Decorative love letter to an unidentified Australian soldier
Saint Sulpice les Feuilles le 25 Août 1918
My Darling Little
Just few lines hopeing thay my letter.
find you in the best of Health I
am very well. mæself. a present and
my familly the same.
Well. Lovey. you see I am [[flihty?]]
thinking of you. not too one else
only to You. You know I love you
very well. my Little Husbund. I am never
love any boddy else. if you quite killed
I staye every time with my little
Baby. if you give me one.. I hope
to see you very soon. Darling I
Dream about you last night I see
you married with one else. I dont
thing you dour date.
so will close. now. with the best
Remenbrance from all my family
and me. Best Love and Kisses .
XXX from yours ever Loveing
XXXXXX Little Sweethart . Wife to
XXXXXXXXX be very soon.
XXXXX Martha Gylbert XXX
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