Nurses Narratives Miss Margaret Kate Brown

First World War, 1914–18
Part of Quest:
  • Nurses Narratives
Accession number:
AWM41 948

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Egyp 61 Dr W.K. Brown Frave as No 3A3 H Apris 4t 1918 - time of ihe retrear sider sene away ior relry alsewting ibatitie untiing 24 were legs to muse 1800 men. work excremely hard. Men sent davrs may field dressings - needed special attention. Eonvays as nignt mnly i sises to 8wards The Official War Historian of the Commonwealth Government (Dr. C. E. W. Bean), after his study of the collection of private war records preserved in the Australian War Memorial Library, wrote: The private diaries in this collection furnish some of its most valuable historical records, but, like all private memoirs which were not compiled with any historical purpose, they should not be regarded as first hand evidence except where it is certain that they are so. The diarist is almost always sincere in his desire to record accurately, but he is subject to no obligation or inducement to indicate whether he is recording his own observations or incidents told him by friends or heard at third or fourth hand at the messtable. Thus, in some of the diaries in this collection, scenes described with vivid detail, and without any warning that they are told at second or third hand, have been found to be completely inaccurate in important details. A certain number also have been written up or revised long after the events, though doubtless usually from notes made at the time. In most cases the student must rely on his experience and on internal evidence to guide him in judging what is and what is not likely to be historically accurate.
Dhiss M.R. Brown 798 oenforcewents of the A.A.R.S. arriving at ho. I.A.St i Esh towards the end of 1915 found that hospital long established at the Palace Hotel, Heliopolis-some half Louri purney from Cairo. The waciation of Galligoli plumsula was becoming more tran a lumour, & the heavy rudh of work which the summer fighting had entailed was over; but wounded were still coming in by rail from Alexandria, & in much greater numbers medical cases were filling the by wards of the hossital The Palace Hotel was an iposing- bokin building, of very great length, + with a went of almost equal lengh at either end, probably entirely adiquate as a holil its adaptation as a hoopital was difficult & exensive waste of tim &labour i4 the eunning of the wards being unavoidable. The building itself was little suited to stand any unexpected strain, an occasional showes occursence oy rain, which were arather more frequent may usual that winter, discovered leadages in the roof of this stuuctivn; doors banged + creaked continually with quite madequate locks; & a pasong knock against the phisnarble dids which can round the entrance hall & up the great centeal stairway leften sxsected hole un its surface. Wards were arranged where hey could be. The whole of the first floor + a great part of he ground floor
fied corridor wards, a certain lengt of each corsider forming a ward. The rooms on either side contained feom six to ten beds, & the whole ward would consist of from fifty to eighty beds. These corridoes were well supplied with battirooms & lavatories, & there was also in each one a service-room which was easily adapted as a ward bitchen or pantry. But the difficulties of awising serious cases is such ward. are obvioils, it was often impossible to group the worst cased even in two or thhree rooms; a lange muring giff was estential & even they the strain of paying the necessary attention to seriously ill new in different rooms was considerable. This made night dute particularly heavyf in these wards, when one sister or at most two, had change of such a ward, with two orderlies who were, at vest, more or less trained. In the wards which were not corridor wards this difficulty disappeared. The dining roomg bunges ball room a other by public rooms of the hotel accommodated hundreds of beds, placed in row with little waste of space, one rooo night be divided into two wards & no each he sister in charge had all her patients under her eye. But such a ward in rany cases had no provision whatever for a pantry, bathroom or lavatory; a few had small
houin roomd with a tap + sunk - in others water had to be carried from & all wthis its enystied in some place outside or belonging to another ward, in manit cases a considerable distance away or on another floor. Patient areals came up from the central witchers, in the basement of the building; but a great deal of cook ing, expecially casep for redical wards, had to be done in the wards; & few sisters who experienced it will forget the laborious over a blue flame oil stove, cooking of Bewers, arrow root, epp r00 on, in the inwentilated &electric-bt service room of an enterie bard over a blue-flauce out stove by i any respects the Eguipment of te ward left much to be desired- Execially in surfical wards, drissng brothes were amost unknown dressing traip had to be carried the length of the wared, & in most cases the sterilsers were too small, considering the number a patients that needed dressings, for strict asetic wethode to be possible. The Sistere were housed on an upper storee of the building above the wards, + were in many respects very comfortity te mnesons bathrooms & unlinited suply of wates were much appreciated. Two points occur as grounds for Comglanit. One was the frequences with which they night he told to change their rooms - from one side of the buildin to the another, from oue floor to another, or poosibly to another building altogether, if they were attached, serhaps temporarity to one of the anxihary hoopitals. During a Sterns of fowe months residence in the Palace itself, including ones
wight duty, five changes of room mayf seen a rather high record; its, on the contrare, a low one compared with the humber of moves many sisterd have to record. The other poult; a more serious one, was the lack of anit common sitting room for the ssters, a sparsely furnishe bunge, serpetually littered with bundles of bundre was all that was peovided, & a small waiting room with a couple of chairs, on the ground floor, was the sole place where sisters niight receive visitors. As visitors were not to be deterred, there was considerably more piting of sisters in their wards thay was consistent with discipline - a fact of which the autholities were presumably ignoe ant; but which might easily have been avoided of at least lesoened- by the recognition of te fact that te ssters friends had some right to isit them & by ges heaking provision in that respect. Ses most of the above-mentioned coints ho.3O.G.H. when it was established, in 1916, at Abbassich, about alf way between Cairo Gehopolis, compared favourall with No. IA.G.H. The beitoing was part of the farrison Barracks, built round in the form of a square. The long bare whitewashed barrack rooms were much more adartable as wards tray the inagnificence of the Palace halls & each floor was provided with lavatories showert + baths, & with a pantry; & every ward hat a balcom. an inestineable boon for up patients. Ward
t was the sster quarters were cle buxwrious tran at Hehopohs; tree houses, standing in a tawled & delightful garden, accommo dated the staf of ho. 3 & the varying nember of attached sisters who were called in from unverial hospitals or left behind as different units sailed for England & France. As these waled in nmber the rooms whre at hims crowded but many carried steetchers into the garden, where a high wall ensured & Eivan. This same garden afforde ample opportunity for entertaining vitoes, & a comfortably wundhed lounge in the mann house did the same visitors were allowed in the sstees wess, at least until within a month or so of the evacuation of the hovsital, & every encoura givent given to visters + men alike to weet on terms that were as noemal & as unirmarted as would have been the case at house.
(Article to be Cconmarded Miss M. K. Brown. A.A.N.S. 61 -00 Egq After leaviyg Choubra, in July 1916, I went to Abbassia. I had a fortnight off duty, and went on again, just in time for the Romani Stunt, when the work was very heavy for a short time. Most of the cases came in from a long way across the desert, and needed attention badly. After that, I was taken on the staff of No. 3 A.G.H., and crossed with the Unit to England, where we took over the Kitchener Hos. pital, Brighton, which had previously been a large work-house, and was Tully equipped by the British. Some of the wards were excellent, but come were very inconvenient, being unsuitable for Hospital Work, which was very heavy here, and the cases very difficult. The food was not very good, as the restrictions were very severe, but many patients groused unnecessarily. We had no special amusements, although we had a concert hall of our own, and held concerts occasionally. We lived in a school-house, which we found most incon- penient, ewing to the distance from the Hospital. In April, 1917, 1 crossed to France with the Unit, and went straight from Bouloghe to Etaples. We were not very comfortable here as we were overcrowded. It was a tented Hospital, and I was quite happy but all the same I was glad to get back to No. 3 A.G.H. We had nothing to do here for some weeks, so we were lent to the South African Hospital, (No. 1 S.A.H.) where I was on night duty for six weeks. We had many deaths here. I then went back to No. 3 AG.H., where they had started taking in battle casualties, and the work gradually got heavier. We kept our Femur and Orthopedic cases longer than we were later allowed to, and they did extremely well. We were then using Carrell Dakin’'s method. The food was good and plentiful. Amusements were also very good. We had an excellent V.M.C.A. and plenty of concert parties. On April 4th, 1918, the retreat commenced. We had great trouble then, as the convalescent camps became overcrowded. The Sisters were sent away in batches, until there were only twenty-four of us left. On April Cth, we were just ready to leave, when all the big cases from the retreat cane pouring in, and we had 1800 men, and only twenty-four sisters. We had to work extremely hard for sometime, until we gradually began to get some of our Staff back. The men were sent down with only there field- dressings, and therefore needed special attention. Convoys came in at night, and we had only one sister to eight wards, and naturally the men could not get the attention they needed. We were bombed every night on and off, and that made our work doubly hard, as some of the patients were very difficult to control in their weak state In 1917 our quarters were not very comfortable as we had no heating aparatus, and the baths were very y Isatisfactory, as there was no not water. Towards the end of the winter, we were made more comfortable and our Mees Quarters were very nice. The Home Sister and Mess Committee began to take an interest in us, and did everything for our comfort. The amusements fere good including excellent concert parties, by the V.M.C.A., who were very good in coming to the Hospital. We had one or two fancy dress balls and dances. I stayed there until the Hospital was disbanded, and I am now awaiting transport to Australia.
Cartiols to ve AComnarded Spare Copies 188 a. K. brom. A.A.N.S. After Learize Chousra, in Jury 1828, Frent to Abbassia. I had a fortnight off auty, and went on again, just in time for the Romant stunt, when the noxk nas very hears for a short tine. 100t of the cases cane to from a lons war acrose the desert, and needed attention badly. After that, I ras,-baken on the Staft of No. 5. A.C. H. . and crossed with, the Unit to England, where we took over the Kitchener Ros- pital, Brighton, which had previously been a large, work-house, and was Tully equipped by the British. Some of the wards were excellent, but some were very inconvenient, being unsuitable for Hospital Work, which was very heary here, and he cases very affiouit. the tood was not very good, as the restrictions nere very severe; but many patients groused unnecessarily: He had no special amisements, although we had a concert hall of our own, and held cencerts occasionally. be lived in a school-house, which we found most incon- prenient, owins to the distance from the Rospital. In Aprh, 1817, I crossed to France mth the mnit, and rent straight from Boulogne to Etaples. We were not very comfortable here as we were overerowded. It was a tented Hospital, and I was quite happy, but all tho sano I was slad to 8ot vaok to N0. 3 A.O.N. he had noming to de here for some weeks, so ne tere lent to fthe South African Rospital, INo. 1 s.A.R.) phere I was on night cuty for ox nooke & He had many deaths here. Fihen nent baok to N0. 348.4., were they had started taxme in battle casualties, and the work gradually got heavier. Te kept our Femur and Orthopedia cases longer than we were later allowed to, and they did extremely well. Ve were then usins Carrell Dakin s method. The food was seed and pientitul. amusements were also very good. Ho had an excenient &. M.C.A. and plenty of concert parties. on SpriE sin, 1818, the retreat commenced. We had great troubs then, as the convalescent camps became overerowded: The Sisters were sent away in batches, until theye were only twenty-four of us left. on April 6th, we were just ready to leave, when all the big cases from the retreat came pouring in, and we had 1800 men, and only twenty-four sisters. had to work extremely hard for sometime, until we gradually began to get some of our staff back.7 The men were sent down with only there field- gressings, and therefore needed special attention. Convoys bans in at Bent, and ho had only one sieter t0. oient wards; and naturally the men could not get the attention; they needed. We were bombed every night on and off, and that made our work doubly hard as cone of the patients nere very disfieuit to control in their neat state, in 18i7 our quarters were not very confortable as no had no heating wparatus, and the baths were very insatisfactory, as there was no not, water Towards the end of the winter, we were made more comfortable, and our Hees Quarters werejvery nice.The Home Sister and Mess Committee began to take an interest in us! and did everything for our comfort. The amusements here good including excellent concert parties, by the T.M.C.A., who were very good in coming to the Hoepital. We had one or the faney -dress balls and dances, Isbared there intid the Roepital was disbanded, and I. an nor enaiting transport to Australla.
arioo 10 DCornand K 10 Atter Leartng Chonera, in July 1816. I rent, to abpaceia I had a fortnight off duty, and went on again, just ix time for the homart stunt, when the nork was very heary for a short time. 1at of the cases care in fron a lons was across the sosert, needed attention vadly. Aster that, A had taken on the Blast of No.3 A.O.te, ard crossed with the Unit to England, where we took over the Kitchener Hos- pital, Prighton, which had previously been a large work-house, and was Tully equipped by the British.—Some of the wards were excellent, but come were very inconvenient, being unsuitable for Hospital Work, whie was very heary here, and he eases very difficult. food was not very good, as the respriotions noreer severe, but many patients groused unnecessarily. We had no special amuisements, although we had a concert hall of our own, and held concerts He lived in a achool-house, which we found most incon- occasionally. penient, oving to the cistance from the Hospital. Mn April, 1817. L eressed to France min the tnit, and nent straight from Bouloghe to Etaples.We were not very comfortable here, as we were overerowded. It was a tented Hospital, and I was quite happy but all the sane I. was slad to set baok to N0. 3A0.A. To had noting to do here for cone reeke, ao no er ont0 the soutn Arriean Hespital, (Nc.1. s.A.H.) where I was on night outy for 8x neoke Te had many deaths here. &then nent back to No. 3.18.8. where they had started taking in battle casualties, and the work gradually got heavier.Ve kept our Femur and Orthopedie cases longer than we were later allowed to, and they ald extremely well. te fere then usins Carrell Dakin & methed. The Lood was good and plentiful. amusements were alss very good. a had an exeoiiont V.N.C.A. and plenty of concert parties. on Soril sin, 1918, tne retreat commended. We had great trousls then; as the convalescent camps became evererowded. The Sisters were sent away in batches, until there were only twenty-four of us 1eft.on April 6th, we were just ready to leave, when all the big cases from the retreat cane pouring in, and we had 1800 men, and only twenty-four sisters. ve had to work extremely hard for sometime; until we gradually began to get some of our Staff back: The men were sent down with only there field- dreesinge, and therefore negded special attention. Conrose came in al niene, and no had oner one olover to oren 8 and naturally the men could not get the attention they needed. We were bembed every night on and off; and that made our work doubly hard, as some of the patients nere very airficuit to control in their reat state In 1817 our quarters here not very confortanie as no had no neating aparatus, and the baths were very unsatisfactory, as there was no not water. Towards the end of the wintery we were made more comfortable, and our Hees Quarters were very nice. The Home Sister and Ness Committee began to take an interest in us!ard did everything for our comfort. The amusements sere good, including excellent concert parties, by the V.M.C.A.; who more very good an coming to the Noopital. Te had one or the Laney dress balls and dances. Iblered there wilh the Rosital as disbanded, and t an non tis transport to Australla.
Partiols to ve Fornarded mHe brom After Learing Choubra, in July 1818, T nent to abpassia. I had a fortnight off duty, and went on again, just in time for the Romeni stunt, when the work was very neary for a short time. of tho cases oand, in from a Lons nax acrows mo dooon. and needed actention be0r. After that, I was taken on the starf of se. 3. A.C.H., and crossed with the thit to England, where we took ever the Kitchener Fos- pital, Brighton, which had previously been a large work-house, and was Tully equipped by the British.? Some of the wards were excellent, but core were very inconvenient, being unsuitable for Hospital Vork, which as very heary here, and the cases very dirficult. The Rood was not very 8ood, as the restrictions nore rory severe, but many patients groused unnecessarily. Ye had no specia. amisements; although we had a concert hall of our own, and held concerts occasionally. Re lived in a school-house, which we found most incon- me, oring to the distance from the Rospital. in April, 1827, & erossed to France with the thit, and nent dight from Boulogne to Ftaples. were not very comfortable here were was a tented Rospital, and Is was quite happy 22 the sano I nas sad to 8ot baok to 40.34 to had noting to de here for some weeks, so no tere rent to the south African Rospital, (No. I S.A.H.) where I was on night duty for he had many deaths here. Six weeks. I then nent bast to No. 346.4., where they had started taking in battle easualties, and the work gradually got hearier. We kept our Femur and Orthopedie cases longer than we were later allowed to, and they Cid extremely well. re then using Carrell Pakin & methed. The sood was sood and plentiful. Lmisements more also very 800d. to had an excanont F.N.C.A. and pienty of concert parties, on hortan. 1818, the recreat commenced. to had great broub then, as the convalessent camps became overerowded. The Sisters were sen away in batches, until there were only twentyfour of us left. on April 6th, we were, just ready to leave, when all the big cases from the retreat cane pouring in, and we had 1800 men, and only twenty-four sisters. had to work extremely hard for sometime, until we gradually began to get some of our Staff back. The men were sent down with only, there field- roedings, and therefore needed special extention. Corroro-oame in at night, and no had only one sister to sight iras, and naturally the men could not get the attention they needed. We were bombed every night on and off; and that made our work doubly hard as some of the patients nere very difficuit to centrol in their neak In 1817 our quarters were not very comtertable as ne had no heating aparatus, and the baths were very insatisfactory, as there was no not water Towards the end of the winter, he were made wore comfortable and our hees Quarters were very nice. The home Sister and Ness Committee began to take an interest in us, and did everything for our comfort. The amisements sere good including excellent concert parties, by the Y.M.C.A., who were very good in coming tosthe Roepital. He had one or two fancy dress balls and dances. stared there will the Rospital was diebanded, and I an now tins tranport to Australla.
June 41 -

AWM 41    5/62




Egypt         Dr M.K. Brown               79/61
ai  No 3 A.G.H. 
April 4th 1918 - time of the retreat 
sisters sent away for relief elsewhere 
in batches until only 24 were 
left to nurse 1800 men. Work  
extremely hard. Men sent down 
č only  field dressings - needed 
special attention. Convoys at 
night, only 1 sister to 8 wards. 
The Official War Historian of the Commonwealth 
Government (Dr C. E. W. Bean), after his study of the 
collection of private war records preserved in the Australian  
War Memorial Library, wrote:- 
"The private diaries in this collection furnish some of its most 
valuable historical records, but, like all private memoirs which were 
not compiled with any historical purpose, they should not be  
regarded as first-hand evidence except where it is certain that they  
are so. The diarist is almost always sincere in his desire to record 
accurately, but he is subject to no obligation or inducement to 
indicate whether he is recording his own observations or incidents 
told him by friends or heard at third or fourth hand at the mess-table. 
Thus, in some of the diaries in this collection, scenes described  
with vivid detail, and without any warning that they are told at second 
or third hand, have been found to be completely inaccurate in 
important details. A certain number also have been written up 
or revised long after the events, though doubtless usually from notes  
made at the time. In most cases the student must rely on his 
experience and on internal evidence to guide him in judging what is  
and what is not likely to be historically accurate."


Miss M.K. Brown.  79
Reinforcements of the A.A.R.S. arriving at No. I A.S.H. in
Egypt towards the end of 1915 found that hospital long
established at the Palace Hotel, Heliopolis-some half-hour's
journey from Cairo. The evacuation of Gallipoli
peninsula was becoming more than a rumour, & the
heavy rush of work which the summer fighting had
entailed was over; but wounded were still coming in
by rail from Alexandria, &, in much greater numbers,
medical cases were filling the big wards of the hospital.
The Palace Hotel was an imposing- looking building, of
very great length, & with a wing of almost equal length
at either end; probably entirely adequate as a hotel,
its adaptation as a hospital was difficult & expensive,
waste of time & labour in the running of the wards being
unavoidable. The building itself was little suited to
stand any unexpected strain; an occasional shower
of rain, which was a rather more frequent occurrence than usual
that winter, discovered leakages in the roof of this
structure; doors banged & creaked continually with
quite inadequate locks; & a passing knock against the
pink marble 'dado'  which ran round the entrance
hall & up the great central stairway left an unexpected
hole in its surface.
Wards were arranged where they could be. The whole
of the first floor & a great part of the ground floor


2/ formed 'corridor wards', a certain length of each corridor
forming a ward. The rooms on either side contained
from six to ten beds, & the whole ward would consist
of from fifty to eighty beds. These corridors were well
supplied with bathrooms & lavatories, & there was
also in each one a 'service-room' which was easily
adapted as a ward kitchen or pantry. But the
difficulties of nursing serious cases in such wards 
are obvious; it was often impossible to group the
worst cases even in two or three rooms; a large nursing
staff was essential & even then the strain of paying the
necessary attention to seriously ill men in different
rooms was considerable. This made night duty
particularly heavy in these wards, when one sister,
or at most two, had charge of such a ward, with
two orderlies who were, at best, more or less trained.
In the wards which were not corridor wards
this difficulty disappeared. The dining rooms,  lounges
ballroom & other big public rooms of the hotel
accommodated hundreds of beds, placed in rows
with little waste of space, one room might be divided
into two wards & in each the sister in charge had
all her patients under her eye. But such a ward
in many cases had no provision whatever for a
pantry, bathroom or lavatory; a few had small


3/  adjoining rooms with a tap + sink - in others water had
to be carried from & all utensils emptied in some place,
outside or belonging to another ward, in many cases a
considerable distance away or on another floor. Patients'
meals came up from the central kitchens, in the basement
of the building; but a great deal of cooking, especially
for medical ward  cases, had to be done in the wards; & few
sisters who experienced it will forget the laborious
cooking of Bayers, arrowroot, eggs and so on, over a blue flame oil stove, in the
unventilated & electric-lit service room of an enteric
ward over a blue-flame oil stove . In many respects the
equipment of the ward left much to be desired- especially
in surgical wards, dressing trollies were almost unknown
dressing trays had to be carried the length of the ward, & in
most cases the sterilisers were too small, considering the
number a patients that needed dressings, for strict aseptic
methods to be possible.
The Sisters were housed in an upper storey of the building
above the wards, & were in many respects very comfortable
the numerous bathrooms & unlimited supply of water were
much appreciated. Two points occur as grounds for
complaint. One was the frequency with which they might
be told to change their rooms - from one side of the building
to the another, from one floor to another, or possibly to
another building altogether, if they were attached, perhaps
temporarily to one of the auxiliary hospitals. During a
four months residence in the Palace itself, including ones terms of


4./ night duty, five changes of room may seem a rather high
record; it is, on the contrary, a low one compared with the
number of moves many sisters have to record. The
other point; a more serious one, was the lack of any
common sitting room for the sisters;  a sparsely furnished
lounge, perpetually littered with bundles of laundry
was all that was provided, & a small waiting room with
a couple of chairs, on the ground floor, was the sole
place where sisters might receive visitors. As visitors
were not to be deterred, there was considerably more
visiting of sisters in their wards than was consistent
with discipline - a fact of which the authorities were
presumably ignorant; but which might easily have
been avoided or at least lessened- by the recognition
of the fact that the sisters' friends had some right to
visit them & by so making provision in that respect.
So most of the above-mentioned points no. 3 A.G.H.
when it was established, in 1916, at Abbassieh, about
half way between Cairo  & Heliopolis, compared favourably
with No. I A.G.H. The building was part of the Garrison
Barracks, built round in the form of a square. The long
bare whitewashed barrack rooms were much more
adaptable as wards than the magnificence of the
Palace halls & each floor was provided with lavatories
showers & baths, & with a pantry; & every ward had a
balcony an inestimable boon for 'up' patients. Ward


5. equipment was   The Sisters' quarters were [[corres?]] less
luxurious than at Heliopolis; three houses, standing in a
tangled & delightful garden, accommodated the staff of
no. 3 & the varying number of ‘attached’ sisters who were
called in from Imperial hospitals or left behind as
different units sailed for England & France. As these
varied in number the rooms were at times crowded
but many carried stretchers into the garden, where a
high wall ensured privacy. This same garden afforded
ample opportunity for entertaining visitors, & a comfortably
furnished lounge in the main house did the same; 
visitors were allowed in the sisters mess, at least until
within a month or so of the evacuation of the hospital, &
every encouragement given to visitors & men alike to
meet on terms that were as normal & as awkward
as would have been the case at home.


(Article to be
Miss M. K. Brown.
[*Egypt*]   [*vs?*]   [*79/61*]
After leaving Choubra, in July 1916, I went to Abbassia.  
I had a fortnight off duty, and went on again, just in time for the  
Romani Stunt, when the work was very heavy for a short time.  
Most of the cases came in from a long way across the desert,  
and needed attention badly. 
After that, I was taken on the staff of No. 3 A.G.H., and  
crossed with the Unit to England, where we took over the Kitchener Hospital,  
Brighton, which had previously been a large work-house, and was  
fully equipped by the British. Some of the wards were excellent, but  
some were very inconvenient, being unsuitable for Hospital Work, which  
was very heavy here, and the cases very difficult. 
The food was not very good, as the restrictions were very  
severe, but many patients groused unnecessarily. We had no special  
amusements, although we had a concert hall of our own, and held concerts  
occasionally. We lived in a school-house, which was found most inconvenient,  
owing to the distance from the Hospital. 
In April, 1917, I crossed to France with the Unit, and went  
straight from Boulogne to Etaples. We were not very comfortable here,  
as we were overcrowded. It was a tented Hospital, and I was quite happy,  
but all the same I was glad to get back to No. 3 A.G.H. 
We had nothing to do here for some weeks, so we were lent to  
the South African Hospital, (No. 1 S.A.H.) where I was on night duty for  
six weeks. We had many deaths here.  
I then went back to No. 3 A.G.H., where they had started taking  
in battle casualties, and the work gradually got heavier. We kept our  
Femur and Orthopedic cases longer than we were later allowed to, and they  
did extremely well. We were then using Carrell Dakin's method. The  
food was good and plentiful. 
Amusements were also very good. We had an excellent Y.M.C.A.  
and plenty of concert parties.  
On April 4th, 1918, the retreat commenced. We had great trouble  
then, as the convalescent camps became overcrowded. The Sisters were sent  
away in batches, until there were only twenty-four of us left. On April  
6th, we were just ready to leave, when all the big cases from the retreat  
came pouring in, and we had 1800 men, and only twenty-four sisters. We  
had to work extremely hard for some time, until we gradually began to get  
some of our Staff back. The men were sent down with only there field- 
dressings, and therefore needed special attention.  
Convoys came in at night, and we had only one sister to eight 
wards, and naturally the men could not get the attention they needed.  
We were bombed every night on and off, and that made our work doubly hard,  
as some of the patients were very difficult to control in their weak state.  
In 1917 our quarters were not very comfortable as we had no  
heating apparatus, and the baths were very unsatisfactory, as there was no  
hot water. Towards the end of the winter, we were made more comfortable  
and our Mess Quarters were very nice. The Home Sister and Mess Committee  
began to take an interest in us, and did everything for our comfort. The  
amusements were good including excellent concert parties, by the Y.M.C.A.,  
who were very good in coming to the Hospital. We had one or two fancy  
dress balls and dances.  
I stayed there until the Hospital was disbanded, and I am now  
awaiting transport to Australia. 


*Spare Copies*
(Article to be
Miss M. K. Brown.
After leaving Choubra, in July 1916, I went to Abbassia.  
I had a fortnight off duty, and went on again, just in time for the  
Romani Stunt, when the work was very heavy for a short time.  
Most of the cases came in from a long way across the desert,  
and needed attention badly. 
After that, I was taken on the staff of No. 3 A.G.H., and  
crossed with the Unit to England, where we took over the Kitchener Hospital,  
Brighton, which had previously been a large work-house, and was  
fully equipped by the British. Some of the wards were excellent, but  
some were very inconvenient, being unsuitable for Hospital Work, which  
was very heavy here, and the cases very difficult. 
The food was not very good, as the restrictions were very  
severe, but many patients groused unnecessarily. We had no special  
amusements, although we had a concert hall of our own, and held concerts  
occasionally. We lived in a school-house, which was found most inconvenient,  
owing to the distance from the Hospital. 
In April, 1917, I crossed to France with the Unit, and went  
straight from Boulogne to Etaples. We were not very comfortable here,  
as we were overcrowded. It was a tented Hospital, and I was quite happy,  
but all the same I was glad to get back to No. 3 A.G.H. 
We had nothing to do here for some weeks, so we were lent to  
the South African Hospital, (No. 1 S.A.H.) where I was on night duty for  
six weeks. We had many deaths here.  
I then went back to No. 3 A.G.H., where they had started taking  
in battle casualties, and the work gradually got heavier. We kept our  
Femur and Orthopedic cases longer than we were later allowed to, and they  
did extremely well. We were then using Carrell Dakin's method. The  
food was good and plentiful. 
Amusements were also very good. We had an excellent Y.M.C.A.  
and plenty of concert parties.  
On April 4th, 1918, the retreat commenced. We had great trouble  
then, as the convalescent camps became overcrowded. The Sisters were sent  
away in batches, until there were only twenty-four of us left. On April  
6th, we were just ready to leave, when all the big cases from the retreat  
came pouring in, and we had 1800 men, and only twenty-four sisters. We  
had to work extremely hard for some time, until we gradually began to get  
some of our Staff back. The men were sent down with only there field- 
dressings, and therefore needed special attention.  
Convoys came in at night, and we had only one sister to eight 
wards, and naturally the men could not get the attention they needed.  
We were bombed every night on and off, and that made our work doubly hard,  
as some of the patients were very difficult to control in their weak state.  
In 1917 our quarters were not very comfortable as we had no  
heating apparatus, and the baths were very unsatisfactory, as there was no  
hot water. Towards the end of the winter, we were made more comfortable  
and our Mess Quarters were very nice. The Home Sister and Mess Committee  
began to take an interest in us, and did everything for our comfort. The  
amusements were good including excellent concert parties, by the Y.M.C.A.,  
who were very good in coming to the Hospital. We had one or two fancy  
dress balls and dances.  
I stayed there until the Hospital was disbanded, and I am now  
awaiting transport to Australia. 


(Article to be
Miss M. K. Brown.
After leaving Choubra, in July 1916, I went to Abbassia.  
I had a fortnight off duty, and went on again, just in time for the  
Romani Stunt, when the work was very heavy for a short time.  
Most of the cases came in from a long way across the desert,  
and needed attention badly. 
After that, I was taken on the staff of No. 3 A.G.H., and  
crossed with the Unit to England, where we took over the Kitchener Hospital,  
Brighton, which had previously been a large work-house, and was  
fully equipped by the British. Some of the wards were excellent, but  
some were very inconvenient, being unsuitable for Hospital Work, which  
was very heavy here, and the cases very difficult. 
The food was not very good, as the restrictions were very  
severe, but many patients groused unnecessarily. We had no special  
amusements, although we had a concert hall of our own, and held concerts  
occasionally. We lived in a school-house, which was found most inconvenient,  
owing to the distance from the Hospital. 
In April, 1917, I crossed to France with the Unit, and went  
straight from Boulogne to Etaples. We were not very comfortable here,  
as we were overcrowded. It was a tented Hospital, and I was quite happy,  
but all the same I was glad to get back to No. 3 A.G.H. 
We had nothing to do here for some weeks, so we were lent to  
the South African Hospital, (No. 1 S.A.H.) where I was on night duty for  
six weeks. We had many deaths here.  
I then went back to No. 3 A.G.H., where they had started taking  
in battle casualties, and the work gradually got heavier. We kept our  
Femur and Orthopedic cases longer than we were later allowed to, and they  
did extremely well. We were then using Carrell Dakin's method. The  
food was good and plentiful. 
Amusements were also very good. We had an excellent Y.M.C.A.  
and plenty of concert parties.  
On April 4th, 1918, the retreat commenced. We had great trouble  
then, as the convalescent camps became overcrowded. The Sisters were sent  
away in batches, until there were only twenty-four of us left. On April  
6th, we were just ready to leave, when all the big cases from the retreat  
came pouring in, and we had 1800 men, and only twenty-four sisters. We  
had to work extremely hard for some time, until we gradually began to get  
some of our Staff back. The men were sent down with only there field- 
dressings, and therefore needed special attention.  
Convoys came in at night, and we had only one sister to eight 
wards, and naturally the men could not get the attention they needed.  
We were bombed every night on and off, and that made our work doubly hard,  
as some of the patients were very difficult to control in their weak state.  
In 1917 our quarters were not very comfortable as we had no  
heating apparatus, and the baths were very unsatisfactory, as there was no  
hot water. Towards the end of the winter, we were made more comfortable  
and our Mess Quarters were very nice. The Home Sister and Mess Committee  
began to take an interest in us, and did everything for our comfort. The  
amusements were good including excellent concert parties, by the Y.M.C.A.,  
who were very good in coming to the Hospital. We had one or two fancy  
dress balls and dances.  
I stayed there until the Hospital was disbanded, and I am now  
awaiting transport to Australia. 



(Article to be
Miss M. K. Brown.
After leaving Choubra, in July 1916, I went to Abbassia.  
I had a fortnight off duty, and went on again, just in time for the  
Romani Stunt, when the work was very heavy for a short time.  
Most of the cases came in from a long way across the desert,  
and needed attention badly. 
After that, I was taken on the staff of No. 3 A.G.H., and  
crossed with the Unit to England, where we took over the Kitchener Hospital,  
Brighton, which had previously been a large work-house, and was  
fully equipped by the British. Some of the wards were excellent, but  
some were very inconvenient, being unsuitable for Hospital Work, which  
was very heavy here, and the cases very difficult. 
The food was not very good, as the restrictions were very  
severe, but many patients groused unnecessarily. We had no special  
amusements, although we had a concert hall of our own, and held concerts  
occasionally. We lived in a school-house, which was found most inconvenient,  
owing to the distance from the Hospital. 
In April, 1917, I crossed to France with the Unit, and went  
straight from Boulogne to Etaples. We were not very comfortable here,  
as we were overcrowded. It was a tented Hospital, and I was quite happy,  
but all the same I was glad to get back to No. 3 A.G.H. 
We had nothing to do here for some weeks, so we were lent to  
the South African Hospital, (No. 1 S.A.H.) where I was on night duty for  
six weeks. We had many deaths here.  
I then went back to No. 3 A.G.H., where they had started taking  
in battle casualties, and the work gradually got heavier. We kept our  
Femur and Orthopedic cases longer than we were later allowed to, and they  
did extremely well. We were then using Carrell Dakin's method. The  
food was good and plentiful. 
Amusements were also very good. We had an excellent Y.M.C.A.  
and plenty of concert parties.  
On April 4th, 1918, the retreat commenced. We had great trouble  
then, as the convalescent camps became overcrowded. The Sisters were sent  
away in batches, until there were only twenty-four of us left. On April  
6th, we were just ready to leave, when all the big cases from the retreat  
came pouring in, and we had 1800 men, and only twenty-four sisters. We  
had to work extremely hard for some time, until we gradually began to get  
some of our Staff back. The men were sent down with only there field- 
dressings, and therefore needed special attention.  
Convoys came in at night, and we had only one sister to eight 
wards, and naturally the men could not get the attention they needed.  
We were bombed every night on and off, and that made our work doubly hard,  
as some of the patients were very difficult to control in their weak state.  
In 1917 our quarters were not very comfortable as we had no  
heating apparatus, and the baths were very unsatisfactory, as there was no  
hot water. Towards the end of the winter, we were made more comfortable  
and our Mess Quarters were very nice. The Home Sister and Mess Committee  
began to take an interest in us, and did everything for our comfort. The  
amusements were good including excellent concert parties, by the Y.M.C.A.,  
who were very good in coming to the Hospital. We had one or two fancy  
dress balls and dances.  
I stayed there until the Hospital was disbanded, and I am now  
awaiting transport to Australia. 


AWM 41 

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Jacqueline KennedyJacqueline Kennedy
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