Nurses Narratives Head Sister Emma Argyle Cuthbert

First World War, 1914–18
Part of Quest:
  • Nurses Narratives
Accession number:
AWM41 956

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PIRSONEL REODE AWMS1 Lnna ACCess StarS MSS E.A. CUMHEERE, A.R.A.C. Australlan Aray Nureing Service. 5/71 223 Aa2 (3rd S.) 373 217.52
Headquarters, Justrallan Tnperial Force, HEADOUARTERS FIFTH ARMY. B.E.F., FRANCE. End January, 1919. Dear Miss Cuthbert, I am very pleased to see that your good work has been recognized by the award to you of the Royal Red Cross, and send you my heartiest congratulations on this distinction. With my kind regards and good wishes for the New Year. Yours sincerely, M Hendwood
KEFLY CCMMINCATINS SMOULD H ADDKESSED TO THE COMMANDANT. ADMIMISTRATNE HEADOUAR ERS AUSTRALLAN IMPERIAL FORCE, aReadSistar,A.R.GUPHRERE 130. HORSEFERRY ROAD, A.R.R.C. LONDON S.W. I coeemted the t Rtler the Bec cmmmum IN RERLY OOTE mmn se eg neeee a KRLEPNONES, VICTORIA 886O CO LINES CABLE A TEL ADDRESS; ADMINAUST LONDON EACIMN. Miss Cuthbert, TTOONESONS ron upon the honour that has been conferred upon you. I am very pleased your iable work in the service has received this recognition. Yours faithfully. E. A. Conyers. Watron-inChief, Acd.N.S., A.l.F.
AUSTRAE IAN TMPER IA W FORCE. 20 Administrative Headquarters, Sister P. A. Cathbert. 130 Horseferry Rd. A.A.H.S, London. S.V.1. End. Aust. Aux. Hosp. Southa February 25th, 1919 WISI With reference to your recent application for Investiture, you are advised that your name has been submitted to the War office for inclusion in the ceremony which takes place on 35 Should your name be accepted, you will receive telegraphie advice direct, from the Lord Chamberlain, relative to time, place, dress, etc. Bease advise these Headquarters immediately of any change of address accurring between now and A ptewat forriont, Colonel. K.A.O.
Cnnt on the oubjoct Would bo addressed to The Secretary War Office, War Office Whitcha Whitehall, S.W.I and the Collemiag Dumber Avolod. S.W.I. Tdephone: CALE WAR OFFICEE (No exchange number necessary.) O137/3OTI (C.2.) 26th Februag 228. Madam, I am directed to inform you that Her Majesty Queen Alexandra has expressed a wish that all ladies who attend an Investiture at Buckinghsn Paiace to receive the decoration of the Royal Red Cross should afterwards proceed to Marlborough House to see her Majesty. I am accordingly to requect that you will attend at Nariborough House at 12 nm On 1. Naict. on your return from Buckinghem Palace. 1 ax, Madam, Your obedient Servant, Sister E. A. Cuthbert
Charse C. or B. to pay To. A Pdr Reid 8. 2 POST OFFIOE TELEGRAPHS. ent from B This Form must accompany any inguiry respecting this Pelegram. Profir Handed Mort Received Ohee SE OrSin and Serrics Instructions in at here at 42 A buth otraant gund at th t the St 4 Loot uns with Langet Skon h JO M MTM MT S E A l tan r CANS 500
at the suthecks of the 1914. 18 was. Iwas a menited the Australian Army Rursing Service, having been appointed a misgber at its manguration in 1902. I cailed with the 1st Aushalian General Hospital 5th Dec 1914 Doctors, Nurses, Orderlies, in The Hospital Ship Ryakla Arrived Cairo, we opened Hospilal Helispole 24th. Jan 1915 I was Chosen as one of 20 Murse to Open tosp at Port said 27th Jan 1915 as aclack on Lile Expected. we are returned to Carro, to sux Ro A.G.H 1h Feb 1915 received first wourded from Gallipolithen on, Hosp & busy 23d Appil 1915 went on Traceport to Australeg 900 Sickawsew ded yet Auguet 115 3 weeks lave Was given charge saw boad baory with 1500 leinfoleon 2nd Ocbr 1915 they to caire Arriard Suc. No.A.G. H closed down, Hosp wnt left 2nd Nov. 1915 Arrived Marseilles her Butish oficerson 29th March 1916 Connaedug office. confered pr 3 days Destination 5th ApR1L 1916 Renen but only pasmall Hosp 5odrurses lenin duses to be dondes into uiits oten Lixben & bent to British Hopitals, I wa given thare of 16, Dmises glas of the opposennly of Dunsy in B.H. And Study of theie mertiods, allLest Marseilee, Special train, Hedived Rouen, villeted in B. Hoopp Night 10th App. L 1916. 13t ApaIl 1916 I x 16 duises left Ranen 13th Aparl 1916 arrived Le Treport 3dm started and officers ward Sungieal No3 Bactesh 14 Aeait 1916 den Hop. 2 canadion and another Pretish to in are a ace perched on top of tuga cleff. 15 ApRiL 1916 Cn Butish and your of my Aust. Durses & say orders to proceed to 40 6 Butish Station g tap 10th June 1916 arrived spevent all billeted in different shows home tis town, hew we heard the biggung po th first the 4th June 1916 ccroplanes circling ove head continuusly this in the first Rec. Hap allnd Aa, Staf Mation 13 Sstas OBONCE Hirts a Tento, Hero Number of German patients It was are a sey new Experience tome My waid charged into Carses ward, and was fieled with ref Gas patents, all patent opec trancs in is waee 25th. Auguet 1916 were not alloved to be lvacuated An Oficer was alwer connng in cou fron the line, in case we got oof hearted a roadsoe Tey had a spec tra naines Rod officer, allached 15 Niit 20 were soon taken in waid. A few were tor bad to keep E. A. Cullbert St. fanaa EE. ahad to be Evad. It was a very terrible sight toree 28 Davis to Jaged Soldiel-soon me 100 wae a baaly asued with Cas marks 315/52 Victoria
on night duty officers ward which was Convent 1 tobea 1916 ile from Hapital, I day bialen, 1 night we slept olived al main Hoep. The Aust Sisters ampel were so happy with the British that I often wrote boud Mation, chief in London, asking her to la us with them, which she did urie. Lordon My movement order arrives, to report, H.T.T. Hoadquarte 28th Jan 1917 2o afle 8 monitis at Na6 Stationey, left p London, there Mattin told me was a head siele, +she wanle & me 15 again Doi H.It to be attached, No3A.G.H at Bughton, Hopilae going to France in first time in few weeks. After some time here, Canadians ood over thp & patients, we were all buleted in London in some time awainng sraws to France I was anxious toget t5 France, apaid somesling night happen + Ima have tne in England, France was the one place I knew and she was so wene there. duit left p France on arrival British Transport Matho informed us our Hap, not quite ready, 2o we were but out 37th 4p2. L 197 to British Hospitate, I proceeded with others to Hbbevill to No 2 B. Hoop oihers to South Aprican Hopp beside the Brinsh, Boih situated in a field. I was called toetait in No. 3A.G. H part of it was now way 9th May 1212 asristant Matkos Lept No. 3 A.G.H. Abbeville to report No. 2 A.G.H. an 7th Sept. 1917. Wimexeux, I British Hopital's and oms in different fields side by side - Here we were bombed may twes trying toget big Railwa, Bridge beside us, They were This line, took are broope Vork. Here I remained untie the end of the wak Having spent three years in France it was a great day, in Boulagne, the day the was was doex. Eleven seslers and myself all 1914 drurses got aans 1st Januay 1919 through from A.J.F. Hea aquaiter London, to proceed London, in Transpors home to Australia I was in chaze of the Tranpore. &we left pax 9th March 1919 Aushalia. E. A. Aunbert 28 Davis Avenue 31st. May 1952 South Jacka P.E.) 749/24/1 Victoria,

WAR OF 1914-18  
AWM 4 1  
Australian Army Nursing Service.  
D.R.L. NO 1622 (3rd S.) 
[[Clssn.?]] No. 373 
[[Cald.?]]  28.7.52 



Australian Imperial Force,  
2nd January, 1919.  
Dear Miss Cuthbert,  
I am very pleased to see that your good  
work has been recognized by the award to you of  
the Royal Red Cross, and send you my heartiest  
congratulations on this distinction.  
With my kind regards and good wishes for  
the New Year.  
Yours sincerely,  
W R Birdwood.,


Head Sister, A.R. CUTHBERT,  
M.  2nd. January, 1919.  
Dear Miss Cuthbert,  
I wish to congratulate you upon the honour  
that has been conferred upon you.  
I am very pleased your valuable work in the  
service has received this recognition.  
Yours faithfully,  
E. A. Conyers. 
A.A.N.S., A.I.F.


Sister E. A. Cuthbert,  
2nd. Aust. Aux. Hosp. 
Administrative Headquarters, 
130 Horseferry Rd. 
London. S.W .1. 
February 25th, 1919 
With reference to your recent application for Investiture, you  
are advised that your name has been submitted to the War Office for  
inclusion in the ceremony which takes place on MARCH 1st. 1919. 
Should your name be accepted, you will receive telegraphic advice 
direct, from the Lord Chamberlain, relative to time, place, dress, etc. 
Please advise these Headquarters immediately of any change of 
address occurring between now and MARCH 1st. 1919. 
[[RH Braithwaite?]] 
[[??]] Lieut. Colonel. 


Any [[other?]] communication on this subject should be addressed to -  
The Secretary,  
War Office, 
and the following number quoted. 
Telephone: CALL "WAR OFFICE." 
(No exchange number necessary.) 
0137/3071 (C.2.) 
War Office 
26th February 1919. 
I am directed to inform you that Her 
Majesty Queen Alexandra has expressed a wish that all 
ladies who attend an investiture at Buckingham Palace 
to receive the decoration of the Royal Red Cross should 
afterwards proceed to Marlborough House to see her 
I am accordingly to request that you will 
attend at Marlborough House at 12 noon on 1st March, 
on your return from Buckingham Palace. 
I am, 
Your obedient Servant, 
Sister E. A. Cuthbert.


C. or B. 
Recd. from  
Charges to pay 
s. d. 
This form must accompany any inquiry respecting this Telegram. 
No of Telegram  53 
Sent 4-40 M 
By  1 
Office Stamp  
Southall *26 FE 19 
Handed in at 2.20   
Office of Origin and Service Instructions  
OHMS Buckingham Palace 
Words 37 
Received here at 4.21 
Sister Emma Cuthbert no2 AA76 Southall... 
Your attendance is required at Buckingh... 
Palace on Saturday next the 1st March 
at 10.30 o/clock am. Indoor uniforms  
with gloves please telegraph acknowledge[[ment?]] 
Lord Chamberlain 


At the outbreak of the 1914-18 war, I was a member of the Australian Army Nursing Service, having been appointed a member at its inauguration in 1902. 
5th Dec 1914   I sailed with the 1st Australian  General Hospital.,  
Doctors, nurses, orderlies, in The Hospital Ship "KyaRRa" 
24th Jan 1915   Arrived Cairo, we opened Hospital at Heliopolis 
27th Jan 1915   I was chosen as one of 20 nurses to open Hosp. at Port Said,  
as attack on Suez expected. 
14th Feb 1915   We all returned to Cairo to our No 1 A.G.H 
28th April 1915   Received first wounded from Gallipoli, then on, Hosp. v busy. 
11th August 1915  Went on Transport to Australia, 900 sick & wounded. 
3 week's leave. 
2nd October 1915.  Was given charge, same boat, leaving with 1,500 Reinforcements 
2nd November 1915  Arrived Suez. then to Cairo 

29th March 1916  No.1 A.G.H closed down, Hosp. unit left - 

5th April 1916  Arrived Marseilles, here British officer is our 
Commanding Officer. Confined for 3 days. Destination  
Rouen, but only for small Hosp. 50 nurse’s  Remaining  
Nurses to be divided into units of ten & sixteen & lent 
to British Hospitals. I was given charge of 16 nurses glad  
of the opportunity of nursing in B.H. and studying  
their methods. 

10th April 1916  All Left Marseilles, Special train, 

12th April 1916.  Arrived Rouen, billeted in B Hosp for night. 

13th April 1916  I & 16 nurses left Rouen 
14th April 1916   Arrived Le' Trėport 3 AM 
15th April 1916  Started duty Officers Ward Surgical, No 3. British  
Gen. Hosp. 2 Canadian and another British Hosp.  
in area. are perched on Top of huge cliff. 
10th June 1916 - One British and four of my Aust. Nurses & self,  
orders to proceed to No 6 British Stationing Hosp. 
11th June 1916 - Arrived Frevent; all billeted in different shops & homes.  
Tiny town, Here we heard the big guns for the first time  
Aeroplanes circling overhead continuously. This was  
the first Rec. Hosp. behind ARRAS. Staff 1 Matron 12 Sisters.  
Huts & tents, here numbers of German patients + PRISONERS.  
It was all a very new experience to me. 
25th August 1916 - My ward changed into Gassed Ward, and was filled with  
"Drift Gas" patients, all patients spec. trained in gas warfare  
were not allowed to be evacuated. An Officer was always coming in  
& out from the Line, in case we got soft hearted & Evac some men 
They had a Spec. han trainee Med. Officer, attached to Unit,- 
so were soon taken from ward. A few were too bad to keep  
so had to be Evac. It was a very terrible sight. To see  
a badly gassed soldier - soon we too were  
issued with gas masks - 
** Sr. A Cuthbert 
28 Davis Av. 
Sth. Yarra. [[S.EI.?]] 
31-5/52 Victoria


12th October 1916 On night - duty Officer's Ward, which was Convent 1/4  
mile from Hospital. 2 Day Sisters, 1 Night we slept & lived at Main Hosp.  
The Aust Sisters ourself were so happy with the British that  
I often wrote to our Matron in Chief in London, asking her to leave  
us with them, which she did until _____ 
28th Jan 1917 My movement order arrived, to report A.I.F. Headquarters London.  
So after 8 months at No. 6 Stationery, left for London, there Matron  
told me I was a Head Sister, & she wanted me to again join A.I.F.  
to be attached, No. 3. A.G.H. at Brighton, Hospital going to France f 
or final time in few weeks. After some time here, Canadians  
took over Hosp. & patients, we were all billeted in London  
for some time awaiting Trans. to France. I was anxious to get  
to France, afraid something might happen & I may have to stay  
in England, France was the one, place I knew and one  
was so useful there. 
27th April 1917 Unit left for France, on arrival British Transport Matron  
informed us our Hosp. not quite ready, so we were lent out  
to British Hospitals. I proceeded with others to Abbeville  
to No. 2 B. Hosp. others to South African Hosp. beside  
the British, Both situated in a field. 
9th May 1917 I was called to start in No. 3. A.G.H. part of it was now ready. 
7th Sept 1917 Left No. 3 A.G.H. Abbeville, to report No. 2 A.G. H. as Assistant Matron.  
Wimereux, 2 British Hospitals and ours in different 
 fields side by side. Here we were bombed many times.  
They were trying to get big Railway Bridge beside us.  
This line, took our troops North.  
Here I remained until the end of the War. Having  
spent three years in France. 
It was a great day, in Boulogne, the day the  
war was over. 
1st January 1919 Eleven sisters and myself all 1914 nurses got orders  
through from A.I.F. Headquarters London to proceed  
London, for transport home, to Australia. 
9th March 1919 I was in charge of the Transport, & we left for  
31st May 1952 
E.A. Cuthbert 
28 Davis Avenue 
South Yarra S.E.1 

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Jacqueline KennedyJacqueline Kennedy
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