Personal diary of Field Marshal Lord William Birdwood, 29 July 1915 – 26 September 1915

First World War, 1914–18
  • Field Marshal Lord William Birdwood
  • War Diaries
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AU5 19 i 11a 428 542 2 S Kin ind J.M W2 A e 6 < < << Coy s 23 6 3 0 30 wth 2 i 495 4 1 Pa3 Iwm 1 12 133 37 232 227 45 2B0 61 28 THURSDAY (210-155) (20 to 1) July & Aug 1915 21 Days went all orougl 2nd St. Hosse & 32d Vuf Bde trenches with Rune & Maclegan out of Killyspen & tasmana post. turts getting pretty close there Fanty quiet day 30 FRIDAY (211-154) Comtily Went rond Qu lag. Bll with Iorsyth off uere Otagos, are & Ors Williton of preciors vear buried in In Ble tenthes by tik Scdteuly op lina on iss spelcions 75 hear gettng us. Water difficulties getting great. Di hit on beach went on board hospital slp Rena Well Six fo styl sbeen back 31 SATURDAY (212-153) Tymnity Law Sittings ond Te French Admiral giepratts with his Ha Cap. off carse to see me o wit them up to Olligge patear to see trinchss. Very quiet-day at ight. 11th wel Anstralian o altacte Stook wisk toeuch in front gtten atTesmana post o Yt. Pank. Heavy fire all night. We kd 10 brilted 70 unded tut att 7skilkd we occpe te trendy 1AUG SUN—Saft Trin (213-152) Lammas Dey, Scottish, Quarter Day Went roud the buches aben bst night men very cunded stred, but pleased with tanselve. Ainst day Sncun did not 57 to courte-arack- gies night.
057 62 August (2to4) 8th Month 1915 -2 MONDAY (214-151) (0h 27m p.x. (Greenwich) Bank Holiday. Royal Academy closes great anxiety about water- No water boats arrivet engine brother down - water lighters euply or love- aothere came over Alto ox C.Os of his 4 Bus in advance of Boe Staw Condg, Bt Dwinn Sieveral tiis officets came ovg i advance sstayed S TUESDAY 1215-150) took Coy ball officer of 29 t b 165 Bde up to left plans to with round wint 32d St Boe to lucke, oteo Bull eaf tach is Poes, wich went ro with glasgow - tures stilled veach heairty in evey, sinting a pence S 4 WEDNESDAY (216-149) west roug 1st coration. Ode tuiches in pgt of Jstos Jot 2 aere ie war winian wit we who am god Werr had not amold pron twvis as 4E8 rIf ipuler 1rop of Shaws 13ts Div. 38t2- 39 t 90th Brgals seore cemprewents, annoy dur the wynts I am floy to say so for in septy diing strelting isterbats. shad cell to all anstratian Bin p errs Sait 0 10R
S THURSDAY (2IT-IAS) 1915 s1 Days (5 to e) August Salled roud Battations of 13t wersed wit shaw. all K5 her us we all secwed Irt. thttes Cate. B.N. our wards Canding iflice fever - a great regut as te was such 0 a food fawworking fellers gooddest shelling in even saw all Gidleys I Shavs Birfatics ol0s in afteraon S FRIDAY 121S-157) tunks attack) I canes por 440 wnc we taten 314. They got into it sap eve tie appeutly held narg all g y but were anse int again with wes to is both Remand a Steyw Di Stops wide arrived early, byt were brought in so tate that day adbriken ot were seen sshelled. Wert E hie an Bole inmoiy. we begn big attack on tikid positin. Shw bom bsedne ofhis busdes all day Isay at sives showet a Dr pon 4.30 -5.33. Bacchauts & Bore joured i at 5 on Moster Pridge ollag re. Jet Anchabey 1 Bde ide Sutr ctagged or per or lcks in is sone oe at 5 leber eneors cl pe brite out. Bde took positio okeJSGTURDAV 1219-130ut At 9. Grdley with. N.2 OUKA SADW. 2 Bdes, Shau's 13t Div. & Cox 5 29t and ode spnte on most difficul shagnders infet march roud left flank sattagle San Barr hill, Ther took old No.3 Posp. Table top. Banchos bill ek mox gallantly, fis under core of Distozes gearchlight sgane. I fety went on all might Even where. At 12 German officers trence was attached sparted. At 4.30 abact were made you ann Pope sat-Nct. All paited. N.2SB Di wde nasuficent night march on ealy to top of hill, cup n asun-1al 2 174 in 27 in Long Ping. didn se aeld up2 max Bighe centnad elf Jay, Lone Pire beingreld, Of Godlly not making progress. I went out to see him in afternon dernanged gued attack 4.9.m. St. Stoppe land ed Suola Bay night tth note 13pes to mak goo fow oou left, by progresng See Jeba Al& lilfle 1001
1657 64 8th Month 1915 9 MONDAY (221-144) August (s ton) Had to emendors bou badme Chanah Ban all giys & shops 430-515wher Cor's oBaldiis Bolls stored crest on left N. 2 nt M. Bde but laited Apparently or of Coxs Rats got up was dusen off Balden appaicetly never got hear till long after swooks as if no seriors atttift was made. went oit to see Godley &In Vay aniver t he abot 1.30 sitater unchanged to royhort day not possible to attac again yet Is do onot herps will be able to hold out sadion a later. Ist. Aush Oide tiok An H bluch t die Pi angekey aned me as I0 TUESDAY (222-1431 9O10h Bm P.Y. (Greeanc Tarcs swilts was Trench or top Chanat San and taken by the wisks in early morning- Ieard that parts Cors & Baldwns Bde reached crest yesteday mor but were shalled off by Bacchante-most unfortunate & may just upest alf our ans, sspecially now toat we have veer unned of tof. Wey over to see Gorlley oShaw but both said Corta attack ahossille as me wee so beat odisirgon iee. Our casaelle since oth now alit 10,000, but we have kilfed enermors mber of tualss Capt700-9 hexirs -2 trenc maters &1 Noden fe IIWEDNESDAY (223-142) F Manter Pa ehododledi o lost Anst right to e tork toen it again- Water tenible, anxiety. wennort tosee gidler. Ianly quiet day AWe tnks still constanty ataciy dune ist Jt. Ble Hass bee reduced from wtbe to god- twlish weres very heave 2968
1915 a1 Days 12 THURSDAY (224-141) A310 n/ Angne Grouse Shooting begins went out to Gostey other or to Coxs H.& atthe prk of Hignyl Dere - one very dangears bit-being completey swept with 75 Shrapnet altbusting ver tow I dead wcles, & corpses tying Wid we how hold a tower time betow fart Water anxistes still tenibe Cuintin Agnew arrived to take ove 29th Bde 13 FRIDAY 1925-140) Did not go round wack a mnch to be done wee Water difficulty acuty. ben Godley in fy in N.2. MM. Pide genld bar 14 hold on less water reached then soo ffur-hade great efforts on Rhodsdeydron sive got out a fanr anount Sang guedt day. 14 SATURDAY (226-139) An Went roud rifit plank with et2 taling him rourd Qur Lt. pore & aad 14 Obligades. ainst day. 15 SUN-II aft Trin (227-138) Went out to see crodley on left in after min to bex in eor, dotskame see abut wates. anot day 00
66 8th Month 1915 August (ic to 1s) 16 MONDAY [228-1371 tok Ar gete roust Ames coustinys osteels hod in iegurg with chanvet - Tora to Iwalker Ertan an out shelling in Afternoon. Ashuread - Barthelt came to See we. I7TUESDAvm nty with Went outt ay andshey stork un rond tyastes bde let ank totches on Asma Den st of posito colling left. 18 WEDNESDAY [230-135) D 2h 17m a.n. (Greenwich) weet -round all the turting tTches Ten captured us in deve Purg tust - they are very stave sate stetter mde o Gelln pie are excellent OR1 A
1057 < 2 5 6 N 53 33 t t e 53 19 THURSDAY (231-134) 1915 n Days (19 to 22) August went all roud Cox's indian Bde benches on Extreme left on Wamale lph Ban, in quite of in innce couto strack ternes even in grod etle 5t gehas y stong te sih mostly uside up by Patrata I losses wrlks jrching up after thin on9th 22 Mr new oth Hustration H6 B. anr1 20 FRIDAY [232-1331 Black Game Shooting begins went to sa Col. Holunes, S t2 On. 17t810 Ofttr Lan 5th Mnst. Bde which fed anw yen Esgpt. a bern pe body of mcy but apprently lt6nan then went up to Pussells to- theigh trenche held 321. St. Kone Bill with Sythes so is Pofes hill to see 7 St. Kose Mde Glazew. Ellison shoe came to see ue in afternoon. 21 SATURDAV 1233-132) tolet out to left. Pub. Dur Gilman. S.S.O. 1sts Div. san 30th BDE thve Knakhbull. 39th. Cayley 320th Travas. stayed some time with willoughby Cheshnes om afternoon wathe advance 9th Corps supported on right by Cxobssell with mise N.J. Aian SHrt. Rgt. Grlat aien tor place all u valley stsof advanced very onely under heavy shell fre but back toget as pr as whills starsn fell tack at in get Our lest Winon J 22 SUN-12AH Ti 1234- 1317 to shoak Kugh. went out to Gockens but got unc from Sir (an saying he wanted me to come to impurtant conprence at Tuola, so went vack nrth him on Armor Hadtalk thee with Dr Risle preent. H. B. pup sat was to withdhaw pr 3note 12 c 2 s oplosed, &e for prestige I teue I saw nothng to do with to ros withdawn we wre hold hill
1657 1A 68 8th Month 1915 August (23 to 25) 23 MONDAY (235-130). de Crespen stth joued ue from Adey as HDe went out is lef fram sai rou extrane left of position with yodlee Cor- Aussell sugrew. Omr left now t roul for trard from Katiat, kugty to Sersat Fuyn utee gter Corps sarld You it ot it gve falla lac to N93192 Chan - Ony to sres trete day in advane to tis about 1000 - bles Lean 24 TUESDAY I238-123 O9h Alm p.x. (Greenwich). St Bartholomew, Ap. Went rowd seng Bujade with him swalter in afternoon St tre todmher. 25 WEDNESDAY (237-128) ih at to se gostler Wo to -vey noto th o te
057 IAN 1OR 28 THURSDAY [238-127) 1915 s1 Days (26 to 20) August toent coud ill Awtatian Artilley in aftenay with Walte Jnven 27 FRIDAY (239-126) went in brawd nspected to G Ber N.Z. Royuld sliep morne just arrived. Godler- Howse-Essen onox came too. is very fie ship well give. way strarght vack with yorley to will over Chaital Dee yur wthe we watche burtanwent saffact of or I Russell trays on hilt o0 up Aswa were wery after viz, bun and wery enemy tunches seend fill we pear fure bukeent on our atranse. N.2.19.R & marky avronce inoy getenty stork talf wurls night- 28 3r6ar 12 12 Went rowd Rusesls top in afternoon to see 2oth which under Hotues of 515 Pede has how ien over tshe from Hrghs 2 320 Lt. Plosse. Hear Connanghity were bomnb out of tin Frenches Ast. might so arrangeents dad to be rade to retake to h triigt a great ded opgtiy generally all ro t bonct wil sor canaities about 500. 10th 271th L. None Egts air war. 29 SUN-13 aft Trin (241-121) went worth godley & cox all round our tept ti c- 1oth wilkes at Susn Kuy well. ter be bt ssty to Kahals feryn sp to Raragit Agnalg to see hill 60 which Lt. flosse got lst nght snhich we now hold. a long day- some ellevey near again-
WUSTRAIHAN Ang & Sept (so to 1) 30 MONDAY (242-123) si & 0th Montts 1915 went with crodley up Rhododen dur spar to see New 2eslad refety. Ottagos & Wellingtow - a toluendow cliit up sone seet allthss more wpat a winde pot pepmang it was on injut oth. went up of Chartah stack by sazll Beit Dere- a good deat of ghelling towards month for wer as we went up omrules since killed– Beach a food dead sglled in evening I ohiv grove for going right to godley's nost 3I TUESDAY 1243-1221 can wittee to see bezed in fr office wak. about our winter requirements 1 Sept WEDNESDAY (244-121) (2h 57m p.n. (Greenwich Partridge Shooting begins Tle went out with Skeen waler o5en on to lugre eld who had just anived in Ct ta 59th tenitorial Dwisten - saw 8 Dam et one of his Brigadi a fan Busselt. Naragit. Egatte r
2 THURSDAY (245-120) (2 to s] September IDISNSN e H from Waiteri 6 but he did i te i wert gend Chathant Post with Rrane- 32d Lt Norse Bde it t afteneo tell terli did good deat steth 3 FRIDAY (246-1IS) with went round i iches of 59th Dwisan in repeld- Han 9t-Cerdg 1614. Boll wans end 1632 Ble on Extstene Off tuck recente, valated by 4t anshalian Bde on extrare lefte on Kans Hhe way to rh tiucks our ha take will to- surcl vey bad toty dead still tyng about Aomnal de Hobeck came ashue to see We in wein 4 SATURDAY (2AT-11S) went rowd Popes sdunes posts with Holos p 17t B of New 5th Onstalian Osde Janne Just tater toh ove from 1o/. Ansbatian St. Plone Bde sto dar IGlasgen ints for dl Horse stell up the uk few incepanding over oshouing t new 1uf. what to do. I Bo. Bey will be all right S SUN-I4aft Trin (248-117) was to cemmion service ucks 20d S Feax Bole -4t plor & 125 Be Mm al Lord 32d p. Rile trackes. throw dears & cas waing Posts von to dove Pure utor a r boke my enscipe 40 43s Be to H. SLne Pons ihd retter b suh oswelhsbob
AUS September Cowe 6 MONDAY (249-116) 8th Month 1915 went on to lept flanks to Godley- then Charilck Dere Kcan near of uluch Mozagh usess ine sove went up to sx 1sth 2ats Brs on spins facing fam - He Braits waite me we se werg up to Dpex abse. N.2. N. R are nite maons over all rad it st villets very wry un head for apex, iself Hed tex wit your o way back T TUESDAY (250-115) desar arrived from 2yiht with 2 Boles 2nd Aahan Dursen - Mis Ship Southlany bain been torpedoe hea Tubros. All wk is bosts but sut not didn't go donng sgt into Endes i ber own stran dranng 37 ft Mras. dinton Cn) ble Bde Talrp 30 me chairD. degge &In Repeld cane see me i mor. Went road pt ots Be tinche with d wom th naftoy - 220 relie oth Clli 24 Mohgwt JiCop Waw 1 yo goig ms i SMcon Serk severt eond werk ou torey madges 162nd Bde with wgleh i als t Londors I Beds. Bde is 104 can lyonash on right & waier sts Ne A Or 614 Ble on left- y posit senes of ridges. 1ORIE
105 RM 1ORIA 9 THURSDAY (252-113) (s to 12l September 1915 s0 Days Jewish Year 5676 begins O10h 5Sm a.x. (Greenwich) went round steels pot trenches with Legger - 215p Dy d 6t Bde just relieigtr 5h 14 of 2nd Bo tbe - Io eth stell in cirbond. The Treydly Yavat Cn. C. Wunnal Nicol & encial Bartlond came gey in, afternon o wd tstin up on Plugges patear to l wves waition towads aurnus fost 10 FRIDAY (253-1121 went all rowd Coxs 29th trdian Boe plank to well a such knin to Nil 60 6 gusn to see thelepeld tinls did a tr a shilling of Gurlefo to Enches sater on of Phods cedin sp was hits yodley. Kees came to t see the 11 SATURDAY (254-III) Hat to go bes rogh reconvenlatin £ all money, sirait for Elhior who cdnt cme wey all cor ish Lt. Fors Bde hew to jck sances hit No. 1 Pot ek wt godly schanvet. I2SUN - I5 aft Trin (255-1101 Ember Week Went to Chrish Veryo nerts H. DW. Ren po curity heand Wellly Doster ist a merc saily tling seyuce. Then went rod hem blsae barck fn W are Zully is ofsor done Pine - very ye wad Ma
September (is to 1) 13 MONDAY 1258-1037 9th Month 1915. 1 ty 50th Brithdan Isher at recedendation all morn whh up to Rnssells lp with Legge see 2ou Br now conputably settto Yor thme omnce in proved- alert ohee way. Have put up much tew wire. Went on board Nevassa to dine witt Col Bird. 14 TUESDAY (25Y-19S) ane atose I too of this Sen Bde shm Wond Qud dob. Koise & 3no 1e tencks came over fo Suots £ Peiter Altan &Elligan I5 WEDNESDAY (258-1O7) Ember Day went out to lept plank saw Godly oto went eued to see Burston (late Lend Wayor of Tellomn) nenty arrived 7th Anst Bde on totiches origially held by Monnt pist Paton’ 25th Anceden Bn-Bm Collelts 28th W. Anstrahan on apgx where I did not pnd toigs gt all atsfactoy spent a long tre too telling to awhep todo. Dusster 59 old no qlicers of expenince 8 3o 3
45 3 3 3 CS t . 1 2 o E 54 4 X4.C 23 19 A is 2 5 18 THURSDAY 12SS-1Ob) (is to 10/ September 1915 30 Dags 7 Th2lm a.x. (Greenwich) Gerisan aropenc deep be a banks in ines, but aell in sea went ott teft flant saw th gtepeld wes had beay seedy othen wey on to 1618 Bae sevent round it trincres with da Costa- on to 1632 Bde rin tarnated by wait & cent-all row Hill 60 tsmchs yet him much improved sing I was but there son ill still vad, Mef Maton of Grdlen H O lets 17 FRIDAY (260-105) CEN Sntat wes y te brtued saying if was too rough at Tumbros, So sent arns over to we of went over tere. went to walt tore in eve in practically case by time we got. As ne. Y lster tuned ont to be vigace on straven or aboiture atack all a long une Wbros t n3ac about 124 Aule ceeged gatth cld. Gernon plancs flem over use at I seized in bot arodeare in an cout Dine wit de oved 18 SATURDAY 126L-104) t tiras Ember Day Went on board Triad to call or V.A. de Pibect 3d to Bacchate to see Bozgle In afternoon went for said n the swall an shil recently arrived. Hear n eavy vornvaninen gunderly start Dear Anzac, so yo Capt samson to tke the over were whete be did in lare tr- ple wap up 7000 p oflnaf aby 70 i. an hom - fing 19 SUN- IGaH Trn (262-193) Pande seiva in morning. werk to welk juts in fan inp i, light house shome Ofth prach. Cane on whron Iiold at N. 94
1 stn Month 1915 September Co to 2) 20 MONDAY 1263-1021 Watted with Angtesy in Mornig wound by the Bay & to town o Keptato. Weleft keptatos in T.C. C slive. at 5 Sgot back to Auzac. 6. alt welt- Butlets stell couing in. QI TUESDAY (264-101). St. Matthew, Ap. came over at 1st tork. nt t Sir tay lark taking him with Chanvelo 64 uthe t Burster up to creshire ridge from civld see Apex & Far. 22 WEDNESDAY (265-100) Went round from wne guth with Sex. the roit 222dn ( ynch) on wane Pnc where 24th En Wate fat jnot relieved 23rd. snytts, Wnencer mowne the hew Brifagger care not us. All these been Bss are maguificeng evey 24 very cheen spitt of fight
23 THURSDAY [266-99) (2s to 20) September 1915 30 Days O9h Sima.x. (Greenwich) went rure t left of were gully with myt Inenca Bcour ark of 22at Bn-219 Victurars under Harris in steele post & contrens- then to Quns rtue Kolies of St Bdg, I Godsand of 17th N.S.W tuct we - things hee MACh inproved- Admief Weingss cane is stat 24 FRIDAY (267-98) tork wenyss ra ipet By Wls 2n dt. Hone Boe Dwthy e Bde i rene alt he saw in way with the 25 SATURDAY 1268-e7) you came i in aras Wef en were stoob tim to Northy fries 454 indificeds Dar quartees - alse sern Sth Dir. Antton Me trencies. Ten te Scotti Fons wea Strenkingh whoe Pete & cullibied ie thet us oe went along then tluches. 26 SUN- IT ah Trin (269-86) went to moring sence wits sty M. Ade on Psselts top with teven es. They went all cord Eots Br Blyches irs tos beck & down to Plonar gulty, np to Pones coin 194 Bn who had we t trinctes impossibly deep

1915  31 Days  29 THURSDAY [210-155]  [29 to 1] July & Aug  
Went all round 2nd Lt. Horse & 3rd Inf         
Bde trenches with Ryrie & Maclagan         
out on Holly spur & Tasmania post.         
Turks getting pretty close there -         
Fairly quiet day.     

30 FRIDAY [211-154]
Went round 2nd Inf. Bde with Forsyth - Courtney's         
post where Otagos are & Quinns, Wellington.         
Got precious near buried in 2nd Bde trenches by         
Turk 75s suddenly opening on us & precious         
near getting us. Water difficulties getting         
great. Dix hit on beach.         
Went on board hospital ship Rewa to see Dix,         
Cunningham & brought Sheen back.

 31 SATURDAY [212-153]         
 Trinity Law Sittings end 
The French Admiral Guepratts  with his [[Maj?]] Capt           
off came to see the [[os ?]]  took them up to Plugge's         
Plateau to see trenches. Very quiet day         
At night 11th West Australian Bn attacked & took         
Turk trench in front of them at Tasmania post on          
rt. flank. Heavy fire all night. We had 10 killed         
70 wounded. Turks about 70 killed and we occupied their trench. 

 1 AUG SUN—9 aft Trin [213-152]         
 Lammas Day.  Scottish Quarter Day         
Went round the trenches taken last night - Men very [[crowded?]]        
and tired, but pleased with themselves. Quiet day & enemy         
did not try to counter-attack - quiet night.         


August [2 to 4] 2 MONDAY [214-151]  8th Month 1915
9h 27m P.M. (Greenwich)         
Bank Holiday.    Royal Academy closes
Great anxiety about water. No water boats         
arrived - engine broken down - water lighters empty         
or gone -  Lotbiniere came over - also Cox &         
C.Os of his 4 Bns in advance of Bde         
Shaw Cmdg. [Commanding] 13th Division & several of his         
officers came over in advance & stayed.      

3 TUESDAY [215-150]  
Took Cox & all officers of 29th Indian          
Bde up to left flank to look round -         
round 3rd Lt. Horse Bde trenches , & temporary      
Bully [beaf?]] track to Popes, which         
went round with Glasgow. Turks shelled         
beach heavily in even'g, sinking a [[pinace?]]        
& 2 horse boats.

4 WEDNESDAY [216-149]
Went round 1st Australian Bde trenches in         
front of Johnston's Jolly & Lone Pine works         
taking Williams with me who I am glad         
to say had just arrived from India as my  
Chief Engineer. 
Troops of Shaw's 13th Div., 38th, 39th, 40th         
Brigades & some reinforcements arriving during these  
nights & I am glad to say so far in safety         
during shelling intervals.          
Saw & had talk to all Australian Brigadiers &         


1915  31 Days  5 THURSDAY [217-148]   [5 to 8] August
Walked round Battalions of the 13th         
Division with Shaw - All K's men [[asking?]] -         
Men all seemed fit.        
Cater R.N. our Naval Landing Officer Killed         
on the pier - A great regret as he was such         
a good hard working feller.         
Good deal shelling in even'g [evening] .          
Saw all Godley's & Shaw's Brigadiers & CO's          
in afternoon

6 FRIDAY [218-147] 
Turks attacked Leane's post 4.45 which we had taken 31st -          
They got into it & at one time apparently held nearly all of it,          
but were driven out again with loss to us both - Remainder Shaw's         
Div. & Cox's Bde arrived early, but were brought in so late that         
day had broken & they were seen & shelled. Went round Indian Bde  
in morning. We began big attack on Turkish position: slow bombardment         
of his trenches all day. Heavy. All guns & howitzers on from 4.30 -5.30.         
Bacchante & Monetaire joined us at 5 on Mortar Ridge & [[.long.res.?]
1st Australian Inf. Bde under Smythe charged over from our
 trenches on to Lone Pine at 5.30 when tremendous Turk fire broke 

7 SATURDAY [219-146]        
out. Bde took position and kept it throughout night. At 9, Godley with N.Z.       
& A Div, 2 Bdes, Shaw’s 13th Div. & Cox’s 29th Ind Bde started on most difficult         
& hazardous night march round left flank & attacked Sari Bair Hill. They         
took old No. 3 Post - Table top, Bauchop’s Hill etc. most gallantly, first  
under cover of destroyer's searchlight & guns. Fighting went on all night.         
Everywhere. At 12 German officers’ trench was attacked & failed. At 4.30         
attacks were made from Quin’s , Pope’s & at Nek - All failed - N.Z. & A.         
Divs made magnificent night march & nearly got to top of hill, but just 

 8 SUN -10 aft Trin [220-145]         
didn't - & were held up - 2 maxims taken by them & 7 in Lone Pine.         
Fighting continued all day, Lone Pine being held, but Godley not         
making progress - I went out to see him in afternoon & arranged         
for general attack 4.a.m. - 8th. Stopford landed Suvla Bay night  
6th with 1  2/3 Divs to make good ground on our left, but progressed little.         
See[[ Fehra? Ace ?]]       


August [9 to 11]  9 MONDAY [221-144]  8th Month 1915 
Had tremendous bombardment - Chanak Bair all guns & ships.         
4.30-5.15 when Cox’s & Baldwin’s Bdes stormed crest on left N.Z.         
Inf. Bde - but failed. Apparently one of Cox’s Rgts got up but         
was driven off. Baldwin apparently never got near         
till long after & looks as if no serious attempt was made.         
Went out to see Godley & Sir Ian arrived there about 1.30.         
Situation unchanged this roughest day - not possible to         
attack again yet & I do trust troops will be         
able to hold out & advance later. 1st. Aust. Bde took         
another trench in Lone Pine.      
Angelsey joined me as [[ALSC?]] 

10 TUESDAY [222-143]         
10h 52m P.M. (Greenwich)  
Trench on top Chanak Bair held by N. Lancs & Wilts was         
taken by the Turks in early morning - Heard  that parts Cox’s &         
Baldwin’s Bde reached crest yesterday morn'g but were shelled off         
by Bacchante - most unfortunate & may just upset all our         
plans, especially now that we have been turned off top. Went         
over to see Godley & Shaw but both said counter attack         
impossible as men were so beat and disorganised - Our casualties          
since 6th num. about 10,000, but we have killed enormous number of         
Turks - Captured 700 - 9 maxims - 2 Trench mortars & 1 Nordenfelt.          

11 Wednesday [223-142]         
Half Quarter Day 
Quiet night. We took trench on Rhododendron Spur & lost         
it again. Water terrible anxiety.         
Went out to see Godley. Fairly quiet day.         
Turks still constantly attacking Lone Pine         
Where 1st Inf. Bde has been reduced from         
2900 to 900.  Turkish losses very heavy.


1915 31 Days  12 THURSDAY [224-141]  [12 to 15] August         
Grouse Shooting begins  
Went out to Godley and then on to Cox’s H.Q.         
at the fork of Arghyl Dere - one very dangerous         
bit being completely swept with 75 shrapnel         
all bursting very low & dead mules & corpses lying         
thick.  We now hold a lower line below farm.         
Water anxieties still terrible.         
Quentin Agnew arrived to take over 29th Bde. 

13 FRIDAY [225-140]
Did not go round trenches as much to          
be done here. Water difficulty very acute.         
Godley informing me N.Z. Inf. Bde could hardly         
hold on unless water reached them soon         
on Rhododendron Spur. Made great efforts         
& we got out a fair amount.         
Fairly quiet day. 

14 SATURDAY [226-139]         
Went round right flank with Angelsey         
taking him round 2nd Lt. Horse & 3rd         
Inf. Brigades.         
Quiet day.

15 SUN - 11 aft Trin [227-138]         
Went out to see Godley on left in         
afternoon, Lobo came here in morning to         
see about water. Quiet day. 


August [16 to 18]  16 MONDAY [228-1371   8th Month 1915         
Took Angelsey round Quin's,         
Courtney's & Steel's posts in morning         
with Chauvel, Forsyth & Walker         
Certain amount shelling in         
Ashmead-Bartlett came to         
see me.

17 TUESDAY [229-136]         
Went out to left flank with         
Anglelsey & took him all         
round Monash's Bde left         
flank trenches on         
Asma Dere - strong position covering left. 

18 WEDNESDAY [230-135]         
2h 17m A.M. {Greenwich)         
Went round all the Turkish         
trenches recently captured by         
us in Lone Pine just - they are         
very strong & all shelters made of green         
pine are excellent. 


1915 31 Days  19 THURSDAY [231-134]  [19 to 22] August         
Went all round Cox's Indian Bde         
trenches on extreme left on Damakjelik         
Bair in quite open nice country - fields &          
blackberries.  Men in good fettle.         
5th Gurkhas fairly strong. 14th Sikhs         
mostly made up by Patiala Inf. - 6th          
Gurkhas bucking up after their losses         
on 9th.         
H.Q. & 2 Bn's new 5th Australian Inf. Bde arrived.         

20 FRIDAY [232-133] 
Black Game Shooting begins         
Went to see Col. Holmes & the 2 Bns - 17th & 18th         
of the new 5th Aust. Bde which had arrived from Egypt.          
A very fine body of men but apparently little trained.         
Then went up to Russell's top through trenches held         
by 3rd Lt Horse Bde with  Hughes & on to Pope's hill         
to see 1st Lt. Horse under Glasgow.         
Ellison & Koe came to see me in afternoon.

21 SATURDAY [233-132]         
Went out to left flank with Gilman. G.S.O. 13th Div.         
Saw 38th Bde under Knatchbull, 39th, Cayley & 40th Travers.         
Stayed some time with Willoughby, Cheshires & in afternoon         
watched advance 9th Corps supported on right by Cox & Russell         
with mixed N.Z. Indian & Aust. Rgts. Great bombardment took place         
all up valley & troops advanced very finely under heavy shell fire         
but failed to get as far as W. hills & rather fell back at night        
on left [[through ?]] to Susak Kuyu.         

22 SUN 12 aft Trin [234-131]
Went out to Godleys but got wire from Sir Ian saying he wanted         
me to come to important conference at Suvla, so went back with         
him on "Arno". Had talk there with De Lisle present. H.Q. proposal was to         
withdraw from Suvla this de L & I opposed, Le for prestige, I because         
I saw nothing to do with troops withdrawn & [[?]] we must hold hills         


August [23 to 25] 23 MONDAY [235-130]   8th Month 1915         
de Crespigny 56th joined me from Aden         
as [[ALSC?]]. Went out to left flank & all         
round extreme left of position with Godley,         
Cox, Russell & Agnew. Our left now         
[[thrown?]] forward from Kabak Kuyu to         
Susak Kuyu where 9th  Corps should join         
it, but they have fallen back to Kazlar         
Chair - Our losses yesterday in advancing to [[  's?]]          
about 1000 - enemys heavier -         

24 TUESDAY [236-129]         
9h 41m P.M. (Greenwich).         
St Bartholomew, Ap.        
Went round Ryrie's Brigade with         
him & Walker in afternoon. [[Lloyd?]]         
came to dinner. 

25 WEDNESDAY [237-128]         
Went out to see Godley         
in morning. Very hot &         


1915 31 Days  26 THURSDAY [238-127]  [26 to 29] August         
Went round all Australian          
Artillery in afternoon with         
Walker & Henderson.

27 FRIDAY [239-126]         
Went on board & inspected the new N.Z. hospital         
ship  Moreno [[should be Maheno]] just arrived. Godley, Howse, Esson & Clark         
came too. A very fine ship & well done.         
Went straight back with Godley to hill over Chailak         
Dere from where we watched bombardment & attack of          
Cox & Russell's troops on hill  60 up Asma Dere.         
Even after big bombardment enemy's trenches seemed          
tall & very heavy fire broke out on our advance. N.Z. 19.R &          
Connaughts advanced most gallantly & took half Turk         
position - heavy fighting went on all night.          

28 SATURDAY [240-125]         
Went round Russell's top in afternoon to see 20th         
Bn which under Holmes of 5th Bde has now           
taken over there from Hughes & 3rd Lt. Horse.          
Heard Connaughts were bombed out of their trenches last night so         
arrangements had to be made to retake them tonight. A great         
deal of fighting generally all round [[using 60 nictre?]] hill & our         
casualties about 800. 10th & 11th Lt. Horse Regts arrived.         

29 SUN - 13 aft Trin [241-121]         
Went with Godley & Cox all round our left line. 10th         
Gurkhas at [[Susak?]] Kuyu well. Then by 6th, & 5th, to Kabak          
Kuyu & up to Kaiajik Aghala to see hill 60 which Lt. Horse got         
last night & which we now hold. A long day - some         
shells very near again.          


Aug & Sept [30 to 1] 30 MONDAY [242-123] 8th & 9th Months 1915         
Went with Godley up Rhododendron         
Spur to see New Zealand Infantry, Ottagos &         
Wellingtons - a tremendous climb up & one sees         
all the more what a wonderful performance         
it was on night 6th. Went up by Chailak         
&  back by Sazli Beit Dere - a good deal of         
shelling towards mouth for men as we went         
up & mules & men killed. Beach a good deal          
shelled in evening, & Olive Grove gun firing right          
on to Godley's post. 

31 TUESDAY [243-122]         
Stayed in for office work. Committee to see         
about our winter requirements.          

1 Sept WEDNESDAY [244-121]         
2h 57m P.M. (Greenwich)         
Partridge Shooting begins
Went out with Skeen to see         
Godley then on to Inglefield         
who had just arrived in command         
54th Territorial Division. Saw         
Daniel one of his Brigadiers &         
Russell.  Kaiajik Agahla fairly         


1915 30 Days  2 THURSDAY [245-120]  [2 to 5] September         
Waited in for Taylor from G.H.Q.         
but he did not turn up.          
Went round Chatham's Post with         
Ryrie, 3rd. Lt. Horse Bde in         
afternoon.  Taylor turned up later.         
Enemy did good deal shelling. 

3 FRIDAY [246-119]
Went round trenches of 54th Division with         
Inglefield, Daniel Commanding 161st Bde &          
Evans Comdg 163rd Bde on extreme left in trenches         
recently vacated by 4th Australian Bde on extreme         
left on Kaijik Dere. Went through trenches of          
our newly taken hill 60 - smell very bad, so many       
dead still lying about.         
Admiral de Robeck came ashore to see         
me in evening.

4 SATURDAY [247-118]         
Went round Pope’s & Quinn's posts with Holmes,         
the 17th Bn of new 5th Australian Bde having just          
taken them over from 1st Australian Lt. Horse Bde.         
Stodart & Glasgow with four Lt. Horse still up there with         
few men handing over & showing the new Inf. what to          
do. I think they will be all right.

5 SUN - 14 aft Trin [248-117]         
Went to Communion Service with 2nd Lt. Horse Bde, 4th         
Lt. Horse & 12th Bn then all round 3rd Inf. Bde trenches,   
through Lean's & Tasmania Posts & on to Lone Pine where a        
 Turk broke my periscope from about 40 yds. 3rd Bde trenches         
[[Ay?]] & Lone Pine much better but still bit shelling & bombing. 


September [6 to 8]   6 MONDAY [249-116]  9th Month 1915  
Went out to left flank to Godley, then up         
Chailak Dere near head of which Monash         
met me & we went up to see 13th & [[14th?]] Bn's on         
spurs facing [[farm?]]. Then Braithwaite met    
me & we went up to Apex where N.Z. Inf. Bde         
are [[..tes maoris?]]. Went all round it & got 2           
bullets very near my head from Apex itself.         
Had tea with Godley on way back. 

7 TUESDAY [250-115]         
Legge arrived from Egypt with 2 Bdes of          
2nd Australian Division - his ship Southland having         
been torpedoed near Imbros. All took to boats          
but ship just didn't go down & got into Mudros under      
her own steam drawing 37 ft [below?]]. Linton Cmding 6th         
Bde & about 30 men [[drowned?]]. Legge & Inglefield came         
see me in morning. Went round part 8th Bn trenches         
with Forsyth in afternoon. 22nd relieving 8th.         
Dined on board N.Z.H.S Moheno with Col. Collins         
taking Godley with me & Chaytor.         

8 WEDNESDAY [251-114]         
Went out to left flank and went round         
all Mudge’s 162nd Bde with Inglefield.         
10th & 11th Londons' & Beds. Bde is         
between Monash  on right & Daniel’s         
161st Bde on left. Strong position on a           
series of ridges.


1915 30 Days  9 THURSDAY [252-113]  [9 to 12] September    
Jewish year 5626 begins    
10h 53m A.M. (Greenwich)   
Went round Steel’s Post trenches with         
Legge. 21st Bn of 26th Bde just relieving         
the 6th Bn of 2nd Bde there. Forsyth still in         
The French Naval C-in-C. Admiral Nicol &
 General Baillond came over in afternoon & I
took them up on Plugges' Plateau to look          
over [[?]] towards Quinn’s Post. 

10 FRIDAY [253-112]        
Went all round Cox’s 29th Indian Bde on         
left flank to well at Susa Kuyu to Hill 60         
& then to see Inglefield. Turks did a         
certain amount of shelling of Gurkhas trenches          
& later on of Rhododendron Spur as I           
was with Godley.  Keys came in to 
see me.         

11 SATURDAY [254-111]         
Had to go through recommendation lists         
all morning & waited for Ellison who didn’t         
come. Went all round 1st Lt. Horse Bde         
Near trenches on Camel’s hump, No. 1 Post         
etc. with Godley & Chauvel.  

12 SUN - 15 aft Trin [255-110]         
Ember Week         
Went to Church parade with 1st Divn. Reinforcements         
Schrapnel Valley. Dexter Late a merchant sailor taking     
service. Then went round new 6th Brigade trenches from Wire     
Gully to & through Lone Pine. Very fine lot of men. 


September [13 to 15] 13 MONDAY [256-109]  9th Month 1915.  
My 50th Birthday.         
Busy at recommendations all morning.         
Went up to Russell’s top with Legge to         
see 20th Bn now comfortably settled down         
there & much improved. Alert & keen.         
Enemy have put up much new wire.         
Went on board Nevassa to dine         
with Col Bird.

14 TUESDAY [257-108]         
Bird & his son came ashore and I took         
them round 2nd Lt. Horse & 3rd Inf. Bde         
Peyton came over from Suvla &          
Altham & Ellison.          

15 WEDNESDAY [258-107]         
Ember Day        
Went out to left flank. Saw Godley & then         
went round to see Burston (late Lord Mayor of         
Melbourne) newly arrived 7th Aust. Bde on trenches         
originally held by Monash.  First Paton’s 25th         
Queensland Bn. Then Collett’s 28th W. Australian          
on Apex where I did not find things         
at all satisfactory & spent a long time         
telling them what to do. Burston 59 - too         
old & not officers of experience.         


1915 30 Days   16 THURSDAY [259-106]   [16 to 19] September         
7h 21m A.M. (Greenwich)         
German aeroplane dropped 4 bombs in morning, but all in sea.         
Went out to left flank saw Inglefield who         
had been seedy & then went on to 161st Bde & went         
round its trenches  with da Costa - on to 163rd Bde         
now commanded by Ward & went all round Hill 60         
trenches with him. Much improved since I         
was last there. Smell still bad. Met Mahon at         
Godley’s H.Q. later.

17 FRIDAY [260-105]         
Ember Day       
Sir Ian was coming to call for me but wired         
saying it was too rough at Mudros, so         
sent “Arno” over for me & I went over there.         
Went for a walk there in evening.  

18 SATURDAY [261-104]         
Ember Day         
Went on board ‘Triad” to call on V.A. de Robeck & on         
to Bacchante to see Boyle. In afternoon went for sail        
in the small airship recently arrived. Heard heavy         
bombardment suddenly start near Anzac, so got Capt.         
Samson to take me over there which he did in large bi-         
plane. Went up 7000 ft. & flew at about 70m. an hour - firing         
practically ceased by time we got there. It later turned         
out to be big demonstration or abortive attack all along        
line. Mudros to Anzac about 12m. Quite enjoyed fly       
rather cold. German planes flew over us at 8 & tried to         
bomb aerodrome in our camp. Dined with de Robeck on Triad. 

19 SUN- 16 aft Trin [262-193]         
Parade service in morning. Went for walk         
with Sir Ian out to Light Horse & home by the         
beach. Came on to blow & cold at night.         


September  [20 to 22]   20 MONDAY [263-102]  9th Month 1915         
Walked with Anglesey in          
morning round by the Bay & to town          
of Kephalo.         
We left Kephalos in T.B. Chelmer         
at 5 & got back to ANZAC. 6. -
All well. Bullets still
coming in.

21 TUESDAY [264-101]         
St. Matthew, Ap.       
Sir Ian came over at 1 & I took him up         
to left flank taking him with Chauvel &          
Burston up to Cheshire Ridge from where we          
could see Apex & Farm.

22 WEDNESDAY [265-100]         
Went round from Wire Gully with Legge,        
through 22nd. Bn (Crouch) on to Lone Pine         
where 24th Bn (Watson) had just relieved 23rd.         
Smythe & Spencer Browne the new         
Brigadier came with us. All these         
keen Bn's are magnificent men & all         
very cheery & full of fight.          


1915 30 Days     23 THURSDAY [266-99]  [23 to 26] September         
9h 35m A.M. (Greenwich) 
Went round from left of Wire Gully with         
Smythe & Spencer Browne Post of 22nd         
Bn - 21st Victorians under Harris in         
Steele's post & Courtneys. Then to Quinns          
where Holmes of 5th Bde & Goddard of 17th          
N.S.W met me. Things have much         
improved. Admiral Wemyss  came to         
stay with me. 

24 FRIDAY [267-98]         
Took Wemyss round right flank.         
Ryrie's 2nd Lt. Horse Bde & 3rd Inf         
Bde - he seemed much impressed         
with all he saw in way of trenches.          

25 SATURDAY [268-97]         
Sir Ian came over in Arno. Met          
him & took him to North lines - then to          
Inglefield's head quarters - along some of         
54th Divn. & Indian Bde trenches. Near to Scottish         
Horse near Susak Kuyu where Peyton & Tullibardine         
met us & we went along their trenches.

26 SUN- 17 aft Trin [269-86]         
Went to morning service with 5th Inf. Bde on Russell's         
Top with Holmes. Then went all round 20th Bn trenches         
on the neck & down to Monash Gully & up to Pope's round          
19th Bn who had made their trenches impossibly deep.         

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Jacqueline KennedyJacqueline Kennedy
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