Personal diary of Field Marshal Lord William Birdwood, 27 September 1915 – 28 November 1915

First World War, 1914–18
  • Field Marshal Lord William Birdwood
  • War Diaries
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0th Nonth 1915 September (or to 2) 27 MONDAY (270-95) arno called f we 9.30 Fang Byng or board sore crent or to Tunbros to see S an who showed us tellpiers about the prss sitility of our hoing to send 2 Nwisuos to salailes tshelp tor greet in the event of Bulgaina attacting senia as seens libelyth all woks like a bg mndfelle up sunch debire or Rrsana your news from dnce & sha which way just tirn the scare with Ballin Sote 28 TUESPAY 127 Tiwkish oeroflere lew over us tince in in jt-sdoted bn ts which did us hain . We sue endently got ney deyly in itin as yeus fired a good ald went out to see inglopseld sevent and 161st Bde to tuches mry mn-stedying groine sve a lt gsow godlly on way back News per dance good - 23,000 pr onhd tate 29 WEDNESDAY (272-93) St. Michael and All Angels Michaelmas Day. Quarter Day went ont to 6p. Dark well raid theran Bde with Palm, who is ofg Jon Cox, sick. Went up toen new une of Huches from Swak Kun torade hill 60. 29th Prid) Bde - Van delars left In me is go with their ovy 1oth Diisen to Sarirtha in connection nite Bulgenan touble r
1657 o 5 Fay 0 a Lo Eo £::- 23.9 Fad 30 THURSDAY 1213-82) ( to2) Sept. & Oct 1915 30 4 31 Daye went to lep plank surh Godley up to Burstons BAstreyan Bde on Bs Aplx Falf roun trenches tohe - these ratn umoved speial on right- Dover- e i Brd dl. Fon Bde ttc or .E.of the sodendin sh antil in consand stsinches good. wachine fur owad e Ne, Dave or boad war restend hespts s Mles. Su Pooreherd who had it d an1t dry befie-Quiite wellse 1 Oct FRIDAY (274-911 9h 4m a.n. (Greenwich) Cambridge Michaelmas Term begins. Pheasgnt Shepting begins tent i to were e. Sc Bro and oth A by Ble. Went alog 220 B tarches up to, Lone Penc ote is eore 24 Be bincires tere- all jours on well i very good Three. Unite joued me as 5Grice shee sick of Welta- Went on board craise G after with Bageseff al 5 to erately boubandwen L minh Ban Works Guib ford. Dud hik apt grace 2 SATURDAY 1975-30) trat ont to bp with wte- Fand Iaglefied litke sick, s went eond lyndget 1620 Rr with do coste - in contrs jacing Chunnt Bain up aghyle no totiches a petty good 3 SUN--18 aft Trin [276-89) Went to Clanch parade with 19th By at heard aad Gull saffer went cond annr post nits Holue the with tet th rug conteys osteel 24B Gidley BenKrch C. 4ei t0Ha
80 10th Month 1915 October (4too) 4 MONDAY (277-88) ws stayed of for deat of born bai went abut 9- cared it all aly tie with rifle poce - citter a stabed dem on than or to celebiare an event - lertaily waste. of ammmition Went out to ref flank fill White srond 1618t of 632d Bles of 5pth i. glony teuches not dam of st eor hill 6o wit Ward. Trenches ratter inmeved S TUESDAY (27S-S7) Firidonds Ang at pant Dere of hayat white S ugt Burg up to wade his Of & 25th iver 34 alon iestne Jridge to upex -28th we pioencit thsex Out ons et 544 some wit yet got upk law of ys D 29 th rry Eeyoing, 25th – Mpes ato is, npt Cane voch with ar Chan past 1t L.N. Bel H. G WEDNESDAY (279-SS) with wite rond Iudian Bhe went in Wet syres & went rond 2 hs Perk- te with 64 36 Stich kunh - saw naw 0 in bluckes al to take b er N be Nitt, 60 - Nitrict witt I hip et ppery tom Pent in bad hetal Del 62 M 30 thtpild -54t D taret to dt thi
81 T THURSDAY (280-85) 1915 31 Days (7 to 101 October Taylor came over 11.30 swert with White ame roud 18t a 3ed Dr Nore Bde to inches with chanvel - All up No.3 Post. Destroza Hil camets himp suh to raws apex- dewss Chaygak ssazh Beit Deres- oback 4 No. 1 not back till 6 Heard on 1th Di whict had left Maders Sal h Ms Ucalle Nen 2Ms rend 8 FRIDAY (281-84) 0 Ch 42m P.M. (Greenwich) went and bt Bde Andhation fou tyme galty to in eogh done Pine with stule shing from in fan ane over to tiely at I sive tite walkes we per p Bole to g t cogpe foirg and dorees I cores soife jero. Nealy welked in to new sunch i fad 129wt yopy on Me E SATURDAV (2E2SSI wer rand 2n Lt flove Bole (Cox) o extyere right. Fonrd ings vaguas hn oa 170 bn raid surlte officers going eng I ls to 3rd by Bde- Eellaw sawe wel tote Beartly stown last night rled weghed of craft dreve weyting ashore Ibribe Ethawrager 10 SUN- 19 aft Trin (283-82) wocaptosenice with 20ts By in Pussells aftrvards Brigh then tolucks with Holues whit a 95 N.2 gensten by Bully beef tood to Pope a 19t6
32 October (n to 1s) 11 MONDAY (284-SI) 10th Month 1915 Oxford Michaelmas Term begins went rourd all N.L. gurs on left flark apo mornss. 6 Yeourtze Batteg- the 2 Naval 4t gurs we are just puting up toe shore innaids data Bara otr 60pdr 1s attery. Heary rain store came sive got sodled to the The. Godley C-avey NYchaster Hobitz with we. 12 TUESDAY (285-80) Michaelmas Law Sittings begin Ds N West round all Antatian gys srly with Hobbs. I avey, & white an came over 125 Atrs Bisloh of ching who held a topite senee low m Ian up to waller pitt age Froung 20th B4 wt Folun to hupt Igereld de gy sent I3 WEDNESDAY (285-79) west to left flark to see new Eastern Ms Bde just anwed ue Rodges -late 15 Mosan- Welsh Horse-Sulfolk & Woyoet Yeoan Iuglefield seely. Report toat wnts had mined, rigt uner our Buiches on will 60 Wew, tre oprice with Hodgson Tde roster, sfri as I tooght it was a marss nest Went gound positi there. Walker was wounded by maxun in 323 Bde toluches in arm ship- Went on board hosptal Talding is reehu, de yomgy, Audeseld ept who came tobe Waze to dine into eaunts
WUSTRALAN I4 THURSDAY [287-78) 1915 s1 Days (i4 to 17) October Fire Insurances erpire M St Jencer Brown at wrre Gth Swent alog 214 Bn t eoyly Steels ocomto posts dunis. with him and 5th Bole. 1)te o at all well o very quies. in Hcte Horsley came to dutie wett e 15 FRIDAY [288-77) 9 lh 52m p.x. (Greenwich) suddety stated sn atfact of dyerly& had to sit very togut all do Howss Ber cans tose we stors some oit. Arn e day 16 SATURDAY (289 761 by Herrses order but wohure fr G.1. 9. Setying fan tsbed to see the on veyy infut w about sy as ye arived n tos i pe user su recd recalling in lar & Brnte waite-apptg. In C. Mones to conced me totake ove command pending his arrival. Vey Law b e or in far sPoes convd do mae litss wae inti 17 SUN-20 aft Trin (290-75) Sn an 6/SHR.S. Chatan after lunch. Brenkwaite Pollen Maither with him said jodlye a bard boat as he was ging on voan mad to sy goole to admual de Ribcols. Went to hem H.S of ready tol we inade-in Chisf B.E.J. Mrs quarters. etticon acrig as CG.Sawell is ofee
84 18 MONDAY (291-74) 10th Month 1915 October (is to 20) St. Luke, Evan. Quarter Sessions Week Not very pt, 2s Adunal de Roteet who came to see me, carried we iff to N.R. commattisuhoe Capt Davdson tok -care of mne nncewis fix greater up ver compy. te boad all day - Ellison & Woodward bre ing paples of boawd fr we. 19 TUESDAY (292-731 Bearth wef Jod Ditto. 20 WEDNESDAY [293-72) 2did Dpar tis We 9. a un at thicf waite
85 2T THURSDAY (294-7I) 1915 s1 Days (21 to 2sl October Trafalgar Day (1805) Dilto came astoe in afteraon Daidion ne went by ton wall. tp 9 twvely valler Henty of wate oteanders 22 FRIDAY (295 707- Dit Hait cold caing day Ci brit soms no tursplace is very thbern as Est to H1. S. Crnwaltis tfe I am very com 7 23 SATURDAY 1296-691 O0h 16m a.x. (Greenwich) Dit. fasinat came ashe Fere trent to walt ofter tea 24 SUN-21 aft Trin (297-68) Vey wex. Parade senice on long d sct fouad t4 ushoe in afternon when if cleare up, o walk into wandses - along shore, out ince valley wvening sence in Thtans Cabris.
AU5 86 101 Momt 1815 25 MONDAY (298-87) October (s to 2 went to call or asunal on thad in morning She carse astore sive event for wall in afternon on triad-bet Bruce who kit dined with him jut care done Dorddou elle in 12. He had anfl tie being hurted while was by gens injedees se in to sat one time went dow 245 Ff. M hychop sering towe bith berg damaged by stelts dists 26 TUESDAY (299 60) to Cp Helles in voy on an Tuct W3 with Davies Cord Sth Corpo seent courd jart of his poeition with tn, ridng up to ixtre off other gerves to right to sedit Bart shad drect tee wtt jest Browad end t Dwiseer at his H.G. in the Castle ver inteesting. I teret anargenents ood 27 WEDNESDAY (300 -65) gent Sir C mon ro arrived of 5 Cnwand on Chatan Stort or 1E3pon we. West on brard to as in retenned to Corwalts to Etterton of Corrall dined. 1ORI
AVE 28 THURSDAY 130I-64) 1915 31 Days 1810 8 October SS. Simon and Jude Cattestor Sn C. Wones on Chatan ap g stool hn asfore at Repalo-net to G.H.O where be was intooduced to stal dunches with admict or mad slef can waltes wit repet- cane overto Da on Cheting - Dendsor Selterton sts conaces to bee otosee to pie d l 29 FRIDAY, 1302-637 Went, i. totep Hew tench wit goaley, you eep cof Rhreles who had leke arrived per New Leglard to lest ws all t wital anargezents- wery if after ts Gerley left, ant. I ato took us rrst a bit Fel t in china stined with te 30 SATURDAY 1303-62) wht rougther wie yully to otroyt Lone Pinc tucces wt Legge Hohmes - in .Mon2s arrived at 12 iscussed our positior - tove hn up is Pluggar Maton Ihaveften duns & courtreys posts te o agen 2. Dired on indgiion with Capt Vyvyan 31 SUN-22aft Trin (304-61) CA JO A. CCrCCMON Cor. in in sence not Bisish Phines csarly Col. came over you Gidly dwve went up to 2w It orse seyuce - then wind all then tosrches with cox. be came bad, to wch 1001
88 IMONDAY (305-60). November (ito's) Iith Month 1915 All Saints' Day. Holiday, Stock Exchange Dandtron of Cory walks was is have come a thore buss too ronger to land done a new deste s addle ing of our vor went ashore dina stow in i get. Wer onr to br. an Bde wher Hogson Nalm wsh me gve went roud they trenceses in Sht keilst to Kell 6o o nete waid ran 1622 Bll to luches Had Kg nite jerley. of ne per G.H.Q at Eick saying I was to go why there apdice be in perkit. Lef on Melg an weo 104.0 ask nol fr ScS10 p o e nitden sitratir as Mw to 49pt. I advied ets wgly tee with remain ing on Biny Marres, both a uts Mrr chean or mad scare wet to Anzac e the SWEONESDAY POISI went out tolef flant. in net with usse under Paton stell to he, but gnstley- 9 shorth reliave by N.TF. Trenches the much improved went row toen me astill nd Ist It oy Beetenches i wl thee going right on Brozh e nt to not on vey N0 host.
A0 A ton 31 W2 5 s is C 36 3 i a i i ai pai 12 89 A. THURSDAY (30S-57) (4 10 7) November 1915 s0 Dari Went over to G.H.A. Kephals. Imhos aftes break fast dan srery wrre from Lod K. waiting on me, telllig me he was coming our to nake all pednatrs for an expection standing at head Guy oos. tet be repeed Coneon of evacnating 2t5 4t 3 wa is commn Fe xpd. we ice roned trmepnes tt Palonika. I at once wiied pewesting a gainst saet expdinn as disast on s yin ha mac would continue o commnd pre- of. wnthe ice at 11. p.m. snyng War c. not rist a dagh up eticuts on which guls vars expeditin dctimus, it as I must wr Dan mentin.I rephed sregeting tng on but wy same to at y eracrutin ora te mx recisin Capponder Plot know to remain on. As I must be with iy own men. got wire early morning from See of Stete moning me I had bean appta, Cn.C.oss Meditmaneon Shy dorce t ap Mors woldgo to saliika. Wem ore to suta to see byng went some Ms left on Kcretch, tepe over titing the sex: quite panly sion, o he should be avle to how M in- Lob ohoe aldimer- C SATURDAY (310-55) Eot, urve fim Lagt. saying we would nom hold on here: mred relieved went over to my beloved Auzac in Cothe ap 1.30 o wit Herteyscott & White up to Psell's top had teg nrst-Godley-Very sad indeed at prospect of beging in Ann copss Anstratians even p lgh Cunand came lock in Cole at 64.M. 7 SUN-23 aft Trin (311-54) e ThSEm a.x. (Greenwich). Parase senice want ag to Weller in Lawprd to see ots corps. Oroke wite newier to th& of 42nd 352 Blsns saw Donglas & Lawrence Istarke of i dsuperd 3. hm.
405 11th Month 1915 8 MONDAY (312-53) November Esto 10 bor Admiade Robeck core tach setenice & Pindrs to see we Idiscnst. wik sitanon. After trinched wilk b to dspters sten to ank a h see abovt o possible Weakwate Sawpse-by Us Mertier care to bee- Gelting by er dine 9 TUESDAY 1313-52) Mohammedan Year 1334 begins King Adward VII. born, 1841 Left Kephalo at 2.30 nit Campbeell in mosgints for Prudros to weet my relivrg old llig. O anwal went or board Irad &Lord Nelson where I stayed went toding or boad chattan tolett state ove f cans with In M. 17 choche bor so Dr J. Faxwell. Sir 10 WEDNESDAY (314-51) I came Osa old Lord K anwed 8.30 in Tartorth on board Lnd Velion. We had in cetarg in ter in of te 3 Ms mc, idiscengsed plans for future in went of taving to atander Pernsula &N. scut lon wre to brime bryister with our preposat. Delighted to see him again she was atsolutel charing. We had loy tle all day be told we all about t C. avg friced ths th to wluch be was opposet on calret Fioher acquissing. Ancen E. benng K. wgld up as inssiitable- lfee she was with can attached other no, ye be ather renped Na de Rieck bad all generals bee to di we Delea +
4057 86 23 1ORI in & Si 3 2 t t I 49 TT THURSDAY 1315-50) (11 to 1s) November 1915 s0 Days Martinmas. Scottish Quarter Day, Half Quarter Day went. ashore with Lord K stod tum all evene te boops ap bindros over 1400 ren forcunsity who paraded under Binston - part hospitals & Wence to Fnd Onshalian Bde under Jorsyth inotere round past-head of Bay & several greet willages we all tunched with Althan on board Anaga returnes to Lord Nelson after 12 FRIDAY 1316 -49). te tere to hewefere to Angac, Ift wes too e so wen extn lete to stellss. Davices o in Waken in it us sive walked alon for Helles to Sed-Ef-Balr wher Guf Broward ind- us I showved to courd te place. We rresned in destoyge Lafrct at obert 25 or 20 kaMs 13 SATURDAY (SIT-4S) 111h Sm p.x. (Greenwich) toih Lord k over is anzac in daforcy - too rough to start canl duve had trancire une is for see of State who did not tile idea o eatte G.S didnot of lawing in Ayas Bay vcuting Baghdad-Egypt me. Teeis o crece much aganst it, o y wenitham it sears test inerace to tek Lower William pier divert up to walkers th takng k round truches with Helenes Legge Ek. V Areton arie to came dow to PeseeBully sou orgre, Osing at o 1ASUN - 24 alt Trin (318-471 He went to snsla to see Byngt Cops to er went Istazex or did Welcon Idid some writing went admuch in afternoon owe had bey ince ride up t B greekullge said soe gumping. roigh bozhge of i
105 92 1ith Month 1915 November (is to ir) 15 MONDAY (319-46) w Busy all morninguith K or tellgraun Vinister re plans. French have apparcetly corre to cenceisin toat a landing at Agas Bay scutting unc of Prssi is out ofs quester to say where weare i tranet while firce to salonity elen aly alloatire went wel. F in afternoo to i it the lle i hoppital ships sndan & 2 Janes Porte 2 Atonnat 18 TUESDAY 1320-45) Sn D Elliot Critish bnter at athens sWapia rit attachd anived from there to tak ove Greet quester- both Iar nex to say ken on our issung an in iediate ultenate to greece, stron in casures & fleet atte Proens seem the ony charce- Sitration work at Salonit a seem wer had. Disensoy eher wit V, all soe. He told me te hs deced oe in care you bith galepols & Salon 162 Wast £24312 o2D wetttn Olall. lat in, wcquesvay por as al He altaied in ward roon ion o lef alt di for Darthouts Nex J Salo W a at 10.30 deff Lnd Weten rreturned to Kephelos or denore Ribble an auful jouiner if it Roaing lke billyd we wes all clal t he to get in Danes cawe with we res to was unable to wck to Helle stayed on hee mas no q
18 THURSDAY (322-43) 1915 s0 Dage 68 we Novemper Gente over to Hugac hoping to go rennd tenches trip poid boding the was inpossible crving i swell & wes of boars in yester days stor - not one jurcendt boat apprc bng reff. cort. Dawes on to Helles where Idiohped y retined Tintros - in forval nunisence 964 19 FRIDAY (323-42) was goin come over to Anzac wher I jot quire sage hadk ho externed renders fo salorves II was to go hour there to teet him went down in Chela a l on board Lord Nelsa. He tells we things Salvicka are for from satisfactory. Igraid 2 c orand not mich yord grees obstructive, out wills of our advanced woops unght be cut off is cll do not rdus atence to salonila. Hent ws St Cvarnl N4 vet apre of i sato ort at 1044 sanwe apalt CS. hols wseen 20 SATURDAV ILAII tof ane g pitoS. of ord deptd deed agar allrawreth oto evacat permonta. weit to rid ats ateat in afte te e will plain. W tt dined it ath on Anagn Atters 21 SUN-25aft Trin (325-40) ATEY. CAESMEN fay k west tee an aain in Dayt vith but on t tr heavy blen which censtand all day ws not in gell I. Went ove Lad Wepson & to moriy sera a wit echtock. Wext on Darlall afteting to see K ope nele bad head cold in al by in tooe witl tig at
November InWI 22 MONDAY 1326-397 11th Month 1915 went is to Dartmorth to see Lord K was bnoy all day meking out wire re our futte plans to my deef regret reanadd evacnatin surk ony Felerd 1n396 Peter tu ct preset of Neeles - naysfe trops to Ilaids fnn to gyp i teet wtes woas like detired Wrlio-Seyan attack thre. Octusted to Lnd Win in eveny 23 TUESDAY (327-38) Had toy tall admnal Bonee in morues discussd witl latter stope re wacnation. Secha bey wm all day alts very todytof it & giving up cuzas. a jecuts ae ferrever som beyan way contan us iot swall tee ssen large frice wind on plak to saypt Drich on A2a/ onftnat ehae I died. So Sue sanceing cuaks arrived abt 10301.n. F lett O Bart ort op 2.A.M cl 24 WEDNESDAY 1328-37) Went to see Ouynat on Triad & Prre Aragan in morning to discass an orgenests Le byn doos in Bacchanle & Cspt. Boyle at 11 Fanwed nhos 4. Ltma eom with we as C.S. of i arny
2S. THURSDAY 1329-36) (25 to 2s) November 1915 30 bars Went wey to Auesg in Chalman. staff all wich me rive wentup to se new HQ. up tos jully & had to go to by new house wind alss? I am not to occupy odl cue on one betked wytens we- I saw eyle boy to say good be. We had sincl there. Tucks elting por Rive geve heart ay the uine . at 2 gidles owhite over to suvle whu we gain Byng o nes exesing to hi, Bight nby vock, withs welling destoover as we off- went to see admiral chrictes- a Eysie as we came in 26 FRIDAY 1330-351 Went to Helles in Liwford. Ad vns Christian. wall & Brithies came not me. Nee bell. whole sittatin with Deires strey wert or French H.A. whee Genl Broullard gare us an ane. Twe had lop fall afte very neavy storm cams on ne every- heag cam Itend. 27 SATURDAY 133I-34) just starbg for Huzae upt Amnat Sichalled Ediding wold proteble be impossible as only wear of dong so wuld beby wheler, which wod ptetl nt gets in is retuned adid thce work all an raed, b all aftran vh uito a eegite fezaw over coly 28 SUN-Iin Advent (332-33) an gute one swrritly colf. Shem lying on all mys sfalling at infer bals to eeryhirh day went for walk over te wills int sovo in aftenoon- like a winter day in Scottand. Very soon wind wel cold- dudely from not to ts ie W 49a

September  [27 to 29]    27 MONDAY [270-95]         9th Month 1915 
Arno called for me 9.30 leaving Byng on  
board and we went over to Imbros to see Sir 
Ian who shared us telegrams about the possibility 
of our having to send 2 Divisions to Salonika 
to help the Greeks in the event of Bulgaria  
attacking Servia as seems likely. It all looks  
like a big muddle up, much depends on  
Romania. Good news from France & Russia which  
may just turn the scale with Balkan States.  
28 TUESDAY [271-94] 
Turkish aeroplane flew over us twice in  
night & dropped bombs which did no 
harm - they have evidently got new ammunition 
as guns fired a good deal. 
Went out to see Inglefield & went round 161st 
Bde trenches with him - studying ground 
there a lot. Saw Godley on way back. 
News from France good - 23,000 prisoners 
29 WEDNESDAY [272-93] 
St Michael and All Angels. 
Michaelmas Day. Quarter Day 
Went out to left flank & all round 
Indian Bde with Palin who is [[offing?]] 
for Cox, sick. Went up their new line of  
trenches from Susak Kuyu towards hill 60. 
29th (Irish) Bde - Vandeleur left for me 
to go with their own 10th Division to  
Salonika in connection with Bulgarian 


1915 30 & 31 Days       30 THURSDAY [273-92]       [30 to 3] Sept & Oct 
Went to left flank & with Godley up to Burston’s 
7th Australian Bde on the Apex & all round 
trenches there. These rather improved specially 
on right— Down  - & then to 3rd Lt. Horse Bde. 
trenches on S.E. of Rhododendron spur. Antill 
in command & trenches good, machine gun 
commanding Snipers Nest. 
Dined on board New Zealand hospital ship 
Maheno. Saw Moorehead who had rt. arm & 
leg amputated day before - quite well & cheery. 
1 Oct FRIDAY [274-91] 
9h 44m A.M. (Greenwich) 
Cambridge Michaelmas Term begins. 
Pheasant Shooting begins 
Went up to Wire Gully & met Spencer Brown 
Cdmg.  6th A Inf Bde. Went along 22nd Bn 
trenches up to Lone Pine & then through 
24th Bn. trenches there - all going on well 
men very good & keen. White joined me as 
B.G vice Skeen sick at Malta - went on board 
cruiser Grafton with Wagstaff at 5 to watch bombardment  
of Chunuk Bair works - quite good. Dined with 
Capt Grace. 
2 SATURDAY [275-90] 
Went out to left with White - Found Inglefield 
little sick.  So went round Mudge’s 162nd Bde 
with da Costa = in centre facing Chunuk Bair 
up Aghyle Dere - trenches are pretty 
3 SUN - - 18 aft Trin [276-89] 
Went to Church parade with 19th Bn at head Monash Gully. 
& after went round Quinn's Post with Holmes - then on with 
White through Courtney's & Steel's. 21st Bn - Godley & 
Bentinck came in to tea.


October [4 to 6]     4 MONDAY     [277–88]            10th Month  1915 
Turks started a good deal of bombardment 
about G - carried it all along line with 
rifle fire— either a stupid demonstration 
or to celebrate an event—certainly waste of 
ammunition— Went out to left flank with 
White & round 161st & 163rd Bdes of 54th Divn. 
along trenches with Daniel & through hill 60 with 
Ward. Trenches rather improved. 
5 TUESDAY [278–87] 
Dividends due at Bank 
White & I met Burston in Chailak & 
went up towards his left _ by 25th Bn up 
along Cheshire Ridge to Apex - 28th Bn. 
Some improvement there but our snipers  
have not yet got upper hand of Turks. 
Paton 28th were relieving 25th purposely 
to put this right. Came back with 
Chauvel past 1st L.H. Bde H.Q. 
6 WEDNESDAY [279–86] 
Went out with White round Indian Bde 
lines. Met Sykes & went round 2 of his 
Batterys on left flank — then with 
Palin to Susak Kuyu —  saw new 
lines his trenches are to take up 
to Hill 60 - & which will I hope be 
begun properly tonight. 
Went on board hospital ship Rewa 
to see Inglefield _ 54th Div. just gone on 
board & stayed to [[lunch?]].


1915  31 Days            7 THURSDAY [280–85]             [7 to 10] October 
Taylor came over 11.30 & went with White & me 
round 1st & 3rd Lt. Horse Bde trenches with 
Chauvel. All up No. 3 Post, Destroyer Hill 
Camel's Hump & up towards Apex. Across 
Chailak & Sazli Beit Dere - & back by No.1 
not back till 6. 
Heard our 10th Divn. which had left Mudros 
for Salonika was recalled &  [[? reinforced?]] 
8 FRIDAY [281-84] 
9h 42m P.M. (Greenwich) 
Went round 6th Bde Australians from Wire 
Gully to & through Lone Pine with White 
& Spencer Brown. 
Sir Ian came over to lunch at 1 & we then  
walked over past xxxxxx Ind. Bde to 9th 
Corps going round Lovats Scouts & Fife & 
Forfar Yeomanry. Nearly walked into new & unheld 
line to Hill 60 on way back. Had tea with 
Godley on way home. 
9 SATURDAY [282–83] 
Went round 2nd Lt. Horse Bde (Cox) on extreme 
right. Found [[Snig’s?]]"bog" was now over 170 [[level?]] 
Tillard & Gurkha officers going round & took them 
on to 3rd Inf. Bde. Tillard came back to tea. 
Beastly storm last night which wrecked 
a lot of craft - drove everything ashore & broke 
both Anzac piers. 
10 SUN — 19 aft Trin [283–82] 
Went to service with 20th Bn. on Russells top. 
Afterwards through their trenches with Holmes & White. 
Also A & N.Z. guns & then by Bully beef track to 
Pope's & round 19th Bn.


October [11 to 13]  11 MONDAY [284–81]    10th Month 1915 
Oxford Michaelmas Term begins 
Went round all N.Z. guns on left flank 
also Morriss 6" Howitzer Battery. Then 2 
Naval 4" guns we are just putting up on 
the shore towards Lala Baba & the 60 pdr. 
Battery. Heavy rain storm came & we 
got soaked to the skin. Godley. C. [[Aver?]] 
N. Johnston & White with me. 
12 TUESDAY [285–80] 
Michaelmas Law Sittings begin 
Went round all Australian guns on right 
flank with Hobbs, [[C. Aven? or Aver? ]] & White. 
Sir Ian came over 1.30 - also Bishop of 
China who held a Confirmation service. 
Took Sir Ian up to Walker's top with 
Legge & round 20th Bn. with Holmes & 
Fitzgerald. de Crespigny sent to hospital ship. 
13 WEDNESDAY [286–79] 
Went to left flank to see new Eastern Mtd. 
Bde just arrived under Hodgson, late 15 Hussars, 
Welsh Horse, Suffolk & Norfolk Yeomanry. Inglefield 
seedy. Report that Turks had mined right under our 
trenches on Hill 60. Went there at once with Hodgson 
& de Costa & found as I thought it was a wasp’s nest. 
Went round positions there. 
Walker was wounded by maxim in 3rd Bde 
trenches in arm & hip. Went on board hospital 
Valdina to see him, de Crespigny & Inglefield 
who came there. Stayed to dine with Capt 
Edwards [[RAMC?]]


1915  31 Days  14 THURSDAY  287–78]    [14 to 17] October 
Fire Insurances Expire 
Met Spencer Brown at Wire Gully & went 
along 21st Bn through Steel's & Courtney's posts 
with him - and 5th Bde, 17th Bn at Quinn's. 
All well & very quiet. 
Sir Victor Horsley came to dinner with me. 
15 FRIDAY [288–77] 
1h 52m p.m. (Greenwich) 
Suddenly started an attack of dysentery &  
had to sit very tight all day. Howse & 
Tozer came to see me & took some oil. 
Quiet day. 
16 SATURDAY [289 76] 
Staying in bed for the day by Howses 
orders but got wire from G.H.Q. saying 
Sir Ian wished to see me on very urgent [[matter?]] 
at once & sent destroyer for me. Arrived Imbros to find orders just 
rec'd recalling Sir Ian & Braithwaite, apptg. Sir C. Monro to command 
& me to take over command pending his arrival. Very hard lines as 
Sir Ian & Monro cannot do more without more men & ammunition. 
17 SUN—20 aft Trin [290–75] 
Sir Ian left in H.M.S. Chatham after lunch. Braithwaite, Pollen  
& Maitland with him. Said goodbye on board boat as he was going on 
board Triad to say goodbye to Admiral de Robeck. Went to new H.Q. 
just ready & took over Commander-in-Chief M.E.F. & his quarters. 
Ellison acting as C.G.S. - as well as O.[[RC?]]


October [18 to 20] 18 MONDAY [291–74] 10th Month 1915 
St. Luke. Evan. 
Quarter Sessions Week 
Not very fit, so Admiral de Robeck who 
came to see me, carried me off to H.M.S. 
Cornwallis where Capt. Davidson took 
greatest care of me where I was fixed 
up very comfy. 
On board all day. Ellison & Woodward 
bringing papers on board for me. 
19 TUESDAY [292–73] 
Beastly wet & cold. 
20 WEDNESDAY [293–72] 
Went ashore after breakfast & did 
G.H.Q. work at Chief's quarters.


1915     31 Days  21 THURSDAY  [294–71] [21 to 24] October 
Trafalgar Day (1805) 
Davidson came ashore in afternoon 
& we went for long walk up a 
lovely valley - plenty of water & 
22 FRIDAY [295 70] 
Nasty cold rainy day. C in C's 
unit having no fireplace is very 
inferior as [[?]] to H.M.S. Cornwallis 
where I am very comfy. 
23 SATURDAY [296–69] 
0h 16m a.m. (Greenwich) 
Admiral came ashore & we 
went for walk after tea. 
24 SUN—21 aft Trin [297–68] 
Very wet. Parade service on lower deck [[forward?]]. Went 
ashore in afternoon when it cleared up & for walk  
with Davidson - along shore & up nice valley. 
Evening service in Captain's cabin.


October     [25 to 27]     25 MONDAY [298–67] 10th Month     1915 
Went to call on Admiral on Triad in morning. He 
came ashore & we went for walk in afternoon & I 
dined with him on Triad. Met Bruce who had 
just come down Dardenelles in E 12. He had 
awful time being hunted whole way by guns, 
torpedoes & mines & at one time went down 
245ft. His hydroplanes & conning tower 
both being damaged by shells & [[bursts?]]. 
26 TUESDAY [299-66] 
Went to Cafe Helles in morning on "Arno". Lunched 
with Davies, Cmdg. 8th Corps & went round part 
of his position with him, riding up to extreme 
left & then across to right to [[Sed el Bahr?]]  & had 
tea with Genl. [[Brounard?]] Cmdg. the French  
Division at his H.Q. in the Castle - very  
interesting & trench arrangements good. 
27 WEDNESDAY [300-65] 
Genl. Sir C. Monro arrived at 5.p.m. 
on Chatham  & took over command of 
M.E.F from me. Went on board to see 
him & then returned to Cornwallis, 
where Ellerton of Cornwall dined.


1915     31 Days     28 THURSDAY [301–64] [28 to 31]      October 
SS. Simon and Jude 
Called on Sir C. Monro on Chatham at 9 and took  
him ashore at Kephalo & up to G.H.Q. where  
he was introduced to staff. 
Lunched with Admiral on Triad & left 
Cornwallis with regret. Came over to Anzac 
on Chelmer - Davidson & Ellerton also 
coming across to tea & to see to lines & 
29 FRIDAY [302–63] 
I went up to left flank. Had lunch with  
Godley to meet Col. Rhodes who had lately 
arrived from New Zealand to look into all 
N.Z.I. [[? initial ]] arrangements. Went up after to  
Godley's left flank & Paton took us round a bit 
of 7th Bde. 
The Bishop in China dined with me. 
30 SATURDAY [303–62] 
Went round from Wire Gully to & through Lone Pine trenches 
with Legge & Holmes. Sir C. Monro arrived at 12 
& discussed our position - took him up to Plugge's 
plateau & showed him Quinn's & Courtney's posts. He 
left again 2. Dined on Endymion with Capt. 
31 Sun—22 aft Trin [304–61 
4h 40m A.M. (Greenwich) 
Communion service with Bishop of China early. Col. Rhodes 
came over from Godley & we went up to 2nd Lt 
Horse service - then round all their trenches with 
Cox: he came back to lunch.


November     [1 to 3]     1 MONDAY     [305–60] 11th Month   1915 
All Saints' Day. 
Holiday, Stock Exchange 
Davidson of Cornwallis was to have come ashore 
but too rough to land. “Louis” a new destroyer & a 
paddle tug of ours both went ashore during storm in 
night. Went out to Indian Bde where Hodgson & Palin met 
me & we went round their trenches in [[Susuk?]] Kuyu to Hill 
60. Then on with Ward round 163rd Bde trenches. 
Had tea with Godley. Got wire from G.H.Q. at 7 
saying I was to go over there at once for something 
very important. Left on Chelmer arrived 10.p.m. 
2   TUESDAY  [306–59] 
2nd wire from Sec of State asking for my opinion on 
situation as knew had recommended withdrawal 
of force from here to Egypt. I advised strongly on 
necessity remaining on. Byng & Davidson both 
agreed with him. Lunched with Admiral 
on Triad & came back to Anzac on 
Chelmer after. 
3 WEDNESDAY [307–58] 
Went out to left flank & up to Apex with 
Godley—7th Bde under Paton still there, but 
being shortly relieved by N.Z.'s. Trenches 
there much improved - went round then over 
to 3rd & 1st Lt. Horse Bde trenches under Antill 
& Chauvel, going right on through both 
Bdes & up to & over our old No. 1 post.


1915    30 Days     4 THURSDAY [308–57] [4 to 7]     November 
Went over to G.H.Q. Kephalos, Imbros after breakfast. Found 
[[….st?]] wire from Lord K. waiting for me, telling me he was coming 
out to make all preparations for an expedition & landing at head 
Gulf of [[? Xsos ]]- that he refused to hear of evacuation & that I was 
to command Med. Expd. force vice Monro transferred to Salonika. I 
at once wired protesting against such expedition as disastrous &  
saying I hoped Monro would continue to command force. Got 
another wire at 11p.m. saying Navy cd. not risk a dash up 
Straits on which Gulf Xers expedition depended, & that I must 
make plans for evacuation. I replied suggesting hurrying on, but 
that if evacuation was carried out all the more necessary for 
Monro to remain on, as I must be with my own men. 
5 FRIDAY [309–56] 
Gunpowder Plot 
Got wire early morning from Sec of State informing me I had 
been apptd C-in-C of the Mediterranean Expdy Force & that Monro 
would go to Salonika. 
Went on to Suvla to see Byng & went round his left on  
Keretch Tepe over looking the [[? SER ]]: quite fairly strong & he 
should be able to hold his own. 
Lobo [[Lotbiniere was known as Lobo to his friends]] & Koe at dinner. 
6 SATURDAY [310–55] 
Got wire from Lord K saying we would now hold on here. Much 
Went over to my beloved Anzac in Colne at 1.30 & 
took Herbert Scott & White up to Russell's top: had 
tea & met Godley. Very sad indeed at prospect of 
leaving my Army Corps & Australians even for larger command. 
Came back in Colne at 6p.m. 
7 SUN—23 aft Trin [311–54] 
7h 52m A.M. (Greenwich) 
Parade service. Went over to Helles in 
Lawford to see 8th Corps. Rode with Davies to H.Q. 
of 42nd & 53rd Divisions & saw Douglas & Lawrence. 
Returned in Lawford 5.p.m.


November    [8 to 10]    8 MONDAY    [312–53] 11th Month   1915 
Admiral de Robeck came back from  
Salonika & Mudros to see me & discuss the  
situation. After lunched walked with 
him to Kephalo & then to Aliki Bay to  
see about a possible breakwater there. 
Sampson, Sykes & Bertier came to  
dine here. Getting very cold. 
9 TUESDAY [313–52] 
Mohammedan Year 1334 begins 
King Edward VII. born, 1841 
Left Kephalo at 2.30 with Campbell 
in "Mosquito" for Mudros to meet my 
beloved old Chief. On arrival went on 
board "Triad" & "Lord Nelson" where I stayed. 
Went to dine on board "Chatham" to meet 
& talk over plans with Sir H. McMahon, 
Sir C. Monro & Sir J. Maxwell. 
10 WEDNESDAY [314–51] 
Dear old Lord K. arrived 8.30 in "Dartmouth" & came 
on board "Lord Nelson". We had meeting in morning 
of the 3 M’s & me & discussed plans for future in 
event of having to abandon Peninsula & K. sent long 
wire to Prime Minister with our proposals. 
Delighted to see him again & he was absolutely  
charming. We had long talks all day, he told me 
all about W.C. having forced this [[? sham ]] to which he was 
opposed in Cabinet, Fisher acquiescing. Queen E. being  
held up as unsuitable, before she was withdrawn. K. 
attacked Fisher & Co, where he [[?]] resigned. 
de Robeck had all Generals here to dinner on Lord Nelson.


1915    30 Days    11 THURSDAY    [315–50] [11 to 14]    November 
Martinmas. Scottish Quarter Day. 
Half Quarter Day 
Went ashore with Lord K & took him all round 
the troops at Mudros. Over 14,000 reinforcements 
who paraded under Burston - past hospitals & 
trench to 2nd Australian Bde under Forsyth. Motored 
round past head of Bay & several Greek villages. 
We all lunched with Altham on board "Aragon" & 
returned to "Lord Nelson" after. 
12 FRIDAY [316–49] 
We were to have gone to Anzac, but it was too rough 
so went rather later to Helles. Davies & [[ ? Jeremy or Jimmy]] 
Watson met us & we walked along from Helles to  
Sed-el-Bahr where Genl. Brouinard met us & 
showed K. round the place. Came & returned 
in destroyer Laforey at about 25 or 28 knots. 
13 SATURDAY [317–48] 
11h 3m P.M. (Greenwich) 
Took Lord K over to Anzac on Laforey. Too rough to start early 
& we had to answer wires from Sec of State who did not like idea - or 
rather G.S. did not - of landing in Ayas Bay & cutting Baghdad - Egypt 
line. There is of course much against it, but if we withdraw it seems 
[[best?]] menace to Turks. Landed Williams pier & went up to Walker's top 
taking K. round trenches with Holmes, Legge etc. McMahon & Maxwell 
came too: came down by Reserve Gully & saw Anzac, leaving at 4. 
14 SUN—24 aft Trin [318–47] 
Lord K. went to Suvla to see Byng's Corps. Monro went 
with him. I stayed on Lord Nelson & did some writing. Went 
ashore with Admiral in afternoon & we had very nice ride up  
valley to pretty Greek village & did some jumping. 
Laforey had a rough voyage of it.


November [15 to 17] 15 MONDAY [319-46] 11th Month 1915 
Busy all morning with K on telegram to Prime 
Minister re plans. French have apparently 
come to conclusion that a landing at Ayas 
Bay & cutting line at [[Missia?]] is out of the 
question. To stay where we are & transfer 
whole force to Salonika seems only alternative. 
Went with K. in afternoon to visit the 
hospital ships Sudan & Castle with 
old Sir James Porter & the Admiral. 
16 TUESDAY [320–45] 
Sir F Elliot, British Minister at Athens & [[Nafina?]] 
Mil. attaché arrived from there to talk over Greek  
question - both I am glad to say keen on our issuing 
an immediate ultimatum to Greece_ strong measures & 
our fleet at the Piraeus seem the only chance. Situation 
our troops at Salonika seems very bad. Discussing 
questions with K. all day. He told me he had decided  
to put Monro in command both Gallipoli & Salonika & that 
I was to take over whole M.E.F. viz 12 & [[2nd?]] Div's & 2 French. 
Went with him to call on French Admiral on Sarfran in 
afternoon & later went on board Aragon & Chatham. 
We all dined in Ward room & dear old K. left after dinner 
for Dartmouth & left for Salonika at 10.30. 
17 WEDNESDAY [321–44] 
Left "Lord Nelson" & returned to Kephalos on 
destroyer "Ribble"- an awful journey of it - blowing like 
billy-oh, & we were all real thankful to get in. 
Davies came with me & as he was unable to 
get back to Helles stayed on here with us.


1915 30 Days    18 THURSDAY [322–43]     [18 to 21] November 
Went over to Anzac hoping to go round trenches 
but found landing there was impossible owing to 
swell & loss of boats in yesterday's storm - not  
one [[increrst?]] boat apparently being left. Took 
Davies on to Helles where I dropped him & 
returned Imbros - infernal nuisance & loss of 
a day. 
19 FRIDAY [323–42] 
Was again going over to Anzac when I got a wire saying 
Lord K. had returned Mudros from Salonika & I was to go 
down there to meet him. Went down in Chelmer & 
found him on board Lord Nelson. He tells me things 
at Salonika are far from satisfactory. Sarail the French 
commander not much good, Greeks obstructive & it looks 
as if our advanced troops might be cut off if all do not 
return at once to Salonika. Went over Submarine H 4 with 
[[Fitz?]] in afternoon. K. went off in Dartmouth at 10.p.m.  
for Piraeus to see King Constantine at Athens. Just 
before he left wire came in from Prime Minister saying 
Govt. had definitely decided against Alexandretta &  [[itsos?]] 
was his opinion re evacuating peninsula. 
20 SATURDAY [324–41] 
Went for ride with Admiral in afternoon over 
a quite nice plain. We both dined with Altham 
on "Aragon". 
21 SUN—25 aft Trin [325–40] 
5h 36m P.M. (Greenwich) 
Lord K. was to have arrived at dawn in Dartmouth 
but owing to the heavy blow which continued all day was 
not in till 1. Went over Lord Nelson & to morning service with 
McClintock. Went on Dartmouth afternoon to see K & found 
him with bad head. Told us abt his interview with King at 


November [22 to 24]       22 MONDAY [326–39]        11th Month 1915 
Went on to Dartmouth to see Lord K & he 
was busy all day making out wire to S of S 
re our future plans. To my deep regret 
recommended evacuation Suvla & my beloved Anzac. 
Retention at present of Helles. Transfer of 
troops to Islands [[prior?]] to Egypt to meet what 
looks like determined Turko-German attack 
there. Returned to Lord Nelson in evening. 
23 TUESDAY [327–38] 
Had long talk Admiral & Monro in morning & 
discussed with latter steps re evacuation. Feeling very 
low all day at the very thought of it & giving up Anzac. 
Monro's arguments are however sound. Germans may 
overwhelm us or contain us with small force & send large 
force round our flank to Egypt. Lunched on Aragon. 
Went on Dartmouth where I dined. S of S wire sanctioning 
evacuation arrived abt 10.30 p.m. K. left for  
Marseilles on Dartmouth at 2.a.m. 
24 WEDNESDAY [328–37] 
Went to see Admiral on Triad & Monro on  
"Aragon” in morning to discuss arrangements. 
Left Mudros in "Bacchante", Capt Boyle at 
11 & arrived Imbros 4. Lotbiniere coming 
with me as C.G. of my army.


1915 30 Days      25 THURSDAY [329–36]         [25 to 28] November 
Went over to Anzac in Chelmer. Staff all met 
me & we went up to the new H.Q. up the Gully & I 
had to go to my new house which alas! I am not to occupy. 
Godley came over & we talked everything over. I saw 
the Ceylon boys to say goodbye. We had lunch there. Turks 
shelling from Olive Grove nearly all the time. At 2 
took Godley & White over to Suvla where we saw Byng & 
explained everything to him. Brought Godley back. Turks 
shelling destroyer as we left. Went to see Admiral 
Christian on "Swiftsure" as we came in. 
26 FRIDAY [330–35] 
Went to Helles in Lawford. Admiral Christian, 
Aspinall & Berthier came with me. Had talk 
over of whole situation with Davies & then went on  
to French H.Q. where Genl Broullard gave us an 
[[?]] dejeunner & we had long talk after. 
Very heavy storm came on in evening - heavy rain  
& wind. 
27 SATURDAY [331–34] 
Just starting for Anzac when Admiral signalled 
landing would probably be impossible as only 
means of doing so would be by whaler, which wd 
probably not get in - so returned & did office 
work all day. 
Rained & blew hard all afternoon & night 
turning into a regular blizzard & very cold. 
28 SUN—1 in Advent [332–33] 
An awful day. Horribly cold. Snow lying on 
all hills & falling at intervals throughout day. 
Went for walk over the hills with Lobo in 
afternoon - like a winter day in Scotland. Very 
strong wind & very cold. Luckily from N.E. men on [[?]] 
not so bad as might be.



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Jacqueline KennedyJacqueline Kennedy
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