Diary of George Booley, 5th Battalion, AIF, 1917, Part 2 of 19

First World War, 1914–18
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SUNDAT, JANUARY 21, 1917. S Heck LESSONS. 121-344) 3rd after Epiphany. Matins—Isaiah Ixil.; Matthew xii. & 22 Kvensony - Isaiah Ixv. or ixvi.; Acts xiii. to a 26. Was on duty at church parade time, went for a walk in the afternoon & to a voluntary Church service in the evening at the School Communate there was a good attendance & the service was good. MONDAT, JANUARY 22, 1917. M Hech (22-343) Nothing doing
TUESDAY, JANUARY 23, 1917. M Week (23-342) Moned Through Mellencot + Henencouit to calbert, this place is still under long range gus fire. This is the collist May experienced yet, we passed some Geiman prisoners working on the road & their breath had sturned into icicles on their whishers, the place is a beg sheet of froven snow, & still The sun was shining bughtly all day. I went to a picture show at night, the performance is othen spoiled here by shells falling in the vicinity WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 24, 1917. MM Neck (24-341) We just did our usual duties & pinched some coal + coke, another sunny day but no warmth.
THURSDAY, JANUARY 25, 1917. 4th Week (25-340) Conversion of St. Paul. LESSONS. Matins—Isaiah xlix. to v 13; Galatians 1. p 11. Evensong—Jeremishl. to v1l.; Acts xxvj. to v2l. Moved via, La. Boiselle, Con- falmaison to High wood bast Camp, we are again well in the forward area, the camp is of thert with waterproff roy nott much protection from shells which are sure to come here as there are guns everywhere around us. FRIDAY, JANUARY 26, 1917. At Weck. (26-339) just the usual duties doing, as we are under obser vation in this camp & have to keep out of sight as much as possible, a grave of about a dozen Tommies near the camp is some inducement to do so, the Tommies around there call the camp suiceds Camp as it is shelled often + is condemned by thein. The place is a chect of snow + ece in the shell holes water peeces in a couple of minutes, but still the sun shenes every day.
SATURDAY, JANUARY 27, 1917. 4th Week. (27-338) At couple of us went to colbert for canteen stores chiefly oatmeal & condensed milk, we can cook povridge ourseles + it helps to keep a bit of warmth in the frame. SUNDAY, JANUARY 28, 1917. Sth Weck (28-337) 4th after Epiphany. LESSONS. Matins—Job xxvil.; Matthew xv. v 21. Evensong—Job. xxviil. Or Xxix; Acts xvii to & 16. Nothing doing, I usually wander around for a fex constitutionals each of these days or else I would freen. The Thun gives us shraprel morning noon & night now bust so far just man ages to miss everyone.
MONDAY, JANUARY 28, 1917. 5th Week (29-336) a Maction engine got tangly in our lines today much tto the detriment off the lines, + it is painful trying to he knots in were with the fingers painful with the colld TUESDAY, JANUARY 30, 1917. Sth Weck (30.335) at big shell hit our lines & Nook about 30 yards of it clean away. The Hermom eter stands at zero. today
WEDNESDAT, JANUARY 31, 1917. SM Neck 1B8S Another fall of snow through the night & thismorning the athnosphere is not squite so keen, I should say about To degrees warmer. The lines held well today, a good parcel arrived from Edie. It is junny these times if you have anything in tens Scatable, you have to melt it before you can eat it. THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 1, 1917. 5th Week. (32.333) One of our acroplanes came down near here out of control it turned on its back as it landed but the men just climbed out from underneath & commenced work on the engines. Nine men slighbly wounded today by phrapnel I had a look through the famon Hhigh Wood, it stild shows much sign of Battle, unburied men in places, there are 3 thanks out of action in there + in one place a large concrets machine gun position undam aged
FRIDAY, FEERUARY 2, 1917. 5th Week. (33332) Parification of B.V. Mary. LESSONS. Matins—Exodus xiii. to v 17; Matthew xviii. & 21 to xix. v 8. Evensony—Haggal il. to a 10; Acts xx. to y 17. Went to Contalmaison then to Pomeris to Bills grave + was pleased to see that it has been registered by the Graves Regishation Unior, It llooks very disolate here (about 0;1) shell torn country in many cases equipment rifles ek& even spicies of men still to be seen. SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 3, 1917. Sth Wecn (34-381) went with Sig Officer to Bn N.G. an line so guess we will soon be in there, I wont be sorry to leave Suicide Camp
SUNDAT, FEBRUARY 4, 1917. 6th Week. (35-330) Septuagesima. LESSONS. Matins—Genesis l. and il. to a4; Revelation xxi. to y 9. Evensony— Genesis 1l. p4 or Job xxxviii.; Revelation xxi. vsto xiI vb. Got word that America has broken off Deplomatic relations with Germiany. Sommy & I made Sepls, MONDAY, FEERUARY 5, 1917. 6th Week. (36 329) A heavy Bombardment on the right all nigh, it is unofficially reported that 62 prisoners were taken + tthat the Bosches counter. attacked I times but were knocked back each time.
TUESDAY, FEERUARY 6, 1917. Ot He 137-328) Nothing doing, as the papers would put it cill quit on our front. WEDNESDAT, FEBRUARY 7, 1917. O MCCK 13332 Went to Ide also had a hip alongithe lines + mended a couple of breaks in it. The Bn are to hold a raid some where in the near Juture, our section are asked to supply 5 volunteers, 3 phone men & &runners, as in every other part of the Bn there were more bolunteers than were wanted, our section wshin teered to a man & to settle it we drew loss I was right out of it & was rather dis- applointed as I have taken part in most of the big affairs of the Bn.
THURSDAY, FEBRUARY S, 1917. 6th Weet. (39-326) Half Quarter Day, Camp shelled by heavy H.E shells, I dont think it was really meant for us never the less it was falling unpleasantly close + as the ground is fhazen solut it used to lift in lumps of about a tow weight, I was pleased when they in- isheld. Sommy went on leave FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 9, 1917. 6th Woek. (40-325) Great preparations for nad at should be a sutcess as every one is keen & they are doing everything polssible to make it a success, went for a walk in the evening I saw another raiding party going out they looked for all the worlld like a broys of Peerrot the only things mmaking it real was that some barried uply looking waddies & some carried strethers, for a change today not one shell came neck the camp, this is the only day since coming here.

SUNDAY, JANUARY 21, 1917. 
4th Week.  
(21-344) 3rd after Epiphany. LESSONS. 
Matins—Isaiah 1xii. ; Matthew xii. v 22. 
Evensong—Isaiah 1xv. or 1xvi. ; Acts xiii. to v 26. 

Was on duty at church parade 
time, went for a walk in 
the afternoon & to a voluntary 
Church service in the evening 
at the School Communale 
there was a good attendance 
& the service was good.  

MONDAY, JANUARY 22, 1917. 
4th Week

Nothing doing


4th Week

Moved through Millencourt 
& Henencourt to Albert, this 
place is still under long range 
gun fire. This is the coldest 
day experienced yet, we passed 
some German prisoners working 
on the road & their breath had  
turned into icicles on their 
whiskers, the place is a big 
sheet of frozen snow, & still 
the sun was shining brightly 
all day. I went to a picture 
show at night, the performance 
is often spoiled here by shells 
falling in the vicinity 

4th Week. 

We just did our usual 
duties & pinched some coal 
& coke, another sunny day 
but no warmth.


4th Week
(25-340) Conversion of St. Paul. LESSONS. 
Matins—Isaiah x1ix. to v 13 ; Galatians i. v 11. 
Evensong—Jeremiah i. to v 11. ; Acts xxvi. to v 21. 

Moved, via, La  Boisselle, Contalmaison
to High wood East 
Camp, we are again well in 
the forward area, the camp 
is of huts with waterproof roof 
not much protection from 
shells which are sure to  
come here as there are guns 
everywhere around us. 

FRIDAY, JANUARY 26, 1917. 
4th Week

Just the usual duties 
doing, as we are under observation
in this camp & have 
to keep out of sight as much 
as possible, a grave of about 
a dozen Tommies near the 
camp is some inducement 
to do so, the Tommies around 
here call the Camp suicide 
Camp as it is shelled often 
& is condemned by them. 
The place is a sheet of frozen 
snow & ice in the shell holes. 
water freezes in a couple of 
minutes, but still the sun  
shines every day.


4th Week

A couple of us went 
to Albert for canteen stores 
chiefly oatmeal & condensed 
milk, we can cook porridge 
ourselves & it helps to keep a  
bit of warmth in the frame. 

SUNDAY, JANUARY 28, 1917. 
5th Week
(28-337) 4th after Epiphany. LESSONS. 
Matins—Job xxvii. ; Matthew xv. v 21. 
Evensong—Job. xxviii. or xxix ;  Acts xvii to v 16. 

Nothing doing, I usually 
wander around for a few 
constitutionals each of these 
days or else I would freeze. 
The Hun gives us shrapnel 
morning noon & night 
now but so far just manages
to miss everyone.


MONDAY, JANUARY 29, 1917. 
5th Week

A traction engine got tangled 
in our lines today much 
to the detriment of the lines, 
& it is painful trying to tie 
knots in wire with the 
fingers painful with the 

5th Week

A big shell hit out lines 
& took about 30 yards of 
it clean away. The thermometer
stands at zero today


5th Week

Another fall of snow through 
the night & this morning 
the atmosphere is not quite 
so keen, I should say about 
20 degrees warmer. The lines  
held well today, a good 
parcel arrived from Edie. 
It is funny these times if 
you have anything in tins 
eatable, you have to melt it 
before you can eat it. 

5th Week

One of our aeroplanes came 
down near here out of control 
it turned on its back as it 
landed but the men just  
climbed out from underneath 
& commenced work on the 
engines. Nine men slightly 
wounded today by shrapnel 
I had a look through the famous 
High Wood, it still shows 
much sign of Battle, unburied 
men in places, there are 3 
tanks out of action in there 
& in one place a large concrete 
machine gun position undamaged


5th Week
(33-332) Purification of B.V. Mary. LESSONS. 
Matins—Exodus xiii. to v 17 ; Matthew xviii. v 21 to xix. v 3. 
Evensong—Haggai ii. to v 10 ;  Acts xx. to v 17. 

Went to Contalmaison then to 
Pozieres to Bills grave & was 
pleased to see that it has 
been registered by the Graves 
Registration Union, it looks 
very desolate here (about OG1 ) 
shell  torn country in many 
cases equipment rifles etc & 
even  pieces of men still to be 

5th Week

Went with Sig Officer to 
Bn H.Q. in line so guess 
we will soon be in there, 
I wont be sorry to leave 
Suicide Camp.


6th Week
(35-330) Septuagesima. LESSONS. 
Matins—Genesis i. and ii. to v 4 ; Revelation xxi. to v 9. 
Evensong—Genesis ii. v 4 or Job xxxviii. ;  Revelation xxi.
v 9 to xxii. v 6. 

Got word that America has 
broken off Diplomatic relations 
with Germany. Tommy & I made 

6th Week

A heavy Bombardment 
on the right all nigh, it 
is unofficially reported that 
62 prisoners were taken & 
that the Bosches counter- 
attacked 3 times but were 
knocked back each time.


6th Week

Nothing doing, as the
papers would put is 'All 
quiet on our front." 

6th Week

Went to Bde also had a trip 
along the lines & mended a 
couple of breaks in it. The 
Bn are to hold a raid somewhere
in the near future, our 
section are asked to supply 
5 volunteers, 3 phone men & 
2 runners, as in every other 
part of the Bn there were 
more volunteers than were 
wanted, our section volunteered
to a man & to settle  
it we drew lots I was right 
out of it & was rather disappointed
as I have taken  
part in most of the big 
affairs of the Bn.


6th Week
(39-326) Half Quarter Day. 

Camp shelled by heavy 
H.E shells, I dont think 
it was really meant for us 
us never the less it was 
falling unpleasantly close & 
as the ground is frozen solid 
it used to lift in lumps 
of about a ton weight, I 
was pleased when they finished.
Tommy went on  

6th Week

Great preparations for raid 
it should be a success 
as every one is keen & they 
are doing every thing possible 
to make it a success,  I went 
for a walk in the evening 
& saw another raiding party 
going out they looked for 
all the world like a troupe 
of Pierrots the only things 
making it real was that 
some carried ugly looking 
waddies & some carried  
stretchers. For a change  
today not one shell came 
near the camp, this is 
the only day since coming 
here. C

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Jacqueline KennedyJacqueline Kennedy
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