Personal diary of Field Marshal Lord William Birdwood, 11 February 1915 – 4 April 1915

First World War, 1914–18
  • Field Marshal Lord William Birdwood
  • War Diaries
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1657 AIAINW PM 4 a i w at lg as eppve a 1 3 rany 2 B 3 3218 6 3 TI THURSDAY (42-323) 1915 2s Days (i to 1s) February Bode early. Eek the Lrench untiten Misin Civecity of Col, Mankonfy. Cap deaymont & Sp. St. artin ent to wew Stik them rand ansbilian camp seey Gostos 2ts frse, Iotin. 111 Br. Happers Thistry. stayed to much with Bondgy John Swent to tes wits ord 1th ining 12FRIPAY 14S-3221 Rode eary Mrr. C. Mankess & officers of Ferh unlitar Mesion out to 2nd towk of sne con wher we had rieed pn wee gitley. N.x. Artila St L.H. Rde & 4th Fustichon Mp Bed rerk r2 2dmer Ws Fancoct ont to Reliepolis to Lee te N.20A hespital thne under R am say Swith in afternoon- Beamd 20d Br. Bolter o M o Wen 10th tined wth i 13 SATURDAY (44-321) ind Sir J. Marwell at Kena went care camp Ieam to 10th Br dom (an athel Badey cans to see we in afternon oph I called 2 Vchelts mongsh land. 9t antalan if, Pell & Burnage Leve 13ts N..W. Mp Bn. same is ie i with 14, Quinquagesima SUN (45-320) e th 3lm a.n. (Greenwich) wen to Chuch paade of Knonts with Beng's Bnd Mr. Lt. 1r Ade Scokt pa, sive A. 2em- 45Cc man repins to core. will the kancirter torke with te Amdsrs Mnpert. Or Canters.
14 February (is to 17) 15 MONDAY (46-319). and Month 1915. Rose sond geriral early, Went out to Teitom searo sowtty of Monom 44 Bde with godley. Her riwselly N.2. Veto srife Bargolde at or comtined scten rem bothing en ws pancoc to te wt Lady trasnll in ever- Dued with toe cheekinng at Egnat. 16 Shrove TUESDAY (AT-SiS) Rode rund Geznat easl went int to Kena wor wa well also care osam on Arkua Bede sho -gauraitts ofts ceybes Cortin gen. oy freroon. Was stal died from his iatn accident wet sand to be his sisters in eve Ewhide- Autisic cammuutin colim Sellist] t. Br- Mied. 17 Ash WEDNESDAY (4S-3I7) Rode rand Gennat eal out all mory at obegend Leitou with te three regts of 18/-amotation Lt. porse Bde - Weedits stodartso ouwet- read tea with Feiss Chrssell atter Certinated. Sr J. Maswell- Bridges. Godley-we inveaup scaymond S. Dtis nevst mit itay thisn stte I Blron Tit. attache dined uit us. 74 S 5 4 tee at t B 15 2
er p 2 343 15 a ts Dibp ts mb moned a 3 13 w 18 THURSDAN 14S-316) Astom) February 1915 28 Days Rode early went on to Maadr to see Mr Ryrys 2nd W. Korse Bde at Myrkstry etc. went into canntons oph to Rhoda Islang to see the Wilcomets attr extae S.end of it end tea into Butter. Died nith Ferey t oeicar of 4t Victmian Lt. Fose Rate Mr Keng 19 FRIDAY (5O-315) dude care - went out to Eodley's Dwiskond Field day on tue Road - up to 3ad core. Wwelt Henchwen came ont want to wanona sence to galbrait of Carton Stanter's Corps 2 in arsit. Provert ggotat at all Sants Chuch in glown Men Fadteon into Lady Cheettan at Gesuch Amed into dottinever a Fectels 20 SATURDAY 15L-314) Rode easly. Went ont to Peeve your shrot domng an attack with te 7th Bu revt M Loemicie SthS Faneocks out to see t Bonoge conden at aper of teltos nox tea with Seeper. Cot. Wustser cnely 19th Victnian Bydined inits we 21 SUN -1in Lent 152-313) Ember Week Ryan vacimapg yo Ent. Bathe ont to duuch mrade wit. N.2. Mt Rifte Bede of Seton safts went with him to see Native Glneal hospital in the citadet. With Raswell on rem sctemer in arom Maw ter utts horl
AV. 16 and Momn 1915 22 MONDAY [53-312) February (22 to 2) 9 2h 58m a.x. (Greenwich) dod rand geyat earty wayt out to regns - bod talk to kidy re on defaitue etc - swent cut with Wite tosll Srt. Bde retiven ent M& pision went to see har well in afternion shall waet with grainger & Chirncide after 23 TUESDAY (5L-3II) rode earey. Went out to Zeiton ear 4th Anstation inpnt bede withs godler. went to se nnow will ye cinc rgain Cate Dined with rodle & New Eesland qtica. to week Col. Manlops & ts French Wtitay Wistn 24 WEDNESDAY (55-310) St. Matthias, po. Ember Day Rode eme yegual early- Was to feve soreent to reng, but or giing to see lanwell, fand eey io wo to stai, at a c. deftTyno. 2 by specral 2 Eleplt Porsond 10.4n. went to see doind in o Parse at Hetel & ten went on board sur/ (Furs. elcas with in 500 33 1. 205 82 14 d 1 ba i? W s0 SS 3 e Hos ned
D Or 453 B A 2 2 ANS so 9 ol a 5 14 is m ups 40 wges e poes a t p 3.46 P..ES DM < so. ) 44 1915 2s Days: 25 THURSDAY 156-309) (25 to 2s) February admirad came abcend me wat facted ext him swent s stere to luch with myg, cot- hity, way aas sswiftsme las co at & iver lap Depoy in B. sense tains transfned ms fa. 1o Eng 465 at 12. two anch wend wan a wents a at as wo faked Porian Ask o- an Uatian, &serhal Nw yours bly th se ats. a segfegne passed over by int tose as we topt 28 FRIDAY 157-308) Ember Day On Swiftsure st caming up towards te deglan sea all day. 27 SATURDAY (5S-SOT) Dmber Day Passed Island of Rhodes at 2.30. 3 chiof along. Ilards all rond - mosth bars srody- and Chii late 28th A perjectly farth day. We were t Iave anived Icer os Join, byt i cans on is blow whe to devil oire were ony dong whnts - also very unisty octudy. Conld get no Vearin as mporsent enedos itoy we wunt to sip- aome af cawen egualted in togo on to 1b os 2s Sun-2in Len 158 300) urt a ber of which aa we anchied abrut-4.4.m. Stow of hills very Dnny- veryol wonscam, several Battle slicks abrp ies Cealdrck which we parsed in ts wystip fee lufeerike - drem Elizatett. gginenson, wodd Velson Venpance Occan Presistable. Majestic. Canchus. Cornwellie Subpure. allwo Wwmths. PElige—SolMs. Bowir-Kailis og
18 IMONDAY 160-3051 March(i to 3) 3rd Month 1915 St. David. OCh 3sm p.x. (Greenwich) Etalmbros feland looking lovely in morning shoung a hrigh rarge of like all eivered with decp snow. We left S.W. comer & sailed to fleet prtsh E. gore or board Vad. Carden's flagslih Inflerible byng nith A Elizabete. bigamennon & Lord Nebon. Aft discussion places uen admiral loft by Dublin Capt. Kelly fr Mudros Bay- Lennos Istand Wenyss yor Blashem cars on board sive larded at Merdros to selfed site for adranced Piigaole. Dened or Waw Bluhin with Wemyss. 2 TUESDAY 16L-304) dep. Pinch of at day treaks for fleet's Anchorage nom or N. of Tenedos rsland wid tair changea after seez Cander wentive to Presses l R.A. Rosbeck & started for Dardanelles Wery in past Basiker Bay where tirks have tade le sere to Inches - fast dots at Eostin extrnce sacerss to Helles Point- to te down past Sod-Bahr Fort and up the straights dorts or both sides completely desayessals ga tonveld we. Q Elizats conoy ofe taving wae vey you shorty ot Smilss, wils yemays endenth left in great tast as wadd gi& wer lef. inpeetek. A warwe sext of ouss who was op wond ved of yerrans- Afte 3 WEONESBAY 162-3037 recorworking up beyond Morton Bay we turted, when tirlss chened fie in is from where we could not see, but alf shots well short- Wind so stong cold bay utsing. Comwsellis Swissure & P. George ut were also in firedt. Returrned to Mrchorage, raftes te wets Cawen went occossts Pinera Capp. warlergh, take Copt. Vertonelf with us as E.0. ostart off fr Put said. or hinert having t egh 18 lands in cathe bearty weaters all day 3
< <<g F p me A THURSDAY 163-302) (4to 7) March 1915 31 Days on 1uvere alf day. Weeker better Passest some your hsports on way up from Atexning to Prt Vndos Lenhor knd utt ir 32d. austalian migde. arived Poy said 9.P.M & came up or ofea of bain Crmpar Apt. Mitchel. R.W. Blewenn MNatorn into wr. 5 FRIDAY 164-301) aned Carso cary sogy wiry ito Iis werwed ancuosing o. went to tea iits Bringale in efter noon. 1Chater wmed ao bericeng with Sir t. E SATURDAY (65-300) went for ride early stosee warnth afte teg Cast Rog much into h Chetn toma Grave & talk Corvvintinople sive went fo a show sant up tos vill after. TSUN-3in Lent 166-299) wer to Church Parade with N.E. Mr. Pede of Eritorin to see Teaswell after. Tnt. Pirchell aut to weng bud tea with Bridges m walked to top of ngraineds saftes to see splin stimple. Ohigge Watore of N.2. My. died wit me
20 8 MONDAY 167-288) March (s to 10) 3rd Month 1915 COn2SAP.N. (Greenyich) Rode round yeanan eash with French. went ont to Faad seam Pryoiss 2n W. Mirs Bryode - stll very much imbrined. went po drive in afternoon to see bidy waswell. bnt the iesent Dined wit in Wiltam Hur Witt Cochy 9 TUESDAY, 168-297) went fo rice gennst. Cng went out wiseld day with goelley. 3ed tomay on sue Riad, tawng the Wation wntin atacks with yr. Pnssells N.2. FYd. Kife Bde frought. Shanvely Anchalig at, Hoise, Byore on sum is ond tea with daoy beverool steds 9.p drve afe wmed into i Rohen patam 10 WEDNESDAY 169-2861 hield seode sam. were out to day witt -edter inhch te same as cegloday Oy. Jhptir N.2. M. Bde. Yongh. Monsh 4th Anstralian Wf. Pede. Dined with the Butter 3 18 27 16 i 29. A V
5.n m & o 4 23 3.138 " 1 F. 1 50 2) A3 t F. B. V. S. IB B 4 4b i 2 21 H THURSDAY 170-2851 1915 s1 Days (I to 1s) March office new. Ill Mering. loot fit gratain fo a wetes dive in afternoon irarl Heman but we and 2 punctures. Died with the Warwell. 12 FRIDAY IYI-234) Rone earl acted as Director in tsficed day on. b sovey kony, ute illy Aost oN. 2 Dieen Doughtt Earle Cenitaial Dir ie Prendegact 2Flubin N.2M.R. dined its me 13 SATURDAV 172.-2937 Rode Eng roud allengh beff (airs at 11 with Sir). Warwell fr Canal anned is incuilial wtae fen. Wisson inesis sire wrent on to stes, where we san Plethss 30 tade pnor to it depture, pr Borrsal- 69 24th 18th & hs rntay all wkked my wel slept in train at Pat-Tewpts. 14 SUN—4 in Lent (73-292) went accoss wentsenee of caral &sot into v.z. Cand launch sigethe owent up Coure Enustan. En Gert G.M.a: an 5t Sck. 356t at Et That Mte ri. Keper kombe in yron sppe into cot de soy onne in v.9 anal ponse
31 22 15 MONDAY [74-2SI1. srd Month, 1915 March (is to 17) Oe Lef. Bwaitish aye wisson sSints Cog with in. Saw suy bost-states on to joedi we went over tantaie rost - 4ths-80 65emptis. Rereped Patsey $ 1220 w ie can French adning ulp o samt donns ornen ocfatton tnk ito him. Leff t. neacher Caro. 4.30. Went to Lee In th t Caron 18 TUESDAY 175-280) want out to see ev alery my, on Sicy Riad, &y did nopstay- eay a wt. wint tosce iarevel ssettle up hngo -after brunch called on Sulton at Hbadin halgce - t was most- cical since, though very derpive abon or, very ake to do innch in idnanelles ajain st. 100, o0o 4157 flewer & the inslik an want coud to say goodlye to several piple in aglsmon- to Maxwelt in eveny shmned at ending pitt. MSpaton, Leff and by oce at at 11 te Innon sending on HD Cto Nation to see we off osey good be IT.WEDNESDAY 176-289 St. Patrick, Bank Holiday, Ireland Repeted Por said eanly swent on ba light Cuvser Sons". Spt. Apyber saited 6. a.M. aking with us 5 wile topeds bads sa Cooher - Poree conseguently very stow as we tow to be readly to suve bre torked voal any time 1 20m. E i sall asoens A p Casti pes 4 143 9 + eise s i 1000
AUE 1 at 3 t 9 o:- 5 0 s an hond an taacets 23 18. THURSDAY 177-2881 (is to 21) March 1915 31 Dars 3n H.R.S. Dons steaning up twots Rgears - going very stow on accout of onr six litle torpeds boats ofs Colla. former pitching oroting a lot 18 PR1OY18-2871 Passed close n and a scarparts. between y oKhodes abuut 8.a.M. go under t leg of stamphalig about 3 s coaled on six little to bedo boat who came in the cendeng with our wveng 20, SATURDAY 179-286I Blowing like toe dent - portinately pr I Turedoboats riding ths waves we wind hoever cotinued to inercase. Ho20.70 could do noting but go of tatwe repre thswind, so we sent our cillicy off to look after her sshe wante ally petched up wer venedos. We aghted Kmgos about 5 but didn quite bit of/ entrance to Paders Bay & aad to time. Sern after we sam 1T.B. in trouble, ave were only able to get a hgar morth a Bay, when wesignalled y hed shuli came ont. Stool trn in, We tinnedbad yr succest Cnemw tived Beached all wight fut bat 480 1283 morny all dor wcvast cvemally sntered teupos Larte aent 2, ws I wast on boad amond huer Francona wined hr Ian hamilton sowvers plan. I sund he qunte agreed with me in alpplans I had made for a ttack stc. Hen to ap Diynal de Roctick nn tried to tnce spaits on 15th Sadlos Excmn Ireeitate on which I wast at on 2n tench ame Bonvet while Tuperible sdnet tenh ship time badly danaged. Hnd I.B.O64 had belchad u o N. d oLord. 100
24 March (22 to 24) 22 MONDAY 18I-284) ard Month 1915 Went with Snlan Braithwait to call in Admiral de Rocheck who had come in on sncon Elizatels she told un he did not consider Nex cold get to rogh witout. Cocheation of anmy wich I had abrags Bagh. Mect. be the case - Went to ee eeeel w Amade - Comf. French pivision on La Proence, but find &e was on Drancourd to see ws. went of coul to ships containing 3ed Austilin Bde -10 B.44n25 Be. Dei- Johnston &Clorke in agter nomn with Mn Segaes & Ben went ashre with him seam gl M. dee – He stationary hospital - some French tups a Dunhice Caste ints M Geegor Wase staff on bard. Dined wt de bodec on "anca Elizatet? who hat 2n 3hly wa in In o 186 teard T.B.O. 64 kerd gone to treee or evces Wy won, but man all 23 TUESDAY 182-283) gent rewss to hel be sareg. Autalian 196M onsemE.N. (Greenri went achoe into In lay now infecred 9 tBy vive then went fr love walk on the Blave - treatn a hit, cleare, but ner cold wind still. Mn Tagan came thich on boad as be bow been inable to get where. Neat difficulty in geta incync boats When occan a presiitable were sunk grnctically all B& then were saveit one Deses bunging rack 670 mer. 24 WEDNESPAY 183-282) We lff. Findros Bay on Doancoma about o'clock. after seens senal & anave. some of Sans Naval wwision, no unceeded us - 2 Bhe were on board orerundg ponins - avers ako received by d amade to brm 5 French wwsseen to alexanding. Fomr new batteedhp into ad inal Charetry anived Prudros from home a Perssistable occar are more way repliveed. e Casts &&a o ey ae ovaap s37 aop deneged opa
at:. SeFr. 6 t 1 80 t aall a ape as an 25 THURSDAY (84-281) Aasto 2. March 1915 31 Days Annunciation., Lady Day. Quarter Day on Trancong Lavsing down Aged - ente calm - a change aftr the constent wind cold of Lunnos. PS FRIDAY, 185-280) Anr. gr. arried off alexandry a guity ealy orders by wrieless is go on io Port sand as alexanding was wo corgerted got the. 3 pm etgood wel ues 2 left with he van ostelf cano anoong thee P.p.M. upon werwell no-n5 27 SATURDAY 186-279) Oxford and Cambridge Lent Term ends Rode early rand General, went. Nice mo I rark wait to tak Warwely o itt hmISn an. 1 were wsle te Mhirapoor in glishen Duned hins waxwens to y aet Sir fan 28 Palm SUNDAY 187-278) went out wokr i cuince faide ut Col. Mghes her 3ed Ankorse Ide revery simo then noxes after. An avyul dnst storm day
26 March(es to 31] 29 MONDAY 18S-277) 3rd Month 1915 Rhode round Geznal carly called for i lan &. at a staite him ont to Nenc when a inspected te whole ate auspalian Dwision unde brd will him ont to ritur at 2 we be did toe same with W. - Tamtalion Dwision unde Cidle Ieam him off i atexandng o 4.15 30 TUESDAY (89-276) Rode round Gesuap early gent, out to maady mad day out with byev clemg Coxs-6th N..W. at Nor John ovent W B9 wt Anta Skat y Dured with the gratame. 31 WEDNESDAY 190-275) Hilary Law Sittings end O5h Ssma.n. (Greenwich) Rode rourd Gernah early. Went onl to Relicpolis oSam wl Mm eeteire to N.P.03 of 13634th Bert - ter N awr at remounts har tep with vary waxwell stik & duve tosee Prince gave af Gizsh. slervan of Antestrig O. N.2. Hams of N.S.W5t I Nore dined with we a t 8 3 a 1 dors & emd 2I 5 l 1
AU5 5 38 8 o 5 2 9 br 5 4 M 29. H 2 ias vi wd g a 2 3a A 5 ofthe a 2 WAR 4 I THURSDAY 19I-274) 1915 30 Days At0 D AOTI Maundy Thursday went out to Kena carly shard Diviseonal field day with Bridges DWiscon work all afternon Left and to Lum at 8. p.m taking Crmthes oChmrade with me 2 GOOD FRIDAY 192-2731 anned Lur G.G.R. M. LeGram- Lead Gp rlgit in &. us & wearonee dive to me- cwssed, owae contes yc irman to bangg comps & ths kingr- rotcup it. a egalu dbe tast t me ntsasend. Went into 3- ves undafrlly evch rewn & colomed, int now neul all empt Refned some ronte to pony of hill wter, we can ord temple, & Coloses in ais, wce. Decivsed non to Came, which or G strived n over my unde, W is indeed wavenon, sorh badly ounnef Ehm wa utor w mentione temple o Ammon 1esf a ar 188 2 S oilected Egno 2 am, &an the had bea bad milday 257- Worh ben cealano lest in m- sernal wer mjuied wen out, to Fandioran. Amitfs7 t I Plase dep working. Not too good Sam Marrel, on way back went to New Zealand to camp of Zeuern in apti to see Maon dance, which my ver we Col. Knghes of 32d ort. Now Ode &Co. Rare os 9ts ds Nars AEASTER DAY 1227) Ry Atne with we. Want to Church Pare iitt Dyn es 2nd H Bralian At Nesse oide at Baad- Seod dye. Igony - said to commine 1or witt hm- said, soggne to Wo cicks- Ohers. Sumater - Natam & Weel an in alt ind wt pan.

1915 28 Day 11 THURSDAY [42-323] [11 to 14] February
Rode early. Took the French Military
Mission consisting of Col. [[Mankops?]], Capt.
Raymond & Lt. St. Quintin out to Mena & took
them round Australian Camp, seeing Forsyth’s
Lt. Horse, Johnston's 11th Bn, & sappers shooting.
Stayed to lunch with Bridges,
John & I went to tea with old Mrs. Ewing.
12 FRIDAY [43-322]
Rode early. Took Col. Mankops & officers of
French Military Mission out to 2nd tower on
Suez Road where we had field firing under Godley.
N.Z. Artillery, 1st L. H. Bde & 4th Australian
Inf. Bde.
Took Mrs. Lotbiniere & Mrs. Hancock out to Heliopolis
to see the N.Z. & A. hospital there under Ramsay
Smith in afternoon. Braund 2nd Bn, Bolton 8th,
& Weir 10th dined with me.
13 SATURDAY [44-321]
Met Sir J. Maxwell at Mena. Went round
camp & saw the 10th Bn doing an attack.
Bridges came to see me in afternoon after
I called on Pecketts.
Monash Cmdg. 4th Australian Inf Bde &
Burnage Cmdg. 13th N.S.W. Inf. Bn. came to dine
with me.
14 Quinquagesima SUN [45-320]
4h 31m A.M. (Greenwich)
Went to Church parade at Maadi with Reiry’s 2nd
Aust. Lt. Horse Bde, Scotch pastor gave A.I. sermon - the C of E
man refusing to come. Took the Hancocks to tea with the
Lindseys & then went on to Crawleys.


February [15 to 17]  15 MONDAY [46-319]  2nd Month 1915
Rode round Gezirah early. Went out to
Zeitoun & saw something of Monash's 4th Bde
with Godley, then Russell's N.Z. Mtd.
Rifle Brigade at a combined scheme.
Took Mrs. Lotbiniere & Mrs. Hancock to tea with
Lady Maxwell in evng.
Dined with Cheltham's at Gezirah.
16 Shrove TUESDAY [47-318]
Rode round Gezirah early. 
Went out to Mena where Maxwell
also came & saw an Artillery Bde
shooting. Galbraith of the Ceylon Contingent
& my Provost Marshal died from his
motor accident. Went round to see
his sisters in evng. Tunbridge, Australian
Ammunition column & Elliot, 7th Bn, dined.
17 Ash WEDNESDAY [48-317]
Rode round Gezirah early.
Out all morning at & beyond Zeitoun
with the three Regts of 1st. Australian 
Lt. Horse Bde - Meredith's, Stodart's &
Had tea with Miss Russell at the Continental.
Sir J. Maxwell, Bridges, Godley, Col.
[[??eamp?]], & Raymond, St. Quintin of the
French Military Mission & the Italian
Mil. attache dined with us. 


1915 28 Days  18 THURSDAY [49-316]  [18 to 21] February
Rode early. Went out to Maadi to 
see Col. Ryry's 2nd Lt. Horse Bde at
musketry etc.
Went with Carruthers & John to Rhoda Island to
see the Nileometer at the extreme S. end of it.
Had tea with Butler. Dined with 
Forsyth & officers of 4th Victoria Lt. Horse Regt
at Mena.
19 FRIDAY [50-315]
Rode early. Went out to Godley’s Divisional
Field day on Suez Road - up to 3rd
tower. Maxwell & Frenchmen came out.
Went to memorial service to Galbraith of
Ceylon Planters’ Corps & my Assist. Provost
Marshal at All Saints’ Church in afternoon.
Then had tea with Lady Cheltham at Gezirah.
Dined with Lotbinieres & Pecketts.
20 SATURDAY  [51-314]
Rode early. Went out to Mena & saw
Elliot doing an attack with the 7th
Took Mrs. Lotbiniere & the Hancocks out to

see the Barrage gardens at apex of Delta.
Had tea with Draper.
Col. Crowther Cmdg 14th Victorian Bn. dined with me.
21 SUN - 1 in Lent [52-313]
Ember Week
Ryan vaccinated me. Took Babtie out to
church parade with N.Z. Mtd Rifle Bde at Zeitoun
& after went with him to see Native General hospital in
the Citadel. With Maxwell on new schemes in
afternoon & had tea with Lady M. 


February [22 to 24]  22 MONDAY [53-312]  2nd Month 1915
2h 58m A.M. (Greenwich)
Rode round Gezirah early. Went
out to Mena - had talk to Bridges re our
departure etc - & went out with White 
to see 3rd. Bde retirement from a position.
Went to see Maxwell in afternoon. Shall
meet with Grainger & Chirnside after.  
23 TUESDAY [54-311]
Rode early. Went out to Zeitoun &
saw 4th Australian Infantry Bde. with
Godley. Went to see Maxwell after lunch
& again later. 
Dined with Godley & New Zealand officers
to meet Col. [[Mankops?]] & the French
Military Mission. 
24 WEDNESDAY [55-310]
St. Matthias, Ap. Ember Day
Rode round Gezirah early. Was to have
gone out to Mena, but on going to see
Maxwell, found under pressure to start at once. 
Left Cairo 5.20 by special & reached
Port Said 10.p.m. Went to see Admiral
Sir R. Pense at Hotel & then went 
on board “Swiftsure”.
Skeen with me. 


1915 28 Days  25 THURSDAY [56-309]  [25 to 28] February
Admiral came aboard & we breakfasted
with him & went ashore to lunch with him at
hotel, retng after & Swiftsure sailed at 4 under Capt.
Lefroy, Sir R. Pense having transferred his flag to
Euryalus at 12. Two French men of war at mouth
of Canal as we passed. The Russian “Askold",
an Italian & several others of ours being there
also. A sea plane passed over us out to sea
as we left. 
26 FRIDAY [57-308]
Ember Day
On Swiftsure steaming up towards the
Aegean Sea all day. 
27 SATURDAY [58-307]
Ember Day
Passed Island of Rhodes at 2.30 a.m. & [[Chirs?]] about
9. Islands all round - mostly bare and rocky. and
Chios later. 
28th. A perfectly beastly day. We were to have arrived Lemnos
7 a.m. but it came on to blow like the devil & we were only doing 
4 knots. Also very misty & cloudy. Could get no bearings & passed
Tenedos where we meant to stop. Admiral Carden signalled
us to go on to Imbros under lee of which
we anchored about 4. p.m.  
28 SUN - 2 in Lent [59-306]
Snow on hills: very heavy wind - very cold
& some rain. Several Battleships about under Craddock which we passed 
in the mist. Up here Inflexible, Queen Elizabeth, Agamemnon, Lord
Nelson, Vengeance, Ocean, Irresistable, Majestic, Canopus, Cornwallis,
Swiftsure, Albion, Triumph, P. George, Suffren, Bouvet, Gaulois, Charlemagne


March [1 to 3]  1 MONDAY [60-305] 3rd Month 1915
St. David. 6h 33m P.M. (Greenwich)
Pla Imbros Island looking lovely in morning showing a high range of hills
all covered with deep snow. We left S.W. corner & sailed to fleet from the E.
going on board V. Ad. Carden's flagship "Inflexible" lying with Q. Elizabeth,
Agamemnon & "Lord Nelson". After discussion plans with Admiral left by
"Dublin" Capt. Kelly for Mudros Bay, Lemnos Island. R. Ad Wemyss
from "Blenheim" came on board & we landed at Mudros to
select site for Advanced Brigade. Dined on board Blenheim
with Wemyss.
2 TUESDAY [61-304]
Left Mudros at daybreak for fleet's anchorage now on N. of Tenedos
Island, wind having changed. After seeing Carden went over to "Irresistable"
R.A. Roebeck & started for Dardanelles. Went in past Basika Bay
where Turks have made extensive trenches, past forts at Eastern entrance
& across to Helles Point, then down past Sadl Bahr Fort and
up the Straights forts on both sides completely destroyed & all
[[guard?]] knocked over. Q. Elizabeth among others having made very
fine [[shortly?]] at 8 miles. Turks & Germans evidently left in great
haste as loaded guns were left unfired etc. A marine sergt
of ours who was left wounded was mutilated by Germans. After 
reconnoitring up beyond [[Morton?]] Bay we turned, when Turks
opened fire on us from where we could not see, but all shots
fell short. Wind so strong could hear nothing. “Cornwallis”
"Swiftsure" & "P. George" who were also in fired. Returned
to anchorage & after tea with Carden went across to
"Minerva", Capt. Warleigh, taking Capt. Mitchell with 
us as S.O. & started off for Port Said.
3 WEDNESDAY [62-303]
On Minerva passing through islands in rather 
beastly weather all day


1915 31 Days  4 THURSDAY [63-302]  [4 to 7] March
On Minerva all day. Weather better.
Passed some of our transports on way up
from Alexandria to Port Mudros, Lemnos
Island with my 3rd Australian Brigade.
Arrived Port Said 9. p.m. & came up in 
special train bringing Capt. Mitchell, R.N.
from the Blenheim & “[[Katori?]]” with me.
5 FRIDAY [64-301]
Arrived Cairo early & spent morning with Sir
J. Maxwell discussing plans.
Went to tea with [[Brungate?]] in afternoon.
Dined at Residency with Sir H. McMahon.
6 SATURDAY [65-300]
Went for ride early & to see Maxwell after
Had lunch with McMahon to meet Graves &
talk Constantinople & we went for a 
short sail up the Nile after.
7 SUN - 3 in Lent [66-299]
Went to Church Parade with N.Z. Inf. Bde at Zeitoun & to see
Maxwell after. Took Mitchell out to Mena had tea with 
Bridges & then walked to top of pyramids & after to see Sphinx
temple. Plugge & Malone of N.Z. Inf. dined with me. 


March [8 to 10]  8 MONDAY [67-298]  3rd Month 1915
Rode round Gezirah early with Trench.
Went out to Maadi & saw Ryrie's 2nd
Lt. Horse Brigade - still very much
untrained. Went for drive in afternoon
to see Lady Maxwell. but she was out.
Dined with Sir William & Lady Willcocks.
9 TUESDAY  [68-297]
Went for ride Gezirah early.
Went out to Field day with Godley - 3rd
tower on Suez Road, taking the Italian
military attache with me. Russell's
N.Z. Mtd. Rifle Bde fought Chauvel's
Australian Lt. Horse Bde.
Onslow & I had tea with Lady Maxwell & took
her for drive after.
Dined with Sir [[Ro...?]] Graham.
10 WEDNESDAY [69-296]
Rode early. Went out to field
day with Godley much the same
as yesterday Col. Johnston's N.Z.
Inf. Bde. fought Monash's 4th
Australian Inf. Bde.
Dined with the Butlers.


1915 31 Days  11 THURSDAY [70-295]  [11 to 14] March
Office work all morning.
Took [[?]] Graham for a motor
drive in afternoon towards Helnan [[or Helwan?]]
but we had 2 punctures.
Dined with the Maxwells.
12 FRIDAY [71-294]
Rode early.
Acted as Director in long field day
out by Suez Road, where Godley’s
Aust & N.Z. Division fought the
Territorial Divn. under Prendergast. Earle
& Hutton, N.Z.M.R. dined with me. 
13 SATURDAY [72-293]
Road early round Gezirah.
Left Cairo at 11 with Sir. J. Maxwell for
Canal. Arrived Ismailiah where Genl. Wilson
met us & we went on to Suez, where we saw Melliss's
30th Bde. prior to its departure for [[Bos...?]]. 69th, 
24th, 126th & 7th Gurkhas: all worked very well. 
Slept in train at Port Tawfik.
14 SUNDAY - 4 in Lent [73-292]
Went across to entrance of Canal & got onto v.g. Canal launch
“Aigrette” & went up Canal, [[?]] Cdmg part of [[?]]
5th Grk. & 56th at El Shatt.  [[?]]
Ismailia in afternoon & stopped with Count de [[Serionne?]] in v.g canal house.


March [15 to 17]  15 MONDAY [74-291]   3rd Month 1915
Left Ismailiah at 8. Wilson & Smith [[?]] came with
us. Saw Ferry post & later on Cox joined me &
we went over Kantara post - 14th, 89th & 
6th Gurkhas.  Reached Port Said 12.30 where
we saw French Admiral who had  [[Saint Lonis?]].
[[Racan?]] & [[Cha…?]] with him. Left P. S
reached Cairo, 4.30. Went to see Sir H.
16 TUESDAY [75-290]
Went out to see Godley's Inf. on Suez Road, but did 
not stay. Raining a bit. Went to see Maxwell & settle up
things. After lunch called on Sultan at Aberdin
palace - he was most cordial & nice, though very 
doubtful about our being able to do much in Dardanelles
"against 100,000 of the flower of the Turkish army"
Went round to say goodbye to several people in afternoon -
to Maxwells in evening & dined at Residency with
McMahon. Left Cairo by special at 11, the sultan
sending an A.D.C to station to see me off & say good bye.
17 WEDNESDAY [76-289]
St. Patrick. Bank Holiday, Ireland
Reached Port Said early & went on board light
cruiser "Doris", Capt. Larken. Sailed 6.a.m.
taking with me 6 little torpedo boats & a
collier. Pace consequently very slow, as
we had to be ready to start the torpedo boats
any time. 


1915 31 Days. 18 THURSDAY [77-288]  [18 to 21] March
In H.M.S. Doris steaming up towards
Aegean - going very slow on account of
our six little torpedo boats & the collier -
former pitching & rolling a lot. 
19 FRIDAY [78-287]
Passed close to Island of [[Searparto?]]
between us & Rhodes about 8.a.m.
Got under the lea of [[Stamphalia?]] about 
3 & coaled our six little torpedo boats
who came in like chickens under our
20 SATURDAY [79-286]
Blowing like the devil - fortunately from S
& torpedo boats riding the waves well.
Wind however continued to increase. T.B. 0.70 could do nothing but go off to leeward
before the wind, so we sent our collier off to look after her & she eventually fetched up near
Tenedos. We sighted Lemnos about 5 but didn’t quite hit off entrance to Mudros Bay &
had to turn. Soon after we saw 1 T.B. in trouble, & we were only able to get 4 near mouth
of Bay, when we signalled for help & Wilson came out & took them in. We turned back 
& searched all night for the missing boat but with no success. 
21 SUN - 5 in Lent [80-285]
Continued this [[?]]
nearly all along N. Coast. Eventually [[?]] Mudros harbour about 2, when I went on board
Cunard liner Franconia to meet Sir Ian Hamilton & discuss plans. Found he quite
agreed with me in all plans I had made for attack etc. Heard that
Admiral de Roebeck had tried to [[?]] straits on 18th & had lost “Ocean”, “Irresistable”, 
(on which I went up on 2nd) & French cruiser “Bouvet”, White “Inflexible” & another French
ship were badly damaged. Heard T.B. 0.64 had fetched up on N. of island. 


March [22 to 24]. 22 MONDAY [81-284]  3rd Month 1915
Went with Sir Ian & Braithwaite to call on Admiral de Roebeck who
had come in on “Queen Elizabeth” & he told us he did not consider
fleet could get through without co-operation of army which I had charge.
Thought must be the case. Went to see General D’Amade, cmdg. French
Division on “La Provence”, but found he was on “Franconia” to see us.
Went all round the ships confirming 3rd Australian Bde - 10th, 11th & 12th Bns.
Weir, Johnston & Clarke in afternoon with McLagan & then went ashore with
him & saw 9th Bn., Lee, the stationary hospital,  some French troops & [[Dunhice?]]
[[?]] with McGregor & Base Staff on board. Dined with de Roebeck on 
“Queen Elizabeth” who had 2 or 3 holes made in her on 18th.
Heard T.B 0.64 had gone to pieces on rocks on N of island, but men all
saved. Australians of 9th Bn went across to help them. 
23 TUESDAY [82-283]
10h 48m P.M. (Greenwich)
Went ashore with Sir Ian who inspected 9th Bn & we then went for
long walk on the Island. Weather a bit clearer, but very
cold wind still. McLagan came to lunch on board
as he had been unable to get ashore. Great difficulty in 
getting [[mernet?]] boats. When Ocean & Irresistable were sunk,
practically all the men were saved, one Destroyer bringing
back 670 men. 
24 WEDNESDAY [83-282]
We left Mudros Bay on “Franconia” about
1 o’clock after seeing General d’Amade. Some of
Paris’ Naval Division had preceded us. 2 Bns 
were on board & remainder following. [[?]]
received by d’Amade to bring French Division to 
Four new battleships with Admiral Thursby
arrived Mudros from home, so “Irresistable” & 
“Ocean” are more than replaced. 


1915 31 Days.  25 THURSDAY [84-281]  [23 to 25] March
On “Franconia” passing down Aegean - quite
calm - a change after the constant wind
& cold of Lemnos.  
26 FRIDAY [85-280]
Arrived off Alexandria quite early but got
orders by wireless to go on to Port Said as 
Alexandria was too congested.  Got there 3pm.
Ellgood met us & left with Sir
Ian & staff for Cairo arriving there 8 p.m.
when Maxwell met us.
27 SATURDAY [86-279]
Oxford and Cambridge Lent Term ends
Rode early round Gerzirah. Went to
Maxwell’s office with Braithwaite to [[talk?]]
them [[?]] over with him & Sir Ian.
Went to see the McMahon’s in afternoon.
Dined with Maxwells to greet Sir Ian. 
28 Palm SUNDAY [87-278]
Went out to Mena for Church parade with Col. Hughes’
new 3rd. Lt. Horse Bde & went round their horses after. An
awful dust storm day.


March [29 to 31]. 29 MONDAY [88-277]  3rd Month 1915
Rode round Gezirah early.
Called for Sir Ian H. at 9 & took him out to Mena
where he inspected the whole of the Australian
Division under Bridges.
Took him out to Zeitoun at 2 where he did the
same with N.Z. & Australian Division under Godley
& saw him off for Alexandria at 4.18.
30 TUESDAY [89-276]
Rode round Gezirah early.
Went out to Maadi & had day out with 
Ryrie seeing Cox’s - 6th N.S.W Lt. Horse
John & I went to tea with [[Anta?]] & Kathrine.
Dined with the Grahams. 
31 WEDNESDAY [90-275]
Hilary Law Sittings end.
5h 38m A.M. (Greenwich)
Rode round Gezirah early. Went out 
to Heliopolis & saw small field firing
scheme by N.C.O’s of 13th & 14th Bns - then
saw all N.Z. remounts.
Had tea with Lady Maxwell & took her for
drive to see Prince ? garden at [[Egizah?]].
Stewart of Canterbury Bn, N.Z, & 
Harris of N.S.W 3 Lt Horse dined 
with me.


1915 30 Days. 1 THURSDAY  [91-274]  [1 to 4] April
Maundy Thursday
Went out to Mena early & had
Divisional field day with Bridges 
Work all afternoon.
Left Cairo for Luxor at 8.p.m. taking
Carruthers & Chernside with me
2 GOOD FRIDAY [92-273]
Arrived Luxor 9.a.m. M. LeGrain, head Egyptologist met us &
we at once drove to river. Arrived & rode donkeys via
[[Gimrah?]] to Valley of Tombs of the Kings: rode up it; a regular
frontier pass to find tombs at end. Went into 3 - very wonderfully
rock hewn & colomed, but now nearly all empty. Returned same 
route to front of hills where we saw old temple & Colossi in
distance. Returned south to Carnac, which Le G. showed us 
over with pride. It is indeed marvellous though vastly
ruined. Then to Luxor, where we went over temple of 
Ammon & left at 6. p.m.
3 SATURDAY [93-272]
Easter Even
Reached Cairo 7.a.m. & heard there had been bad military
riot - mostly New Zealanders lack might & several men
injured. Went out to Maadi & saw Arnott's 7th Lt Horse
Regt in morning. Not too good. Saw Maxwell on way back
Went to New Zealanders camp at Zeitoun in afternoon
to see Maori dance which was very good.
Col. Hughes of 3rd Lt. Horse Bde & Col. Meill of 9th Lt Horse
Regt dined with me.
4 EASTER DAY [94-271]
Went to Church Parade with Ryrie's 2nd Australian Lt. Horse
Bde at Maadi. Scotch & Methodist parsons. Stayed to Communion
with them. Said good bye to Willcocks, Rogers,
[[Br..ter?]], Graham & Chelthams in afternoon. Dined with McMahons. 

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Jacqueline KennedyJacqueline Kennedy
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