Personal diary of Field Marshal Lord William Birdwood, 5 April 1915 – 13 June 1915

First World War, 1914–18
  • Field Marshal Lord William Birdwood
  • War Diaries
Accession number:

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28 4th Month 1915 5 Easter MONDAY 195-270) April (sto7) Bank Holiday. Quarter Sessions Week a houth day eqnly iian n Weathe feeling - Reasonly fa rapi san beaung i th dew went out to Helan in afterm tee with caes Bentinoy Dinluits waswell to s goor 4. 6 Easter TUESDAY 196-269) 8h 12m p.x. (Greenwich). Dividends due at Bank said wodlye to MCM aow in mory slef iterson Cans a 12. Amold Merayding, 3.20. Canutsers bottn of Ra. seromager ando trepty in Beark weh us stik us to his horse at Bulketly. Banich overiking sea. Wer, wks in by isamy ito tavn oears in 1a4 Kamitoes af. Unjon clert. returnned by is am to Founth with Canuttus. T WEDNESDAY 197-268) Oxford Easter Term begins went into alexanding by trun after treclpd, to see Sn fo who lep in allknorn fr, Denos. Mnafternion 2 Carkittng II went one ver in ce public gawing sa pratone next der a it-all by beautfully kept. 3 "2 13 38½ " 17 309 D pr p 3 2 D da a 75 ). 3 3 234 p 3
4 EP.. 2 6 5 55 2 b 60 Na 426 6 b 2 sm 65 b 5. 20 218 5 A 56 3 2 4 4 6 18 THURSDAY 198-267) lewn Apr 1915 s0 pars Dew nitz W. Cooron to San Stelans wpae I went. over the Irdian nopital & saw dyn. 150 of om yon Er conte to tdis from diance - morty werel Tha now on tovicisia Welh & caked on & anade shore jst all Fech Duregon - not impressed ty thtin then horse ion agewent seeing anyul. thon rones will no use sion.. a lunc afairy Kitel inis Lady Chepn & French wen. after tosee He lovcly house taken by 18C. from a freen fom pittse s men wve, gawens staves et. Den, &tencl rnd oy see pint- fay, has et im vanichs perace to light house veem woll i en gon trm o all t oed witp CaBIBAV 10-2001 Fire Insurances expire nad a sin canly on beech metues dom te town to whednial fing -afteww Kakorn toot us to see Pompere putar, a eerlly foe blod a frand & then, new. ges hightn - am cn cauth we I fot up on word remnwevidie, a woer imencan baw hut wee winch I fave all y half. Bndes ovff 18. Dw -14. And. 12 Dr. Mrs & DW. R. A. Falf-Dogual Co stc. 10 SATURDAY (1OO 265) alexanding hav full of sipping of all sons wellove 100 his ships t m any Corp- 29 th Br. & French wwrsinhss weno cnser Cntare rabn 90 sailingobp we uft at 2. a.m p. Pinchos Bon IILOW SUN-lalf Easter( 10l -264) pett by went to ealy sincce olates ir parade sance bot DarUs tos WeBodisk yap Cam 2 vey good ons too te hmapert Avi.
30 April (izto is) 12 MONDAY [102-2631 4th Month 1915 arrived rnchos Bay 7. a.r wwent into migs Lasbou. After brealgest went on beaw arcadian wsa on fan bt pound be was awy. In wenton ocen with adiual thinsby who is to coxperat with bn an corps in attact. He shoed in the sination as for as t wnem- styse to tnch on aincer- after went rund all to stuke ganstation Contingem 2 Cotin tyintin 171. Bathy Bengad I3 TUESDAY [103-262) Easter Law Sittings begin went or boand, Cicadion" tosee Sir Jan H. 2 talked over llans for our derations Ushion went of boaw Qween - Teagehip 8N thinsly with Brickes ony of of Rewimal Donjorices JCOs. way in my calin all watnf by Waw room- We saited at 5.30. p.n. I4 WEDNESDAY (104-261) ollh 36m a.M. (Greenwich) amsed up at head of 2205 Ben ee min ofin, excamed slonk all denn the was of gapor enmonte tast. eemer Bar Cape gung & fare cape cnli at plaes in anty suetully of fact io Mudhos Bay aleut 4.201 in. Terent on boind hr newakg again In tan being awa por Arcatian upn went to see tun. 1 & 2 2 1000
3 in 2.A 2 3 503 1 29 1 2 291 1 10RI IS THURSDAY (105-260) As w2d1 Apri 1915 so Days and saw 2n tide under Went a shore yeay saming ont a pastrce- landing sattaching a pesition- Lovely day & wild flowers wantil. Asll wit fy W2 sin anwed dowed wito sir Pan familters on boad Arcahan. 18 FRIDAY (106-259) went to seegn fon or arcadion & Aunal Chineyon area in ingis Landed at Findros with Vnox in afternoon wsl about beging dnter nbd tinte westor on w ag Drd dined with we IT SATURDAY (1OY-258) went ashore at Mn dos in afternion wth Lande oive climbed we his above derch camps - woel nes a bor. 18 SUN—2 aft Easter (708-257) Cambridse Gaetey Jerny Beoine Eadd senice & church sase wis wers in I Chplans Col. Green. I wike y y a shot sidley after. Wi, 10.34 Godle oy wad duton sumoyuing M. Lextes woit him a dnco bred goinnat tinsby. aunnd amnal yocpray. Ater on we. dnces of xosal ot dined ito we.
1057 32 April (is ton) 19 MONDAY [109-256) 1th Month 1915 went or board wngal de Ropeck's pavomp awea Ehzabeth at 11 in meetin of an Sivrs omnals to drchrs oppattons & setf a date of stayiing. thm Brie of Edincel eall of wate annd guepate of baid my regiit, iegnibern went aghow to see idlys plope writg I saw tonashs Fede in, detretments onthetts str walked it Eodly over be hills. 20 TUESDAY IIIO-255) Went tosee Sn Pan on board Rrcady in afternoon to tolk about plant othey wenton shore with Brdges + ctibed his octd MnchoL wind up bit 21 WEDNESDAY IIIL-254) Pai in5- blowing & cold Adminat wustey sall Nert the Man Micer concened same on bard winiewarke af 10 oire discussed alt plans. -9ck 24 hours an anrangew at mt on accant ofty weatn, tough we wey heard tis by cance " 3 4 4 44 A5 6 65 sp D t pps r 0 3 4 & p P ens t of s e 216 af we p da 1 a
1657 ALIAN 7 2d B 24 15 4 5 dw 54 fr e 5 1915 s0 Daye 22 THURSDAY [112-253) CWN A 1 3h 3om P.x. (Greenwich) totl very cold oblony & odews. come us we miyt delay start by still anite 24 hous. I an beging to fear we delay way defeat mn planr of being a be to leme as a smrpie, in the mark, as the moon way now give gnoy appoach wen amove in yis noon & O truthe to queck Battey comwanding tntrance of muves Bay ,,623 FRIDAY 1113-252) iuth Bondlk & dothnhe. w p Battin just being caken, oney from the gile i fom warnes ograns fon bot there. went- to see Bracks waite on on cadis thinehon ansen after. went, ary to see adminat thisty on anean in morning abmut fiant - Ste Waclg on walda about his Landins fart. Weart a much better geff. Punnewaska I 6 swar on boar aneen to be into admise p star g cphatin 24 SATURDAY 1114-251) On H.D.S. Dca Deqt PInders 2p.m. inaguyicent sight the to anshorts passing down rort- each quet bettestuf sitently trnng woind wive then moved off in te shead. Ancen, inimpls. Prince gwales- Bacchante - London. Majestic. Shorth before ceamg alttrezn came alongside mhought 500 men of 34 australion Bde on toeach of Qncen- Londer o Pincy Wabs. 25 SUN—3 aft Easter (115-250) St. Mark, Evan We stord into tat a Tepe on yaltr note nenmoula at 3.3 am witts a. Lover &oW. Each discharged ti 500 men into boats in silence. fillowed 47 desrayes each with 400 men on board. Boats mised then blayings in dark sichned about 2M. to Norths getting Sel, p. 106.
AUST 34 4th Month 1915 April (20 to 28) 28 MONDAY-TII6-249) went rund 6ff of line over Welker's will at daw - shatty after orrepud fe began on in again, but A. Elizabetts came up into t 15t jurs seitencevenen at once Landes dinin night N.Z. Nowitz Batthy & 2 Hust bat'ss mnch me ans in- seneral much repne spinit perraded all canks with mry soim, bagh te fowd bear faw ot it wite no sest for 36 hores. Went up to see moretagans live wts Biidges up top steep, Tgly valley, dot of shorting going on osreapnel lath, t it sid on do much harm. went toace admid of Anen. 2T TUESDAY (II7-248) went up to Walker's Bre. or will over camp into Enley o got Koadh up there to them him county agcin sanange depnite sector of defence. Then went into Biid ges up willy in reas of camp to Mclagans N.S. &ananged sectes tohe. eiveny foris very had all thre with sheapnel a cifte pre- intergalling engutve. Discety in left Bactanin, both & stane his B.M. were weled going down valley sheapuel all over in Lates went with Bridges to extreme right of line under 12 Pay. There posental kes 2 gis over gree held, Coving Nat Toe.Mc. as 50wr aley ridge who wer being t cany suiped osh diw & attck seem e lunngnt-28 WEONESOAy 118 297 b pel wck. awnd eveny enery seend inclined to assume offin we opectec us all we with secknet llets which cortinned, all might-long King.S.0. to renetair, came in tosay they were being frieed back on it: centre dining ingr, so 3 hd to sweep up all Veach 2 getves &end toon Muner Wogetaffto ower who h succeeded. Wamn. turkes attached in senval places int whe divend ergutig & thin fims ceased prins in man. 28th Went with Goddley sume left winds under walke had been puohed frward. clmnped up ver steep opes & found all well thre Beauds 2y at poot on then way beck after wuch faw wort since 2sth when ty lost heart. sans came to see we re Naval wi. Blanded 2 Bns manne tde under tritunges ssent tti up shreapnel walle" at back of cait to ake over owen's unc -an iignt attacks esputi IIANW
29 THURSDAY IIIS-246) (eto2) April & May 1915 s0 a s1 Daye OIAM P.N. (Cyeepic ote soned my vittle steapuel men wnch went rund ays & witman tinches on right wi Bricks - lts of wisting as wx passed along. In far H landed of two him up on PWeger Hatean. Deat oNoeen Brs of Naral Dosen Canded o aned mne. children under untrain sy qucees is feel sory futh but thm in ngt 9 Wanns Bes in Meays ord section. waing Box left then trtuckes at inMt cains ton could, not hold ont, but ut on antarian Dis wer up to putthe vork, fund no eney thre! 30 FRIDAY (120-245) went sung it sesting into Duiapes oot jord hen of shalid Batr position frm Resen Hats prs. Y is afated Eitrangs. Went wee mercer vaval Bde. Bps. dear of Welling gon. on orl which day became ver pay at wight- WMay SATURDAY (121-2441 SS. Philip and James, Holiday, Stock Exchange man attacted Learl into rifte sdidg w shelling soon after 5.a.m but hir & ferm done, Big gins from 15 Wannor again fad mining to & aste fleet, int ony esculled in lnge fountiins! went to see donnnal &o plm Lat went up sheapnes valle wher waincs were Leaily shelled sheter after ast iight mrch pring but not much was- Went and pisttuckes 2suN-4 at Easter 1222 2237 on right. I adgrai Dcays an unter Law digeing to tuete ol 358 gards of 5 Onda got several of them. Mams attocked ast in put but srive enery o. Nar Peds ad seare otht ten co. n jred wildly. Godllys 2 edes hris to attack turans tip of will at niiht-ent obtagos wer late, shrort we tuk ten suck wounchss had to tll bort, into loss amd too wers.
405 36 May (s to s) 3 MONDAY [128-242) Sth Month 1915 Bank Holiday, Scotland, Royal Academy opens in lan sat to we os board ascadion -Went dome in desboy Chelmas said to much fave 29 in Oider p attack on deh Teats prsction- - anarged flso to leave bingt, by got order to Woppere In 24 hom a utg bring again all igut but no attack. 4 TUESDAY (124-241) nave attempt to take kats tipe landing Bo men from destriyn in morning. dand it held sronly wits mn omering in winsajally canrcealed salleng so bnd to nitsdaw. Trun we wof iits ity & casnaltee was und espul - vasted une eventes. Sen Resenbals gim went treee wallers thick otteni to Feturn & Fronish at near of vallen- latter cattes mecances wvection Jangins on edge g ulley white wayy on dead stell tanging or adjanent ridge; endat Mour down by naxun ditl prin? in moning uindp pret tie sin& lamg and dir S WEDNESDAY [125-240) sinct in it- adinal thinsky came astne went eurd so totuche with we sont to Rosertls gime not much ping guiig on, but steuch in totuckes from sead wls eastsl bost. Rosenbals Cime. Nowched out one on reat cefe. tevtain amnt shell me all day sent of 2rd Hust NN.2 M. Bde - also 5 Battines wntill in after daiks to jom in lang frice at ape rlenes to som in his attack as adis Bati- Ceny we bey weak fere - 1 & 3rd. Bres on Att 2300 Cach & Fewasts 3 thBde aut 1700 - wnle Naval Wanne order - 2 hs soch- marchently weless. Very peavy pring at injot which sanded like his attack wt sme t Nytins.
AUST 111A) 5 o L 43 fu 4 6 THURSDAY [126-239) 1915 n Days (o to o) May King's Accession, 1910 (Sh 2Sm a.x. (Greenwich) dail Ginst day, worg som fin behind Kats lepe enpladed beach ocaured W of Mnithes copecially amon toe mules - went up tis gso left wher weces hombas to5.2 vaval B- stinch from cerpses ver bad. good wein g eurk position from here - a rattes jord as posseble tugh all the senth &tucks bei preeients tegn wannr him hight. 7 FRIDAY [127-238) Cunst night went rund yt in my - Eim pr L. started exnlading us again sore vint of toppel plae hve with 21M.B Killing waning given & 36 mulls. As drat ofice descited to us fm Kats Cepe - Avery Leaviy shelled on y. centre in afternun & beach cates on from S. wet or area to ex domnat yuk reifrcemnts anned fn Egght If sent 11228 M 220/ Bde ON.2 to lap Neller. S.SATURDAY [128-237) dinst in y Iang am o day. Many hyrned wt of shrapnet ony us again cipecialy as beach wber were amials killed, bt onr to ford to averis of stores not much lasm done went rind irtmans Mwasts ling in moy at head g valler & cam Popes oBinnages pickets. Lett on sam 3rd. 5 2nd Bho in Walkers trenchs. 9 Rogation SUN [129-236) Proclamation, King George I dnicknight. went ting sa crc ons a jut cutrs into Biges to see cintable pince in redent in plation 400 stoen sh lin gorednce outre. tot of streapuel comg in on us-ongins sterch but tilke tam an orverytad his head taken of heg in timase. Iis lan sent wannas to say aWack on octa Bar tad failed & engeete ided my intextn
1057 38 May (10 to 12) (IOMONDAY [130-2351 5th Month 1915 POPntO PAS as I innit not be able had on at Anzae Ave. Whn I ammuch averse as it dawalid. he worot-possible effet in ever way slpe I can hold int Canan 15ts Toches 1 o wade inpattacks on enerys tenchs. Grt. 3 o tm oo siral pt perdoted puttes obaginete g H.A part in camp. Ugutate some tinks wer left in centoe of theis trinches rern wa eventisally meated iit heay wes. cmn pos got well into ants henree in ant atort wten was was per nay. 10h men on destayes net to cave kelley to see In tis se sitation odeerced to tave on we went on Itimetty om position- tney pred gut ragain inptadet benen. TJTUESDAY (13I-234) Rogation Day rven hied a wt dun ip aly sajain spiticated tad 11t ining tried a lit dining wight swade bay hearted attack, bt fancy his was tortly by way of pnting us off him attaciing again. went up shrewed vally to le anan, 5754 Wn winch was ratht unicted, bu him seem ttes opirition tere satisfoctor. damed a by- got blankely ashrre- I2 WEDNESDAY 1132-233) Rrsation Pay incy fired most is vlently ard night loy ttone was a rfect zog, oinitety which di& no tenn. They eemto gay been rempced chanveuls disminited 18 Lt Mors Bigade amoed yn yt srepleld Feotin as 2 RM. L. L. Bus with Wonagh at tread of Streahnet valley. Went round left of me in ever with wercer s saw all his Ward Bde treches - good clear of suiping gomg on, tone. Rusel up N.Z. Fers. Pifle Biggive landed my disumter 1500 men in my o tuteant 2 B. Waines left ir Cate Kelles. 81 8 r
1057 ff J C.A. S. 38 Fa3 CX 4 3 w a < 4 i to n 44 5.e 20 A £5. 5 4 t A13 13 THURSDAY [133-232) 1915 s1 Dags KSWWSSO Ascension Day Danly guiet night tagh cime shirty. Han Funch him ot Cape Neller Minsa great deal went tolep peant. saut su all Pysseth men who were by bea ssaw Canty was like N.2. ter went to Walber sectin satory ser o M tnches where tgs were siping a woed deal- Shrapnot srift fre somg on all ony, but Veoch sape. Mercey Naved Ide with tann in we sont of to Cate Nelles in night Battledng Goliatt sum be inlist di 1Ck1A1 h Mt. Sart JhSima. J. (Greenwis went on wad an canns an innat, it nest in aftene. eveny tied off son anl in Mr - Kata cepe oing payd at ore time endenth apaid o attack ours gio wat a diny not showing search light. Ts bad to be done oning to peorg3 gervan subrames in ircuit Sent-Fact N.2.H.R to searh M. Tallon again, fime if in occupied. Tort Gidley to see new of enems positin from Highe's Battery - then to roh 1st osde tute oo to see Chanvch Wasad's trinckes up the valle- Lond enem o er mrowing his drm is my anm. Wench & I5 SATURDAY [135-230) dom mch MMMSc a Da 4ed a path to go strst thenong to night went up to trench subnte witm ter henseee. the a bulle - from too enk tench about 20 415. off grazed alon we tih of iy head - a wondestryacip scat awtad, on Amn's post by ansendane It pave un es Graterm failed He was kelled: it was appasenth not driven horse. they prsed & w. diing night but did int attacts. Saymehe36a Bshss is p in in dug on On apswinded on may of strepuer valley_ 15th. cremendously hen froing diing night which sunded tike repeated atacks, int they came to hithing. Fanty quret all day. In Mr. Hamltos cawy to bee me. am most distressed at Bnd ges hims so senough wanded. a great we schs mie lew.
40 May (ir to 1s) IT. MONDAY [13T-2281 po nort 1615 Lad Bds retirned 1900 stroy from ups Welkes Danly auist night. Went out to hospital slish ifascon to see Bridges he is I fear very bad - leg mortifying & Doctors little loe of his being able to stand on che raken. He is a terrible wss to Nistalian Duron o Ufind it hard to samy on nithout-hin. came back to hearing valued filles sait nd been wilted-a ut of steapugh theogh to heart while stietching up by Bitry or servation host in cantoe of position ancthe great loss offs bed of fellows - a most dented oloyd ghcer set-gsolarer. ainal thinsly came amove to be we stall me te was shortly off to goin ms Villam at dnsh- bullets Walian fleet Wibim S1830 1/ whictin wes sgis using as we did so. Went rand t returred 3n Bd. all chaey except Botton ands. Toth. Gremendirs Erih netade again Ay hattic ws toming on, nh nt arked eny I dred of- Went bor board oca for tnd to say wooeke, i wwmn at thinety on his ceavs here yts Mr Fiee p. Malk t 10 Wahan: very evey ondeed to wse him as he ey alwegs heeed so innep wuch a dear ford pellon I9 WEDNESDAY (139 2261 Tintes started hary attoct undnight wks trmdons rifle & indran edied I a ostrted again 3s a scoytinned til night. Wey began neeny shelling amt 4.45 with mytsing from 902 done wars seven 12th bot did little hav. Detm med abaets were mnde V. 32d.4 N2. Bde in each case being dowen back Deim prisones we head 2 ver wwisuns him constantinfer had just arrived & ben bright in against us wnith in. Liman vor samdgo in commond. My m day th were sirdent veators shord left at legst 3000 lying degd in the chas beore our trenches, wnle their truete must sare been pull. my attacked omed. Lay heartedly, in afternoon & night ont en dentty were not on for any onither attacks. An ca nates about 500. Had tuills who were ap 35, 000 agant in 10,000 ripes attacked in uumbey in ove hlorce thre mast h ave s 2
. 87 6& or so or AAE AUE 20 THURSDAY (140-225) 1915 41 Days C00 10 2 Mar got. to wh -a of wes they Cariched disg mgd attade which were eas dien thek. Night was hand gine. orgiie into 20 Wt. Norse Brigade anwed pr sypt & N.E. fx. Osde yor Cape Heltes. went surd lept prand iuche now held, by Rnsells N.E.N.R. Ide er over us & med to did yeuai crip tre a longe boub apprenthy went vey widle. In evening tits adranced nitt white & edterant fle in number- Carge newks, unomed win belind with enden. inm Vinyi deas obpn in woed- ducunter aie me wgle herveve leen to be massing in set - ths was envent iIe W21 FRIDAV -(1I-222) h attack. Alro Wall w rary about till dont e Easter Law Sittingsend. who went up in HAgEanrond then t enches cronsted with cniedmen- I trefe sent wod tnt no flay could be ffrom the tomorow may, don it withspannl unts at once started attack, They pred heant duing night & Cmbarde at tes with bg shells, bt did not pless home ay real attend Tinles from Garc Tehe sent in a plagg brce wite Stap office to arsange amt-tinel 9te dead - sngyent relse wist day. Ent. Aberead-Barlett & apnall rend 1/& 2 tele. Muches is yoing Essed Pashe the Curtesh Cn L-Sertn at a Tepe is ast i m grnesticeto a Stalfolicerna 22 SATURDAY 1142-2231 Ou 1 Reed 4h 50m a.M. (reenwich grs pinhn nidiooa nis t ats rifes on ti Isa as we hear thy are very short of them sran fricements one coming how imarmed-sent mepisaly to M an 22nd, aing moy. fmn submonin reported- ou ship att getting under weigh & cruing about. Benthwaite came onr fim imbos to see tibst en vor se Arms oamitie went io see 3ed St Norse oN.2. My. Rell in sremg 23 WHIT SUN (143-2221 Ember Weet went up to right flme went all and 3d. Bde tricks Exnan aroplane went ove spted a hnw bt nen 2yt Rots H.a. wiked one wo. Twknt egesewatr came in recepted tomso anmistice. H.R.S. Who went acoe at gave inve us vrn sinten ataymed wo. She 3d. Mart of 30
1578 42 May (24 to 26) 24 Whitsun MONDAY [144-221) 5th Month 1915 Bapk Holiday. (Empire Day) arvstice wit guyon yon Samdle tegon at 7.30 at to brng to dead ding, in any wounded - He wirks really wanted it to hold duor rifes on tsn dead - we ind collected as waing of tose as, wsske dining prevors in gs arnists went off uik ont witch Boyt I heas turk sen a jood deal into an lince- as we did tens. some othen quite fon taned wice losking fellows. We find then dead ye more tmn we thouht- at last 3000 lying in bunt ons tusches some of them in sened rows, indenth lulfed by Masiss. l4 many more mutarkncte is fure. The stated iolent- Insitade at aby. 9. N.M. Farmn during night, but it came to notme bent on desty es Newmarkp Capt. Hall - to eequnoites round suvt a Bay to tw. up sefts of 971. on om way back we saw torpeds strike Triempls on storboaw side Sq Nat a Tipe- Aemn- 12.10. ste soon heeled over but eemamed or h side abut qparte hom, long enogh fn all toer on board, we coeld to br as did severaldesbores- preenth oe tinged on berside otherred ber heet renay like toaf, love . Am. &e yt a dise storght done head tt iet cach all re sollonbtar, sored: he crex ino Ale Ember pa rbot to save any, as duges ond avey vi on we wt ben. worded- a temble sight 15 see nr wos libe to- einte ameth- with ther ble strbbly fo 2 un tive efter. came wre to hear simis fost was being underminet &gave ower to pre a certts mne. 264. Enem fined a lt dury night but orksn taptened. Tanly suiet day. Went rowd 18.14te By- truchen 41 Asretties in a degtreges coming in with trooks from 3 bunsts a streapnet. Wart tad not weined us a then coming.
4 w 23 13 57 5 a 445 57 wt o pt 43 2T THURSDAY (IAT-21S) 1915 31 Days (ar to se) May Tull did a wo of frrmg again 2 or 3 times during night. Head Majestic was sunk at hen Cape Welles - making 3id vatke stip. (Gohiath & tumpld bus sunk lately -hs is very seriors sas all bable slups have non byd to go to Pendos scsphatos we ore have desrezers to heep is. Went Eond N.2. binches on Cest-with Ourssell. Cept grant from clestodzer Pinches case to see we, taiing banspened from Candiar. 28 FRIDAY [148-217) Osh 3Im p.x. (Greenwich!. &edeal diing night sem &gam pred a go wen cou right flul with Cannthes who is tem paar on. Morclagans 3nd. Bde - rattn a cinst day: every put sive high iflowe shells over ywing in yol tiks exppodes a mine under annnes post. af 29.m SM rnsked in tibing jaito trinch retuining its till abut- 9.9.n ahom give an3 W 52 wenth all die thim off wtts wss we tut a thch wes gate lfe rntes by Msselly B to waths duy right. Cehm amuit shelling going on. We captined 1 wrlo is amn frst I mnst- hve killed serial himeeds as furs got into them well alw maching gins - ore of the prsoner said By fad loy 2000. Went up tosee N.Z. lines or off tend porr since.R.g tad benn wille 30 TRIRITY SUN(ISO-215] Fanly quist night, but tums sot closer still to amins post Drade 2 listneg it which 10 thats thrse had to denolish in day. tenser left on thosts heanty abtacked smins day. Sn an came over p imnos I tat him a in up vallay
44 May June (to): 31 MONDAY [I5I-214] 5th & 6th Months 1915 Russells N.2. 17/d Prigle Prefe or left cave up they 3rd outfort host which they tore on 28ths Ofhurie cuse night ton was very anxiors about Orins post ottse 2 saps Wtg Enved had made up to ye- Went rond 14.A. Bdle & Witaey pnche weks White in morning. auist-hight sand N.i had left to in dead - abut 12 wit rifle sall int in toinces utin t I ef 1June TUESDAY (152-213) Trinity Law Sittings begin Went round N.2. Wenck with Golley seaw Smssell & Kingher whoe keep wer i were state of annos fostst very, cuts ue, as mites had jot vowsper ebstctin ners us 5 lands of binch. Turing night we exploded wis structin with gur cotton, but cold not hold crater on it unver such very heave me. a joor deal wa ing dirring night 4 2 WEDNESDAY 115S-212) went up moradh gully - fad long tot with chawel about his os wicke wrent round ofis will with Rowelt it has been i improved. many pred a good deat at different ponts atg night, cut didnt attack as tawes wouts roinded like explosions thies
45 3 THURSDAY (ISL-2II) 13 to s) June 1915 30 Days King George V. born, 1865. Corpus Christi A quist day Went to see moyads Ode returned from Popes, Annvo receitt Courthays posts it heet of vally sgetting some welt earved rest. Went or boar hspital stupe Buscon to see Bunnage & Sicitie to see Bnd in afterio - every yot a real seare in i fut in fred off Borsards of rinds at 4 FRIDAY (155-210) (4h 32m p.x. (Greenwich) rain free St. Withis A fanly enict N wale an attack at Ach Babe- wch orten ine heard. We wide an attec by Canty buy Brs. We Lealeee on inilist tinch in front of cnnos- And. it willing care mill stallyg 20 pneonc; At saw time 14 M abreter prun. dlicey prg. & Pawsell hs ago at truch b him, wench went off parch well wran wirg lues Trly t rem congam b ing bunts into then truch o all a alr mue N cintoretm to dnins post a btd prring during the night S SATURDAY HSS-200) Tig still heavy ag cenitt of last wight attad Icon unher ill at and day uter it das, youn- a great, ver we did not hold on wt toeuch- went rowodn paly of 1 Bde teches in afternoon wit Walks men did a good deal d prms at night. C SUN-Iaft Trin (157-208) Fanly quist day. Yorgh, cnan shelled ys a gord leat Wen romd ngrt of 14. bed. & nw kele sucter with walkes lettr nom very wed. Wnt on boan sialie to see Bis &Beoner - to nue B. canterin Rines
A05 40 June (7 to a) 7 MONDAY TISS-2O7l S 6th Month 1915 Loles libe g bem to of eieing byre us As Isn were easily chai by Jahanese bourt we stazed away law several times. want out with sten to visit on 3 friend onthosts on left flants on shore abve I beyord Iicheswan hut, wtue Otago T.R. uner Banch of are wiks sucpins a goost deal tore. Tiks welled us a good deal onusse cine a 8 TUESDAY (159 206) youn g Cante bi Bn. N.2. offered to afact. Tuhih bench in fun o aims to coxlves rifter nevel genefy. an oformgt was mede to do Ms, alry- 10.30 fm (9m. Mnt. vey bll heartedly - wen did no inmitzes as I had been told they wanted to do, May sue recen eeing tence no rese goon wss wore, with chew tun and may ay & mins cyed a cunet day impht. 9 WEDNESDAY [160-205) destrzer at d Si tan calle too we down to Cape Helles for conprence Fuunter -Weste &Bs hew Flerch seeral with pouond to then us telegean dost distonce toat large reinfrcenents ver s sent out O d our firt tee 1
1657 11 3 E 10 10 THURSDAY (IGI-204) (10 to is) June 1915 20 Days Cou Cndy Dent rount 4th 81st B0 Cnt ns fort ut do th 5 tine stell still very hav one sectin of fr g in tewrs & unveciied oning w ag bs. frt fup all dark olon Ducdor voay Ficitia with Bud succersfully drew encing fire t por 43 st M Welt at 2.9.m. 11 FRIDAY (162-203) St. Barnabas, Ap. comgrative guiet dy veright, but tuks did sore sheling went rane Van exclee tenches oerss by coedw dom to head of tonash valley where sniking is how much less oning to the yar overed ways we have Vide. 12 SATURDAY (163-202) e Ch SIm p.x. (Greenwich) 107 again comparatively qus ef day onight te ang forto gim kelled 4 man winded 7. Nelled 10 ourwed 19 woles of 26ts Natere 124 Batton N2 lest plank. I went rond 2nd defece sechs with Surytt 13 SUN--2aft Trin (164-201) went raid it defence seg, wit walk wadayon ma givrs again burbaver left severely. Bacchane ctatan ave oe af 59.n orrolently vonbaret Boghals, Korader shrrefarts qquite tite old ti ss bpore Sorman submaning anwed. RC

28 April [5 to 7]   5 Easter MONDAY [95-270]   4th Month 1915
Bank Holiday.  
Quarter Sessions Week 
A horrible day. regular Indian hot
weather feeling - hear only the raging
sand blowing like the devil.
Went out to Helnan in afternoon & had tea
with Charles Bentinck.
Dined with Maxwell to say goodbye.

6 Easter TUESDAY (96-269)
8h 12m P.M. (Greenwich).
Dividends due at Bank
Said goodbye to McMahons in mnig & left with train to
Cairo at 12. Arrived Alexandria, 3.20. Carruthers
brother of R.G. & manager Anglo-Egyptian Bank met us & took
us to his house at Bulksley Ramleh overlooking sea.  Went with him 
by train into town & saw Sir Ian Hamilton at Union Club.
Returned by train to Ramleh with Carruthers. 

7 WEDNESDAY [97 - 208]
Oxford Easter Term begins
Went into Alexandria by train after breakfast to see Sir Ian
who left in afternoon for Lemnos.
In afternoon the 2 Carruthers & I went over very nice
public gardens & a private one next door to it - all
very beautifully kept.   


1915 30 Days  8 THURSDAY [98 - 267]   [8 to 11] April
Drove with Mr. C & Onslow to San Stefano where I went
over the Indian hospital & saw about 150 of our men en
route to India from France - mostly wounded Then went
on to Victoria College & called on d’Amade & drove past all
French Division - not impressed by them & their horse
management, seems awful.  Their horses will no use
soon. Had lunch at Alexndr Hotel with Lady McMahon & Trench & went
after to see the lovely house taken by Mr. C.  from a Greek Gen  for the summer, 
livery, gardens, stables etc. Drove after all round by sea first for Ras El Tin 
barracks & palace to Light house & saw lovely view of harbour &
all the old fortifications,

9 FRIDAY [99 - 266]
Fire Insurances expire
Had a swim early on beach. Motored down to the town
to Khedivial Club - afterwards Kattori took us to see
Pompey’s Pillar, a really fine block of granite of
great highth- how on Earth was it got up? Then went
on board Minnewaska a lovely American transport liner
on which I have all my staff.  Bridges & staff  1st Div. 1st. Aust. Inf.
Bn. Hobbs & Div, R.a. Staff. Signal Co etc.

10 Saturday [100 265]
Alexandria harbour full of shipping of all sorts-
well over 100 big ships for my Army Corps'- 29th Div.
& French Division. Also American cruiser “Tennassee”
& about 40 sailing ships.
We left at 7.a.m for Mudros Bay.

11 Low SUN - 1 aft Easter [101-264]
Went to early service & later to parade service both held by
the Methodist Chaplain & very good ones too.  I addressed
the men after the latter.


April [12 to 14]   12 MONDAY  [102 - 263]   4th Month 1915
Arrived Mudros Bay 7.a.m. & went into inner
harbour. After breakfast went on board Arcadian to see
Sir Ian but found he was away. Then went on "Queen"
with Admiral Thursby who is to cooperate with
my Army Corps in attack. He showed us the
situation as far as he knew. Stayed to lunch
on Queen. After went round all the ships
of Australian Contingent - & the 2 containing
my Indian Mt. Battery Brigade.

13 TUESDAY [103 -262]
Easter Law Sittings begin
Went on board 'Arcadian' to see Sir Ian H. & 
talked over plans for our operations.
In afternoon went on board "Queen"- Flagship
of R. Admiral Thursby with Bridges & all my
Brigadiers & CO’s. I was in his Cabin then
all went up by Wardroom. We sailed
at 5.30.p.m. 


14 WEDNESDAY [104-261]
11h 36m A.M. (Greenwich)
Arrived up at head of Zeus Bay Early
morning & then steamed slowly all down the
coast of Gallipoli Peninsula past
Ejelmer Bay, Cape Suvla & Gaba Tape
looking at places for landing carefully.
Got back to Mudros Bay about 4.30.p.m.
& went on board "Minnewaska" again,
Sir Ian being away from Arcadian when I
went to see him. 


1915 30 Days   15 THURSDAY [105-260]   15-18 April
Went ashore and saw 2nd Bde under
McCay carrying out a practice - landing
& attacking a position. Lovely day &
wild flowers beautiful.  Godley with part
N.Z Division arrived.
Dined with Sir Ian Hamilton on board Arcadian.

16 FRIDAY [106-259]
Went to see Sir Ian on "Arcadian" & Admiral
Thursby on "Queen" in mnig
Landed at Mudros with Knox in afternoon
to see about buying donkeys.
Hunter Weston & Woolley dined on board
with me.

17 SATURDAY [107-258]
Went ashore at Mudros in afternoon with
Bridges & we climbed over hills above
Zereh camps - lovely views of harbour.

18 SUN - 2 aft Easter [108-257]
Cambridge Easter Term begins
Early service & Church parade with Methodist Chaplain Col. Green.
I made the men a short address after. Went to see Godley 
on board "Yukon" & lunched with him.  After took him to Queen
to meet Admiral Thursby. French Admiral Guepratte called on
me. Officers of “Royal Ark” dined with me. 


April [19 to 21]   19 MONDAY [109-256]   4th Month 1915
Went on board Admiral de Robeck’s flagship “Queen
Elizabeth” at 11 for meeting of all Generals & Admirals to
discuss operations & settle date of starting them.
Bridges & I returned call of Contre-Amiral Guepratte
on board his flagship "Jaureguiberry".
Went ashore to see Godley's people [[ready?]] & saw
Monash's Bde in [[detrelments?]] - outposts & [[winning?]].
Walked with Godley over the hills. 

20 TUESDAY [110-255]
Went to see Sir Ian on board "Arcadia"
in afternoon to talk about plans & then
went on shore with Bridges & climbed
hill behind Mudros.
Wind up a bit. 

21 WEDNESDAY [111-254]
Raining - blowing and cold.
Admiral Thursby & all Naval Military
Officers concerned came on board
Minnewaska at 10 & we discussed 
all plans.
All arrangements put back 24 hours
on account of the weather, though we 
may heard this by chance!


1915 30 Days   22 THURSDAY [112-253]    [22 to 25] April
3h 39m P.M. (Greenwich)
Still very cold & blowy & [[showers?]]. Came
in we must delay start by still
another 24 hours.  I am beginig to
fear the delay may defeat my plans of
being able to land as a surprise in the
dark, as the moon may now give away
our approach. Went ashore in afternoon &
walked to Greek Battery Commanding entrance of Mudros Bay

23 FRIDAY [113-252]
St. George
with Bridges & Lotbiniere. We found Battery just being
taken over from the Greeks by our marines & enroute from
[[both?]] there. Went to see Braithewaite on Arcadia &
Thursby on Queen after.
Went over to see Admiral Thursby on "Queen" in
morning about plans _ & then Maclagan on "Malda"
about his landing party. Weather much better.
Left "Minnewaska" at 6 & went on board "Queen" to be with Admiral
for start of operations.

24 SATURDAY [114-251]
On H.M.S."Queen".  Left Mudros 2 p.m. Magnificent sight the transports 
passing down & out. Each great battleship silently turning round
have then moved off in line ahead - Queen, Triumph, Prince
of Wales, Bacchante, London. Majestic. Shortly before leaving
destroyers came alongside & brought 500 men of 3rd Australian
Bde on to each of Queen, London & Prince of Wales.

25 SUN-3 aft Easter [115-250]
St. Mark, Evan
We stood into Kaba Tepe on Gallipoli Peninsula at 2.30 a.m. with
Q, London & P of W. Each discharged their 500 men into boats in silence - 
followed by 7 destroyers each with 400 men on board. Boats missed
their bearings in dark & inclined about 2 m. to North getting
see, p.106.


April [26-28]   26 MONDAY [116-249]   4th Month 1915
Went round all of line over Walker's Hill at dawn. Shortly
after shrapnel fire began on us again, but Q. Elizabeth came up
with her 15" guns & silenced enemy at once.  Landed during
night N.Z. Howitzer Battery & 2 Aust. batteries which are
dug in _ General much happier & spirits [[pervaded?]] all ranks
with mnig sun though they had been hard at it with no rest for
36 hours.  Went up to see Maclagan's line with Bridges up long
steep, jungle valley. Lot of shooting going on & shrapnel later,
though it did not do much harm.  Went to see admiral
on Queen.

27 TUESDAY [117-248]
Went up to Walker's Bde. on hill over camp with Godley &
got Monash up there to show him country around & arrange
definite sectors of defence.  Then went with Bridges up valley
in rear of camp to Maclaurin's H.Q. & arranged sector there - 
Enemy firing very hard all time with shrapnel & rifle fire -
bullets falling everywhere.  Directly on left Maclaurin, both he & Irvine
his B.M. were killed.  Going down valley shrapnel all over us.
Later went with Bridges to extreme right of line under McCay. There
Rosenthal has 2 guns over green field covering Kaba Tepe. McCay
has 5 Divs along ridge who were being heavily sniped & shelled &
attack seemed imminent 28 WEDNESDAY [118-247] but fell back. Towards
evening enemy seemed inclined to assume offensive & plastered us all over 
with shrapnel & bullets which continued all night long. King. S.O.
to Maclaurin came in to say they were being fired back on at centre
during night, so I had to sweep up all beach parties & send them
off with Wagstaff to Owen who had succeeded McLaurin.  Turks
attacked in several places but were driven off [[somewhere?]] &
their guns ceased firing in mnig. 28th Went with Godley round
left which under Walker had been pushed forward. Climbed up very
steep spur & found all well there.  Braund’s 2 Bn at boat
on their way back after much hard work since 25th when they
lost heavily. Paris came to see me re Naval Div. I landed 2 Bns 
Marine Bde under Trotman & sent them up "shrapnel valley" at
back of camp to take over Owen's line. Two night attacks repulsed. 


1915  30 & 31 Days    29 THURSDAY [119-246]    [29 to 2] April & May 
2h 19m P.M. (Greenwich)
Enemy much quieter & fired but little shrapnel.
Went round McCay's & Trotman's trenches on right
with Bridges _ Lots of shooting as we passed along.  Sir Ian
H. landed & I took him up on Plugge's plateau.
Deal & Nelson Bns of Naval Division landed & joined me.
Children under untrained officers & I feel sorry for them.
Put them on right of Marine Bn in McCay's old
section.  Marine Bn left their trenches at night
saying they could not hold out; but when Australian Bns
went up to put them back, found no enemy there!

30 FRIDAY [120-245]
Went round [[rt?]] section with Bridges & got good view
of Khalid Bahr position from Rosenthal's guns.  It
is a perfect Gibraltar.   Went to see Mercer's Naval
Bde. Bns.
Good deal of shelling going on all day which
became very heavy at night.

1 May SATURDAY [121-244]
SS. Philip and James
Holiday, Stock Exchange
Enemy attacked heavily with rifle & did a lot of
shelling soon after 5.a.m. but little harm done. Big guns
from the Narrows again had morning tries at the fleet, but
only resulted in large fountains! Went to see Admiral re plans
later went up Shrapnel Valley where marines were heavily shelled &
shaken after last night.  Much firing but not much loss.
Went round line trenches 2 SUN - 4 aft Easter [122-243] on right. Maclagan's
McCays. Saw Turks hard digging trenches only 300 yards off & Onslow
got several of them.  Marines attacked last night but drove enemy off. Naval
Bde had flare & shot their [[CO?]] then fired wildly.  Godley's 2 Bdes tried 
to attack towards top of hill at night but Otago's were late, & though
we took their Turk trenches had to fall back with loss about 600 men. 


May [3 to 5]    3 MONDAY [123-242]     5th Month 1915
Bank Holiday, Scotland. Royal
Academy opens
Sir Ian sent for me on board "Arcadian". Went down in
destroyer "Chelmer".  Said he must have 2 of my Bdes for
attack on Achi Babi position - I arranged for them
to leave tonight but got orders to postpone for 24 
A lot of firing again all night but no attack.

4 TUESDAY [124-241]
Made attempt to take Kaba Tepe landing 120 men from
destroyer in morning. Found it held strongly with men and maxims
in wonderfully concealed galleries so had to withdraw. 
How we got off with only 5 casualties was wonderful - wasted
fire everywhere. From Rosenthal's guns went to see Walkers 
trenches then up to Trotman & Monash at head of valley -
Latter rather precarious position hanging on edge of valley. 
While many are dead still hanging on adjacent ridge [[laid?]] at
mown down by maxims. Little firing in morning which for first
time since landing died down.

5 WEDNESDAY [125-240]
Quiet night. Admiral Thursby came ashore & went
round some trenches with me & out to Rosenthal's guns _ not
much firing going on, but stench in trenches from dead
Turks rather bad. Rosenthal's guns knocked out one on
Kaba Tepe.  Certain amount shell fire all day. Sent off
2nd Aust & N.Z. Inf. Bde _ also 5 Batteries Artillery
after dark to join Sir Ian's free at Cape Helles to
join in big attack on Achi Babi _ leaving me very
weak here _ 1st & 3rd. Bdes only about 2300 each &
Monash's 4th Bde about 1700 _ while Naval & Marine
Bdes - 2 Bns each - practically useless.  Very heavy firing
all night which sounded like big attack but came
to nothing.


1915 32 Days     6 THURSDAY [126-239]        [6 to 9] May
King's Accession, 1910
5h 23m A.M. (Greenwich)
Fairly quiet day, though some guns behind Kaba
Tepe exploded beach & caused lots of casualties
especially among the mules. Went up big spurs on
left where trench [[thg?]] 2 Naval Bns _ Stench
from corpses very bad. Good view of Turk position
from here or rather good as possible through all the
scrub & trenches.
Reinforcements began to arrive from Egypt.

7 FRIDAY [127-238]
Quiet night. Went round rt. in mnig. Gun from S. started
enfilading us again & one burst of shrapnel played havoc
with 21 M.B. killing & wounding 9 men & 36 mules. An
Arab officer defected to us from Gaba Tepe.  Enemy
heavily shelled on rt. centre in afternoon & beach
later on from S. Went on Queen to see Admiral.
Hamilton reinforcements arrived from Egypt & I sent
those for 2nd Bde & N.Z. to Cape Helles.

8 SATURDAY [128-237]
Quiet night & fairly quiet day. Enemy poured
lot of shrapnel over us again especially on beach
where more animals killed, but owing to good traverses
of stores not much harm done. Went round Trotman's
& Monash’s line in mnig at head of valley & saw
Pope's & Burrage’s pickets. Later on saw 3rd & 2nd 
Bns in Walker's trenches.

9 Rogation SUNDAY [129-236]
Proclamation, King George V.
Half Quarter Day
Quiet night. Went line right centre with Bridges to see
suitable place for redoubt on plateau 400. Straighten line & reduce duties.
Lot of shrapnel coming in on us - on guns and beach, but little harm. An
orderly had his head taken off near my bivouac. Sir Ian sent Dawnay  to
say attack on Achi Babi had failed and suggested idea my withdrawing


May [10 to 12]   10 MONDAY [130-235]   5th Month 1915
Rogation Day
as I might not be able hold out at Anzac Cove. To this I 
am much averse as withdrawal wd. have worst possible effect
in every way & hope I can hold out. Canan's 15th & Pope’s 16th
Bn. made night attack on enemy's trenches _ Took 3 of them and a small
party penetrated further & bayonetted a H.Q hut in Camp. Unfortunately
some Turks were left in control of their trenches & our men eventually
vacated with heavy loss. Our guns got well into Turks trenches in
counter attack, their loss was very heavy. 10th. Went on destroyer
 "Lisle" to Cape Helles to see Sir Ian re situation & decided to
hang on here. Went on strengthening our position. Enemy fired
a bit and again enfiladed beach. 

11 TUESDAY [131-234]
Rogation Day
Enemy fired a lot during night day & again enfiladed
11th. Enemy fired a lot during night. Made half hearted
attack, but fancy this was mostly by way of putting us
off from attacking again. Went up shrapnel valley to
see Canan & 15th Bn which was rather knocked, but
now seem happier & position there satisfactory.
Rained a bit _  got blankets ashore.

12 WEDNESDAY [132-233]
Rogation Day
Enemy fired most violently all night long there was a
perfect spray of musketry which did no harm. They
seem to have been reinforced.
Chauvel with dismounted 1st. Lt. Horse Brigade
arrived from Egypt & replaced Trotman's 2
R.M.L.I. Bns with Monash at head of Shrapnel Valley. Went
round left of line in evig with Mercer & saw all his Naval
Bde trenches - good deal of sniping going on there.
Russel with N.Z. Mtd. Rifle Brigade landed his dismounted 
1500 men in evig & Trotman's 2 Bns Marines left
for Cape Helles.


1915 31 days   13 THURSDAY [133-232]      [13 to 16] May
Ascension Day
Fairly quiet night though some shooting.
Heard Mercer form at Cape Helles firing a
great deal Went to left flank & [[saw?]] rnd all Russell's
men who were very keen & said country was like N.Z. then
went to Walker's sector & along some of his trenches where
Turks were sniping a good deal. Shrapnel  & rifle fire
going on all day but beach safer. Mercer’s Naval
Bde withdrawn in evig & sent up to Cape Helles in night.
Battleship Goliath sunk by Turkish destroyer near mouth of Straits.

14 FRIDAY [134-231]
8h 31m A.M. (Greenwich)
Went on board Queen with Admiral Thursby in afternoon.
Enemy fired off & on all night _  Kaba Tepe firing
hard at one time evidently afraid of attack overnight
Battleship not showing search light. This had to be
done owing to fear of 3 German submarines in vicinity.
sent back N.Z. M.R to search Mt Falcon again,  found it
unoccupied. Took Godley to see view of enemy’s position
from Hugh’s Battery _ then through 1st Bde trenches & on
to see Chauvel’s & Monash’s trenches up the valley. Found
enemy were throwing lots of bombs into Quinn’s trench &
doing much harm. 

15 SATURDAY [135-230]
Scottish Quarter Day (Whitsunday)
Organised a party
to go & turn them out tonight. Went up to trench & while
looking through periscope there a bullet from the Turk trench
about 30 yds. off grazed along the top of my head - a
wonderful & merciful escape.
Attack on Quinn's post by Queensland Lt. Horse under
Graham failed & he was killed: it was apparently not
driven home. They fired a lot during night but did not
attack. Stayed in quarters all day though shell landed in my dug out. I

16 SUN aft Ascension [136-229]
Bridges wounded on way up shrapnel valley - 15th. Tremendously heavy
firing during night which sounded like repeated attacks, 
but came to nothing. Fairly quiet all day. Sir
Ian  Hamilton came to see me. Am most distressed at Bridges
being so seriously wounded: a great loss & such a nice fellow.


May [17 to 19]   17 MONDAY [137-228]   5th Month  1915
2nd Bde returned 1900 strong from Cape Helles.
Fairly quiet night.  Went out to hospital
with "Gascon" to see Bridges.  He is I fear very bad - leg
mortifying & doctors little hope of his being able to stand an oper=
=ation.  He is a terrible loss to Australian Division.  I'll find it
hard to carry on without him.  Came back to hear my beloved
Villiers-Stuart had been killed - a bit of shrapnel through his
heart while sketching up by Battery observation post in centre
of position and is a great loss of the best of fellows - a most
devoted and loyal officer & best of soldiers. Admiral Thursby came
ashore to see me & tell me he was shortly off to join
Italian fleet. We burned the  hun Villain at dusk - bullets

18 TUESDAY (138-227)
whistling over & guns firing as we did so. Went round
the returned 2nd Bde - all cheery except Bilton cmdg
8th . Tremendous Turkish fusilade again last
night & it worked as if his attack was coming on.
But it died off. Went on board  Queen for lunch
to say farewell to Admiral Thursby on his leaving
here with his fleet for Malta & join Italian (therefore, in shorthand 3 dots) very
sorry indeed to lose him as he has always helped
so much such a dear good  fellow.

19 WEDNESDAY (139 -226)
Turks started heavy attack. midnight with tremendous.
rifle and maxim fire: died down and started again 3 a.m.  & continued till
night. They began heavy shelling about 4.45 with everything from 9.2
downwards & even 12" but did little harm. Determined attacks were made
v. 32d. 4th N.Z. Bde in each case being driven back.  From prisoner we
heard 2 new Divisions from Constantinople had just arrived & been brought in
against us with Gnl Liman von Sanders in command. by midday they 
were evidently beaten & had left at least 3000 lying dead in the 
open before our trenches, while their cemetry must have been full.
They attacked and fired half heartedly in afternoon & night but
evidently were not on for any further attack. Our
casualties about 500. Had turks who were about 35,000 against
 my 10,000 rifles attacked in unity in one place they might have


1915  31 Days   20 THURSDAY [140-225]   [20 TO 23] May
got through - as it was they launched disjointed attacks
which were easily driven back.. Night was fairly quiet: 
Ryrie with 2nd Lt. Horse Brigade arrived from Egypt & N.Z.
Inf. Bde from Cape Helles. Went round left flank
trenches now held by Russells N.Z. M.R. Bde.
German aeroplane flew over us & tried to drop
a large bomb apparently on the Bacchante but
it went very wide. In evening Turks advanced with white and red escort
flags in numbers - large numbers unarmed men behind with evident
intention burying dead and bringing in wounded - Large numbers armed men
were however seen to be massing in area - this was evident ruse
to hang about till dark then attack. Also Walker
who went up to their flag saw  their trenches crowded
with armed men -  I therefore sent word that no flag could be
shown till tomorrow mnig. and on its withdrawal Turks at once 
started attack. They fired heavily during night & bombarded
at times with big shells, but did not press home any real attack.
Turks from Gaba Tepe sent in a flag of truce with staff 
Officer to arrange about burial of their dead - [[consequently?]] rather
quiet day. [[Snt?]] Ashmead-Bartlett & Aspinall round 1st & 3rd Bde.
trenches in morning. Essed Pasha the Turkish C-in C sent in
a staff officer via Gaba Tepe to ask for an armistice to bury their dead: their
great intention evident as  to get hold of the rifles on their dead
as we hear they are very short of them & reinforcements are
coming down unarmed. Sent proposals to Sir Ian.

22 SATURDAY [142-223]
4h 50 m A.M (Greenwich)
Oxford Trinity Term begins
22nd, Rainy mnig. German  submarine reported -our ships
all getting under weigh & cruising about - Braithwaite
came over from Imbros to see Turkish envoy re terms of armistice
Went to see 3rd Lt. Horse & N.Z. Inf. Bde in evening.

23 WHIT SUN [143-222]
Ember Week
Went up to right flank and went all round 3rd. Bde trenches.
German aeroplane went over & dropped a huge bomb near
3rd  Bde. H.Q. killed one man. Turkish representative came in &
accepted terms of armistice. H.M.S. Albion went ashore
at Gaba Tepe in mnig & much alarmed her: she got off about  8.30.


May [24 to 26]   24 Whitsun MONDAY [144-221]  5th Month 1915
Bank Holiday.  (Empire Day)
Armistice  with Liman von Sanders began
at 7.30am to bury the dead & bring in any
wounded - The Turks really wanted it to get
hold of their rifles on their dead - we had collected
as many of these as possible during previous nights.
Armistice went off without hitch though I fear Turks saw
a good deal into our lines - as we did theirs. Some of them
quite fair haired nice looking fellows. We found their dead even
more than we thought :- at least 3000 lying in burnt out trenches
some of them in [[series/several?]] rows evidently killed by maxims.
many more must have been wiped out in trenches  by  guns

25 Whitsun TUESDAY [145-220]
They started violent - fusilade at about 9.p.m. Raging
during night. but it came to nothing. Went on destroyer 
"Newmarket" Capt. Hall - to reconoiter round Suvla Bay [[to?]]
up left of 971. On my way back we saw torpedo strike Triumph
on starboard side Sq Kaba Tepe  Abt 12.10 she soon heeled over
but remained on her  side abt quarter hour,  long enough for  all to get
on board. We speed to her as did several destroyers_ presently
she turned on her side & showed her keel remaining  like that long
time. Then she took a dive straight down head first
practically  all her crew  there  disappeared. we were too late
to save any, as destroyers had taken them but we got few
wounded. A terrible sight to see her guns like that. quite
 quietly - water [[above?]] [[fire?]] & [[bubblg?]] for a long time after. Came
back to hear  Quinn's post was being undermined and gave orders
to fire a  [[Arty?]] mine.

26 WEDNESDAY [146-219]
Queen Mary born 1867.  Ember Day
28th. Enemy fired a lot during night but nothing
happened. Fairly quiet day. went round 1st & 4th 
Bn trenches.  41 casualties in a destroyer  coming
in with troops  from 3 bursts of schrapnel. Navy 
 had not warned us of their coming.


1915 31 Days  27 THURSDAY [147-218]   [27-30] May
Turks did a lot of firing again 2 or 3 times during
Heard  "Majestic" was sunk at 6.30 am near Cape
Helles_making 3rd battle ship . (Goliath & Triumph).
[[Bns?]] sunk lately_this is very serious  as all battle
ships  have  now had to go to Mudros  & Cephalos we only
have destroyers to help us.  Went round N.Z trenches on
left - with Russell. Capt. Grant from destroyer [["Panther''?]] came
to see me  having transferred  from Canopus.

28 FRIDAY [148-217]
9h 33m P.M (Greenwich)
Ember Day
Enemy again fired a great deal during night.
Went  round right flanks  with Carruthers
who is temporarily Comd. Maclagan's
3rd. Bde. Rather a quiet day. Enemy just
sent high explosive shells over us while in night
Turks exploded  a mine under Quinns post at 3 a.m  all [[bn?]]
rushed in taking part of trench retaining it till  about 9 a.m
all our [[guns?]] turned on [[return?]]fire  eventually  drove

29 SATURDAY [149-216]
Ember Day
them off with heavy loss. we took  a trench near
Gaba  Tepe [[?]] by Russells Bde. by [[?]] [[durg?]] (during?)
night.  Certain amount shelling going on. We captured 17
Turks [[nr]]  Quinns post & must have killed several hundreds 
as guns got into them well -  machine guns - one of the
prisoners said they  had lost 2000. Went up  to see N.Z lines on
left- and heard poor [[Bronte?]].R.A?]] had being killed.

30 TRINITY SUN [150-215]
Fairly quiet night but  Turks got closer  still to Quinn's post.
& made 2 posts near it which  10 Light Horse had to demolish  in day.
Russell's  left outposts heavily attacked during day. Sir Ian came
over from Lemnos & I took him a bit up valley.


May & June [31-2]     31 MONDAY [151-214]    5th & 6th Months   1915
Russells N.Z Mtd  Rifle Bde. on left gave
up their 3rd outpost  first which they   took on
28th. Another quiet night.  [[?]] I was very
anxious about Quinn's post & the 2 saps the Turks
had made up to it - Went round 1st 9.Bde &
Courteney's  trenches with White in morning.
Quiet night.
Injured N.Z had left 15 m dead - about 12 -
with rifle & all left in trench when they
left it.

1 June TUESDAY [152-213]
Trinity Law Sittings begin
Went around N.Z. trenches with Godley & saw
Russell & Hughes whose Regts were up
there State of Quinns post still very critical,
as   Turks had  got tunnelling structure within 5 yards 
of trench.  During night we exploded their structure
with gun cotton, but could not hold later on it
was under such very heavy fire. a good deal
of firing during night.

2 WEDNESDAY [153-212]
Went up Monash gully _ had long talk with
Chauvel about his trenches, went round
Popes' hill with Russell_ it has been much
Enemy fired a good deal at different
fronts  [[after?]] night but didn't - attack.
At times bombs  sounded like explosions
of mines.


1915 90 Days       3 THURSDAY [154-211]     [3-6] June
King George V. born, 1865.
Corpus Christi
A quiet day - went to see Monash's  Bde
recently returned from Popes, Quinns &
Courtenay's  posts at head of valley & getting  some
well earned rest. Went on board  hospital ships
Gascon  to   see [[Burrage?]]  & Sicilia to see Bird in
afternoon.  Enemy got a real scare in [[its?]] fleet
and fired off thousands of rounds  of nothing.

4 FRIDAY [155-210]
4h 32m P.M (Greenwich)
A fairly quiet day. The main force  at Krithia
made an attack of Achi Babi _ much artillery
fire heard.  We made an attack by [[?]] Canterbury Btn
New Zealanders  on Turkish trench  in front & Quinns -till
it killing some Turks & taking 28 prisoners. At same time 1st Btn
attacked German [[atilly?]] post & Russell had ago at trench
near him, which went off fairly well.[[?]] [[many?]] [[hundreds?]]
Turks [[then?]] [[seen?]] [[con...?]] by big bombs into their trench from 
all sides  [[made ?]] N.Z's  [[evnt?]] & [[return?]] to Quinns post.
A lot of firing during the night.

5 SATURDAY [156-209]
firing still heavy as result of last night's attack.
& continued till about midday when
it died down - A great pity we did not
hold on to the trench - went round night
fall of 1st Bde trenches in afternoon with Walker
Enemy did a good deal of firing at night.

6 SUNDAY - 1 aft Trin [157-208]
Fairly quiet day [[Turk?]] enemy shelled us
a good deal. went [[round?]] night of 1st Bde. & 3rd Bde
trenches with Walker - [[latter?]] now very good. Went on
board Sicilia to seen Bird & [[Brown?]] then visited Co of 
Canterbury Rifles


June  (7 to 9)   7 MONDAY [158-207]   6th March 1915
Looks like a new lot of enemy before us, as
now were easily [drawn?] by Japanese bomb
line & blazed away now several times.
Went out with Steen to visit our 3 friends
outposts, on left flank  on shore above & 
beyond Fisherman's hut, where Otago M. R. under
Banchop are. Turks sniping a good deal there.
Turks shelled us a good deal, otherwise quiet day

8 TUESDAY [159-206]
Young a Canterbury Bn. N.Z offered to attack Turkish trench 
in front of Quinns to recover rifles & level trench. An
attempt was made to do this about 10.30 pm[[7 th?]] but
very half heartedly - men did not volunteer as I had
been told they  wanted to do, though some reached
enemy's trench no real [[dmg?]] was done. Most
withdrew troops [[only?]]. Lot of firing resulted.
A quiet day &night.

9 WEDNESDAY [160-205]
Sir Ian called for us on destroyer at 1 & 
took me down to Cape Helles for conference
with Hunter-Weston] & [[BG ...?]] French General
Gouroud to show us telegram from Lord K
to announce that large reinforcements
were being sent out.
A quiet day & night here. 


1915 30 Days   10 THURSDAY [161-204]   [10 to 13] June
Went round 4th 21st Bn & Courtenay's 
& Quinns posts with [Lobiniere?]. Quinn's
still very bad one section of firing line still 
being in ruins & unverified owing to enemy's bombs.
[?] Kings all dark above.
Dined on board "Sicilia" with Bird
Successfully drew enemy's fire by firing
some star shell at 2 a.m.

11 Friday [162-203]
St. Barnabas, Ap.
Comparatively quiet day & night but Turks 
did some shelling. Went round New Zealand 
trenches main access by tunnelling down to
head of Monash Valley where sniping is now 
much less owing to the many trench ways we have made.
12 SATURDAY [163-202]
6h 57m P.M. (Greenwich)
Again comparatively quiet day and night. though
the Anafarta guns killed 4 men wounded 7. killed 
10 survived 19 units of 26th Native 19th Battery of 
N. Z left flank I went round 2nd defence section with 

13 SUN - - 2 aft Trin [164-201]
Went round 1st defence sec. with Walker & Maclagan
Enemies guns again bombarded left severely. Bacchante &
Charlton are over at 5 G.H & violently bombarded Boghali,Kojadere
& Anafarta- quite like old times before German submarines


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