Nurses Narratives Sister Ella Jane Tucker Part 3

First World War, 1914–18
Part of Quest:
  • Nurses Narratives
Accession number:
AWM41 1053

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23 He few canal padints we lad, she urs of the patints wre gradually disenbarked &, samiea away in hand litters, afterwards we went astore I lad a nort inserning sine. nexd day the Gesur coaled, so the leaptan punitted. The abidical I aaring staff to go across to Aljecras for sheday, had a lonely day exploing the Lour, a surrounding coundry. On she 10 we sal again for glealte, I real te on the n We wait for the hospital Ship eRevada do inlond a sh take her place ad Her Wslay The Submariie E.I1. is in dy dock near by, & de atedical officers, & sistus are invited by he commander, to go over her, uare most delighted to accept de offer, 15x-15. We Enbark 400 patients for England, my patints again an mostly convalescent cenderes & dissenting. 20-£15. 30 far love had a quiet unevertful hip called ad Gibralta Genteday, & received orders for Gondlarpston 24-7-15. Gleane had si days of posing in the Boy of Biscay, some of the pasints have lad a very rough tine of it, did he fue particularly happy myself, especially o afternoon when a tray of 10 rugs of aviowrost & myself, nost expreding a sudden lurch of the levat, all got miseed ou the Ward floor, stricks of if sogethe loughter from thes burks & sudden exis of
24 Sirsec 25-8.15 arrie ed Sonteapso at 11 am & at 2 p. te lost of our padients is off; the iienborkation is beautifully caried ond here, by sp. She Gara is a le pay io boss, wh we anie a se 24t after a vay rough befagt enchoing rearly the intole of one day an Hhe Granes of the Slip is pud io dock, a wee are allowed to explose wonderful Eonglana wrtil the 1st Nos. Te dedical ne & adetus of sle 29th Britist General lospital, & all sh equiptment core or board, & we sail for Salorika C-415- Blowng great gure, & the Sea waiting all ovn the decks, we have 3 days of it 25x1-15- Beach Hhe boon of Saloissa hawbour & anchor outside for the right, 26th raining I bittely cold, as daylight nnew He ont tabour, five hapital slips in sight (2 frend) we await orders. 27th Duan 56 senp. An 28, all the hills courred will snow, a leavy white nist hanging over Hhe wate, She Battlerlips & tranports or like wend plantone or it. The Captain & our C.C, & the C.C. of the 29th lospital, put of in ore of the slips boats to go aslow, afth a couple of lome Mhy redum from Hhe for, to Hhe glys & not laving found the slore, 28th ssill fiurng, foggy, & so orders, 21t £30th ditto 22t - 3-8L.15e Still waiting with the hospital aboud go asto in i afas
25 $-1215- On store in de an about 70 patints arrive or she slip in she exproorI we lad to hun ond she 29th Guual Horp ordulius dey lad to nake Hhe most of she dick, or anyutere slee thy could find roon, nent day e patients arrived, almost all trerch fuet, & post bitter cases. Sone of tte 29th people left us to commence their campo 6 -1216. The resanded of the unid left us, I we sail fa eslexander, reach there or the 10th I disenbarts on padients. Have adays due, inbark convalescee fradiets for confard. Tere of our chustralian Sidus livve the slys Then, I ar replaced by 3 N.L. Sirtus, 2p sail get some distona out por ellexandea, & om engires give way. put back do port, for repair For sesting, sy break again. 14h Sail again, The crew are so Bee so reach Englad for the 25t pare Gib 21st, a quiet easy hip Hhe padients ar all so lappy, at Hhe thought of Qly" 25th In the English Channel, & sossing well, we i been busy for days maken up parcles for the boys for tes. He slip provides the boys will a very nice was dinner in the everig we have a concert in ae of the Wards. 26th Dea. rach Sontrampton, & disenbartsed our boys. Wse are fr till the 3t your. 4-1-16. We take 120 Hindoos & Meghoneds
28 & sain ebedical sinice san I is aele J. C.S. mer, a she usual lospital staff 10-1-16. Passed Sbraltar, rough from Ttur till we nache cballa, son of the paints an any cick, reach ellex. or the 17th d inload an pacients. Yr she aids full diand I she lds well aned, I iemade. 24th Receive orders to go so the Wissun porsi ever ave orders contumarded as apig we wail in the harbour till She 2nd Geb, orders arrie for Hhe remainder of On comtalian Gislue do be dranganed id Caise & we are replaced by New-Friend Sissue, after dea months of ship life
HCW. H. S Gario Depunee of Trips serival eo of Bainty Departure 1915 Sennos ellexandira pnl 19/ Gaba Gipe 557 24 Sennos Sennos Gaba Gepe 25 26 elexcandera Temos Senso 129 clexandia Gaba Tipe May 2 Souso 514 cllexandua Gaba Tepe 5 Gaba Lepe 117th elexandia Gaba Tepe 447 Mexcandern Gaba Tepe Duxandia Gaba Gipe Sennes Sulios Senver 1127 Gaba Gipe Imbros 518 Sonnor Gaba Gepse Jure s edercerdica Sennos Son esexandica Gaba Gisse 14 Senros 508 Sennos Gaba Gepe 1126 ellecerana 27 Sennos Gaba Gepe ellexandua Senros Gaba Lipe 02 494 Malta 15 Senaes Semros calla 119 Cape Helles Sennos 22 Simros 481 20 Cape Helles elexcandiess Sowos 30 Senros ellxandies JAug. 4 27 1a4 apue 22 p6ay 4 June July 22d 122 "30 Aug. 2 64
Date Ing st 10t 25 27 29 30 12 13 2 24 26 28 29 Si Dipartue Sennos Gaba Gipse Ineros Gaba Gepe Tennos challa Sen Cape Hellis Lemnos Tmbios Simnos eiscandria Tennos Gava Tipse Lomnos chalta Tenn Cape Hilles Sennos Gaba Lepe Sennos Malla Sibcitar salls Gibralta Souttapton Lond Do of patie 647 498 341 925 465 526 474 392 Avival Gaba Tipe Imbros Gava Gipe Imbros ahalla Temnos Cape Helles Sennos Inbros Sinnos elescandria Semnor Gaba Gepe Lomnos choalla Sennes Cape Helles Semnos Gaba Tipe Semior calta Gibraltar Malta Gibractar Soullampton sonea Selosika 28 ODcle day 28 29 Sep 2 2 6et 14 24 24

the few Naval patients we had, the rest of the 
patients were gradually disembarked and carried 
away in hand litters, afterwards we went ashore 
and had a most interesting time. next day the Gascon 
coaled, so the Captain permitted the Medical 
and Nursing Staff to go across to Algecires 
for the day, had a lovely day exploring the 
town & surrounding country. On the 10th we 
sail again for Malta & reach there on the 14th. 
We wait for the hospital ship Nevada to
unload & then take her place at the Wharf
The Submarine E.11. is in dry dock near by, 
& the Medical Officers & Sisters are invited 
by her Commander to go over her, we are 
most delighted to accept the offer. 15-X-15.  We 
embark 400 patients for England, my patients 
again are mostly convalescent enterics & dysentery. 
20-X-15.  So far have had a quiet uneventful trip 
called at  Gibraltar yesterday, & received orders for 
Southampton  24-X-15, Have had 2 ½ days of 
tossing in the Bay of Biscay, some of the 
patients have had a very rough time of 
it, did'nt feel particularly happy myself, 
especially one afternoon,  when a tray of 10 
mugs of arrowroot & myself, not expecting 
a sudden lurch of the boat all got mixed 
up together on the Ward floor, shrieks of 
laughter from the bunks, & sudden exit of 


Sister.  25-X-15 arrive at Southampton at 11 a.m. 
& at 2 p.m. the last of our patients is off; the 
disembarkation is beautifully carried out here; by 3 p.m. 
the Gascon is on her way to London, where we 
arrive on the 27th, after a very rough trip, & 
anchoring nearly the whole of one day in the 
Thames, the ship is put into dock & we are 
allowed to explore wonderful England until the 
11th Nov. The Medical men & orderlies of the 
29th British General hospital, & all the 
equipment are on board, & we sail for Salonika.
13-XI-15.  Blowing great guns,  & the Sea washing 
all over the decks, we have 3 days of it,
25-XI-15.  Reach the boon of Salonika harbour, & 
anchor outside for the night, 26th raining & 
bitterly cold, at daylight enter the outer harbour, 
five hospital ships in sight (2 French) - we await 
orders. 27th Below 56° temp - Air 28°, all the hills 
covered with snow, a heavy white mist hanging 
over the water, the Battleships & transports 
look like weird phantoms in it. The Captain & 
our O.C, and the O.C, of the 29th hospital, put off in 
one of the ship's boats to go ashore after a 
couple of hours they return from the fog, to 
the ship, and not having found the shore, 
28th Still freezing, foggy & no orders, - 29th & 30th 
ditto 28th - 3-XII.15. Still waiting with the hospital 
aboard, go ashore in the afternoon. 


4-12-15. On Shore in the a.m., about 70 patients 
arrive on the ship in the afternoon, & we had 
to turn out the 29th General Hosp. orderlies, 
they had to make the most of the deck, or 
anywhere else they could find room, next day 
more patients arrived almost all trench feet, & 
frost bitten cases. Some of the 29th people 
left us, to commence their camp. 6-12-15. 
The remainder of the unit left us, & we sail 
for Alexandria; reach there on the 10th & 
disembark our patients. Have 2 days there 
& embark convalescent patients for England. 
Three of our Australian Sisters leave the ship
there, & are replaced by 3 N.Z. Sisters. 2 p.m. sail 
get some distance out from Alexandria, & our 
engines give way. put back to port for repair, 
& on testing, they break again. 14th Sail again, 
the crew are so keen to reach England for the 
25th pass Gib 21st. a quiet easy, trip, the 
patients are all so happy, at the thought of 
"Blighty" 25th In the English Channel, & 
dossing well, we've been busy for days making 
up packs for the boys for Xmas. The ship 
provides the boys with a very nice Xmas dinner 
in the evening we have a concert in one 
of the Wards. 26th Dec. reach Southampton, & 
disembarked our boys. We are free till the 3rd Jan. 
4-1-16. We take 130 Hindoos & Mahomeds.


8 Indian Medical Service Men, & 6 Native 
I.M.S men & the usual hospital staff. 
10-1-16. Passed Gibraltar, rough from there till we 
reached Malta, some of the patients are 
very sick, reached Alex. on the 17th, & unload 
our patients. Get the Wards well cleaned, 
& the beds well aired, & re-made. 
24th received orders to go to the Western 
frontier, even have steam up, orders countermanded 
at [[Lepinos?]] we wait in the harbour till the 
2nd Feb, orders arrive for the remainder of 
the Australian Sisters to be transferred to 
Cairo, & we are replaced by New-Zealand 
Sisters; after ten months of ship life. 



Number of Trips on H.M.A.S "Gascon" 


No. of Patients



April 19

Alexandria   Lemnos


April 22nd

" 24 Lemnos 557 Gaba Tepe " 25
" 25 Gaba Tepe   Lemnos " 25
" 26 Lemnos   Alexandria " 28
" 29 Alexandria   Lemnos May 2nd
May 2nd Lemnos   Gaba Tepe " 2nd
" 5 Gaba Tepe 514 Alexandria " 7th
" 7th Alexandria   Gaba Tepe " 10th
" 17th Gaba Tepe 447 Alexandria " 19
"20 Alexandria   Gaba Tepe " 23
" 23 Gaba Tepe   Lemnos 23
" 27 Lemnos   Imbros 27
" 28 Imbros   Gaba Tepe 28
June 3 Gaba Tepe 518 Lemnos June 3
" 4 Lemnos   Alexandria " 6
" 8 Alexandria   Lemnos " 11th
" 14th Lemnos   Gaba Tepe " 15
" 26  Gaba Tepe 508 Lemnos " 27
" 27 Lemnos   Alexandria " 29
July 2 Alexandria   Gaba Tepe July 4
" 14 Gaba Tepe 499 Lemnos " 14
" 15 Lemnos   Malta " 18
" 19 Malta   Lemnos " 22nd
" 22 Lemnos   Cape Helles " 22
" 30 Cape Helles 481 Lemnos " 30
" 30 Lemnos   Alexandria Aug. 2nd
Aug. 4 Alexandria   Lemnos " 6th


Date Departure No. of patients Arrival Date
Aug 8th Lemnos   Gaba Tepe Aug 8
" 9th Gaba Tepe 647 Imbros " 9
" 10th Imbros   Gaba Tepe 10
" 11 Gaba Tepe 498 Imbros 11
" 13 Lemnos   Malta 16
" 16 Malta   Lemnos 19
" 19 Lemnos   Cape Helles 19
" 25 Cape Helles 341 Lemnos 25
" 27 Lemnos   Imbros 28
" 29 Imbros 925 Lemnos 29
" 30 Lemnos   Alexandria Sep 1.
Sep 5 Alexandria   Lemnos " 7
" 8 Lemnos   Gaba Tepe " 8
" 12 Gaba Tepe 465 Lemnos " 13
" 13 Lemnos   Malta " 16
" 17 Malta   Lemnos " 20
" 21 Lemnos   Cape Helles " 21
" 24 Cape Helles 526 Lemnos " 24
" 26 Lemnos   Gaba Tepe " 26
" 28 Gaba Tepe 474 Lemnos " 28
" 29 Lemnos   Malta Oct. 2
Oct. 3 Malta   Gibraltar " 8
" 10 Gibraltar   Malta " 14
" 15 Malta 392 Gibraltar 19
" 19 Gibraltar   Southampton 24
" 24 Southampton   London 26
Nov. 11 London   Salonika " 24


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Jacqueline KennedyJacqueline Kennedy
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