning to within a few 
kilos of where I had just 
32nd Week. 

Moved through Hazebrouk, 
Vieux Berquin to some 
farmhouses near Douliex by 
the route taken it must  
have been 15 or 16 miles, needless 
to say everyone was 
satisfied to get here, I went 
to Bde with a message in 
the evening & got caught in 
a heavy thunder storm.


32nd Week. 

No parades, we were 
allowed to cool off after our 
march, in the early hours 
of the morning there was a  
great hum from aeroplanes 
& anti aircraft guns they 
were buzzing around for 
about an hour occasion 
ally dropping a bomb. 
Harry came down to see 
me, he is out of traffic 

FRIDAY, AUGUST 10, 1917. 
32nd Week. 

Before daylight much Hun 
aerial activity & anti aircraft guns 
firing. Morning & afternoon 
parades but they were not very 
strenuous, in the evening we 
went for a walk to Estaires, the 
Huns were firing big H.E. shrapnel, 
not far off & the women & kiddies 
were afraid it would turn 
their way, I really think they 
were after an observation balloon 
Sig Officer returned to duty.


32nd Week. 
(223-142) Half Quarter Day. 

Orderly Corporal today so not 
on parade, we were paid in 
the morning or afternoon 

SUNDAY, AUGUST 12, 1917. 
33rd Week. 
(224-141) 10th after Trinity              LESSONS. 
Matins — 1 Kings xii. ; Romans x. 
Evensong — 1 Kings xiii or xvii. ; Matthew xxii v 41 to xxiii. v 13. 

Church parade. 
I made up my mind to go & see 
Harry at Steenwerk in the afternoon 
but all the bikes were out 
so I put in the afternoon playing 
Draughts & about 5 OClock 
the Adjutant sent for me to go & 
see him, he gave the good 
news that I had to pack up 
by 7 Oclock & be about a mile 
away to take charge of a party 
from our Bn for a rest camp 
we got to Doulieu & met motor 
wagons which took us to  
Hazebrouk where we camped 
for the night.


MONDAY, AUGUST 13, 1917. 
33rd Week. 

Marched to Hazebrouk Stn 
by 8.30 & caught train for 
Wimmereaux on the French 
coast where we detrained 
& marched to Ambleteuse 
about 6 kilos the whole 
of this part is a lovely 
seaside resort & our 
camp is right close to the 
beach, it is nice & clean 
also high & dry on a sand 
hill, the Village is rather 
scattered but very nice. 

TUESDAY, AUGUST 14, 1917. 
33rd Week. 

Reveille at 6.30 breakfast & 
fall in 9.30 march to the beach 
for a bathing parade about 
5 minutes walk, it is a 
lovely beach & soon some 
hundreds of men were splashing 
in the Briny, much consternation 
was caused by a 
contingent of Madams & Madamoiselles 
with baskets of fruit 
& chocolate for sale they pushed 
in among the crowd mostly 
arrayed only in their Birthdays, 
I just thought of some 
of our seaside Councils & the 
mixed bathing question. In 
the afternoon I went to pictures 
& in the evening walked along 
the beach to Wimmereaux &  
had a dip at 9.30 P.M.


33rd Week. 

No bathing owing to bad weather 
I got a pass & went to Boulogne 
in the afternoon but the time 
was too short to go & see much 
I wandered around a bit then 
met two of our old chaps now 
attached to No.2 General Hospital 
& went round a bit with 
them, it was some Fete day 
in there & most of the Frenchies 
were out in their best, I 
came out early & put in 
the rest of the evening on 
the beach at Wimmereaux 
There are a lot of people of 
all descriptions gather there 
& some mixed bathing also 
a lot of khaki girls promenading. 

33rd Week. 

Duty Corps today so in 
the morning we were putting 
up tents with the Colonel who 
is a real sport, in the after- 
noon went up to No 2 General 
& was invited to afternoon 
tea & dinner & a quiet little 
evening with the Sisters 
also received an invitation 
to a picnic tomorrow


FRIDAY, AUGUST 17, 1917. 
33rd Week. 

Payday, I drew 100 francs 
but as some of the chaps could 
not get any I acted as Mont de Piete 
for them. In the afternoon I went 
up to the Hospital & saw a chap 
there from our Bn & then duly 
turned up for the the picnic,  
there were about 35 men from 
all the Aust Divns & N.Z. men, & 
about 20 Sisters, it was a  
great sight to see us all floating 
of carrying hampers & dress 
cases of food, we went up to  
a Chateau 

SATURDAY, AUGUST  18, 1917. 
33rd Week. 

Went up to Hospital & saw 
a couple of chaps from 
our Bn & scored a new 
pair of pants, in the 
evening some YMCA Ladies 
gave a nice Concert in 


SUNDAY, AUGUST 19, 1917. 
34th Week. 
(231-134) 11th after Trinity.  LESSONS. 
Matins — 1 Kings xviii. : Romans xvi 
Evensong — 1 Kings xix. or xxi. ; Matthew xxvi. v 31 to v 57. 

In the morning Church 
parade & a swim it was 
great in the water big 
breakers coming in, the 
only thing was the cold 
wind. In the afternoon 
went up to the Sporting 
Club to a Boxing Tournament 
& saw some notable 
Boxers including Driscoll 
Nat Williams & Reeves. 

MONDAY, AUGUST 20, 1917. 
34th Week. 

Morning we were duty 
Corps & there were a lot of 
small jobs to do so we missed 
our swim in the afternoon 
I went up to No 2 A.G.H. &  
spent the evening there 
until 10 PM. but was lucky 
enough to catch a Bus 
back to Camp.


TUESDAY, AUGUST 21, 1917. 
34th Week. 

Got a special pass 
to go to Hardelot a seaside 
resort down the other side 
of Boulogne, it was a grand 
trip & a fine place when 
I got there, it is the best 
beach & promenade I have 
seen here & most of the 
Aristocracy live there at 
present the Queen of Belgium 
is there, there is a skin 
disease Hospital there it 
looked after by Aust Sisters 
with whom I had tea, 
I arrived back at camp 
about 9.P.M. All of these 
old places are full of History, 
& apart from that must be full 
of life in the Season 

34th Week. 

Had the morning dip 
& it was lovely in the only thing 
was there were no breakers. 
In the afternoon I went up 
to No 2 again & a fine Concert 
party of Tommies came to 
the Sisters Mess & gave a fine 
Concert, there was a pianist 
two Violins & a Chello with 
them as well as 6 singers, they 
were all talented chaps one of 
the Violinists was a Graduate 
of the University of Music, it 
was the finest Concert I have 
heard for ages, we arrived 
back about midnight

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Jacqueline KennedyJacqueline Kennedy
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