Correspondence between Field Marshal Lord William Birdwood and Lady Janetta Birdwood, 1915 - Part 4

First World War, 1914–18
  • War Diaries
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105 to captee ere long hill dereran the wit give Wereg pr I Wink it is on oey chane us a bit of a doing first. We have had Hunter, Weston will do his German feying men over this harbour lately at dawon as he dotiol think the places he will lond at can & Icant think why they havent tried to be maraged in the dark. We will of course drop bombs into it as there munt be 100 have battle ships & cuisers to support us ships here induding Qreen Elizabet's & a. with all their guns, but their fire is not whole lot more Battleships & crmiser - with always very effectine on land, nor can they any buck they & hould get a bulls eg otsave its result. I can tell yon all this as sowmewhere However I hope ou Aroplans. we stall be in it by the time has leaves may get them if they come over again. here. Mudros Bay in the Island of Lemnos. I have just been ashore with one of mer lasterday I sent Villies &tuant for afly in Boigades the men as pleased as children an aroplane all over the place - it was the at fircing such nice comnte to work over first time he had been up & quite seemed after desert of Egypt - it is reguler spring to enjoiit. He was fired at by Artillery as weather too & all the wild flomes reuund he went over Lot Iam thankful to say impert one so much of home - covers, poppies & He saw a good deal in the way of camps betcp - I send yon some I picked - what trenches & guns, the latter of wuch I hore tthough is not like home at present are the
tremen lous bot of wind mills - rows at times of a dogen of them all at work They are unlike the old Enflish ones with a about I sarls each as these had foum ay a doren smaller sails in which reeps ar taken just like on a ship & then are set Went onto the Greek Churech as requined. too - quite a big one & with quite nice ikons painted on the walls - T he majoul I look as if they might well be of the heop. sands for a Foll aged as i deal. then are a real set. threves pantomine. fo of bagabonds & think of nothing but making suppose they had e over seen. Money. I dout so much monen as we have brought into the place lately on Chins will Bn the time this reaches
S.S "MINNEWaska back at sehool a ai _ &it will pe. etting on for his 16th wiith day ere wite a stage in advance & long. perhaps in. litt c over another year he will be joining me! for I cant betiene in any early ending to this wan. h vent let heard of Nancy's arrival at home, but know she will have done so. Judithi I am e & my littl. now are S longing. yon all for it already seems see Ages since we parted at Suez - and Sy hawent heard from yon since me let. as I we got nothing aince ron lettes of 24 Went - &ne wenl has come here since then, &
Igit are letter from hom Father of 11t Aluil telling we Dancy & ath had got home sapely - but I got no other letters & knou Guns must be wandemy. about somewhere for me _ Goodusss knows wher I ll get it now. I he same post brought. me rather a nice letter from the mother of i man in my Army Corps & as I think it is rather nice in its spirit I enclose it for hon to see. Dout yon think it is rather nice! I am sur there is a good deal of the same spirit at home but if only all had it we would soon firish this war, as we Want it to pervade the mannforcterer as well as the soldier & to see them all working on their countrys sake. I have lately had to have several talks with the men about the lighting before us & what we all have to do, & as I told tham, the more do I seed the Australian soldier the more do I admire his determination & un complanning wok. as well as the spirit which made him throw up whatever work he wasdoing to come over to all the danger & discomfort which he knew he had to face by joining for the war & which be did Sunley for his Country's sake. I am somy to say we have just lost a sup. marine trying to get her up the Straits & it would have weant so much if we could have got he through. it wasse trea too: there were trom bothers called Broelic in the Navy who were absolntely devited to each other a could not he told apart. Te are went in charge of the submarine white the other flew overhead in an Qroplane to see if all went right spresently saw the submarine ashore wrecked _ now we dont uuite know. but she was apparently seen & fired on & we fear all inside Killed. Want it rather sad! And such things
seen to e daily. I hame been witing to Chirs for his ot not be able towvite forth day of. Imn d him yow will sew. later & I have toe day from us. him something for his bort. him if he wis. ld like. Ho I have aske Wents part of his to go to France 1 Af Cant help. a holidays lateron. sumal a good thing for it wined be trinkin. him har fined the S ippers. him if. ave yon any havs of Aust Lil again. Ii not. do wite to hee, as she hes always kind to all of ns. been so. I have bean uriting over several days but must hour close it as we shall be getting out to sea almost at once 3.30. Ar.m. on St. George's And by to be getting. hall murch hope. Dan I
S.S. MINNEwaska. my first landing ashore. This day last fear I remembe so well taking Nane My of down with me for the the Suvla conts_ how little could one. boys. being here year hence dream o she remembers it. At Ask ha of reseor. bloning a gale, ty it much hope it may lear f almost. at once as we are so very dependent. on weather, which night him ford f a Everything - and I cawt delay as a week hence the hioow we things arrar Wired quite.
& Sat Suirsed dre ships as th my showing wp. I dont landing in the coa. to be able to wite Again know when. As as 9 but will do so as sow wipe arling. own 6 Goodbye little ones. . St. & all in to C me. Skies ay 7 ilways. mey Gowr very loving Ii DRI
H.S. Qrea. 11. 2 4 April 1. Ryyoner darling wipe I find I saw wite just wne more line before we I have sail though I doubt of I can get it pisted at one now transferred to "Queen" & am sailing with Admiral Thursby diectly - all as now can imagine full of excitement - and a truey wonderful seeme it is here. Mudros Bay is a beartiful harbou and just camined foll of larse transports - great batte ships - Guisers - destroyesss torpedo lovely sea plane has been. boats, Submairies etc. eying all round & over us for several hours tosting her now the great transhorts have begen to more uiieless - and out of the harlour in tum. We fellow at quiettiy down.I t at a rendey- lons behind the Island of 12 and all me. Imbros before attacking - As the transhorts come down & mep as have lands on board play them & the men all cheey oget counter opeers as they havs the battle ships lookes they. & arniders. Suck line fel luns. then all
card the sides & all just as Keen as possible on starting realtly makes a lump come in my throat as I ighting 9 watch then & return their sauites to think of howr many of them must fall almost at once - and how mhek too good so many of them seem to be cut off now - for I fear we we almost bound to lose heavily - Op. for aclonde night tonight - last night was exaatly what I should have liked - and a dull morning. to let we get my ships along Syes as me. cose to the shore mnobsewed & then no sun ion land & have to do on fiving early to merron morning. What a din & Horse there will be with ouships probably porring in broad sides & enemies shells coming along to us in return for we must stand very close in. F ive lundred of my men come on board each of these battleships & we will all get a good hot meal about mid night which with last a long time. then when we get quite close to the shore the ships boats which withall have beas liled as we & team slowly along to withe hall a mile will shoot apead tored o Ihope how men ashore in silence, though picevet loats 1 it is of comce too good to hone we cando this motsewed Iam hopeful I may got enough ashore to rush though 5DAh3376
up & seize. some high Grond before the snemy have tumbled to it & been able to reinfoce their posty there. The Admiral very kindly gave we his cabin last night & I felt I was having my last comportable night for a very long time to Come (though I have got no frigame with me - and I have made the most of a deeent hot bath, as I see precious little chance of any bad bedding - chace or bath for avery long time to come! We suly Can land nothing & am mist arrrious as to the feeding of the troons- however 5 i1 marage somehow. I was rather to uched on leaving the Mirnewaskas to come on board here some one shouting out three cheens frour General. And all the men rushing to the side to cany it on & cheer heartily. They certainly are a good uncomflaming lot & I do trust they will come through thingg well for they have much lighting shod hard ship beve them all Pox Oshow had a pasty go of nexealzia the last few days . estarday I had to say be must remins on board with the horses to jons me landing them & that I woued take later when we get a chance o John McConaghy ashore instead. The result was wonderful and in half ar loun onshon had quite recovered a nnow with & dired figs. me. I have male him gotcr few badd bialed ege.

here) for I think it is our only chance.

Hunter-Weston will do his

at dawn as he doesn't

think the places he will land at can

be managed in the dark. We will of course

have battleships & cruisers to support us

with all their guns, but their fire is not

always very effective on land, nor can they

observe it's result. I can tell you all this as

we shall be in it by the time this leaves 

here - Mudros Bay in the Island of Lemnos.

Yesterday I sent Villiers-Stuart for a fly in

an aeroplane all over the place - it was the 

first time he had been up & quite seemed

to enjoy it. He was fired at by Artillery as

he went over but I am thankful to say unhurt.

He saw a good deal in the way of camps,

trenches & guns, the latter of which I hope

to capture ere long, but I daresay they will give

us a bit of a doing first. We have had 

German flying men over this harbour lately

& I can't think why they haven't tried to

drop bombs into it as there must be 100

ships here including "Queen Elizabeth" & a

whole lot more Battleships & cruisers - with

any luck they should get a bull's eye

somewhere! However I hope our aeroplanes 

may get them if they come over again. 

I have just been ashore with one of my

Brigades - the men as pleased as children

at finding such nice country to work over

after desert of Egypt - it is regular spring

weather too & all the wild flowers remind

one so much of home - clovers, poppies & 

vetch. I send you some I picked. What 

though is not like home at present are the


tremendous lot of windmills - rows

at times of a dozen of them all at work.

They are unlike the old English ones with

four large sails each as these have about 

a dozen smaller sails in which reefs are

taken just like on a ship & then are set

as required. I went into the Greek Church

too - quite a big one & with quite nice

ikons painted on the walls. The majority

of the people look as if they might well be

engaged as ideal brigands for a forty

thieves pantomime, for they are a real set 

of vagabonds & think of nothing but making

money. I don't suppose they have ever seen

so much money as we have brought into

the place lately.

By the time this reaches you Chris will




be back at school again - & it will be

getting on for his 16th birthday ere

long - quite a stage in advance &

perhaps in a little over another year

he will be joining me!  for I can't believe

in any early ending to this war. I 

haven't yet heard of Nancy's arrival at 

home, but know she will have done so.

How are she & my little Judith? I am

longing to see you all, for it already seems

ages since we parted at Suez -  and I

haven't heard from you since we left Egypt

as I've got nothing since your letters of 24 

March - one mail has come here since then &




I got one letter from you & another of 1st

April telling me Nancy & Kath had got home

safely - but I got no other letters

& know yours must be wandering

about somewhere for me - goodness knows

when I'll get it now. The same post brought

me rather a nice letter from the mother of a 

man in my Army Corps & as I think it is

rather nice in its spirit, I enclose it

for you to see. Don't you think it is rather

nice? I am sure there is a good deal of the

same spirit at home, but if only all had

it we would soon finish this war, as we 

want it to pervade the manufacturers as

well as the soldier & to see them all working

for their country's sake. I have lately had to

have several talks with the men about the

fighting before us & what we all have to

do, & as I told them, the more do I see of

the Australian soldier the more do I admire 

his determination & uncomplaining work -

as well as the spirit which made

him throw up whatever work he was doing

to come over to all the danger & discomfort

which he knew he had to face by joining

for the war & which he did simply for his

country's sake.

I am sorry to say we have just lost a submarine

trying to get her up the Straits & it

would have meant so much if we could

have got her through: it was so tragic

too: there were twin brothers called [[Brodie?]] 

in the Navy who were absolutely devoted

to each other & could not be told apart.

The one went in charge of the submarine,

while the other flew overhead in an aeroplane

to see if all went right - & presently saw

the submarine ashore wrecked - how

we don't quite know. But she was apparently 

seen & fired on & we fear all inside

killed. Wasn't it rather sad? And such things


seem to happen daily.

I have just been writing to Chris for his

birthday as I may not be able to write

later & I have told him you will send

him something for his birthday from us.

Also I have asked him  if he would like

to go to France for [[at all?]] events part of his

summer holidays later on. I can't help

thinking it would be a good thing for

him if the Stappers would have him

again. Have you any news of Aunt Lily?

If not, do write to her, as she has always

been so kind to all of us.

I have been writing over several days but

must now close in, as we shall be

getting out to sea almost at once

and by 3.30 a.m. on St. George's

Day I shall much hope to be getting 





my first landing ashore. This day last

year I remember so well taking Nancy

down with me to the rally at the Simler

boy scouts - how little could one

dream of being here a year hence!

Ask her if she remembers it. At

present it is blowing a gale, but I

much hope it may clear off almost

at once as we are so very dependent

on weather, which might ruin

everything - and I can't afford

delay as a week hence the moon

would quite give things away




by showing up my ships as they are

standing in to the coast. I don't

know when I'll be able to write again

but will do so as soon as I can.

Goodbye my own darling wife

& all my love to you & the little ones

always & kiss Nancy for me.

Ever your very loving old,




[*3376 (15)*]


H.M.S. Queen.

24 April 15.

My own darling wife.

I find I can write just one more line before we

sail though I doubt if I can get it posted at once. I have

now transferred to "Queen" & am sailing with Admiral Thursby

directly - all as you can imagine full of excitement - and

a truly wonderful scene it is here. Mudros Bay is a 

beautiful harbour and just crammed full of large

transports - great battle ships - cruisers - destroyers - torpedo

and boats - submarines etc. A lovely sea plane has been

flying all round & over us for several hours testing her

wireless - and now the great transports have begun to move

quietly down & out of the harbour in turn - we follow at

12 and all meet at a rendez-vous behind the Island of

Imbros before attacking. As the transports come down,

such as have bands on board play them & the men all

cheer & get counter cheers as they pass the battle ships

& cruisers - Such fine fellows they all look as they




crowd the sides & all just as keen as possible on starting

fighting. It really makes a lump come in my throat as I

watch them return their salutes to think of how many

of them must fall almost at once - and how much too

good so many of them seem to be cut off now - for I

fear we are almost bound to lose heavily. Oh! for a cloudy

night tonight - last night was exactly what I should have

liked - and a dull morning, to let me get my ships along

close to the shore unobserved & then no sun in our eyes as we

land & have to do our firing early tomorrow morning. What a

din & noise there will be with our ships [[?]] coming in

broadsides & enemies shells coming along to us in return

for we must stand very close in. Five hundred of my men

come on board each of these battleships & we will all get a

good hot meal about mid night which will last a long time.

Then when we get quite close to the shore the ships boats

which will all have been filled as we steam slowly along

to within half a mile, will shoot ahead towed by 

picquet boats & I hope row men ashore in silence, though

it is of course too good to hope we can do this unobserved,

though I am hopeful I may get enough ashore to rush

[*3DRL 3376*]


2) up & seize some high ground before the enemy have

tumbled to it & been able to reinforce their posts there.

The Admiral very kindly gave me his cabin last night & I felt I

was having my last comfortable night for a very long time to come (though

 I have got no pyjamas with me) - and I have made the most of

 a decent hot bath, as I see precious little chance of any

bed, bedding & change or bath for a very long time to come! We simply

can land nothing & I am most anxious as to the feeding of the troops -

however I'll manage somehow. I was rather touched on leaving 

the "Minnewaska" to come on board here, someone shouting out

"Three cheers for our General"- and all the men rushing to the side

to carry it on & cheer heartily. They certainly are a good

uncomplaining lot & I do trust they will come through things

well, for they have much fighting & nood hard ship before them all.

Poor Onslow had a nasty go of neuralgia the last few days & yesterday

I had to say he must remain on board with the horses to join me

later when we get a chance of landing them & that I would take

John McConaghy ashore instead. The result was wonderful and

in half an hour Onslow had quite recovered & is now with

me. I have made him get a few hard boiled eggs & dried figs

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