Personal diary of Field Marshal Lord William Birdwood, 14 June 1915 – 28 July 1915

First World War, 1914–18
  • Field Marshal Lord William Birdwood
  • War Diaries
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48 June (i4 to 16) 14 MONDAY [165-200) 6th Month 1915 another fanly, quiet gay Wonge and farter gie regan to shell veach abut 9.0 sod sne damage. went rnd lept of 24 see upon 2n Bde hom are -styoot Bas under Wayhss & tan on to courtney & aniis Losts: Certain amount of bomborg gans on in latter. IS. TUESDAY 1166-199) still keeling Vancy, guiet went rourd Popes will with Rowell in morning - 1t Lt. Horse Brigade Far 1 eipins well under thee how went on board nospital suief Sicitia in afternoon ssaw all wanted befor they tel 82 odined with Brid. 18 WEDNESDAY [167-1981 round Russells New Lealanders or left f Bunks went to shill srond 26tls M.B. guns which were a ham inered a per days ago liber one enptac sagord deal amusunctor got set on pre- te far near and fou to sparted bourbaring be We beach sgulties from N. sdid sane day age to Morach's 4tde resting sto males. Lal wits tex fom all round net us have it pr all directions 9 sall others coming one up 38 grt my head lten I was way N2 guns ed thee wold lave gened attack Wr did not come off nt
4057 1ORIE M 52 4 49 IT. THURSDAY (16S-IS7) 1915 s Dags (ir to so) June went roung 3nd Bole or right centse Onty amout of seriping sstelling A Certain Sops 6r 18 FRIDAY (169-196) ut cou 213 Be who have norn replaced part a WBde on left of No 2 sec. and to roye coustaay stormi posts wp kings are unpove sorn incope rifles have compleddy domnothed p too turkid shiping bots abounc uss went on bosil hospi s Gaver to see Chanels pes whe were ck werkss started ionbarding brack ct 103 colst wise gene 19 SATURDAY (17O-1OS) went rd 2n tin ose who have taken up to echys on Oxttie gt Mtace 30d Iide sva rond 20 Bde danty atist day orgght 20 SUN—3 aft Trin (171-194) 126 24 P.N. (Greenwick) Bde s2f Agn wl ron 20 no i to el te yer BE sils V2, bat inade last got a good dest shelled on the way st day - every fred a lot diring Sa unget – beig chann by our marss.
157 50 6th Month 1915 21 MONDAY (172-193) June (21 to 231 certain aount-stielling loing on went up to Popes host- fou of suiping Fluch matty youg on again in vatter atacts down sonthtte fram Succest. Quist night 22 TUESDAY (173-192) Coronation King George V., 1911 cacune Dan qesh day togh shelled us augfarta. a pod seat from Jaa Cape & 97 23 WEDNESDAY (174-191) Prince of Wales born, 1894 Wart count 14. 223 outpoct atory shore on our extreme lett veyord Fishemans hat under Banchof & Staga Mbd. Rifls Gordeal of selting att day. Atserunse quiet.
AV. IRY 10 24 THURSDAY (ITS-iso) 1915 s0 Days (24 to 271 June St. John Baptist. Midsummer Day. Quarter Day. Cambridge Easter Term ends Gent Legge anwed stork over an stratian Dwiner rice, Bridges. Wver Eoud 2w osde tarches in moryirg a yan being shop- veside we whte Wo. ing Broyh pGisede boolishly dong so belind torphole. Shelling again had serm or beach killed -cood git gerns on, sener hit-while we were all batsy ont on beaw Gascon to see Clewll & Johnstor 25 FRIDAY 1176-1S9) Fanty quist day. Sent Godley & Walker on to hospital ship ut oe onslow went Ediay. adtnat de Robect & Rrgn theys sare ashore Stost tem rerd Bywly 3rd Lt. Kors, & sed. . Bde in afternoon. inery still soellens a good d at we dew ton five four will at 9.30. 26 SATURDAY IITT-ISS) Sn ta oBraikswaite came oney in afternoor Is took Ben round Ryries Saclagans Bdes may selling again a ford dead spcrilly on beach - othewise guist. wnits en dently intended Wabtack -3a.n started but Pussts tacks- eh a ye ta ast wanly started Neewa Zifle pe 27Su-satT 1178-187 at 5 a.n, but OthEIma.n. (Greenwich) edem ud not pace ou iinctes we lad 2 officers wlled sabp 50 & shaltzes in Rossells tenche, Went to Chuch harade with 1st Bn. In T. Amhan. Vih Abae &e Green samiery from Rerign'a, chire ore &I too the rom if park bance - were with Bn) on bad Sicitia.
1657 52 6th Month 1915 28 MONDAY (179-18S) June (2s to 30) MTS wer goi to Nead at 9.30 that our attact, wran Achu Batn at 11 sasting ns is help ye possible - ordered Auskalian so ba/ &3 Lt. Norse Bde to den on strate towards yabe cepe I frt pont. This was done successfully sive had 9 faiily good fight all day, as eeeey sent up wice from Esh ken sshelled us heaiely off son celldae we had over, 2oo casualties - Wallh in ghs 11ts Res &)M Lt. Porse. Haw asty our left at ach Bitz for done good advayce duy ay 29 TUESDAY (ISU-ISS) St. Peter, Ap. Went to see 2n It kome or 9th of16 Bis after the action of Wdeday. Found them all very pleased with to cuselves in spite of then losses. Byrie oftanns of Lt. Horse, Especially w. guist day tort sone sellin Il at 930 p.Ms. Tuths caddenty Vegan very leavy rifte shaxeng pire in our right ritudly to te kept to tond for or tours, thout we onty chicercet 30 WEDNESDAY (ISL-184) at abut 11 they lanicted an attack again of. on left on Rnosells to - held by Sti og alosse under Bycl Turts ctarge most ptuctuty getting right vnto tricies. They wer however cantt with goss fives stou geatt sat ofnalty diven off leaving abry 50 dead of 3 ven Nexts take troupt tyter with rine Pasta apprentl was attact. Blowns of tit ordered
ae 4 8 2 I THURSDAY (ISz-ISS) A WA PuS 1915 n Dars Dominion Day, Canada quist ingt. Danl went cond 1cldifs Ind Bdo. Coustis 4 I auns poets in mory exceptionalty quist day eneig o tipbict I fance after ten woses. 2 FRIDAY (183-182) went over to hin bws tslard to spend day, yit Srr /am. Loft at 9 in desbezed Ratlemnake yortor abt 1020 Dis vssed watter net hm Sa Wintes & goodward. went for walk nets, Irs tan yt to Mr Lons on ye hmn we omed hits. avmyal de Robeck on board mad vis Das ey aatsly a milonanc yacht. next ge dinzer by Rallcesaake &got back Aniac at 1-9.M 3 SATURDAY ISLISII Dant IMe giet. Juns stelled nove At in Misin ns 4 SUN— 5 aft Trin (185-180) 5h SAm a.m. (Greenwich) Degaration of American Independence Went up to I ohes will with Ihad- certan amout of suiping, sshellig Itshwise quiet day. Har veartly Cold
54 7th Month 1915 5 MONDAY (18S-179) July (sto7)) Dividends due at Bank Twills started geveral ber ta digent fir all ten ginng shorthy after 4. a.m Feve whe quite, hohspt Bay in out of genral aack come w, kitsing. At 9, several, Aug 11.2 buo Sells came falling asound cerdently pred for in ty stay. Went rond Nos. 1.2 a se on store in a. Hank lively well to sead ourfort Paves month, Heaw Freach lost 400 horses from shelling po Anatic shole G TUESDAY IIST-I7S) a 2 day - some shell ward 2 1st Bide Wurches went Walker - 4th 2nd 5 24 Brs. wit 7 WEDNESDAY (18S-I77) much the same sort of day. koud boen Shelling smipins t t5 Citel anived 5 Lowi IBattery, o Lowland weseen who are very scotch from Glasgun. Now unda Rosathal - ford iu all o get atso te 6 houitza vere oup or Wflark. Went round some of agnofs & Hann, to trches of go I Kom wts Byric sont to hs chattan post GeoeR wart on bray hospital stil dinne into godley in aftenon ostayed to wth W50
1657 2 4 si t 5 ti ir 3 3 2 2 4 + 2 co 3 53 24 a 44. C 2 f 4 5. 22 8 THURSDAY (ISS-I76) CoWM. PARS 1915 s1 Dare great bout confiy belieen Ors I yest pich ipposite rekday evening sive set ure is tan overt cad care- Later dring intt we cne or tirce waraged to f thoe tan sovered t on off prins I waxis Lond any giief day ont yets teke gous shelld beact raw in gtesin. Wer een as OB 2719 Bo ytraby i wintey Yohn Mca. Cae Wcl i Eghit. mory 9 FRIDAY (190-175) C aancSO all get 221 toculeted guiet & hat I0 SATURDAY IISL-ITt) Oxford Trinity Term ends toent rout all Austatian mys with Hobbs - were shelled a good dear as we did so. Lnd Nelson came up at 2.40 with despoza escort & bontaided recenty wase emplicenents on Vchalid Bahe apparcully successflly. sanded a 47 gen der tr ingut. May did Neet dear of prig. 1I SUN-Gaft Trin (192-173) trent kept writing all morning by severef toi g 17clay who on woard hospital stif Exascon in gfternon to bg had briken his ils. Good deal of griing in every as our bounbs set fric to over head love in front o A
1057 Fats VSISI 7th Month 1915 12 MONDAY [193-172) a ShSim a.x. (Greenwich) Dearty we wade demonengtin ten 2/ Fright pront - Ged at How Bde H Sd by Bde advayers out sover toin, to en ches. as once drey very kew shell seeft, fise- mer after doubling over odow slipe gop into th ists oretented to buches- Alst w0o sheapne vid overaviared -aly 6 wer willed of atop 1o0 wrrinded urbeshell fire too on 11sce stuches. Went raid our vew plucks on Holly Ridge otas mania post held by tbe 2 Bdle. I3 TUESDAY TI9L-ITI) Ramadan (Turkish) Lent begins Deew a goddest of we last might 2d 4e mules of 28t M. Battley wile awpbell- Bind 5o1 male wit alsans D to Rn ssells wh stond, Na Zealanders suich to tere. Vey bot wirts did a food deat of Selling in afternoon. Ia great deat of pring all ingist tostrns like an attack at just - out it sawe to uitt I4 WEDNESDAY 1195-170) 9 tho quiet day Sut tft as t rat shead.
I5 THURSDAY (1S6-169) 1915 n Days (is to 1s) July tery rourd Popes post in moning. Iamly guist day snight 16 FRIDAY (ISY-16S) Went rou Quins post - tm Courteney in th ronly 2nd oide. Mos-vicionsl maxin playing over us at Arr a wng tre. pencges, in funt Gei Mic nost-much beow in b6 bou ver went e ark ter days, admirat de Robech over is see te-wriched witl b ouficil tdley tey is aud oe oupport to see up vast. Sies a boar Sicilg ins Bad. 17 SATURDAY (1SS-167) his man arcklone flew we at 5.00 odsfife one bount into see just in sing tiach auittst of to shel green which did not explok. Trerch Gead Barllond with his shapp arrived, by as only for an ham cd only take him up velter to see posts from a sistance, &cd. Not go ton tt toinches. Went on voaw hospital sen sicitig in apernon sepied te rght not vel ver pit 18 SUN-Tall Hin 1189-166) Went to 2xl coniunon seice on bray scaue Bstore at 8. Cox arrived 10 II took him cell row 20Lt Morse znd Bde tluches. He was trimend onely inpressed went on boar with all oun bandshaet had Sicitiai weg
AUS July (iet.2) 19.MONDAY [200-1651 19h Im p.x. (Greenwich) eunt quet day ir board neita- with nasty cong can t a tose after dinver. Tanly quist night 20 TUESDAY (20L-164l went round 1et Bile toench wet Legge & Walker - near tine nearly redey in port of Johnt follic On ot day 2I WEDNESDAY (202-163) tight glt day, after Sat on Chote innocura exceptionally quist day 1ORI ita Month 1915
5 22 THURSDAY (203-162) 1915 n Days (22 to 2s) July went bo long torn wurd vinches to see of all bo boys were in good feorce in viers of tlr attack on onge scale treacesed by tomorror. Went ao all venssell N.2 brenches ten acress by Bullybeef tuinet to head Feorad Valley supto Popeswill- down suhap to ams - Seey Rewells 1it Hud It. None & Peelad welingtn buf- ten to wurterys. Cartby h- ter in Sost Bs of 2n Ard. Bole. Song wordgive tonnch & craters in litter dan yf giac 23 FRIDAY (204-161) expected attack not- yet-come of with Went wind all New EEsland Artilfen cunliffo ower sphustrnc – abso Kyg Johnstic who came with 4n ew Battenes of 1005 Vitch Al Asmy Diviion tis jer then first shell of lighted petrol into our benches - no haim dine. 24 SATURDAY (205-160) expected unteish attack stell held Went 26 round all anshalian an tilley owland Battery One Lipe Johnelons S howiters 26 hourters & 4-7 yeer in morning- Ellison ulle came to see us. Beach a good dear stelted one Hell killing o winding 18 ince 25 SUN—Saft Trin (206-159) St. James, Ap. I stop pot came on to see up fom Hcles took her up to left plank - Late went hospital stick somah it she wouded- in etty shespast cases: Nowso came too- genet d a but shely
1657 LIAA 60 7th Month 1915 July (26 to 28) -26 MONDAY (207-158) OOh llm p.x. (Greenwich) left to Exypt to take wve Legr 2n As mallan Dl want royt. 1d Bde to iches with Walker sanly quiet day might, Crt gord deat of elling. still hepept of attack, 27 TUESDAY (208-157) Admiat Gavole- Altha. Ellson Hankey Came over. Took them up Plugges platian per wbere they sam but aums post et. Ver quict day some shelling at night- deing which poor whit Ofstow in most excellen ADE was killed steep ortide his dugon. 28 WEDNESDAY (209 -156) on samiadley ths of Stopputs Mah wand Jenauis car or 8 hen tirk ter up to left part to tak over Suta Bay sall and farta Com buried for dea broton at We again 8.3 Some bly barty shelts corming o 12 43 e < 2 18 6 069 5 1 i 18 ri 2m

June [14 to 16]     14 MONDAY  [165-200]     6th Month 1915 
Another fairly quiet day though Anafarta  
guns began to shell beach around 5. a.m  
& did some damage. 
Went round left of 2nd Sec _ where 2nd Bde 
now are  _ 5th & 8th Bns. under Wanliss & 
then on to Courtneys & Quinns' posts: Certain  
amount of bombing going on in latter.   
15 TUESDAY  [166-199] 
Still keeping fairly quiet. 
Went round Pope’s hill with Russell 
in morning _ 1st. Lt. Horse Brigade have put 
sniping well under there now.  
Went on board hospital ship “Sicilia” in  
afternoon & saw all wounded before they left.  
Stayed and dined with Bird. 
16 WEDNESDAY  [167-198] 
Went round Russell’s New Zealanders on left flank 
up the hill around 26th M.B. guns which were 
badly hammered a few days ago when one emplacement 
& a good deal ammunition got set on fire. 
The gun near Anafarta started bombarding the 
beach & gullies from N. & did some damage to  
Monash’s 4th Bde resting its mules.  Later Turk 
guns began from all round & let us have it from 
 all directions.  9” & all others coming _  one whizzed  
past my head when I was near N.Z guns.  
We hoped they would have general attack  
but this did not come off. 


1915  30 days     17 THURSDAY [168-197]      (17 to 20) June 
Went round 2nd Bde on right centre. Only 
a certain amount of sniping & shelling going 
18 FRIDAY [169-196] 
Went round 2nd Bde who have now replaced part 
of 1st Bde on left of No 2 Sec.  and through Courtney 
& Quinn's posts where things are improved & our  
periscopic rifles have completely dominated  
& stopped the Turkish sniping _ bombs also much 
less.  Went on board hospital ship Gascon to 
see Chauvel & Johnson who were sick. 
Turks started bombarding beach at 10. 30  
p.m. otherwise quiet. 
19 SATURDAY [170-195] 
Went round 2nd Lt. Horse who have now  
taken up trenches on extreme right in place 
of 3rd Bde & went round 3rd Bde. 
Fairly quiet day & night. 
20 SUN - 3 aft Trin [170-194] 
2h 24m P.M. (Greenwich) 
Again went round 2nd Lt. Horse & 3rd Bde on right in 
afternoon to see the new trenches they had made last 
night. Got a good deal shelled on the way.  
Fairly quiet day _ enemy fired a lot during 
night - being drawn by our planes. 


June [21 to 23]     21 MONDAY  [172-193]     6th Month 1915 
Certain amount shelling going on. 
Went up to Pope's post - found sniping 
going on again in valley.  French making 
attack down South with fair 
success.  Quiet night. 
22 TUESDAY [173-192] 
Coronation King George V., 1911 
Fairly quiet day though enemy 
shelled us a good deal from Anafarta. 
Gaba Tepe & 971 way. 
23 WEDNESDAY [174-191] 
Prince of Wales born, 1894 
Went round 1 2, 2 & 3 outposts along shore 
on our extreme left beyond Fisherman's hut 
under Bauchop & Otago Mid Rifles. 
Good deal of shelling all day, otherwise  


1915  30 days     24 THURSDAY  [175-190]     [24 to 27] June 
St. John Baptist.  Midsummer Day. 
Quarter Day.  Cambridge Easter Term ends 
Genl. Legge arrived & took over Australian 
Division vice Bridges.  Went round 2nd 
Bde trenches in morning.  A man being shot 
beside me while looking through periscope _ 
foolishly doing so behind [[?]]- Shelling 
again as men on beach killed - good deal 
of it going on & men hit while we were all bathing. 
Went on board “Gascon” to see Chauvel & Johnston. 
25 FRIDAY [176-189] 
Fairly quiet day.  Sent Godley & Walker on to 
hospital ship, where Onslow went yesterday. 
Admiral de Robeck & Roger Keys came ashore 
& I took them round Ryries 3rd Lt. Horse & 3rd 
Inf. Bdes in afternoon. Enemy still shelling 
a good deal.  We drew their fire fairly 
well at 9.30. 
26 SATURDAY [177-188] 
Sir Ian & Braithwaite came over in afternoon 
& I took them round Ryries & Maclagan's Bdes. 
Enemy shelling again a good deal 
especially on beach - otherwise quiet. 
27 SUN 4 aft Trin [178-187] 
4h 27m A.M. (Greenwich) 
Turks evidently intended to attack. 3.a.m. started bombing 
Russell's trenches _ then bombarded heavily & started 
heavy rifle fire at 5 a.m. but 
evidently could not face our trenches.  We had 2 officers 
killed & about 50 casualties in Russell's trenches.  Went to 
Church parade with 1st Bn.  Sir T. Cunningham. Mil. Attaché Greece 
& [[Amery?]] from [[Romania?]] came over & I took them round rt flank 
trenches. Dined with Bird on board Sicilia.


June [28-30]     28 MONDAY [179-186]     6th Month 1915 
Quarter Sessions Week 
Heard at 9.30 that Southern force were going to 
attack  [[?]] Achi Baba at 11 & asking us 
to help if possible. Ordered Australian 3rd Inf & 2nd 
Lt. Horse Bde to demonstrate towards Gaba Tepe & 
rt. front.  This was done successfully & we had a fairly 
good fight all day, as enemy sent up men from  
Eski Kein & shelled us heavily off & on all day - 
We had over 200 casualties _ Until on 9th & 
11 Bns & 7th Lt. Horse.  Heard xxxxxxxxx our 
left at Achi Baba had done good advance during day, 
29 TUESDAY [180-185] 
St. Peter, Ap. 
Went to see 2nd Lt Horse & 9th & 11th Bns 
after their action of yesterday.  Found them all 
very pleased with themselves in spite of their 
losses. Ryrie & Hains of Lt. Horse especially so. 
Fairly quiet day though some shelling. 
At 9.30 p.m. Turks suddenly began very heavy rifle 
& maxim fire on our right, which they kept  
up hard for 2 hours, though we only cheered. 
30 WEDNESDAY  [181-184] 
At about 11 they launched an attack against 
our left on Russell's Btn - held by 8th & 9th 
Lt Horse under Myell.  Turks charged up 
first, pluckily getting right into trenches.  They 
were however caught, with GOSS fires & by our 
[[xxxxx sap]] & finally driven off leaving about 
350 dead of 3 [[?]] Regts lately brought up. 
Emir Pasha apparently was up with them 
& ordered attack.  Blowing a bit.


1915 31 Days          1 THURSDAY  [182-183]   [1 to 4] July 
Dominion Day, Canada 
Fairly quiet night. 
Went round McCay's 2nd Bde, Courtney's 
& Quinn's posts in ming.  Exceptionally 
quiet day _ enemy a bit sick I fancy 
after their losses. 
2 FRIDAY [183-182] 
Went over to Mudros Island to spend day with Sir Ian.  Left 
at 9 in destroyer "Rattlesnake" & got there about 10.30 
Discussed matters with him & saw Wintis & 
Woodward.  Went for walk with Sir Ian up to 
Light Horse in afternoon.  We dined with 
Admiral de Robeck on board "Triad" - his 
flagship but lately a millionaire's yacht. 
Left after dinner by Rattlesnake & got back 
to Anzac at 1.a.m. 
3 SATURDAY [184-181] 
Fairly quiet day Olive grove guns shelled 
us a bit in morning. 
4 SUN - 5 aft Trin [185-180] 
5h 54m A.M. (Greenwich). 
Declaration of American Independence 
Went up to Pope's hill with Lloyd _  Certain 
amount of sniping & shelling - otherwise  
quiet day. Had beastly cold. 


July [5 to 7]          5 MONDAY [186-179]     7th Month 1915 
Dividends due at Bank 
Turks started general bombardment from 
all their guns shortly after 4.a.m. & we were 
quite hopeful they meant a general attack 
but it came to nothing.  At 9, several huge 11.2 
shells came falling around [[?]] fired from 
a ship in the Straits.  Went round Nos 1, 2 & 3 
outposts on shore in L. [[?]]. - lively [[well?]] there at 
valleys mouth.  Heard French lost 400 horses from 
shelling from Asiatic shore. 
6 TUESDAY   [187-178] 
Fairly quite day - Some shelling 
went around 22 1st Bde trenches 
with Walker _ 4th,  3rd & 2nd Bns. 
7 WEDNESDAY  [188-177] 
Much the same sort of day _ 
with shelling & sniping.  Went round 
the lately arrived 5" howitzer Battery of the 
Lowland Division who are very Scotch from Glasgow. 
Now under Rosenthal - found them all right.  Also 
the 6" howitzer men up on rt. flank.  Went 
round some of Arnot's & Harris' trenches of 
2nd Lt. Horse with Ryrie & out to his new 
Chatham post. 
Went on board hospital ship Gascon 
with Godley in afternoon & stayed to dinner 
with Hugo.




1915 31 Days       8 THURSDAY [189-176]       [8 to 11] July 
Great bomb [[craters?]] between Quin's & Turk trenches 
opposite yesterday evening & we set fire to their 
overhead cover_  Later during night we once or  
twice managed to [[?]] them & started them 
off [[firing?]] & maxims hard. 
Fairly quiet day_ but Gaba Tepe guns shelled 
beach hard in afternoon. Went round Quins, 
Courtney & 5th, 6th & 7th Bns trenches in  
morning.  John McC. came back from Egypt.  
9 FRIDAY [190-175] 
Fire Insurances expire 
Inoculated for Cholera so sat tight all 
day _ a quiet one. 
10 SATURDAY  [191-174] 
Oxford Trinity Term ends 
Went round all Australian guns with Hobbs - were 
shelled a good deal as we did so.  "Lord Nelson" came 
up at 2.30 with destroyer escort & bombarded recently made 
emplacements on Khalid Bahr - apparently successfully. 
Landed a 4.7 gun during the night.  Enemy did a great 
deal of firing. 
11 SUN - 6 aft Trin  [192-173] 
Kept waiting all morning by several things.  Went 
on board hospital ship "Gascon" in afternoon to see McCay who 
had broken his leg.  Good deal of firing in evening, as our 
bombs set fire to overhead cover in front of Quin's.


July  [12 to 14]        12 MONDAY  [193-172}           7th Month 1915 
9hr 31m A.M. (Greenwich) 
We made demonstration from Rt flank 
& right front - 3rd Lt. Horse Bde & 3rd 
Inf Bde advancing out & over their trenches - 
at once [[?]] very heavy shell rifle fire - men 
after doubling over & down slope got into [[turkish?]] 
& returned to trenches _ About 400 shrapnel burst 
over advance - about 6 were killed & perhaps 100 
wounded - much shell fire too on 1st Bde 
trenches - Went round our new trenches on Holly 
Ridge & Tasmania post held by  these 2 Bdes. 
13 TUESDAY  [194-171] 
Ramadan (Turkish) Lent begins 
Drew a good deal of fire last night. 
Went round the mules of 28th Mt Battery 
with Campbell _ Round S & T mules with Alexander 
& then up to Russell's Top & round New Zealanders 
trenches there.  Very hot.  Turks did a good 
deal of shelling in afternoon & a great 
deal of firing all night.  looking like an 
attack at first - but it came to nothing. 
14 WEDNESDAY  (195-170) 
A quiet day _ Sat tight as I had a 
throat & head.


1915 31 Days          15 THURSDAY  [196-169]     [15 to 18] July 
Went round Pope's post in morning. 
Fairly quiet day & night. 
16 FRIDAY  [197-168] 
Went round Quinn's post _ then Courtney & 
on through 2nd Bde. Most vicious little 
maxim playing over us at Quinns for 
a long time.  Trenches in front German Officers 
post - trench blown in by 6 bore and went 
last few days.  Admiral de Robeck came 
over to see me - lunched & I took him out with 
Godley & Keys 2nd & 3rd outposts to see up 
coast.  Dinner on board Sicilia with Bird. 
17 SATURDAY  [198-167] 
German aeroplane flew over at 5.a.m. & dropped one 
bomb into sea just missing beach - another on to shell 
green which did not explode.  French General Bailloud 
with his staff arrived, but as only for an hour cd. only 
take him up valley to see posts from a distance & cd. not go 
round the trenches.  Went on board hospital ship 
Sicilia in afternoon & stayed the night - not feeling 
very fit. 
18 SUN - 7 aft Trin  [199-166] 
Went to Early Communion service on board & came 
ashore at 8.  Cox arrived 10 & I took him all round 2nd Lt 
Horse & 3rd Bde trenches.  He was tremendously impressed 
with them & all our bandobast here.  Went on board 
Sicilia in evening.


July [19 to 21]            19 MONDAY  [200-165]     7th Month 1915 
9h 9m P.M. (Greenwich) 
Spent quiet day on board 
Sicilia _ with nasty cough. 
Came ashore after dinner. 
Fairly quiet night. 
20 TUESDAY  [201-164] 
Went round 1st Bde trenches with 
Legge & Walker _ new line nearby 
ready in front of Johnston's Jollie. 
Quiet day. 
21 WEDNESDAY  [202-163] 
Sat tight all day after 
innoculation for Cholera. 
Exceptionally quiet day.


1915 31 Days          22 THURSDAY  [203-162]     [22 to 25] July 
Went for long tour round trenches to 
see if all the boys were in good fettle in 
view of Turkish attack on large scale 
threatened for tomorrow.  Went to all Russell's 
N.Z. trenches _ then across to Bully beef trench to 
head Monash Valley & up to Pope's hill _ down & up again 
to Quin's _ seeing Rowell’s 1st Aust. Lt Horse & Malone's 
Wellingtons Inf _ then to Courtneys _  Canterbury Inf.  then to 
8th & 5th Bns of 2nd Aust. Bde.  Some wonderful 
 tunnels & craters in latter.  Fairly quiet. 
23 FRIDAY  [204-161] 
Expected attack not yet come off _ 
Went round all New Zealand artillery with 
Cunliffe-Owen & Johnstone - also Hope Johnstone who 
came with 4 new Batteries of 10th Kitchener 
Army Division. 
Turks fired their first shell of lighted petrol 
into our trenches - no harm done. 
24 SATURDAY  [205-160] 
Expected Turkish attack still held off _ Went 
round all Australian Artillery _ Lowland 
Battery _ one Hope Johnston's 5" howitzers _ 2.6" 
howitzers & 4.7 gun in morning.  Ellison & Fuller came 
to see us.  Beach a good deal shelled _ one 
shell killing & wounding 10 men. 
25 SUN - 8 aft Trin  [206-159] 
St. James, Ap. 
Sir F Stopford came over to see me from Helles & 
took him up to left flank _ Later went on 
hospital ship Somali to see wounded _ mostly  
shrapnel cases: Howse came too _ quiet  day but for 


July  [26 to 28]          26 MONDAY  [207-158]          7th Month 1915 
0h 11m P.M. (Greenwich) 
Legge left for Egypt to take over 
2nd Australian Division. 
Went round 1st Bde trenches with 
Fairly quiet day & night, but good 
deal shelling. 
Still hopeful of attack. 
27 TUESDAY  [208-157] 
Admiral Gamble, Altham, Ellison & 
Hankey came over.  Took them up to 
Plugge's plateau from where they saw 
Quin's post etc.  Very quiet day but 
some shelling at night - during which poor 
Onslow my most excellent A.D.C. was killed while 
sleeping outside his dugout 
28 WEDNESDAY  [209-156] 
Mahon & Hammersley, two of Stopford's 
new Divisional Generals came over & 
I took them up to left flank to look 
over Suvla Bay & all Anafarta 
We buried poor dear Onslow at 
8.30.  Some very nasty shells again 
coming in.

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Jacqueline KennedyJacqueline Kennedy
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