Letters between Malcolm William Keshan and Dorothy Williams, 1941 - Part 1

Second World War, 1939–45
  • Love Letters
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W bayer Our Jaf dng Com A.J.S. Abroad. 4d Jany Our Di Well haws my little mystery lady going ofl here I am once more few more lines, I will do my best but I dont think I'ill get very far darl as there is still very little to tell you, hawever here goes. I son't senaw if yau received my Sart letter on time as Im not sure if it caught the mail or nat, I hope its not sate, and I wouldn count on getting them regular every Saturday if I were you seveet because as you will no doubt find out some will take is day to reach you and others 28days its quile a common occurrence as a matter of far or te try sgolibe fan, gort its goos to get them. I had to taugh darl you mention since I cauld f the date on my letters, it was unnecessary to number as we could refer to the date if we wanted to know anything, then blaw me if you didn't forget to date your own, your getting worse than I am suuet, I i terrible sorry I disappointed you and I do try to catch eoch mail, and as far as I can remember my saw letter is be only one that even tooked like mining it but I do hope your not disappointed again, and as a conciliation I will por in have that ? Son this one early and you should receive ter in one week certed certainly glad to find out you would rell ato glad ence again that you liked the scaps, and as for the one yau refer to that was taken at hablin, well when we fent our film in to be devilaped we received that back by mistake we dis take one of the same place from the apposite vection thats probably hew it got misces up, I gave th his but refused to give will find the one we toak enclos
its the only scap Im a hay un out of gh I have a few being developed and printed at present, you will probably get them in the nex letter or the one after As I sald you in the previous letter I had a good time at Christmas Haugh there was ene thing I mined and I cauld have done a lat better. C Dat just to please you defenately no mo, not that I intended to grae one in the first place. Your wrong danl, you say you had a jat to get me to leave on that night Long ago, aony to disillucion you sweet but you dant go me to leue at all, it was your Dad, remember haw be kept call ing yau? and anyhow yau cant befame me for not wanting to leave. Pleased to hear yau have not forgotten that phate I loaking forward to receiving it so don wait to bing to get a good brown up, and yan can take it before or after and tell Batly she certainly dint knaw me which she praves by suggest at ano our you of you hs ate may taken ofer the muim suid out any paint or pawder in. Well sweet getting away from your letter I parres through anather Arat Village yesterday, and you must remember me saying in one of my other letters that we wuld not complain about the Agguine in these Villages which is quite right as there sin't any well heres an example of just what they are like, its not very nce but it just shave how fillly and lazy there peaple are, we were parsing around the outside of the Vettage when we came acoos a dante the side of the road (if you can call it that) willl all, or pradually all around dnt there were there native dwellings, not souds dissance from it well quees that wants have been at only for the condition of the dents, you see it we dead haw long it had been I don't knaw but all that was left of it was it lead and part af its neck, its back bone and iriks and its vear legs and the n had either ratter away or suen saten by jackals but the stench we unbearable, and yet therl peaple just left it there and didns weny, they were to sayy to sven dig a hale and being it, as Iee wis before
63 things that like that, that makes myself 1 sand them, and and other peaple feal like I do, as for myself I wont let them even touch me if they came near me I chase them away. Well sweet at present there is still very little to tell yau, but I will be gaing to Hayla this week end ir the one after in leave so glter that I shauld have a bist more to write about, and another thing don forget five payes is a seny letter for me, to Dat don't forget to wish everyone at hame st all the very bert for me, and take care of yourself and have a good time, believe it ir nat sarl tut I have drank three battles of Ginger Beer calile Ihe been writting Hhis letter. Sart night dail I was arnan gent wha it will be like when we sail through Sydnes Boad again I wonder. So sweet this is the finish once again, tals af have and antit next week when I take up the pen again its Bey Chunio 7 Very sincerely Yours 1 X
ACTIVE J This Chrctope must not be ueed for coin or vatuables II cannot be accepted tx reporatn Nork:- corrpondence in dis cnrcore nod not be censored Regimentally. The contents are liable to examination at the Basc The Collowing Certificate must be soned by the writer:- I cris on m honowd are con conts of this mectope fer nothing but private and samily Cytore JENAT p8 Aralesto SERVICHE (Up to three letters may be forwarded on this ver, but these must bo all from tho same writer. The cover should be addressed is cas to the Bax Conser.) Address: Miss. D. Williams Myer o JoE Walans Do Apper River Kaugaroo Valley NEW Austir
RCCRHHS SPEEOV 18433 LABLE Received Jan 22ad in the Valley
A bay 19th Jnly Ing hon A.S. &. Abroad it Jan My Deavert Oot. Stop sont say it, I know, and you have every right to go crook at me and please dent think Sin trying to get in good with by starting my letter the way I did, but, yes there is a lew, wen if it is a week late I ho have an excure besides as the ald saying gais its better sate than never anyhaw this is number mentioned one week late, I hope your nat rrible sorry honest, as you may know I wouldn't disappointed danl and disappoint you if it was possible not to, as a matter of fact I did write your regutar weekly letter tut after tooking I over I decided ye was tembl cut protably be more disappointed if you received it than not and yun The reason for all that was Im back in another echool, when I left school a our years ago I daught I had left for good but I thought wring as urual and I never did like it, but thats getting away from the paint as yan probably noticed, let me see new where was I are I have it at school, well in the part week I have done that much study that when I stanted to write to you my head was in a whirl, so to speak, and I got one page finished and just couldn go any more, the ald brain just repues to carry on it must have been to much for it all the study I mean, or maybe yau didnt: knaw I had a brain, Ive often saubted it, but then I was tole that everybody is bem with a train so I must have one, an yhaw sweet thats my only enane when I finished it I decires it was not good enaugh to send yau and as I didns, besides I guit cauldn't pert one page, Ill bry to make up for wlt it, but thats on this one though owe yan, at? Speaking of letter
a letter from be ported on to me and it t a there in Iif I could I dont Se Aad s hasd Ma of the porsent before I want on the next for the time were almost blawn The weather Sately yaste day west away, and it has been first then next ane done this letter on Sunday only as off all say to day astudy and at the same time had have a bet of a breat with about so I went to Haife, I went up by heis from Sel Roi te no to ne night atling the coar for mort of the way and ts not a bad nde, t moy place though the road runs through the centre of a prison camp and hes goes through you can see the prisoners working it takes about 22 h0 there from Les Avir and Haifasmorlly on the side of Mr Carnel is not isappair by enaugh and I can pas though plain jur good ald Sydney any plenty of night Alats in Haife more of ay or didnit upan this g to, Is much nather and then went have all there night ele to have a quick lost olet and to bed next a Carme and return to camp so I cang as view from there you ople took like e m s als i sine
Paletine and its com ws right to see and I do believe it has mus on it in answ I 2 in for the best port of the year or sven all the year round I could have gat some wonderful mape if only Scautt have got a film for my canera but it reemed quite imporsible, hawever when you receive the maps that are on them boat mail yau will find a few mass of Haife et, but I done think yeur them for a least a month yet. I have a few maps taken at Cairo of Mucttle other one taken by the Pyramids the names of them are on the back but I cans tell you enything about Cairo yet darland I will have some more from ferusalem in the nex letter. Hav is every one at home wish them all the best for me will you, haus the Annes and reiming going and the halidays all loy do I wish I was with you hort migh I was reading your letters over when I came to a part in one wher you said that you were equelly as confered as twrs will that bad and I sat t to e you that way so all sell yau what to do to pind aut haw I feet there is certain song not seving, and the name of it is a girls name naw if you can figure ou the nome of the sing, erors it out and fet your own in, its place it ft perfect of you want any more cues let me know, when you to it you will probably say deert maduces has finally gat a hald on me but it haveit Well danl to afraid this is the endince more so it bets of have and take core of yourself, and until ment week untit I will be writing again Great big blusio very pinerly yours P Has nge yug
AUTIVE AAM This Chuclope must not be used for coin or valuables cannot by for registration AL Nore:- Corapondence in inf e not be censored Reginthally contents are liable to cram ton Base The following Certificate pst be signed by the writer:- I a on m ho n tents of this eneclope t t oing but private and samiy Signator rowa ADrcie N02 Com cooni hum SERVICE (Ip to thee letters may to Covr but the must be a writer The cover should bea cas to the Bar Conver.) Address: Miss D. Williams 114H p Bayner st JWilliam wor a o a 1 Antratia
28 Sr 41 sl

"A" Coy. 19th. Aust.Inf.Tng.Bn.
A. I. F.
4th Jan 1941. 

Dear Dot, 
Well hows my little mystery lady going ok? here I am once more with 
a few more lines. I will do my best but I don't think I'll get very far darl as 
there is still very little to tell you, however here goes. I don't know if you 
received my last letter on time as I'm not sure if it caught the mail or not, 
I hope its not late, and I wouldnt count on getting them regular every Saturday 
if I were you sweet because as you will no doubt find out some will take 14 days 
to reach you and others 28 days its quite a common occurrence as a matter of fact 
and the same thing is liable to happen to yours, however I received your last 
one on the 2nd Jan, gosh its good to get them. I had to laugh darl you mentioned 
that since I could put the date in my letters, it was unnecessary to number them 
as we could refer to the date if we wanted to know anything, then blow me if you 
didn't forget to date your own, your getting worse than I am sweet, I'm terrible 
sorry I disappointed you and I do try to catch each mail, and as far as I can 
remember my last letter is the only one that even looked like missing it, but 
I do hope your not disappointed again, and as a conciliation I will post 
this one early and you should receive two in one week then, how's that? Im 
certal certainly glad to find out you would sell, and also glad once again 
that you liked the snaps, and as for the one you refer to that was taken 
at Nablus, well when we put our film in to be developed we received that 
one back by mistake we did take one of the same place from the opposite 
direction thats probably how it got mixed up, I gave the chap back his neg 
but refused to give him the print, you will find the one we took enclosed



its the only snap Im sending this time darl, as I have also run out of snaps though 
I have a few being developed and printed at present, you will probably 
get them in the next letter or the one after. As I told you in the previous letter 
I had a good time at Christmas though there was one thing I missed and I 
could have done a lot better. Ok Dot just to please you definitely no mo, not 
that I intended to grow one in the first place. Your wrong darl, you say you 
had a job to get me to leave on that night long ago, sorry to disillusion you sweet 
but you didn't get me to leave at all, it was your Dad, remember how he kept calling 
you? and anyhow you cant blame me for not wanting to leave. Pleased 
to hear you have not forgotten that photo I looking forward to receiving it 
so dont wait to long to get a good brown up, and you can take it before or after 
swimming and tell Betty she certainly don't know me which she proved by suggesting 
that I wouldn't own you if you had the snap taken after the swim with- 
out any paint or powder on. Well sweet getting away from your letter I passed 
through another Arab Village yesterday, and you must remember me saying in 
one of my other letters that we could not complain about the hygiene in these Villages 
which is quite right as there isn't any well heres an example of just what they are 
like, its not very nice but it just shows how filthy and lazy these people are, 
well we were passing around the outside of the Village when we came across a donkey 
on the side of the road (if you can call it that) well all, or practically all around 
this donk there were these native dwellings, not 20 yds distance from it, well I 
guess that would have been ok only for the condition of the donk, you see it was 
dead how long it had been there I dont know but all that it was left of it was its 
head and part of its neck, its back bone and ribs and its rear legs and the 
rest had either rotted away or been eaten by jackals but the stench was 
unbearable, and yet these people just left it there and didn't worry, 
they were to lazy to even dig a hole and bury it, as Ive said before



I cant stand them, and its only things that like that, that makes myself 
and other people feel like I do, as for myself I wont let them even touch me 
if they come near me I chase them away. Well sweet at present there is still 
very little to tell you, but I will be going to Haifa this week end or the one 
after on leave so after that I should have a bit more to write about, and 
another thing don't forget five pages is a long letter for me. So Dot don't forget to 
wish everyone at home etc all the very best for me, and take care of yourself and 
have a good time, believe it 'or not' darl but I have drank three bottles of 
Ginger Beer while I've been writing this letter. Last night darl I was wondering 
just what it will be like when we sail through the Sydney Head again I wonder. 
So sweet, this is the finish once again, Lots of love and until next 
week when I take up the pen again its "Big Cheerio" x 
Very Sincerely Yours x x 
Mac x x x 
x x x x 
x x x x x 
x x x x 
x x x 
x x 



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I certify on my honour that the con- 
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Signature } 
Name only } 
M Keshan 
No. 2196
  [ Up to three letters may be forwarded in this 
Cover, but these must all be from the same 
writer. The cover should be addressed in such 
case to the Base Censor.

Address :- 
Miss. D. Williams. 
37 Byrnes St. 
c/o EJ. Williams 
Upper River 
Kangaroo Valley. 
N S W 



Jan 22nd in 
the Valley


"A" Coy.19th.Inf.Tng.Bn.
A. I. F.
14th Jan 41. 

My Dearest Dot, 
Stop dont say it, I know, and you have every right to go crook at me, 
and please dont think I'm trying to get in good with you by starting my letter 
the way I did, but, yes there is a but, even if it is a week late I do have 
an excuse besides as the old saying goes its better late than never. anyhow 
this is number nine and as I mentioned one week late. I hope your not 
disappointed darl and also terrible sorry honest, as you may know I wouldn't 
disappoint you if it was possible not to, as a matter of fact I did write 
your regular weekly letter but after looking it over I decided it was terrible 
and you would probably be more disappointed if you received it than not. 
The reason for all that was Im back in another school, when I left school a 
few years ago I thought I had left for good but I thought wrong as usual 
and I never did like it, but thats getting away from the point as you have 
probably noticed, let me see now where was I, are I have it at school, well 
in the past week I have done that much study that when I started to write 
to you my head was in a whirl, so to speak, and I got one page finished 
and just couldnt get any more, the old brain just refused to carry on it must 
have been to much for it all the study I mean, or maybe you didnt know 
I had a brain, Ive often doubted it, but then I was told that everybody is 
born with a brain so I must have one, anyhow sweet thats my only excuse 
when I finished it I decided it was not good enough to send you and so 
I didnt, besides I just couldn't post one page. Ill try to make up for it in 
this one though I doubt it, but thats one I owe you, ok? Speaking of letters



its a long while since I had a letter from you sweet, or it seems a long time 
anyhow, as they have to be posted on to me and it takes about a week longer 
darn it, but keep sending them to the same address as I will be back there in 
three weeks, I can't tell you anything about the school darl, you know how 
these things are, anyhow it wouldnt interest you in the least if I could. I dont 
know what I will write next week, but still I had better think of the present 
for the time being, as I have to finish this one before I start on the next 
The weather hasn't been the best lately yesterday we were almost blown away 
first then next minute we were almost washed away, and it has been raining 
on and off all day to-day. I would have done this letter on Sunday only I decided 
I had to have a bit of a break from study and at the same time find some- 
thing to write about so I went to Haifa, I went up by bus from Tel Aviv the 
road runs right along the coast for most of the way and its not a bad ride, its 
a funny place though the road runs through the centre of a prison camp and 
as the bus goes through you can see the prisoners working, it takes about 2 1/2hrs 
to get there from Tel Aviv and Haifa is built mostly on the side of Mt Carmel its not 
much of a place though. I was disappointed myself its big enough and I cant 
exactly explain just whats wrong with it, but give me good old Sydney any day 
theres plenty of night clubs in Haifa none of them are much good though not 
worth going to, I'd much rather spend my nights in Bexley or didn't you think 
so they could have all there night clubs I only visited a few clubs and then went 
back to my hotel and to bed, next morning I decided to have a quick look at 
the place and return to camp so I caught a taxi to Mt Carmel, and you can 
get a marvelous view from there you can see Haifa all layed out in front of 
you it looks just like a small model town and the people look like flies you 
can see the harbour and everything its the best view Ive seen since coming to 
this country though thats not saying much, you can also see a mountain



from there I dont know the name of it but its not in Palestine and its covered 
in snow. its a marvelous sight to see and I do believe it has snow on it 
for the best part of the year or even all the year round. I could have got some 
wonderful snaps if only I could have got a film for my camera but it seemed 
quite impossible, however when you receive the snaps that are on there way by 
boat mail you will find a few snaps of Haifa etc, but I dont think you will get 
them for at least a month yet. I have a few snaps taken at Cairo of Mac (the other 
one) taken by the Pyramids the names of them are on the back but I cant tell you 
anything about Cairo yet darl, and I will have some more from Jerusalem in the 
next letter. How is every one at home wish them all the best for me will you, hows the 
tennis and swimming going and the holidays etc boy do I wish I was with you 
Last night I was reading your letters over when I came to a part in one where 
you said that you were equally as confused as I was well that bad and I dont like 
to see you that way so Ill tell you what to do to find out how I feel there is a 
certain song not swing, and the name of it is a girls name now if you can 
figure out the name of the song, cross it out and put your own in, its place it fits 
perfect if you want any more clues let me know, when you do it you will 
probably say desert madness has finally got a hold on me but it hasn't. 
Well darl Im afraid this is the end once more so it Lots of Love and take 
care of yourself and until next week until I will be writing again Great 
Big Cheerio. x 
x x 
x x x 
Very Sincerely Yours x x x x 
Mac x x x 
x x 

P.S. Hows George going in camp still enjoying it. 


A. F. W3078


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M Keshan 
No. 2196
  [ Up to three letters may be forwarded in this 
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Address :- 
Miss. D. Williams. 
37 Byrnes St. 
c/o Mrs E.J. Williams 
Glen Murray 
Upper Kangaroo River 
Kangaroo Valley 
Via. Moss Vale 
N S W 



Received. (In the Valley)

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