Correspondence between Field Marshal Lord William Birdwood and Lady Janetta Birdwood, 1915 - Part 22

First World War, 1914–18
  • Documents and letters
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o a wafhe goe in wen hfor e oo.e pret some time ago I. hlote arking con to te. hre he to let we know, us beyond goin saying you were taking up t town to see him. I had heard nothing of cow bisit oth bat meek's latter was 2rd bet - one just reced is 31st bo probably wite between. Wored eom lite me to lumke my emoslipes. Fused to do. it whon I was on the Frontrer & foo can then attreys aee of one wats goe astray we ree eo not recliver con secutive numbers.- fou lnight do the same begn the perd. one 12.- Asin. Goin lent. letter now still cfth about thon go I have recewved. I wite about there again though I have Certainly alreadly done so. F tome Do- please let we know of conget this letter!. I have received. I think all the weekly pareets of funte from Htawods - but not one with shorp bread. Teving about as I have been doing this last mouth - a bught of twe. Svezitrer havent beew able to see ony of my things - a I find I have over balt a dosen tuns of fuint now accumutateed he so blease do not snd any hure. I ardron ion a Rerile Ment at A.H.Q.. where they get such things as they want so realty, Spectat thingt sont like the are nost wanted little one - & they get tumked milly ehe- Steward to mhost awfully govdt about s such things I looks aft me like amything. I do tiet we could alway's keep hum. twe stors hate not. lot an.
P Mueeeemcmelmemeeeeccee eece 5 oied he sure to take some time, & ir the mean time the excellent Lo tbiniere has got me one. I how have him borck on my staff as Chief Sirpuea of th cnem &gent Willians has gone on to Sir C. Monro. I ameled t have old Lobo back. We is io our messe 5. Hillere more & so well remanter with ebeut in deten & later on Ialso did So to Chrrs- Mas. Weight had atway saiet he meent to do something for Chirs, but beyond the selver Shustening mine he gave him when I came back from Afficer. I have thought mored it - I heard he had left all his hove to Iis witton thout I bshave he gave a same 2 o 500 to Walles Noman - pootafey for his boy in the same way as for Chirs. The money is all right with the Pubtic rustee &there is nothing mhore now cando in the watter: he with fay dividende as doe into the account at the Bauk, as & think Hon coked him to do. The bete towets have, ust arrived & many thanks fothen litle one. Then witl dome capitalley though alas at sea bathing is hom over as was much too cold & I am no lough right on the beach as I used to be. I an glad to heas yo have got the & 333 all right. Cor will noot get any suct Suw again as it was oer a lot at back pay. I havunt shewt Ni. im hecase to sure to let me.
i lefth wie in ge et f i wi a becn. Mcldiled with Aom of altk K. 50.m. has atse. 52. which they throld have got some mouths ago - it ma have been sent as Lodging allowance, which was dne my time in Egypt. to partly cover expenses of Strepherds Hotal. I see won have evidently now got by letter saying to infest all firture savingan the war wan. So that is all right. Dost send torned wilk or bretter as We ca let them bitts - & now that I think of it if. hins faint have been sent we weckly. I certainty car onlr have got about one half, as not hearly so many tonk as that have come. Did con get o latter in which. complaineal of Hearvosts bat backing resilting in sow Qrroning buken to pieces & ovly coming at all. By some hind friend having re addressed them for me. Thise is when then are dave up in haper only - but when for boxes thei have arrived all right. There have been feartal Comillan ts about waits here latety - no one hact had o ltter if any cout for about 3 weeks, when a mant arrived to dal I am so thankpot to think little frdith's. sues are all right, as I should have been most unhapity of & thought they were realty worong - did dross say to do anything, particutor fo them in the she wat 6 of Cating, Retting. H Rugiting loll.
315 m Pee m eereeemm gee it is wondesfully Good I must say I quite. of Capt. Weay at his age serving as a Captain, but I prestime shope there wil be no question of his going to Srgnce- Thom never beet me hom old Percy had returned from there - Fou Fatton did. I have arked & th geald to see if he cante possitee get him emplony went again in some retaet or quote realls dont think yon are called- on to take a flat in Hondon to look after committees. St seems toee that aon atready do quite gom & have in a lot of work for the Australian &thers. and I dout think they can complain about son especially if gon ahread spend &100. a near on general mar purposes. Sir so & lod wt have been staying with the Weays & had Robinson, as I un sure such litle outings most do gon good esfecially as Lady R. seams so very nice. But of Won fourd its affects nown sleeping in any way little kid by being keptt up late donnt fonr a second hesitate to ark her lat son go to bed as early as con like _ I am sure this what se. herself would wish con to do. St Red & matince certainty know how to chango, as I call & 2. a lot for a metunce, but f colme it was a very speeial reason & caurse- Go & see a with to Mds. Clift when noth can us. Iin sme the means well - ho kinon that my. Aes - nother - waiined her Fother 1. Mhe lat Iishieve & he so muet - offiects to t lan wire saying. ton had cel.
AUs Meaueeeteeeul e ce oeeeeeeteceeeeeae ce o romut the message for all com &mas cards. Iwas so with lad to know that it was evidently what was wanted & thet New Zealanders were incladed Got Cole told me he had been so awfurlly glad to see Gor at St. Chemast do to there again to see him if teot have tim when con are nest in town. a wn let C wit ase Iatcho- A any suck thing for un hair. us I have nothiue So tell them. the Sort here. except some Kervsine oit 1 to senl a hell sigs bittle I think it is called fon are sendlis me a Letts Dian No. 35fr nest near arent coms Did got get a letter I sent gn to see form m lle Geage Labont Sir Ian's deefatch. Fenclose two letters won may care to see - one us from the feney ti the van. rather a wag - who was our Alegreptinst in Lord Kis homse alt the time I was in Fretona & who I wold mot sent me. one of these photos of my self sumting. marked t Phits by Bds Pankhuist I have been having a hourd & very anovous time latell about which I camet with about our potire plens. I ome not atall haptry about them & they are goving me Much amfrty I sterd a part of eveng day tearing about in a destroyer to see my Corps Commanders & it was delightful the welcome I jot when. I went back to Anzac. 2 days agos after beme away some time with LordK a kmocking about- between there & other places. We have just had a bearful stoun. thank foder I lands of beftre it was rsent bad I. Govdbye ay nrm little of have to sun. Ten tem very tomoed Will - 1.a
AU y E.F 4 Dec 15. hs oit daiting Sire. st a beo baitek fam wonttering. if wes have suddenly. of mim latters, as some one tere lells me his wipe after nrot having heard from him for weeks has wither to say that 12 lelters have aptearest 1o5th se. Goist sss Knows what haphens to them, as they are impossible to trace. Lately our leteis from home have been fon ware then werd. I have nothing from hot since thi choiget all er 31st Oclober - 5. weeks ogo. of however lt my. latters I dontiso much mind. Dhe 2 stoves have just arived with I am sive he reel weefol litle one. Hawd hoe tackes them very well but beth were in the save boe - bo cent reperetely os bon said. The short ead has arived too & to very muich appareiated at tea which we all have togate in the mess, where all fou turned fuint is also most weleome But. As. F have said. de not serd thore - rough a ceally tunitle. lime of it - worsso beate fire have men whot were tthere. tell. me they over had in Franse last beer St begen with a tremendons, storm of saw & S. W. wind, which Sollee taned rouing to Me. ard came doinin a regulen theger hen cold won lant have maltered Feav & sleet with is first. So quuch bost fater lond whot simpe falled the men The Corps on. My left at Suvla had by & far the worsst time of it as infortunetely. Thee is there a bot of very tome lying ground through which rum several. hulletre. here of it came bit 2 doun in ghate. 6 and 7 feet deep and in ploe wen awory and drohnned them. Want ORI
them oo fe olf of her ugh form te theete Situne cold & tn fast gote. &hove Cettetanel Dsion the men for A greet past just chirated it leaving then trenches & truns. Weaklings of boys I suppose who couldits stanc it fou can inagine how bad it was when actually over 150. men died from so posure and about 6500 had to be evachatea for Exposure trench feet a frost bite. Some othr dead were quite frogen into the aroins & coued got he renoved for rons dayo. A gorst mamy of to se stucuated with of course recover but they welt be fearfulll shalen opistabley not muct good for a tove time to come. Seet are the worst thingo- Tens feet Sosell & then lan hoot fet thei borts on again, white. ieis. Estentral to take boots off at becenst once in 24 Dmrs on now get post better Myown old Corps were nost hearly so bad, as notoney, had sie mhueh belter country for prolection - Pert 2.i 3 monthe ag helft wging them all to Ang caves & lmmels to the Will silles fo themschves, as though lumber & comuguted von had hear orderd for thew for shelter I fett sore we sheld get bat weite before & helter- arrived - Copsegpently hearty all mi men were comfortatlly pronded for Caft oun sorriyg to say come of bim. Ihdian Brigade came in for a bad tume of it- lwo Guiket Regts were junt relieving. Some Ceriturals- when Ganot sams on & & could get no shelter Ihone of the bei. them the 10th Surkhas - alout 255 men- have hact to be evacuated for trench fest o then left we thet one umforturte hawr laan with have to have bo th his feet & amportated ia flost. lite. Gow dout feet it coming on a nuten to teat his borts off. 9 wir 1 Aealed
fr ing on to forf te he saying he was all sight, fthem when he hecn to gotl this sate- Mud it awful. Our only coplils found him i d a far worse time of it thei fo the Dull's has Sation, 13ts. oher up their drs and are eus trenches are to We havers. il o enow - whon the Millaps came down in spate t still. washed down lots of dead Turks & animals, while a destatee who came in say's practically all his companng has been wiped out & they had 2 Marchirce gine washed away. We tewn thast they have practically no wam clothing on beaulets, so I faney their- losses most have been summous. They are towemve wore fortinate them we are in having resernes in villages beland there they were able to lunst up at once & relieme thei trooss, while we have not got these. What one woned of course love to do would be to shome on at once & wtack them while pnocked out by th cold, brt dam apoid our trops: are not up to this after all they have nee through. I Lbot mow wher I have beem so cold. it seemed qhite impossible to keep warm atale in spite of foin not water libtle, which came in to lovely mse the first time This bizzand has come a good mouth befort it is dre as the Rdlest intabilants. tell us we ought not to eefect real thd. weathe till Jartery, when I feer we mal have more doses of this I dot thank the lurks got moning of our men during the stam but we got o lot of theirso whot had tom coe out Stor to ret away aeves the var wher they were Hlovdeld out of the Fges th Commenton .athree teaches I. 8e
fr eh sties to becaight like that Sititt do hot mow whak is to hapher here, as plans are so constenlly altered: & we may be on for amything. I wanedpit feat a bit aumvoss - but for the time of Clen.The weather is hom so contin masty bad that one camnot rety on it from one day to Authher. Aust one can hardly comnt on beingabtle to more &n by sea - for mhore them 2 nights a weet- whie treat in stores chways Serions. Of G corle have sem ths malkes the sithal fible quikshas poboling about with thei fect wrapted up in en flet Agons & Gie wnt sackfig- with thei feet. sath Bellen & weather.ire Came Iinagine reatire hom we have. &er - bstootas ofter. 18t t Joor he destruation here in. Te too ro St about Adosen & teaw brats all that slartistomn was wled up one on bot of the shere. Wence onerays on fronut tes of bover to ms. towabro in over little wipe- I flen thas is rather a gloing an cavetisee from Sant. Lites aiter. DFenchore letters hm Somist & Gent, Cox (whe Fow offout to say is how he C.M.S. & we finey whale Roger which is inthrestine. if one rectores therst. saw blo hewenth hat afeth over so aphet live trew sleeys. Sher tum very loo & theel tirn post hord on Corfle of Cermon omrplance dreplins bombs ove hist Bord Shti though DRI 3 3 4 RIt
MM 5] 3 D6A- 3375] Dardanelles Armi 8 tree 1s 3 Davina Sor My. 5 The mads are gitting worse than even, for the lant I have from yon is stell. 3 1 s tchbes, And I have just had a wire to say that an Austrian submarine has captined the wails we 6tths were Saite from here on 30th 1eft wert. Ceysay bat some of the rescied by two ladies. That is all we now & I am abraid the moyonte mnot have gone. These were all in chacce of the Kings insstenges which we haturally always look upon as quite the sefect & quickest way to seng them. I cartuinly sent one letter by nom to gon. and Leather think two for there had been no chance of witing for some time - and I think I sent latters to both Naney & Chris with Hstos & stamps. Lt is hard to remember. what letters went by that particular wail, but drather think it woued have contained boe one Iuitte from I.N.S. Lnd Netton. Iist ate wored th & addressed rememter where yon answer this if yon got one deted from there & Alted about 2oth on 25th Rovemfer I ganc it is quite possible that in it I answered - as I have done twoo if to eee limes mont about all the things non have withe about. M. Hillars morn for Chirs. all the harcds uos have sout me & all of which. I have & think recewed - gon investmnents ex. Soat it arefull anroying this soit of thing happening firct means. te here Knows where one is - what we have either of us recewed ir not iif lters are hrable to be captured one has to be so vell caweful in future to write nothing about ements here. an afard too it must he nearly certain that one him litters Thost have conedown in the want which we

it. In fact, some time ago I wrote asking you to be sure 
to let me know, as beyond you saying you were taking her up 
to town to see him, I had heard nothing of your visit -. 
Your last week's letter was 23rd Feb - one just reced is 31st.  
You probably wrote between. Would you like me to number 
my envelopes? I used to do it when I was writing Mother & 
you can then always see if one has gone astray, if you do 
not receive consecutive numbers - you might do the same - 
begin the next one 1.?  As in your last letter you still 
ask about things I have received - I write about these 
again - though I have certainly already done so 3 times. 
Do please let me know if you get this letter! I have  
received I think all the weekly parcels of fruit from 
Harrods - but not one with shortbread. Moving about as  
I have been doing this last month - a night or two everywhere, 
I haven't been able to see any of my things, & I find I have 
over half a dozen tins of fruit now accumulated here, 
so please do not send any more. I am now in a Regular 
mess at A.H.Q. where they get such things as they want, 
so really special things sent like this are not 
wanted little one - they get tinned milk etc. Steward 
is most awfully good about to such things & looks after  
me like anything. I do wish we could always 
keep him! 
The two stores have not yet arrived, but they


2) would be sure to take some time,  in the mean 
time the excellent Lotboniere has got me one. I now 
have him back on my Staff as Chief Engineer of the Army  
& Genl. Williams has gone on to Sir C Monro. I am glad 
to have old Lobo back, & he is in our mess. 
Mrs Hilton's money I so well remember writing about in detail 
& later on I also did so to Chris. Maj. Wright had always 
said he meant to do something for Chris, but beyond the 
silver Christening mug he gave him when I came back from 
S. Africa, I never thought more of it. I heard he had left all 
his money to Mrs Hilton, though I believe he gave a sum of  
£2 or 500 to Walter Numan - probably for his boy in the same 
way as for Chris. The money is all right with the Public 
Trustee there is nothing more you can do in the 
matter : he will pay dividends as due into the account at 
the Bank, as I think you asked him to do. The 
bath towels have just arrived & many thanks for them 
little one - they will do me capitally, though alas! all 
sea bathing is now over, as it is much too cold & I am 
no longer right on the beach as I used to be -  
I am glad to hear you have got the £333 all 
right. You will not get any such sum again,  
as it was only a lot of back pay I haven't spent. 
Will you please be sure to let me know if the Bank


has also been credited with a sum of about £50 or 
52 - which they should have got some months ago - it may  
have been sent as "Lodging allowance" - which was due 
for my time in Egypt, to partly cover expenses of Shepherd's 
Hotel. I see you have evidently now got my letter 
saying to invest all future savings in the war loan, so  
that is all right. Don't send tinned milk or butter, as 
we can get them both - & now that I think of it, if 2 
tins fruit have been sent me weekly, I certainly can 
only have got about one half, as not nearly so many tins 
as that have come. Did you get a letter in which I 
complained of Harrod's bad packing, resulting in some 
arriving broken to pieces, & only coming at all, by some 
kind friend having re-addressed them for me! This is  
when they are done up in paper only - but when in boxes 
they have arrived all right. There have been fearful 
complaints about mails here lately - no one had had  
a letter of any sort for about 3 weeks, when a mail  
arrived today. 
I am so thankful to think little Judith's eyes are 
all right, as I should have been most unhappy if 
I thought they were really wrong - did Cross say 
she was to do anything particular for them in the 
way of resting, bathing, or anything else?


3) I must say I quite agree it is wonderfully good 
of Capt Wray at his age serving as a Captain, but I 
presume & hope there will be no question of his going to  
France. You never told me how old Percy had returned from 
there - your father did & I have asked Fitzgerald to see 
if he can't possibly get him employment again in some  
capacity or another. 
I really don't think you are called on to take a flat in 
London to look after committees. It seems to me that you 
already do quite your share in a lot of work for the Australians 
& others, and I don't think they can complain about you,  
specially if you already spend £100 a year on general war  
I'm so glad you have been staying with the Wrays and Lady 
Robinson, as I'm sure such little outings must do you  
good, especially as Lady R. seems so very nice. But if 
you find it affects you sleeping in any way, little kid, 
by being kept up late, don't for a second hesitate to ask 
her let you go to bed as early as you like - I am sure 
it is what she herself would wish you to do.  The Red X 
matinee certainly know how to charge, as I call £2.2 
a lot for a matinee, but of course it was a very special 
reason & cause. Go & see, or write to Mrs Cliff when 
you can, as I'm sure she means well - you know 
that my A.D.C's mother, named her Father!! Me lady 
I believe she so much objects to!! 
I got your wire saying you had received mine


with the message for all your Xmas cards. I was so  
glad to know that it was evidently what was wanted & 
that New Zealanders were included. 
Col. Cole told me he had been so awfully glad to see you  
at St. Thomas', do go there again to see him if you have time 
when you are next in town. 
Would you send me from a chemist's a small bottle to 
Tatcho - or any such thing for my hair, as I have nothing of 
the sort here - except some kerosine oil!!! So tell them 
to send a half size bottle I think it is called - 
You are sending me a Lett's Diary No. 35 for next year, 
aren't you? Did you get a letter I sent you to see from my Uncle George 
about Sir Ian's despatch? 
I enclose two letters you may care to see - one is from 
this funny little man - rather a wag - who was our 
 telegraphist in Lord K's home all the time I was in 
Pretoria, & who, I told you, sent me one of those photos of 
myself swimming marked "Photo by Mrs Pankhurst"! 
I have been having a horrid & very anxious time lately  
about which I cannot write, about our future plans.  I am 
not at all happy about them & they are giving me much anxiety. 
I spend a part of every day tearing about in a destroyer to see 
my Corps Commanders & it was delightful the welcome I got 
when I went back to Anzac 2 days ago, after being away 
some time with Lord K & knocking about between here 
& other places. We have just had a fearful storm - thank goodness 
I landed before it was very bad! Goodbye my own little wife. All 
my love to you. Ever your very loving Will - 1.a.m.


4 Dec 15. 
My own darling girl 
I am wondering if you have suddenly got a big batch 
of my letters as some one here tells me his wife after not 
having heard from him for weeks has written to say that 12 
letters have appeared together! Goodness knows what happens to 
them, as they are impossible to trace. Lately our letters from home 
have been far worse than usual - I have nothing from you since 
31st October - 5 weeks ago. If however you eventually do get all 
my letters I don't so much mind. The 2 stoves have just 
arrived & will I am sure be real useful, little one. Harrods 
had packed them very well, but both were in the same box - not  
sent separately as you said. The shortbread has arrived too &  
is very much appreciated at tea which we all have together 
in the mess, where all your tinned fruit is also most welcome. 
But as I have said do not send more. 
We have just been through a really terrible time of it - worse so  
than who were there - tell me they even had in France last year. 
It began with a tremendous storm of rain & S.W. wind, which  
suddenly turned round to N.E. and came down in a regular blizzard 
of snow & sleet with 12° frost. The cold wouldn't have mattered 
so much but for the wind, which simply killed the men. 
The Corps on my left at Suvla had by far the worst time of 
it as unfortunately there is there a lot of very low lying  
ground through which run several nullahs. These all came 
down in spate, 6 and 7 feet deep and in places just 
washed men away and drowned them. Then came on the


extreme cold & men just froze. In one Territorial Division the 
men for a great part just chucked it, leaving their trenches  
& arms! Weaklings of boys I suppose who couldn't stand it. 
You can imagine how bad it was when actually over 150 men 
died from exposure and about 6500 had to be evacuated for exposure, 
trench feet or frost bite. Some of the dead were quite frozen into the 
ground & could not be removed for 2 or 3 days. A good many of 
those evacuated will of course recover but they will be fearfully 
shaken & probably not much good for a long time to come. Feet are 
the worst things - [[once?]] feet swell they cannot get their boots on 
again, while it is essential to take boots off at least once in 
24 hours or you get frost bitten. 
My own old Corps were not nearly so bad, as not only had 
they much better country for protection, but 2 or 3 months ago 
I kept urging them all to dig caves & trenches in the hill sides  
for themselves, as though timber & corrugated iron had been ordered 
for them for shelter, I felt sure they we should get bad weather 
before the shelter arrived. Consequently nearly all my men  
were comfortably provided for. Still am sorry to say some of 
my Indian Brigade came in for a bad time of it. Two 
Gurkha Regts were just relieving some Territorials when  
the blizzard came on & could get no shelter. In one of  
them, the 10th Gurkhas - about 250 men have had to be  
evacuated for trench feet, & they tell me that one unfortunate 
havildar will have to have both his feet amputated  
for frost bite - you don't feel it coming on, & when 
urged to go & get his boots off, he wouldn't do so


2) saying he was all right, & then when he had to go they 
found him in this state - isn't it awful? Our only consolation  
is, that the Turks have had a far worse time of it than 
we have :  their trenches are higher up than ours and are 
still full of snow. When the nullahs came down in spate, they 
washed down lots of dead Turks & animals, while a deserter 
who came in says practically all his company has been 
wiped out & they had 2 machine guns washed away. We know 
that they have practically no warm clothing or blankets, so I 
fancy their losses must have been enormous. They are however  
more fortunate than we are in having reserves in villages 
behind there they were able to push up at once & relieve 
their troops, while we have not got these. What 
one would of course love to do, would be to shove on at 
once & attack them while knocked out in the cold, but I am 
afraid our troops are not up to this after all they have been 
through. I don't know when I have been so cold - it 
seemed quite impossible to keep warm at all in spite 
of your hot water bottle, which came in to lovely use for 
the first time! This blizzard has come a good month before  
it is due as the oldest inhabitants tell us we ought not 
to expect real bad weather till January, when I fear we may 
have more doses of this. 
I don't think the Turks got many of our men during the storm 
but we got a lot of theirs who had to come out & try to get 
away across the open when they were flooded out of their 
trenches, their communication trenches were rivers! Rather hard


lines to be caught like that! 
I still do not know what is to happen here, as plans are so 
constantly altered; we may be on for anything! I wouldn't  
feel a bit anxious but for the time of year. The weather is now 
so continuously bad that one cannot rely on it from one day 
to another, and one can hardly count on being able to move 
troops & stores etc by sea for more than 2 nights a week - which 
makes the situation always serious. If you could have seen the 
little Gurkhas hobbling about with their feet wrapped up in 
something with their feet all swollen & every step agony, you would 
realize how we have to fear the weather. You can imagine 
I don't relish my daily trips on a destroyer - but it is often 
too rough for one to be able to get on to one - The destruction here in 
that last storm was awful - about a dozen steam boats all 
piled up one on top of the shore, which means a fearful loss 
of power to us. 
Goodbye my own little wife - I fear this is rather a gloomy  
letter. I enclose letters you may care to see from Genl Smith- 
Dorrien & Genl Cox (who I am glad to say is now K.C.M.G.) 
& one from my Uncle Roger which is interesting if one realizes 
that a few years ago he was an Atheist! 
Ever so much love to you always -- 
Ever your very loving old 
Just had a couple of German aeroplanes dropping bombs over 
us! Bad shots though 

_______ (15)


in important 
plans which 
I personally 
hate - so I 
am really 
bothered - & 
have practically 
no staff to help 
All my love then  
Ever your very  
Loving old  
3 DRL.3376 (15) 
Dardanelles Army 
8 Dec 15 
My own darling girl. 
The mails are getting worse than ever, for the last I 
have from you is still 31st October! And I have just had a wire to 
say that an Austrian submarine has captured the mails we 
sent from here on 30th last month - they say that some of the letters were 
rescued by two ladies. That is all we know, & I am afraid the 
majority must have gone. These were all in charge of the Kings messenger 
which we naturally always look upon as quite the safest & 
quickest way to send them. I certainly sent one letter by him to you - 
and I rather think two, for there had been no chance of writing 
for some time - and I think I sent letters to both Nancy & Chris 
with photos & stamps.  It is hard to remember what letters went 
by that particular mail, but I rather think it would have contained  
a long one I wrote from H.M.S. Lord Nelson. I wish you would try &  
remember when you answer this if you got one dated addressed from there &  
dated about 24th or 25th November? I fancy it is quite possible  
that in it I answered - as I have done two or three times now! 
about all the things you have written about. Mrs Hilton's money 
for Chris - all the parcels you have sent me, & all of which I have 
I think received - your investments etc. Isn't it awfully  
annoying this sort of thing happening, for it means one never 
knows where one is - what we have either of us received or not, 
if letters are liable to be captured one has to be so very 
careful in future to write nothing about events here. I  
am afraid too it must be nearly certain that one of 
your letters must have gone down in the mail which was

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Jacqueline KennedyJacqueline Kennedy
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