Personal diary of Field Marshal Lord William Birdwood, 1 January 1915 – 10 February 1915

First World War, 1914–18
  • Field Marshal Lord William Birdwood
  • War Diaries
Accession number:

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AEst. Fa E XXII ArH Snds Wm Lleard JRRRRS ano No. 35 624 HoraN ANO COlONIAE D WETH A WEEK IN AN OPENINC. 1915 Concise Directory, see pase 13. C BIRDNOOD COLLECTION 6d. ition oiving Original Diaries Interleaved BOOK L. 1915 ATED. Clstl & Bonpary, MiMr COMDON, NEW VORKITORONTO & MCISOURNE. Uneu, Waro & M Wy -
CONCISE DIRECTORY—continued. Solder Manufacturers—Quirk, Barton& Tinplate Machinery—Tinplate & Sheet Burns (St. Helens), Limited. St. Helens Rolling Mills, Patent Tinning, Pickling Lancashire. Tinman's, Blowpipe and and Galvanizing Machines. Sole Makers, Plumbers’ Solders, and all antifriction Taylor & Sons, Ltd., Britonferry, Souch Alloys. Telegrams: Quirk, St. Helens Wales: Code: ABCgth ed. Sole Conti- Phone: No. 5 St. Helens. nental Agents: W. E. Hughes & Co., 50-gr, Limest., London, E.C. Stair Treads—Interchangeable Rubber Stair Treads.—Consisting of Metallic Tubing (Weldless Steel)- Frames firted with Rubber Blocks, which Acclesk Pollock, Lid., Oldbury, Birming. can be renewed when worn. W. E. ham. Tubing for Acroplane Manufacturers Gooding, North Road Wooks, Holloway Cycle and Motor Car Builders, Elecirical London, N. Phone 1639 North. and General Engineers, Bedstead Makers, Steel—The Hardy Patent Pick Co., Ltd., &c. Handlebars bent, built and plated. Sheffield. Type Composing Machines— Steel Castings—F. H. Lloyd& Co., Ld. Linotype & Machinery Ld., 188 & 180, James Bridge Steel Works, near Wednes. Fleetst., London, E.C. Works: Broad- bury. Steel Founders. Manufacturers of heath, nr. Manchester. Makers of the Lino- Steel Castings by the Siemens Martin and type Composing Machine and Printing Ma- improved Tropenas Processes, from a few chinery for Newspaper and General Printers. pounds to several tons in weight Typefounders— Steel Construction—Redpath, Brown & H. W. Caslon & Co., Ld., 8s & 83. Co., Lid., Constructional Engineers Riverside Works, E. Greenwich, S.E., and at Edinburgh, Glasgow & Manchester. Watches- Stock carried 20,000 tons. Morion Landier & Co., Fairlop Road, Stopper Manufacturers—R. Powley & London, N.E. Swiss Watches of every Son, Lid., Handel Street, Sunderland, description and style. Powley's' Patent Swing Stoppers for al Weed Killer—Acme Chemical Co., Lid., kinds of Beer, Mineral Water& Milk Bottles Tonbridge, Kent, and Bolton, Lancs. Tel.:67r. Telegs.:Powley, Sunderland. TheAcme Weed Killer permanently Straw Rope and Straw Matting Manu- destroys Weeds and Scrub growing upon facturers—Proctor Bowes & Co., Quay walks, roads, &c., by one application. side, Newcastle-upon-Tyne. Telegrams: Well Boring Tools—Oil Well Supply Co. Proctor Bowe Phone.: 1683 Ceniral. Dashwood House, London, E.C. (Heac Sugar Machinery Speciality— Office—Pittsburgh.) Everything supplied Centrifugal machines to drive by belt, as used to drill and equip oil, gas and water or electricity, Cataloguesfree. water wells in any part of the world. Watson, Laidlaw & Co., Ld., Engineers, Whips— Dundas Street (South), Glasgow. Lardner & Lardner, 2s, West Smithfield Surgical Dressing Manufacturers- (late of 24,25,26, Hosier Lane), London, E.C. For all kinds of Dressings, obtain quota- Mfrs. of all kinds of Whips & Thongs tions from Lambert & Lambert, Lid. for the Home and Colonial Markets, Price Bandage Specialists, Hull. Tel. Cable; Lists and Termson application. Est. 1820. Runic, Hull Code used: Western Umon. Wire Rope and Appliance- Surveying, Drawing & Mathematical Bullivant & Co., Limited, 72, Mark-lane, Instruments—W. F. Stanley & Co., Ld. London, E.C. Wire Ropesfor all purposes. The largest Manufacturers in the World Blocks, Pulleys, and all appliances. Please send for our Kino Catalogue. Post Wood Brokers and Agents free. 286, High Holborn, London, England. C. Leary & Co.,a, Lombard Court, Lon- Tanning Material Merchants- don, E.C.; also at Liverpool, West Hartle- Humphreys, Percival Ellis & Co., co, pool & Bristol. Agents for the sale and on Tooleyst., London, S.E. Sole consignees for Commission, of all kinds of Wood-goods. Ct. Britain and Australasia of ForestalCo.'s Cood Preservative Manufacturers- "Jodelite, Reg. The original British Quebracho Extract. Plantation Gambier Hemlock, Bleaching, Larch, Chestnut and Wood Preservative, and for the prevention Oak Extracts; Shumac, Valonia, Myrabo of the attack of White Ants and Teredo. lanes, Guara, Babla. T.A. :cQuebracho Joseph Dee and Sons, s, Cross St., Man- London T. N.: Hop. 2727. chester (Contractors to H.M. Govern. Theatrical Chairs and Seats— ment). Telephone: City 1800. Tel. Add.: Delight Code A. B.C. 5th. H. Lazarus & Son, Lid., ar, Great Eastern St., London, E.C. Tip-up Chairs Wood Pulp Boards—G. F. Green & Co., and Seating for Theatres, Cinematograph s, Laurence Pountney Hill, E.C. Special Halls, also for Mission Halls, eic istsin Wood- pulp Boards & Leather Boards. Established 7870. Sole agents and con- Catalogues post free. Phone No. or53. London Wall. Telegrams:Malleable, tractors for the best makes. T. A. Wood London. Code A BC, 5th Edition pulp, London. Time Recorders—Patent Improved and Woodworking Machinery — Thomas Self Registering, The National Time Robinson & Son, Ltd., Rochdale, England. Recorder Co., s. Blackfriars Rd., London London: 70, Queen Victoria Street, E.C. S.E. Patentees and Mfrs. of the check Sydney, N.S.W.; os. Bathurst Street. action Time Recorders. T. N. ors Hop. Codes: A.B.C., Ar and Liebers T.A. Natrecord, London. Liebers Code. Worsted and Woollen Cloth Mnirs. Typewriters—Vost Visible Typewriters. Herbert Dickinson (and merchant of al Also with Adding and Subtracting classes of textiles suitable for Tailors' use) Warehouse and Offices. s, Northumber mechanism. Supplies of all kinds. Copy ing. The Vost Typewriter Co., Ltd., Head land St., Huddersfield. Ready made Suits Office: go, Holbern Viaduct, London, E.C. a speciality. Memoranda of things lent, &c. is Date. Article. To whom lent. Returned. Puldelt. Cves carre breme Aesuwia MWarnne At-S. Tanning, 106 Lextan Gardens. Kaigtn w Hankes Etrtinst. Woolton Hill. Newtig Mr le cue stapper Talcy has Fer. Lon st ce unt an we bagh ish totage Whiteh ich M Bradig calton Brookfield Kempsey. Worcester P Hendeson 39 ftncesty I Mare w 8te H.E. Nicholas, 469 A. Frosh C.SqM Ravells Rey. 18t -H.L.M
sne him h ao r 4 1915 a Dags (i to s) January In Shepheandis Notel- Cairo Commndy toe Austhiah an & New Lealand Are Corps. Consisting of Instelian Contring unver ry Genl Bridges -is Anchalian right none Bde. Ia complete mounts Division with all accessares. We Zealme contingent unver w for - In a Erdly is. A.MH. Rig e Bripnte. a Brigade g bt- Bygade gartilley a Dwison rrd. Prpes Regr. H.B. Walkr in Cing sa4foffice. N.2. Centy mt FeB. Rips Bre anceland. Cantestry & Welmgton Px. Prife Kexts Highal trap- Gtago MH Takes - Di: Kgt- 3 Ratterie, Samntin Colum. mx1d gn clan Canteby Wellin otag Rect Etal 7760m 3753h 129m. Dureimay to an oume 1 804 Circumcision. OOh2lm p.M. (Greenwich) Bank Holiday, Scotland. Holiday, Stock Exchange An evation Contin and arght None BisCarde - 1.N.S.W. Regt. 2n. Inewd 3ed SA.S Camnon Reg- Divien of Rel. 4t5 Victonan Artiller Ht.N.SW. Bdg, End Victurian. Sx. Qnegolen.W.A.8 Tes Bde. Mj 18. Bde. NS.W. 2nd Vic. 32d Ald. SA.W.A. and S.A& Tas 8 W mineer. N.S. W. Vic: an Ald. S.A. W.A. & Tas. Signes trusp. Fram Samilonce- Eitor 19259 mm. 7523 hone. 36 pns. did o & all mij-Bridges cane in disems taes in aftermur. Dru mud Kalp into in afterm. Anssell & H. Shrotiz of N. 2. dinitonts. 2 SATURDAY 12-363) Lae rund gn at in miy with John & dottrniere bsotired out io nati in eteneon with Nern. John & Chenside tote eptian extermentat sam to see Lord K's cran mare. auite an interts bg pence. Went to se in you has wall who is i se command in in even se my exaniation. Dined with Bid toI anstalian Direte off intinentat 3 SUN-2aft Christmas (3-362) Rode run Geznat in more wtt Ist & d Miricie. Went to Cuwer sence with anstretar St. Norse Bell of-Maadr & Chanvel inoinced we to an the office. yave of the times cee to tuncn Inctue df to Hehiefolis called in rndeys & chove and toe perre. Bnd He into anna Pondng. Bued was grateg of asnat
January (itoe) 1st Month 1915 4 MONDAY 14-361) Euarter Sesione Nect Roe rangenual on manong. byotored out to Ecitern swent end New Tenlawers with godly at work up to oncy ouer oto Dace-erdiss in abmup 5 hous. tnotars to sre tsgreek crinch. Be Agnarin at Giinich I to call on ir Jerm Rozey Dr W. Willercks in evig S TUESDAY [5-360) Dividends due at Bant sode eand Genorah in mornins- Went. out to rong camp 2 eil eend all the Divizord artiliery at pactice ver in t ixed way ten dlicers Went to see in I Manrell in ever about anayment fo trey in t Cncl ayto & Banchofythe Ensles atack.C 42 #2 A Dontron G WEDNESDAY 18-359) Epiphany. Twelfth Day Roc Eary Enerah in morning. pa alf i in une on to tr Sett barrage un etes m ink Ltrn ere - waystalf ypl - mery we thould run into do bundt- oganens Ladtea with my de S. 9 & 4 N . wh 19 A
7 THURSDAY 17-358) 1915 s1 Days (7 to 10) January Rode Eome Gezisah eond wit ph- bent orf to we anstation 2ght t lorse camp of Maad under Chanvel in mory bt a sand storn we beening all B time Icould A. went over Be Eggption in usemn in ats noon vew shaw o momen De 2od mrredi + swdey etse dight Hers onI wt 8FRIDAY 18-357) (sh 13m P.M. (Greenwichl. Cambridge Lent Term begins berde rand geyn af early wk fo Dod ghce wck all morning. went ent lt evo in aftes over with Ryan- Buckll John, fies shown one isby Apt. Cowe, He Suppintendent 9 SATURDAY 19-356) Fire Insurances erpize Went to Zestan in aniy fr nmade of Nen Zealand Cortin put R thei High Comnissnes 17 Frarbenzie, who wade then a peraell spsechot ated fadt efter Ir G. Reid thr Jworwell tre. Wert to itst of 2 ad eecepton on Iir H1AChahep as 14. Bitish Residan call crt wih oficer the Wert to see Carch muscn no Cisadel to see Didxi 32d in hostital te Diveg at shephend wit Mn G. Riids 153 Perlenzie thy two Nigh Conissriven to Joewell dinver JOSUN- Taft Eriph (19 285. wert uy bo I tene rde was ion oye was w. cempers where we caw colossed statees of canase & yeigcu whes tver. a way bost wo Stot hramids of salkaa-By) wondupe serapein where the lants of the secred brill are in enourons store ciffins in laye catercents ots tnt of we the canings are undeitol. Dined nith gestler ot5 N25 at Zeetan sauh in Mande dm v Wo Flackensic.
TTMONDAY II-354I January (n to 1s) 1st Month 1915 Hilary Law Sittings begin Rodl eam king early with Jehy went on to sertem at 9 to Lee Wen Lealender. I am Straitz anlesoun or ding on attacts. Visited W.- hes pitl on way Wrsh in the Exgptian Arg hspto Cheneor went and to we maftnoon ot. mew, the with Bmhorattr Rendiey, where the sulaan careed. 12 TUESDAV 112-359) Rode sand Zezers. eary nith Joh. went to stakes at 11 to say jos bre esee fi G. deid- Kif Tummissana Annetic Mrs Reachazee H.C.Mr Wen Eol, went to Gyption Whelm in Htes tion & to tee with anso , 13 WEDNESDAY 113-352), hade rand segna early with John. went to cailway unaemps in mory seve berd or tif committee on construction a transport Wagst. Chensiix French came enit nve tork him i duve snt gegnch oto Be Los. We Eont wustion o N.Z. Prisde. M. Kertat. Priidges. McLagan. Dr Bud a trench dined unto ing 23 172 1BB ir W
4 2 RM 228 a 9 p ai 2 I4 THURSDAY (I-351) 191531 Days (is to il January Oxford Lent Term begins sell ronof Jeyeg carl. Went out to Bn 9.30 scort cand atilley practice- Wibetz sridging with Brde ttice all afternoon Sodly came in Died with remeter ot Wo Residency 15 FRIDAY 115-350) e24 42m P.n. (Greenwich) Rode rnnd Tezna Enly- Went out to inhad at 9. Fraode wond InM. Hose mastrey sstak with Hanve. Went out with FxWaton & trensh to Bhati to see tE knedwg foum shord hs were white G.S.0 Anstratian & coristion Can an Art. Prde MEd WB M (76 SATURDAY 116-349) Rode Earl cue Geana. Went out to New Zcaland cmp ats arelfed- was ont wit tin vet2 Rills. ottags under Banchip & Wellington inder Elsome all mory. In afternoon went to tra wit B3 Gum a sistes is carnams. Dined with tt Cheekns towee Anial Sn R. Pens. 17 SUN-2aft Epiph (17-348) Dur rand gezer early. went out to Peng fnr Sunice verae at eng with 3ed anstrlian Bde under yactogar: tey warched just after os went and this mp went to 9t have non by Chattaon & Qnenslend Lt. horse at Perad:3 to ths with kindeam at Bezial. C. C. Riddell. 6t Vicr aine it in Wll
January (is to 20) 18 MONDAY 11S-347) 1st Month 1915 Roc cave Genial early wentong to Kenc I saw yt Lt. Norse Ret- tie sdg Gereyts - Sapters at demoliting sartney inver nobbs. wery to mmusem in agtes ofo tees wit Arekt. McRay of 2nd Bole Wotting 6th Br. Victoran dings wt5 i 19 TUESDAY 119-346) Pork rand Geynap in morj-soaky wet md. went out to roads Hav Rowell & statantes It. Kere Regt at wort writing alt agtestion 20 WEDNESDAY 120-345] bode seme frahin morg. Went en. to Terton ints wal Camitts a sen tho N.2. Pepd, Liffes at cirl till 3.30 - Feld priz ik- Meldian & Morneny of Pird Rifles oh wt we. <a a a This beee aded t or i d a B)
7 5.3 5 2 2 1 aid patind t a a & 23. appssels arond t a rps and 10 150 191531 Dags 2I THURSDAY (2L-3447 (21 to 2c) January Rocle rond Goin at Eong went out to Kery ISan Annation artilven owerting head the with endz Warwett Camiti oI dined with M Maten 22 FRIDAY 122-343) tore ran yy atent went ont to Hetiopots whr -welevelley owe went out or freed py screne with the N.2 arkwen & anclland on. tnt under siagge - more ver cold of fof rattse a go of hunbago. Amnnaide twk we it dive tate - Dined with old Bongos varke vasty He read therean in me wvel ner of telicholis - Mi son Walk Bay diwry ws in dat 23 SATURDAY 123-342) 1gh 3pm a.x. (Greenwich) dumtogs too bao to we ofel. went to die in aglnon into seoohe son rom, to see Tamn moseere hear ikael - gb flace oat. how a ring- ten to arng wtge w save oveliere w eus reede. e Verpns bee owell. dsion & pogentsal tr andich an Brs Corde amnawes RA. dined with n 24 SUN-Saft Epiph (24-341) went out to Fena to Cuush pandde wth I Ctamon sh M. Bd Tes HG Bod on Jeusalan peeached-sford vellu. Staned dinve to banore in apperion, but was stepped by 9 pmictine died with t giner torcet Vinchdi Packg Prin WN
3 January (25 to 27) 25 MONDAY (25-340) 1st Month 1915 Conversion of St. Paul went out to 2 Retiepotes tety Sir I Marned wite in rie saw Zield hon with Grodley of wellingtin Ret - retd. Pakes &Syts Battery, rad the with Ronald Gratons of Scnah. onstim thowson & Owen of 18 Antion Peto dined int we 28 TUESDAV 128-3391 nost wnd Geyn a eal went out to Frena - sam sapper budgy stotn cote cun into srighes osem to 2nd bed J. Birindey Mr. went out to sar at Bet in afternoon ofod teer with Evodchitd Bentwente of N.2 8M oCrke. C.0 124 Die withme 27 WEDNESDAY 127-338) woell cund gennaly eary went out to waad I sam weredens. N.P.W. at. Mise kep wit Eodley ohawel to cave ver grm to te fete or M Pruplets t i tokey in afternoon. ford tea wite warwelly cntey sdin ed with tos Godleys of Relicets home notel swent on after tdge fits-in rily et with Cheettans - sireets sk taw id cond in W different tents 6 34 5 a D a 2 i l 43 2 - 24
AUS a to 12 s t 6 sdew o 5 in of d 5 3 < t 2 ti h t Fc. 2 63 3 5 s 1915 s1 Days 28 THURSDAY [28-337) (28 to si) January Rocl rund Gerreap Early Did dlice sority all wiss. Drove in towedetts vanage into Fyan is ylsown was show lond genvery Weaver wpo far listes - went to oicial finer at the bessency giver by v H vecretg is weet tg Sutan 29 FRIDAY 129-336) B rin genat eare went ont to Bena & Ian W. B ide & obbin o 7t widl No elligy at work, yetts tack ate, went to ahows ats continuial oirn a to seich Tensten 12& 175 Gillan to treette Bopt in Fucalen i oschies Died into owen ote qlicein of the 3n tn of Flna- Walts coy fir 30 SATURDAY 130-335) Roste eand Geverih early went inp toscits I sam all t5 rem-brewents ing amue fr the Wen seaignvers- tried to find we remut dept of Abans after ter wery and seyt was waitships into Lotting he. hort to teg with Pune Brenp Pack, tor duttang ovly so a Mr Palace rear Rass ot Wit vanades, As howed we all his imem Mars - Md AliS. BSTKLWirs brotter. Diset wit t dinseon, at Ghajuch 31 Septuagesima SUN 131-334) & Pur Galnet here. 04h Aim a.x. (Greenwich) Went to Chruch &gave with 2nd Bde at Rona toly Choncir French with me. Rad ten with Sir Jo Lewy Rogay on Glzerals Isam hs heads spictang. You Convett Niddell II. Tnning dimdnts e
10 February (1 to st 2nd Mouth 1915. IMONDAY 132-3331. Partridge and Pheasant Shooting ends went to woate march with 3n M. Bo citiy o of Auteham Dwison in Kacha road th ere vep aty sdate Lats-aln. 11. mtes- Ent. Bridges to see sir, haxien at was office atter wn on to reliepiers pitel to see He rem anxation Genl hosptal under Ransay whit - a lively bulds & haital doe top tk i wyddt - leat B land Bn & pwnting 11ts Wa. dined into we 2 TUESDAV [33-332) Purification of V. Mary. Candlemas. Scottish Quarter Day Rode carl aund Gennah. Bearth wand & diet so didn't go out to any came - by austration 1ot dede. & 2od th Kor Bde aniving for austehs. Had teg, with sr W. ILade wincrdes at glynat went to see Fiss Galtato after sam thanwellsape dinte. Antiffy owven anded. 3 WEDNESDAY 134-331) Seeting a bit-seeds so dodpt. wte early- swiller glands in Bevak. sent 2 Bns of Anstiahgus down to the Canal in addition to the N.L. Bde alegdysen. en comlitfe ower ont. to Zeitoms to see N. 2 drubery. was whave dived into It Bn. Wtoey went to canal gead vea wites Oir to wee on vermitter Conms Wellal & Chare Jorsyts of 415 Vict. L. Nirse Keft. 2 wantiss of 535 midmed with ye o o W t 22 a 2 ing rl p 2t B.4 O 45 D44 e Ms 2 and ton X to Sole 60 pl iett s
& i 6 5 6 t5 6r 20:4 ti 8 6 5 80 5 3o5 SoW 11 135 23 81 6 3 wth as w hen alee 2 11 A. THURSDAY (35-330) 1915 28 Days (4 to 71 February Rod ene wnd Gennal Curles wateing rathss feble attact on. but tey wt dom to it. Itarted ily portin in o8 andi 2ar welts on Londmfe inasont tore & rnded oe ovr to antah an amilly- Iam Lt. Norse at an. & Mclanms Bde domg heed iing - also dee Om Mactscing an attact. Neaw to intos the Bringate sred into youells in gull room- 6FRIDAV 136-3291 dode can rand genst. Went ont to Laton taky ts on oy a dimalem we we to see N.2 arte of mods den on to see Russells Petd outle Bde at a field day yon to, Chancels oide int onty cannt, weredips oeep on i to John Iwent weal on ol rsening & wat. Wm walker throgh tsoan. G SATURDAY 137-328) Bode come Gernah earl. went out to ingads w ren and Arrpatian W. Vers Oide juy. see anw pimo itsspa une W Prary. I Rayts 1.S.W of aneensland went ont to, patang its exter now to see mze. Gusuytanet - Vey ice house s hee lovely head. Vynce thanal din there woe. Pray & Ex of oth NS.W. Lp feorse dined into w 7 Sexagesima SUN (38-327) 554llp a.n. (Greenwich). went cut to chust s case at acreveime Nelichoh's with the ver gth Dustatian mp pde under Bonady all officess istovanced went wind the camp. Fav tea wps william at Seynal. Dined into cmapos of Vesdenc to Med. B Monn St Arme Cci
12 February (s to 10) 8 MONDAY (39-326) 20d Month 1915 Hall Quarter Day dod rane Scanal enty went out to Nena- SnJ. Plaxwell toring too to see anotsaliang- ats B. did attact with skeen & we te san suittips Fenttey sturt. walked into Lothr , ere in attes i seier 6tM. dined intos we. 9 TUESDAY 14O-324) nost earl wer to utadd hospita to intosmet t the rittan who went rune att toe worded from ts caver aly it which winded in prital we yie frwer val 160 later. I wer resuue out to Helnan in aftestyon. Dined a kendency with 12 Wahon I0WEDNESDAY (4L-324) Rode early went ont t Abbassa where Eistly had rendgious of m whore swiswn wnch worched to wafans on cem ont. onfost ie reend Erpemna canal wer up sdown te a bit sdid no. p tack unt Cate 23 5 ay 45 5 23 is 6 52 6 3 45 sa hs

[Lieut. Field Marshal Sir W.R. Birdwood*] 
[*Cmdg. Australian & New Zealand Army Corps?*]
No. 35
Concise Directory, see page 19.

Original Diaries
BOOK 1.      1915*] 

ition giving



Solder Manufacturers — Quirk, Barton&

Burns (St. Helens), Limited. St. Helens, 

Lancashire. Tinman's, Blowpipe and 

Plumbers’ Solders, and all anti-friction 

Alloys. Telegrams : Quirk, St. Helens.

‘Phone : No. 5 St. Helens. 

Stair Treads — Interchangeable Rubber

Stair Treads.— Consisting of Metallic

Frames fitted with Rubber Blocks, which

can be renewed when worn. W. E. 
Gooding, North Road Works, Holloway,

London, N. 'Phone 1633 North. 

Steel — The Hardy Patent Pick Co., Ltd.,


Steel Castings — F. H. Lloyd& Co., Ld.,

James Bridge Steel Works, near Wednes-

bury. Steel Founders. Manufacturers of

Steel Castings by the Siemens Martin and 

improved Tropenas Processes, from a few

pounds to several tons in weight.  

Steel Construction — Redpath, Brown &

Co., Ltd., Constructional Engineers,

Riverside Works, E. Greenwich, S.E., and

at Edinburgh, Glasgow & Manchester.

Stock carried 20,000 tons.

Stopper Manufacturers — R. Powley &

Son, Ltd., Handel Street, Sunderland.

"Powley's" Patent Swing Stoppers for all

kinds of Beer, MineralWater&Milk Bottles.

Tel.:671. Telegs.:"Powley, Sunderland."

Straw Rope and Straw Matting Manu-

facturers — Proctor Bowes & Co., Quay-

side, Newcastle-upon-Tyne. Telegrams:

Proctor Bowes. Phone.: 1683 Central.

Sugar Machinery Speciality

Centrifugal machines to drive by belt,

water or electricity. Catalogues free.

Watson, Laidlaw & Co., Ld., Engineers, 

Dundas Street (South), Glasgow.

Surgical Dressing Manufacturers

For all kinds of Dressings, obtain quota-

tions from Lambert & Lambert, Ltd.,

"Bandage Specialists," Hull. Tel. Cable: 

"Runic, Hull" Code used: Western Union.

Surveying, Drawing & Mathematical

Instruments — W. F. Stanley & Co., Ld.

The largest Manufacturers in the World.

Please send for our K120 Catalogue. Post

free. 286, High Holborn, London, England. 

Tanning Material Merchants

Humphreys, Percival Ellis & Co., 90, 

Tooley-st., London,S.E. Sole consignees for

Gt. Britain and Australasia of ForestalCo.'s 

Quebracho Extract. Plantation Gambier, 

Hemlock, Bleaching, Larch, Chestnut and

Oak Extracts; Shumac, Valonia, Myrabo-

lanes, Guara, Babla. T.A. : "Quebracho,

London." T. N. : Hop. 2727. 

Theatrical Chairs and Seats

H. Lazarus & Son, Ltd., 21, Great

Eastern St., London, E.C. Tip-up Chairs

and Seating for Theatres, Cinematograph

Halls, also for Mission Halls, etc.

Catalogues post free. 'Phone No. 9153,

London Wall. Telegrams: "Malleable,

London." Code A B C, 5th Edition. 

Time Recorders — Patent Improved and

Self Registering, The National Time

Recorder Co., 5, Blackfriars Rd., London,

S.E. Patentees and Mfrs. of the check

action Time Recorders. T. N. 918 Hop.

T.A. Natrecord, London. Liebers Code.

Typewriters — Yost Visible Typewriters.

Also with Adding and Subtracting

mechanism. Supplies of all kinds. Copy-

ing. The Yost Typewriter Co., Ltd., Head

Office: 50, Holborn Viaduct, London, E.C.

Tinplate Machinery — Tinplate & Sheet

Rolling Mills, Patent Tinning, Pickling

and Galvanizing Machines. Sole Makers,

Taylor & Sons, Ltd., Britonferry, South

Wales. Code: ABC 5th ed. Sole Conti-

nental Agents: W. E. Hughes & Co.,

50-51, Lime-st., London, E.C.

Tubing (Weldless Steel)

Accles& Pollock, Ltd., Oldbury, Birming-

ham. Tubing for Aeroplane Manufacturers,

Cycle and Motor Car Builders, Electrical

and General Engineers, Bedstead Makers,

&c. Handlebars bent, built and plated.

Type Composing Machines

Linotype & Machinery Ld., 188 & 189,

Fleet-st., London, E.C. Works: Broad-

heath, nr. Manchester. Makers of the Lino-

type Composing Machine and Printing Ma-

chinery for Newspaperand General Printers.


H. W. Caslon & Co., Ld., 82 & 83,
Chiswell St. London, England. Tele. :

"Caslon, London."


Morion Landier & Co., Fairlop Road,

London, N.E. Swiss Watches of every

description and style.

Weed Killer — Acme Chemical Co., Ltd.,

Tonbridge, Kent, and Bolton, Lancs.

The "Acme" Weed Killer permanently

destroys Weeds and Scrub growing upon

walks, roads, &c., by one application.

Well Boring Tools — Oil Well Supply Co.,

Dashwood House, London, E.C. (Head

Office—Pittsburgh.) Everything supplied

as used to drill and equip oil, gas and

water wells in any part of the world.


Lardner & Lardner, 23, West Smithfield

(late of 24,25,26, Hosier Lane),London, E.C.

Mfrs. of all kinds of Whips & Thongs

for the Home and Colonial Markets. Price

Lists and Terms on application. Est. 1820.

Wire Rope and Appliance

Bullivant & Co., Limited, 72, Mark-lane,

London, E.C. Wire Ropes for all purposes.

Blocks, Pulleys, and all appliances.

Wood Brokers and Agents

C. Leary & Co., 4, Lombard Court, Lon-

don, E.C.; also at Liverpool, West Hartle-

 pool & Bristol. Agents for the sale and on

Commission, of all kinds of Wood-goods.

Wood Preservative Manufacturers

 "Jodelite," Reg. The original British

Wood Preservative, and for the prevention

of the attack of White Ants and Teredo.

Joseph Dee and Sons, 5, Cross St., Man-

chester (Contractors to H.M. Govern-

ment). Telephone: City 1899. Tel. Add. :

 "Delight." Code A. B. C. 5th.

Wood Pulp Boards—G. F. Green & Co.,

5, Laurence Pountney Hill, E.C. Special-

ists in Wood-pulp Boards& Leather Boards.

Established 1879. Sole agents and con-

tractors for the best makes. T. A. "Wood-

pulp, London."

Woodworking Machinery — Thomas

Robinson & Son,Ltd., Rochdale, England.

London: 79, Queen Victoria Street, E.C.

Sydney, N.S.W.; 93, Bathurst Street,

Codes: A.B.C., A1 and Liebers.

Worsted and Woollen Cloth Mnfrs.

Herbert Dickinson (and merchant of all

classes of textiles suitable for Tailors' use).

Warehouse and Offices. 3, Northumber-

land St., Huddersfield. Ready-made Suits

a speciality.



Memoranda of things lent, &c.
Date.          Article.          To whom lent.          Returned.
Bessie Riddell -  Caven Lane -
Elsternwick,  Melbourne 
Aunt S. Fanning, 106 Lexham Gardens, Kensington W.
Hawkes-Elmhirst, Woolton Hill, Newbury
M. le Cme Stapper - Talcy [[hon?]] Mer. Loir-et-Cher
[[?]] Arrive Bayly - Esk Cottage, Whitchurch
N2, Reading.
Scallon, Brookfield, Kempsey, Worcester
Mrs Henderson, 39 Gloucester Square W
Pte. H.E. Nicholas, 464 A. Troop C. Sqdn.
Rowell’s Regt.          1st. A.L.H


1915 31 Days   [1 to 3] January 
In Shepheard's Hotel, Cairo. Commanding the Australian 
& New Zealand Army Corps. Consisting of Australian Contingent
under Maj Genl. Bridges - viz. Australian Light Horse Bde. & a
Complete Infantry Division with all accessories. New Zealand
Contingent under Brig Genl. Sir A - Godley-viz- A Mtd. Rifles Brigade,
A Brigade of Inf, Brigade of Artillery & Division Mtd,  Rifles
Regt. H.B. Walker in Chief staff office. N.Z. Contingent, Mtd. Rifles 
Bde. Auckland, Canterbury & Wellington Mtd Rifle Regts & Signal troop,
Otago Mtd. Rifles, Divn. Regt, 3 Batteries & Ammunition Column,
Inf. Bde. Auckland, Canterbury, Wellington & Otago Regts 
Divisional train & Ambulances. Total 7766 men, 3753 horses, 12 guns
1 Friday [1-364]
Circumcision. 0h21m P.M. (Greenwich)
Bank Holiday, Scotland.
Holiday, Stock Exchange
Australian Contingent Light Horse Brigade, 1st N.S.W. Regt,
2nd. Queensland, 3rd S.A. & Tasmanian Regt, Divisional Regt. 4th Victorian
Artillery, 1st. N.SW. Bde, 2nd Victorian, 3rd. Queensland, W.A. & Tas
Bde. Inf. 1st. Bde. NS.W, 2nd Vic, 3rd Qld. S.A., W.A., and S.A & Tas. 
B Coy: Engineers,  N.S.W., Vic., and Qld, S.A. W.A. & Tas. Signal troop.
Train & Ambulances - Total 19,0259 men, 7523 horses, 36 guns.
Did office all mnig. Bridges came in discussed [[?]] in afternoon. Drove round
[[Kalys?]] in afternoon. Anssell & N. Johnston of N.Z. dined with me. 
2 SATURDAY [2-363]
Ride round Gezirah in mnig with John & Lotbiniere. 
Motored out to Bhatim in afternoon with Ryan, John & Chernside
to the Egyptian experimental Dam to see Lord K’s Arab mare.
Quite an interesting place. Went to see Sir John Maxwell 
who is in Chief Command in ???? Egypt in eveig re my
organisation. Dined with Bird the Australian
Director at Continental.
3 SUN-2 aft Christmas [3-362]
Rode round Gezirah in mnig with John & Lotbiniere. Went to Church
Service with Australian Lt. Horse Bde at Maadi & Chauvel
introduced me to all the officers. Graves of the Times came to lunch.
Motored to Heliopolis. Called on Godleys & drove round the place. Had
tea with Anna [[Birdwood?]] . Dined with Graham at Gazirah. 


January [4 to 6] 4 MONDAY [4-361] 1st Month 1915
Quarter Sessions Week
Rode round Gezirah in morning.
Motored out to Zeitoun & went round New Zealanders
with Godley at work up the [[?]] & all [[?]]
place - riding for about 5 hours. Motored to see
the Greek Church, the Aquarium of Gezirah & 
to call on Sir John Rogers & Sir W. Willcocks in evening. 
5 TUESDAY [5-360)
Dividends due at Bank
Rode round Gezirah in morning. Went
out to Mena Camp & rode round all the 
Divisional Artillery at practice & was introduced
to all their officers. Went to see Sir J. Maxwell
in evening about arrangements for troops in the Cmd
if the Turks attack. Chaytor & Bauchop of the 
N.Z. dined with me. 
6 WEDNESDAY [6-359)
Epiphany. Twelfth Day
Rode round Gezirah in morning.
Writing all mnig.
Motored out to the Delta barrage in afternoon
with Lotbiniere, Wagstaff & John - went over
model room with de Smidt & gardens & 
had tea with Mme. de S. 


1915 31 Days    7 THURSDAY [7-358)     (7 to 10) January
Rode round Gezirah early with John.
Went out to the Australian Light Horse
Camp at Maadi under Chauvel in mnig
but a sand storm was blowing all the
time & could see little.
Went over the Egyptian museum in afternoon
being shown over it by the American Dr. Zobel. 
Meredith & Stodart of the Light Horse dined with me.
8 FRIDAY [8-357]
9h 13m P.M. (Greenwich),
Cambridge Lent Term begins
Rode round Gezirah early with John.
Did office work all morning.
Went out to the Zoo in afternoon with Ryan,
Buckley & John, & was shown over it by
Capt. Flower, the Superintendent.
9 SATURDAY [9-356]
Fire Insurances expire
Went to Zeitoun in mnig for parade of New Zealand Contingent for their
High Commissioner Mr. Mackenzie, who made them a farewell speech & they
filed past after. Sir G. Reid & Sir J. Maxwell there. Went to station at 2 for
official reception for Sir H. McMahon as 1st. British Resident: all Civil
& Mil. officers there. Went to see [[]] Museum & the Citadel to see
Ridgeway 32nd in hospital there. Dined at Shepheards with Sir G. Reid &
Mr Mackenzie the two High Commissioners for farewell dinner
10 SUN- 1 aft Epiph [10- 355]
Went out to Mena & rode with Bridges & staff to Memphis where we saw
colossal statues of Rameses II being [[?]] & [[broken?]]. On way back saw
the step pyramids of Sakkara - the wonderful Serapeum where the tombs of the
sacred bulls are in enormous stone coffins in large catacombs & the tombs of
[[Tiphene?]] the carvings are wonderful. Dined with Godley & the N.Zs at
Zeitoun camp for farewell dinner for Mr. Mackenzie. 


January (11 to 13) 11 MONDAY [II-354] 1st Month 1915
Hilary Law Sittings begin
Rode round Jezira early with John.
Went out to Zeitoun at 9 to see New Zealanders.
Saw Stuart's Canterbury Btn. during an
attack. Visited N.Z. hospital on way.
4 men in the Egyptian Army hospital. Chenevix Trench
came for me in afternoon & took me to tea with
McMahon at the Residency, where the Sultan called.
12 TUESDAY [12-353]
Rode round Jezira early with John.
Went to station at 11 to say goodbye & see
off Sir G. Reid, High Commissioner for 
Australia Mr Mackenzie H.C. for New
Zealand. Went to Egyptian Museum in
afternoon to tea with [[Anya?]].
13 WEDNESDAY [13-352]
Rode round Jezira early with John.
Went to railway workshops in mnig & we
had a big committee on construction of
transport wagons.
Chenevix Trench came round & we took him
for drive round Gezirah & to the Zoo. The Genl
Johnstons of N.Z. Brigade, [[?]] Herbert, Bridges,
McLagan, Dr Bird & Trench dined with me. 


1915 31 Days 14 THURSDAY [14-351] (14 to 17) January
Oxford Lent Term begins
Rode round Jezira early. Went out to
Mena 9.30 & rode round artillery practices,
musketry & Bridging with Bridges.
Office all afternoon & Godley came
in. Dined with McMahon at
The Residency.
15 FRIDAY [15-350]
2h 42m P.M. (Greenwich)
Rode round Jezira early. Went out to
Maadi at 9. & rode round Light Horse
practices & stables with Chauvel.
Went out with McMahon & Trench to Bhatim to see the
Khedive's [[?]] & Lord K's mare.
White G.S.0 Australians & Christian Cmdg an [[Ast?]] Bde
dined with me.
16 SATURDAY [16-349]
Rode early round Gezira. Went out to New Zealand
camp after breakfast & was out with their Mtd. Rifles 
Otagos under Bauchop & Wellingtons under [[Etsmie?]] all
morig. In afternoon went to tea with Mrs. Gunn a
sister of Capt. Harris. Dined with the Chelthams
to meet Admiral Sir R. Peirse.
17 SUN - 2 aft Epiph [17-348]
Rode round Gezira early. Went out to Mena for Church
parade at Mena with 3rd Australian Bde under
 Maclagan. They marched past after & I went round their camp.
went to [[A.F.?]] horse & [[?]] by [[Chatterton?]] & Queensland Lt. Horse at Maadi &
to tea with Lindsays at Gezirah. C. C. Riddell, 6t Vict dined with me.


January [18 to 20] 18 MONDAY [18-347] 1st Month 1915
Rode round Gezirah early.
Went out to Mena & saw 4th Lt. Horse Rgt
under Bridg Forsyth - Sappers at demolitions
& Artillery with Hobbs.
Went to Museum in afternoon & had tea with
[[Quevel?]]. McCay of 2nd Bde & Bolton of
6th Bn. Victorians, dined with me.
19 TUESDAY [19-346]
Rode round Gezirah in mng - soaking wet mist.
Went out to Maadi & saw Rowell &
Stodart's Lt. Horse Regts at work.
Writing all afternoon.
20 WEDNESDAY [20-345]
Rode round Gezirah in morig. Went out
to Zeitoun with Walker & Carruthers & 
saw two N.Z. Mtd. Rifles at work
till 3.30 - Field firing etc.
Meldrum & Mackey of Mtd Rifles
dined with me.


1915 31 Days 21 THURSDAY [21-344] [21 to 24] January
Rode round Gezirah early.
Went out to Mena & saw Australian
Artillery shooting. Had tea with Lady
Maxwell, Carruthers & dined
with McMahon.
22 FRIDAY [22-343]
Rode round Gerizah early Went out to Heliopolis
where I met Godley & we went out for field firing
scheme with the N.Z. Artillery & Auckland Bn.
Rgmts under Plugge. Turned very cold & I got
rather a go of lumbago. Chernside took me
for drive later. Dined with old Bohgos Nubha
Pasha the head Armenian in his lovely house at
Heliopolis. His son Nubha [[busy?]] driving me in & out.
23 SATURDAY [23-342]
5h 32m A.M. (Greenwich)
Lumbago too bad to ride at all. Went for
drive in afternoon with Leslie & Onslow to see
Talun Mosque near Citadel - a big place but
now a [[?]] - then to Mataria where we saw the
obelisque [[?]] Cleopatra's Needle - [[Ahe?]]& the Virgin's
tree & well. Johnson & Rosenthal two Australian
Brigade Commanders R.A. dined with me.
24 SUN-3 aft Epiph [24-341]
Went out to Mena to Church parade with MacLaurin & 1st Inf Bde. Innes,
H.G Bishop in Jerusalem preached - a good fellar. Started to
drive to Barrage in afternoon, but was stopped by a puncture.
Dined with the Gunns to meet Ruchdi Pacha the Prime


January [25 to 27] 25 MONDAY [25-340] 1st Month 1915
Conversion of St. Paul
Went out to [[Z?]] Heliopolis taking Sir J. Maxwell
with me & we saw field firing with
Godley of Wellington Rgt, Mtd. Rifles & Sykes 
Battery. Had tea with Ronald Graham of
Onslow Thomson & Owen of 1st Australian Bde
dined with me.
26 TUESDAY [26-339]
Rode round Gezirah early. Went out to 
Mena - saw Sappers bridging & then rode 
round with Bridges & saw tw 2nd & 3rd
Inf. Brigades training.
Went out to the farm at Bhatim in 
afternoon & had tea with Goodchilds,
Braithwaite of N.Z. Staff & Clarke, C.O. 12th Bn dined
with me.
27 WEDNESDAY [27-338]
Rode round Gezirah early. Went out to
Maadi & saw Meredith's N.S.W. Lt. Horse
Regt with Godley & Chauvel.
Drove Mrs Gunn to the fete for the Prophet's birthday
in afternoon. Had tea with Maxwells.
Carruthers & I dined with the Godleys at Heliopolis
[[Palace?]] Hotel & went on after to the fete, fireworks
etc with Chelthams - [[sweets?]] etc handed round in
the different tents. 


1915 31 Days  28 THURSDAY [28-337] [28 to 31] January
Rode round Gezirah early. 
Did office & writing all morig.
Drove out to the delta Barrage with Ryan
in afternoon & was shown round gardens by
Draper who gave us tea. Went to official dinner
at the Residency given by Sir H. McMahon to 
meet the Sultan.
29 FRIDAY [29-336]
Rode round Gezirah early. Went out to
Mena & saw 9th Bn under Dobbin & 7th under 
Elliot at work, getting back late. Went to an
at home at the Continental given by the [[?]] Minister Mr. & 
Mrs. Gillan to meet the Bishop in Jerusalem & Mrs. McInnes.
Dined with Owen & other officers of the 3rd Bn at
Mena. Walker coming too.
30 SATURDAY [30-335]
Rode round Gezirah early. Went out to Zeitoun & saw
all the reinforcements just arrived for the New
Zealanders. tried to find the [[Remut.?]] dept at Abasia
after. Then went round railway workshops with Lotbiniere.
Went to tea with Prince Dien Kamal el Dine Pacha, the Sultan's only son
at his palace near Kasr-el-Nil barracks & he showed us all 
his cousin's Arabs - Mhd. Ali's - the [[Khadin's?]] brother. Dined with
mr Lindsays at Ghezirah & drove Gabriel home. 
31 Septuagesima SUN [31-334] 
4h 41m A.M. (Greenwich)
Went to Church parade with 2nd Bde at Mena taking Chenevix
Trench with me. Had tea with Sir J & Lady Rogers on Gezirah
& saw his heads & pictures. [[?]] [[Counsels?]] Riddell & F. Flemming 
dined with me. 


February (1 to 3] 1 MONDAY [32-333] 2nd Month 1915
Partridge and Pheasant Shooting ends
Went for route march with 3rd Inf. & 3rd Artillery Bde
of Australian Division by Kacha round the rough vegetation
 & date palms - about 11 miles - Took Bridges to see
Sir J. Maxwell at War office after & then on
to Heliopolis Hotel to see the new Australian Genl
hospital under Ramsay [[White?]] - a lovely building &
hospital done top [[?]] in every detail - Lee of 9th
Q'land Bn & Johnston of 11th W.A. dined with me.
2 TUESDAY [33-332]
Purification of V. Mary. Candlemas.
Scottish Quarter Day
Rode early round Gezirah. Beastly wind & dust
so didn't go out to any camp - 4th Australian
Inf Bde & 2nd Lt Horse Bde arriving from
Australia. Had tea with Sir W. & Lady Willcocks
at Gezirah & went to see Miss Galbraithes after.
Saw Maxwells after dinner. Cunliffe Owen arrived.
3 WEDNESDAY [34-331]
Feeling a bit seedy so didn't ride
early- swollen glands in throat.
Sent 2 Bns of Australians down to the Canal
in addition to the N.Z. Bde already sent.
Took Cunliffe Owen out to Zeitoun to see
N.Z. Artillery. Was to have dined with 8th
Bn. but they went to  to Canal. Had tea with Bird
to meet [[?]]Hamilton cousins. Wallace & [[Cha?]]
Forsyth of 4th Vict. L. Horse Rep & Wanliss of
5th Inf. dined with me. 


1915 28 Days 4 THURSDAY [35-330] [4 to 7] February
Rode early round Gezirah. Turks
making rather feeble attack on Canal
but they [[?]] started making pontoon bridge & landed  
2 six" shells onto the [[?]]. Went to Mena & handed
[[over?]] over to Australian Artillery. Saw Lt Horse at work
& MacLaurin's Bde doing field firing - also Lee's
Bn practicing an attack. Had tea with the Brunyates
& dined with Maxwell's in grill room.
5 FRIDAY [36-329]
Rode early round Gezirah. Went out to Zeitoun
taking the Bishop of Jerusalem with me to see N.Z
Artillery shoot. Then on to see Russell's Mtd
Rifle Bde at a field day & on to Chauvel's
Bde but only caught Meredith's Regt on way to 
water. John & I went to call on old Mrs Ewing & 
then walked through bazaar.
6 SATURDAY [37-328]
Rode round Gezirah early. Went out to Maadi to
see the new 2nd Australian Lt. Horse Bde just
arrived from Australia under Col Rian. 2 Regts N.S.W.
& 1 Queensland. Went out to Mataria in afternoon to 
see Prince Y'usuf Kamal - Very nice house & some lovely
heads. Prince Kamal din there too. Rian & Cox
of 6th N.S.W. Lt. Horse dined with me. 
7 Sexagesima SUN [38-327]
5h 11m A.M. (Greenwich)
Went out to church parade at aerodrome Helipolis with
the new 4th Australian Inf. Bde under Monash. All officers
introduced & went round their camp. Had tea with
Williams at Gezirah. Dined with McMahon at Residency to 
meet [[Bikomin?]] & Lord Edward Cecil. 


February (8 to 10) 8 MONDAY (39-326) 2nd Month 1915
Half Quarter Day
Rode round Gezirah early. Went out to
Men. Sir J. Maxwell coming too to see
Australians. 9th Bn. did attack with
Skeen & we then saw Phillips Battery
shoot. Walked with Lotbiniere in afternoon
[[Seinners?]] 6th Bn dined with me.
9 TUESDAY [40-325]
Rode early. Went to Citadel hospital
to interpret for the Sultan who went round
all the wounded from the Canal - also to
Turkish wounded in hospital near river. 77 of
former & almost 160 latter. Drove Leslie out to
Helnan in afternoon.
Dined at Residency with McMahon.
10 WEDNESDAY [41-324]
Rode early. Went out to Abbassia where Godley
had rendezvous of his whole Division which
marched to Mataria & then out outpost line
beyond [[...ina?]] Canal. Went up & down the 
line a bit & did not get back till late.  

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Jacqueline KennedyJacqueline Kennedy
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